Download - Version 1 - EDGE Buildings · 2020. 9. 12. · and ISO 13790. A similar approach has been taken by energy efficiency building codes (e.g., COMcheck in the US, Simplified Building

Page 1: Version 1 - EDGE Buildings · 2020. 9. 12. · and ISO 13790. A similar approach has been taken by energy efficiency building codes (e.g., COMcheck in the US, Simplified Building

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International Finance Corporation 1

User Guide for Homes Version 1.2Last modified 2016.06.13

Corresponds to EDGE software version 1.0.0

Page 2: Version 1 - EDGE Buildings · 2020. 9. 12. · and ISO 13790. A similar approach has been taken by energy efficiency building codes (e.g., COMcheck in the US, Simplified Building

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International Finance Corporation 2

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TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................................................................ 3

LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................................................................................... 5

CHANGE LOG ............................................................................................................................................................ 6

ACRONYMS ............................................................................................................................................................... 7

INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................................ 8

DESIGN PAGE GUIDANCE ....................................................................................................................................... 11

GREEN MEASURES GUIDANCE ............................................................................................................................... 15

TECHNICAL GUIDANCE ........................................................................................................................................... 17

ENERGY EFFICIENCY MEASURES............................................................................................................................. 19

HME01* – REDUCED WINDOW TO WALL RATIO ................................................................................................... 20

HME02 – REFLECTIVE PAINT/TILES FOR ROOF – SOLAR REFLECTIVITY .................................................................. 22

HME03 – REFLECTIVE PAINT FOR EXTERNAL WALLS – SOLAR REFLECTIVITY ......................................................... 24

HME04 – EXTERNAL SHADING DEVICES ................................................................................................................. 26

HME05 – INSULATION OF ROOF ............................................................................................................................ 30

HME06 – INSULATION OF EXTERNAL WALLS ......................................................................................................... 33

HME07 – LOW-E COATED GLASS ............................................................................................................................ 36

HME08 – HIGHER PERFORMANCE GLASS .............................................................................................................. 38

HME09 – NATURAL VENTILATION .......................................................................................................................... 41

HME10 – CEILING FANS IN ALL HABITABLE ROOMS .............................................................................................. 45

HME11* – AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM - COP OF 3.5 ............................................................................................ 47

HME14 – HEAT PUMP FOR HOT WATER GENERATION .......................................................................................... 51

HME15 – ENERGY EFFICIENT REFRIGERATORS AND CLOTHES WASHING MACHINES ........................................... 53

HME16 – ENERGY-SAVING LIGHT BULBS – INTERNAL SPACES ............................................................................... 55

HME17 – ENERGY-SAVING LIGHT BULBS – EXTERNAL SPACES .............................................................................. 57

HME18 – LIGHTING CONTROLS FOR CORRIDORS & OUTDOORS ........................................................................... 59

HME19 – SOLAR HOT WATER COLLECTORS ........................................................................................................... 61

HME20 – SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAICS ......................................................................................................................... 63

HME21 – SMART METERS ...................................................................................................................................... 64

WATER EFFICIENCY MEASURES .............................................................................................................................. 66

HMW01* – LOW-FLOW SHOWERHEADS ............................................................................................................... 67

HMW02* – LOW-FLOW FAUCETS FOR KITCHEN SINKS .......................................................................................... 68

HMW03* – LOW-FLOW FAUCETS FOR WASHBASINS ............................................................................................ 69

HMW04* – DUAL FLUSH FOR WATER CLOSETS ..................................................................................................... 70

HMW05* – SINGLE FLUSH FOR WATER CLOSETS ................................................................................................... 71

HMW06 – RAINWATER HARVESTING SYSTEM ....................................................................................................... 72

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HMW07 – RECYCLED GREY WATER FOR FLUSHING .............................................................................................. 74

HMW08 – RECYCLED BLACK WATER FOR FLUSHING ............................................................................................. 75

MATERIALS EFFICIENCY MEASURES ...................................................................................................................... 76

HMM01* – FLOOR SLABS ...................................................................................................................................... 77

HMM03* – EXTERNAL WALLS ............................................................................................................................... 83

HMM04* – INTERNAL WALLS ................................................................................................................................ 87

HMM05* – FLOORING ........................................................................................................................................... 91

HMM06* – WINDOW FRAMES .............................................................................................................................. 93

HMM07 & HMM08 – INSULATION ........................................................................................................................ 95

REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................................................... 97

APPENDIX 1: COUNTRY SPECIFIC CONSIDERATIONS ............................................................................................. 99

APPENDIX 2: MONTREAL PROTOCOL COMPLAINCE ............................................................................................ 101

* indicates a Required measure

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Table 1: Base Case System Description ..................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Table 2: Solar reflectivity values for typical materials ........................................................................................... 22

Table 3: Solar reflectivity of typical wall finishes ................................................................................................... 24

Table 4: Shading factors for horizontal shading devices at different locations. .................................................... 26

Table 5: Shading factors for vertical shading devices at different locations. ......................................................... 27

Table 6: Shading factors for combined shading devices (both horizontal and vertical) at different locations. .... 27

Table 7: Typical shading devices ............................................................................................................................ 28

Table 8: Shading strategies for different orientations at the design stage. ........................................................... 28

Table 9: Insulation types and typical conductivity range ....................................................................................... 31

Table 10: Thickness of insulation required to achieve a U Value of 0.45 W/m² K ................................................. 31

Table 11: Insulation types and typical conductivity range ..................................................................................... 34

Table 12: Thickness of insulation required to achieve a U Value of 0.45 W/m² K ................................................. 34

Table 13: Approximate SHGC and U Values for different glazing types................................................................. 37

Table 14: Approximate SHGC and U Values for different glazing types................................................................. 39

Table 15: Type of cross ventilation ........................................................................................................................ 41

Table 16: Depth of floor to ceiling height ratio for different room configurations ............................................... 42

Table 17: Total area of opening as a proportion of floor area for different heat gain ranges. .............................. 43

Table 18: Size (m)/Number of ceiling fans required for different room sizes. ...................................................... 45

Table 19: Typical COPs for different types of air conditioning systems. ................................................................ 48

Table 20: Typical range of efficacies for different lamp types ............................................................................... 56

Table 21: Typical range of efficacies for different lamp types. .............................................................................. 58

Table 22: Assumed lighting loads for the base case and improved case. .............................................................. 58

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International Finance Corporation 6

CHANGE LOG From version 1 to version 1.2

1. Required measures are added to energy, water and materials sections

2. Updates to the submission requirements

3. Update to the content as necessary

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AHU Air Handling Unit

ARI Air-conditioning and Refrigeration Institute

ASHRAE American Society of Heating Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers

Btu British thermal unit

COP Coefficient of Performance

EDGE Excellence in Design for Greater Efficiencies

HVAC Heating, Ventilation and Air-conditioning

kW Kilowatt

kWh Kilowatt-hour

SC Shading Coefficient

SHGC Solar Heat Gain Coefficient

sqm Square Meter

STP Sewage Treatment Plant

TR Tonnage of Refrigeration

VLT Visible Light Transmission

VAV Variable Air Volume

VFD Variable Frequency Drive

VSD Variable Speed Drive

W Watt

Wh Watt-hour

WFR Window to Floor Ratio

WWR Window to Wall Ratio

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About EDGE (“Excellence in Design for Greater Efficiencies”) EDGE is a building design tool, a certification system, and a global green standard for nearly 100 emerging market countries. The platform is intended for anyone who is interested in the design of a green building, whether an architect, engineer, developer, or building owner.

EDGE empowers the discovery of technical solutions at the early design stage to reduce operational expenses and environmental impact. Based on the user’s information inputs and selection of green measures, EDGE reveals projected operational savings and reduced carbon emissions. This overall picture of performance helps to articulate a compelling business case for building green.

The EDGE software will soon include modules for hospitals, offices, hotels, and retail, with building-specific user guides accompanying them. This guide is specifically for new homes construction.

EDGE is an innovation of IFC, a member of the World Bank Group.

A Global Green Standard EDGE offers a set of technical measures that when selected will reduce a building’s operational and embodied

energy1 and water use. Only a handful of measures are required for better building performance that result in

lower utility costs, extended equipment service life, and less pressure on natural resources. To comply with the EDGE standard a building must achieve a 20% reduction in all three areas when compared to a local benchmark.

Depending on a user’s design inputs together with information on typical local practice and available building codes, EDGE develops a building’s base case for energy and water use and the impact of embodied energy in

materials. A spectrum of localized data supports the base case for the project, ranging from a location’s temperature profiles, rainfall patterns, and levels of solar radiation, to the building’s actual dimensions and the economic strata of the occupants.

EDGE defines a global standard while contextualizing the base case to the occupants and their location.

The EDGE Perspective Rather than relying on complex simulation software and consultants to predict resource use, EDGE has an easy-to-use interface that hides a powerful building physics engine with region-specific data. Through user inputs, the data can be further refined to create a highly nuanced set of calculations that have greater accuracy when predicting future building performance. EDGE focuses intently on resource efficiency and climate change mitigation, recognizing that too wide of a focus leads to disparate results.

The intention of EDGE is to democratize the green buildings market, which was previously reserved for higher-end buildings standing in relative isolation in primarily industrialized nations. Government regulations in emerging economies rarely require resource-efficient building practices. EDGE aims to create a new path for green growth by proving the financial case in a practical, action-oriented way that emphasizes a quantitative approach. Only then can the gap be closed between non-existent or weakly-enforced green building regulations and expensive international standards, and the potential will be realized to lower utility costs while dramatically reducing GHG emissions.

EDGE Methodology At the heart of EDGE is a performance calculation engine that harnesses a set of mathematical equations based on the principles of climatology, heat transfer, and building physics. Upon receiving design inputs, the calculator charts a building’s potential performance in the areas of energy, water, and materials. As markets mature, the underlying data in the calculator can be further sharpened, ensuring EDGE becomes more granular and up-to-date.

Energy consumption is predicted using a quasi-steady-state model (refer to the EDGE Methodology Report2 Version 1, page 6). The quasi-steady-state calculation methodology is based on the European CEN standards and ISO 13790. A similar approach has been taken by energy efficiency building codes (e.g., COMcheck in the US, Simplified Building Energy Model [SBEM] and SAP in the UK) and Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs in

1 Embodied energy is the energy required to extract, manufacture, and transport the materials required to construct and

maintain the building. 2

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the EU) to find a quick and cost-effective way to benchmark buildings and to quantify carbon emission reductions. In the future, accredited dynamic simulation models will also be an acceptable means of demonstrating compliance with the EDGE standard.

To determine the base case parameters for efficiency in each of the required areas, EDGE relies on information on typical building practices and national building performance codes, where they are in existence. For example, if there is an energy efficiency code (EEC) in practice in a certain country, such as China, then it is used to support the base case calculation. Typical systems efficiencies for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems have been based on the ASHRAE-90.1-2007 standard.

This quasi-steady-state model, considers thermal mass within the calculation, using the method detailed in ISO 13790:2008(E) Section, in which the heat capacity of the building (J ºK) is calculated by summing the heat capacities of all the building elements facing directly into the interior of the building. However, this calculation is not a detailed thermal mass calculation (as might be possible using hourly simulation software).

Rather than suggesting a perfect or prescribed scenario, EDGE provides users with a set of best-practice options to explore in order to identify an optimum design solution. In this way, the user determines which bundle of

technical measures is the best choice for reaching required efficiency levels.

The purpose of EDGE is to produce consistent and reliable evaluations of resource demand for building certification purposes. While EDGE may assist the design process, it is first and foremost a financial model and should not be used for making strategic design decisions. If the performance of a particular feature is critical to the design, it is prudent to use an appropriate modelling tool. In any case, EDGE should not be used for system sizing or financial modeling.

Energy savings may be associated with virtual energy for comfort depending on presence of heating or cooling systems. Virtual energy is designed to identify the passive design elements benefiting the thermal comfort condition and reducing overheating and overcooling hours. Virtual energy will be shown as energy saving however it does not contribute savings to utility bills.

EDGE Certification Rather than a subjective, points-based merit system with weighted credit scores, EDGE certification is awarded if efficiencies are achieved, resulting in tangible resource savings. A simple pass/fail system indicates whether or not the building project has demonstrated the minimum 20% savings in energy, water, and materials compared to the base case model. There are no tiers of achievement as certification is driven by a simple set of metrics.

Requirements for EDGE compliance, at both the design and post-construction phases, are specified throughout this guide, and include such deliverables as design drawings, manufacturers’ data sheets, calculations, proof of delivery, and photographs. Assessment is provided by EDGE partners such as the World Green Building Council’s network of affiliates in 96 countries and other international experts who serve as third-party, accredited auditors. A design check is required for pre-certification and a site audit is required for final certification.

EDGE certification makes a branding statement of corporate responsibility and environmental excellence. Certification is currently being implemented on a country-by-country basis. To find out if EDGE is available in your region, contact [email protected].

EDGE Assessment and Certification definitions Building is defined as a conditioned (heated or cooled) or naturally ventilated structure with at

least one full time equivalent occupant, and a minimum building area of 200m².

A Single home is a detached single family home with minimum floor area of 50 m².

Single building: If two buildings are connected by a conditioned space, then they can be considered as a single building

Area limits for mixed use buildings: If a building has more than one use and the secondary use occupies less than 200 m², the entire building can be certified under the primary use of building. If the area of secondary use is more than 200 m², then that portion should be certified separately.

For example, a 10,000 m² residential building, with a retail portion of 300 m² located within the

ground floor, would be certified in separate Homes and Retail EDGE Certificates.

Multiple buildings: When one project (such as a housing development), with a single owner, consists of a number of buildings, these buildings of less than 200m² with the same use may be clustered together as a single building. Buildings larger than 200m² would be considered as

separate buildings. In residential projects, however, each individual unit would receive EDGE certificate, not the overall building. When there are multiple types of units, each unit is assessed separately.

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International Finance Corporation 10

EDGE Homes (Version 1.0) is optimized for the following: Browser (the following versions or higher): IE10, Firefox 30, Chrome 35, or Safari 5.1

Operating System: Windows 7 or higher, or Mac OS

Screen Resolution: Viewed best at 1680 X 1050 pixels

Limited functionality is available on iPhones, Androids, and tablets

An Innovation of IFC EDGE is an innovation of IFC, a member of the World Bank Group.

IFC 2121 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20433 [email protected]

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Information details must first be entered into the Design section in order to build the base case for the building.

Project Details This section should be completed if you intend to submit your project for audit and certification.

Project Owner Name – Enter the name of the key contact from the company/organization that commissioned the EDGE assessment.

Project Name – Enter the name of the development.

House or Apartment Block Name – Enter the name of the house or block that the assessment covers.

Project Owner Email – Enter the email address of the key contact from the company/organization that commissioned the EDGE assessment.

Project Owner Phone – Enter the phone number of the key contact from the company/organization that commissioned the EDGE assessment.

Project Address – Enter the full address of the development.

Master Project Area - The total area of the building(s), including common areas and corridors outside the residential units, but included within the building(s). It also includes parking when this is within the building(s) envelope. The Master Project area does not include areas outside the building(s) envelope, such as landscaped areas (gardens, patios, etc.) or external parking areas. If project includes multiple buildings (such as a campus) the total area of all buildings applying for EDGE certification should be entered. This should be done even if there are different building types on the project site. For example for a project including hotel and residential and retail buildings, the total area of buildings, intending to be certified together should be entered.

Location & Climate Data Country – Select the country in which the project is located.

City – Select the city in which the project is located. If the building is in a city which is not included in the list then please select the city that is located closest. If necessary, fine-tune the Key Assumptions under “Monthly Average Outdoor Temperature (deg.C)” by over-riding the defaults.

Income Category – Select the income category from the drop down list that best describes the target market for the project. The selected income category will determine the assumptions EDGE makes on usage patterns, equipment levels, and room sizes.

Building Data Type of Unit – Select the type of dwelling, i.e. flats/apartments or house.

Average Unit Area (m²) – Enter the average internal area of a residential unit including occupied spaces, utility, balcony, and service shaft, but not including common areas, or external walls and

partition walls between individual units.

No. of Bedrooms/Unit – Enter the number of bedrooms in a unit.

No. of Floors – Enter the number of floors for the entire area of building that is covered by the assessment.

No. of Units – Enter the number of units within the building that is covered by the assessment this will be total number of units per typology.

Occupancy (People/Unit) – Enter the average number of people that would typically reside in each dwelling.

Area Details Bedroom (m²) – A default value is provided based on the selected income category. If the actual area

differs from the default, then enter it here.

Kitchen (m²) – A default value is provided based on the selected income category. If the actual area differs from the default, then enter it here.

Living/Dining (m²) – A default value is provided based on the selected income category. If the actual area differs from the default, then enter it here.

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Bathroom (m²) – A default value is provided based on the selected income category. If the actual area differs from the default, then enter it here.

Utility, Balcony, Service Shaft (m²) – The Utility, Balcony, Service Shaft (m²) field is equal to the remaining space required to total the Gross Internal Area (m²). This value is automatically calculated and cannot be overwritten.

Gross Internal Area (m²) – The Gross Internal Area (m²) fields are a sum total of the room areas listed directly above, and must equal the Average Unit Area (m²) that the user entered in the Building Data section. If the user’s inputs total a greater amount, then a negative number will appear in the “Utility, Balcony, Service Shaft” which must be corrected by the user.

External Wall Length m/Unit – This length assumes a ratio of 1.5:1. In most cases there is no need to update this value. However to calculate this value, the one typical floor total external wall length can be divided by number of units. The idea is to capture the majority of units. So if there are same size units i.e. one bedrooms with different external wall length an average value should be entered.

Window to Floor Ratio – EDGE calculates a default value for the window to floor ratio. To change this

percentage, HME01 in the Energy section must be selected and altered.

Building Systems The information in this section is used to calculate the improved case performance for the project building.

Air Conditioning – Select yes or no. When “no” is selected, if EDGE predicts that the building is likely to overheat, then the cooling load will be reflected as “virtual” energy. “Virtual” energy has the same value as actual energy in EDGE so it must be reduced in the same way that actual energy is reduced. “Virtual” energy usage appears in the chart on the energy page, and is indicated because EDGE assumes that eventually mechanical systems will be added to the building (in the form of individual air conditioning units, for example) to compensate for a lack of a building-wide cooling system.

Space Heating – Select yes or no. This refers to building-wide heating systems such as underfloor, radiant, heat-exchangers, permanent gas heaters, etc. This also include appliance heaters using gas or electricity and does not include wood or fossil fuel burning fireplaces.

Key Assumptions for the Base Case The default values are used to calculate the base case performance of a building. If any of the values are overwritten, justification must be provided in the form of supporting documentation, including a link to any relevant local standards. It should be noted that certain baseline definition values are locked for general users and only accessible to admin users.

Fuel Used for Hot Water – Where there is more than one fuel used, please select the fuel that is used the majority of the time.

Fuel Used for Space Heating – Where there is more than one fuel used, please select the fuel that is used the majority of the time.

Cost of Electricity – The default cost for electricity appears for the selected country.

Cost of Diesel Fuel – The default cost for diesel fuel appears for the selected country.

Cost of LPG / Natural Gas – The default cost for natural gas or Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) as applicable appears for the selected country.

Cost of Water – The default cost for water appears for the selected country.

Latitude – The latitude for the selected city is provided by default. If the building is outside of the selected city, then the actual latitude of the site can be entered here.

CO2 Emissions g/kWh of Electricity – A default emissions value appears for the selected country.

Window to Wall Ratio – If a specific window to wall ratio is encouraged or required by local codes, enter the percentage here. Note that the window to wall ratio in the Key Assumptions reflects local building regulations or typical practice in the selected city.

Solar Reflectivity for Paint - Wall – Reflectivity of the external finish of the walls of a typical practice building. If local standards or regulations stipulate a minimum reflectivity for walls and it differs from the default value provided then it must be entered here.

Solar Reflectivity for Paint - Roof – Reflectivity of the external finish of the roof of a typical practice building. If local standards or regulations stipulate a minimum reflectivity for walls and it differs from the default value provided then it must be entered here.

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Roof U Value – If local standards or regulations stipulate a maximum U Value for the roof and it differs from the default value provided then it must be entered here.

Wall U Value – If local standards or regulations stipulate a maximum U Value for the walls and it differs from the default value provided then it must be entered here.

Glass U Value – If local standards or regulations stipulate a maximum U Value for the windows and it differs from the default value provided then it must be entered here.

Glass SHGC – If local standards or regulations stipulate a maximum Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) for the glazing and it differs from the default value provided then it must be entered here.

AC System Efficiency – Change the COP value for air conditioning efficiency only if local standards require a level of performance that differs from the default value provided. Otherwise, the AC System efficiency is based on the following table:

Table 1: Base Case System Type Selection3

Table 2: Base Case System Description4

Monthly Average Outdoor Temperature (deg.C) – The monthly average outdoor temperature has only

been included for the cities listed for each country. If the project site is not within a listed city, then enter the average monthly temperatures for the actual location. Additionally, for cities included in EDGE, due to microclimates, it is understood that the monthly temperatures for the project site may vary from the average temperatures for the city. For EDGE certification, the source for any

temperature inputs must be submitted for compliance purposes. The following weather data sources would be acceptable:

3 Source: ASHRAE 90.1 2007. Table G3.1.1A 4 Source: ASHRAE 90.1 2007. Table G3.1.1B

Building Type Fossil Fuel, Fossil/Electric

Hybrid, and Purchased Heat

Electric and


1. Residential System 1 - PTAC Constant Volume

2. Nonresidential and 3 floors or less and <2300m2 Packaged Terminal Heat Pump Constant Volume

3. Nonresidential and 4 or 5 floors and <2300m2

or 5 floors or less and 2,300m2 to 14,000m2

Packaged rooftop Air Conditioner Constant Volume

4. Nonresidential and more than 5 floors or


Packaged rooftop Heat Pump Constant Volume

System No. System Type Fan Control Cooling


Heating Type

1. PTAC Packaged Terminal Air




Direct expansion Hot water fossil fuel


2. PTHP Packaged Terminal Heat Pump Constant


Direct expansion Electric heat pump

3. PSZ-AC Packaged rooftop Air




Direct expansion Fossil fuel furnace

4. PSZ-HP Packaged rooftop Heat Pump Constant


Direct expansion Electric heat pump

5. Packaged VAV with reheat

Packaged rooftop VAV with


VAV Direct expansion Hot water fossil fuel


6. Packaged VAV

with PFP Boxes

Packaged rooftop VAV with


VAV Direct expansion Electric resistance

7. VAV with reheat Packaged rooftop VAV with


VAV Chilled water Hot water fossil fuel


8. VAV with PFP


VAV with reheat VAV Chilled water Electric resistance

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o A Test Reference Year (TRY) if the building location is within 50km of a TRY location;

o or In the absence of local TRY weather data, an actual year of recorded weather data from a

location within 50km of the building location;

o or In the absence of TRY or actual weather data within 50km, interpolated data based upon 3

points within 250km of the building location.

o Weather data can be obtained using sources such as Meteonorm or Weather analytics.

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EDGE Homes includes the following areas:





The content and purpose of each of these areas are described on the following pages, with instructions for entering information in order to achieve best-case scenarios.

Required measures: Following table explains how to address the Required measures in EDGE.

Measure ID How to address in software How to address at Audit

HME001* * (asterisk) indicates that measure is Required

Required to be selected and filled, regardless of if measure can generate saving or effect the project in negative way

Must be reviewed in all projects and if not selected should be advised to be selected and actual number as per design or construction must be entered in the field

HME002 Optional, selected if targeted for saving Only reviewed if selected

Results The Results bar is a summary of the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) calculated by EDGE. In order to calculate performance against these indicators, EDGE makes assumptions on how the building will be used by the occupants. Since the actual usage patterns may differ depending on occupant consumption, the water and energy usage and subsequent costs may vary from EDGE predictions. The KPIs include:

Final Energy Use – the energy consumption (in kWh/month/unit) for the project is calculated

automatically by EDGE, based on the data entered in the Design section and any reduction achieved through the selection of efficiency measures.

Final Water Use – the water consumption (in kL/month/unit) for the project is calculated automatically by EDGE, based on the data entered in the Design section and any reduction achieved through the selection of water efficiency measures.

Operational CO2 Savings – EDGE automatically calculates the CO2 savings (in tCO2/year) based on the final energy use multiplied by the CO2 emission factor for the generation of grid electricity. The default value for the selected country’s CO2 emissions is shown in the Design section, but can be overwritten if evidence can be provided to support it.

Embodied Energy Savings – EDGE automatically calculates the embodied energy savings (in mega joules) from the building dimensions and the materials selected in the Materials section.

Base Case Utility Costs – EDGE projects the monthly cost (in USD/month/unit) for energy and water use.

Utility Costs Reduction – EDGE projects the monthly savings (in USD/month/unit) in utility bills.

