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Program No: 1HALF ADDER

SimulationInputs: a,bOutputs : s,c

At time T= 0 ns a= 0 b = 0 s = 0 c = 0

At time T= 200 ns a= 0 b = 1 s = 1 c = 0

At time T= 400 ns a= 1 b = 1 s = 1 c = 1


Page 2: verilog



// Verilog Module abc_lib.fa

// Created:

// by - student.UNKNOWN (ECE 12)

// at - 09:42:26 01/21/2009

// using Mentor Graphics HDL Designer(TM) 2005.1b (Build 76)


`timescale 1ns/10ps

module halfadder(a,b,s,c) ; //Declared parameter list

input a,b; //Inputs are declared

output s,c; //Outputs are declared

xor(s,a,b); //Pre-defined gates are used


endmodule//End Module


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Program No: 22_4 DECODER

SimulationInputs: a,b,enableOutputs: w,x,y,z

At time T= 0 µs enable= 0 a = 0 b = 0 w = 0 x = 0 y = 0 Z = 0

At time T= 40 µs enable = 1 a = 0 b = 1 w = 0 x = 1 y = 0 Z = 0

At time T= 60 µs enable = 1 a = 1 b = 1 w = 0 x = 0 y = 0 Z = 1


Page 4: verilog

Program No:22_4 DECODER


// Verilog Module abc_lib.fa

// Created:

// by - student.UNKNOWN (ECE12)

// at - 09:42:26 01/21/2009

// using Mentor Graphics HDL Designer(TM) 2005.1b (Build 76)


`timescale 1ns/10ps

module decoder24(a,b,w,x,y,z,enable); //Declared parameter list

input a,b,enable; //Inputs are declared

output w,x,y,z; //Outputs are declared

wire w1,w2; //Internal nets

not(w1,a); //Pre-defined gates are used



endmodule//End Module


Page 5: verilog

Program No: 3MUX2_1(SWITCH LEVEL)

SimulationInputs: d,selectOutputs : q

At time T= 0 µs D0= 0 D1= 1 Select = 0 Q = 0

At time T= 10 µs D0= 0 D1 = 1 Select = 1 Q = 1

At time T= 20 µs D0= 0 D1 = 0 select = 1 Q = 0


Page 6: verilog

Program No: 3MUX2_1(SWITCH LEVEL)


// Verilog Module abc_lib.fa

// Created:

// by - student.UNKNOWN (ECE12)

// at - 09:42:26 01/21/2009

// using Mentor Graphics HDL Designer(TM) 2005.1b (Build 76)


`timescale 1ns/10ps

module mux2_1(q,d,select); //Declared parameter list

output q; //Outputs are declared

input[1:0]d; //Inputs are declared

input select;wire w; //Internal nets

not(w,select); //Pre-defined gates are used

cmos c1(q,d[0],w,select);

cmos c2(q,d[1],select,w);

endmodule//End Module


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SimulationInputs: clk, reset,xOutputs: outp

Reset =1 At time T= 0 µs X= 0 ps= 00 ns = 10 Op = 1

Reset =1 At time T= .5 µs X= 1 Ps= 10 ns = 11 Op = 0

Reset =1 At time T= 1 µs x= 0 Ps = 11 ns = 00 Op = 0

Reset =1 At time T= 1.5µs X=1 Ps=00 ns=11 Op=1


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Program No:4



// Verilog Module abc_lib.fa

// Created:

// by - student.UNKNOWN (ECE12)

// at - 09:42:26 01/21/2009

// using Mentor Graphics HDL Designer(TM) 2005.1b (Build 76)


`timescale 1ns/10ps

module fsm (clk, reset, x, outp); //Declared parameter list

input clk, reset, x; //Inputs are declaredoutput outp; //Outputs are declared

reg outp; //Store the valuereg [1:0] ps,ns; parameter s1 = 2'b00; parameter s2 = 2'b01;

parameter s3 = 2'b10; parameter s4 = 2'b11; always@(posedge clk or posedge reset)

begin if (reset) begin

ps = s1; outp = 1'b1;




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ps = ns;end always @(x)begin

case (ps) //begin case statement

s1: begin if (x==1'b1) ns = s2; else ns = s3; outp = 1'b1; end

s2: begin ns = s4; outp = 1'b1; end

s3: begin ns = s4; outp = 1'b0; end

s4: begin ns = s1; outp = 1'b0; end



endmodule //End Module


Page 10: verilog

Program no 54:1 MUX

SimulationInputs: s, iOutputs: y

At time T= 0 µs S0=1 S1 = 0 I[3]=1 I[2]=0 I[1]=1 I[0]=0 Y=0

At time T= 10 µs S0= 1 s 1= 1 I[3]=1 I[2]=0 I[1]=1 I[1]=1 Y=1

At time T= 20 µs S0 = 0 s 1= 0 I[3]=1 I[2]=0 I[1]=1 I[1]=1 Y=0

At time T= 30 µs S0=0 S1=1 I[3]=1 I[2]=0 I[1]=1 I[1]=1 Y=1


Page 11: verilog

Program No: 5

Objective: Program to simulate 4:1 Mux.


