Download - vCloud Integration Manager Administrator Guide · password you wish to reset. 2. Select the line for the administrator whose password you wish to reset. 3. Click the gear symbol next

Page 1: vCloud Integration Manager Administrator Guide · password you wish to reset. 2. Select the line for the administrator whose password you wish to reset. 3. Click the gear symbol next

vCloud Integration Manager

Administrator Guide

Version 1.0

March 7, 2012


Version 2.0.1

October 2011

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1. About vCloud Integration Manager ................................................... 4

2. Installation ........................................................................................ 4

2.1 Prerequisites .................................................................................................................. 4

2.2 Download the vCIM virtual appliance ............................................................................ 5

2.3 Configure in the Welcome screen .................................................................................. 6

2.4 RabbitMQ configuration in vCloud Director ................................................................... 6

2.5 Confirm the vCIM portal installation ............................................................................... 7

2.6 Configure vCIM to connect with your vCloud Director instance .................................... 7

2.7 Configure the default organization template .................................................................. 7

3. Using vCloud Integration Manager ................................................... 9

3.1 About Administrator Roles ............................................................................................. 9

3.2 Setting Up a Product .................................................................................................... 10

3.3 Setting Up a Reseller ................................................................................................... 13

3.4 Setting Up a Customer ................................................................................................. 14

4. Maintenance .................................................................................. 17

4.1 Backup and Restore .................................................................................................... 17

4.2 Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................... 17

4.3 Logs ............................................................................................................................. 18

4.4 Passwords .................................................................................................................... 19

5. Appendix—Product Type Fields ..................................................... 20

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1. About vCloud Integration Manager

VMware vCloud® Integration Manager™ (vCIM), designed for vCloud service providers, helps accelerate time to revenue and increase the operational efficiency of infrastructure-as-a- service (IaaS) cloud offerings, based on VMware vCloud Director™.

vCIM gives you the flexibility to rapidly create and manage new and existing services offerings for maximum profitability, selling them to the right mix of customers through the right channels.

Service providers can manage the end-to-end lifecycle of customers with onboarding, trials, provisioning, and decommissioning of cloud services. Customers are delivered cloud products and services with minimal operational overhead. In addition, service providers can now define and manage the lifecycle of products that they wish to sell to their customers. Resellers can utilize the same functionality for their specific customers and services.

The information in this document is intended for anyone who wants to set up vCIM. You should be familiar with the vSphere Client, the vCloud Director Web console, and deploying virtual appliances.

Table 1. Related Documentation

Subject Area Found At

vCloud Integration Manager Guidelines for a Public Cloud

vCloud Integration Manager API Reference

vCloud Integration Manager Release Notes

VMware vSphere®, VMware vCloud

Director, VMware vShield Manager™ (VSM), and VMware vCenter Chargeback™


2. Installation

This section describes how to download, install, and perform initial configuration of vCIM.

2.1 Prerequisites

vCIM is provided as an OVF appliance that prepackages many of the core components required to run the vCIM portal. Basic prerequisites to installation are described in the following table.

Table 2. Prerequisites

Requirement Description

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A vCloud Director 1.5 Service Provider account for a vCloud Director managed cloud environment

Requires a cloud environment managed by vCloud Director 1.5. vCIM will connect to this environment to provision your customers and their resources.

The vCloud Director Service Provider account will be configured in the vCIM appliance and all API calls made from the appliance will be in the security context of this account.

System capacity The system must have capacity to run the vCIM appliance (a minimum of 2vCPU and 4GB memory).

Browser compatibility Firefox 4 and later

Internet Explorer 8 and later

Safari 5 and later

2.2 Download the vCIM virtual appliance

1. Refer to your VSPP product guide or partner contact to download and save the vCIM virtual appliance zip file. The download may require you to log in with your VMware store account.

2. Unzip the OVF files and deploy them to the virtual infrastructure where you intend to run the vCIM appliance.

3. Power on the vCIM virtual machine.

4. Open up a console window and, when prompted, enter:

An email address for the service provider

A company name (record your company name since you will need it to log into the vCIM portal as described in Confirm the vCIM portal installation)

5. Press Enter.

The Welcome screen appears.

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2.3 Configure in the Welcome screen

1. Note the “service provider portal” address of your vCloud Integration Manager installation as listed in the body of the Welcome screen (for example You will need this address to access the vCIM portal as described in Confirm the vCIM portal installation.

