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Verifying Concurrent Programsagainst Sequential Specifications

Ahmed Bouajjani, Michael Emmi, Constantin Enea, and Jad Hamza

LIAFA, Universite Paris Diderot{abou,mje,cenea,jhamza}

Abstract. We investigate the algorithmic feasibility of checking whetherconcurrent implementations of shared-memory objects adhere to theirgiven sequential specifications; sequential consistency, linearizability, andconflict serializability are the canonical variations of this problem. Whileverifying sequential consistency of systems with unbounded concurrency isknown to be undecidable, we demonstrate that conflict serializability, andlinearizability with fixed linearization points are EXPSPACE-complete,while the general linearizability problem is undecidable.Our (un)decidability proofs, besides bestowing novel theoretical results,also reveal novel program explorations strategies. For instance, we showthat every violation to conflict serializability is captured by a conflict cyclewhose length is bounded independently from the number of concurrentoperations. This suggests an incomplete detection algorithm which onlyremembers a small subset of conflict edges, which can be made completeby increasing the number of remembered edges to the cycle-length bound.Similarly, our undecidability proof for linearizability suggests an incom-plete detection algorithm which limits the number of “barriers” bisectingnon-overlapping operations. Our decidability proof of bounded-barrierlinearizability is interesting on its own, as it reduces the considerationof all possible operation serializations to numerical constraint solving.The literature seems to confirm that most violations are detectable byconsidering very few conflict edges or barriers.

1 Introduction

A key class of correctness criteria for concurrent systems is adherence to betterestablished sequential specifications. Such criteria demand that each concurrentexecution of operations corresponds, at the level of abstraction described bythe operations’ specification, to some serial sequence of the same operationspermitted by the specification. For instance, given a conventional specifica-tion of a mathematical set, a concurrent execution in which the operationsadd(a), remove(b), is empty(true), remove(a), add(b) overlap could be permitted,though one with only the operations add(a) and remove(b) could not.

Variations on this theme of criteria are the accepted correctness conditions forvarious types of concurrent systems. In the context of processor memory architec-tures, sequential consistency (SC) [24] allows only executions of memory access

0The proofs to many of our technical results appear in an extended report [7].

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operations for which the same operations taken serially adhere to the specificationof individual memory registers—i.e., where each load reads the last-written value.Additionally, any two operations of the serialization carried out by the sameprocess must occur in the same order as in the original concurrent execution.In the context of concurrent data structure implementations, linearizability [21]demands additionally that two operations which do not overlap in the originalconcurrent execution occur in the same order in any valid serialization.

The same kinds of criteria are also used in settings where operation specifica-tions are less abstract. For transactional systems (e.g., databases, and runtimesystems which provide atomic sections in concurrent programs), (strict) serializ-ability [28] allows only executions for which the same transactions taken seriallyadhere to the specification of an entire (random-access) memory observable bythe transactions; additionally, transactions executed by the same process (orwhich did not overlap, in the strict case) are obliged to occur in the same order inany valid serialization. Practical considerations, such as the complexity of deter-mining whether a given trace is serializable, have generated even more restrictivenotions of serializability. Conflict serializability (Papadimitriou [28] calls thisproperty “DSR”) demands additionally—viewing a serialization as a reorderingof actions which untangles the operations of a concurrent execution—that notwo conflicting actions are reordered in the serialization. The typical definition of“conflict” relates accesses to the same memory location or region, with at leastone being a store.

In this work we investigate the fundamental questions about the algorithmicfeasibility of verifying concurrent programs with respect to sequential specifica-tions. While our results consider programs with unbounded concurrency arisingfrom, e.g., dynamic thread-creation, they, as do most other (un)decidabilityresults concerning concurrent program analysis, apply to programs where thedomain of data values is either finite, or reduced by a finitary abstraction.

While the problem of determining whether a given concurrent system issequentially consistent with respect to a given sequential specification is knownto be undecidable, even when the number of concurrent processes is bounded [1],the decidability of the analogous questions for (conflict) serializability and lin-earizability, for unbounded systems of concurrent processes, remains open. (Aluret al. [1] have proved both of these problems decidable1, resp., in PSPACE andEXPSPACE, when the number of concurrent processes is bounded.) In this workwe establish these decidability and complexity results for unbounded systems,and as byproduct, uncover program exploration strategies which prioritize thediscovery of naturally-occurring property violations.

Our first result, of Section 3, is that conflict serializability is decidable, andcomplete for exponential space. Since existing techniques rely on cycle detection inan exhaustive exploration of possible conflict relations (graphs) among concurrentoperations [17], allowing for an unbounded number of concurrent operationsrenders these techniques inapplicable to verification, since the unbounded set ofpossible conflict graphs cannot generally be enumerated in finite time. Contrarily,

1The correct decidability proof for serializability is due to Farzan and Madhusudan [17].

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Verifying Concurrent Programs against Sequential Specifications 3

here we demonstrate that every cyclic conflict graph contains a cycle which isbounded independently of the number of concurrent operations; this cycle lengthis instead bounded as a linear function in the number of memory locations. Thissuggests that an incomplete cycle detection algorithm which only remembers asmall subset of conflict edges can be made complete by increasing the number ofremembered edges to the given cycle-length bound. Even so, we expect that mostviolations to conflict serializability can be efficiently detected by remembering veryfew conflict edges: those we have seen reported in the literature are expressed withlength 2 cycles [13, 19], and for systems satisfying certain supposedly-commonsymmetry conditions, any violation must occur with only two threads [19].

Our second result, of Section 4, is that the static linearizability problem, inwhich the so-called “linearization points” of operations which modify the shared-object state are fixed to particular implementation actions, is also decidable, andcomplete for exponential space. Informally, a linearization point of an operationin an execution is a point in time where the operation is conceptually effectuated;given the linearization points of each operation, the only valid serialization isthe one which takes operations in order of their linearization points. Althoughstatic linearizability is a stronger criterion than linearizability, it is based on afairly-well established proof technique [21] which is sufficiently weak to provelinearizability of many common concurrent data-structure algorithms [31].

