Download - VAWY timrnstifoj; ^mm^m^mw&, ti&ymfoxm ^Sg^^f^tt CAFF · ipSPI^ir^onld'^«oJ^rt«1}i*0 *t VThen he returned




. * ? . , , . *** v1* f*5.'* *fv^ , •*r

^.„^.._ , , fro* ^< t3e VAWY timrnstifoj; mm^m^mw&, ti&ymfoxm 23,

^ S g ^ ^ f ^ t t CAFF,; qogfflt'S fmfitism|B^BS aftiiw^i^M-r^^j-^^iomftJnlttk.-^ J l t S i B » J 3 C ^ » M * J L y » y f « « . 3 f I t n "*' f* }•( v^—yuf. •?. v t, i / wMch i s required i n OMo. Denied

/ « » * « * t J w W * H«iUb* JHibf JMilrWKt


OttAjMflp N T Kx. »W*M."RW*Otrata H«»llt. Aeeemu F»7?i^raBBHksvrr] l*8r,M,t*Ac«om. ••j»f.n.*ocoaB.

Yraderlek W Fro-or Charged With I»> "" -*fc«i*a*tlty to HU uttto Ben.

Frederick W. Pweser of 31S.;Canal

V> An«!


sliatol. _ _ _ , _ _ _ . . , , .„ , . . . this city this altmiooa^ Tho Jnoetdng vaanot for the pntpoaeot forming a trpat :oiBh^r;oom|(!B».it^gWi?ie. "ttf %0f5&

p l t W T . f c . i»r-.M.«t.Ifc*D»tl!*

• --UV v. »Stm8«wa»jr.° ,*Oa«y UO. Ad^Ooaaleafc* o»UW«str»:«"p


lo^!<*tH^r.ftDjfcl6x llljfl6JeiM.On(^l!t. -112:51 *.*. TWettera Ex.

street was arraigned i n recorder's court at 9 80 o'clock this morning on a charge



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^ * ' * J ! » '


» « £ _ ,

price of catmed gSSae, but %as for thl discussion of mattemconnected with the ^wtagindjail^,, 5, -, \ . . * . . ' * , . . , .*^#n5waii"luiiti

-r^^^^^-jjj^^V^soldeijT^e!^ :JM»:* ,. and other < |#pp^ v jjsedjby packers, and ~ aUro in freight rates. This advance is so

.Jax^andJ»,.a^e.s$^aljaje<?b3t of prp-ductiol to the paolcera^wlltbeconaideri ably increased, and unless something &

; done it is hardly anticipated that a suffi­cient advance can he secured on the sell-ing price of goods' to enable the packers to do lousiness at a profit.

'The sittrttfon is serious, and the meet-, ing was for the pnrpose of holding a dis-cuseion on the best Way of meeting it, to determine the best tline to purahase ma­terials and the proper actipn to take in order to secure the best results tot .those Interested in the packing business.'

-The meeting was presided over-by L-p. Bmvlland of Camden, add D. B. Sim

• ^ g M S g r *

IttriiitCiueltit ... „ ,,| aociety, alleges in i t s •6QffiPMl$.>bj»fc<% * B n ^ 8 f n i T F r ^ s e r lahumanly wjoppw

h& # * M f c old son v Ihe bo> %M& f*., W&Mfc trt** -tiy-^is^isfcer-tritilM A. L. Byron-durttes, president of the so-clety> who eiamlned the boy's; injnrtes; and later swore out. a farrfHtt tot the ,(atheV«



mons of Borne actid as secretary. present were E: fl. Palmer,1 'Geneva; E. K. Bnrnham,. Newark'; •' David Hunt, Cherry Greek ;F.F. Hubbard, Canastota; lit B, Wentworth, Lee; A. B. Hatfield, Utjicai I m . H. Smith, Sanqnoit; James P* Olh'eyf Bxtme; Jtansing Tattle,' ilc-ConnellBviUe; J, M. Prophett Mt MorriBj Geo. H. Wlllson, Mexico; B. W, Box, H J. ^OlarK,.jtPnlaski; George Haines. Whltesborbi J / ^ Mallori, New H#r>

""fSrdT ~*C38Bi'ge' ~r&—Balteyj"—RCODBT S, P. Sherman, New Hartford. F. D. H.