Energy and Water The selection of energy and water efficiency measures can have a significant impact on the resource demand of a building. When measures are selected, EDGE makes default assumptions on the typical improved performance over the base case. To the right of most measures, it is possible to over-write the default by adding more specific values. If default values are edited, additional documentation is required for justification purposes.

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While not technically efficiency measures, onsite renewable energy and the collection of rainwater will reduce the use of grid electricity and treated potable water respectively, contributing to the 20% efficiency savings target required to reach the EDGE standard.

EDGE currently uses delivered energy (i.e. that paid for by the consumer) as the measure of efficiency, as it is a more consistent global indicator. The carbon dioxide emissions (global warming potential) related to delivered energy use is a more accurate measure of the impact of a building on the environment, so future versions of EDGE may consider using this alternative indicator.

The results for both Energy and Water are shown in graphs that compare the base case building with the improved case. This graph displays a breakdown of the areas of consumption in the building.

Common Amenities in the energy chart include the sewage treatment plant (STP), water treatment plant (WTP), grey water treatment plant, water pumps for recreational facilities (such as a swimming pool), and the lift.

Washing and Cleaning includes: cleaning homes, washing clothes, and car washing.

Materials A list of relevant specifications for each building element (roof, external walls, internal walls, floor finishes, etc.) appears in the Materials section. For each building element a specification must be selected from the drop down list that is most similar to the specification used in the design. Where there are multiple specifications for each building element, the predominant specification should be selected. Thicknesses must be indicated for floor slabs, roof construction, external walls, and internal walls.

The indicator used to measure materials efficiency is the embodied energy of the specifications used. The embodied energy of a product is the primary energy demand for its production. As with the energy efficiency measures, future versions of EDGE may consider using carbon dioxide (global warming potential) as an indicator of materials efficiency as this more closely reflects the impact of the building on the environment.

Saving a Project Users may save their projects within the EDGE software to retrieve upon login. To create multiple versions of a project with different combinations of measures, it is best to retain your inputs by downloading the data into separate pdfs and saving the documents on your computer. In this way, you maintain one master project file for your building within EDGE.

EDGE can be accessed via handheld devices such as iPads, Androids, and tablets. Exercise caution when accessing saved projects via handheld devices as EDGE automatically saves changes to projects every three minutes.

If a user is not active on EDGE for 20 minutes, the system will log the user out and changes will be missed if not saved.

Core and Shell Projects For projects with Core and Shell condition, the energy, water and materials measures for which the tenants will be impacted can be claimed only if there is “tenant fit out guide” included in lease agreement and signed between the tenants and owner. Tenant fit out guide must clearly define the requirements to be fulfilled by tenants for each measure and included in the EDGE submission.

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The Technical Guidance section of this user guide describes each measure included in EDGE, indicating why the measure has been included, how it is assessed, and what assumptions have been made in order to calculate the base case and improved case. The guidance for each EDGE measure contains the subsections described below:

Requirement Summary A brief summary of the system or level of performance required before the measure can be claimed.

Intention What the measure aims to achieve and why it is measured in the way that it is.

Approach/Methodologies The different approaches, which can be used to assess the design, are provided with an explanation of the calculations and terminology used.

Potential Technologies/Strategies The possible solutions and technologies that might be considered by the design team in order to meet measure requirements.

Relationship to Other Measures EDGE predicts energy, water, and materials efficiency by taking a holistic view of the information that has been provided about the building project. The strong relationship between certain measures is revealed in order to clarify EDGE calculations and support the overall design process.

Assumptions EDGE makes assumptions for a base case building. The base case is taken from either typical practice or performance levels required by applicable local codes and standards. An assumption is also made for the improved case, so that when a measure is selected the predicted performance of the building is improved. Often it is possible to over-ride improved case assumptions with more accurate levels of predicted performance for the

actual building design. This allows improvements to be recognized if the assumed improved case level isn’t met and calculates additional reductions if the design exceeds the improved case.

Compliance Guidance The compliance guidance provided for each measure indicates the documentation that will be required to demonstrate compliance, should the project owner be striving for EDGE certification. Specific documentation varies according to the technology being assessed.

EDGE provides compliance guidance for each measure at both the design and post-construction stages, as available evidence depends on the current stage in the process.

In general, auditors are allowed to use their judgment if minor non-compliance issues arise. In most cases a minimum of 90% of a particular specification must comply for certification, unless specifically stated. If there are reasons that Auditor believes that a measure should be recognized then proper justification for certifier’s review should be provided. Approval of such justification is at discretion of the EDGE certifier.

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Project Team The project team must demonstrate that the specification meets the minimum performance required for the improved case by providing the following:

A brief explanation of the relevant system or product specified/installed.

Calculations that have been used to assess and demonstrate compliance.

Manufacturer’s data sheets with information required to demonstrate compliance clearly highlighted.

Proof that the specified system or product has been installed.

Auditor The auditor verifies that the design/construction team has interpreted the requirements correctly and that all compliance requirements have been fulfilled. The supporting evidence provided is reviewed to ensure it matches the data used in the assessment.

Photographs used as evidence must be taken by the auditor during the site visit with a date stamp.

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Energy efficiency is one of the three main resource categories that comprise the EDGE standard. In order to

comply for certification purposes, the design and construction team must review the requirements for selected

measures as indicated and provide the information.

The following pages explain each energy efficiency measure by relaying the intention, approach, assumptions,

and compliance guidance requirements.

Figure 1. Screenshot of EDGE tool for Energy Efficiency Measures

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Requirement Summary Window Wall Ratio (WWR) should be selected and the WWR value entered into the software in all cases, irrespective of the value. Savings can be achieved if the Window to Wall Ratio is lower than the local base case as set out in the Key Assumptions for the Base Case in the Design section. EDGE will calculate the impact of any improvement beyond the base case.

Intention Finding the correct balance between the transparent (glass) and the opaque surfaces in the external façades helps to maximize daylight while minimizing unwanted heat transfer, resulting in reduced energy consumption. This is because the sun is the most powerful light source but is also a source of significant heat gain. Therefore, it is important to balance lighting and ventilation benefits of glazing against the impacts of heat gain on cooling needs and/or passive heating. The design goal should be to meet minimum illumination levels without significantly exceeding the solar heat gains in temperate and warm climates, as well as to make the most of passive heating in cold climates in winter time.

Windows are usually the weakest link in the building envelope as the glass has much lower resistance to heat flow than other building materials. Heat flows out through a glazed window more than 10 times faster than it does through a well-insulated wall. While glazed areas are desirable to admit solar radiation in cold climates during the day, windows in warmer climates can significantly increase the building’s cooling loads.

Approach/Methodologies This measure uses the Window to Wall Ratio (WWR), which is the window or other glazing area (including mullions and frames) divided by the gross exterior wall area, which includes opaque and transparent elements, such as doors, windows, and walls from the outside. Windows generally transmit heat into the building at a higher rate than walls do. As such, a building with a higher WWR will transfer more heat than a building with a lesser WWR.

The WWR is calculated with the following equation: 𝑾𝑾𝑹 (%) = ∑ 𝑮𝒍𝒂𝒛𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒂 (𝒎𝟐)

∑ 𝑮𝒓𝒐𝒔𝒔 𝒆𝒙𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒐𝒓 𝒘𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒂 (𝒎𝟐)

Glazing area is the area of glass on all façades regardless of orientation. Gross exterior wall area is also the sum of the area of the façade in all orientations.

Windows and walls to internal courtyards (open to outside air) should be included in the WWR calculations.

Spandrel panels (opaque insulated glass panels) should be included as external walls in the WWR calculations.

The following examples should be excluded from the calculations of WWR:

a) Walls with windows into unconditioned enclosed spaces b) Walls with only ventilation openings (no glazing) c) Walls with windows/ventilation openings into interior shafts (typically located in bathrooms in several

residential projects in India) d) Any external wall that is not directly exposed to the environment. For example, underground walls,

earth-bermed walls, or walls in direct contact with another building)

Potential Technologies/Strategies If the WWR is higher than the default value, then other measures such as shading or the lower solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) of the glass should be considered to offset the energy loss due to cooling when increasing the WWR. In cold climates, when the WWR is higher than the default, the insulation of glass using double or triple glazing should be considered.

With regards to daylight, there are two basic strategies for using the sun for lighting while minimizing heat gain. The first is to use a small window opening (15% WWR) to illuminate a surface inside the space that then spreads the light out over a large area. The second is to use a moderately sized window (30% WWR) that “sees” an exterior reflective surface but is shaded from the direct sun. To increase the daylight availability, the selection of higher visual light transmittance (VLT>50) for the glass is also important.

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Relationship to Other Measures Envelope transfer is a function of the thermal resistance of the external materials, the area of the building façade, and the temperature difference between the exterior and interior of the building. The primary causes of heat transfer are infiltration and windows. The size, number, and orientation of windows greatly affect the building’s energy use for thermal comfort purposes (heating or cooling). In cold climates, direct solar radiation passes through the glass during the day, passively heating the interior. If the correct thermal mass is used, this heat is then released, helping to keep the room comfortable later in the day. It is desirable that in this climate type the glass is placed in the elevation with the greatest exposure to sunlight. However, in warm and temperate climates, the WWR tends to be lower as the reduction of glass leads to a reduction in the overall cooling load, as the need for air conditioning is reduced.

Although EDGE is unable to estimate the effect of daylight within the energy consumption, it is important to

consider that lighting and cooling energy portions can be reduced due to the use of daylighting, which should be balanced with the solar heat gains and the convective heat gains.

Assumptions The base cases for the WWR are included in the Key Assumptions for the Base Case in the Design section. The improved case assumptions for the WWR vary from country to country as well as per income level. It is also possible to enter the desired WWR value manually.

Compliance Guidance At the post-construction stage it is important to ensure that the WWR has been maintained in order to achieve the energy savings indicated in the EDGE results. Compliance is achieved when the design team can demonstrate that the WWR in all elevations is equal or lower than the base case specification, using the formula explained in “Potential Technologies/Strategies” above.

Design Stage Post-Construction Stage

At the design stage the following must be used to

demonstrate compliance:

Calculation of “Glazing Area” and “Gross Exterior Wall Area” for each façade of the building and the average building area weighted WWR; and

All façade elevation drawings showing glazing dimensions and general building dimensions.

At the post-construction stage one of the following must

be used to demonstrate compliance:

As-built façade drawings; or External photographs of the building showing all the

elevations; and Updated WWR calculations if required, or confirmation

that the design WWR is still valid.

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Requirement Summary This measure can be claimed if the solar reflectivity (albedo) of the roof is greater than the local base case as set out in the Key Assumptions for the Base Case in the Design section. EDGE will calculate the impact of any improvement beyond the base case.

Intention Specifying a reflective finish for the roof can reduce the cooling load in air-conditioned spaces and improve thermal comfort in non-air conditioned spaces. Due to the reduction in surface temperature, the service life of

the finish can also be improved and the impact on the urban heat island effect5 can be reduced.

Approach/Methodologies EDGE uses the solar reflectivity of the roof finish as the indicator of best practice. The solar reflectivity for a specific roofing material and finish can be acquired from the product manufacturer. It is often indicated in the product data sheet or laboratory test results published on manufacturers’ websites.

By subtracting the solar reflectivity from the total level of solar radiation that falls on the roof surface, EDGE is able to calculate the level of solar radiation that is transferred into the building.

Table 3: Solar reflectivity values for typical materials6

Generic Roofing Materials Solar Reflectivity

Gray EPDM 23%

Gray Asphalt Shingle 22%

Unpainted Cement Tile 25%

White Granular Surface Bitumen 26%

Red Clay Tile 33%

Light Gravel on Built-Up Roof 34%

Aluminum 61%

White-Coated Gravel on Built-Up Roof 65%

White Coating on Metal Roof 67%

White EPDM 69%

White Cement Tile 73%

White Coating - 1 Coat, 8 mils* 80%

PVC White 83%

White Coating - 2 Coats, 20 mils* 85%

* mil is equal to .001 inches or .0254 millimeter

Potential Technologies/Strategies The key consideration of the material or finish is its color. Ideally in warm climates a white finish should be selected as this will maximize reflectivity. If a white finish is not possible then the designer should select a very light color.

5 A city’s core temperature is often significantly higher than its surrounding area due to the retention of heat from the built

environment. 6 Source: Adapted from the LBNL Cool Roofing Materials Database. These values are for reference only and are not for use as

substitutes for actual manufacturer data.

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Relationship to Other Measures The impact that the solar reflectivity of the roof has on the energy consumption of a building is dependent upon the insulation levels and the approach used to cool the building, as well as the efficiency of any cooling systems.

The solar reflectivity of the roof finish has a decreased effect on the internal heat gains as the insulation levels are increased. Super-insulated buildings may not benefit significantly from roof finishes with a high solar reflectivity. Higher solar reflectivity values will have no effect on the energy consumption in passively cooled buildings, but may have an impact on EDGE results due to occupant comfort.

As the efficiency of the cooling system increases the solar reflectivity will have a decreasing impact on energy consumption.

If the roof area is useable area (i.e. for roof activities) then it is not recommended to use bright white colors as it can cause glare and discomfort.

Assumptions The base case for solar reflectivity is 40% but may vary in different countries as set out in the Key Assumptions for the Base Case in the Design section. The default improved case is 70% and can be adjusted by the user. The actual solar reflectance provided by the manufacturer must be provided for certification.

Compliance Guidance At both the design and post-construction stage it is important to ensure that the value obtained for the roof material/finish is the solar reflectivity of the finish rather than an alternative indicator of performance. Other values that may be provided by a manufacturer include the emittance, the solar reflectance index, or gloss units.

Design Stage Post-Construction Stage

At the design stage one of the following must be used to

demonstrate compliance:

Building design drawings showing the roof material and roof finish; or

Roof specification with solar reflectivity of the roof surface indicated; or

Bill of quantities with the roof finish clearly marked.

At the post-construction stage one of the following must

be used to demonstrate compliance:

Photographs of the roof materials and finish (where the finish is white this can be awarded without further evidence); and

A product data sheet for the materials and finish (including the solar reflectivity value); or

Delivery note and purchase documents indicating that the specified roof finish has been delivered to the construction site.

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Requirement Summary This measure can be claimed if the solar reflectivity (albedo) of the external wall finish is greater than the local base case as set out in the Key Assumptions for the Base Case in the Design section. EDGE will calculate any improvement beyond the base case.

Intention Specifying a reflective finish for the walls can reduce the cooling load in air-conditioned spaces and improve thermal comfort in un-cooled spaces. Due to the reduction in surface temperature, the service life of the finish can also be improved and the impact on the urban heat island effect7 can be reduced.

Approach/Methodologies EDGE uses the solar reflectivity of the wall finish as the indicator of best practice. The solar reflectivity for specific wall finishes can be acquired from the product manufacturer. It is often indicated in the product data sheet or laboratory test results published on manufacturers’ websites. Table 4 below provides an indication of the

ranges for different materials, but is only a guide. Manufacturers’ published values must be used in the EDGE assessment.

Table 4: Solar reflectivity of typical wall finishes8

Potential Technologies/Strategies The key consideration of the material used on the façade is its color and potential solar reflectivity.

Relationship to Other Measures The impact that the solar reflectivity of the walls has upon the energy consumption in a building is dependent on the insulation levels, as well as the approach used to cool the building and the efficiency of any cooling systems.

The solar reflectivity of the wall finish has a decreased effect on the internal heat gains as the insulation levels are increased. Super-insulated buildings may not benefit significantly from wall finishes with a high solar reflectivity. Higher solar reflectivity values will have no effect on the energy consumption in passively cooled buildings, but may have an impact on the EDGE rating due to occupant comfort.

As the efficiency of the cooling systems increases the solar reflectivity will have a decreasing impact on reducing the energy consumption.

In the selection of the façade color the possible glare caused by a highly reflective surface should be taken into consideration by the design team.

7 A city’s core temperature is often significantly higher than its surrounding area due to the retention of heat from the built

environment. 8 Ranges are taken from various manufacturers’ websites.

Generic Wall Materials

Solar Reflectivity

New concrete 35-45%

New white Portland cement concrete 70-80%

White acrylic paint 80%

Fired clay bricks 17-56%

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Assumptions The assumed solar reflectivity is 40% for the base case and 70% for the improved case, but can be adjusted by the user. The actual solar reflectance provided by the manufacturer must be provided for certification.

Compliance Guidance At both the design and post-construction stage it is important to ensure that the value obtained for the wall material/finish is the solar reflectivity of the finish rather than an alternative indicator of performance. Other values that may be provided by a manufacturer include the emittance, the solar reflectance index, or gloss units.

Design Stage Post-Construction Stage

At the design stage one of the following must be used to

demonstrate compliance:

Building design drawings showing the wall finish. Wall specification with solar reflectivity of the wall’s

surface indicated; or Bill of quantities with the wall finish clearly marked.

At the post-construction stage one of the following must

be used to demonstrate compliance:

Photographs of the wall materials and finish (where the finish is white, this can be awarded without further evidence); and

A product data sheet for the wall finish (including the solar reflectivity value); or

Delivery note and purchase documents indicating that the specified wall finish has been delivered to the construction site.

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Requirement Summary This measure can be claimed if external shading devices are provided on the building’s exterior. As a default, EDGE uses a shading factor equivalent to that of a shading device that is 1/3 of the height of the window and 1/3 of the width of the window on all windows of the building. However, if shading devices are provided that are different from EDGE assumptions then logically a different shading factor can be used. The shading factor varies according to the latitude and the orientation of the windows, as well as the size of the shading device.

Intention External shading devices are designed on the building façade in order to protect the glazing elements (windows) from direct solar radiation, as once solar radiation has penetrated the glass, it becomes trapped, increasing both solar heat gain and glare.

Approach/Methodologies This measure is assessed using a shading factor, which is one minus the ratio of solar radiation transmitted by a protected window (with external shading devices), compared to that transmitted by an unprotected window. The shading factor is expressed as a decimal value between 0 and 1. The higher the shading factor, the greater is the shading capability from the shading device. Tables 4, 5, and 6 indicate the shading factors for different orientations, latitudes, and shading device proportions. The last column of Table 6 lists the average shading factor for the combined type, which is used as the default improved case by EDGE.

Table 5: Shading factors for horizontal shading devices at different locations.

*The shading factors have been derived using a solar modelling tool, and are an average of all eight orientations.

HORIZONTAL - SHADING FACTOR* (Shading Coefficient) N (North), NE (North East), E (East), SE (South East), S (South), SW (South West), W (West), NW (North West)

Latitude Shading

Proportion Shading Factor








0º - 9º Dh=H/1 0.49 0.46 0.49 0.50 0.50 0.52 0.52 0.48 0.50

Dh =H/2 0.44 0.39 0.39 0.40 0.46 0.43 0.41 0.41 0.42

Dh =H/3 0.39 0.34 0.32 0.33 0.39 0.36 0.34 0.35 0.35

Dh =H/4 0.35 0.29 0.27 0.28 0.33 0.31 0.28 0.30 0.30

10º - 19º Dh=H/1 0.47 0.44 0.47 0.51 0.51 0.52 0.49 0.47 0.48

Dh =H/2 0.42 0.38 0.38 0.40 0.43 0.42 0.41 0.41 0.40

Dh =H/3 0.36 0.33 0.31 0.32 0.35 0.35 0.34 0.35 0.34

Dh =H/4 0.32 0.29 0.26 0.27 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.32 0.29

20º - 29º Dh=H/1 0.47 0.44 0.47 0.50 0.51 0.52 0.50 0.46 0.48

Dh =H/2 0.41 0.38 0.37 0.39 0.41 0.41 0.40 0.41 0.40

Dh =H/3 0.36 0.33 0.31 0.32 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.35 0.33

Dh =H/4 0.31 0.28 0.26 0.26 0.29 0.29 0.28 0.31 0.29

30º - 39º Dh=H/1 0.47 0.43 0.46 0.49 0.51 0.51 0.49 0.46 0.48

Dh =H/2 0.41 0.37 0.36 0.38 0.40 0.40 0.39 0.40 0.39

Dh =H/3 0.36 0.32 0.29 0.30 0.33 0.32 0.33 0.35 0.32

Dh =H/4 0.31 0.28 0.25 0.25 0.28 0.27 0.28 0.31 0.28

40º - 49º Dh=H/1 0.46 0.39 0.40 0.43 0.46 0.46 0.45 0.44 0.44

Dh =H/2 0.40 0.34 0.31 0.33 0.36 0.36 0.37 0.39 0.36

Dh =H/3 0.35 0.29 0.25 0.26 0.29 0.29 0.30 0.33 0.30

Dh =H/4 0.31 0.25 0.21 0.21 0.23 0.24 0.26 0.29 0.25

50º - 60º Dh=H/1 0.33 0.30 0.34 0.38 0.40 0.39 0.36 0.32 0.35

Dh =H/2 0.24 0.23 0.24 0.26 0.28 0.26 0.25 0.24 0.25

Dh =H/3 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.19 0.20 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19

Dh =H/4 0.15 0.14 0.14 0.15 0.16 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15

Figure 2. Relation between the Dh and Dv

(depth of horizontal and vertical shading) H

(window height) and W (window width) is

given in tables 4, 5 and 6 to define the

shading requirements

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International Finance Corporation 27

Table 6: Shading factors for vertical shading devices at different locations.

VERTICAL - SHADING FACTOR* (Shading Coefficient)

N (North), NE (North East), E (East), SE (South East), S (South), SW (South West), W (West), NW (North West) Latitude Shading

Proportion Shading Factor








0º - 9º Dv=W/1 0.23 0.23 0.18 0.22 0.23 0.20 0.18 0.21 0.21

Dv=W/2 0.21 0.19 0.15 0.18 0.22 0.17 0.15 0.18 0.18

Dv=W/3 0.19 0.16 0.12 0.15 0.19 0.14 0.12 0.15 0.15

Dv=W/4 0.16 0.14 0.11 0.12 0.16 0.12 0.11 0.13 0.13

10º - 19º Dv=W/1 0.21 0.24 0.20 0.20 0.23 0.18 0.20 0.21 0.21

Dv=W/2 0.19 0.21 0.16 0.16 0.21 0.15 0.17 0.19 0.18

Dv=W/3 0.17 0.18 0.14 0.13 0.17 0.14 0.15 0.16 0.15

Dv=W/4 0.15 0.16 0.12 0.11 0.15 0.12 0.13 0.15 0.13

20º - 29º Dv=W/1 0.22 0.25 0.20 0.21 0.24 0.19 0.20 0.22 0.21

Dv=W/2 0.19 0.21 0.16 0.17 0.20 0.16 0.17 0.19 0.18

Dv=W/3 0.17 0.18 0.13 0.14 0.17 0.14 0.14 0.17 0.15

Dv=W/4 0.15 0.15 0.12 0.11 0.14 0.12 0.12 0.15 0.13

30º - 39º Dv=W/1 0.21 0.26 0.22 0.21 0.24 0.19 0.21 0.23 0.22

Dv=W/2 0.19 0.22 0.17 0.16 0.19 0.16 0.18 0.20 0.19

Dv=W/3 0.17 0.19 0.14 0.13 0.16 0.14 0.15 0.17 0.16

Dv=W/4 0.15 0.16 0.12 0.11 0.14 0.11 0.13 0.15 0.13

40º - 49º Dv=W/1 0.23 0.28 0.24 0.24 0.25 0.23 0.22 0.24 0.24

Dv=W/2 0.20 0.23 0.19 0.17 0.20 0.18 0.19 0.21 0.20

Dv=W/3 0.18 0.19 0.15 0.14 0.16 0.15 0.16 0.17 0.16

Dv=W/4 0.16 0.16 0.13 0.11 0.14 0.13 0.14 0.15 0.14

50º - 60º Dv=W/1 0.26 0.30 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.26 0.27 0.28 0.27

Dv=W/2 0.20 0.22 0.20 0.18 0.20 0.19 0.21 0.21 0.20

Dv=W/3 0.16 0.17 0.16 0.14 0.15 0.15 0.16 0.16 0.16

Dv=W/4 0.13 0.14 0.13 0.11 0.12 0.12 0.13 0.13 0.13

Table 7: Shading factors for combined shading devices (both horizontal and vertical) at different locations.