2. At the bottom left of the Welcome screen:

a. Highlight Login and press Enter to configure your login passwords:

i. Log in as root with the default password vmware, and then enter a new password.

ii. Log in as admin with the default password vmware, and then enter a new password.

b. Highlight Configure Network and press Enter to configure your network preferences, for example IP address, or DNS information.

c. Highlight Set Timezone and press Enter to configure your time zone.

2.4 RabbitMQ configuration in vCloud Director

1. Configure the vCloud Director installation to use the RabbitMQ exchange on the vCIM appliance for event notifications. (For information, refer to the vCloud Director Administrator's Guide 1.5 topic “Configure an AMQP Broker,” available at

2. (Optional) To change the RabbitMQ Exchange password, see the section Passwords.

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2.5 Confirm the vCIM portal installation

1. Open a browser and enter your service provider portal address (as noted in Configure in the Welcome screen).

2. Log into the vCIM portal with these credentials:

Company: [name of company] (as noted in Download the vCIM virtual appliance)

Username (default): spadmin

Password (default): vmware

Note VMware recommends that you change this user name and password later (see About Administrator Roles).

2.6 Configure vCIM to connect with your vCloud Director instance

On your first login to the vCIM portal you should see a wizard where you can complete this configuration.

Note It is important that you complete this step or you will encounter system errors. If the wizard is not visible, click on Settings in the top right corner.

The wizard will guide you through a process to select the provider virtual datacenters, provider networks, and network pools that will be used by vCIM to onboard cloud services for your customers and resellers.

Note Administrators should not remove the provider networks, virtual datacenters, or network pools that have been previously configured and are in use by vCIM. If a product has settings for these removed items, the product cannot be allocated from the existing template.

2.7 Configure the default organization template

vCloud Director will automatically assign an organization template to each new customer created by you or your resellers. Before you create your first customer or reseller with vCIM, you need to set up the desired default settings for this template.

If you later need to update the template, you can repeat these steps. New settings will overwrite the existing settings and will take effect for all new customers. Existing customers will retain their organization settings.

Configure the default settings for the template organization template

1. In the vCloud Integration Manager portal, navigate to the Products tab.

2. Click the Plus sign next to Add Product.

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3. Select Organization as the product type.

4. Enter basic information for the organization:

Product Name—A meaningful name for the organization template, such as “Organization Template”

Description—Example “Default organization settings”

Note The SKU and RateCard fields are not relevant for this product type.

5. Click Next. The Product Configuration menu appears. Modify the settings from the defaults per your requirements (for more information, see the Appendix—Product Type Fields).

6. Click Finish to save the organization settings.

7. Note that the new template’s status is Inactive. Select Activate (for more information on activation, see Setting Up a Product).

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3. Using vCloud Integration Manager

This section provides information on setting up products, resellers, and customers, and other common tasks.

3.1 About Administrator Roles

Resetting passwords

1. In the vCloud Integration Manager portal, navigate to the Administrators tab. This view shows all the administrator users at the service provider level. Also, the Username field can be used to search for the administrator user whose password you wish to reset.

Note If you wish to reset the password for an administrator user in a reseller or sub-reseller, select the checkbox Show All Company Administrators; all administrators in vCIM will appear. Also, the Company and Username fields can be used to search for the administrator user whose password you wish to reset.

2. Select the line for the administrator whose password you wish to reset.

3. Click the gear symbol next to Add Administrator and select Reset password.

4. Enter a new password and relay it to the administrator.

Note Within vCIM, only service provider and reseller passwords can be reset. To reset customer passwords, see the documentation for vCloud Director (

Adding an administrator

Service providers, resellers, and sub-resellers can add administrators to their respective companies.

1. In the vCloud Integration Manager portal, navigate to the Administrators tab.

2. Click the Plus sign next to Add Administrator.

3. Enter the administrator’s information: Firstname, Lastname, Username, Email, and Password.

4. Click Save. vCIM displays a list of all administrators.

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The following table describes the privileges of different vCIM users.

Table 3. Adding, Editing and Deleting by Administrator Role

User Role Privileges

Administrators at the service provider level

Can add products. It is not possible to edit a product after clicking Finish. If the product has not yet been activated, it can be deleted. It is not possible to delete a product after it has been activated.

Can add resellers. Can edit reseller product allocation and contact information.

