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Video Content Marketing: Highlights

Video Content Marketing: Highlights


Page 2: Video Content Marketing: Highlights

Video as Most Engaging Way to Share Message

Video as Most Engaging Way to Share Message

David Murdico recently wrote an article for ReelSEO about content

marketing strategies. You can read the full post here, but I wanted to

expand upon his comment that video content marketing is “the most

engaging way to share your message,” by highlighting the specific

ways that video is such a great marketing vehicle.

David Murdico recently wrote an article for ReelSEO about content

marketing strategies. You can read the full post here, but I wanted to

expand upon his comment that video content marketing is “the most

engaging way to share your message,” by highlighting the specific

ways that video is such a great marketing vehicle.

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Attracts AttentionAttracts Attention

Video is an excellent way to get people’s attention since it appeals to the senses of sight and hearing, and appeals to each in more ways than other types of content.

A viewer absorbs the pictures, any text within the video, the title and description, background music, speech, and sound effects. What other type of content can provide such a full experience?

Video is an excellent way to get people’s attention since it appeals to the senses of sight and hearing, and appeals to each in more ways than other types of content.

A viewer absorbs the pictures, any text within the video, the title and description, background music, speech, and sound effects. What other type of content can provide such a full experience?

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Shows Company’s SpiritShows Company’s Spirit

Video portrays a company’s spirit. A humorous video shows the company has a fun attitude, while an informative video shows it has a direct attitude. Videos can also blend multiple styles to show a diverse attitude. Other content, such as an article, is more one-dimensional and won’t fully portray a company’s spirit.

Video portrays a company’s spirit. A humorous video shows the company has a fun attitude, while an informative video shows it has a direct attitude. Videos can also blend multiple styles to show a diverse attitude. Other content, such as an article, is more one-dimensional and won’t fully portray a company’s spirit.

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More Ways to Portray MessageMore Ways to Portray Message

The message you want to get across to customers or industry insiders is not only conveyed through body text, but also through the action of the video, any text included in the video, and spoken narrative. Video content provides a more diverse set of opportunities to show viewers what you can do.

The message you want to get across to customers or industry insiders is not only conveyed through body text, but also through the action of the video, any text included in the video, and spoken narrative. Video content provides a more diverse set of opportunities to show viewers what you can do.

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Videos are fun to watch and share and are much more memorable than other forms of content because they’re just more entertaining!

Videos are fun to watch and share and are much more memorable than other forms of content because they’re just more entertaining!

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To learn more about content marketing, check

out David’s full article, “Content Marketing

Strategies with Web Video and Social Media.”

To learn more about content marketing, check

out David’s full article, “Content Marketing

Strategies with Web Video and Social Media.”


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