Download - Verbos a Los Que Acompaña Un Adverbio


Verbos a los que acompaa un adverbio (phrasal verbs) o preposicin (prepositional verbs) modificando el sentido del verbo al que acompaan.ADD UPtotalizarADD UP TOalcanzar un total

ANSWER BACKcontestar de malos modosANSWER FORresponder de

ASK ABOUTpreguntar por (un asunto)ASK AFTERpreguntar por la salud

ASK FORpedir, preguntar porASK UP TOpedir hasta (un precio)

ASK BACKinvitar a volverASK DOWNinvitar a bajar

ASK INinvitar a entrarASK OUTinvitar a salir

ASK UPinvitar a subir

BACK AWAYretrocederBACK OUTvolver atrs

BACK UPreforzarBE ABOUTestar por (un lugar)

BE AWAYestar fueraBE BACKestar de vuelta

BE FORestar a favor deBE INestar en casa

BE OFFirse, estar apagadoBE ONestar encendido

BE OUTestar fueraBE OVERestar acabado

BE UPestar levantadoBEND DOWNagacharse

BEND OVERinclinarseBLOW AWAYllevarse (el viento)

BLOW DOWNderrumbarse por el vientoBLOW OFFdejar salir (el vapor)

BLOW OUTapagar (se) (una llama)BLOW UPvolar (con explosivos)

BREAK AWAYsoltarseBREAK DOWNderruir, averiarse

BREAK INirrumpir, interrumpirBREAK OFFromper (se) (relaciones)

BREAK UPterminar el curso o una relacinBREAK OUTestallar (una guerra)


BRING ALONGtraer (consigo)BRING DOWNderribar, rebajar

BRING INhacer entrarBRING OUThacer salir, publicar

BRING UPcriar, educarBRUSH OFFquitar el polvo

BURN AWAYconsumirse (el fuego)BURN DOWNderrumbarse (por el fuego)

BURN OUTconsumirse (el fuego)BURN UPconsumirse (por el fuego)

BUY FORcomprar por o paraBUY OVERsobornar

BUY UPacaparar

CALL ATHacer una visita, hacer escalaCALL AWAYSeguir llamando

CALL BACKLlamar (a alguien) para que regreseCALL FORPedir a voces, exigir

CALL INLlamar (a alguien) para que entreCALL ONIr a ver (a alguien)

CALL OUTGritarCALL OVERPasar lista, enumerar

CALL UPTelefonearCALL DOWNLlamar (a alguien) para que baje

CARRY ALONGPersuadirCARRY OFFLlevarse a la fuerza

CARRY ONContinuarCARRY OUTLlevar a cabo

CLEAR AWAYDispersar (se)CLEAR OFFMarcharse

CLEAR OUTMarcharseCLEAR UPAclararse (el tiempo,un misterio)


COME ABOUTSucederCOME ACROSSEncontrarse con

COME ALONGAcompaar, venir por (la calle)COME ATEmbestir


COME FORVenir por (en busca de)COME FROMVenir de

COME INEntrarCOME OFFDesprenderse

COME ONVamos! (en imperativo)COME OUTSalir

COME TOAscender (una suma), volver en s.COME UPSubir

COME UP TOAcercarse aCOUNT INIncluir

COUNT ONContar conCOUNT UPCalcular

COUNT UP TOContar hastaCRY FORPedir llorando

CRY OUTLlorar a gritosCRY OVERLamentarse

CRY TOLlamar a gritosCUT DOWNReducir gastos, talar

CUT INInterrumpirCUT OFFSeparar de un tajo

CUT OUTRecortar, omitirCUT THROUGHAcortar por un atajo

CUT UPTrinchar, triturar

DIE AWAYCesar poco a pocoDIE DOWNApaciguarse

DIE OUTExtinguirseDO UPAbrochar

DO WITHOUTPasarse sin (carecer de)DRAW AWAYAlejarse


DRAW INEconomizar, encoger (se)DRAW OFFApartarse

DRAW ONAproximarse, retirar fondosDRAW OUTSacar, redactar, alargarse (el da)