Can add customers. Can edit customer product allocation and contact information. Can delete customers.

Can add administrators. Can edit any administrator information (including reseller), and can reset any password. Cannot delete his/her own user account.

Administrators at the reseller level

If the service provider has granted the privilege to add sub-resellers (for more information, see Setting Up a Reseller), can add, edit the sub-reseller's product allocation and contact information, or delete them.

Cannot edit his/her own allocation as granted by service provider.

Can add customers. For any customers of this reseller, can edit customer product allocation and contact information, or delete customers.

(Within the same reseller) add administrators, edit any administrator’s information (including reseller and customer), and reset any password. Cannot delete his/her own user account.

Administrators at the sub-reseller level

Cannot edit his/her own allocation as granted by service provider or reseller.

Can add customers. For any customers of this sub-reseller, can edit customer product allocation and contact information, or delete customers.

(Within the same reseller) add administrators, edit any administrator’s information (including reseller), and reset any password. Cannot delete his/her own user account.

3.2 Setting Up a Product

Add a product

1. In the vCloud Integration Manager portal, navigate to the Products tab.

2. Click the Plus sign next to Add Product.

3. Select a product type from these choices:

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Organization—A vCloud organization that is configured for local users.

NAT Routed Network—A network in an organization that is connected to a provider network via a NAT service.

Isolated Network—A network in an organization that is isolated from provider networks.

Bridged Network—A network in an organization that is directly connected to a provider network with no NAT between them.

Basic VDC—A virtual datacenter with a Pay-As-You-Go model where resources are allocated when vApps are created.

Committed VDC—A virtual datacenter with a fractional reservation model. A percentage of resources are reserved up front.

Dedicated VDC—A virtual datacenter with 100% reserved resources.

4. Enter basic information for the type:

Product Name—A meaningful name for the product you are defining. Example, “Enterprise VDC”

Description—A description to help identify and track this product. Example “100% committed resources”

SKU—SKU information (optional, a specific SKU number, or service ID or definition, for tracking use). Example “VDC3”

Rate Card—Rate card information (optional, for tracking use). Example “RC5”

5. Click Next. The Product Information menu appears.

6. Enter product configuration information per type. This specifies and creates a service “template.”

Sample entries for an Isolated Network product type:

Network Pool res2_internal_vcd_ni

Network Mask

Default Gateway

Primary DNS

Secondary DNS

DNS Suffix

Sample entries for a Dedicated VDC product type:

Provider vDC res2_pod1

Maximum Number of VMs 10

CPU Limit (GHz) 5

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Memory Limit (GBs) 10

Storage Limit (GBs) 100

Enable Thin Provisioning true

Enable Fast Provisioning true

Network Pool res2_internal_vcd_ni

Maximum Number of Networks 5

Maximum Number of NICs 0

Enable vDC true

For more information on the fields for each product type, see Appendix—Product Type Fields.

Caution Field information can only be edited before you proceed to the next step (by clicking Finish). After that, if you wish to enter different details, you must delete and then recreate the product.

7. Click Finish. vCIM displays the new product with a summary of its configuration.

Activate a product

8. Click the new product’s name to review its configuration details. Note that a new product’s status is Inactive.

9. If you are satisfied with the product’s details click the gear symbol next to Add Product and select Activate. If you wish to delete the product instead, select Delete. Activating a product makes it available for assignment.

Warning It is not possible to delete a product after it has been activated.

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3.3 Setting Up a Reseller

Add a reseller

1. In the vCloud Integration Manager portal, navigate to the Resellers tab.

2. Click the Plus sign next to Add Reseller.

3. Enter information for the reseller in the next screens (optional fields are noted for you):

Company—The company name for the reseller you are defining.

Description—A description to help identify this reseller.

Account Number—An account number for tracking use.

Email, Voice, Fax—Associated information useful for this reseller.

Address—Mailing address, including country, for this reseller.

4. If you wish this reseller to have the capability to add its own sub-resellers, check the box Allow sub-reseller creation. Resellers will have the capability to add sub-resellers and sub-assign access to their assigned products as desired.

5. Click Next. The active available service provider/reseller products are shown by name and description and capacity remaining.

