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Page 1: Very Fearfully and Wonderfully Made€¦ · wonderfully made. You formed this little one with Your own hands. You shaped his/her head, sculpted his/her eyes and designed his/her little

Very Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

Healing Prayers for Little Children (and Big People Too)

By Barbara Sue Ward Stephens

Page 2: Very Fearfully and Wonderfully Made€¦ · wonderfully made. You formed this little one with Your own hands. You shaped his/her head, sculpted his/her eyes and designed his/her little
Page 3: Very Fearfully and Wonderfully Made€¦ · wonderfully made. You formed this little one with Your own hands. You shaped his/her head, sculpted his/her eyes and designed his/her little

Very Fearfully and Wonderfully Made Healing Prayers for Little Children

(and Big People Too) By Barbara Sue Ward Stephens

Abundant Life Ministries Pensacola, Florida

Page 4: Very Fearfully and Wonderfully Made€¦ · wonderfully made. You formed this little one with Your own hands. You shaped his/her head, sculpted his/her eyes and designed his/her little

All Scripture quotations in this publication are from the Holy Bible, New King James Version. Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson Incorporated. Published by Broadman and Holman Publishers, Nashville, TN 37234. Very Fearfully and Wonderfully Made. Copyright 2009 by Barbara Stephens. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage or retrieval system, without prior written permission from the publisher. Abundant Life Ministries P.O. Box 4474, Pensacola, FL 32507 (850) 497-8505 Printed in the United States of America

Page 5: Very Fearfully and Wonderfully Made€¦ · wonderfully made. You formed this little one with Your own hands. You shaped his/her head, sculpted his/her eyes and designed his/her little

This book is lovingly dedicated to my three wonderful children, Beau, Allison, and John.

These three children taught me about God’s unconditional love

in a way that helped me really comprehend that, even when I didn’t deserve it, I was still loved.

I am extremely proud of all three of them. I often laugh and say that they have

become a blessing to their world in spite of the parents they had.

Page 6: Very Fearfully and Wonderfully Made€¦ · wonderfully made. You formed this little one with Your own hands. You shaped his/her head, sculpted his/her eyes and designed his/her little

Psalm 139:3-18 NKJV

“You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise You for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;

Marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows right well. My frame was not hidden from You, when I was made in secret,

and skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed.

And in Your book they all were written, the days fashioned for me,

when as yet there were none of them. How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God!

How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would be

more in number than the sand; when I awake, I am still with You.”

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Instructions to Parents (or Adults Reading This Book to a Child)

This is not an ordinary storybook. It is a book about a specific child; your child. Whether you are a mother, father, grandparent, step-parent, foster parent or an adoptive parent, this book is a wonderful tool. Healing Prayers can min-ister to a child’s spirit from conception throughout the pregnancy and birth. I have tried to cover many of the things that a baby can experience in his or her life in the womb. Some of the things that I cover may not apply to the child that you are praying for. If there are things that do not fit, please just omit them. I have labeled the prayers so that you can choose which ones are appropriate. Since the Lord can see from the end to the beginning, this story goes all the way back to the child’s conception. When I pray Healing Prayers for children or adults, part of the beauty of doing it is that the individual is able to actually experi-ence what is happening. You may not be reading this book to a child; you may have picked it up for your own personal healing. In that case, you can read the prayers over your own heart. Because there is no time or distance with the Lord, He can see all the way back in your life. You are not too old to experience healing from things that happened in the womb.

Page 8: Very Fearfully and Wonderfully Made€¦ · wonderfully made. You formed this little one with Your own hands. You shaped his/her head, sculpted his/her eyes and designed his/her little

It is my prayer that you and your child will be touched in a beautiful way and that the Lord will restore all that being conceived in a fallen world may have taken from you. Read through the book once to get a feel for it. Mark anything that you may want to leave out. If the little one is small enough, it would be wonderful to hold him or her on your lap as you read. It is my prayer that you and your child will be touched in a beautiful way and that the Lord will restore all that being conceived in a fallen world may have taken from you. Read through the book once to get a feel for it. Mark anything that you may want to leave out. If the little one is small enough, it would be wonderful to hold him or her on your lap as you read.

Page 9: Very Fearfully and Wonderfully Made€¦ · wonderfully made. You formed this little one with Your own hands. You shaped his/her head, sculpted his/her eyes and designed his/her little

Once upon a time, God had a wonderful idea. That idea was you. It was God’s plan to bring you into existence. In fact, you were an idea in God’s heart long before your parents even met. You were no accident. You were not a mistake. You were planned in God’s heart long, long ago. The truth is that God could hardly wait for you to become a living person. God used your parents as His vessels to bring you into the earth for His plans and purposes. This may have been the way it happened.