Turning to the general problem, in Section 5, we show that verifying lineariz-ability for unbounded concurrent systems is undecidable. Our proof is a reductionfrom a reachability problem on counter machines, and relies on imposing anunbounded number of “barriers” which bisect non-overlapping operations in orderto encode an unbounded number of zero-tests of the machines’ counters. Infor-mally, a barrier is a temporal separation between two non-overlapping operations,across which valid serializations are forbidden from commuting those operations.

Besides disarming our proof of undecidability, bounding the amount of bar-riers reveals an incomplete algorithm for detecting linearizability violations, byexploring only those expressed with few barriers. Similarly to the small-cyclecase in conflict serializability, we expect that most violations to linearizabilityare detectable with very few barriers; indeed the naturally-occurring bugs we areaware of, including the infamous “ABA” bug [26], induce violations with zero orone barrier. Our decidability proof of bounded-barrier linearizability in Section 6is interesting on its own, since it effectively reduces the problem of consideringall possible serializations of an unbounded number of operations to a numericalconstraint solving problem. Using a simple prototype implementation leveragingSMT-based program exploration, we use this reduction to quickly discover bugsknown in or injected into textbook concurrent algorithms.

To summarize, the contributions of this work are the first known (un)decidabilityresults for (§3) conflict serializability, (§4) static linearizability, (§5) lineariz-ability, and (§6) bounded-barrier linearizability, for systems with unboundedconcurrency. Furthermore, besides substantiating these theoretical results ourproofs reveal novel prioritized exploration strategies, based on cycle- and barrier-bounding. Since most known linearizable systems are also static-linearizable,

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combining static-linearizability with bounded-barrier exploration ought to pro-vide a promising approach for proving either correctness or violation for manypractically-occurring systems.

2 Preliminaries

In this work we consider a program model in which an unbounded number ofoperations concurrently access finite-domain shared data. Operations correspondto invocations of a finite library of methods. Here, methods correspond to theimplementations of application programming interface (API) entries of concurrentor distributed data structures, and less conventionally, to the atomic code sectionsof concurrent programs, or to the SQL implementations of database transactions.A library is then simply the collection of API implementations, or transactionalcode. Usually concurrent data structure libraries and transactional runtimesystems are expected to ensure that executed operations are logically equivalentto some understood serial behavior, regardless of how clients concurrently invoketheir methods or transactions; the implication is that such systems should functioncorrectly for a most-general client which concurrently invokes an unboundednumber of methods with arbitrary timing. In what follows we formalize thesenotions as a basis for formulating our results.

2.1 Unbounded Concurrent Systems

A method is a finite automaton M = 〈Q,Σ, I, F, ↪→〉 with labeled transitions〈m1, v1〉 a

↪−→ 〈m2, v2〉 between method-local states m1,m2 ∈ Q paired withfinite-domain shared-state valuations v1, v2 ∈ V . The initial and final statesI, F ⊆ Q represent the method-local states passed to, and returned from, M . Alibrary L is a finite set of methods, and we refer to the components of a particularmethod (resp., library) by subscripting, e.g., the states and symbols QM and ΣM(resp., QL and ΣL). Though here we suppose an abstract notion of shared-statevaluations, in later sections we interpret them as valuations to a finite set offinite-domain variables.

A client of a library L is a finite automaton C = 〈Q,Σ, `0, ↪→〉 with initialstate `0 ∈ Q and transitions ↪→ ⊆ Q × Σ × Q labeled by the alphabet Σ ={M(m0,mf ) : M ∈ L,m0,mf ∈ QM} of library method calls; we refer to a clientC’s components by subscripting, e.g., the states and symbols QC and ΣC . Themost general client C? = 〈Q,Σ, `0, ↪→〉 of a library L nondeterministically callsL’s methods in any order: Q = {`0} and ↪→ = Q×Σ ×Q.

We consider unbounded concurrent systems L[C] in which the methods of alibrary L are invoked by an arbitrary number of concurrent threads executing acopy of a given client C; note that any shared memory program with an unboundednumber of finite-state threads can be modeled using a suitably-defined clientC. A configuration c = 〈v, u〉 of L[C] is a shared memory valuation v ∈ V ,along with a map u mapping each thread t ∈ N to a tuple u(t) = 〈`,m0,m〉,composed of a client-local state ` ∈ QC , along with initial and current method

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Verifying Concurrent Programs against Sequential Specifications 5

Internalu1(t) = 〈`,m0,m1〉〈m1, v1〉

a↪−−→ 〈m2, v2〉

u2 = u1 (t 7→ 〈`,m0,m2〉)

〈v1, u1〉〈a,t〉−−−→L[C]

〈v2, u2〉

Callu1(t) = 〈`1,⊥,⊥〉

m0 ∈ IM `1M(m0,mf )

↪−−−→C `2u2 = u1 (t 7→ 〈`1,m0,m0〉)

〈v, u1〉call(M,m0,t)−−−−−−−−→

L[C]〈v, u2〉

Returnu1(t) = 〈`1,m0,mf 〉

mf ∈ FM `1M(m0,mf )

↪−−−→C `2u2 = u1 (t 7→ 〈`2,⊥,⊥〉)

〈v, u1〉ret(M,mf ,t)−−−−−−−→

L[C]〈v, u2〉

Fig. 1. The transition relation →L[C] for the library-client composition L[C].

states m0,m ∈ QL ∪ {⊥}; m0 = m = ⊥ when thread t is not executing a librarymethod. In this way, configurations describe the states of arbitrarily-many threadsexecuting library methods. The transition relation →L[C] of L[C] is listed in

Figure 1 as a set of operational steps on configurations. A configuration 〈v, u〉of L[C] is called v0-initial for a given v0 ∈ V when v = v0 and u(t) = 〈`0,⊥,⊥〉for all t ∈ N, where `0 is the initial state of client C. An execution of L[C] is asequence ρ = c0c1 . . . of configurations such that ci →L[C] ci+1 for all 0 ≤ i < |ρ|,and ρ is called v0-initial when c0 is.