COMBINED - SHADING FACTOR (Shading Coefficient)

N (North), NE (North East), E (East), SE (South East), S (South), SW (South West), W (West), NW (North West) Latitude Shading proportion Shading Factor








0º - 9º Dh=H/1 & Dv=W/1 0.72 0.69 0.67 0.72 0.74 0.73 0.70 0.70 0.71

Dh=H/2 & Dv=W/2 0.65 0.59 0.54 0.58 0.68 0.60 0.56 0.60 0.60

Dh=H/3 & Dv=W/3 0.58 0.50 0.45 0.48 0.58 0.51 0.47 0.51 0.51

Dh=H/4 & Dv=W/4 0.51 0.43 0.38 0.41 0.50 0.43 0.39 0.44 0.44

10º - 19º Dh=H/1 & Dv=W/1 0.69 0.69 0.67 0.71 0.74 0.70 0.70 0.68 0.70

Dh=H/2 & Dv=W/2 0.60 0.59 0.54 0.56 0.64 0.57 0.59 0.60 0.59

Dh=H/3 & Dv=W/3 0.53 0.51 0.45 0.45 0.53 0.49 0.50 0.52 0.50

Dh=H/4 & Dv=W/4 0.47 0.45 0.39 0.38 0.45 0.42 0.43 0.46 0.43

20º - 29º Dh=H/1 & Dv=W/1 0.69 0.69 0.68 0.71 0.75 0.71 0.70 0.69 0.70

Dh=H/2 & Dv=W/2 0.61 0.59 0.54 0.56 0.62 0.57 0.57 0.60 0.58

Dh=H/3 & Dv=W/3 0.53 0.51 0.44 0.46 0.51 0.48 0.48 0.52 0.49

Dh=H/4 & Dv=W/4 0.47 0.44 0.38 0.38 0.43 0.41 0.41 0.46 0.42

30º - 39º Dh=H/1 & Dv=W/1 0.69 0.69 0.68 0.71 0.75 0.70 0.70 0.69 0.70

Dh=H/2 & Dv=W/2 0.60 0.59 0.53 0.55 0.60 0.56 0.57 0.61 0.58

Dh=H/3 & Dv=W/3 0.53 0.51 0.44 0.44 0.49 0.47 0.48 0.52 0.48

Dh=H/4 & Dv=W/4 0.47 0.44 0.37 0.36 0.41 0.39 0.41 0.46 0.41

40º - 49º Dh=H/1 & Dv=W/1 0.69 0.68 0.64 0.68 0.71 0.69 0.68 0.68 0.68

Dh=H/2 & Dv=W/2 0.61 0.57 0.50 0.50 0.56 0.54 0.56 0.59 0.55

Dh=H/3 & Dv=W/3 0.53 0.49 0.41 0.40 0.45 0.44 0.47 0.51 0.46

Dh=H/4 & Dv=W/4 0.47 0.42 0.35 0.32 0.37 0.37 0.40 0.45 0.39

50º - 60º Dh=H/1 & Dv=W/1 0.62 0.63 0.63 0.66 0.68 0.66 0.65 0.62 0.64

Dh=H/2 & Dv=W/2 0.53 0.51 0.48 0.48 0.51 0.49 0.51 0.53 0.50

Dh=H/3 & Dv=W/3 0.43 0.42 0.38 0.37 0.39 0.38 0.41 0.43 0.40

Dh=H/4 & Dv=W/4 0.36 0.34 0.31 0.29 0.31 0.30 0.34 0.36 0.33

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International Finance Corporation 28

Potential Technologies/Strategies There are three basic types of solar shading: horizontal, vertical, and combined (egg crate).

Table 8: Typical shading devices

Shading Type Image Description

Horizontal shading



These are useful for building façades where the sun’s

rays are at a high angle of incidence, in short, where

the sun appears high in the sky.

Examples include summer mid-day sun on either the

northern or southern façades of a building for higher

latitudes, or east and west façades for equatorial


Vertical shading

devices (fins):

These applications are useful where the sun’s rays are

at a low angle of incidence (where the sun appears

low in the sky).

Examples include eastern sun on eastern façades,

western sun on western façades, and winter sun on

southern or northern façades in high latitudes.

Combined shading



“Egg crate” devices are used for conditions where

different times of the year warrant different shading


Moveable shading

devices – louvres

or shutters

These devices are used to control sunlight during the

day as well as reduce heat losses at night. They are

moveable and can be mechanical or manual. They

often provide maximum shading as they fully cover

the window. A shading factor with shutters can be 1 if

the shutters are fully closed.

These shading devices also protect from inclement

weather (hail, wind, or rain) as well as provide privacy

and security.

The effectiveness of a shading device varies depending on the location towards the equator (latitude) and the orientation of the window. Table 8 gives an early indication of the appropriate type of shading device for each orientation.

Table 9: Shading strategies for different orientations at the design stage.


Equator-facing Fixed Horizontal Device

East Vertical Device/Louvres (moveable)

Pole-facing Not required

West Vertical Device/Louvres (moveable)

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International Finance Corporation 29


A residential building in Metro Manila (Philippines) has vertical shading which is half of the window width on all windows and all directions, what shading factor the user should enter to the EDGE tool?

Step one is to find out, what is the latitude of Metro Manila? By using to EDGE online tool and selecting the country (Philippines) and city (Metro Manila) in design tab, under “Key Assumptions for the Base Case” answer is 14.6.

Step two is to use provided table for Vertical shading (Table 5) and look for appropriate latitude which is “10o to 19o”, as the shading is half of the window width then “Dv=W/2” should be selected. The average shading factor will be 0.18.

Step three is to input 0.18 in to the average annual shading factor (AASF) filed in the tool and select external

shading measure.

Relationship to Other Measures External shading will reduce the heat gain through solar radiation, therefore a glazing with a higher solar heat gain coefficient can be selected. As external shading can cut the solar heat before hitting the glazed element, it offers better thermal comfort conditions due to a reduction in radiative heat compared to a treated glass without shading.

As shading devices are designed to reduce heat gains, the efficiency of the cooling system will affect the reduction that solar shading can achieve. The more efficient the cooling system the less the energy consumption will be reduced due to external shading.

In addition, when external shading is incorporated, the heating consumption is increased due to the reduction of solar heat gains. This mostly applies to countries with a higher heating load.

Assumptions For the base case, EDGE assumes that there is no solar shading present.

For the improved case, EDGE assumes a shading factor equivalent to shading devices with a proportion of 1/3 of the height and the width of the window, which have been fitted to all windows. The shading factor is the annual average of eight orientations as shown in the last column of Table 6, which is a combination of both vertical and horizontal solar shading.

Annual Average Shading Factor (AASF) is calculated using the following equation:

AASF = 1 −Total annual solar heat gain from a window with shading (kWhr)

Total annual solar heat gain from a window without shading (kWhr)

Compliance Guidance The information required to demonstrate compliance will depend on the design solution adopted. The simplest design approach is egg crate shading devices (depth of 1/3 the height and the width) on all windows on all façades. Design teams may prefer to specify the shading device according to the orientation. Tables 4, 5, 6, and 7 can be used as guidelines for different sizes and types of shading devices and orientation. Compliance is demonstrated when the average of the shading factor of all orientations is equal to or higher than the default improved specification. In case the building has a more complex shading design, the design team can use specialized software to demonstrate that average shading factors have been achieved.

Design Stage Post-Construction Stage

At the design stage one or all of the following must be

used to demonstrate compliance:

All façade elevation drawings highlighting the provision of horizontal and vertical shading devices; and

Window details clearly showing the depth of the shading device and the calculation of the proportion; or

If vertical and horizontal shading are not provided on all windows, the design team will need to provide the output from the solar shading design software.

At the post-construction stage one or all of the following

must be used to demonstrate compliance:

Photographs of the shading devices on all façades; or As-built façade drawings showing the shading

devices that have been installed; or Update of shading factor calculations in case of

changes from the design stage.

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International Finance Corporation 30


Requirement Summary This measure refers to the U Value or thermal conductivity of materials as the indicator of performance, in which the use of insulation improves the U Value. The measure can be claimed if the U Value of the roof is lower than the base case U Value listed in the Key Assumptions for the Base Case in the Design section.

Intention Insulation is used to prevent heat transmission from the external environment to the internal space (for warm

climates) and from the internal space to the external environment (for cold climates). Insulation aids in the reduction of heat transmission by conduction9, so more insulation implies a lower U Value and better performance. A well-insulated building has lower cooling and/or heating energy requirements.

Approach/Methodologies This measure uses U Value, which is defined as the quantity of heat that flows through a unit area in unit time, per unit difference in temperature; it is expressed in Watts per square meter Kelvin (W/m²K). U Value is an indication of how much thermal energy (heat) is transmitted through a material (thermal transmittance). The U Value, which is the performance indicator of this measure, is the reciprocal of the total thermal resistance10 (1/∑R) of the roof, which is calculated from the individual thermal resistance of each component/layer of the roof.

If the default improved case is used, the design team must demonstrate that the U Value of the roof does not exceed the U Value assumed by EDGE (see assumptions below). This can be obtained by the manufacturer or by the “simple method” calculation, which is explained as follows. If a different U Value for the roof is used, then it must be calculated with the following formula or in accordance with the “combined method”11 given in ISO 6946.

Simple method of calculating the U Value: 𝑼 − 𝑽𝒂𝒍𝒖𝒆 = 𝟏

𝑹𝒔𝒊+𝑹𝒔𝒐+𝑹𝟏+𝑹𝟐+𝑹𝟑 𝒆𝒕𝒄

Where: Rsi = Resistance of the air layer on the inner side of the roof (add constant of air)

Rso = Resistance of the air layer on the external side of the roof

R1,2 etc = Resistance of each material layer within the roof

The resistance of a roof material is derived by the following formula: 𝑹 = 𝒅

Where: d = thickness of the layer of material (m)

= thermal conductivity12 in W/m K

As the calculation of the U Value can be quite complex, dedicated U Value calculation software or energy modelling software can be used.

9 Conduction is the process by which thermal energy moves within an object or between connected objects. 10 Thermal resistance is a measure of how much heat loss is reduced through the given thickness of a material. Thermal

resistance is expressed as the R, which is measured in square meters Kelvin per Watt (m²K/W). 11 Several websites give worked examples for the calculation of the U Value according to the “combined method”:

1. Conventions for U Value calculations, Brian Anderson, BRE, 2006.

2. Worked examples of U Value calculations using the combined method, The Scottish Government, 2009 - 3. Determining U Values for real building elements, CIBSE -

12 Thermal conductivity is a standardized measure of how easily heat flows through any specific material, independent of

material thickness. It is measured in Watts per meter Kelvin (W/m K), and is often expressed as the “K Value” or “”.

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International Finance Corporation 31

Potential Technologies/Strategies Insulating the roof is potentially the most cost-effective way to reduce the energy used for heating a building. Therefore in cold or temperate climates there is a strong case for maximizing the insulation before designing the heating ventilation and air conditioning equipment. In hot climates insulating the roof can reduce heat gain, but the effect is relatively minor.

There are different types of insulation available and the appropriate type will depend on the application as well as cost and availability. Insulation types can be grouped into four main categories, as shown in the following table:

Table 10: Insulation types and typical conductivity range

Insulation Type



Conductivity Range

( - K Value)

Matting, Blanket,

or Quilt


This type of insulation is sold in rolls of different thicknesses and is typically

made from mineral wool (fiber made from glass or rock). Some common uses

include insulating empty lofts, stud walls, and under suspended timber floors.

Other materials such as sheep’s wool are also available.

0.034 – 0.044

Loose-fill Material

Loose-fill material, made of cork granules, vermiculite, mineral wool, or

cellulose fiber is usually poured between the joists to insulate lofts. It is ideal

for loft spaces with awkward corners or obstructions, or if the joists are

irregularly spaced.

0.035 – 0.055

Blown Insulation

This is made from cellulose fibers or mineral wool. Spray foam insulation is

made from Polyurethane (PUR). Blown insulation should only be installed by

professionals, who use special equipment to blow the material into a specific,

sectioned-off area, to the required depth. The material may remain loose if

used for loft insulation, but can also bond to a surface (and itself) for

insulating stud walls and other spaces.

0.023 – 0.046

Rigid Insulation


They are mostly made from foamed plastic such as polystyrene, polyurethane

(PUR), or polyisocyanurate (PIR), which can be used to insulate walls, floors,

and ceilings. PUR and PIR board are among the best insulation materials

commonly used, and so are useful where space is limited. Rigid board has to

be cut to size, so fitting is often a skilled job.

0.02 – 0.081

Measure HME05 assumes an improved roof U Value, which varies upon location. Table 10 demonstrates how to achieve a U Value of 0.45W/m² K, with the thickness of certain insulation materials indicated. The actual thickness required will depend on many other factors, including the fixing method, roof construction, and position of the insulation within the material layers. Also, more information about the thickness of each type of insulation to achieve specific U Values and the application of each type can be found on the Energy Savings Trust website:


Table 11: Thickness of insulation required to achieve a U Value of 0.45 W/m² K Source: Insulation Materials Chart, Energy Savings Trust, 2004.

Insulation Type

Thickness (mm)

Approximate values to achieve a U Value

of 0.45W/m2 K

Vacuum Insulated Panels 10 - 20mm

Polyurethane (PU) 40 - 80mm

Polyisocyanurate (PIR) 40 - 60mm

Phenolic Foam (PF) 40 - 55mm

Expanded Polystyrene 60 - 95mm

Extruded Polystyrene 50 - 80mm

Wool and Fiber 60 - 130mm

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Relationship to Other Measures Selecting this measure will show an increase in the environmental impact in the materials section due to the addition of insulation material (reflected as a negative percent improvement).

However, by increasing the level of insulation the heating and/or cooling loads will be reduced. Increasing the levels of insulation could therefore reduce the cost and environmental impact of the heating and cooling plant, leading to energy savings that more than compensate for the negative impacts in the materials section.

Assumptions The insulation fitted in the roof for the base case varies by location, which is revealed in the U Value shown in the Key Assumptions for the Base Case in the Design section. The improved case assumes that the actual U Value will be better (lower) than the base case as listed in the Key Assumptions.

Compliance Guidance In order to claim this measure it is necessary to demonstrate that the U Value of the complete roof specification is better (lower) than the base case as listed in the Key Assumptions for the Base Case in the Design section. If the improved case U Value is used then it is only necessary to demonstrate that insulation has been or will be installed, and that the reciprocal of the sum of the R Values for each component of the roof structure does not exceed the base case.

If a U Value has been entered that exceeds the improved case then it will be necessary to confirm that the U Value was calculated in accordance with the “combined method” given in ISO 6946.

If U Value of roof is worse (higher) than base case, it is necessary to enter the higher U value and select the insulation of the roof under energy tab HME05.

Design Stage Post-Construction Stage

At the design stage the following evidence must be used to demonstrate compliance:

A roof construction detail drawing showing the insulation material. Ideally the roof detail drawing should be annotated with the U Value of the roof; and

Calculations of U value either using the formula or U value calculators; or

Manufacturer’s data sheet of specified insulation material for the roof.

Since at the post-construction stage the insulation material will not be visible, it must be demonstrated that the insulation material specified at the design stage was delivered to the site. The following must be used to demonstrate compliance:

Photographs of the roof construction at a point when the insulation material was visible; and

Delivery note confirming that the insulation material was delivered to the site; and

Updated calculations for the U value if the thickness and type of insulation changed from the original design.

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International Finance Corporation 33


Requirement Summary This measure refers to U Value as the indicator of performance, in which the use of insulation improves the U Value. The measure can be claimed if the U Value of the external walls is lower than the base case U Value listed in the Key Assumptions for the Base Case in the Design section.

Intention Insulation is used to prevent heat transmission from the external environment to the internal space (for warm climates) and from the internal space to the external environment (for cold climates). Insulation aids in the reduction of heat transmission by conduction13, so more insulation implies a lower U Value and better performance. A well-insulated building has lower cooling and/or heating energy requirements.

Approach/Methodologies This measure uses U Value, which is defined as the quantity of heat that flows through unit area in unit time, per unit difference in temperature; it is expressed in Watts per square meter Kelvin (W/m²K). U Value is an indication of how much thermal energy (heat) is transmitted through a material (thermal transmittance). The U Value, which is the performance indicator of this measure, is the reciprocal of the total thermal resistance14 (1/∑R) of the external walls, which is calculated from the individual thermal resistance of each component/layer of each external wall.

If the default improved case is used (as shown in EDGE as the top insulation material in the dropdown), the design team must demonstrate that the U Value of the external walls does not exceed the U Value assumed by EDGE. This can be obtained by the manufacturer or by the “simple method” calculation, which is explained as follows. If a different U Value for the external walls is used, then it must be calculated with the following formula or in accordance with the “combined method”15 given in ISO 6946.

Simple method of calculating the U Value: 𝑼 − 𝑽𝒂𝒍𝒖𝒆 = 𝟏

𝑹𝒔𝒊+𝑹𝒔𝒐+𝑹𝟏+𝑹𝟐+𝑹𝟑 𝒆𝒕𝒄

Where: Rsi = Resistance of air layer on the inner side of the external wall (add constant of air)

Rso = Resistance of air layer on the external side of the external wall

R1, 2 etc = Resistance of each layer material within the external wall

The resistance of a wall material is derived by the following formula: 𝑹 = 𝒅

Where: d = thickness of the layer of material (m)

= thermal conductivity16 in W/m K

As the calculation of the U Value can be quite complex, dedicated U Value calculation software or energy modelling software can be used.


Conduction is the process by which thermal energy moves within an object or between connected objects. 14 Thermal resistance is a measure of how much heat loss is reduced through a given thickness of a material. Thermal

resistance is expressed as the R, which is measured in square meters Kelvin per Watt (m²K/W). 15 Several websites give worked examples for the calculation of the U Value according to the “combined method”:

4. Conventions for U Value calculations, Brian Anderson, BRE, 2006.

5. Worked examples of U Value calculations using the combined method, The Scottish Government, 2009 - 6. Determining U Values for real building elements, CIBSE -

16 Thermal conductivity is a standardized measure of how easily heat flows through any specific material, independent of

material thickness. It is measured in Watts per meter Kelvin (W/m K), and is often expressed as the “K Value” or “”.

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International Finance Corporation 34

Potential Technologies/Strategies Insulating the external walls is potentially the most cost-effective way to reduce the energy used for heating a building. Therefore in cold or temperate climates there is a strong case for maximizing the insulation before designing the heating ventilation and air conditioning equipment. In hot climates insulating the wall can reduce heat gain, but the effect is relatively minor.

There are different types of insulation available and the appropriate type will depend on the application as well as cost and availability. Insulation types can be grouped into four main categories, as shown in the following table:

Table 12: Insulation types and typical conductivity range17

Insulation Type


Typical Conductivity


( - K Value)

Matting, Blanket,

or Quilt


This type of insulation is sold in rolls of different thicknesses and is typically

made from mineral wool (fiber made from glass or rock). Some common uses

include insulating stud walls and under suspended timber floors. Other

materials such as sheep’s wool are also available.

0.034 – 0.061

Loose-fill Material

Loose-fill material, made of cork granules, vermiculite, mineral wool, or

cellulose fiber, is usually poured between the joists to insulate lofts. It is ideal

for cavity walls, or if the joists are irregularly spaced.

0.038 – 0.067

Blown Insulation

This is made from cellulose fibers or mineral wool. Spray foam insulation is

made from Polyurethane (PUR). Blown insulation should only be installed by

professionals, who use special equipment to blow the material into a specific,

sectioned-off area, to the required depth. The material may remain loose if

used for cavity wall, but can also bond to a surface (and itself) for insulating

stud walls and other spaces.

0.020 – 0.038

Rigid Insulation


They are mostly made from foamed plastic such as polystyrene, polyurethane

(PUR), or polyisocyanurate (PIR), which can be used to insulate walls, floors,

and ceilings. PUR and PIR board are among the best insulation materials

commonly used, and so are useful where space is limited. Rigid board has to

be cut to size, so fitting is often a skilled job.

0.020 – 0.081

Measure HME06 assumes an improved U Value for the External Wall, which varies upon location. Table 13

Table 13 serves as an example to achieve a U Value of 0.45W/m² K, providing the thickness of certain insulation materials. The actual thickness required will depend on many other factors, including the fixing method, wall construction, and the position of the insulation within the material layers. Also, more information about the thickness of each type of insulation to achieve specific U Values and the application of each type can be found on the Energy Savings Trust website:


Table 13: Thickness of insulation required to achieve a U Value of 0.45 W/m² K18

Insulation Type

Thickness (mm)

Approximate values to achieve a U Value

of 0.45W/m2 K

Vacuum Insulated Panels 10 - 20mm

Polyurethane (PU) 40 - 80mm

Polyisocyanurate (PIR) 40 - 60mm

Phenolic Foam (PF) 40 - 55mm

Expanded Polystyrene 60 - 95mm

Extruded Polystyrene 50 - 80mm

Wool and Fiber 60 - 130mm

17 Source: Insulation Materials Chart, Energy Savings Trust, 2004

18 Source: Insulation Materials Chart, Energy Savings Trust, 2004

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International Finance Corporation 35

Relationship to Other Measures Selecting this measure will show an increase in the environmental impact in the materials section due to the addition of insulation material (reflected as a negative percentage improvement).

By increasing the level of insulation, the heating and/or cooling loads will be reduced. Increasing the levels of insulation could therefore reduce the cost and environmental impact of the heating and cooling plant.

Assumptions The insulation fitted within the external walls for the base case varies by location, which is revealed in the U Value shown in the Key Assumptions for the Base Case in the Design section. The improved case assumes that the actual U Value will be better (lower) than the base case as listed in the Key Assumptions for the Base Case.

Compliance Guidance In order to claim this measure it will be necessary to demonstrate that the U Value of the complete external walls specification is better (lower) than the base case as listed in the Key Assumptions for the Base Case in the Design section. If the improved case U Value is used then it is only necessary to demonstrate that insulation has been or will be installed, and that the U Value of the External Walls does not exceed the base case.

If a U Value is being entered that exceeds the improved case then it is necessary to confirm that the U Value has been calculated in accordance with the “simple” or “combined” method as shown in Approach/Methodologies above.

If U Value of wall is worse (higher) than base case, it is necessary to enter the higher U value and select the insulation of the wall under energy tab HME06.

Design Stage Post-Construction Stage

At the design stage the following must be used to

demonstrate compliance:

External walls construction detail drawing showing the insulation material. Ideally the external walls detail drawing should be annotated with the U Value of the external walls; and

Calculations of U value either using the formula or U value calculators; or

Manufacturer’s data sheet of specified insulation material for the external walls.

Since at the post-construction stage the insulation

material will not be visible, it must be demonstrated that

the insulation material specified at the design stage was

delivered to the site. One or all of the following must be

used to demonstrate compliance:

Photographs of the external walls construction at a point when the insulation material was visible; and Delivery note confirming that the insulation material was delivered to the site; and

Updated calculations for U value if the thickness and type of insulations changed from the original design.

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International Finance Corporation 36


Requirement Summary This measure can be claimed if Low Emissivity (Low-E) coated glazing is used.

Intention The purpose of adding a Low-E coating to glazing is that it reduces the transference of heat from one side to the

other by reflecting thermal energy. Low-E coatings are microscopically thin metal or metallic oxide layers that are deposited on a glass surface to help keep heat on the same side of the glass from which it originated. In warm climates the intention is to reduce heat gain and in cold climates the intention is to reflect heat indoors.

Approach/Methodologies Low-E coating reduces the Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) and thermal resistance (U Value) of the glazing. This measure assumes a U Value of 3W/m²K and an SHGC of 0.45 for glazing. These concepts are explained as follows:

The SHGC is expressed as a number between 0 and 1 and indicates the proportion of infrared radiation (heat) that is permitted to pass through the glazing.

All Low-E glass will have a reduced U Value, however it is the product’s solar heat gain performance that determines whether it is appropriate for a certain climate. For warm climates, Low-E glass with a low SHGC helps reduce unwanted solar gains but in cold climates, Low-E glazing that has minimal impact on solar gains is required.

In both warm and cold climates, the lower U Value of Low-E glazing is an advantage. Manufacturers often provide separate U Values for summer and winter (or the heating and cooling seasons). A simple approach is to calculate the average of these two values. If an alternative approach is used to calculate the seasonal average then this must be clearly justified. One example of an acceptable justification is if there is no heating season where the building is located.

Potential Technologies/Strategies Low-E coating is applied to different sides of the glazing depending on the climate. In a warm climate the coating is usually applied on the inner surface as this helps to reflect the solar radiation back outside. In a cold climate the coating is usually applied on the outer surface to allow useful solar radiation to pass through to passively heat the interior, and to reduce the ability for infrared radiation to pass out.

There are two types of Low-E coating: hard coat and soft coat. Only hard coat (pyrolitic coating) should be used in single-glazed units as it is more durable than soft coat (sputter coating).

Hard Coat Low-E: Hard coat Low-E, or pyrolytic coating, is a coating applied at high temperatures and is sprayed onto the glass surface during the float glass process. The coating process, known as Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD), uses a variety of different chemicals including silicon, silicon oxides, titanium dioxide, aluminum, tungsten, and many others. The vapor is directed at the glass surface and forms a covalent bond with the glass, so the result is hard wearing.

Soft Coat Low-E: Soft coat Low-E, or sputter coating, is applied in multiple layers of optically transparent silver sandwiched between layers of metal oxide in a vacuum chamber. This process provides the highest level of performance and a nearly invisible coating, however it is highly susceptible to damage from handling (recommended in double glazing units).