DRAW UPPara (un vehculo)DRIVE AWAYAhuyentar, alejarse en coche

DRIVE BACKRechazarDRIVE BYPasar en coche

DRIVE INEntrar en coche, introducirDRIVE OUTSalir en coche, expulsar

DRIVE OFFAlejarse en coche, ahuyentar


EAT UPDevorar

FALL DOWNCaerseFALL OFFDisminuir, desprenderse


FIGHT ONSeguir luchandoFIGHT UPLuchar valerosamente

FILL INRellenarFILL UPRellenar, llenar

FIND OUTAveriguarFIX UPArreglar (un asunto)

FLY ABOUTVolar de un lado a otroFLY ATAtacar

FLY AWAYHuir volandoFLY DOWNDescender

FLY OFFDesprenderse

GET ABOUTIr de ac para allGET ALONGHacer progreso

GET ATDar a entenderGET AWAYEscaparse

GET BACKVolver, recuperarGET DOWNDescender

GET TOLlegar aGET IN / INTOEntrar, meterse

GET OUT (OF)Salir, apearseGET OFFApearse, bajarse

GET ONSubirse, progresarGET OUTProducir, salir

GET OVERSaltar por encima, recobrarseGET THROUGHAbrirse camino

GET UPLevantarseGIVE AWAYRepartir, denunciar

GIVE BACKDevolverGIVE OFFDespedir (humo, olor)

GIVE OUTAgotarse, repartirGIVE UPEntregar, rendirse

GO ABOUTIr de un lado para otroGO ALONGIr a lo largo de

GO ATAtacarGO AWAYMarcharse

GO BYPasar porGO DOWNBajar

GO IN / INTOEntrarGO OFFExplotar, marcharse

GO ONContinuarGO OUTSalir, pasarse de moda, apagarse

GO OVERRepasarGO THROUGHPenetrar, sufrir

GO UPSubirGO UP TOAcercarse a

GO ACROSSAtravesarGO WITHOUTPasarse sin


HANG BEHINDQuedarse atrsHANG FROMColgar de

HANG OFFColgar (el telfono)HANG UPColgar (un cuadro)

HOLD BACKDetenerHOLD ONContinuar

HOLD OUTResistirHURRY ALONGDarse prisa

HURRY AWAYIrse rpidamenteHURRY OFFIrse rpidamente

HURRY UPDarse prisa


JUMP DOWNBajar de un saltoJUMP INEntrar de un salto

JUMP ONSubir de un saltoJUMP OVERSaltar por encima de

KEEP AWAYMantenerse alejadoKEEP BACKMantenerse separado

KEEP DOWNControlarKEEP OFFAbstenerse

KEEP UPMantenerse de pie, resistirKNOCK ABOUTGolpear ac y all

KNOCK ATLlamar (a la puerta)KNOCK DOWNDerribar

KNOCK OUTDejar fuera de combate


LOOK BEHINDMirar atrsLOOK DOWNMirar abajo


LOOK INMirar dentroLOOK LIKEParecer

LOOK OUTMirar fueraLOOK OVERMirar por encima de

LOOK ROUNDMirar alrededorLOOK UPMirar arriba, buscar

MOVE AWAYAlejarseMOVE ALONGPasar, no detenerse

MOVE DOWNBajarMOVE INMudarse (de domicilio)

MOVE OFFMarcharseMOVE ONNo detenerse, pasar a (otro asunto)

MOVE OUTMudarse (de domicilio)MOVE UPMoverse (para dejar sitio)

PASS AWAYFallecerPASS BYPasar por (un sitio)

PASS INEntrarPASS ONPasar (de mano en mano)

PAY FORPagarPAY INIngresar (dinero)

PAY OFFLiquidar (una cuenta), pagarPAY UPPagar (una deuda)