Very Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

Page 10: Very Fearfully and Wonderfully Made€¦ · wonderfully made. You formed this little one with Your own hands. You shaped his/her head, sculpted his/her eyes and designed his/her little

On the day when Father God could wait no longer, He brought your mother and father together. From your mother and your father, two special cells came together. Those two cells joined. Then, they began to divide and multiply until a very tiny baby was formed. Soon, that tiny baby found its way into a special place called the womb. The womb is the safe place God puts babies to grow until they are big enough to live in the world.

Page 11: Very Fearfully and Wonderfully Made€¦ · wonderfully made. You formed this little one with Your own hands. You shaped his/her head, sculpted his/her eyes and designed his/her little

In those two tiny cells, God placed everything you would become. He formed your tiny ears and shaped your rose-bud mouth. Father God sculpted your eyes. He decided what color eyes to give you. Even though you were as fragile as jelly and could not really be seen by human eyes, God’s eyes saw you. He has never taken His eyes off you. He likes to look at you. There is no one exactly like you in the entire world. Even if you have a twin brother or sister, and even though you may look similar, no one is exactly like you. You are a one-of-a-kind Designer’s original.

Page 12: Very Fearfully and Wonderfully Made€¦ · wonderfully made. You formed this little one with Your own hands. You shaped his/her head, sculpted his/her eyes and designed his/her little

Not only did God design the way you would look, the size you would be, the smile you would have, and the sound of your voice but He also gave you a personality and a purpose. He placed talents, abilities, and gifts inside you. He gave you special tools to do His will and to fulfill your purpose in the earth. Everyone has talents and abilities, even though you may not realize they are there. Your special gifts and talents are different from anyone else’s.

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Josiah Hannah





Adam Meagan





Brianna Allison




This Creator God chose a special name for you. He dropped this special name into your parents’ hearts. The name God chose was a prophecy about all He had in mind for you to do and to become. Your name tells about the work God would do in your character, your personality, your heart, and your soul from the day you were born until He takes you home to be with Him forever in heaven.

Page 14: Very Fearfully and Wonderfully Made€¦ · wonderfully made. You formed this little one with Your own hands. You shaped his/her head, sculpted his/her eyes and designed his/her little

Day by day, you were growing. Your tiny skeleton was already formed. Believe it or not, after a few weeks you already had a head, arm buds, and a heart; in fact, your heart was already beating. Your spinal cord was bordered by vertebrae and muscle. You were so tiny that it would have been impossible to see all of the parts that you already had, but they were still there.

Prayer for Your Child Lord, we thank You that You have blessed (insert your child’s name) _________ as his/her legs were being formed. You were present with this little one as the first month of life in the womb was completed. Although he/she was only about the size of a pea and as fragile as jelly, You were fully aware he/she was there. O God, truly ___________ has been fearfully and wonderfully made. You formed this little one with Your own hands. You shaped his/her head, sculpted his/her eyes and designed his/her little mouth. At this early age, your body had all of the different parts it would need. Your brain was there, even your kidneys, liver, tummy, and your blood system. Father, we ask that You bless every part of ______________’s being.

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In your second month of developing and growing and maturing, you became a small-scale little baby. You were not even the size of a very little doll. Your tiny bones were being padded with muscle and were covered by very thin skin.

Prayer for the Lie Lord, we ask that You would be present with this little one if it happened to be an emotionally traumatic month for him/her. Mother may have only suspected that this baby was on the way until now. At this point, however, Mother is almost certain. Father, whatever Mother’s reactions may have been, whatever her feelings may have been, whatever Daddy’s reactions may have been, we ask You to filter those reactions through the knowledge that You planned ___________’s life. You merely used Mother and Daddy as Your vessels to bring him/her into the earth for Your purposes. Lord, if Mother’s or Daddy’s reactions were not positive, the enemy may have used that to put a lie into this little heart. The lie may have been that ____ was an accident, that he/she was not worth loving, that something was terribly wrong with him/her, or that they did not deserve to live. Whatever the lie is, we ask you to pluck it out of the treasure chest of his/her heart and replace it with Your healing Word. “You were created in your Father’s image, and created to walk in good works.” Ephesians 2:10

Page 16: Very Fearfully and Wonderfully Made€¦ · wonderfully made. You formed this little one with Your own hands. You shaped his/her head, sculpted his/her eyes and designed his/her little

Sometimes, things happen to us that make us feel bad about who we are. When we feel like that, we are feeling shame. Shame is a bad feeling that is connected to a lie. Shame began a long time ago with Adam and Eve. Shame has been passed down to us from our parents and grandparents. Shame tells us that there is something wrong with us at our very core. Shame is that feeling that we are not a good, or that everyone is better than us, or that we will never measure up, or that we deserve to be rejected or abused or abandoned. Shame feels awful inside.