As guidance, Table 13 shows a range of U Values and SHGC values for different types of glazing. However, this data varies from manufacturer to manufacturer, for certification purposes actual values from the manufacturer must be provided. In addition, many manufacturers' literature indicates the Solar Coefficient (SC) instead of the SHGC, the conversion is as follows:

𝑆𝐻𝐺𝐶 = 𝑆𝐶 𝑋 0.87

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International Finance Corporation 37

Table 14: Approximate SHGC and U Values for different glazing types

Glass Configuration Approximate



U Value

[W/m2 K] Type of


Performance Thickness


Color Coated



Clear single pane 6mm Clear No coating 0.86 5.9

Medium solar control 6 mm


Gold Hard (Pyrolitic) 0.45 2.69-2.82

Good solar control

6 mm Blue / Green Soft (sputtered)

Hard (Pyrolitic)

0.36 – 0.45

0.33 - 0.41

3.01 -3.83

2.84 – 3.68

8 mm Blue / Green Soft (sputtered)

Hard (Pyrolitic)


0.30 - 0.37

2.99 – 3.79

2.82 – 3.65

6 mm Bronze Soft (sputtered) 0.45 3.01 -3.83

6 mm Grey Soft (sputtered)

Hard (Pyrolitic)



3.01 -3.83

2.84 – 3.68

8 mm Grey Hard (Pyrolitic) 0.32 2.82 – 3.65

6 mm Clear Hard (Pyrolitic) 0.52 2.83 -3.68

8 mm Clear Hard (Pyrolitic) 0.51 2.81 -3.65

Relationship to Other Measures Applying a Low-E coating either reduces the heat load by reducing the heat loss through the glazing, or reduces the cooling load by reducing the solar heat gain. As with other measures which relate to the improvement of the building fabric, it is often cheaper to address and optimize performance before sizing/selecting heating, ventilation, and the air-conditioning plant. If Higher Performance Glass (HME08) is claimed then this measure will not contribute to the calculation of savings.

Special care must be taken in cold climates, because as the U Value is reduced, the solar heat gain is reduced even further for many coatings. Therefore, although a Low-E glass with a very low U Value appears to be the best choice, it may actually have worse performance if it has low solar heat gain that blocks the warmth of the sun and increases heating requirements. In those cases a double or triple layer glass with a high solar heat gain coefficient is the right selection.

Assumptions The base cases for the U Value and SHGC of glass are included in the Key Assumptions for the Base Case in the Design section. The improved case assumptions for Low-E coated glass are a U Value of 3 W/m² K and an SHGC of 0.45.

Compliance Guidance When project has multiple type of glazing with multiple U value and SHGC, a weighted average U value and SHGC can be entered to the user entry fields.

The following information must be provided to show compliance at the design and post-construction stages:

Design Stage Post-Construction Stage

At the design stage the following must be used to demonstrate compliance:

Manufacturer’s data sheets showing the seasonal average U Value for the glazing (including losses through the glass and frame) and the solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) of the glass; and

A list of different types of window included in the design (window schedule).

At the post-construction stage the following must be used to demonstrate compliance:

Photographs of the glazing units installed; or Purchase receipts and delivery notes for the glazing;

and Manufacturer’s data sheets showing the seasonal

average U Value for the glazing (including losses through the glass and frame) and the solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) of the glass.

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Requirement Summary This measure can be claimed if the glazing is multi-paned (double or triple) and has a superior thermal performance.

Intention By selecting double or triple glazing, which has an improved thermal performance as well as a coating (tinted glass or Low-E) the heat transfer is reduced further than in HME07 and an even lower SHGC can be achieved.

Approach/Methodologies Low-E coating reduces the solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) and thermal resistance (U Value) of the glazing.

The SHGC is expressed as a number between 0 and 1 and indicates the proportion of infrared radiation (heat) that is permitted to pass through the glazing.

All Low-E glass will have a reduced U Value however it is the product’s solar heat gain performance that determines whether it is appropriate for a certain climate. For warm climates, Low-E glass with a low SHGC helps reduce unwanted solar gains but in cold climates, Low-E glazing that has minimal impact on solar gains is required.

In both warm and cold climates, the lower U Value of Low-E glazing is an advantage. Manufacturers often provide separate U Values for summer and winter (or the heating and cooling seasons). A simple approach is to calculate the average of these two values. If an alternative approach is used to calculate the seasonal average, then this must be clearly justified. One example of an acceptable justification is if there is no heating season where the building is located.

Figure 3. Proposed Low-E coating position in warm and cold climate,

Potential Technologies/Strategies Low-E coating is applied to different sides of the glazing depending on the climate. In a warm climate the coating is usually applied on the inner surface as this helps to reflect the solar radiation back outside. In a cold climate the coating is usually applied on the outer surface to allow useful solar radiation to pass through to passively heat the interior, and to reduce the ability for infrared radiation to pass out.

There are two types of Low-E coating: hard coat and soft coat. Only hard coat (pyrolitic coating) should be used in single-glazed units as it is more durable than soft coat (sputter coating).

Hard Coat Low-E: Hard coat Low-E, or pyrolytic coating, is a coating applied at high temperatures and is sprayed onto the glass surface during the float glass process. The coating process, known as

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Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD), uses a variety of different chemicals including silicon, silicon oxides, titanium dioxide, aluminum, tungsten, and many others. The vapor is directed at the glass surface and forms a covalent bond with the glass, so the result is hard wearing.

Soft Coat Low-E: Soft coat Low-E, or sputter coating, is applied in multiple layers of optically transparent silver sandwiched between layers of metal oxide in a vacuum chamber. This process provides the highest level of performance and a nearly invisible coating, but it should only be used in double-glazing as it is highly susceptible to damage from handling.

In the absence of the manufacturer’s actual data Table 14 can be used as a guide. It contains typical U Values and SHGC values for different types of glazing. For certification purposes actual values must be provided. In addition, many manufacturers' literature indicates the Solar Coefficient (SC) instead of the SHGC, the conversion is as follows:

𝑆𝐻𝐺𝐶 = 𝑆𝐶 𝑋 0.87

Table 15: Approximate SHGC and U Values for different glazing types. Source: The Government’s [UK] Standard Assessment Procedure for Energy Rating of Dwellings SAP 2009 (March 2010)

Frame Material

Type of Glazing



Approximate U Value in W/m2 K

(assuming 12mm air gap for

double and triple glazing; lower

U Values can be achieved with a

larger air gap)

Timber or PVC-U

Double 0.53-0.76 2.7-2.8

Double Solar Coat 0.27 1.8

Double (Hard Coat) 0.50-0.72 2.0-2.2

Double (Soft Coat) 0.44-0.63 1.8-2.1

Triple 0.48-0.68 2.0-2.1

Triple (Hard Coat) 0.45-0.64 1.5-1.7

Triple (Soft Coat) 0.40-0.57 1.4-1.6

Single 0.68-0.85 5.7


Double 0.61-0.76 3.3-3.4

Double (Solar Coat) 0.27 2.0

Double (Hard Coat) 0.58-0.72 2.5-2.8

Double (Soft Coat) 0.50-0.63 2.4-2.6

Triple 0.54-0.68 2.5-2.6

Triple (Hard Coat) 0.51-0.64 1.9-2.1

Triple (Soft Coat) 0.46-0.57 1.8-2.0

Relationship to Other Measures Applying a Low-E coating either decreases the heat load by reducing the heat loss through the glazing, or decreases the cooling load by reducing the solar heat gain. As with other measures which relate to the improvement of the building fabric, it is often cheaper to address and optimize performance before sizing/selecting heating, ventilation, and the air-conditioning plant.

If the measure for Low-E Coated Glass (HME07) is claimed in addition to HME08, then only the results of HME08 will contribute to the calculation of savings.

Special care must be taken in cold climates, because as the U Value is reduced, the solar heat gain is reduced even further for many coatings. Therefore, although a Low-E glass with a very low U Value appears to be the best choice, it may actually have worse performance if it has low solar heat gain that blocks the warmth of the sun and increases heating requirements.

Assumptions The base cases for the U Value and SHGC for glass are included in the Key Assumptions for the Base Case in the Design section. The improved case assumptions for higher thermal performance glass are a U Value of 1.95 W/m² K and an SHGC of 0.28.

Compliance Guidance When project has multiple type of glazing with multiple U value and SHGC, a weighted average U value and SHGC can be entered to the user entry fields.

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The following information must be provided to show the compliance at the design and post-construction stages:

Design Stage Post-Construction Stage

At the design stage the following must be used to

demonstrate compliance:

Manufacturer’s data sheets showing the seasonal average U Value for the glazing (including losses through the glass and frame) and the solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) of the glass; and

A list of different types of window included in the design (window schedule).

At the post-construction stage the following must be used

to demonstrate compliance:

Photographs of the glazing units installed; and Purchase receipts and delivery notes for the glazing;

or Manufacturer’s data sheets showing the seasonal

average U Value for the glazing (including losses through the glass and frame) and the solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) of the glass.

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Requirement Summary This measure can be claimed when two conditions are met. The first one is the room depth to ceiling height ratio and the proportion of openings required for a certain floor area. Both conditions should be calculated room by room in order to ensure adequate natural ventilation for the whole home. The methodology for this calculation is explained below.

Intention A well-designed natural ventilation strategy can improve occupant comfort by providing both access to fresh air as well as reducing the temperature. This results in a reduction of the cooling load, which lowers initial capital and maintenance costs.

Approach/Methodologies There are no complex units of measurement used to assess compliance with this measure. Instead some simple conditions (“rules of thumb”) can be used to help design spaces for the benefit of human comfort. The key factors in deciding the ventilation strategy are room size (depth, width, and height), and the number and location of openings.

Potential Technologies/Strategies EDGE uses cross flow ventilation, where fresh air is drawn from outside into the occupied space and the exhaust

air is delivered at a different location, as explained in Table 15. This type of ventilation is used for the improved case as it is most effective if the external air temperature is neither too hot nor too cold (temperate climates). As EDGE takes into account the external temperature it is possible to test the potential effectiveness by using the software. If EDGE predicts significant savings then a suitable strategy should be considered.

There are two basic approaches to the design of cross ventilation: single-sided and two-sided. Two-sided ventilation is used to ventilate single spaces (which have openings on both windward and leeward sides) and double-banked rooms that rely on openings in corridors between rooms. Single-sided ventilation is used where two-sided ventilation is not possible, but the room depth that can be ventilated in this way is much lower.

Table 16: Type of cross ventilation

Type Image Description



Single-sided ventilation relies on the pressure differences between different

openings within a single space. It is more predictable and effective than if

there is only a single opening, and can therefore be used for spaces with

greater depth. For spaces that only have a single opening the ventilation is

driven by turbulence. This turbulence creates a pumping action on the single

opening, causing small inflows and outflows. As this is a less predictable

method, the room depth for single opening, single-sided ventilation is reduced.


- Single Spaces

Cross ventilation of single spaces is the simplest and most effective approach.

Cross-ventilation is driven by pressure differences between the windward and

leeward sides of the space.


- Double-Banked


Cross-ventilation with banked rooms can be achieved by creating openings in

the corridor partition. It is only acceptable where a residential unit has

ownership of both windward and leeward sides of the building, as the

ventilation of the leeward space relies on the occupant of the windward space.

The openings also provide a route for noise to travel between spaces.

One potential solution is to provide a channel which bypasses the windward

space, allowing the occupant of the leeward space complete control of air flow.

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Stack Ventilation

Stack ventilation takes advantage of the temperature stratification and

associated pressure differentials of the air. Warm air becomes less dense and

rises and the cooler air replaces the air that has risen. This type of ventilation

requires atriums or height differences.

In order to achieve acceptable natural ventilation flow, the following methodology must be considered: i) maximum ratio of floor depth to ceiling height, and ii) the heat gains to be dissipated, which determine the total area of the opening. The latter requires two steps to be calculated, the sum of the heat gains (lighting, occupancy, and equipment) and the window area (this includes external doors or main doors with a security gate which may contribute towards the openable area for the natural ventilation measure).

Room Depth to Ceiling Height Ratio

EDGE’s methodology for natural ventilation first requires that the maximum room depth versus ceiling height is calculated following the ratio in Table 16.

The depth of space that can be ventilated using a cross flow ventilation strategy is dependent on the floor to ceiling height and the number and location of the openings. The rules of thumb below can be used to assess compliance.

Table 17: Depth of floor to ceiling height ratio for different room configurations

Room/Opening Configuration

Image/Example Maximum Depth of Floor to Ceiling

Height Ratio

Single-sided, single opening


Single-sided, multiple openings


Cross ventilation


Minimum Area of Opening

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Table 18 indicates the percentage of the opening area required in order to dissipate those heat gains within the space. The area of opening can be calculated following room types and then multiplying the total area of the room by the percentage indicated.

Table 18: Total area of opening as a proportion of floor area for different heat gain ranges.

Room Type Heat Gains Total Area of Opening Required as a Percentage of Floor Area

Bathroom <15 W/m² 10%

Bed Room 15-30 W/m² 20%

Living Room 15-30 W/m² 20%

Kitchen >30 W/m² 25%


Q: A living room with 24sqm floor area and ceiling height of 3m has a single window for ventilation. What is the design criteria to ensure compliance with natural ventilation requirements?

A: Depth of floor to ceiling height ratio should be less than 1.5, i.e. the plan can be 6mx4m where 4m is the depth.

As per

Table 18, 20% of the floor area for living room should be openable which is: 4.8m².

Relationship to Other Measures Since employing natural ventilation can significantly reduce the cooling load, the impact of more efficient cooling systems is sometimes reduced to an insignificant level. As with all passive design solutions, cross ventilation should therefore be considered before the detailed design of any HVAC equipment.

Assumptions The base case assumes that ventilation is delivered using mechanical means; however the cooling load is still calculated and is shown as “virtual” energy on the charts.

The cooling load can be reduced through other passive measures, including improved insulation, reduced window to wall ratio, reduced SHGC, improved solar shading, and specifying ceiling fans. Reducing the cooling load will therefore result in improved performance even when no mechanical cooling is specified.

Compliance Guidance If this measure is claimed then the design team will need to demonstrate compliance with the depth of floor to ceiling height ratio and minimum area of opening for all habitable rooms.

Design Stage Post-Construction Stage

At the design stage the following must be used to

demonstrate compliance:

Typical floor plans for every floor showing room layouts and the location of openings; and

Typical sections showing the floor to ceiling height for every floor; and

Calculations showing the room depth to ceiling height ratio and minimum area of opening for each typical space.

At the post-construction stage one of the following

must be used to demonstrate compliance:

Confirmation from the project team that there have been no changes to the layout or the floor to ceiling height during the design/construction process; or

As-built drawings including floor plans and sections; and

Photographic evidence to demonstrate that the room layouts and location of openings as specified at the design stage have been constructed.

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Requirement Summary This measure can be awarded where ceiling fans have been specified in all habitable rooms. In countries where ceiling fans are standard (such as India) energy-efficient ceiling fans must be installed for this measure to be claimed.

Intention Ceiling fans are used to increase air movement that aids human comfort by promoting the evaporation of perspiration (evaporative cooling).

Approach/Methodologies The measure can be claimed if ceiling fans have been installed in all habitable rooms.

Potential Technologies/Strategies Ceiling fans are normally used to reduce cooling energy requirements by introducing higher air velocity. The increased air movement increases the range of temperatures considered to be comfortable by occupants. In order to work in this way the fan must be installed with the raised edge of the blade on the leading edge. In this

mode the effect is on perceived comfort, so if a room is unoccupied the fans should be switched off.

Ceiling fans can also be used to reduce heating requirements by reducing stratification. In this mode the raised edge of the blades should be at the trailing edge.

In order to achieve the levels of air movement assumed by EDGE, Table 19 shows the optimum number of fans and fan diameter (as measured from the center of the fan to the tip of the blade) required in different sizes of rooms. For example, a 6 meter x 6 meter room would require 4 fans with a diameter of 900mm each.

Table 19: Size (m)/Number of ceiling fans required for different room sizes19.

Room Width

Room Length

4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m 10m 11m 12m 14m 16m

3m 1.2/1 1.4/1 1.5/1 1050/2 1.2/2 1.4/2 1.4/2 1.4/2 1.2/3 1.4/3 1.4/3

4m 1.2/1 1.4/1 1.2/2 1.2/2 1.2/2 1.4/2 1.4/2 1.5/2 1.2/3 1.4/3 1.5/3

5m 1.4/1 1.4/1 1.4/2 1.4/2 1.4/2 1.4/2 1.4/2 1.5/2 1.4/3 1.4/3 1.5/3

6m 1.2/2 1.4/2 0.9/4 1.05/4 1.2/4 1.4/4 1.4/4 1.5/4 1.2/6 1.4/6 1.5/6

7m 1.2/2 1.4/2 1.05/4 1.05/4 1.2/4 1.4/4 1.4/4 1.5/4 1.2/6 1.4/6 1.5/6

8m 1.2/2 1.4/2 1.2/4 1.2/4 1.2/4 1.4/4 1.4/4 1.5/4 1.2/6 1.4/6 1.5/6

9m 1.4/2 1.4/2 1.4/4 1.4/4 1.4/4 1.4/4 1.4/4 1.5/4 1.4/6 1.4/6 1.5/6

10m 1.4/2 1.4/2 1.4/4 1.4/4 1.4/4 1.4/4 1.4/4 1.5/4 1.4/6 1.4/6 1.5/6

11m 1.5/2 1.5/2 1.5/4 1.5/4 1.5/4 1.5/4 1.5/4 1.5/4 1.5/6 1.5/6 1.5/6

12m 1.2/3 1.4/3 1.2/6 1.2/6 1.2/6 1.4/6 1.4/6 1.5/6 1.4/8 1.4/9 1.4/9

13m 1.4/3 1.4/3 1.2/6 1.2/6 1.2/6 1.4/6 1.4/6 1.5/6 1.4/9 1.4/9 1.5/9

14m 1.4/3 1.4/3 1.4/6 1.4/6 1.4/6 1.4/6 1.4/6 1.5/6 1.4/9 1.4/9 1.5/9

Example: a living room 4 meter by 6 meter would need 2 ceiling fans each with 1.2 meter diameter and a bedroom 3m*4m would require having one ceiling fan with 1.2m diameter.

19 Source: India National Building Code

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Relationship to Other Measures The installation of ceiling fans to reduce cooling requirements improves occupant comfort without actually cooling the air. They are therefore only beneficial in spaces that have a demonstrable cooling load.

The installation of ceiling fans to reduce heating requirements does not necessarily decrease the heating load, but can improve occupant comfort by increasing the temperature at floor level and reducing the temperature gradient from floor to ceiling.

Assumptions The base case assumes that no ceiling fans are specified. The improved case assumes that ceiling fans have been installed in line with the above guidance. The assumption is that the efficiency of ceiling fans will be 6W/m² (except in India where the assumed improved case is 4W/m²).

Compliance Guidance In order to verify compliance, the design team must demonstrate that ceiling fans will be or have been installed.

Design Stage Post-Construction Stage

At the design stage the following must be used to

demonstrate compliance:

Mechanical and electrical layout drawings showing the location and number of ceiling fans; and

Manufacturer’s data sheet showing the energy consumption and diameter of ceiling fans selected.

At the post-construction stage one of the following must

be used to demonstrate compliance:

As-built mechanical and electrical drawings for all floors; and

Delivery notes showing that specified fans have been delivered to the site; and

Photographs of the installed fans for a sample of the units covered by the assessment.

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Requirement Summary If the project includes a cooling system, the actual COP of system should be entered into software (even if COP is lower than 3.5). Savings can be achieved if the air conditioning system provides a Coefficient of Performance (COP) greater than 3.5 under ARI condition.

Intention In many cases cooling will not be fitted as part of the original build, which increases the risk that future occupants will deal with any overheating with an amateur installation of inefficient and poorly sized air conditioning units. By designing the installation of an efficient cooling system, the energy needed to deliver the required cooling will be reduced.

Approach/Methodologies EDGE uses the Coefficient of Performance (COP) to measure the efficiency of air conditioning systems. The COP is the total output of cooling energy per electricity input. The COP for cooling is defined as the ratio of the rate of heating energy removal to the rate of electrical energy input, in consistent units, for a complete air conditioning system or some specific portion of that system under designated operating conditions. The formula to calculate COP is explained below. For consistency the ARI conditions should be used for comparison of COP values.

𝐂𝐎𝐏 =𝑄 𝑜𝑢𝑡

𝑊 𝑖𝑛


Q out = heating energy removal (kW)

W in = electrical energy input (kW)

In order to claim this measure the design team must demonstrate that the chiller(s) achieve a COP greater than the base case of 3.5. For large buildings with centralized systems, more than one chiller may be installed. If these chillers have different COPs, the weighted average COP should be calculated.

In some cases, the air conditioning system (chiller/s) for the cooling system could be centralized, serving a combination of buildings / dwellings within the development. In these cases, the central plant will need to be included within the site boundary of the project, or managed by a company within the control of the site owner. This is to ensure continuity of sustainable and continued management of and access to the facility by the site owner.

However, when the chiller for the cooling system is located off-site, then a contract with, or letter from the management company in charge of the chiller has to be provided, stating the efficiency of the system, as part of the documentation for the post-construction stage.

Potential Technologies/Strategies There are various cooling systems or air conditioning devices that achieve a COP higher than 3.5. Some of these are described below:

A Variable Refrigerant Volume/Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRV/VRF) chiller uses the refrigerant as the cooling/heating medium. These systems have one condensing unit with multiple indoor units, each of which can be individually controlled. The system runs by modulating the amount of refrigerant that is sent to each

evaporator. By operating at differing speeds, the system runs only at the rate needed to deliver the cooling required by each internal unit.

VRV or VRF systems may be a particularly good option for buildings with multiple zones or wide variance heating/cooling loads across many different internal zones. As these systems provide individual control and are the most versatile of the multi-split systems they are relevant for residential apartment buildings. The outdoor units can be fitted to as many as 48 internal units. Due to the way the internal units are connected to the external unit, a breakdown of one internal unit will not compromise the rest of the system. The outdoor units are capable of changing the speed of the compressors and can therefore operate in a range of 6% to 100% capacity. Multiple outdoor units can be used if an even greater range of capacity is required.

Although VRV and VRF systems are widely used in residential buildings, there are other cooling systems that achieve good performance, but are not as common for these building types. Air cooled chillers, which are vapor compression mechanical refrigeration systems, have heat exchangers (evaporators), in which heat captured by the process is transferred to refrigerant fluid. This heat-transfer causes the refrigerant to

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evaporate, changing from liquid (a low pressure) to vapor. As a result, the temperature of the process coolant is decreased to the desired outgoing temperature. Water cooled chillers are similar to air cooled chillers; the primary difference is that water is used to provide the condenser cooling. In general, this technology is more efficient than VRV or air cooled chillers.

Some typical efficiencies recommended by ASHRAE 90.1-2010 are listed in Table 20:

Table 20: Typical COPs for different types of air conditioning systems20.

Type of Cooling System

(Air Conditioning)


Split < 65.000 BTU/h 2.70

Variable Refrigerant Volume 3.70

Split Duct 2.60

Air Cooled Chiller < 150 TR ( reciprocating) 2.80

Air Cooled Chiller < 150 TR (screw) 2.90

Air Cooled Chiller > 150 TR ( reciprocating) 2.80

Air Cooled Chiller > 150 TR (screw) 3.00

Water Cooled Chiller < 150 TR ( reciprocating) 4.00

Water Cooled Chiller < 150 TR (screw) 4.10

Water Cooled Chiller > 150 TR ( reciprocating) 4.26

Water Cooled Chiller > 150 TR (screw) 4.40

Water Cooled Chiller > 300 TR (centrifugal) 6.05

Note that if another cooling system, which achieves the desired COP, is installed in a residential building, then this information can be entered manually into the EDGE software, and evidence provided for certification purposes.

Relationship to Other Measures EDGE calculates the cooling load by taking account of the local climate, heat gains, and the internal temperatures based on the building design. If air conditioning is not specified, any cooling load will be displayed as “virtual energy.”

Assumptions The base case for air conditioning system efficiency is a COP of 2.9, and is listed in the Key Assumptions for the Base Case in the Design section. The base case can be over-written with the minimum COP required by local codes where they are in existence. If the key assumption is overwritten, then justification and documentation for local regulations must be provided. The improved case COP for the efficient cooling system is 3.5; if the system efficiency is different from 3.5 then the actual performance can be entered and the energy savings will be even greater.

Compliance Guidance In order to demonstrate compliance, the design team must describe the specified system and provide

documentation to support the claims.

Design Stage Post-Construction Stage

At the design stage the following must be used to

demonstrate compliance:

Manufacturer’s data sheets for the cooling system specifying COP information; and

For systems including more than one chiller unit, the design team must provide the average COP calculation; and

Mechanical and electrical layout drawings showing the

location of the external and internal units for all floors.