We associate to each concurrent system L[C] a canonical vector additionsystems with states (VASS),2 denoted AL[C], whose states are the set of shared-memory valuations, and whose vector components count the number of threads ineach thread-local state; a transition of AL[C] from 〈v1,n1〉 to 〈v2,n2〉 updates theshared-memory valuation from v1 to v2 and the local state of some thread t fromu1(t) to u2(t) by decrementing the u1(t)-component of n1, and incrementing theu2(t)-component, to derive n2. Several of our proof arguments in the followingsections invoke the canonical VASS simulation of a concurrent system, which wedefine fully in our extended report [7].

A call action of thread t is a symbol call(M,m, t), a return action is a symbolret(M,m, t), and an internal action is a symbol 〈a, t〉. We write σ to denote asequence of actions, and τ to denote a trace—i.e., a sequence of actions labelingsome execution. An M [m0,mf ]-operation θ (or more simply, M -operation, or justoperation) of a sequence σ is a maximal subsequence of actions of some thread tbeginning with a call action call(M,m0, t), followed by a possibly-empty sequenceof internal actions, and possibly ending with a return action ret(M,mf , t); mf = ∗when θ does not end in a return action. When θ ends with a return action, wesay θ is completed, and otherwise θ is pending ; a sequence σ is complete when allof its operations are completed. Two operations θ1 and θ2 of σ overlap when theminimal subsequence of σ containing both θ1 and θ2 is neither θ1 · θ2 nor θ2 · θ1.Two non-overlapping operations θ1 followed by θ2 in σ are called serial when θ1is completed; note that all operations of the same thread are serial. A sequenceσ is (quasi) serial when no two (completed) operations of σ overlap.

A (strict) permutation of an action sequence σ containing operations Θ is anaction sequence π with operations Θ such that every two same-thread operations

2See our extended report [7] for a standard definition of VASS.

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(resp., every two serial operations) of σ occur in the same serial order in π. Notethat π itself is not necessarily a trace of a system from which σ may be a trace.

2.2 Conflict Serializability

The notion of “conflict serializability” is a restriction to the more liberal “seri-alizability” [28]: besides requiring that each concurrent execution of operationscorresponds to some serial sequence, a “conflict relation,” relating the individualactions of each operation, must be preserved in deriving that serial sequence froma permutation of actions in the original concurrent execution. Both notions arewidely accepted correctness criteria for transactional systems.

We fix a symmetric3 relation ≺ on the internal library actions ΣL calledthe conflict relation. Although here we assume an abstract notion of conflict,in practice, two actions conflict when both access the same memory location,and at least one affects the value stored in that location; e.g., two writes to thesame shared variable would conflict. A permutation π of a trace τ is conflict-preserving when every pair 〈a1, t1〉 and 〈a2, t2〉 of actions of τ appear in thesame order in π whenever a1 ≺ a2. Intuitively, a conflict-preserving permutationw.r.t. the previously-mentioned notion of conflict is equally executable on asequentially-consistent machine.

Definition 1 (Conflict Serializability [28]). A trace τ is conflict serializablewhen there exists a conflict-preserving serial permutation of τ .

This definition extends to executions, to systems L[C] whose executions are allconflict serializable, and to libraries L when C is the most general client C?.

2.3 Linearizability

Contrary to (conflict) serializability, linearizability [21] is more often used incontexts, such as concurrent data structure libraries, in which an abstract specifi-cation of operations’ serial behavior is given explicitly. For instance, linearizabilitywith respect to a specification of a concurrent stack implementation would requirethe abstract push(·) and pop(·) operations carried out in a concurrent trace τcorrespond to some serial sequence σ of push(·)s and pop(·)s, in which each pop(a)can be matched to a previous push(a); Figure 2 illustrates an automaton-basedspecification of a two-element unary stack. Note that linearizability does notrequire that a corresponding reordering of the trace τ can actually be executed bythis stack implementation, nor that the implementation could have even executedthese operations serially.

A specification S of a library L is a language over the specification alphabet

ΣSdef= {M [m0,mf ] : M ∈ L,m0,mf ∈ QM}.

In this work we assume specifications are regular languages; in practice, spec-ifications are prefix closed. We refer to the alphabet containing both symbols

3All definitions of conflict that we are aware of assume symmetric relations.

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Verifying Concurrent Programs against Sequential Specifications 7

qε qa qa,apush[a, true]

pop[·, true] pop[·, true]

push[a, true]

pop[·, false]

Fig. 2. The sequential specification of two-element stacks containing the (abstract)value a, given as the language of a finiteautomaton, whose operation alphabet indi-cates both the argument and return values.

qε qa qa,a

push[a, ∗],push[a, true]

pop[·, ∗],pop[·, true]

pop[·, ∗],pop[·, true]

push[a, ∗],push[a, true]

pop[·, false]

pop[·, ∗],push[a, ∗]

pop[·, ∗],push[a, ∗]

pop[·, ∗],push[a, ∗]

Fig. 3. The pending closure of the stackspecification from Figure 2.

M [m0,mf ] and M [m0, ∗] for each M [m0,mf ] occurring in ΣS as the pending-closed alphabet of S, denoted ΣS .

Informally, a library L is linearizable w.r.t. a specification S when the op-erations of any concurrent trace can be serialized to a sequence of operationsbelonging to S, which must preserve the order between non-overlapping opera-tions. However, the presence of pending operations introduces a subtlety: a tracemay be considered linearizable by supposing that certain pending operations havealready been effectuated—e.g., a trace of a concurrent stack implementation inwhich push(a) is pending and pop(a) has successfully completed is linearizable—while simultaneously supposing that other pending operations are ignored—e.g., atrace in which push(a) is pending and pop(a) returned false is also linearizable.To account for the possible effects of pending operations, we define a completionof a (quasi) serial sequence σ = θ1θ2 . . . θi of operations to be any sequencef(σ) = f(1)f(2) . . . f(i) for some function f preserving completed operations(i.e., f(j) = θj when θj is completed), and either deleting (i.e., f(j) = ε) orcompleting (i.e., f(j) = θj · ret(M,mf , t), for some mf ∈ QM ) each M [m0, ∗]operation of some thread t. Note that a completion of a (quasi) serial sequence σis a complete serial sequence. Finally, the S-image of a serial sequence σ, denotedσ | S, maps each M [m0,mf ]-operation θ to the symbol M [m0,mf ] ∈ ΣS .