Prayer for Shame Father God , if there is shame, we ask You to heal the shame of __________’s heart and restore his/her sense of dignity as a person. Replace the shame with double honor and replace those feelings of insecurity and inferiority with a sense of Your acceptance and a deep knowing that _________ is a delight to You.

Page 17: Very Fearfully and Wonderfully Made€¦ · wonderfully made. You formed this little one with Your own hands. You shaped his/her head, sculpted his/her eyes and designed his/her little

Many times, parents have felt afraid or anxious about having a baby. Sometimes, they may have thought they were not ready to be mothers or fathers. There may not have been very much money or Mother may have been very sick before the baby born. Daddy may have had to go far away to war. When those kinds of things happen, it may cause the child to feel afraid or insecure.

Prayer for Fear or Anxiety

Lord, we ask You to place the Cross between

__________ and any fear or anxiety that may have come from his/her parents. Filter any feeling of rejection or resentment that his/her parents may have had at that time. Replace those feelings with the joy, jubilation, acceptance, and pride that You felt as You celebrated ___________‘s life.

Page 18: Very Fearfully and Wonderfully Made€¦ · wonderfully made. You formed this little one with Your own hands. You shaped his/her head, sculpted his/her eyes and designed his/her little

Sometimes, if the parents were having problems and were not happy, the child may have felt that the world was not a safe place to come because parents were not happy, since they were having problems. You may have decided that you would not embrace and accept the life that God gave you. You may have rebelled in your little spirit against life. You may have even closed your heart at that time.

Prayer to Open the Heart and Embrace Life

Lord, if this child decided to close off his/ her heart or rebel against life, please reveal it so there can be repentance. Give ____________ strength of spirit to embrace and accept life. Help _______ choose life.

Page 19: Very Fearfully and Wonderfully Made€¦ · wonderfully made. You formed this little one with Your own hands. You shaped his/her head, sculpted his/her eyes and designed his/her little

During the third month, there was lots of room in your mommy’s tummy because you were only the size of a goose egg. So, you were quite active. You could kick your legs and turn your feet, curl your toes and make a fist, and turn your head and swallow. But also during this time, there may have been the threat of losing the baby, or abortion may have been considered. If this happened, you may have developed an abnormal fear of death.

Prayer for Fear of Death Father, we ask You to heal any wound that may have caused this fear of death to be present in ______________. Replace the wrong attitude about life and death with Your attitude. Help this little one bravely choose life.

Page 20: Very Fearfully and Wonderfully Made€¦ · wonderfully made. You formed this little one with Your own hands. You shaped his/her head, sculpted his/her eyes and designed his/her little

In the fourth month, you were getting stronger; and you were able to make your presence known to your mother. You started to move and kick. This is called quickening, and it feels like there is a little butterfly inside Mother’s tummy.

Prayer for Affirmation of God’s Pleasure Lord, as ___________ wiggles and squirms and Mother feels that first quickening, we ask You to reconfirm to this little one that You are the one who planned his/her life and that You are so glad that this life is coming into the earth to fulfill the wonderful plans that You have for him/her.

Page 21: Very Fearfully and Wonderfully Made€¦ · wonderfully made. You formed this little one with Your own hands. You shaped his/her head, sculpted his/her eyes and designed his/her little

In that fifth and sixth month, you were about twelve inches long and weighed about one pound. Fine hair may have covered your eyebrow area and maybe a bit on the top of your head. Little eyelashes began to appear, and your skeleton began to harden. Because the muscles are getting stronger, you are able to kick really hard.

Prayer for a Negative Environment

Lord, if this was not a happy time because the parents were fighting or fussing, or if finances were low, or if they were afraid, pleaseallow those negative emotions to pass through the Cross and not lodge within this little heart and soul.

Page 22: Very Fearfully and Wonderfully Made€¦ · wonderfully made. You formed this little one with Your own hands. You shaped his/her head, sculpted his/her eyes and designed his/her little

Sometimes babies come into the earth before it is time for them to be born; this is called a premature baby. Sometimes, when a baby comes too soon, there is a danger that the baby is too small to live. When that happens, it may cause the baby to develop a big fear of death.

Prayer for a Premature Birth Lord, if there was any threat to _____________’s life, we ask You to heal the wrong messages that entered into this one’s heart. For any fear that is connected to an early birth, we ask You to bring healing. If there was a sense of abandonment or rejection that came as a result of being born too soon, we ask You to heal these wounds. Lord, we know that You hovered near the incubator and watched over this little one day and night. In fact, You never slept. You protected this little one and touched him/her until he/she was big enough to come out of the special nursery. Make Your presence known to ___________. Each month you were getting bigger and bigger. You were starting to get quite cramped. In fact, you could probably only turn from side to side. You may have felt squashed inside the womb.