At the post-construction stage the following must be used

to demonstrate compliance:

As-built mechanical and electrical drawings with air conditioning schematics for all floors; and

Delivery notes showing that specified chillers have been delivered to the site; and

Manufacturer’s data sheets for the cooling system specifying COP information; or

Photographs of installed external and internal air conditioning units; and /or

Contract with the management company, if the system is centralized or off-site.

20 Source: ASHRAE 90.1-2010

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Requirement Summary This measure can be claimed if the boiler used for delivering space heating has an annual fuel utilization efficiency that is greater than the base case, as set out in the Key Assumptions for the Base Case in the Design section.

Intention The specification of a highly efficient boiler for space heating reduces the energy required to satisfy the heating load for the building.

Approach/Methodologies In order to qualify, the high efficiency boiler must be able to demonstrate efficiency greater than the base case of 80%. There are different methodologies for calculating the efficiency of a boiler. Manufacturers might quote the gross efficiency, net efficiency, seasonal efficiency, or the annual fuel utilization efficiency (AFUE), each of which uses a different methodology to calculate the percentage.

EDGE uses AFUE as the measure of efficiency as it provides the most consistent methodology. AFUE is calculated by comparing the thermal energy output to the calorific value of the fuel used. AFUE data is available

from the Energy Star website at

Modular systems usually use multiple boilers of the same size and type. However, where boilers with different efficiency ratings are specified the weighted average efficiency should be calculated. The weighted efficiency takes into account the size of the boilers and the expected run time.

Potential Technologies/Strategies The boilers likely to achieve the highest level of efficiency are condensing boilers. Condensing boilers utilize the latent heat in the waste gases’ water vapor which is generated by the combustion process.

To achieve the best possible results care should be taken not to oversize the boiler, since maximum levels of efficiency are achieved at a full load. In a larger building with a centralized plant, a modular system made up of an array of smaller boilers may be appropriate. Smaller boilers can be used so that when the system is under partial load, individual boilers within the array can still operate at full load.

To minimize the cost of a boiler installation, the heat loads should be minimized before sizing the system.

Relationship to Other Measures The heat demand that the boiler is sized to supply is affected by the balance between the heat gains and heat losses. Heat losses should be minimized as the cost of fabric improvements implemented during the initial construction is typically lower than the cost of a larger plant.

Assumptions The base case for the efficiency of the space-heating boiler is 80% and the improved case is 90%.

Compliance Guidance

Design Stage Post-Construction Stage

At the design stage the following must be used to

demonstrate compliance:

Manufacturer’s data sheet for the boiler/s specified; and

System schematics showing the brand and model of boiler/s; and

If multiple boilers with different efficiencies are specified, then the calculation of average weighted efficiency must be provided.

At the post-construction stage the following must be used

to demonstrate compliance:

Updated system schematics; and Photographs of the installed boilers; and Manufacturer’s data sheet for the boiler/s purchased;

or Purchase receipts and delivery notes for the boilers.

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Requirement Summary This measure can be claimed if the boiler used for delivering hot water heating has annual fuel utilization efficiency greater than the base case, as set out in the Key Assumptions for the Base Case in the Design section.

Intention The specification of a highly efficient boiler for water heating reduces the energy required to satisfy the hot water demand for the building.

Approach/Methodologies In order to qualify, the high efficiency boiler must be able to demonstrate efficiency greater than the base case. There are different methodologies for calculating the efficiency of a boiler. Manufacturers might quote the gross efficiency, net efficiency, seasonal efficiency, or the annual fuel utilization efficiency (AFUE), each of which uses a different methodology to calculate the percentage.

EDGE uses AFUE as the measure of efficiency as it provides the most consistent methodology. AFUE is calculated by comparing the thermal energy output to the calorific value of the fuel used. AFUE data is available from the Energy Star website at

Modular systems usually use multiple boilers of the same size and type. However, where boilers with different efficiency ratings are specified the weighted average efficiency should be calculated. The weighted efficiency takes into account the size of the boilers and the expected run time.

Potential Technologies/Strategies The only boilers likely to achieve an efficiency level of at least 90% are condensing boilers. Condensing boilers extract the latent heat from the waste gases’ water vapor that is generated by the combustion process. To minimize the cost of a boiler installation, the hot water demand should be minimized before sizing the system.

Relationship to Other Measures The hot water demand that the boiler is sized to supply is affected by the rate of hot water use. Hot water use should be minimized first by selecting low-flow taps in washbasins and low-flow showerheads.

Assumptions The base case for the efficiency of the hot water boiler is 80% and the improved case is 90%.

Compliance Guidance

Design Stage Post-Construction Stage

At the design stage the following must be used to

demonstrate compliance:

Manufacturer’s data sheet for the boiler/s specified; and

System schematics showing the brand and model of boiler/s; and

If multiple boilers with different efficiencies are specified, then the calculation of average weighted efficiency must be provided.

At the post-construction stage the following must be used

to demonstrate compliance:

Updated system schematics; and Photographs of the installed boilers; and Purchase receipts and delivery notes for the boilers;

or Manufacturer’s data sheet for the boiler/s purchased.

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Requirement Summary This measure can be claimed if the waste heat from electric heat pumps is used for delivering hot water and has an efficiency greater than the base case, as set out in the Key Assumptions for the Base Case in the Design section. The coefficient of performance (COP) is used in this measure to establish the efficiency.

Intention To provide hot water with high efficiency by recovering heat from outgoing stale air and transferring it to domestic hot water. Heat pumps for hot water use electricity to move heat from one place to another instead of generating heat directly. To clarify the concept, heat pumps for hot water take the heat from surrounding air and transfer it to water in an enclosed tank.

Approach/Methodologies The coefficient of performance (COP) is a measure of the heat pump’s efficiency. It is determined by dividing the energy output of the heat pump by the electrical energy needed to run the heat pump, at a specific temperature. The higher the COP, the more efficient the heat pump.

Figure 4: A typical home size air-source heat pump showing the water storage tank and the heat pump

Potential Technologies/Strategies

Type Process

Heat Pump Water Heaters

A low-pressure liquid refrigerant is vaporized in the heat pump's evaporator

and passed into the compressor. As the pressure of the refrigerant increases,

so does its temperature. The heated refrigerant runs through a condenser coil

within the storage tank, transferring heat to the water stored there. As the

refrigerant delivers its heat to the water, it cools and condenses, and then

passes through an expansion valve where the pressure is reduced and the

cycle starts over.

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Type Process

Air-source Heat Pumps

These systems are called "integrated" units because heating of domestic water

has been integrated with a house space-conditioning system. They recover

heat from the air by cooling and transferring heat to domestic hot water.

Water heating can be provided with high efficiency with this method. Water

heating energy can be reduced by 25% to 50%.

Ground-Source Heat Pumps

In some Ground-Source Heat Pumps, a heat exchanger, sometimes called a

"desuperheater", takes heat from the hot refrigerant after it leaves the

compressor. Water from the home’s water heater is pumped through a coil

ahead of the condenser coil, in order that some of the heat that would have

been dissipated at the condenser is used to heat water. Excess heat is always

available in the summer cooling mode, and is also available in the heating

mode during mild weather when the heat pump is above the balance point and

not working to full capacity. Other ground-source heat pumps provide

domestic hot water (DHW) on demand: the whole machine switches to

providing DHW when it is required.

Water heating is easier with ground-source heat pumps because the

compressor is located indoors. They generally have many more hours of

surplus heating capacity than required for space heating, because they have

constant heating capacity.

Similar to air-source heat pumps, ground-source heat pumps can reduce your

water heating consumption by 25% to 50%, as some have a desuperheater

that uses a portion of the heat collected to preheat hot water; and also can

automatically switch over to heat hot water on demand.

Relationship to Other Measures This measure directly reduces the energy consumption for hot water, but it also has an effect in the common amenities portion of the energy chart due to the energy use in pumps.

Assumptions The base case COP assumed for hot water generation is 0.8 (electric resistance) and the improved case COP for heat pump is 3.0.

Compliance Guidance

Design Stage Post-Construction Stage

At the design stage the following must be used to

demonstrate compliance:

Manufacturer’s data sheets for the heat pumps system specified, including the water heater’s COP information; and

For systems including more than one heat pump water heater unit, the design team must provide the average COP calculation; and

Mechanical and electrical layout drawings showing the heat pump system and the location of the water heaters.

At the post-construction stage the following must be used

to demonstrate compliance:

As-built mechanical and electrical drawings with heat pump system schematics; and

Manufacturer’s data sheets for the heat pumps system installed, including the water heater’s COP information; and

Photographs of the installed water heaters; or

Purchase receipts and delivery notes showing the heat

pump’s water heaters have been delivered to the site.

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Requirement Summary This measure can be claimed if the refrigerators and clothes washing machines installed are energy efficient. This can be demonstrated by purchasing refrigerators and clothes washing machines that achieve recognized appliance ratings as described in the Approach/Methodologies section (below).

Intention Minimize the energy consumed by refrigerators and clothes washing machines installed in a home.

Approach/Methodologies EDGE uses the following recognized appliance rating systems, but is not necessarily limited to:

Energy Star rated; or

Minimum ‘A’ rating under the EU Energy Efficiency Labelling Scheme; or

Equivalent level in a comparable rating scheme21 to the ones above

Potential Technologies/Strategies

Appliance Overview Key Features for Efficiency


After heating and

cooling, refrigeration

appliances are the

biggest energy

consumption in a

household, as they

are working


An efficient refrigerator should:

Be small. Consider refrigerators with a capacity of 14 to 20 cubic feet (>4 people).

Have a high efficiency compressor (350kWh/year or less).

A model with the freezer on top (not a bottom-mounted freezer or side-by-side model).

Not have an automatic ice-maker and/or through-the-door ice dispenser.

Have automatic moisture control rather than an “anti-sweat" heater.

Clothes Washing Machines

About 60% of the

energy used by a

washing machine

goes towards water

heating; therefore

models that use less

water also use less


An efficient clothes washing machine should:

Be the right size for the house. Have several wash cycles. Have improved water filtration. Have a dryer with a moisture sensor. Have a model with a high Modified Energy Factor

(MEF) and a low Water Factor (WF).

The manner in which the occupants use the appliances also influences energy performance. It is important to provide users with guidelines outlining the benefits of these appliances, and the best way to achieve maximum efficiency.

21 If other rating schemes are used, evidence describing how the refrigerator or clothes washing machine meets or exceeds the

equivalent requirements under the Energy Star or EU labelling scheme must be submitted.

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Relationship to Other Measures Energy reduction due to appliances is expected by both energy efficient refrigerators and clothes washing machines. Clothes washing machines also show reductions in energy due to hot water as well as lower water consumption.

Assumptions The base case assumes standard refrigerators and clothes washing machines and the improved case is 5% to 10% more efficient.

Compliance Guidance

Design Stage Post-Construction Stage

At the design stage one of the following must be used to

demonstrate compliance:

Summary list of the refrigerators and clothes washing machines to be installed in the building, including quantity, energy use, and proof of certification by Energy Star, EU Energy Efficiency Labeling Scheme, or equivalent; or

Specifications from the manufactured detailing energy use.

At the post-construction stage one of the following must

be used to demonstrate compliance:

Updated summary list of refrigerators and clothes washers installed in the building including quantity, manufacturer, and model; and

Proof of certification by Energy Star, EU Energy Efficiency Labeling Scheme, or equivalent; or

Specifications from the manufactured detailing energy use.

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International Finance Corporation 55


Requirement Summary This measure can be claimed if at least 90% of the light bulbs in all habitable spaces (including living rooms, dining rooms, kitchens, bathrooms, and corridors) are either compact fluorescent (CFL), LED, or T5 type.

Intention The specification of CFL, LED, or T5 lamps reduces the building’s energy use for lighting. Due to the improved energy efficiency, heat gains are lowered, which in turn reduces cooling requirements. As the service life of these types of bulbs is generally higher than that of incandescent bulbs, maintenance costs are also reduced.

Approach/Methodologies EDGE uses no specific measure of efficacy, so the design team only needs to demonstrate that CFL, LED, or T5 lamps have been specified. Both CFL and LED bulbs are available with various performance specifications.

The measure of lighting efficacy used in the industry is lumens per watt, which is the ratio of visible light output to total power output (luminous flux/radiant flux). A lumen is the amount of visible light produced by a bulb. The radiant flux is equal to the power input for the bulb, i.e. a 40W light bulb has a radiant flux (total power output) of 40W.

EDGE does not interfere with lighting quality, lux levels, or lighting layout. This should be handled by the lighting designer using local or international lighting design code requirements. EDGE lighting excludes safety and security lighting design.

Potential Technologies/Strategies Compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs): CFLs are available for most light fittings as a direct replacement for incandescent bulbs. CFLs use a fluorescent tube that has been folded into the shape of the incandescent bulb they have been designed to replace. In comparison to incandescent bulbs, CFLs can last as much as 15 times longer. It should be noted that the service life can be reduced by frequent switching, so CFLs are not always appropriate where lights will be turned on and off frequently. CFLs use only a fraction of the energy of their incandescent alternatives and therefore produce less heat.

As with normal fluorescent lamps, CFLs require ballasts in order to operate. Older lamps use magnetic ballasts, but these have largely been replaced with electronic ballasts that operate at a high frequency. Although the efficacy is not affected, electronic ballasts have reduced warm-up time and flickering, which was a criticism of the earlier lamps.

Light emitting diode (LED): LED technology is evolving quickly and, as with CFLs, there are LED lamps available for most light fittings. While most available LED lamps do not achieve efficacy levels as high as CFLs, the theoretical maximum far exceeds them. The service life of LED lamps can be as much as two to three times the longest life of any available compact fluorescent lamp, and is not affected by frequent on/off cycles.

T5 Lamps: The name of these fluorescent tubes refers to their shape (tubular) and diameter (measured in 1/8s of an inch). T5s have a miniature G5 bi-pin base with 5mm spacing, while T8s and T12s have a G13 bi-pin base with 13mm spacing. Although T8/T12 to T5 conversion kits are available, dedicated T5 luminaires should be specified in new construction projects, as using ballasts designed for T8s and T12s could reduce the service life of T5s.

While the efficacy of T5s is higher than T8s (T5s can achieve efficacy as high as 100 lumens/watt) they can have a slightly shorter service life than T8s.

Although the efficacy of different manufacturers’ bulbs will differ greatly, Table 21 gives an approximate range

of efficacies that can be expected for different bulb technologies.

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Table 21: Typical range of efficacies for different lamp types22

Lamp Type Typical Range of Efficacy


Incandescent – Tungsten Filament 8-12

Incandescent – Tungsten Halogen 12-24

Compact Fluorescent 50-85

Tubular Fluorescent 65–100

Low Pressure Sodium 100–190

High Pressure Sodium 65–140

High Pressure Metal Halide 70–100

Relationship to Other Measures Using more efficient bulbs reduces the heat gain from lighting, thereby reducing cooling loads.

Assumptions The default assumption is that tungsten filament lamps are specified throughout, and the default lighting density required is based on the typical efficacy of tungsten (14 lumens/watt). The improved case assumes that the bulbs achieve an average lumen/watt ratio of 64.

Compliance Guidance

Design Stage Post-Construction Stage

At the design stage one of the following must be used to

demonstrate compliance:

Lighting schedule listing type and number of bulbs specified; and

Electrical layout drawings showing the location and type of all installed bulbs.

At the post-construction stage one of the following must

be used to demonstrate compliance:

Photographs of the lighting installation. It is not necessary to take photos of every single installed lamp, but the auditor must be convinced that a reasonable proportion has been checked and verified; and

As-built electrical drawings with the lighting layout; or

Purchase receipts and delivery notes for lamps.

22 Source: Energy efficiency in lighting – an overview, GIR092, Action Energy, 2003

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Requirement Summary This measure can be claimed if the type of light bulbs in all common area and outdoor spaces is compact fluorescent (CFL), LED, or T5.

Intention The specification of CFL, LED, or T5 lamps reduces the building’s energy use for lighting. As the service life of these types of bulbs is generally higher than that of incandescent bulbs, maintenance costs are also reduced.

Approach/Methodologies EDGE uses no specific measure of efficacy, so the design team only needs to demonstrate that CFL, LED, or T5 lamps have been specified. Both CFL and LED bulbs are available with various performance specifications. The key indicators are the color rendering index (CRI), color temperature (in Kelvin), service life, and efficacy (lumens/watt). The CRI is a good indication of the quality of the light produced, as the higher the CRI the better the colors will be rendered. As color temperature is more subjective, the appropriate level will depend on the application.

EDGE does not interfere with lighting quality, lux levels, or lighting layout. This should be handled by the lighting designer using local or international lighting design code requirements. EDGE lighting excludes safety and security lighting design.

Potential Technologies/Strategies Compact Fluorescent Lamps: Compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) are available for most light fittings,

as a direct replacement for incandescent bulbs. CFLs use a fluorescent tube that has been folded into the shape of the incandescent bulb they have been designed to replace. In comparison to incandescent bulbs, CFLs last as much as 15 times longer. It should be noted that the service life can be reduced by frequent switching, so CFLs are not always appropriate where lights will be turned on and off often, such as external security lights linked to movement detectors.

As with normal fluorescent lamps, CFLs require ballasts in order to operate. Older lamps use magnetic ballasts, but these have largely been replaced with electronic ballasts that operate at a high frequency. Although the efficacy is not affected, electronic ballasts have reduced warm-up time and flickering, which was a criticism of the earlier lamps.

Light Emitting Diodes: Light emitting diode technology is evolving quickly and, as with CFLs, there are LED lamps available for most light fittings. While most available LED lamps do not yet achieve efficacy levels as high as CFLs, the theoretical maximum far exceeds them. The service life of LED lamps can be as much as two to three times the longest life of any available compact fluorescent lamp, and is not affected by frequent on/off cycles.

T5 Lamps: The name of these bulbs refers to their shape (tubular) and diameter (measured in 1/8s of an inch). T5s have a miniature G5 bi-pin base with 5mm spacing, while T8s and T12s have a G13 bi-pin base with 13mm spacing. Although T8/T12 to T5 conversion kits are available, dedicated T5 luminaires should be specified in new construction projects, as using ballasts designed for T8s and T12s could reduce the service life of T5s.

Although the efficacy of T5s is higher than T8s (T5s can achieve efficacy as high as 100 lumens/watt), they can have a slightly shorter service life than T8s.

While the efficacy of different manufacturers’ bulbs will differ greatly Table 22 gives an approximate range of efficacies that can be expected for different bulb technologies.

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Table 22: Typical range of efficacies for different lamp types23.

Lamp Type

Typical Range of Efficacy


Incandescent – Tungsten Filament 8-12

Incandescent – Tungsten Halogen 12-24

Compact Fluorescent 50-85

Tubular Fluorescent 65–100

Low Pressure Sodium 100–190

High Pressure Sodium 65–140

High Pressure Metal Halide 70–100

Relationship to Other Measures The contribution that the measure makes to the overall performance is not affected by any other measure.

Assumptions By default, EDGE assumes a standard mix of lamp types used in outdoor and common areas. The lighting load (in Watts/m²) for each area is as follows:

Table 23: Assumed lighting loads for the base case and improved case.

Common Areas & External Lighting [LPD W/m²]

Base Case Improved Case

External 1.2 0.8

Corridors & Common Areas 5.4 2.0

Recreation Facilities 12.0 8.0

Covered Car Parking 3.2 2.0

Compliance Guidance

Design Stage Post-Construction Stage

At the design stage the following must be used to demonstrate compliance:

Lighting schedule listing type and number of bulbs specified; and

Electrical layout drawings showing the location of all installed bulbs.

At the post-construction stage the following must be used to demonstrate compliance:

Photographs of the lighting installation. It is not necessary to take photos of every installed lamp, but the auditor must be convinced that a reasonable proportion has been checked and verified; and

As-built electrical drawings with the lighting layout; or Purchase receipts and delivery notes for lamps.

23 Source: Energy efficiency in lighting – an overview, GIR092, Action Energy, 2003

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Requirement Summary All lighting in shared corridors, common areas, staircases, and outdoor areas must be controlled by photoelectric switching or dimming, occupancy sensors, or timer controls.

Intention By installing automatic controls in public, shared, and outdoor spaces, the possibility of lights being left on when not required is reduced and less energy is consumed.

Approach/Methodologies There are no calculations involved in the assessment of this measure. In order to claim that it has been achieved, all lighting in corridors, common areas, staircases, and outdoor areas must have automated controls. Relevant types of controls include photoelectric switching or dimming, occupancy sensors, or timer controls.

Potential Technologies/Strategies Timer Controls: There are two types of timer controls: time delay switches and actual timer controls.

A time delay switch is most appropriate in spaces where lighting is only used for short periods of time, such as bathrooms in common areas or corridors (other than the main thoroughfare). Time delay switches are manually switched on and then automatically switch off after a set time, which can be adjusted. Time delay or time lag switches can either be mechanical (pneumatic time delay) where the lighting requirement is less than 30 minutes, or they can be electronic, which can be programmed to provide a longer delay.

Time controls should always be fitted with a manual override so that out of hours use is still possible if required. Time controls can either be used to switch lights off when the lighting is unlikely to be required (such as security lighting during daylight hours), or to switch lights on at a set time.

Occupancy or Presence Detectors: Occupancy or presence detectors can be used to switch lights on when movement or presence is detected and switch them off again when no movement or presence is detected. The most commonly used occupancy detectors are passive infrared sensors (PIR), which send out infrared beams to detect temperature differences. As PIRs rely on differences in temperature, they do not always work well in very hot climates, as the background temperature is similar to human body temperature. Other technologies include high frequency ultrasound, which responds to any movement, or microphonics, which can learn to ignore background noise such as air conditioners and do not rely on line of sight. As each type of presence-detecting technology has different limitations, many controls use a combination of the three technologies.

Light Sensors: Light sensors can be used to switch lights on or off, or in conjunction with dimmers to compensate for reduced daylight levels in order to maintain a configurable level of light.

Relationship to Other Measures Lighting controls can reduce the amount of energy used by lighting, therefore the more efficient the light bulbs are the less impact the automated controls will have. As the controls help to reduce unnecessary use of lighting, cooling loads are reduced.

Assumptions The base case assumption is that manual controls will be used for the control of all lighting in corridors and outdoor spaces. The improved case assumes that these spaces will have automated controls to reduce lighting usage by 30%.

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Compliance Guidance

Design Stage Post-Construction Stage

At the design stage one of the following must be used to demonstrate compliance:

Electrical layout drawings showing the location of the occupancy sensors highlighting the sensors location; and

Specification of the sensors/controls from manufacturer.

At the post-construction stage one of the following must be used to demonstrate compliance:

Photographs of lighting controls. It is not necessary to take photos of every single sensor, but the auditor must be convinced that a reasonable proportion has been checked and verified; and

As-built electrical layout drawings showing type and location of sensors/controls; or

Purchase receipts and delivery notes for sensors/controls.

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Requirement Summary This measure can be claimed where solar thermal water heating is specified.

Intention The installation of solar water heating will reduce the grid electricity (fossil fuels) used by the building for water heating.

Approach/Methodologies In order to recognize the energy reductions from installing solar collectors, a user must enter the proportion of hot water demand that they will deliver. EDGE uses this percentage to offset the amount of energy needed, displaying an approximate minimum area of collectors required to deliver the proportion of hot water demand. This will help auditors to check the size of the solar system against the EDGE estimate.

The amount of hot water delivered by the solar collectors is dependent on the amount of solar energy available, any overshadowing, the orientation and angle of the solar collectors, and the type of solar collectors. The size of the storage tank also impacts the amount of hot water delivered, as too small of a tank will reduce the quantity that can be stored. This should be considered by the design team.

Solar collector sizing calculators are available from manufacturers of solar collectors. Alternatively, energy modelling software can be used.

Potential Technologies/Strategies There are two types of solar thermal collectors: flat plate and evacuated tube. The area of the collector required to deliver the stated proportion of hot water demand assumes that flat plate collectors are used, and also assumes that the collectors are installed at an optimum angle.

Solar collectors should ideally be installed at an angle which is approximately equal to the building location’s latitude. The collectors should be angled towards the equator (towards the south in the northern hemisphere, and towards the north in the southern hemisphere). If this is not possible then facing the panels towards the southeast, southwest, or even west is also acceptable, but panels should not be installed to face north in the northern hemisphere, and towards the south or east in the southern hemisphere. Solar collectors can also be installed horizontally, although the efficiency is adversely affected.

Flat Plate Collectors: As their name suggests, flat plate collectors are flat and typically black. They are the most commonly used collectors and are the cheapest option. Flat plate collectors consist of a transparent cover which protects the absorber plate and reduces heat loss; an absorber plate, which is usually black chrome; tubes containing a fluid to take heat from the absorber plate; and an insulated backing.