POINT ATSealarPOINT AWAYSealar a lo lejos

POINT TOSealarPOINT DOWNSealar abajo

POINT OUTDestacarPOINT UPSealar arriba



PULL UPParar (un vehculo)PUT AWAYPoner a un lado

PUT BACKPoner en su sitioPUT DOWNAnotar, bajar (algo)

PUT INMeter, instalarPUT OFFPosponer

PUT ONPonerse (una prenda)PUT OUTApagar, sacar

PUT UPSubir (algo), alojarsePUT UP WITHSoportar

RUN ABOUTCorrer de ac para allRUN ACROSSEncontrarse con, atravesar corriendo

RUN DOWNPararse (un reloj), enfermarRUN INEntrar corriendo

RUN OFFEscapar corriendoRUN OUTSalir corriendo

RUN OVERAtropellarRUN UPSubir corriendo

SEE ABOUTIndagarSEE OFFDespedir (a alguien)

SEE TOEncargarse deSEND ALONGDespachar

SEND DOWNBajar (algo)SEND FOREnviar por

SEND OFFDespachar,despedir (trabajadores)SEND ROUNDCircular

SEND UPSubir (algo)SET ABOUTPonerse (a trabajar)

SET DOWNAsentar, colocarSET OFFPartir (para un viaje)

SHUT INEncerrarSHUT UPCallarse, cerrar (una tienda)

SIT DOWNSentarseSIT UPIncorporarse, sentarse erguido

SIT FORPresentarse (a un examen)SPEAK FORHablar a favor de

SPEAK TOHablar conSPEAK UPHablar en alta voz

STAND BYQuedarse cercaSTAND OFFMantenerse alejado

STAND OUTDestacarSTAND UPPonerse de pie

STAY ATHospedarseSTAY BYPermanecer al lado de

STAY INQuedarse en casaSTAY OUTQuedarse fuera de casa



STEP UPSubirSTEP UP TOAcercarse a (alguien)

STOP BYQuedarse al lado deSTOP INQuedarse en casa

STOP UPEmpastar (una muela), tapar (una botella)

TAKE DOWNEscribir al dictado, bajar (algo)TAKE FORTomar por (equivocarse)

TAKE INEngaar, meterTAKE OFFQuitarse (una prenda), despegar

TAKE OUTSacar, quitarTAKE TOLlevar a

TAKE UPSubir (algo)TALK ABOUTHablar acerca de

TALK OFHablar deTALK TOHablar con

TEAR AWAYQuitar (rasgando)TEAR OFFSeparar (rasgando)

TEAR UPHacer pedazos (rasgando)THROW AWAYTirar (algo inservible)

THROW BACKDevolverTHROW DOWNTirar hacia abajo

THROW INTirar hacia adentroTHROW OFFEchar fuera

THROW OUTArrojarTHROW UPTirar hacia arriba

TRY ONProbarse una prendaTURN AWAYMirar a otro lado

TURN BACKDarse la vueltaTURN DOWNPoner boca abajo

TURN OFFApagar (la luz), cerrar (una llave)TURN ONEncender (la luz), abrir (una llave)

TURN OUTApagarTURN OVERVolcar, poner boca abajo

TURN INTOConvertirseTURN UPLlegar

WALK ABOUTAndar de ac para allWALK ALONGAndar por

WALK AWAYAlejarse andandoWALK DOWNBajar

WALK INEntrarWALK OFFMarcharse


WORK UNDERTrabajar a las rdenes deWRITE DOWNAnotar

Verbo frasalEspaolEjemplo

add upsumarPlayThe waiteradded upthe bill.

ask(someone)outinvitar a salirPlaySteveasked me outlast night.

back offretirarsePlayI wouldback offif I were you, I don't think she likes you.

back(someone)upapoyar, respaldarPlayYou were with me, you canback me up, right?

back up(something)hacer un copiaPlayDon't forget toback upall of your files.

break down(something)dejar de trabajar, estropearse, averiarsePlayOur carbroke downwhile we were driving to the supermarket.