6. Assign product capacities to the reseller by entering quantities for each product you will allow this reseller to sell. Sample product assignments for a reseller before assignment:

Product Remaining Quantity

Enterprise VDC

100% committed resources Unlimited None

Internal Org Network

A basic internal network Unlimited None


2VM PayGo VDC Unlimited None

Small Allocated VDC

3 VM capacity with 75% resour… Unlimited None

Sample product assignments for a reseller after assignment:

Product Remaining Quantity

Enterprise VDC

100% committed resources Unlimited 10

Internal Org Network

A basic internal network Unlimited 100

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2VM PayGo VDC Unlimited 60

Small Allocated VDC

3 VM capacity with 75% resour… Unlimited 30

7. Click Next. The Reseller Admin Login Credentials dialog appears.

Set up reseller credentials

This information will be used by the reseller to log into vCloud Director.

1. Enter the reseller’s information: Firstname, Lastname, Username, Email, and Password.

2. Click Finish. vCIM displays the new reseller with a summary of the products assigned to it.

3. Relay the credentials you assigned to the reseller.

3.4 Setting Up a Customer

Typically, resellers or sub-resellers will perform the procedures described in this section, however service providers can also set up customers.

Add a customer

1. In the vCloud Integration Manager portal, navigate to the Customers tab.

2. Click the Plus sign next to Add Customer.

3. Enter information for the customer in the next screens (optional fields are noted for you):

Company—The company name for the customer you are defining.

Description—A description to help identify this customer.

Account Number—An account number for tracking use.

Email, Voice, Fax—Associated information useful for this customer.

Address—Mailing address, including country, for this customer.

4. Click Next. The available customer products are shown by name and description. You can also optionally assign a number of trial days for a customer to use a product.

5. Assign product capacities to the customer by entering quantities and trial duration for each product you are allowing this customer to use. Sample product assignments for a customer before assignment:

Product Remaining Quantity Trial (Days)

Enterprise VDC

100% committed resources 10 None Unlimited

Internal Org Network

A basic internal network 100 None Unlimited

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2VM PayGo VDC 60 None Unlimited

Small Allocated VDC

3 VM capacity with 75% resour… 30 None Unlimited

Sample product assignments for a customer after assignment:

Product Remaining Quantity Trial (Days)

Enterprise VDC

100% committed resources 10 None Unlimited

Internal Org Network

A basic internal network 100 1 Unlimited


2VM PayGo VDC 60 1 15 days

Small Allocated VDC

3 VM capacity with 75% resour… 30 30 Unlimited

6. Click Next. The Customer Admin Login Credentials dialog appears.

Set up customer credentials

1. Enter the customer’s information: Firstname, Lastname, Username, Email, and Password.

2. Click Finish.

Verify provisioning of the customer

1. Click the line that displays the new customer’s name and description.

2. Click the Tasks button in the right pane. vCIM checks the assigned capacity for the customer and if capacity is available vCIM begins provisioning the customer.

3. Click the refresh button to check the status of provisioning.

4. Click Products and Contact to view other customer details.

Provide vCIM credentials to a customer

1. Click the line that displays the new customer’s name and description.

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2. Click the Contact button in the right pane. The contact details will appear.

3. Relay the information labeled vCloud Organization Info to the customer. This information will be used by the customer to log into vCloud Director.

4. Relay the user name and password you assigned to the customer.

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4. Maintenance

4.1 Backup and Restore

To back up and restore your vCIM appliance, consult your company’s backup guidelines.

4.2 Troubleshooting

Table 4. Problems and Solutions

Problem Solution

You are not able to edit a product name. If the product is already activated, its details cannot be edited. If the product is not yet activated, delete it and create a new product with the desired name.

You are not able to delete a product. If the product is already activated, it cannot be deleted.

You create the reseller or customer but there are no available products to assign.

Make sure the products have been activated (see Setting Up a Product).

You get a warning about a duplicate customer name.

Make sure that the customer name is not already used.

You change product allocation and it does not appear in the Products or Tasks areas.

Click the refresh button in the vCIM portal.

You delete a customer but nothing happens. Click the refresh button in the vCIM portal; a deleted customer may still show in the customer list with a status of suspended until vCIM completes the off-boarding process.

You delete a customer and get the message: “403 The request was a legal request, but the server is refusing to respond to it.”

Click the refresh button in the vCIM portal; the customer may already be deleted. It may still show in the customer list with a status of suspended until vCIM completes the off-boarding process.

A reseller is managing sub-resellers and loses or needs to change a password.

Ask the service provider to reset the password.

A product cannot be allocated from the existing template.