Evacuated Tube Collectors: Evacuated tubes consist of a row of glass tubes. These glass tubes each contain an absorber plate fused to a heat pipe containing heat transfer fluid.

Relationship to Other Measures This measure is inextricably linked to hot water consumption, which EDGE estimates based on the number and income level of the occupants, the efficiency of the hot water boiler, and the flow rates of the showers and hand basin faucets. The required area of solar thermal collectors can therefore be reduced significantly by specifying low-water-use showers and faucets.

Assumptions The base case assumes that no solar thermal collectors are installed. The improved case reflects 50% of total hot water demand being met by the solar thermal installation, but the percentage can be adjusted by the user.

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Compliance Guidance

In order to demonstrate compliance the design team must briefly describe the system including the type of solar collector; the capacity of the storage tank and its location; and the size, orientation, and installed angle of the panels.

EDGE will display the approximate area of panels required to deliver the proportion of hot water claimed by the design team. The required area is calculated using local climate data and assumes an optimum angle for the solar panel installation. The calculations assume use of flat plate collectors, therefore if the design team is using evacuated tube collectors the area can be reduced.

Design Stage Post-Construction Stage

At the design stage the following must be used to demonstrate compliance:

Roof plan and drawings showing location, orientation, angle of the panels and the total area of solar panels, which should match or exceed the area estimated by EDGE; and

Manufacturer’s data sheet for the panels specified; or Domestic hot water system schematic including solar


At the post-construction stage the following must be used to demonstrate compliance:

As-built plumbing schematics; and As-built roof plan showing the location, orientation,

and angle of the panels; and Photographs of the installed panels; or Purchase receipts and delivery notes for the solar


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Requirement Summary This measure can be claimed if solar photovoltaic panels are installed on the building. Because the specific proportion of electricity is replaced by renewable energy, the PV panels are considered an energy efficiency measure.

Intention Installing solar photovoltaic panels reduces the amount of electricity required from the grid.

Approach/Methodologies In order to claim this measure, the design team needs to indicate the proportion of electricity demand that they would like to offset with the PV installation. EDGE will indicate the peak power output kWp required to deliver that percentage. The design team must be able to demonstrate that the installation is capable of delivering that kWp. The solar panels’ expected output is measured in kilowatt peak (kWp) and is the theoretical peak output of the panels under test conditions (Wp). The Wp can be obtained directly from the manufacturer.

In some cases the PV panels are centralized for a combination of buildings / dwellings within the development. In these cases, the central PV location/plant should be located within the site boundary of the project, or managed by a company within the control of the site owner. This is to ensure continued and sustainable management and access to the plant for future maintenance.

However, when PV panels are located off-site, then a contract with the management company in charge of the PV system must be provided as part of the documentation at post-construction stage.

Potential Technologies/Strategies There are many different types of solar photovoltaic systems available and different technologies convert solar energy into electricity with varying levels of efficiency. Efficiency levels of up to around 20% can be achieved by some commercially available systems, but others are only capable of delivering as little as 5% efficiency. Design teams should therefore ensure that the specified system achieves the maximum efficiency possible for the available capital.

Relationship to Other Measures In order to maximize the percentage contribution from the solar photovoltaic installation, the electricity demand

should first be minimized by reducing energy consumption (e.g. by using natural instead of mechanical ventilation or by using automatic lighting controls).

Assumptions The base case assumes that no photovoltaics are specified. The improved case reflects 25% of total energy demand being met by the solar panels, but the percentage can be adjusted by the user.

Compliance Guidance In order to demonstrate compliance, the design team must briefly describe the system, including information on the type of solar photovoltaic system and the location, size, orientation, and installed angle of the panels. EDGE will display the approximate kWp that is required to deliver the proportion of electricity demand claimed by the design team.

Design Stage Post-Construction Stage

At the design stage one of the following must be used to demonstrate compliance:

Supporting calculation showing the proposed solar photovoltaics will deliver sufficient electricity to achieve the claimed proportion of total demand, and at least as much as the area estimated by EDGE. If

not clear justification should be provided; and Manufacturer’s data sheet for the panels specified with

information on Wp per square meter; and The roof plan and/or other drawings showing the

location, orientation, and angle of the panels.

At the post-construction stage one of the following must be used to demonstrate compliance: As-built roof plan showing the location,

orientation, and angle of the panels; and Photographs of the installed panels; or

Purchase receipts and delivery notes for the solar panels; and / or

Contract with the energy management company, if the PV system is centralized or off-site.

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Requirement Summary This measure can be claimed when smart meters are installed in each unit of the building, by subscribing to an online monitoring system or installation of a Home Electricity Management System (HEMS), which requires little additional equipment installation. Note that this measures cannot be claimed when 'prepaid meters' are installed as they are not considered smart meters under EDGE.

Intention Reduce energy demand through increased awareness of energy consumption, in this way the end-users appreciate, understand, and contribute to responsible use of energy in the building. As the Smart meters display measurements and recommendations, they must be able to show readings of the last hour, last day, last 7 days and last 12 months of usage data, and the devices should be accessible within the home. Other objectives of the smart meters and / or HEMS are:

Measure home electricity use and real power;

Analyze measurements;

Relatively low price per home;

The smart meters solution must be workable in offline households with no web dependency.

Approach/Methodologies When smart meters are installed in each unit of the building the end-users receive immediate feedback that can result in 10 to 20% energy savings, as they are able to identify consumption in more detail than with conventional meters.

Potential Technologies/Strategies Smart metering is designed to provide occupants with information on a real time basis about their domestic energy consumption. This may include data on how much gas and electricity they are consuming, the costs, and the impact of their consumption on greenhouse gas emissions.

A detection unit (the transmitter) is affixed to an existing utility meter and tracks energy use. The display unit receives a wireless signal from the transmitter and displays the consumption information in real time and cost for the end user. Many companies also offer online monitoring systems24 which require little to no additional equipment installation.

The benefits of smart metering include controlling demand; improving equipment performance by signaling the need for preventive maintenance or repairs; optimizing operational efficiency with controlled costs; and maximizing property values.

For best results it is recommended to use smart meters for different uses, i.e. lighting, cooling, heating, hot water, and plug loads. This will offer better visibility of energy usage and therefore better management. Some design considerations for an optimal HEMS are as follows:

Include a utility-grade power meter, with network interface to home broadband router, or access to cloud based data analysis, as an option;

Consider an inductive power meter (clamp-on sensor) with wireless Home Area Network (HAN) connection to in-home display (IHD) or web browser; and

Use an interface to utility electricity meter for data acquisition, data storage in logger device, HAN connection to IHD or web browser.

24 For example, or

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Figure 5. Home screen to of smart meter with display options to inform home users

Relationship to Other Measures The contribution that the measure makes is purely related to energy, which is reflected in the common

amenities portion of the energy chart. Although EDGE does not show savings in other areas of energy consumption, this measure increases end user awareness, which in the long term can help to significantly reduce energy consumption from appliances, heating, cooling, and hot water.

Assumptions The base case assumes conventional meters, while the improved case assumes smart meters to be installed in each unit.

Compliance Guidance

Design Stage Post-Construction Stage

At the design stage one or all of the following must be used to demonstrate compliance:

Electric drawings/specifications including make and model of smart meters and the connection with the electric system or equivalent system online; and / or

Manufacturer’s specification of the smart meters.

At the post-construction stage one or all of the following must be used to demonstrate compliance:

Photographs of the installed smart meters; and/or Purchase receipt for the smart meters or subscription

to the equivalent online system.

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Water efficiency is one of the three main resource categories that comprise the EDGE standard. In order to

comply for certification purposes, the design and construction team must review the requirements for selected

measures as indicated and provide the information.

Note: Flow rates used in this User Guide are global baseline assumptions and may differ from rates used in the

software for countries in which EDGE has been calibrated.

Required measures does not mean the improved Case flow rates should be met, rather the actual flow rate of

water fixtures should be entered to the software.

The following pages explain each water efficiency measure by relaying the intention, approach, assumptions,

and compliance guidance requirements.

Figure 6. Screenshot of water efficiency measures of homes tool

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Requirement Summary The actual flow rate of showerheads should be entered into the software in all cases, irrespective of the value. Savings can be achieved if all showerheads have a flow rate of less than the base case. The base case assumes a flow rate of 10 liters per minute.

Intention By specifying low-flow showerheads, water use is reduced without adversely affecting the functionality.

Approach/Methodologies The flow rate of a shower can be as low as 6 liters per minute or greater than 20 liters per minute. As the flow rate of a showerhead is dependent on the water pressure, manufacturers often provide a chart which plots the flow rate at different pressures. In order to improve consistency, the flow rate used for the EDGE assessment must be that quoted for the operating pressure of 3 bar (43.5 psi).

This measure can be claimed as long as the actual flow rate is entered and is lower than the Key Assumptions for the Base Case in the Design section. A flow rate of less than the default value contributes to even greater water savings.

Potential Technologies/Strategies There are many different showerheads available that meet the flow rate required. In order to maintain user satisfaction at the lower flow rates, some manufacturers mix water with air to cause turbulence in the flow; this in turn gives an increased sense of pressure without increasing the flow rate.

Relationship to Other Measures Higher flow rate showers use a significant quantity of hot water. Reducing the flow rate of the shower reduces the energy required to produce hot water.

Assumptions The base case assumption is a flow rate of 10 liters per minute and the improved case is a flow rate of 8 liters per minute.

Compliance Guidance

Design Stage Post-Construction Stage

At the design stage the following must be used to demonstrate compliance:

Plumbing drawings/specifications including make, model, and flow rate of the showerhead(s); and

Manufacturer’s data sheet for the showerhead(s) confirming the flow rate at 3 bar.

At the post-construction stage the following must be used to demonstrate compliance:

On site test results by the auditor of the flow rate at the highest flow per minute, using a timer and a measurement container; and

Photographs of the installed showerhead(s); or Purchase receipts and delivery note for the


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Requirement Summary The actual flow rate of kitchen sinks faucets should be entered into the software in all cases, irrespective of the value. Savings can be achieved if the flow rate of the faucets specified for the kitchen sinks is less than the base case.

Intention By specifying low-flow faucets for kitchen sinks, water use is reduced without adversely affecting the functionality.

Approach/Methodologies As the flow rate of a faucet is dependent on the water pressure, manufacturers often provide a chart that plots the flow rate at different pressures. In order to improve consistency, the flow rate used for the EDGE assessment must be that quoted for the operating pressure of 3 bar (43.5 psi).

Potential Technologies/Strategies There are many different faucets available that meet the flow rate required. In order to maintain user satisfaction at the lower flow rates, some manufacturers mix water with air to cause turbulence in the flow; this in turn gives an increased sense of pressure without increasing the flow rate.

Flow restrictors or aerators can be used to reduce the flow rate of the faucets specified, which may be a cheaper alternative to purchasing a low-flow faucet.

Relationship to Other Measures Higher flow rate kitchen faucets use a significant quantity of hot water. Reducing the flow rate of the kitchen faucets reduces the energy required to produce hot water.

Assumptions The base case assumption is a flow rate of 10 liters per minute and the improved case is a flow rate of 10 liters per minute.

Compliance Guidance

Design Stage Post-Construction Stage

At the design stage one of the following must be used to demonstrate compliance:

Plumbing drawings/specifications including make, model, and flow rate of kitchen faucet(s) or flow restrictor(s); and

Manufacturer’s data sheet for faucet(s)/flow restrictor(s) confirming the flow rate at 3 bar.

At the post-construction stage one of the following must be used to demonstrate compliance:

On site test results by the auditor of the flow rate at the highest flow per minute, using a timer and a measurement container; and

Photographs of the installed faucet(s) or flow restrictor(s); or

Purchase receipts and delivery note for faucet(s) or flow restrictor(s).

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Requirement Summary The actual flow rate of washbasins faucets should be entered into the software in all cases, irrespective of the value. Savings are achieved if the flow rate of the faucets specified for the washbasins is less than the base case of 8 liters per minute.

Intention By specifying low-flow faucets for washbasins, water use is reduced without adversely affecting the functionality.

Approach/Methodologies As the flow rate of a faucet is dependent on the water pressure, manufacturers often provide a chart that plots the flow rate at different pressures. In order to improve consistency, the flow rate used for the EDGE assessment must be that quoted for the operating pressure of 3 bar (43.5 psi).

If the measure is claimed, then the assumed flow rate is 6 liters per minute. If the flow rate is greater than 6 liters per minute but lower than the base case of 8 liters per minute, the measure can still be claimed as long as the actual flow rate is entered. A flow rate of less than 6 liters per minute contributes to even greater water savings.

Potential Technologies/Strategies There are many different faucets available that meet the flow rate required. In order to maintain user satisfaction at the lower flow rates, some manufacturers mix water with air to cause turbulence in the flow; this in turn gives an increased sense of pressure without increasing the flow rate. Spray faucets are another alternative that can be considered for washbasins.

Flow restrictors or aerators can be used to reduce the flow rate of the faucets specified, which may be a cheaper alternative to purchasing a low-flow faucet.

Relationship to Other Measures Reducing the flow rate of the washbasin faucets reduces the hot water demand and the energy required to produce hot water.

Assumptions The base case assumption is a flow rate of 8 liters per minute and the improved case is a flow rate of 6 liters per minute.

Compliance Guidance

Design Stage Post-Construction Stage

At the design stage the following must be used to

demonstrate compliance:

Plumbing drawings/specifications including make, model, and flow rate of the washbasin faucet(s) or flow restrictor(s); and

Manufacturer’s data sheet for faucet(s)/flow restrictor(s) confirming the flow rate at 3 bar.

At the post-construction stage the following must be used to

demonstrate compliance:

On site test results by the auditor of the flow rate at the highest flow per minute, using a timer and a measurement container; and

Photographs of the installed faucet(s) or flow restrictor(s); or

Purchase receipts and delivery note for faucet(s) or flow restrictor(s).

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Requirement Summary The actual flush rate of water closets should be entered into the software in all cases, irrespective of the value. This measure can be selected when water closets have dual flush systems.

Intention Fitting dual flush water closets helps to reduce the water used for flushing by providing a reduced flush option when a full flush is not required.

Approach/Methodologies The measure can be claimed if the main flush is less than the base case of 9 liters and/or if the second flush is less than the base case of 6 liters as long as the default flush volumes for the improved case are replaced with the actual values provided by the manufacturer. If the flush volume is lower than 6 liters for the first flush and/or 3 liters for the second flush then the default value should be replaced with the actual values in order to recognize the even greater performance.

Potential Technologies/Strategies In some cases dual-flush water closets can increase the volume of water used if the use is not clear. For this reason the design team should be careful to select dual-flush water closets with clear intuitive controls. The Environmental Protection Agency in the US has set up a label25 which has tests for water efficiency and

performance. The EPA website is a useful reference to identify dual flush toilets which have equivalent performance to toilets with higher flush volumes.

Relationship to Other Measures The contribution that the measure makes to the overall performance is not affected by any other measure. However, when this measure is selected the energy consumption is impacted due to water pumps (this portion of the energy consumption is included within “Others”).

Assumptions The base case assumption is a flush volume of 8 liters. The improved case assumes a flush volume of 6 liters for the main flush and 3 liters for the reduced flush.

Compliance Guidance


Design Stage Post-Construction Stage

At the design stage the following must be used to

demonstrate compliance:

Plumbing drawings/specifications including make, model, and flush volumes of water closet(s); and

Manufacturer’s data sheet for water closet(s) with information on the flush volume of the main and reduced flushes.

At the post-construction stage the following must be

used to demonstrate compliance:

Photographs of installed water closet(s); or Purchase receipts and delivery note for water


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Requirement Summary The actual flush rate of water closets should be entered into the software in all cases, irrespective of the value. Savings will be claimed when water closets have a flush volume which is lower than the base case.

Intention Fitting low-flush water closets reduces the water used for flushing.

Approach/Methodologies The measure can be claimed if the flush volume is lower than the base case of 9 liters, as long as the default flush volumes for the improved case are replaced with the actual values provided by the manufacturer. If the flush volume is lower than 6 liters then the default value should be replaced with the actual values in order to recognize the even greater performance.

Potential Technologies/Strategies In some cases low-flush water closets can result in an increased risk of blockages caused by the reduced volume of water. The Environmental Protection Agency in the US has set up a label which has tests for water efficiency and performance26. The EPA website is a useful reference to identify low flush toilets which have

equivalent performance to toilets with higher flush volumes.

Relationship to Other Measures The contribution that the measure makes to the overall performance is not affected by any other measure. However, when this measure is selected the energy consumption is impacted due to water pumps (this portion of the energy consumption is included within “Others”).

Assumptions The base case flush volume is 8 liters unless country specific changes has been made. The improved case assumes a flush volume of 6 liters.

Compliance Guidance

Design Stage Post-Construction Stage

At the design stage the following must be used to

demonstrate compliance:

Plumbing drawings/specifications including make, model, and flush volume of water closet(s); and

Manufacturer’s data sheet for water closet(s) with information on the flush volume.

At the post-construction stage the following must be

used to demonstrate compliance:

Photographs of installed water closet(s); or Purchase receipts and delivery note for water



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Requirement Summary This measure can be claimed if the rainwater collection system provides the water supply for use within the building (for example; for toilet flushing).

Intention Rain water in a climatic zone with excessive rainfall can reduce the use of fresh water from the municipal supply.

Approach/Methodologies This measure can only be claimed if the rainwater collected is used in the building. A rainwater collection used for landscaping will not satisfy the requirements of the measure. In order to qualify the collected rainwater has to be used for indoor uses (such as flushing toilets or showers). EDGE automatically calculates the approximate maximum quantity of water that can be collected by a rainwater harvesting system using rainfall data from the project location and the size of the roof area as provided on the design sheet.

Detailed guidance for sizing a rainwater collection system is available online and would normally be carried out by the supplier of the system. However the following can be used as a rough guide:

𝑹𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒘𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒗𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 = (𝑪𝒂𝒕𝒄𝒉𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝑨𝒓𝒆𝒂 ∗ 𝑹𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒇𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝑽𝒐𝒍𝒖𝒎𝒆 ∗ 𝑹𝒖𝒏 𝒐𝒇𝒇 𝑪𝒐𝒆𝒇𝒇𝒊𝒄𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒕)

Where: Area of catchment = area of rooftop (m²)

Rainfall Volume = average annual rainfall (mm), also called “amount potential”

Run-off Coefficient = varies depending on the roof type, some examples as follows:

Run-off Coefficient: Metal roof - 0.95, Concrete/asphalt roof - 0.90, Gravel roof - 0.80

Potential Technologies/Strategies The main consideration when designing a rainwater harvesting system is adequate sizing of the storage tank. The supplier of the system should be able to advise on appropriate sizing, but the two key factors to consider when sizing the tank are the rate of supply (local rainfall data and collection area) and the demand (water use per day).

When harvesting rain water, a dual piping system should be used to separate rain water from mains potable water, and to distribute the collected water for internal uses within the building (such as flushing toilets, washing machine or showers).

Water collection installations must be in accordance with local or international health and sanitary code requirements (whichever are more stringent).

Relationship to Other Measures Claiming this measure reduces the water demand for all uses considered by EDGE.

Assumptions The base case assumption is that no rainwater is harvested. The improved case assumes that the rainwater harvesting system is adequately sized and that the rainwater collected is used internally for such purposes as flushing toilets and showers. When this measure is claimed, dual piping will be required to avoid cross-contamination of water.

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Compliance Guidance

Design Stage Post-Construction Stage

At the design stage the following must be used to

demonstrate compliance:

A system schematic showing the collection area, feed pipes, and storage tank; and

Sizing calculations and manufacturer’s data sheet for the rainwater harvesting system.

At the post-construction stage the following must be used

to demonstrate compliance:

Photographs of the installed rainwater harvesting system; or

Purchase receipt and delivery note for the rainwater harvesting system.

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Requirement Summary This measure can be claimed if there is a grey water recycling system that reuses waste water from kitchens and bathrooms for the purpose of flushing toilets within the building.

Intention By recycling the grey water the use of fresh water from the municipal supply can be reduced.

Approach/Methodologies If this measure is claimed EDGE automatically calculates the potential supply and reduces the water demand for flushing toilets by that amount. EDGE assumes that all wastewater from kitchens and bathrooms is collected and stored in sufficient quantities to meet the demand for flushing toilets. If the quantity of wastewater is insufficient, then EDGE simply deducts the wastewater available from the total demand.

When recycling the water, a dual piping system should be used to separate the recycled water from the main.

Treated water must be in accordance with local or international health and sanitary code requirements (whichever is more stringent).

In some cases the grey water treatment plant could be centralized for a combination of buildings / dwellings within the development. In these cases, the central plant should fall within the site boundary of the project, or managed by a company within the control of the site owner. This is to ensure continuity of sustainable management and future access to the system for maintenance.

However, when the grey water treatment plant is located off-site, then a contract with the management

company in charge of the water treatment must be provided as part of the documentation at post-construction stage.

A water balance model could be produced by the design team to understand the potential for water recycling.

Potential Technologies/Strategies Some jurisdictions may not permit the use of grey water in buildings for flushing; in such cases this measure cannot be claimed.

Relationship to Other Measures The quantity of wastewater available depends on the efficiency of water fittings; therefore more efficient buildings may have insufficient water available to completely offset the demand for flushing.

Assumptions The base case assumes that there is no grey water harvesting. The improved case assumes that all grey water is re-used in the building for flushing water closets.

Compliance Guidance

Design Stage Post-Construction Stage

At the design stage the following must be used to demonstrate compliance:

A system schematic showing the plumbing layout including the dual plumbing lines; and

Manufacturer’s data sheet of the specified grey water treatment plant; and

Calculations including the following: o Designed capacity of the grey water treatment system in


o Quantity of grey water available daily to recycle in liters/day.

o Efficiency of the grey water system to produce treated water in


o Water balance chart.

At the post-construction stage the following must be used to demonstrate compliance:

Date stamped photographs of the installed system; and

Updated calculations or specifications if necessary; or

Purchase receipt and delivery note for the water treatment and storage system; or/and

Contract with the management company, if the system is centralized or off-site.

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Requirement Summary This measure can be claimed if there is a black water recycling system that reuses wastewater from all internal uses.

Intention To reduce the use of water from the municipal supply and reduction of load on the local water and sewage infrastructure, a black water recycling system should be used.

Approach/Methodologies If this measure is claimed EDGE automatically calculates the potential supply and reduces the water demand for flushing toilets by that amount. EDGE assumes that most of the wastewater from the building is collected, treated, and stored in sufficient quantities to meet the demand for future flushing.

A water balance model could be produced by the design team to understand the potential for water recycling.

In some cases the water treatment plant could be centralized for a combination of buildings / dwellings within the development. In these cases, the central plant must be included within the site boundary of the project, or managed by a company within the control of the site owner. This is to ensure continuity in sustainable management of and future access to the system for maintenance.

However, when the water treatment plant is located off-site, then a contract with the management company in charge of the water treatment must be provided as part of the documentation at post-construction stage.

Treated water must be in accordance with local or international health and sanitary code requirements (whichever more stringent).

Potential Technologies/Strategies Some jurisdictions may not permit the use of black water in buildings for future flushing; in such cases this measure cannot be claimed.

When recycling the water, a dual piping system should be used to separate the recycled water from the main.

Relationship to Other Measures The contribution that the measure makes to the overall performance is not affected by any other measure.

Assumptions The base case assumes that there is no black water harvesting. The improved case assumes that all black water is re-used in the building for flushing water closets, and none is diverted for landscaping.

Compliance Guidance

Design Stage Post-Construction Stage

At the design stage the following must be used to demonstrate compliance:

A system schematic showing the plumbing layout including the dual plumbing lines; and

Manufacturer’s data sheet of the specified black water treatment plant; or

Calculations including the following: o Designed capacity of the black water treatment system in


o Quantity of black water available daily to recycle in liters/day.

o Efficiency of the black water system to produce treated water in


o Water balance chart.

At the post-construction stage the following must be used to demonstrate compliance:

Photographs of the installed system; and

Updated calculations or specifications if necessary; or

Purchase receipt and delivery note for the water treatment and storage

system; or and Contract with the management

company if the system is centralized or off-site.

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Materials efficiency is one of the three main resource categories that comprise the EDGE standard. In order to

comply for certification purposes, the design and construction team must review the requirements for selected

measures as indicated and provide the information.

The following pages explain each materials efficiency measure by relaying the intention, approach, assumptions,

and compliance guidance requirements.

The Materials section includes Efficiency Measures for the following building elements: floor slabs, roof

construction, external walls, internal walls, flooring, window frames, roof insulation and wall insulation.

Structural elements are not included within this section because the structure should be designed, per safety

and other engineering considerations, and will not be altered. Structural engineers might consider lower

embodied energy structures, however EDGE excludes structure from all embodied energy calculations. The main

aim is to avoid any potential impact on the integrity of structural design considerations.