break down(someone)venirse abajoPlayIt was the most stressful week. By Friday Ibroke downand cried.

break(something)downderribar, desmontarPlayWe had tobreak downthe stage to prepare for the next event.

blow upexplotarPlayTheyblew upa building, but luckily nobody was hurt.

break intoforzando la entrada para robarPlaySomeonebroke intomy apartment while I was on holidays.

break upsepararse, rompersePlayI can't believe it, Danbroke upwith me last night!

bring(somebody)upcriar y educarPlayI wasbrought upby my grandmother.

bring(something)upsacar, mencionarPlayI hate him. Don't everbring his name upagain!

call backvolver a llamarPlayHe was busy when I called, but he said he wouldcall me backtonight.

call offsuspender, cancelarPlayDid you hear? Brendacalled offthe wedding!

call onpreguntarPlayThe teachercalled onme in class to answer the question.

calm downtranquilizarse, calmarsePlayCalm down, everything is going to be ok.

carry onseguir haciendo algoPlayCarry on! You are doing very well.

carry onseguir haciendo algoPlayShe must have loved Spain, she wascarrying onabout it for days after she returned.

catch upponerse al daPlayCall me, we need tocatch up!

check inregistrarse (en)PlayWhat time can wecheck into the hotel?

check outpagar y marcharsePlayTheychecked outon monday.

check outquedarse con, mirarPlayHe'schecking you out! / Let'scheck outthat new bar.

check uphacer averiguacionesPlayI know you have been sick, so I was calling tocheck upon you.

cheer upanimar(se) a alguienPlaySarah is depressed; we have tocheer her up.

close downcerrar o terminar una actividadPlayThe factory wasclosed downlast month.

come backregresar, volverPlayWe arecoming backnext week.

come bypasarse porPlayCome bymy office and we can talk.

come down withenfermarsePlayMy soncame down withthe flu last week.

come fromoriginarsePlayHis love of musiccomes fromhis father.

count oncontar conPlayDon't worry, you cancount onme!

cut back onbajarPlayWith the crisis we have had tocut back onexpenses.

cut offinterrumpirPlayI don't mean tocut you off, but I have to go now.

cut outparar de hacer algoPlayCut it out! Leave your sister alone.

drop by/inpasarPlayI was justdropping by/into say "hi".

drop offllevar a, dejarPlayShedropped offthe kids at school before going to work.

drop outabandonarPlayHedropped outof school because he was failing all his classes.

end upacabar + infinitivoPlayThere was no food at home so weended upgoing out.

fall apart(something)deshacersePlayThe sweaterfell apartafter so many washings.

fall apart(someone)derrumbarsePlayShefell apartwhen she heard the news.

fall behindquedarse atrsPlayHurry up or you willfall behind.

fall outcaersePlayI think my walletfell outof my purse.

fight backdefendersePlayIf you don'tfight back, they will never stop bullying you.

figure outdeterminarPlayI can'tfigure outwhy this isn't working.

fill in/outrellenarPlayYou mustfill in/outthe forms completely.

fill upllenarPlayI need to stop at the gas station andfill upthe gas tank.

find outaveriguarPlayIf the teacher doesn't know the answer, she willfind it out.

fit inencajar, integrarsePlayDespite her efforts, she neverfit inwith the other kids.

get acrosscomunicar una ideaPlayHe tried everything toget his ideas across, but his boss didn't understand.

get along/onllevarse bienPlayI'm so lucky, my father and my husbandget along/onreally well.

get arounddesplazarse, circularPlayNews reallygets aroundfast!

get awaycogerse un descanso/vacacionesPlayWork has been so stressful, I need toget away!

get away withsalir impunePlayShe stole my idea, but she won'tget away withit.

get backregresar, volverPlayTheyget backfrom vacation on Thursday.

get(something)backdevolverPlayI have toget these books backto the library today.

get back atvengarse dePlayI'llget back ather for stealing my idea!