// Verilog Module abc_lib.fa

// Created:

// by - student.UNKNOWN (ECE12)

// at - 09:42:26 01/21/2009

// using Mentor Graphics HDL Designer(TM) 2005.1b (Build 76)


`timescale 1ns/10ps

`resetall `timescale 1ns/10ps

module mux1(y,i,s0,s1) ; //Declared parameter list for the Mux module

input [3:0]i; //Inputs are declared


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input s0,s1; //Inputs are declared

output y; //Outputs are declaredwire s0n,s1n,y1,y2,y3,y4; //Internal netsnot(s0n,s0); //Pre-defined gates are usednot(s1n,s1);and(y1,i[0],s0n,s1n);and(y2,i[1],s0n,s1);and(y3,i[2],s0,s1n);and(y4,i[3],s0,s1);or(y,y1,y2,y3,y4);endmodule //End Module


Page 13: verilog

Program no 6Full Adder

SimulationInputs: a,b,cOutputs: ca,s

At time T= 0 µs A= 1 B=1 C=1 S = 1 ca=1

At time T= 10 µs A= 0 B= 0 C= 0 s = 0 Ca=0

At time T= 20 µs A= 0 B = 0 C = 1 s = 1 Ca=0

At time T= 30µs A=0 B=1 c=1 S=0 Ca=1


Page 14: verilog

Program No: 6

Objective: Designing a Full Adder using structural modeling:


// Verilog Module abc_lib.fa

// Created:

// by - student.UNKNOWN (ECE12)

// at - 10:22:40 01/21/2009

// using Mentor Graphics HDL Designer(TM) 2005.1b (Build 76)


`timescale 1ns/10ps

module fulladder1(s,ca,a,b,c); //Declared parameter list for the full adder module

output s,ca; //Outputs are declared

input a,b,c; //Inputs are declared

wire y0,y1,y2;

xor(y0,a,b); //Pre-defined gates are used






Program no 74-bit Ripple Carry full adder


Page 15: verilog

SimulationInputs: a,b,s cinOutputs: cout

At time T= 0 ns A=1111 B=1010 Cin=1 S3=1 S2=z S1 = z S0 = z Cout=1

At time T= 100 ns A=1111 B=1010 Cin=1 S3= 1 S2= 0 s 1= z s 0= z Cout=1

At time T= 300 ns A=1111 B=1010 Cin=1 S3 =1 S2 = 0 s 1= 1 s 0= z Cout=1

At time T= 500ns A=1111 B=1010 Cin=1 S3=1 S2=0 S1=1 S0=0 Cout=1


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Program No: 7

Objective: Program to simulate 4-bit Ripple Carry full adder:

Code://// Verilog Module kk_tabish_lib.bit4_adder//// Created:// by - student.UNKNOWN (ECE 12)// at - 10:32:07 02/11/2009// using Mentor Graphics HDL Designer(TM) 2005.3 (Build 75)

`resetall`timescale 1ns/10ps module adder4bit(a,b,cin,s,cout); //Declared parameter list for the 4-bit ripple Carry adder module input [3:0]a; //Inputs are declared

input [3:0]b;

input cin; output [3:0]s; //Outputs are declared output cout; wire w1,w2,w3; //Internal nets

fulladder1 f1(a[0],b[0],cin,s[0],w1); //Instantiate four 1-bit full adders

fulladder1 f2(a[1],b[1],w1,s[1],w2); fulladder1 f3(a[2],b[2],w2,s[2],w3); fulladder1 f4(a[3],b[3],w3,s[3],cout); endmodule //End Module


Page 17: verilog

Program no 8JK flip flop

SimulationInputs: j,k,clkOutputs: q

At time T= 0 ps J=0 K=0 Q=x

At time T= 100 ps J=0 K=1 Q=x

At time T= 200 ps J=0 K=1 Q=0

At time T= 400 ps J=1 K=0 Q=0

At time T= 500 ps J=1 K=0 Q=1

At time T= 600 ps J=1 K=1 Q=1

At time T= 700 ps J=1 K=1 Q=0


Page 18: verilog

Program No: 8

Objective: Program to simulate JK flip flop:

J K Q*

0 0 Q

0 1 0

1 0 1

1 1 ~Q

Truth Table


// Verilog Module abc_lib.fa

// Created:

// by - student.UNKNOWN (ECE12)

// at - 09:54:16 02/18/2009

// using Mentor Graphics HDL Designer(TM) 2005.1b (Build 76)`resetall`timescale 1ns/10ps module jk_ff (q,j,k,clk); //Declared parameter list for the JK flip flop module input j,k,clk; //Inputs are declared

output q; //Outputs are declared reg q; //Internal nets

always@(posedge clk) //Sensitivity list for changes to occur when clock changes.

begin if (j==1'b0 && k==1'b1) //Conditional statement starts q=1'b0; else if(j==1'b1&&k==1'b0) q=1'b1; else if(j==1'b1&&k==1'b1) q=~q; else q=q; end //If Ends endmodule //End Module


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Program no 9SR flipflop

SimulationInputs: s,r,reset,clkOutputs:q

At time T= 0 µs Reset=0 S=1 r=0 Q=1

At time T= 10 µs Reset=0 S=0 r=1 Q=1

At time T= 12.5 µs Reset=0 S=0 r=1 Q=0

At time T= 20 µs Reset=0 S=0 r=0 Q=0

At time T= 30 µs Reset=0 S=1 r=1 Q=0

At time T=32.5 µs Reset=0 S=1 r=1 Q=x


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Program No:9

Objective: Program to simulate SR flipflop:

S R Q*

0 0 Q

0 1 0

1 0 1

1 1 Undefined


Page 21: verilog

Truth Table


// Verilog Module abc_lib.fa

// Created:

// by - student.UNKNOWN (ECE12)

// at - 10:15:25 02/18/2009

// using Mentor Graphics HDL Designer(TM) 2005.1b (Build 76)


`timescale 1ns/10ps

module srff(s,r,clk,res,q); //Declared parameter list for the SR flip flop module

output q; //Outputs are declared

input s,r,clk,res; //Inputs are declared

reg q; //Internal nets

always@(negedge clk) //Sensitivity list for changes to occur when clock changes.


if (res) //Conditional statement starts


else if(s==0 && r==0)


else if(s==0 && r==1)


else if (s==1 && r==0)




end //If Ends


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endmodule //End Module


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Program no 10D flipflop

SimulationInputs: d,clk,resetOutputs: q

At time T= 0 ps D=1 Reset=1 Q=0

At time T= =200 ps D=0 Reset=1 Q=0

At time T= 400 ps D=0 Reset=0 Q=0

At time T= 600 ps D=1 Reset=0 Q=0

At time T= 650 ps d=1 Reset=0 Q=1


Page 24: verilog

Program No: 10

Objective: Program to simulate D flipflop.

Reset Q*

0 D

1 0

Truth Table


// Verilog Module abc_lib.fa

// by - student.UNKNOWN (ECE12)

// at - 10:40:45 02/18/2009

// using Mentor Graphics HDL Designer(TM) 2005.1b (Build 76)

`resetall `timescale 1ns/10ps module Dflipflop (q,d,clk,reset); //Declared parameter list for the D flip flop moduleoutput q; //Outputs are declaredinput d,clk,reset; //Inputs are declared

reg q; //Internal nets

always@(posedge reset or negedge clk) //Sensitivity list for changes to occur when input changes.

if (reset) //Conditional statement starts q<=1'b0;else q<=d;endmodule //End Module


Page 25: verilog

Program no 11T flip-flop

SimulationInputs: clk,tOutputs:q,qbar

At time T= 0 ns reset=1 Q=0 Qbar=1 Reset=1

At time T= 200 ns reset=0 Q=0 Qbar=1 Reset=0

At time T= 400 ns reset=0 Q=0 Qbar=1 Reset=0

At time T= 450 ns reset=0 Q=1 Qbar=0 Reset=0

At time T= 550 ns reset=0 Q=0 Qbar=1 Reset=0

At time T=650 ns Reset=0 Q=1 Qbar=0 Reset=0


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Program No: 11

Objective: Program to simulate T flipflop:

T Q*

0 Q

1 ~Q

Truth Table

Code://// Verilog Module kk_tabish_lib.t_ff_dataflow// Created:// by - student.UNKNOWN (ECE12)// at - 11:00:45 02/18/2009// using Mentor Graphics HDL Designer(TM) 2005.3 (Build 75)// ### Please start your Verilog code here ### `resetall`timescale 1ns/10psmodule t_flipflop_dataflow(t,clk,q,qbar,reset); //Declared parameter list for the T ff module input t,clk,reset; //Inputs are declared output q,qbar; //Outputs are declared reg q; always@(posedge reset or negedge clk) if(reset) q= 0; else q <= q^t; assign qbar = ~q; endmodule //End Module