Download - VETinSchools Directorate August 2002 School to Work Planning Vocational Education and Training in Schools.

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VETinSchools Directorate August 2002

School to Work Planning

Vocational Education and Training in Schools

Page 2: VETinSchools Directorate August 2002 School to Work Planning Vocational Education and Training in Schools.

VETinSchools Directorate August 2002

• Vocational learning

• Career education

• School to work planning

• Workplace learning

• Community based learning

• Employment skills development

• Enterprise education

• Industry specific, dual accredited,

entry level training as part of the HSC

• School based part-time traineeships

What is VET in Schools?

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VETinSchools Directorate August 2002

The past … Vacancy in the early 1900

• Wanted: Sheep catcher

• Description: Grab sheep by the scruff of the neck, drag sheep by hindquarters out of pen, hand sheep over to Sticker.

• Age: Young adult

• Gender: Young male

• Requirements: looking for a highly motivated, physically strong young man who will work in a team that includes Stickers and Shearers

• Pay: 24 shillings per week

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VETinSchools Directorate August 2002

The present The nature of work has changed from

• continuous employment to continued employability• vertical careers to lateral careers• a single lifetime career to multiple careers• employer managed careers to employee managed careers

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VETinSchools Directorate August 2002

1.5 have employment related skills and an understanding of the work environment, career options and pathways as a foundation for, and positive attitudes towards,

• vocational education and training,

• further education,

• employment and

• life-long learning

The National Goals for Schooling:

GOAL 1: Schooling should develop fully the talents and capacities of all students. In particular, when students leave school they should:

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VETinSchools Directorate August 2002

The National Goals for Schooling

GOAL 2: In terms of curriculum, students should have

• 2.4 participated in programs and activities which foster and develop enterprise skills, including those skills which will allow them maximum flexibility and adaptability into the future.

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VETinSchools Directorate August 2002

The National Goals for Schooling

GOAL 3: Schooling should be socially just, so that

• 3.6 all students have access to the high quality education necessary to enable the completion of school education to Year 12 or its vocational equivalent and that provides clear and recognised pathways to employment and further education and training

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VETinSchools Directorate August 2002

New framework for

vocational education in


- March

A NATIONAL RESPONSE to the National Goals for Schooling:

A NATIONAL RESPONSE to the National Goals for Schooling:

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VETinSchools Directorate August 2002

Policy Directions in NSWPolicy Directions in NSW

• Board of Studies K -10 Curriculum Framework - March 2002

2.1 A purpose for learning

2.2 Broad learning outcomes

• BOS K -10 Cross-CurriculumContent Statements - July 2002:ICT / Work, Employment & Enterprise /Key Competencies / Literacy / Numeracy / Aboriginal and Indigenous / Civics and Citizenship /Difference and Diversity / Environment / Gender /Multicultural

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VETinSchools Directorate August 2002

Policy Directions in NSWPolicy Directions in NSW

• New HSC

• Ready for Work Plan

which incorporates the

• School to Work Program

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Implementing the Employment Related Skills


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VETinSchools Directorate August 2002


• Why use the logbook?

• This is me now – collage, drawing, words

• School to work action planning sheet

• Employment related skills

• Student Tracking Sheets (Yrs 9, 10, 11, 12)

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VETinSchools Directorate August 2002

School & Community

• At home

• Participation

• Achievements

• Qualifications

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VETinSchools Directorate August 2002

Workplace Learning

• different types of workplace learning

• personal qualities

• responsibilities duties

• employment related skills

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VETinSchools Directorate August 2002


• List employment related skills under categories– Working in Teams – Problem Solving– Planning &

Organising– Communicating

ideas …

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VETinSchools Directorate August 2002


• examples of employment related skills gained in the classroom

• brainstorming activities

• sheets to record skills

• different sections - year 9&10 - Prelim. & HSC

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VETinSchools Directorate August 2002



You gain a range of important skills in this course. Research some of thecareers and/or TAFE and university courses related to these skills.

Activity /Topic

Employment Related Skills

Date Teacher initial

What employment related skills have you acquired in this course?

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VETinSchools Directorate August 2002

Models for CLASSROOM entries into the logbook


1) Student brings logbook

2) End of topic summary brainstorm

3) Students identify skills developed & record on sheets

4) Teacher initials sheets

5) Student files into logbook


1) Teacher keeps blanks

2) End of topic summary brainstorm

3) Students identify skills developed & record on sheets

4) Teacher collects/initials all sheets

5) Teacher gives sheets to facilitator

6) Facilitator arranges clerical support to file

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VETinSchools Directorate August 2002

Who can manage the implementation of the logbooks?

• the Careers Adviser• the School to Work co-ordinator• a faculty member

(when there is faculty ownership)• a working group

- with a whole school approach

In some schools it is:

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VETinSchools Directorate August 2002


• ongoing• a ‘School to Work week’ once/ twice a year• for Year 10 subject selection• for Years 9/10 end of the year• for Year 11 Crossroads

(mandatory 25 hr Personal Development and Health Education course for stage 6 students)

• Year 11 Study Skills day • Year 12 applications to university/TAFE/employment/school references

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VETinSchools Directorate August 2002

Student OutcomesStudents will:

• keep a record of their skills and qualifications • articulate their skills and qualifications more clearly

for job interviews and applications to further education

• construct a resumé• better understand the value of all subjects/ courses

STUDIED at school• be better prepared/organised for the changing

nature of employment education and training• meet outcomes listed in the BOS K-10 Curriculum

Framework and New HSC syllabuses

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VETinSchools Directorate August 2002

Within Board of Studies curriculum, vocational learning can be:

Mapping vocational learning across the curriculum

vocational learning is specifically acknowledged in the curriculum.

curriculum can support vocational learning



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VETinSchools Directorate August 2002

Explicit vocational learning outcomes can be found in…

• PDHPE• HSIE - Commerce, Work Education • Languages• Science• TAS • VET Framework Courses

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VETinSchools Directorate August 2002

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VETinSchools Directorate August 2002

Implicit vocational learning outcomes can be found in…

• English• Computer Studies• History• Geography• Maths• Visual Arts• Drama

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VETinSchools Directorate August 2002

Vocational Learning Across the Curriculum Stages 4/5/6

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VETinSchools Directorate August 2002

SUMMARY -SCHOOL RESPONSES to National Directions and State Policy: SUMMARY -SCHOOL RESPONSES to National Directions and State Policy:

• individual school to work transition planning

• diverse models of transition support programs

• students developing and identifying transferable employability skills

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to National Directions and State Policy:

• vocational learning in the compulsory years

• enterprise education programs and activities

• vocationally specific learning in the post compulsory years

• programs that include work related learning

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VETinSchools Directorate August 2002


to National Directions and State Policy:

• curriculum programs and school structures which provide multiple pathways

• explicit preparation of students for future education, training and employment

• school-industry partnerships as a mainstream activity