get bysobrevivirPlayWe don't have a lot of money right now, but we'llget by.

get onsubirPlayHegot onthe bus for the airport.

get onseguirPlayMy husband and I have separated, but I mustget onwith my life.

get out ofirse, salir, marcharsePlayIt's too smoky in here, I have toget out ofhere.

get overrecuperarsePlayI'm so upset, I can'tget overfailing my test.

get throughsuperar, acabarPlayI'm never going toget throughthis book with all of these distractions!

get togetherquedar, reunirPlayWeare getting togetherfor dinner tomorrow at 8.

get uplevantarsePlayWhat time did youget upthis morning?

give awayregalarPlayThe millionairegave awayall his money just before he died.

give backdevolverPlayCan yougivemebackmy book when you have finished reading it?

give in/upceder, rendirsePlayBe strong! Don'tgive into temptation

give outrepartir, distribuirPlayTheyare giving outfree samples at the store.

give uprendirse, abandonarPlayOk, Igive up. What's the answer?

go aheadir delantePlayGo ahead, I'll meet you there.

go backregresar, volverPlayI'm so embarassed. I can nevergo backto that restaurant.

go outsalirPlayLet'sgo outfor a drink.

go out with(someone)salir conPlayI hear Michael isgoing out withJane.

go overrepasarPlayBefore you submit your thesis, I think we shouldgo overit together.

go throughatravesarPlayYou need togo throughthe Lincoln Tunnel to get to New Jersey.

go throughsufrir, soportarPlayI can't believe what youaregoingthrough!

grow upcrecer, criarsePlayAlexgrew upin France but now he lives in Italy.

hand inpresentar, entregarPlayAll homework must behanded inby the end of the day.

hand outrepartirPlayThe teacher willhand outthe assignments this afternoon.

hang onesperarPlayHang on, I'm coming.

hang outpasar tiempo conPlayHer favorite thing to do ishang outwith her friends.

hang upcolgar el telfonoPlayI was so angry Ihung upon him.

hit onflirtear, coquetear conPlayLook at how that guy ishitting onDebbie.

hold backcontenersePlayShe tried, but she couldn'thold backthe tears any longer.

hold onesperarPlayHold on, I'm coming.

hurry updarse prisaPlayHurry upor we will be late.

keep onseguirPlayShekept onasking me the same questions.

lay(somebody)offdespedirPlayWith the crises, we have been forced tolay offsome staff.

let(somebody)downdefraudar, decepcionarPlayI don't want toletyoudown, but I don't think I can come with you to the party tomorrow.

look forward totener ganas dePlayWe are reallylooking forward toyour visit!

look outprestar atencin, tener cuidadoPlayLook out! That car almost hit you!

look upbuscar, consultarPlayYou will need tolook upsome words in the dictionary.

look up to(somebody)admirar a alguienPlayShe's so brave, I have alwayslooked up toher.

make(something)upinventar algoPlayI don't believe you. You'remakingthatup!

make up(somebody)reconciliarsePlayOur parents had an argument last night, but theymade upthis morning.

pick on(somebody)fastidiar, burlarPlayWhen I was young, my brother alwayspicked onme.

put(something)offposponer, atrasarPlayYou must not want to do it, you keepputtingitoff.

rely oncontar con, confiar enPlayI hope I canrely onyou to be discreet.

slow downreducir la velocidadPlaySlow downplease, you are driving too fast!

speak uphablar ms alto, subir la vozPlayCan you pleasespeak up, I can't understand you.

take after(somebody)parecersePlayWith that bad temper, he musttake afterhis father.

take oversustituir, hacerse con el controlPlayIf you are tired of driving, I cantake overfor a while.

take offdespegarPlayThe plane willtake offin 5 minutes.

take upocupar, empezar una aficinPlayHe hastaken uptennis in his free time.

tell(somebody)offechar la bronca, regaarPlayShetoldhimoffafter he was late again.

throw outecharPlayThey shouldthrowthat guyout, he's really drunk.