A provider network, virtual datacenter, or network pool set up for the product may have been removed. Contact the service provider.

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4.3 Logs

Change log levels for vCIM UI

Logging properties for vCIM UI is specified in the following file in the VA: /usr/local/tcserver/vfabric-tc-server-standard/vcaf/webapps/vcim/WEB-INF/classes/ 1. Change log level by modifying the property "log4j.rootLogger" in the above mentioned properties file: For eg. To set log level to 'INFO': log4j.rootLogger=INFO, R 2. Restart the Tomcat service (service tomcat restart).

Change log levels for API

Logging properties for API is specified in the following file in the VA: /usr/local/tcserver/vfabric-tc-server-standard/vcaf/webapps/api/WEB-INF/classes/logback.xml 1. Change log level by modifying the 'level' attribute of 'root' tag in the above mentioned xml file: For eg. to set log level to 'INFO': <root level="INFO"> 2. Restarting Tomcat is not required, since the xml file is read every "2 minutes" as specified in the logback.xml file.

Generate compressed file containing all log files

Following is the support script in the VA to generate the compressed file containing all log files: /opt/vmware/vcim/bin/vcimsupport Usage: /opt/vmware/vcim/bin/vcimsupport [-h] [-w output directory] [-q] [-P] -h prints this usage statement -q runs in quiet mode -w <dir> sets the working directory used for the output files, default is current directory -P don't include running processes state For eg: /opt/vmware/vcim/bin/vcimsupport -w /tmp will create the file with extension .tgz in /tmp directory Filename is of the format "vcim-<date>.<random-no>.tgz" Following are vCIM specific files included in the .tgz file: ------------------------------------------------------------ # vCIM configuration files /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.config

/usr/local/tcserver/vfabric-tc-server-standard/vcaf/conf/ /opt/vmware/vcim/vpostgres/data/postgresql.conf

# vCIM log files /var/log/rabbitmq/ /usr/local/tcserver/vfabric-tc-server-standard/vcaf/logs /opt/vmware/vcim/vpostgres/data/pg_log/ /opt/vmware/vcim/logs/ /opt/vmware/var/log/

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# vcimsupport file version # Contents of vcimsupport script file

Log files rotation:

vCIM UI: Log file: /opt/vmware/vcim/logs/vcimui.log Rotated Log file pattern: /opt/vmware/vcim/logs/vcimui.log.<number> Total Files rotated: 9 Maximum size per file: 10MB NOTE: The rotated log files are not in compressed format API: Log file: /opt/vmware/vcim/logs/vcimapi.log Rotated Log file pattern: /opt/vmware/vcim/logs/vcimapi.<number> Total Files rotated: 9 Maximum size per file: 10MB

4.4 Passwords

For changing administrator passwords within vCIM, see About Administrator Roles.

To change your RabbitMQ password

Change the password in vCD for the AMQP connection.

1. Enter:

bash > rabbitmqctl change_password vcaf new_password

2. Edit /etc/vcaf.conf.xml and change the value for <Password> element to the new password:



<Address Host="localhost" Port="5672"/>






3. Restart the Tomcat service (service tomcat restart).

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5. Appendix—Product Type Fields

This appendix includes detail to aid you when entering product type details. (The information labeled here as context help is available in the UI as mouse-over tips.)

Note The first product type, Organization, is typically set up once initially and provisioned thereafter automatically to each customer. Only one organization is needed. If you modify the organization details after your initial configuration (see Configure the default organization settings), the changes will only apply to customers created from that point forward.

Table 5. Product Type—Organization

Name Context Help Value (default)

Enable Organization True if this organization is enabled, the organization allows login and all other operations. (optional)


Can Publish Catalogs True if this organization is allowed to publish catalogs. (optional) false

vApp Deployment Lease (hours)

Default duration of a vApp deployment lease, in hours. Value of 0 = unlimited. (optional)


vApp Storage Lease (hours)

Default duration of a storage lease, in hours. Value of 0 = unlimited. (optional)


Permanently Delete vApp on Lease Expiry

If true, storage for a vApp is deleted when the vApp storage lease expires. If false, the storage is flagged for deletion, but not deleted. (optional)


Template Storage Lease (hours)

Default duration of a storage lease, in seconds. Value of 0 = unlimited. (optional)