Definition 2 (Linearizability [21]). A trace τ is S-linearizable when thereexists a completion4 π of a strict, quasi-serial permutation of τ such that (π|S)∈S.

This notion extends naturally to executions of a system L[C], to the system L[C]itself, and to L when C is the most general client C?.

Example 1. The trace pictured in Figure 4 can be strictly permuted into a quasi-serial sequence whose completion (shown) excludes the pending push operation,and whose S-image

push[a, true] pop[·, true] pop[·, false] push[a, true]

belongs to the stack specification from Figure 2.

4Some works give an alternative yet equivalent definition using the completion of a strict,quasi-serial permutation of the S-image, rather than the S-image of a completion.

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8 Ahmed Bouajjani, Michael Emmi, Constantin Enea, and Jad Hamza

call(push, a, t1)

ret(push, true, t1)

call(pop, ·, t2)

ret(pop, true, t2)

call(push, a, t3)

ret(push, true, t3)

call(push, a, t4)

call(pop, ·, t1)

ret(pop, false, t1) call(push, a, t1) · ret(push, true, t1)

· call(pop, ·, t2) · ret(pop, true, t2)

· call(pop, ·, t1) · ret(pop, false, t1)

· call(push, a, t3) · ret(push, true, t3)

Fig. 4. The visualization of a trace τ with four threads executing four completed andone pending operation, along with a completion of a strict, quasi-serial permutation ofτ (ignoring internal actions).

2.4 Linearizability with Pending-Closed Specifications

In fact, even though the subtlety arising from pending operations is a necessarycomplication to the definition of linearizability, for the specifications we considerin this work given by regular languages, this complication can be “compiled away”into the specification itself. This leads to an equivalent notion of linearizabilitywithout the need to find a completion of a given quasi-serial operation sequence.

The pending closure of a specification S, denoted S is the set of S-images ofserial sequences which have completions whose S-images are in S:

Sdef= {(σ | S) ∈ Σ∗S : ∃σ′ ∈ Σ∗S . (σ′ | S) ∈ S and σ′ is a completion of σ}.

The language of the automaton of Figure 3 is the pending closure of the spec-ification from Figure 2; looping transitions labeled from ΣS \ ΣS correspondto deleting a pending operation in the completion, while non-loop transitionslabeled from ΣS \ΣS correspond to completing a pending operation.

The following straightforward results allow us to suppose that the complicationof closing serializations of each trace is compiled away, into the specification.

Lemma 1. The pending closure S of a regular specification S is regular.

Lemma 2. A trace τ is S-linearizable if and only if there exists a strict, quasi-serial permutation π of τ such that (π | S) ∈ S.

3 Deciding Conflict Serializability

Existing procedures for deciding conflict serializability (e.g., of individual traces,or finite-state systems) essentially monitor executions using a “conflict graph”which tracks the conflict relation between concurrent operations; an executionremains conflict serializable as long as the conflict graph remains acyclic, whilea cyclic graph indicates a violation to conflict serializability. While the conflictgraph can be maintained in polynomial-space when the number of concurrentthreads is bounded [17], this graph becomes unbounded as soon as the numberof threads does. In this section we demonstrate that there exists an alternativestructure witnessing non-conflict-serializability, whose size remains bounded

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Verifying Concurrent Programs against Sequential Specifications 9

θ1 θ2θ3



a1 b1a2 b2a3 b3





















Fig. 5. Conflict-violation witness embeddings and their corresponding conflict graph cy-cles over five operations θ1, θ2, θ3, θ4, θ5. (a) The witness 〈a1, b1〉 〈a2, b2〉 〈a3, b3〉 〈a4, b4〉 isnot minimal when b2 = b3, since 〈a1, b1〉 〈a2, b3〉 〈a4, b4〉 is also a witness. (c) The witness〈a1, b1〉 〈a2, b2〉 〈a3, b3〉 〈a4, b4〉 is not minimal when b2 = b3, since 〈b3, a2〉 〈a2, b2〉 〈a3, b3〉is also a witness. The conflict graphs of (a) and (c) are shown in (b) and (d).

independently of the number of concurrent threads, and which we use to proveEXPSPACE-completeness of conflict-serializability.

Definition 3 (Conflict-Graph [28]). The conflict graph of a trace τ is thedirected graph Gτ = 〈Θ,E〉 whose nodes Θ are the operations of τ , and whichcontains an edge from θ1 to θ2 when either:

– θ1 and θ2 are serial and θ1 occurs before θ2 in τ , or– there exist a conflicting pair of actions a1 and a2 of θ1 and θ2, resp., such

that a1 ≺ a2 and a1 occurs before a2 in τ .

Although a trace is serializable if and only if its conflict graph is acyclic [17], thesize of the conflict graph grows with the number of concurrent operations.

An embedding of a sequence of conflicting action pairs 〈a1, b1〉 . . . 〈ak, bk〉, intoa trace τ , is a function f from {ai, bi : 1 ≤ i ≤ k} to the actions of τ , such that:

– each f(ai) is executed by a different thread,– f(bi) and f(aη(i)) are actions of the same thread,– f(ai) precedes f(bi) in τ , and– f(bi) precedes f(aη(i)) in τ when f(bi) and f(aη(i)) are of different operations,

for each 1 ≤ i ≤ k, where η(i) = (i mod k) + 1. A conflict-violation witness for atrace τ is a sequence w for which there exists an embedding into τ .

Example 2. Figure 5a pictures the embeddings of two conflict-violation witnessescontaining 4 action pairs, corresponding to a cycle θ1θ2θ3θ4θ5θ1 in the conflictgraph of Figure 5c associated to the same trace.

The key to decidability of conflict-serializability is that any conflict cycleconstructed from two occurrences of the same conflicting action a ∈ ΣL can beshort-circuited into a smaller conflict cycle.

Lemma 3. A trace τ of a library L (w.r.t. some client C) is not conflict serial-izable iff there exists a conflict-violation witness for τ of size at most |ΣL|+ 1.

