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  • 7/28/2019 Veterans Federation of the PH v. Reyes



    Case no. 8

    Veterans Federation of the Philippines (VFP) v. Reyes

    Petition for Certiorari

    Prayer to declare as VOID Department Circular no. 04 of the


    June 10, 2002

    VFP (petitioner)

    -A corporate body organized under RA 2640 (June 18,1960)

    Angelo T. Reyes (respondent)

    - Secretary of National Defense, who issues theASSAILED CN. 04

    Edgardo Batenga

    - Undersecretary, who was tasked by the respondent toconduct an EXTENSIVE MANAGEMENT AUDIT

    of the records of VFP.

    Emmanuel De Ocampo

    - Petitioners incumbent presidenta. REYES wrote to DE OCAMPO informing the

    corporation that they (DND) came across some legalbases which tended to show that there is an

    organizational and management RELATIONSHIP

    between VFP and PH Veterans Bank.

    a. (letter) VFP is under the control andsupervision of the Secretary of ND. [Sec 1,

    RA 2640]

    b. (letter) VFP shall make and transmit to thePresident of PH or to the SEC of ND a

    REPORT of its proceedings, including a

    FULL & COMPLETE report of receipts and

    expenditures of whatever kind. [Sec 12, RA



    DND Secretary (petitioner) issues the ASSAILEDDepartment CIRCULAR no. 4 entitled Further

    Implementing the Provisions of Sections 1 & 12 of

    RA 2640

    a. CIRCULAR NO. 4: Rules shall apply to themanagement and operations of VFP.

    b. CIRCULAR NO. 4: Definition of terms,relationship between DND and VFP, the

    preservation of the records of all business

    transactions, VFP should submit ANNUAL

    & PERIODIC reports, and there are attached

    penal provisions of the law upon


    c. Supervision and control - authority to actdirectly whenever a specific function is

    entrusted by law or regulation to a

    subordinate (approve, reverse or modify acts

    and decisions

    d. Power of control power to alter, modifyor nullify or set aside what a subordinate

    officer had done in the performance of his


    e. Supervision power to see to it that theirsubordinate officers perform their duties

    f. Veteran any person who rendered militaryservice in the land, see or air forces of the

    PH during wars or military campaigns OR

    who rendered military service in the AFP

    AND has been honorably discharged or

    separated after AT LEAST 6 years tota

    cumulative active service or sooner

    separated due to death or disability arising

    from a wound or injury received or disease

    incurred in line of duty while in the active


    c. Secretary general of VFP sent a latter to respondentDND Secretary COMPLAINING about the alleged

    BROADNESS of the scope of the MANAGEMENT

    AUDIT and requesting the SUSPENSION thereof

    until such time that specific areas of the audit shal

    have been agreed upon.

    d. Undersecretary DENIED the letter (reason: there is atimeframe)

    e. Petitioner filed this petition for Certiorari withProhibition

    a. TRO: implementing DND DEP CN. 4 andthe ongoing management audit o

    petitioners books of account.b. DC No. 4 be declared null and void for

    being ultra vires

    c. Convert TRO into a permanent oneVFPs CLAIM THAT IT IS A PRIVATE NON-


    - VFP claims that DND Circular no. 4 is an INVALIDexercise of respondent Secretarys control and


    - BECAUSE: It is not a public nor a governmentaentity but a PRIVATE ORGANIZATION.

    Central ISSUE: WON VFP is a private corporation.

    Supreme Court: We are constrained to rule that VFP is in



    a. RA 2640 An act to create a PUBLICCORPORATION

    b. Any act or decisions of the FEDERATION shall besubject to the approval of Sec. of Defense

    c. VFP required to SUBMIT annual reportsd. VFP was listed as among the GOCC that will NOT

    be privatized

    e. VFP is an adjunct of the government (Ang bagongbayani-OFW labor party v. COMELEC)

    VFP Supreme Court

    - Constitution

    EXPLICITYLY prohibit

    the regulation by special

    laws of private

    corporations (except


    - There is no challenge in th

    creation of VFP in the petition a

    to permit this Court fro

    considering tis nullity.

    1. VFP does not possess

    the elements which would

    qualify it as a public office

    1. Public office an individual

    invested with some portion of th


  • 7/28/2019 Veterans Federation of the PH v. Reyes



    the govt, to be exercised by him

    for the benefit of the public.


    protection of the interest of war

    veterans is not only meant to

    promote social justice, but is also

    intended to REWARD patriotism.

    Functions of VFP are executive

    functions. (Provide immediate

    and adequate care, benefits and

    other forms of assistance to war

    veterans and their surviving

    spouses and orphans.)

    2. VFP funds are not

    public funds

    a. No budgetaryappropriations

    from DBM

    b. VFP fundscome from



    c. Lease rentalsraised are

    private in


    2. No budgetary appropriations

    does not prove that it is a private


    DBMs mistake will not prevent

    future budgetary appropriations to

    the VFP.

    Erroneous application of the law

    by public officers does not bar a

    subsequent coorect application of

    the law.

    VFP funds are used for public


    3. Juridical personality of

    the VFP emanates from a

    statutory character. It is a

    private, civilian federation


    voluntarily formed by

    veterans themselves

    3. Membership of the VFP is not

    individual membership of the

    affiliate organizations, but

    MERELY the aggregation of the

    heads of such affiliate


    4. ADMIN Code of 1987

    does not provide VFP as

    an attached agency

    4. ADMIN Code is not exclusive

    5. DBM declared that VFP

    is a non-government

    organization and issues a


    5. DBM opinion suffers from lack

    of explanation and justification in

    the certification of non-receipt

    where said opinion was given.

    DBM did not furnish explanation

    for its opinion.

    - Petitioner is a public corporation- Assailed circular did not supplant nor modify the

    provision of RA 2640

    - Secretary of National Defense REQUIREsubmission of reports, documents and other papers

    regarding any or all of the federations business


    - Even assuming that the assailed circular was notpublished VALIDITY is not affected

    o Falls under two of the exceptionso Circular is an INTERNAL REGULATION

    o Add nothing to the law and does not affecsubstantial rights

    - An office is not rendered inutile by the fact that it isplaced under the control of a higher office

    - Circular is perfectly in consonance with RA 2640.- Petition DISMISSED.- Validity AFFIRMED.