Permanently Delete Template on Lease Expiry

If true, storage for a vApp is deleted when the vApp storage lease expires. If false, the storage is flagged for deletion, but not deleted.. (optional)


Max Deployed Virtual Machines

Maximum number of virtual machines that can be deployed simultaneously by a member of this organization. (optional)


Max Stored Virtual Machines

Maximum number of vApps or vAppTemplates that can be stored (in an undeployed state) by a member of this organization. (optional)


Account Lockout Enabled Boolean flag to turn on/off the account lockout feature. (required)


Invalid Logins Before Lockout

Number of Invalid login attempts that will trigger account lockout. (required)


Account Lockout Interval (minutes)

Number of minutes an account that is locked out will remain locked. (required)


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Name Context Help Value (default)

Org Admin Deployed VM Quota

Quota of vApps that this user can deploy concurrently. A value of 0 specifies an unlimited quota. (optional)


Org Admin Stored VM Quota

Quota of vApps that this user can store. A value of 0 specifies an unlimited quota. (optional)


Alert Email Prefix String to prepend to alert message subject line. (optional) ALERT -

Enable Org Admin Alert True if alerts are enabled for the user. (optional) true

Enable Org Admin Default value, if flag is not specified, is false. (optional) true

Delay After Power On (seconds)

Specifies an organization default for virtual machine boot delay after power on. (optional)


Use Server Boot Sequence

True if virtual machines in this organization use the server boot sequence by default (optional)


Table 6. Product Type—NAT Routed Network

Name Context Help Value (default)

Parent Network Contains reference to parent network. (required)

Network Pool Network pool from which this organization network is created. (required)

Network Mask Network mask. (required)

Default Gateway Gateway of the network. (required)

Primary DNS Primary DNS server. (optional)

Secondary DNS Secondary DNS server. (optional)

DNS Suffix DNS suffix. (optional)

Number of External IP Addresses

Number of external IP addresses assigned to this network from the parent network. Note that one additional address will be consumed for the router. (required)


Enable Firewall Set to true to enable firewall service. (optional) true

Default Firewall Action Sets the default action of the firewall. Either deny or allow. Deny (the default value) = drop packets that match the rule; Allow = allow packets that match the rule. (optional)


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Name Context Help Value (default)

Log Default Firewall Action

Flag to enable logging for default action. Default value is false. (optional)


Firewall Rules One or more firewall rules, for example: enabled, description, action, protocol direction, or enableLogging. See vCD documentation for detailed description of each rule. (optional)

(true│allow all outgoing│allow│Any│out│false│A

Table 7. Product Type—Isolated Network

Name Context Help Value (default)

Network Pool Network pool from which this organization network is created. (required)

Network Mask Network mask. (required)

Default Gateway Gateway of the network. (required)

Primary DNS Primary DNS server. (optional)

Secondary DNS Secondary DNS server. (optional)

DNS Suffix DNS suffix. (optional)

Table 8. Bridged Network

Name Context Help Value (default)

Parent Network Refers to parent network. (required)

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Table 9. Product Type—Basic VDC (Virtual Datacenter)

Name Context Help Value (default)

Provider Virtual Datacenter

Refers to the provider virtual datacenter from which this virtual datacenter is provisioned. (required)

Maximum Number of Virtual Machines

The quota of virtual machines that can be created in this virtual datacenter. Includes virtual machines in both vApps and vApp templates, deployed, or otherwise. Defaults to 0, which specifies an unlimited number. (optional)


Enable Thin Provisioning Boolean to request thin provisioning. Request will be honored only if the underlying datastore supports it. Thin provisioning saves storage space by committing it on demand. This allows over-allocation of storage. (optional)


Enable Fast Provisioning Boolean to request fast provisioning. Request will be honored only if the underlying datastore supports it. Fast provisioning can reduce the time it takes to create virtual machines by using vSphere linked clones. If you disable fast provisioning, all provisioning operations will result in full clones. (optional)


Provider vDC Reference to a network pool in the Provider vDC. (optional)

Maximum Number of Networks

Maximum number of network objects that can be deployed in this virtual datacenter. Defaults to 0, which specifies an unlimited number. (required)


Maximum Number of NICs

Maximum number of virtual NICs allowed in this virtual datacenter. Defaults to 0, which specifies an unlimited number. (required)


Enable vDC Flag to indicate if this is enabled for use or not. Default value is true. (optional)


vApp CPU Guarantee (%)

Percentage of allocated CPU resources guaranteed to vApps deployed in this vDC. For example, if this value is 0.75, then 75% of allocated resources are guaranteed.


vApp Memory Guarantee (%)

Percentage of allocated memory resources guaranteed to vApps deployed in this vDC. For example, if this value is 0.75, then 75% of allocated resources are guaranteed.