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Proof. As a direct consequence of our definition, τ is not conflict serializable iffthere exists a witness w embedded into τ by some f . (Each w embedded in τdefines a conflict graph cycle, and vice-versa). We show that if some bi besides b1repeats in w, then there exists an even smaller witness w′.

For any i, j ∈ N such that 1 < i < j ≤ |w| and bi = bj , we consider the twopossibilities:

– Suppose f(bj) occurs after f(ai) in τ . Then there exists a smaller conflict-violation witness for τ :

w′ = 〈a1, b1〉 . . . 〈ai, bi〉 〈aj+1, bj+1〉 . . . 〈ak, bk〉 .

The illustration of Figure 5a exemplifies this case when b2 = b3.– Suppose f(bj) occurs before f(ai) in τ . Then, leveraging the fact that ≺ is

symmetric, there exists a smaller conflict-violation witness for τ :

w′ = 〈bj , ai〉 〈ai, bi〉 . . . 〈aj , bj〉 .

The illustration of Figure 5b exemplifies this case when b2 = b3.

In either case w is not minimal unless |w| ≤ |ΣL|+ 1. utAs we have considered an abstraction notion of actions which constitute

a finite set ΣL, Lemma 3 would hold equally well for libraries accessing anunbounded shared memory, given an equivalence relation whose quotient set isfinite—e.g., by partitioning memory into a finite number of regions—which isobtained in practice by abstraction.

As soon as conflict cycles are bounded, the set of all possible cycles is finitelyenumerable. We use this fact to prove that conflict serializability is decidable inexponential space by reduction to state-reachability in VASS, using an extensionto the canonical VASS AL[C] of a given system L[C] (see Section 2.1). Weaugment the states of AL[C] to store a (bounded) conflict violation witnessw, which is chosen nondeterministically, and incrementally validated as AL[C]

simulates the behavior of L[C]. This algorithm is asymptotically optimal, sincestate-reachability in VASS is also polynomial-time reducible to checking conflictserializability. Our full proof is listed in an extended report [7].

Theorem 1. The conflict serializability problem for unbounded concurrent sys-tems is EXPSPACE-complete.

Although exploring all possible conflict cycles up to the bound |ΣL| + 1yields a complete procedure for deciding conflict serializability, we believe thatin practice incomplete methods—e.g., based on constraint solving—using muchsmaller bounds could be more productive. The existing literature on verificationof conflict serializability seems to confirm that violations are witnessed withvery small cycles; for instance, two different violations on variations to theTransactional Locking II transactional memory algorithm reported by Guerraouiet al. [19] and Dragojevic et al. [13] are witnessed by cycles formed by just twopairs of conflicting actions between two operations. Furthermore, Guerraoui et al.[19] show that any violation to conflict serializability in practically-occurringtransactional memory systems must occur in an execution with only two threads.

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Verifying Concurrent Programs against Sequential Specifications 11

4 Deciding Static Linearizability

Due to the intricacy of checking whether a system is linearizable according tothe general notion, of Definition 2, Herlihy and Wing [21] have introduced astricter criterion, where the so-called “linearization points”—i.e., the points atwhich operations’ effects become instantaneously visible—are specified manually.Though it is sometimes possible to map linearization points to atomic actions inmethod implementations, generally speaking, the placement of an operation’slinearization point can be quite complicated: it may depend on other concurrentlyexecuting operations, and it may even reside outside of the operation’s execution.Vafeiadis [31] observed that in practice such complicated linearization pointsarise mainly for “read-only” operations, which do not modify a library’s abstractstate; a typical example being the contains-operation of an optimistic set [27],whose linearization point may reside in a concurrently executing add- or remove-operation when the contains-operation returns, resp., true or false.

In this section we demonstrate that the static linearizability problem, in whichthe linearization points of non-read-only operations can be statically fixed toimplementation actions, is decidable, and complete for exponential space.

Given a method M of a library L and m0,mf ∈ QM , an M [m0,mf ]-operationθ is read-only for a specification S if and only if for all w1, w2, w3 ∈ Σ∗S ,

1. If w1 ·M [m0,mf ] · w2 ∈ S then w1 ·M [m0,mf ]k · w2 ∈ S for all k ≥ 0, and2. If w1 ·M [m0,mf ] · w2 ∈ S and w1 · w3 ∈ S then w1 ·M [m0,mf ] · w3 ∈ S.

The first condition is a sort of idempotence of M [m0,mf ] w.r.t. S, while thesecond says that M [m0,mf ] does not disable other operations.

Remark 1. Whether an operation is read-only can be derived from the specifica-tion. Roughly, an operation M [m0,mf ] is read-only for a specification given bya finite automaton A if every transition of A labeled by M [m0,mf ] is a self-loop.For instance, the specification in Fig. 2 dictates that pop[·, false] is read-only.

The control graph GM = 〈QM , E〉 is the quotient of a method M ’s transitionsystem by shared-state valuations V : 〈m1, a,m2〉 ∈ E iff 〈m1, v1〉 ↪→a

M 〈m2, v2〉for some v1, v2 ∈ V . A function LP : L → ℘(ΣL) is called a linearization-pointmapping when for each M ∈ L:

1. each symbol a ∈ LP(M) labels at most one transition of M ,2. any directed path in GM contains at most one symbol of LP(M), and3. all directed paths in GM containing a ∈ LP(M) reach the same ma ∈ FM .

An action 〈a, i〉 of an M -operation is called a linearization point when a ∈ LP(M),and operations containing linearization points are said to be effectuated ; LP(θ)denotes the unique linearization point of an effectuated operation θ. A read-pointsmapping RP : Θ → N for an action sequence σ with operations Θ maps eachread-only operation θ to the index RP(θ) of an internal θ-action in σ.

Remark 2. One could also define linearization points which depend on predicatesinvolving, e.g., shared-state valuations, loop iteration counts, and return values.

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An action sequence σ is called effectuated when every completed operationof σ is either effectuated or read-only, and an effectuated completion σ′ of σ iseffect preserving when each effectuated operation of σ also appears in σ′. Givena linearization-point mapping LP, and a read-points mapping RP of an actionsequence σ, we say a permutation π of σ is point preserving when every twooperations of π are ordered by their linearization/read points in σ.