In addition to the Efficiency Measures, the thickness of some elements in this section can be input. However,

changing these thicknesses do not influence the building size or internal floor areas. For example, if the floor

slab is changed from 200mm to 500mm, the default volume and height of the room will be maintained in the

calculations, for other aspects such as energy.

All materials measures marked with * on measure name such as HMM01* should be selected as per actual

building conditions.

Figure 7. Screenshot of materials efficiency measures of homes tool

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Intention To select a floor slab specification with a lower embodied energy than the typical specification. The actual floor slab specification should be entered to the software in all cases.

Approach/Methodologies The design team should select the specification that most closely resembles the floor slab specified, and enter

the thickness, which is a requirement of EDGE. Where there are multiple specifications the predominant specification should be selected.

The specification for the floor slab should be that of the intermediary floor and not the ground floor, as the ground floor slab is often dictated by the ground conditions.

Potential Technologies/Strategies The following is a list of the specifications included in EDGE. The user should always try to select the specification that most resembles that of the building design.

In-Situ Reinforced

Concrete Slab:

One of the most popular and conventional floor slab construction types, this floor

slab uses Portland cement, sand, aggregate, water, and reinforcing steel.

In-Situ Concrete with

>25% GGBS:

Ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) is obtained by quenching molten

iron slag (a by-product of iron and steel making) from the blast furnace in water

or steam, producing a glassy, granular product which is then dried and ground

into a fine powder. EDGE estimates the embodied energy based on a 200mm


The roof construction technology for GGBS is the same as for the in-situ

reinforced concrete slab but the Portland cement is directly replaced by industrial

waste (GGBFS) on a one-to-one basis by weight. Replacement levels of GGBS

vary from 30% to up to 85% as applicable. In most instances typically 40% to

50% of GGBS is used.

Since the manufacture of Portland cement is energy intensive, replacing it with

GGBS helps to reduce high-embodied energy content. Using GGBS also helps to

reduce air and water pollution, leading to a more sustainable roof construction


In-Situ Concrete with

>30% PFA:

Pulverized fuel ash (PFA), also known as fly ash, is a waste product of coal fired

at power stations. Using PFA as a cement replacement significantly reduces the

overall carbon footprint of the concrete construction and helps to reduce risk of

air and water pollution. In the promotion of environmental sustainability, PFA

usage is one of the most highly recommended construction practices.

Concrete Filler Slab:

Filler slab construction is technology based on the principal of using filler

materials such as brick, clay tiles, and cellular concrete blocks instead of

concrete. The filler materials are used in the lower tensile region of the slab,

which needs only enough concrete to hold the steel reinforcement together.

Filler slab uses less concrete as well as steel due to the lightweight quality of the

slab. It is also more cost-effective compared to conventional in-situ reinforced

concrete slab.

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Precast RC Planks and

Joist System:

This system uses precast concrete elements to construct intermediate floors and

consists of two elements:

The plank, which represents smaller sections of the slab and is therefore of

reduced thickness and reinforcement, and

The joist, which is a beam spanning across the room to provide a bearing for the

planks. The joist is partially precast, with the remaining portion being cast in-situ

after the planks are installed.

The monolithic action of the slab elements is enhanced by leaving reinforcement

hooks projecting out of the joists and providing nominal reinforcement over the

planks, before the in-situ concrete is poured. The planks are supported over

partially precast RC joists which are set side by side and then joined together by

pouring in-situ concrete over the entire roofing area. Both elements of the floor –

planks and joists – can be manually produced at the site using wooden moulds.

This method of construction saves time.

EDGE estimates the embodied energy based on a 150mm thickness.

Beam and Vault



This system is similar to concrete filler slab technology in that one of the aims is

to reduce the volume of concrete required, which is more cost-effective

compared to conventional in-situ reinforced concrete slab. It is comprised of

precast concrete beams, a polystyrene form which then stays in place, in the

lower tensile region of the slab and in-situ concrete.

This system can be installed with or without insulation. Adding insulation to the

floor slabs when they are exposed to outdoor or unconditioned area helps to

improve thermal performance for heat gain and loss. Using insulation reduces

the heating/cooling energy demand of the building. If Concrete Beam Vault with

Insulation is selected, then the embodied energy due to the insulation is added

to the floor slab in the Materials chart and not to the chart’s insulation section.

In-Situ Reinforced

Concrete Slab:

One of the most popular and conventional floor slab construction types, this floor

slab uses Portland cement, sand, aggregate, water, and reinforcing steel.

In-Situ Concrete with

>25% GGBS:

Ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) is obtained by quenching molten iron

slag (a by-product of iron and steel making) from the blast furnace in water or

steam, producing a glassy, granular product which is then dried and ground into a

fine powder. EDGE estimates the embodied energy based on a 200mm thickness.

The roof construction technology for GGBS is the same as for the in-situ reinforced

concrete slab but the Portland cement is directly replaced by industrial waste

(GGBFS) on a one-to-one basis by weight. Replacement levels of GGBS vary from

30% to up to 85% as applicable. In most instances typically 40% to 50% of GGBS

is used.

Since the manufacture of Portland cement is energy intensive, replacing it with

GGBS helps to reduce high-embodied energy content. Using GGBS also helps to

reduce air and water pollution, leading to a more sustainable roof construction


In-Situ Concrete with

>30% PFA:

Pulverized fuel ash (PFA), also known as fly ash, is a waste product of coal fired at

power stations. Using PFA as a cement replacement significantly reduces the

overall carbon footprint of the concrete construction and helps to reduce risk of air

and water pollution. In the promotion of environmental sustainability, PFA usage is

one of the most highly recommended construction practices.

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International Finance Corporation 79

Concrete Filler Slab:

Filler slab construction is technology based on the principal of using filler materials

such as brick, clay tiles, and cellular concrete blocks instead of concrete. The filler

materials are used in the lower tensile region of the slab, which needs only enough

concrete to hold the steel reinforcement together.

Filler slab uses less concrete as well as steel due to the lightweight quality of the

slab. It is also more cost-effective compared to conventional in-situ reinforced

concrete slab.

Precast RC Planks and

Joist System:

This system uses precast concrete elements to construct intermediate floors and

consists of two elements:

The plank, which represents smaller sections of the slab and is therefore of

reduced thickness and reinforcement, and

The joist, which is a beam spanning across the room to provide a bearing for the

planks. The joist is partially precast, with the remaining portion being cast in-situ

after the planks are installed.

The monolithic action of the slab elements is enhanced by leaving reinforcement

hooks projecting out of the joists and providing nominal reinforcement over the

planks, before the in-situ concrete is poured. The planks are supported over

partially precast RC joists which are set side by side and then joined together by

pouring in-situ concrete over the entire roofing area. Both elements of the floor –

planks and joists – can be manually produced at the site using wooden moulds.

This method of construction saves time.

EDGE estimates the embodied energy based on a 150mm thickness.

Beam and Vault



This system is similar to concrete filler slab technology in that one of the aims is to

reduce the volume of concrete required, which is more cost-effective compared to

conventional in-situ reinforced concrete slab. It is comprised of precast concrete

beams, a polystyrene form which then stays in place, in the lower tensile region of

the slab and in-situ concrete.

This system can be installed with or without insulation. Adding insulation to the

floor slabs when they are exposed to outdoor or unconditioned area helps to

improve thermal performance for heat gain and loss. Using insulation reduces the

heating/cooling energy demand of the building. If Concrete Beam Vault with

Insulation is selected, then the embodied energy due to the insulation is added to

the floor slab in the Materials chart and not to the chart’s insulation section.

Relationship to Other Measures The contribution that the measure makes to the overall performance is not affected by any other measure.

Assumptions The base case assumption is that the floor will be constructed from 200mm in-situ reinforced concrete slab.

Compliance Guidance

Design Stage Post-Construction Stage

At the design stage the following must be used to demonstrate compliance:

Floor sections showing build-up of the floor; or Manufacturer’s data sheet for specified building

material if applicable; or Bill of quantities with the floor slab specification

clearly highlighted.

At the post-construction stage the following must be used to demonstrate compliance:

Date stamped photographs of floor slabs taken during or after construction; and

Purchase receipt for the specified floor slab material; or

Delivery notes.

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International Finance Corporation 80


Intention To select a roof specification with a lower embodied energy than the typical specification. The actual roof slab specification should be entered to the software in all cases.

Approach/Methodologies The design team should select the specification that most closely resembles the roof specified, and enter the

thickness, which is a requirement of EDGE. Where there are multiple specifications the predominant specification should be selected.

Potential Technologies/Strategies The following is a list of the specifications included in EDGE. The user should always try to select the specification that most resembles that of the building design.

In-Situ Reinforced

Concrete Slab:

One of the most popular and conventional of all roof construction types, in-situ

reinforced concrete slab uses Portland cement, sand, aggregate, water, and

reinforcing steel.

In-Situ Concrete with

>25% GGBS:

Ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) is obtained by quenching molten iron

slag (a by-product of iron and steel making) from the blast furnace in water or steam,

producing a glassy, granular product which is then dried and ground into a fine


The roof construction technology for GGBS is the same as for the in-situ reinforced

concrete slab but the Portland cement is directly replaced by industrial waste (GGBS)

on a one-to-one basis by weight. Replacement levels of GGBS vary from 30% to up to

85% as applicable. In most instances typically 40% to 50% of GGBS is used.

Since the manufacture of Portland cement is energy intensive, replacing it with GGBS

helps to reduce high-embodied energy content. Using GGBS also helps to reduce air

and water pollution, leading to a more sustainable floor slab construction practice.

In-Situ Concrete with

>30% PFA:

Pulverized fuel ash (PFA), also known as fly ash, is a waste product of coal fired power

stations. Using PFA as a cement replacement significantly reduces the overall carbon

footprint of the concrete construction and helps to reduce risk of air and water

pollution. In the promotion of environmental sustainability, PFA usage is one of the

most highly recommended construction practices.

Concrete Filler Slab:

Filler slab construction is technology based on the principal of using filler materials

such as brick, clay tiles, and cellular concrete blocks instead of concrete. The filler

materials are used in the lower tensile region of the slab, which needs only enough

concrete to hold the steel reinforcement together.

Precast RC Planks and

Joist System:

This system uses precast concrete elements to construct a roof or intermediate floor

and consists of two elements:

The plank, which represents smaller sections of the slab and is therefore of reduced

thickness and reinforcement, and

The joist, which is a beam spanning across the room to provide a bearing for the

planks. The joist is partially precast, with the remaining portion being cast in-situ after

the planks are installed.

The monolithic action of the slab elements is enhanced by leaving reinforcement

hooks projecting out of the joists and providing nominal reinforcement over the

planks, before the in-situ concrete is poured. The planks are supported over partially

precast RC joists which are set side by side and then joined together by pouring in-

situ concrete over the entire roofing area. Both elements of the roof – planks and

joists – can be manually produced at the site using wooden moulds. This method of

construction saves time.

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International Finance Corporation 81

Clay Roofing Tiles on

Steel or Timber Rafters:

With this type of roof construction, clay tiles are laid on steel or timber rafters. Steel

rafters ensure durability and strength but the embodied energy content of steel is

higher than that of timber rafters, which need maintenance but have less embodied

energy. Timber sourced from a responsible forest management agency or from re-

growth forests ensures the protection and conservation of natural forest communities.

EDGE estimates the embodied energy based on a thickness of 10mm for the clay

roofing tiles and 8mm for the steel or timber rafters.

Micro Concrete Tiles on

Steel Rafters and Timber


Micro Concrete Roofing (MCR) Tiles are a cost-effective, aesthetic, and durable

alternative sloping roof technology. They have less embodied energy content than clay

roof tiles and, as MCR tiles are lighter than other roofing tiles they can be laid on a

lighter weight structure.

Brick Panel Roofing


Brick panel is made of first class bricks reinforced with two mild steel bars of 6mm

diameter with the joints filled with either 1:3 cement sand mortar or M15 concrete.

The panels can be made in any size, but are typically 530mm x 900mm or 530mm x

1200mm, depending on the requirements.

Beam and Vault

with/without Insulation:

This system is similar to concrete filler slab technology in that one of the aims is to

reduce the volume of concrete required, which is more cost-effective compared to

conventional in-situ reinforced concrete slab. It is comprised of precast concrete

beams, a polystyrene form which then stays in place, in the lower tensile region of the

slab and in-situ concrete.

This system can be installed with or without insulation. Adding insulation to the roof

slabs helps to improve thermal performance for heat gain and loss. Using insulation

reduces the heating/cooling energy demand of the building. If “Concrete Beam Vault

with Insulation” is selected, then the embodied energy due to the insulation is added

to the roof slab in the Materials chart and not to the chart’s insulation section.

Ferro Cement Roofing


Ferro cement is a thin layer of reinforced cement, where layers of continuous mesh

are covered on both sides with mortar. Ferro cement elements are durable, versatile,

light and waterproof.

Ferro cement channel (FC) is a longitudinal element of a curved section (often semi-

cylindrical). It is precast using moulds. It uses less cement and steel while having the

same strength as the same RCC. This system is cheaper than RCC, but they are not

good thermal insulators. Although it is easy to acquire the skill and easy to

manufacture, a constant quality control is needed during the manufacturing process.

Corrugated Zinc Sheets:

Zinc is a very dense and corrosion-resistant architectural material. It is non-ferrous,

thus not subject to rusting. Its manufacturing includes crushing the Zinc ore into

particles, which are then concentrated by floatation. Then they are cast on a

continuously rotating cylinder and then rolled through pressure rolls to a specified

thickness. It is often used as vertical cladding or on pitched roofs.

Corrugated Zinc sheets are widely used for roofs as they are easy to install due to

being prefabricated; also they are cheap and very light. The corrugations increase the

bending strength of the sheet in the direction perpendicular to the corrugations, but

not parallel to them.

Relationship to Other Measures The selected roof specification will impact the thermal insulation of the roof surface, so the energy efficiency could be adversely affected or improved by selecting different roof specifications.

Assumptions The base case assumption is that the roof will be constructed from 200mm in-situ reinforced concrete slab.

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International Finance Corporation 82

Compliance Guidance

Design Stage Post-Construction Stage

At the design stage the following must be used to demonstrate compliance:

A section drawing of roof showing the materials and thicknesses; or

Manufacturer’s data sheet for specified building material; or

Bill of quantities with the materials used for roof construction clearly highlighted.

At the post-construction stage the following must be used to demonstrate compliance:

Date stamped photograph of the roof taken during or after construction; and

Purchase receipt for the building materials used for roof construction; or

Delivery note for materials used for roof construction.

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International Finance Corporation 83


Intention To select an external wall specification with a lower embodied energy than the typical specification. The actual external walls should be entered to the software in all cases.

Approach/Methodologies The design team should select the specification that most closely resembles the external walls specified, and enter the thickness, which is a requirement of EDGE. Where there are multiple specifications the predominant specification should be selected.

The external walls of the building are those directly exposed to the outdoor environment.

Potential Technologies/Strategies The following is a list of the specifications included in EDGE. Only the broad wall types are described here; EDGE does not include options on plaster or finishing. The user should always try to select the specification that most resembles that of the building design.

Common Bricks

Common bricks, also known as fired clay bricks, are usually the first choice of builders

as they are easily available and inexpensive. However, because common bricks are

fired at high temperatures, normally achieved by the combustion of fossil fuels, they

have a high embodied energy.

Honeycomb Clay Blocks

Honeycomb clay blocks are made of fired clay and have a honeycombed cross-section. The large size of the blocks enables rapid construction, and the honeycomb structure means that there is less material per square meter of finished wall. The features listed below make honeycomb clay blocks a more eco-friendly building product:

The honeycomb structure leads to improved thermal performance.

Blocks can be customized.

No mortar is needed in the vertical joints due to a tongue and grooved edge, reducing mortar use by up to 40%.

The blocks are strong and have a high impact resistance.

Honeycomb clay blocks have post-consumer value if dismantled carefully.

Medium Weight Hollow

Concrete Blocks

Hollow concrete blocks are lightweight and easier to handle than solid concrete blocks.

The lightness of the blocks helps in reducing the dead load of the masonry on the

structure. The voids also marginally improve the thermal insulation and sound

insulation of the block. The larger size of the blocks (compared to conventional burnt

clay bricks) also reduces the number of mortar joints and the amount of cement


Solid Dense Concrete


Solid dense concrete blocks can be used in virtually any part of a building. They

provide excellent sound insulation and their high strength makes them applicable for

use in structural walls. However, the use of virgin aggregates and sand can lead to

land or marine degradation and resource depletion, and the lack of supplementary

materials in the cement results in increased embodied energy.

Autoclaved Aerated

Concrete Blocks

Aerated concrete is a versatile, lightweight building material. Compared to solid dense

concrete blocks, aerated concrete blocks have a lower density and excellent insulation

properties. They are durable and have good resistance to sulfate attack and damage

by fire and frost. Aerated concrete blocks are excellent thermal insulators.

Based on volume, the manufacture of aerated blocks typically uses 25% less energy

than other concrete blocks. They are lighter in weight which makes them easier to

work with and saves energy in transportation.

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Fly-Ash Stabilized Soil


Soil blocks have some inherent weaknesses that can be corrected using stabilization

materials like fly ash or ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS).

Fly ash usually refers to industrial waste produced during coal combustion.

Compressed Stabilized

Earth Blocks

Stabilized Compressed Earth Block (SCEB) technology offers a cost-effective and

environmentally-friendly alternative to conventional building materials. The blocks are

fire-resistant, provide better thermal insulation, and do not need to be fired, so they

have a lower embodied energy.

Ground Granulated Blast

(GGBS) Stabilized Soil


GGBFS is a by-product of the iron industry. The molten slag is cooled rapidly with

water and is then ground into a fine cementations powder. GGBFS then can be used

as a cement replacement in the blocks.

Rammed Earth


Rammed earth walls are more commonly used in arid areas. They are constructed by

the compacting (ramming) of moistened subsoil into place between temporary

formwork panels. When dried, the result is a dense, hard monolithic wall. As an

alternative, rammed earth bricks are also available. The high moisture mass of

rammed earth helps regulate humidity.

Precast Concrete Panels

Precast concrete is a construction product made by casting concrete in a reusable

molding or "form" which is then cured in a controlled environment, transported to the

construction site, and lifted into place.

Precast cladding or curtain walls are the most common use of precast concrete for

building envelopes. These types of precast concrete panels do not transfer vertical

loads but simply enclose the space. They are only designed to resist wind, seismic

forces generated by their own weight, and forces requiring transferring the weight of

the panel to the support. Common cladding units include wall panels, window wall

units, spandrels, mullions, and column covers. These units can usually be removed

individually if necessary.

In some cases, precast panels are used as formwork for cast-in-place concrete. The

precast panels act as a form, providing the visible aesthetics of the system, while the

cast-in-place portion provides the structural component.

Straw Bale Blocks

Straw bale blocks are a rapidly renewable building material made from the dry stalk

left in the earth after harvest, which is traditionally considered a waste product that is

burned or baled and sold for animal use. It is a natural, non-toxic building material

with low environmental impact and excellent insulation properties. Since it is very

easy to work with it is a good choice for amateur or unskilled self-builders.

Straw bale houses are finished and coated with cement stucco or earth-based plaster,

sealing the straw from the elements and giving long-lasting protection with little

maintenance. In contrast to the timber used for wood framing, straw can be grown in

less than a year in a completely sustainable production system. The conversion of

straw into a sustainable renewable resource to be used as a dominant building

material could be especially beneficial in areas where the climate is severe and timber

is scarce, but straw is plentiful.

Timber Stud with


Timber stud walls are a light weight construction technique which reduces the dead

load of building and increases the pace of construction.

Timber for stud walls should be made from local forest-department-certified wood or a

forest-stewardship-council-certified wood, which helps to avoid the use of virgin wood

for building construction activities.

Phosphogypsum Panels

with Fibre Glass Insulation

Phosphogypsum is a waste product of the fertilizer industry. The use of

phosphogypsum board in buildings is a substitute for natural gypsum.

Ferrocement Wall Panels

Ferrocement is a very simple construction of 2 to 5 layers of chicken wire over a

frame made from reinforcing bar, with cement forced into the gaps and in a layer over

the chicken wire reinforcing. The use of chicken wire makes ferrocement a very

flexible building material that is strongest when curved.

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International Finance Corporation 85

In-Situ Reinforced

Concrete Wall

More commonly used for floor slabs and roofs, in-situ reinforced concrete is also used

to construct external walls. It has a high embodied energy due to the inclusion of

Portland cement and also uses sand, aggregate, water, and reinforcing steel.

Cellular Light Weight

Concrete Blocks

These blocks, which are environmentally friendly, are also called CLC blocks. The

energy consumed in the production is only a fraction compared to the production of

clay bricks. They are made from slurry of cement, fly ash*, and water, which is

further mixed with the addition of pre-formed stable foam in an ordinary concrete

mixer under ambient conditions.

The addition of foam to the concrete mixture creates millions of tiny voids or cells in

the material, hence the name Cellular Concrete.

*Fly ash is a waste material from thermal power plants.

Local Limestone Blocks

Limestone makes up about 10% of the total volume of all sedimentary rocks.

Although limestone is found widely, developers and designers should opt for local

extracted stone to reduce transport implications.

Limestone is readily available and relatively easy to cut into blocks in a quarry. It is

also long-lasting and stands up well to exposure, as it is hard, durable, and commonly

occurs in easily accessible surface exposures. As a stone it has a high thermal inertia.

However, it is a very heavy material, making it impractical for tall buildings, and

relatively expensive as a building material.

FAL-G Block

The Fly Ash-Lime-Gypsum blocks technology primarily uses industrial wastes such as

fly ash (from thermal power plants), lime gypsum (from fertilizer industries), and sand

(optional) to produce alternative walling materials. It reduces the environmental

impacts associated with disposal of these industrial wastes, as well as avoids the

environmental impacts associated with clay brick production, such as denudation of

fertile topsoil. As the process for FAL-G blocks does not require sintering, the amount

of energy (fossil fuels) for production is reduced.

The manufacturing process consists of three main stages:

- Mixing the materials: Fly ash is mixed with lime and gypsum. Chemical accelerator may or may not be added to it.

- Pressing the mix in a machine: the mix is molded under pressure, also air/ sun drying may be undertaken; and

- Curing the blocks for a stipulated period: the green block is water cured.

In the presence of moisture, fly ash reacts with lime at ordinary temperature and

forms a compound possessing cementations properties. After reactions between lime

and fly ash, calcium silicate hydrates are produced which are responsible for the high

strength of the compound.

Generally, FAL-G blocks are grey in color, solid, and have plain rectangular faces with

parallel sides and sharp straight and right-angled edges. They are also used for

development of infrastructure, construction of pavements, dams, tanks, and under

water works.

Steel Profile Cladding

Steel, one of the strongest and most affordable materials, is a ferrous metal, meaning

it contains iron. It has a favorable strength-to-weight ratio as well as provides

elasticity. Other benefits include stiffness and fire and corrosion resistance.

Steel wall cladding profiles create totally new economical solutions in both new

building and renovation and in operating and maintenance. The profiles are versatile

cladding that comes in a very broad range of shapes, finishing, and colors that enable

innovative designs. In addition, they can be installed with insulation for better thermal


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International Finance Corporation 86

Aluminum Profile Cladding Beside steel, aluminum is the most commonly used metal in construction. It is one of

the lightest and easiest metals to manipulate, bend, shape, cast, fasten, and weld,

and is also very ductile, often extruded into shapes for architectural purposes. It can

easily be drilled, tapped, sawed, planed, and filed with hand tools, making it a yielding

material for tradesmen to use.

Aluminum is commonly used as wall cladding or curtain-walls, as its resistance to

corrosion is higher than steel, and also lighter than other metals. However, the

disadvantages are the higher cost and embodied energy, greater thermal expansion,

and lower fire resistance as compared to steel.

Most exterior applications using aluminum alloys are anodized surfaces, which

increases the metal durability, traps dyes and adheres to other finishes. Plastic

coatings, which are applied electrostatically as a powder and then heat cured, are also

used for cladding wall panels. This coating gives a durable protection layer, with a

more uniform appearance.

The finished appearance can range from clear to a wide variety of colors and textures,

depending on the coating applied. In addition, the panels can be installed with

insulation for better thermal performance.

Relationship to Other Measures The selected external wall specification will impact the thermal insulation of the external wall element, so the energy efficiency could be adversely affected or improved by selecting different specifications.

Assumptions The base case assumption is that the external wall will be constructed from 200mm common bricks.

Compliance Guidance

Design Stage Post-Construction Stage

At the design stage the following must be used to demonstrate compliance:

Façade drawings clearly marking the external wall specification selected; and

Drawings of the external wall sections; or Manufacturer’s data sheet for specified building

material; or Bill of quantities with the materials used for the

external wall clearly highlighted.

