Download - VE Day Celebration Activities - Somerset Scouts


VE Day Celebration Activities Beaver Scouts might like to get involved in these……

What’s it all about?

Victory in Europe (VE) Day took place on 8th May 1945 to celebrate the end of the Second World War in Europe. The war had been going on for six years, so you can imagine how happy people were when it ended! All across the country people decorated their homes, had parties and dressed in their best clothes. Here’s a picture of a VE Day party happening in the street! What kinds of things can you see? How do you think everyone is feeling? Do you think it looks fun?

Imagine you went to a VE Day party. Design and write a postcard to a friend, telling them what it was like.

This is the front of the postcard. Here is where you draw a picture of your VE Day party!

This is the back of the postcard. The side with the lines and the stamp is where you write your friend’s address. The blank side is for your message. This is where you will write about the fun you had at the VE Day party!

VE Day Teacup Design To celebrate VE Day, a collection of special tea cups were made for people to use at their tea parties!

Activity Design your own tea cup to take with you to your VE Day party. Make sure it’s bright and colourful and has all of your favourite things on it. You are going to need to be able to spot it on a table full of other tea cups!

Paper Aeroplane This is a special aeroplane, called a Spitfire. Real Spitfires were used in the Second World War to keep the country safe from enemies. Have a go at making and flying this paper one! Can you find out more about Spitfires?

Captain Tom

This is Captain Tom Moore. He was a soldier in the Second World War and recently he decided that he wanted to raise money for charity. He said that he would walk around his garden 100 times if people would donate money. Captain Tom is very old and walking is difficult for him, so this was a very brave! Lots of people donated money to him and he’s raised over £30 million! He is going to give the money to all of the doctors, nurses and hospitals that are helping sick people at the moment. Captain Tom has just celebrated his 100th birthday and because he has done such a brave and kind thing, thousands of people sent him birthday cards. He also received birthday messages from the Queen and the Prime Minister. A Spitfire and a Hurricane also flew over his house on his birthday, to honour Captain Tom.

Activity If you were going to send Captain Tom a birthday card, what would it look like? Can you design a 100th birthday card for Captain Tom?

VE Day Colouring


VE Day Tea Party!

On VE Day in 1945, people all over the country celebrated! It was a very special day so everybody was given a day off from work and school. Church bells rang in towns all over the country and tea parties were held everywhere, in people’s houses, gardens and even in the streets! This Friday (8th May) we are having a public holiday to celebrate 75 years since VE Day. So, why don’t you create your own tea party?

Question… Why do you think church bells rang?

You could bake some delicious fairy cakes! Here’s a recipe:

Make some beautiful invitations for the people in your house…

You could even make bunting to decorate your house or garden with! Here is a link to some simple bunting-making instructions:

Or, you may wish to print out and colour in this Union Jack bunting:

Have an amazing VE Day celebration and

please share your activities and photos

with the Beaver Leaders!!