Definition 4. A trace τ is 〈S, LP〉-linearizable when τ is effectuated, and thereexists a read-points mapping RP of τ , along with an effect-preserving completionπ of a strict, point-preserving, and serial permutation of τ such that (π | S) ∈ S.

This notion extends naturally to executions of a system L[C], to the system L[C]itself, and to L when C is the most general client C?.

Definition 5 (Static Linearizability). The system L[C] is S-static lineariz-able when L[C] is 〈S, LP〉-linearizable for some mapping LP.

Example 3. The execution of Example 1 is 〈S, LP〉-linearizable with an LP whichassigns points denoted by ×s in Figure 4; the completion of a strict, point-preserving, and serial permutation which witnesses this fact is also shown.

Lemma 4. Every S-static linearizable library is S-linearizable.

To decide 〈LP, S〉-static-linearizability we reduce to a reachability problem onan extension of the given system L[C]. The extension simulates the specificationautomaton AS , updating its state when operations are effectuated—i.e., atlinearization points. Besides ensuring that the method corresponding to eachread-only operation θ is enabled in AS at some point during θ’s execution, ourreachability query ensures that each effectuated operation corresponds to anenabled transition in AS ; otherwise the current execution is not S-linearizable,w.r.t. the mapping LP. Technically, we discharge this reachability query via state-reachability on the canonical VASS of L[C]’s extension (see Section 2.1), whichyields an exponential-space procedure. As the set of possible linearization-pointmappings is finite, this procedure is hoisted to an exponential-space procedurefor static-linearizability, leveraging Savitch’s Theorem. Our proof in our extendedreport [7] also demonstrates asymptotic optimality, since VASS state-reachabilityis also polynomial-time reducible to static linearizability.

Theorem 2. The static linearizability problem for unbounded concurrent systemswith regular specifications is EXPSPACE-complete.

5 Undecidability of Linearizability in the General Case

Though verifying linearizability is decidable for finite-state systems [1], allowingfor an unbounded number of concurrent operations lends the power, e.g., toencode unbounded counters. In this section we demonstrate how to harness thispower via a reduction from the undecidable state-reachability problem of counter

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machines to linearizability of unbounded concurrent systems. Technically, givena counter machine A, we construct a library LA and a specification SA suchthat LA[C?] is not SA-linearizable exactly when A has an execution reachingthe given target state. In what follows we outline our simulation of A, ignoringseveral details in order to highlight the crux of our reduction. Our full proof islisted in an extended report [7].

In our simulation of A the most general client C? invokes an arbitrary sequenceof methods from the library LA containing a transition method T[t] for eachtransition t of A, and an increment method I[ci], a decrement method D[ci], anda zero-test method Z[ci], for each counter ci of A. As our simulation should allowonly concurrent traces which correspond to executions of A, and C? is a priorifree to invoke operations at arbitrary times, we are faced with constructing thelibrary LA and specification SA so that only certain well-formed concurrenttraces are permitted. Our strategy is essentially to build LA to allow only thosetraces corresponding to valid sequences of A-transitions, and to build SA toallow only those traces, which either do not reach the target state of A, or whicherroneously pass some zero-test—i.e., on a counter whose value is non-zero.

Figure 6 depicts the structure of our simulation, on an A-execution wheretwo increments are followed by two decrements and a zero test, all on the samecounter c1. Essentially we simulate each execution by a trace in which:

1. A sequence t1t2 . . . ti of A-transitions is modeled by a pairwise-overlappingsequence of T[t1] · T[t2] · · ·T[ti] operations.

2. Each T[t]-operation has a corresponding I[ci], D[ci], or Z[ci] operation, de-pending on whether t is, resp., an increment, decrement, or zero-test transitionwith counter ci.

3. Each I[ci] operation has a corresponding D[ci] operation.4. For each counter ci, all I[ci] and D[ci] between Z[ci] operations overlap.5. For each counter ci, no I[ci] nor D[ci] operations overlap with a Z[ci] operation.6. The number of I[ci] operations between two Z[ci] operations matches the

number of D[ci] operations.

The library LA ensures Properties 1–4 using rendezvous synchronization,with six types of signals: a T/T signal between T[·]-operations, and for eachcounter ci, T/I, T/D, and T/Z signals between T[·]-operations and, resp., I[ci],D[ci], and Z[ci] operations, an I/D signal between I[ci] and D[ci] operations,and a T/C signal between T[t] operations and I[ci] or D[ci] operations, for zero-testing transitions t. An initial operation (not depicted in Figure 6) initiates aT/T rendezvous with some T[t] operation. Each T[t] operation then performs arendezvous sequence: when t is an increment or decrement of counter ci, then T[t]performs a T/T rendezvous, followed by a T/I, resp., T/D for counter ci, followedby a final T/T rendezvous; when t is a zero-test of counter ci, T[t] performs aT/T rendezvous, followed by some arbitrary number of T/Cs for ci, followed by aT/Z for ci, and finally a last T/T rendezvous. Each I[ci] operation performs T/I,then I/D, and finally T/C rendezvous for counter ci, while each D[ci] operationperforms I/D, then T/D, and finally T/C rendezvous for ci; the Z[ci] operationsperform a single T/Z rendezvous for ci. T/T rendezvousing ensures Property 1,

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T[inc c1]

T[inc c1] T[dec c1]

T[dec c1]

T[jz c1 ..]






Z[c1]T/I T/I T/D T/D T/C



Fig. 6. The LA simulation of an A-execution with two increments followed by twodecrements and a zero-test of counter c1. Operations are drawn as horizontal lines con-taining rendezvous actions drawn as circles. Matching rendezvous actions are connectedby dotted lines labeled by rendezvous type. Time advances to the right.

T/I, T/D, and T/Z rendezvousing ensures Property 2, I/D rendezvousing ensuresProperty 3, and T/C rendezvousing ensures Property 4. Note that even in thecase where not all pending I[ci] and D[ci] operations perform T/C rendezvouswith a concurrent T[t] operation, where t is a zero-test transition, at the very least,they overlap with all other pending I[ci] and D[ci] operations having performedT/I, resp., T/D, rendezvous since the last Z[ci] operation.