Virtual CPU Speed This is the cpu rating for any virtual CPU that is allocated to a virtual machine in an AllocationVApp virtual datacenter. This is a clock frequency, in Megahertz, for each virtual CPU core provisioned from this virtual datacenter. (optional)


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Table 10. Product Type—Committed VDC (Virtual Datacenter)

Name Context Help Value (default)

Provider vDC A reference to the Provider virtual datacenter from which this virtual datacenter is provisioned. (required)

Maximum Number of Virtual Machines

The quota of virtual machines that can be created in this virtual datacenter. Includes virtual machines in both vApps and vApp templates, deployed, or otherwise. Defaults to 0, which specifies an unlimited number. (optional)


CPU Limit (GHz) Maximum CPU burst capacity. (required) 5

Initial CPU Allocation (GHz)

Allocated capacity value. (required) 50

Memory Limit (GBs) Maximum memory burst capacity. (required) 10

Initial Memory (GBs) Allocated capacity value. (required) 50

Storage Limit (GBs) Limit capacity value. (required) 100

Initial Storage Allocation (GBs)

Allocated capacity value. (required) 50

Enable Thin Provisioning Boolean to request thin provisioning. Request will be honored only if the underlying datastore supports it. Thin provisioning saves storage space by committing it on demand. This allows over-allocation of storage. (optional)


Enable Fast Provisioning Boolean to request fast provisioning. Request will be honored only if the underlying datastore supports it. Fast provisioning can reduce the time it takes to create virtual machines by using vSphere linked clones. If you disable fast provisioning, all provisioning operations will result in full clones. (optional)


Network Pool Reference to a network pool in the Provider virtual datacenter. (optional)

Maximum Number of Networks

Maximum number of network objects that can be deployed in this virtual datacenter. Defaults to 0, which specifies an unlimited number. (required)


Maximum Number of NICs

Maximum number of virtual NICs allowed in this virtual datacenter. Defaults to 0, which specifies an unlimited number. (required)


Enable vDC Flag to indicate if this is enabled for use or not. Default value is true. (optional)


vApp CPU Guarantee (%)

Percentage of allocated CPU resources guaranteed to vApps deployed in this vDC. For example, if this value is 0.75, then 75% of allocated resources are guaranteed.


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Name Context Help Value (default)

vApp Memory Guarantee (%)

Percentage of allocated memory resources guaranteed to vApps deployed in this vDC. For example, if this value is 0.75, then 75% of allocated resources are guaranteed.


Table 11. Product Type—Dedicated VDC (Virtual Datacenter)

Name Context Help Value (default)

Provider vDC A reference to the Provider vDC from which this virtual datacenter is provisioned. (required)

Maximum Number of Virtual Machines

The quota of virtual machines that can be created in this virtual datacenter. Includes virtual machines in both vApps and vApp templates, deployed, or otherwise. Defaults to 0, which specifies an unlimited number. (optional)


CPU Limit (GHz) CPU capacity. (required) 5

Memory Limit (GBs) Memory capacity. (required) 10

Storage Limit (GBs) Storage capacity. (required) 100

Enable Thin Provisioning Boolean to request thin provisioning. Request will be honored only if the underlying datastore supports it. Thin provisioning saves storage space by committing it on demand. This allows over-allocation of storage. (optional)


Enable Fast Provisioning Boolean to request fast provisioning. Request will be honored only if the underlying datastore supports it. Fast provisioning can reduce the time it takes to create virtual machines by using vSphere linked clones. If you disable fast provisioning, all provisioning operations will result in full clones. (optional)


Network Pool Reference to a network pool in the Provider virtual datacenter. (optional)

Maximum Number of Networks

Maximum number of network objects that can be deployed in this virtual datacenter. Defaults to 0, which specifies an unlimited number. (required)


Maximum Number of NICs

Maximum number of virtual NICs allowed in this virtual datacenter. Defaults to 0, which specifies an unlimited number. (required)


Enable Virtual Datacenter Flag to indicate if this is enabled for use or not. Default value is true. (optional)