Prayer for Being in Close Quarters

Page 23: Very Fearfully and Wonderfully Made€¦ · wonderfully made. You formed this little one with Your own hands. You shaped his/her head, sculpted his/her eyes and designed his/her little

Lord, would You minister to any feelings of being squashed or suffocated, to any feeling of being claustrophobic,; will You touch this little heart and bring comfort? The Lord has brought you to this very special day, your birthday. You have outgrown your mommy’s tummy. The contractions have begun.

Page 24: Very Fearfully and Wonderfully Made€¦ · wonderfully made. You formed this little one with Your own hands. You shaped his/her head, sculpted his/her eyes and designed his/her little

Contractions are those big squeezes that your Mommy’s tummy had to do to get you into this world. But, the pressure of those big squeezes put a lot of pressure on your little body. You may have felt afraid.

Prayer for Time of Labor and Delivery Lord, will You would come and bring comfort to _________ ? If he/she received fear from what Mother was experiencing or if the doctor said scary things to her, please come and heal those things in _____________’s heart. Please replace those hurts or fears with a sense of well-being and peace. Sometimes, Mother or Daddy was hoping for a boy or girl. If you were different from what they were hoping for, you may have felt like you were not the right kind.

Prayer for Gender

Jesus, please come and reaffirm that You created ________to be exactly what he/she is a male or a female. Lord, You are pleased with his/her gender. Heal any gender confusion and give ________ grace to embrace the person You designed him/her to be.

Page 25: Very Fearfully and Wonderfully Made€¦ · wonderfully made. You formed this little one with Your own hands. You shaped his/her head, sculpted his/her eyes and designed his/her little

Lord, if this child did not chose life, if _________ turned away from life, if he/she rejected themselves, or the life, parents, or sexuality that You gave, we ask that you forgive him/her. O God, we ask for grace and strength of spirit needed to embrace life. Forgive __________for running away.

Prayers for Your Birthday Lord, it’s time to be born. Let _________ be very aware of Your gentle hands catching him/her. Let _________ be aware of Your light surrounding him/her and Your warmth warming him/her. Lord, make _______ aware of the joy You experienced that he/she is alive; that _______ is male/female; that _____ looks exactly like he/she looks. Let _____________ celebrate his/her life. Remind _________ that he/she is not a mistake; he/she is not an accident. Remind _________ that You created him/her from the love that You are. Help _______ know that you have called him/her into being at the right time and the right place. You have prepared a way for _________, and You have paid for it with Your own life. Remind _________ that he/she is not a burden, but a privilege; __________ is not a disappointment but a joy and a delight. _____________ is not an intrusion but he/she does belong, and is a treasure just as he/she is, not merely for what he/she can do.

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Your Birthday

Celebration Continues Father, thank You that ___________ is Your child. You are delighted in him/her. Lord, we ask that You make this so real in __________’s heart that he/she would come to a place of knowing that he/she is, indeed, created in Your image and that he/she is created for good works. Help _________ know who he/she really is.

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear_________________, happy birthday to


Lord, thank You that ________ is fearfully and wonderfully made.

Happy Birth-

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If you are an adoptive parent, or if this child was not wanted at conception, it would be good to use this prayer many times with your child. There is such rejection and abandonment from the birth parents that often times the little one has already closed his/her heart. Even though you want to pour love into this little life, if the heart is closed the child can’t receive your love. You might want to add this prayer as you hold your adoptive child. (Father, I ask you to heal every place of rejection and abandonment that this child has experienced. If ________ has closed his/her heart, I ask You to soften and open it.)

Page 28: Very Fearfully and Wonderfully Made€¦ · wonderfully made. You formed this little one with Your own hands. You shaped his/her head, sculpted his/her eyes and designed his/her little

For an Adoptive Parent If you are an adoptive parent, or if this child was not wanted at conception, it would be good to use these prayers many times with your child. There is such rejection and abandonment from the birth parents that often times the little one has already closed his/her heart. Even though you want to pour your love into this little life, if the heart is closed, the child can’t receive your love. You might want to add this prayer as you hold your adoptive child.

Prayer for an Adopted Child Father, I ask You to heal every place of rejection and abandonment that this child has experienced. If ______ has closed his/her heart, I ask that You soften and open it., to be able to receive the love of his/her parents.

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Abundant Life Ministries, Inc. Post Office Box 4474 · Pensacola, FL 32507

(850) 497-8505 ·