The trickier part of our proof is indeed ensuring Properties 5 and 6. Therewe leverage Property 4: when all I[ci] and D[ci] operations between two Z[ci]operations overlap, every permutation of them, including those alternating be-tween I[ci] and D[ci] operations, is strict, i.e., is permitted by the definition oflinearizability. Our specification SA takes advantage of this in order to matchthe unbounded number of I[ci] and D[ci] operations using only bounded memory.

Lemma 5. The specification SA accepting all sequences which either do not endwith a transition to the target state, or in which the number of alternating I[ci]and D[ci] operations between two Z[ci] operations are unequal, is regular.

Lemma 5 gives a way to ensure Properties 5 and 6, since any trace whichis SA-linearizable either does not encode an execution to A’s target state, orrespects Property 5 while violating Property 6—i.e., the number of incrementsand decrements between zero-tests does not match—or violates Property 5: in thelatter case, where some I[ci] or D[ci] operation θ1 overlaps with an Z[ci] operationθ2, θ1 can always be commuted over θ2 to ensure that the number of I[ci] and D[ci]operations does not match in some interval between Z[ci] operations. Thus anytrace which is not SA-linearizable must respect both Properties 5 and 6. It followsthat any trace of LA which is not SA-linearizable guarantees Properties 1–6, andultimately corresponds to a valid execution of A, and visa versa, thus reducingcounter machine state-reachability to SA-linearizability.

Theorem 3. The linearizability problem for unbounded concurrent systems withregular specifications is undecidable.

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6 Deciding Bounded Barrier Linearizability

Our proof in Section 5 that verifying linearizability is undecidable relies onconstructing an unbounded amount of “barriers” bisecting serial operations inorder to encode unboundedly-many zero-tests of a counter machine. Besidesdisarming our undecidability proof, bounding the number of barriers leads toan interesting heuristic for detecting violations to linearizability, based on thehypothesis that many violations occur in executions expressed with few barriers.In this section we demonstrate not only that the bounded-barrier linearizabilityproblem is decidable, but that when restricting exploration to bounded-barrierexecutions, checking linearizability reduces to a constraint solving problem on thevaluations of counters counting the number of each operation occurring in a finitenumber of barrier-separated intervals. Similarly to how context-bounding reducesthe problem of exploring concurrent program interleavings to sequential programbehaviors [22], barrier-bounding reduces the problem of exploring concurrentoperation serializations to counter-constraint solving.

Formally, a barrier of a trace τ is an index 0 < B < |τ | such that τ(B) is acall action, and the nearest preceding non-internal action of τ is a return action.An interval is a maximal integer interval I = [i1, i2] of τ -indices containing nobarriers except i1, in the case that i1 > 0; we index the intervals of a tracesequentially from 0, as I0, I1, . . . , Ik. The span of an operation θ of τ is the pair〈Ii, Ij〉 of intervals such that θ begins in Ii and ends in Ij—and Ij = ω when θis pending. The trace τ of Example 1 contains two barriers, B1 and B2, whereτ(B1) = call(pop, ·, t1) and τ(B2) = call(push, a, t3), thus dividing τ into threeintervals, I0 = [0, B1 − 1], I1 = [B1, B2 − 1], and I2 = [B2, |τ | − 1]; the span of,e.g., the operation of threads t2 and t4 are, resp., 〈I0, I1〉 and 〈I0, ω〉. Note thatthe spans of two serial operations of a trace are disjoint.

Definition 6. The system L[C] is 〈S, k〉-linearizable when every trace of L[C]with at most k barriers is S-linearizable.

In what follows we develop the machinery to reduce this bounded-barrier lineariz-ability problem to a reachability problem on systems which count the number ofeach operation spanning each pair of intervals.

An interval-annotated alphabet Σdef= Σ × N× (N ∪ {ω}) attaches (non-zero)

interval indices to each symbol of Σ, and an interval-annotated sequence σ ∈ Σ∗is k-bounded when i1 ≤ k and either i2 ≤ k or i2 = ω for each symbol 〈a, i1, i2〉of σ. The homomorphism h : Σ → Σ maps each symbol 〈a, , 〉 to h(〈a, , 〉) = a.An interval-annotated sequence σ is timing consistent when i1 ≤ i2, i3 ≤ i4, andi1 ≤ i4 for any symbol 〈 , i1, i2〉 occurring before 〈 , i3, i4〉 in σ.

We say that the sequence over the interval-annotated (and pending closed,see Section 2.4) specification alphabet σ ∈ Σ∗S is consistent when σ is timingconsistent, and i2 = ω iff mf = ∗, for all symbols 〈M [m0,mf ], i1, i2〉 of σ. The

(k-bounded) interval-annotated specification S of a specification S is the languagecontaining all consistent interval-annotated sequences σ such that h(σ) ∈ S.For example, we obtain the 1-bounded interval-annotated specification from

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the specification of Figure 3 by attaching the interval indices 〈1, ω〉 to eachpop[·, ∗] and push[a, ∗] symbol, and 〈1, 1〉 to each pop[·, false], pop[·, true], andpush[a, true] symbol.

Lemma 6. The k-bounded interval-annotated specification S, of a regular speci-fication S, is also regular.

Proof. For any given k > 0 the set W ⊆ Σ∗S of k-bounded consistent interval-annotated sequences is regular. As regular languages are closed under inversehomomorphism and intersection, S = W ∩ h−1(S) is also regular. ut

To relate traces to an interval-annotated specification S, we define the interval-annotated S-image σ of an action sequence σ as the multiset σ : ΣS → N map-ping each 〈M [m0,mf ], i1, i2〉 ∈ ΣS to the number of occurrences of M [m0,mf ]-operations in σ with span 〈i1, i2〉.Example 4. The interval-annotated image τ of the trace τ from Example 1 mapsthe interval-annotated symbols

push[a, true][1, 1], push[a, ∗][1, ω], pop[·, true][1, 2],

pop[·, false][2, 3], and push[a, true][3, 3]

to 1, and the remaining symbols of ΣS to zero.