At the post-construction stage the following must be used to demonstrate compliance:

Date stamped photograph of the wall taken during or after construction; and

Purchase receipt for the building materials used for wall construction; or

Delivery note for materials used for wall construction.

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Intention To select an internal wall specification with a lower embodied energy than the typical specification. The actual internal walls should be entered to the software in all cases.

Approach/Methodologies The design team should select the specification from the drop down list that most closely resembles the internal walls specified, and enter the thickness, which is a requirement of EDGE. Where there are multiple specifications the predominant specification should be selected.

Potential Technologies/Strategies The following is a list of the specifications included in EDGE. Only the broad wall types are described here; EDGE does not include options on plaster or finishing. The user should always try to select the specification that most resembles that of the building design.

Common Bricks

Common bricks, also known as fired clay bricks, are usually the first choice of

builders as they are easily available and inexpensive. However, because

common bricks are fired at high temperatures, normally achieved by the

combustion of fossil fuels, they have a high embodied energy.

Honeycomb Clay Blocks

Honeycomb clay blocks are made of fired clay and have a honeycombed

cross-section. The large size of the blocks enables rapid construction, and the

honeycomb structure means that there is less material per square meter of

finished wall. The features listed below make honeycomb clay blocks a more

eco-friendly building product:

o The honeycomb structure leads to improved thermal performance. o Blocks can be customized. o No mortar is needed in the vertical joints due to a tongue and grooved

edge, reducing mortar use by up to 40%. o The blocks are strong and have a high impact resistance. o Honeycomb clay blocks have post-consumer value if dismantled


Medium Weight Hollow

Concrete Blocks

Hollow concrete blocks are lightweight and easier to handle than solid

concrete blocks. The lightness of the blocks helps in reducing the dead load of

the masonry on the structure. The voids also marginally improve the thermal

insulation and sound insulation of the block. The larger size of the blocks

(compared to conventional burnt clay bricks) also reduces the number of

mortar joints and hence the amount of cement mortar.

Autoclaved Aerated

Concrete Blocks

Aerated concrete is a versatile, lightweight building material. Compared to

solid dense concrete blocks, aerated concrete blocks have a lower density and

excellent insulation properties. They are durable and have good resistance to

sulphate attack and damage by fire and frost. Aerated concrete blocks are

excellent thermal insulators.

Based on volume, the manufacture of aerated blocks typically uses 25% less

energy than other concrete blocks. They are lighter weight which makes them

easier to work with and saves energy in transportation.

Fly-Ash Stabilized Soil


Soil blocks have some inherent weaknesses that can be corrected using

stabilization materials like fly ash or ground granulated blast furnace slag


Fly ash usually refers to industrial waste produced during coal combustion.

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International Finance Corporation 88

Ground Granulated Blast

Furnace Slag (GGBS)

Stabilized Soil Blocks

GGBS is a by-product of the iron industry. The molten slag is cooled rapidly

with water and is then ground into a fine cementations powder. GGBFS then

can be used as a cement replacement in the blocks.

Rammed Earth


Rammed earth walls are more commonly used in arid areas. They are

constructed by the compacting (ramming) of moistened subsoil into place

between temporary formwork panels. When dried, the result is a dense, hard

monolithic wall. As an alternative, rammed earth bricks are also available. The

high moisture mass of rammed earth helps regulate humidity.

Precast Concrete Panels

Precast concrete is a construction product made by casting concrete in a

reusable moulding or "form" which is then cured in a controlled environment,

transported to the construction site, and lifted into place.

Precast cladding or curtain walls are the most common use of precast

concrete for building envelopes. These types of precast concrete panels do not

transfer vertical loads but simply enclose the space. They are only designed to

resist wind, seismic forces generated by their own weight, and forces

requiring transferring the weight of the panel to the support. Common

cladding units include wall panels, window wall units, spandrels, mullions, and

column covers. These units can usually be removed individually if necessary.

In some cases, precast panels are used as formwork for cast-in-place

concrete. The precast panels act as a form, providing the visible aesthetics of

the system, while the cast-in-place portion provides the structural component.

Straw Bale Blocks

Straw bale blocks are a rapidly renewable building material made from the dry

stalk left in the earth after harvest, which is traditionally considered a waste

product that is burned or baled and sold for animal use. It is a natural, non-

toxic building material with low environmental impact and excellent insulation

properties. Since it is very easy to work it is a good choice for amateur or

unskilled self-builders.

Straw bale houses are finished and coated with cement stucco or earth-based

plaster, sealing the straw from the elements and giving long-lasting protection

with little maintenance. In contrast to the timber used for wood framing,

straw can be grown in less than a year in a completely sustainable production

system. The conversion of straw into a sustainable renewable resource to be

used as a dominant building material could be especially beneficial in areas

where the climate is severe and timber is scarce, but straw is plentiful.

Timber Stud Walls with


Timber for stud walls should be made from local forest-department-certified

wood or a forest-stewardship-council-certified wood, which helps to avoid the

use of virgin wood for building construction activities.

Phosphogypsum Panels

with Fibre Glass


Phosphogypsum is a waste product of the fertilizer industry. The use of

phosphogypsum board in buildings is a substitute for natural gypsum.

However, it may constitute an additional source of radiation exposure to both

workers and members of the public, both from the inhalation of radon

progeny produced from radon, which is exhaled from the plasterboard and

from beta, and gamma radiation produced by radioactive decay in the


Ferrocement Wall Panels

Ferrocement is a very simple construction of 2 to 5 layers of chicken wire over

a frame made from reinforcing bar, with cement forced into the gaps and in a

layer over the chicken wire reinforcing. The use of chicken wire makes

ferrocement a very flexible building material that is strongest when curved.

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International Finance Corporation 89

In-Situ Reinforced

Concrete Wall

More commonly used for floor slabs and roofs, in-situ reinforced concrete is

also used to construct walls. It has a high embodied energy due to the

inclusion of Portland cement and also uses sand, aggregate, water, and

reinforcing steel.

Cellular Light Weight

Concrete Blocks

These blocks, which are environmentally friendly, are also called CLC blocks.

The energy consumed in the production is only a fraction compared to the

production of clay bricks. They are made from slurry of cement, fly Ash*, and

water, which is further mixed with the addition of pre-formed stable foam in

an ordinary concrete mixer under ambient conditions.

The addition of foam to the concrete mixture creates millions of tiny voids or

cells in the material, hence the name Cellular Concrete.

*Fly ash is a waste material from thermal power plants.

Local Limestone Blocks

Limestone makes up about 10% of the total volume of all sedimentary rocks.

Although limestone is found widely, developers and designers should opt for

local extracted stone to reduce transport implications.

Limestone is readily available and relatively easy to cut into blocks in a

quarry. It is also long-lasting and stands up well to exposure, as it is hard,

durable, and commonly occurs in easily accessible surface exposures. As a

stone it has a high thermal inertia.

However, it is a very heavy material, making it impractical for tall buildings,

and relatively expensive as a building material.

FAL-G Block

The Fly Ash-Lime-Gypsum blocks technology primarily uses industrial wastes

such as fly ash (from thermal power plants), lime gypsum (from fertilizer

industries), and sand (optional) to produce alternative walling materials. It

reduces the environmental impacts associated with disposal of these industrial

wastes, and avoids the environmental impacts associated with clay brick

production, such as denudation of fertile topsoil. As the process for FAL-G

blocks does not require sintering, the amount of energy (fossil fuels) for

production is reduced.

The manufacturing process consists of three main stages:

- Mixing the materials: Fly ash is mixed with lime and gypsum. Chemical accelerator may or may not be added to it.

- Pressing the mix in a machine: the mix is molded under pressure, also air/ sun drying may be undertaken; and

- Curing the blocks for a stipulated period: the green block is water cured.

In the presence of moisture, fly ash reacts with lime at ordinary temperature

and forms a compound possessing cementations properties. After reactions

between lime and fly ash, calcium silicate hydrates are produced which are

responsible for the high strength of the compound.

Generally, FAL-G blocks are grey in color, solid, and have plain rectangular

faces with parallel sides and sharp, straight, and right angled edges. It is also

used for development of infrastructure, construction of pavements, dams,

tanks, and under water works.

Steel Profile Cladding

Steel, one of the strongest and most affordable materials, is a ferrous metal,

meaning it contains iron. It has a favorable strength-to-weight ratio as well as

provides elasticity. Other benefits include stiffness and fire and corrosion


Steel wall cladding profiles create totally new economical solutions in both

new building and renovation and in operating and maintenance. The profiles

are versatile cladding that comes in a very broad range of shapes, finishing,

and colors that enable innovative designs. Also, insulation can be installed for

better thermal and acoustic performance.

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Aluminum Profile


Behind steel, aluminum is the most commonly used metal in construction. It is

one of the lightest and easiest metals to manipulate, bend, shape, cast,

fasten, and weld, and is also very ductile, often extruded into shapes for

architectural purposes. It can easily be drilled, tapped, sawed, planed, and

filed with hand tools, making it a yielding material for tradesmen to use.

Aluminum is commonly used as wall cladding or curtain-walls, as its

resistance to corrosion is higher than steel, and also lighter than other metals.

However, the disadvantages are the higher cost, greater thermal expansion,

and lower fire resistance as compared to steel.

For more durability and more uniform appearance, aluminum is anodized or

plastic coatings are applied. In this way, the finished appearance can range

from clear to a wide variety of colors and textures. Also, insulation can be

installed for better thermal and acoustic performance.

Relationship to Other Measures The specification of internal walls does not affect other EDGE measures but can impact acoustic performance.

Assumptions The base case assumption is that internal walls are constructed from 200mm common brick plastered on both sides.

Compliance Guidance

Design Stage Post-Construction Stage

At the design stage the following must be used to demonstrate compliance:

Drawings of the internal wall sections; or Manufacturer’s data sheet for building materials used

for internal wall specifications if available; or Bill of quantities with the materials used for the

internal wall clearly highlighted.

At the post-construction stage one of the following must be used to demonstrate compliance:

Date stamped photograph of the wall taken during or after construction; and

Purchase receipt for the building materials used for wall construction; or

Delivery note for materials used for wall construction.

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Intention To select a flooring specification with a lower embodied energy than the typical specification. The actual floor type should be entered to the software in all cases.

Approach/Methodologies The design team should select the specification that most closely resembles the floor finish specified. Where there are multiple specifications the predominant specification should be selected.

Potential Technologies/Strategies

Ceramic Tiles

The advantage of tiles is that they are hard wearing, which minimizes the

maintenance required. However, tiles are not maintenance free, as the grout

requires maintenance. The manufacture of tiles uses large amounts of energy

due to the firing required and therefore tiles have a high embodied energy.

Vinyl Flooring

Vinyl flooring is water resistant, low maintenance, and inexpensive. It is easy

to install and is durable. However, vinyl flooring has a high embodied energy

and can release harmful volatile organic compounds after installation.

Although durable, vinyl flooring must be laid on a flat, smooth surface. An

uneven surface might cause wearing and holes which are difficult to repair, as

vinyl is usually laid in a single piece.

Stone Tiles/Slabs

While stone tiles can often be sourced locally and have a low embodied

energy, they can be expensive.

Finished Concrete Floor

More commonly referred to as “screed,” cement plaster is often used as a

preparation layer for soft or flexible floor finishes or tiles. Cement plaster can

be used as a finish layer, but it can be chipped more easily than other hard

flooring options.

Linoleum Sheet

Linoleum, often referred to as lino, is a floor covering made from solidified

linseed oil (linoxyn), pine rosin, ground cork dust, wood flour, and mineral

fillers such as calcium carbonate. These materials are added to a canvas

backing; pigments are often added to the materials. Lino can be used as an

alternative to vinyl and has a much lower embodied energy.

Terrazzo Tiles

Terrazzo tiles are a hard-wearing option for flooring which require very little

maintenance. Terrazzo floors can be laid in situ by pouring concrete or resin

with granite chips and then polishing the surface. Alternatively, terrazzo tiles

are manufactured in a factory before being laid onsite.

Nylon Carpets

Most nylon carpets have a very high embodied energy because of the large

amount of energy used in their manufacture but also due to the fact that

nylon is made from oil. Nylon carpets have good acoustic properties and help

to reduce reverberation times as well as the transfer of impact sound.

Laminate Wooden


Laminate wooden flooring is more dimensionally stable than solid wood

flooring so it can be used in rooms prone to changes in moisture levels or

where underfloor heating is used. Due to the thickness of the finish layer the

number of times that it can be refinished is reduced, but the initial capital cost

is lower than for solid wood flooring.

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Terracotta Tiles Terracotta is fine-grained, orange, or reddish-brown fired clay that is used for

several construction and decorative purposes, mainly roof and floor tiles. The

name comes from Italian, which means "baked earth", as it is literally cooked

or fired earth or soil.

The color varies slightly depending on the clay used. It is waterproof and a

very sturdy material. Its durability and resistance to both fire and water make

it an ideal building material. It is also lighter than stone, and it can be glazed

for extra durability or to provide a wide variety of colors, including finishes

that resemble stone or metal patina. Terracotta is a relatively inexpensive


Relationship to Other Measures Although flooring does not affect other EDGE measures it can impact acoustic performance.

Assumptions The base case assumption is that ceramic tile flooring is specified.

Compliance Guidance

Design Stage Post-Construction Stage

At the design stage the following must be used to demonstrate compliance:

Drawings clearly marking the flooring specification selected; or

Manufacturer’s data sheet for building materials used for floor specifications; or

Bill of quantities with the materials used for the flooring clearly highlighted.

At the post-construction stage the following must be used to demonstrate compliance:

Date stamped photograph of the flooring once fitted; and

Purchase receipt for the specified building materials used as a floor finish; or

Delivery note for materials used for flooring.

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Intention To select a window frame specification with a lower embodied energy than the typical specification.

The actual window frames should be entered to the software in all cases.

Approach/Methodologies The design team should select the specification that most closely resembles the windows specified. Where there are multiple specifications the predominant specification should be selected.

Potential Technologies/Strategies The following is a list of the specifications included in EDGE. The user should always try to select the specification that most resembles that of the building design.

Metal Frames

- Aluminum - Steel

The advantage of using metal window frames is that they are strong, light, and

require less maintenance than other materials used for window frames. However as

metal conducts heat very well, the thermal performance of metal windows is not as

good as other materials. To reduce heat flow and the U Value, metal frames can

include a thermal break between the inside and outside of the frame.

The two metals typically used for window frames are aluminum or steel. Aluminum is

lighter weight and does not rust like a ferrous metal such as steel, but the embodied

energy is much higher. Steel windows are heavier and require some maintenance to

protect from rust (unless stainless steel is used).

Timber Frames

Timber window frames insulate relatively well, but they also expand and contract in

response to weather conditions. Timber frames can be made from either softwood or

hardwood. Softwood frames are much cheaper, but are likely to require more regular

maintenance. The maintenance required can be reduced by using aluminum or vinyl



uPVC window frames are made of extruded polyvinyl chloride (PVC) with ultraviolet

light (UV) stabilizers to keep sunlight from breaking down the material. uPVC window

frames are low maintenance as they do not require painting. If the cavities of uPVC

frames are filled with insulation, they have very good thermal performance.

Wood Plastic Composite

Wood-plastic composites (WPCs) are produced by mixing wood particles (50% -70%)

in any form (ground, fiber, or flour) and heated thermoplastic resin (including PE, PP,

and PVC), with polyethylene and polypropylene being the most common. Chemical

additives, such as colorants, coupling agents, UV stabilizers, blowing agents, foaming

agents, and lubricants, are provided for integration of polymer and wood, while

facilitating optimal processing conditions.

These materials can be molded with or without simulated wood grain details. The

most common method of production is injection molding. In this way, window frames

are fabricated from UV radiation resistant wood-plastic composites.

These materials do not corrode and are highly resistant to rot, decay, and Marine

Borer attack, though they do absorb water into the wood fibers embedded within the

material. They have good workability and can be shaped using conventional

woodworking tools. WPCs are often considered a sustainable material because they

can be made using recycled plastics and the waste products of the wood industry.

However the adhesives added make wood-plastic composite difficult to recycle again,

unless it is a new wood-plastic composite.

A few disadvantages include mildew, discoloration, and increased weakness in the

fiber of the materials.

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Relationship to Other Measures The choice of window frame material will have an impact on thermal performance. EDGE does not directly take account of this as it is already reflected in the manufacturer’s calculation of the window U Value.

Assumptions The default assumption is that window frames are aluminum.

Compliance Guidance

Design Stage Post-Construction Stage

At the design stage the following must be used to demonstrate compliance:

Façade drawings clearly marking the window frame(s) specification; or

Manufacturer’s data sheet for glazing specified; or Bill of quantities with the windows/window frames

clearly highlighted.

At the post-construction stage the following must be used to demonstrate compliance:

Date stamped photograph of the installed windows; and

Purchase receipt for the specified window; or Delivery note for windows.

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Intention To select insulation with a low embodied energy. If building has insulation on wall and roof then the actual insulation type should be entered to the software in all cases.

Approach/Methodologies The design team should select the specification that most closely resembles the insulation specified. Where

there are multiple specifications the predominant specification should be selected.

As the base case assumes that no insulation is specified the embodied energy calculation will not take account of the insulation selected unless the Insulation of Roof Surface (HME05) and/or Insulation of External Walls (HME06) measures are selected in the energy efficiencies section.

Potential Technologies/Strategies


Polystyrene has the highest embodied energy per square meter of any other insulation

type. There are two types of polystyrene insulation:

Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) insulation is made from small beads of polystyrene that

when heated cause them to expand; they are then mixed with a blowing agent (pentane).

Expanded polystyrene is available in board form or as beads. Boards are produced by

placing the beads in moulds and heating them in order to fuse the beads together. Typical

applications of EPS boards are for insulation of walls, roofs, and floors. Polystyrene beads

are frequently used as cavity fill in masonry walls.

Extruded Polystyrene (XPS) is made by mixing polystyrene with a blowing agent under

pressure and forcing it through a die. As it emerges from the die it expands into foam; it

can then be shaped and trimmed. XPS is slightly stronger than EPS, and although it is

used in many of the same applications as EPS, it is particularly suitable for use below

ground or where extra loading and/or impacts might be anticipated.

Mineral Wool

Rock-based mineral wool is made by melting rock and recycled steel slag and spinning it

into fibers. The insulation is available in different densities depending on the required

functionality. Higher densities provide better sound insulation but poorer thermal

insulation. Applications include masonry cavity walls, timber frame walls, and insulation

for roof rafters, lofts, and suspended floors. Mineral wool has low resistance for moisture.

Glass Wool

Glass wool insulation is manufactured in a similar way to rock wool, though the raw

materials are different as well as the melting process. Glass wool is made from silica

sand, recycled glass, limestone, and soda ash. Higher densities provide better sound

insulation but poorer thermal insulation. Applications include masonry cavity walls, timber

frame walls, and insulation for roof rafters, lofts, and suspended floors.


Polyurethane (PUR), a closed-cell plastic, is formed by reacting two monomers in the

presence of a blowing agent catalyst (polymerisation). Polyisocyanurate foam (PIR) is

essentially an improvement on polyurethane (there is a slight difference in the

constituents and the reaction is conducted at higher temperatures). PIR is more fire-

resistant and has a slightly higher R Value.

Applications include wall, floor, and roof insulation. Polyurethane is also popular in

laminate form in SIPS and as an insulation backing to rigid boarding such as plasterboard.

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Relationship to Other Measures The base case assumes that no insulation is used. If the measures for roof surface and/or external walls insulation are selected then the improved case will assume that polystyrene insulation is specified. If either mineral wool or glass wool is selected on the insulation dropdown, it will result in a small percentage improvement over the base case, due to the greater embodied energy in polystyrene insulation.

Assumptions The base case assumption is that no insulation is specified. The improved case assumes that polystyrene insulation is specified.

Compliance Guidance

Design Stage Post-Construction Stage

At the design stage the following must be used to demonstrate compliance:

Drawings clearly marking the insulation specification selected; or

Manufacturer’s data sheet for insulation specified; or Bill of quantities with the insulation materials clearly


At the post-construction stage the following must be used to demonstrate compliance:

Date stamped photograph of the insulation installed during construction; and

An invoice for the specified insulation; or Delivery note for materials used for insulation.

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American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers. ASHRAE Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings, I-P Edition. Atlanta, US: ASHRAE, 2007

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers. ASHRAE 90.1 Standard for Buildings, I-P Edition. Atlanta, US: ASHRAE, 2010

Anderson, B. Conventions for U Value calculations. Watford, UK: British Research Establishment (BRE), 2006.

Berdahl, P. Berkeley Laboratory - Environmental Energy Technologies Division. Cool Roofing Materials Database. US: 2000.

Bureau of Indian Standards: National Building Code India. New Delhi, 2007

Callison Global. Matrix by Callison website:

Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers. CIBSE Guide A: Environmental Design. London: 7th Edition, 2007

CIBSE Journal. Determining U Values for real building elements. UK: CIBSE, 2011.

Energy Savings Trust. Insulation Materials Chart: Thermal properties and environmental ratings. London: August 2010.


Hanselaer, P. Lootens, C. Ryckaert, W.R. Deconinck, G. Rombauts, P. Power density targets for efficient lighting of interior task areas. Laboratorium voor Lichttechnologie, April 2007.

International Organization for Standardization (ISO). ISO 13790:2008 Energy performance of buildings - Calculation of energy use for space heating and cooling. 2008

Ministry of Natural Resources, Canada (distributed by Energy Technologies Limited). ECOTOUCH: ENERGY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. 2014.

Pilkington Group Limited, European Technical Centre. Global Glass Handbook 2012: Architectural Products. Ormskirk, Lancashire, UK: (NSG Group), 2012.

The Scottish Government. Worked examples of U Value calculations using the combined method. UK,2009.

US Energy Department. Energy Saver - Heat Pump Water Heaters.


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Energy Star – Electric Storage Heaters.



U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Energy Star - Boilers. Office of Energy and Efficiency. EnerGuide: Heating and Cooling With a Heat Pump. Gatineau, Canada, Revised December 2004.

UK Department of Energy and Climate Change. Standard Assessment Procedure for Energy Rating of Dwellings (SAP). London: 2009 (March 2010)

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U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Water Sense website.


Advanced WPC technologies.

Aldo A. Ballerini, X. Bustos, M. Núñez, A. Proceedings of the 51st International Convention of Society of Wood Science and Technology: Innovation in window and door profile designs using a wood-plastic composite. Concepción, Chile: November 2008.

Ballard Bell, V. and Rand, P. Materials for Architectural Design. London: King Publishing Ltd, 2006.

Krishna Bhavani Siram, K. Cellular Light-Weight Concrete Blocks as a Replacement of Burnt Clay Bricks. New Delhi, India: International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), December 2012.

Primary Information Services. FaL-G Bricks. Chennai, India.

Reynolds, T. Selmes, B. Wood Plastic Composites. London: BRE, Feb 2003

United Nations Centre for Human Settlements and Auroville Building Centre. Ferrocement Channels. Nairobi, Kenya and Tamil Nadu, India.

World Bank Group. India - Fal-G (Fly Ash-Lime-Gypsum) Bricks Project. Washington, DC: 2006.

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South Africa:

SANS Building Regulations

SANS Building Regulations standards are referenced in the EDGE software to ensure that if a project meets EDGE requirements it also meets SANS requirements. If there are issues with SANS compliance text alerts will appear below the energy section and will also appear in the downloadable pdf (if the user chooses to generate it). Note that EDGE should not be used as a compliance tool for SANS as there are additional requirements mandated by SANS that are not included in EDGE.

Figure 8. SANS alerts for SA are given at the end of the EE measures when project meets EDGE standard of 20% energy

saving but does not meet SANS requirements. This alert is specific to South Africa.

HME01 – Reduced Window to Wall Ratio

South African design teams generally refer to Window to Floor Ratio (WFR). EDGE has therefore introduced WFR into the building Design page and the Window to Wall Ratio section. To change the WFR, the user must modify the WWR. WFR cannot be modified directly in EDGE software.

By changing the WWR, the area of windows changes in the software calculations. This automatically modifies the WFR as follows:

𝑊𝐹𝑅 =Total Window Area

Total Floor Area

So, since the floor area remains constant (from the input in the Design page), the window area may be amended by changing the WWR.

WWR and WFR are not directly proportional, although when WWR increases the WFR also increases. However a conversion factor is not possible since the dependent variables are not the same for WWR and WFR.

HME 05-06- Insulation of Roof and External Walls

Since the South African (SANS) baseline U-Value is low, addition of insulation above and beyond the SANS requirements will not provide a financially viable energy savings options.

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HME14 – Heat Pump for Hot Water Generation

When Heat Pumps for hot water are selected as an Energy Efficient measure for South Africa, the system must deliver at least 50% of SANS energy requirements. Therefore, only savings for the remainder of the system will be counted toward EDGE energy efficiency achievements.

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