Annotating operations with the intervals in which they occur allows a compactrepresentation of specifications’ ordering constraints, while abstracting away theorder of same-interval operations—as they are free to commute. To realize thisabstraction, we recall that the Parikh image of a sequence σ ∈ Σ∗ is the multisetΠ(σ) : Σ → N mapping each symbol a ∈ Σ to the number of occurrences of a in σ.The Parikh image of a language L ⊆ Σ∗ are the images Π(L)

def= {Π(σ) : σ ∈ L}

of sequences in L. We prove the following key lemma in our extended report [7].

Lemma 7. A trace τ with at most k barriers is S-linearizable iff τ ∈ Π(S),where S is the (k+1)-bounded interval-annotated specification of S.

Lemma 7 essentially allows us to reduce the bounded-barrier linearizabilityproblem to a reachability problem: given a trace τ with at most k barriers, τis linearizable so long as its image τ is included in the Parikh image of the(k+1)-bounded specification S. In effect, rather than considering all possibleserializations of τ , it suffices to keep count of the number of pending and completedoperations over each span of intervals, and ensure that these counts continuallyremain within the semi-linear set of counts allowed by the specification. For thepurposes of our results here, we keep these counts by increasing the dimension ofthe canonical vector addition systemAL[C] (see Section 2.1) of a given system L[C].Furthermore, since Bouajjani and Habermehl [6] prove that checking whetherreachable VASS configurations lie within a semi-linear set is itself reducibleto VASS reachability, and the Parikh image of a regular set is a semi-linear,ensuring these counts continually remain within those allowed by the specificationis therefore reducible to VASS reachability. In fact, our proof in our extendedreport [7] shows this reduction-based procedure is asymptotically optimal, sinceVASS reachability is also polynomial-time reducible to to 〈S, k〉-linearizability.

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Theorem 4. The bounded-barrier linearizability problem for unbounded concur-rent systems with regular specifications is decidable, and asymptotically equivalentto VASS reachability.

Theorem 4 holds for any class of specifications with semi-linear Parikh images,including, e.g., context-free languages. Furthermore, though Theorem 4 leveragesour reduction from serializations to counting operations for decidability withunbounded concurrent systems, in principle this reduction applies to any classof concurrent systems, including infinite-data systems—without any guaranteeof decidability—provided the ability to represent suitable constraints on thecounters of annotated specification alphabet symbols. We believe this reductionis valuable whether or not data and/or concurrency are bounded, since we avoidthe explicit enumeration of possible serializations.

As a proof of concept, we have implemented a prototype of our reduction.First we instrument a given library implementation (written in Boogie) with(1) auxiliary counters, counting the number of each operation within each boundedspan, (2) with Presburger assertions over these counters, encoding the legalspecification images, and (3) with a client nondeterministically invoking methodswith arbitrary arguments. As a second step we translate this instrumented(concurrent) program to a sequential (Boogie) program, encoding a subset ofdelay-bounded executions [16], then discover assertion violations using an SMT-based sequential reachability engine [23]. Note that the bounded-barrier reduction,which treats operation serialization, composes naturally with the bounded-delayreduction, which treats operation interleaving. Furthermore, the reduction toSMT allows us to analyze infinite-data implementations; e.g., we analyze anunbounded stack with arbitrary data values, according to a specification whichensures each pop is preceded by a matching push—which is context-free, thushas a semi-linear Parikh image—while ignoring the pushed and popped values.

We have applied our prototype to discover bugs known in or manually-injected into several textbook concurrent data structure algorithms; the resultinglinearizability violations are discovered within a few seconds to minutes. Besidesevidence to the practical applicability of our reduction algorithm, our small setof experiments suggests that many linearizability violations occur with very fewbarriers; we discover violations arising from the infamous “ABA” bug [26], alongwith bugs injected into a 2-lock queue, a lock-coupling set, and Treiber’s stack,in executions without any barriers. For instance, in an improperly-synchronizedTreiber-style stack algorithm, two concurrent pop(a) operations may erroneouslyremove the same element added by one concurrent push(a) operation; however, noserialization of pop(a), pop(a), and push(a) is included in our stack specification.

Of course, some violations do require barriers. A very simple example is aviolation involving one pop(a) serial with one push(a) operation, though sincepop(a) and push(a) are not concurrent, a bug causing this violation is unlikely.More interestingly, a lost update due to improper synchronization between twoconcurrent inc() operations in a zero-initialized counter can only be observedas a linearizability violation when a barrier prevents, e.g., a subsequent read(1)operation from commuting over an inc() operation.

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7 Related Work

Papadimitriou [28] and Gibbons and Korach [18] studied variations on the prob-lems of deciding serializability, sequential consistency, and linearizability forsingle concurrent traces, finding the general problems to be NP-complete, andpointing out several PTIME variants, e.g., when serializations must respect asuitable conflict-order. Alur et al. [1] studied the complexity of similar decisionproblems for all traces of finite-state concurrent systems: while sequential consis-tency already becomes undecidable for finite-state systems—though Bingham[4] proposes certain decidable pathology-omitting variations—checking conflictserializability is declared PSPACE-complete5 while linearizability is shown to bein EXPSPACE. Our work considers the complexity of these problems for systemswhere the number of concurrent operations is unbounded.

Though many have developed techniques for proving linearizability [33, 2, 32,3, 25, 14, 27, 31, 34, 10], we are not aware of decidability or complexity results forthe corresponding linearizability and static linearizability verification problemsfor unbounded systems. While a few works propose testing-based detection oflinearizability violations [9, 11, 10], they rely on explicit enumeration of possibleserializations; prioritizing the search for violations with few barriers, and theresulting reduction to numerical constraint solving, are novel.

Several works have also developed techniques for verifying sequential consis-tency [20, 29, 5, 8] and serializability [12, 30, 17, 19, 15]; Farzan and Madhusudan[17] demonstrate a complete technique for verifying conflict serializability with abounded number of concurrent operations, and while Guerraoui et al. [19] identifysymmetry conditions on transactional systems with which conflict serializabilitycan be verified completely, for an unbounded number of concurrent operations,they propose no means of checking that these symmetry conditions hold on anygiven system. On the contrary, we show that verifying conflict serializabilitywithout bounding the number of concurrent operations is EXPSPACE-complete.


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