^CoWKoenester, H. D. Pixiey, TJtioa; H. I. Johnson, Utlca; B. B, TuthiH, Camden; A. ,V. Lane. Taberg; J1. Christian, Vienna; T; Christian, MCT. Connellsville; George Merry, Verona; George Merrill, Syracuse; I. J. White, Blossvalle: Oharles A. Pratt, Verona; J*. H. Pratt, Verona; D B. Simmon?,Borne; JP. \y. Qffen, Boonvilie; James M. Eth-ridgo, Home.

. „ .,, ^ a t l ^ r ta«le«U«au. WrtHweTOW, NOT. 28.^-Kaetem New

York,,<faiiJ in north, jrain followed by fair ['and cooler In southern portion tonight, fdr Friday, fresh northerly winds.

W^eterh. |Tew Yorl?, cloudy tonight,, Friday fair, fresh northeasterly shifting to. northerly winds. ^ ^

JOTTINGS. ^-^B^pu^TniBBtJn^T^^Mi^VLodger

K. otP.*-tbmorfoweveningat'7:30'.i"Ba'n-o^uetirid smoker. — •..'

?-The wargraph will he exhibited In Sink's Opera House next Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday,

-•-..' PER8ONAU. ., — Hftrry10. T^olger'a condition today is not as favorable asWwas yesterday.

^ | P t e y a ; * v e -i perlaice of 'pa,

The story which the boy tells is that his father was angry because be had not £ome.home at tie time he had w e n told to -and that-he beat him-with ahorse-whip, : ;: ,.; ) \

la the information Rev. A. L. Byron? jCnrttoaallegei thTaiJo^ Wejiiiesday, tw6 days s)f%;thg:,ithlMawJtheiIi^jLM^i and abdomen were striped with black and blue ridges, evidently made by.ftMosae-whip. -'•- •"

P. F;-Searle appeared for the defendant andE. A. Bowland for the society. The defense asked for an adjournment until Saturday afiernboh. The society did not

. object to the adjonrdment provided that |-the boy could be viewed by the court be­fore the .marks on. hlB-.body had dlsap-peared. Thed^enBeob^ecfea* to tnlilie-lng done and Recorder Carmichael ja&-

journedthe case" until 3 p m. onga^ut-| day without condltlonp.


xa . t ai, H . W d wi.fa

BOUB, Nov ;a»% .iu W*|t9lP'|Sl m a r ^ f e l M n r l l g t h e I p t o * q w y e * i e j ^ S | » p W r a t mtwmMW^%3ty&imm. , ,pr«serit^aMU*fjimportant^neas-i v o l v « t h e ^ r e d n ^ 5 of the heme >c«.^ tlou. OM lawsyare such. a< to prohibit

mm^mmmmi ^^^mmm timer 'mm h e ^ m ^ * y | ! ^ ^ U ^ m y W ^ l

k den, as there .«— *.„.. . - - « « - eof a license, which is wqnlttd In Ohio. " Denied

At5.50«Jon*nment'w«i taken until 9 30 a, nx. today.

I? Whin coiprb opined this morning At-Jonts for the defense asked that tttaiiieiiinK:M. the .casej^po^-nnfcUtho (next term because of the

r^:*p"rob»te conrrof Mont-

ltne*B for thedefehse. A teie-

W^Wm&m;1teJBtaiB w«s unable W e ^ M I ? - W l ^ » had, told^Mr. Jones,

-^Javife prwlonf *^-0&M)&* up" m^lU^irii~*v*t-.m»&e before him \}&!&EBMffitai under name of Corbett

mmmrwm n^wttm. attor-J^pBl iapMBnt^P^e^nc^c i^ ^mmm0®W&* was signed. The ,wo1JdnM$!! 'poltiK»e m * denied, as the ipSPI^ i r^onld '^«oJ^r t«1 } i*0 *t

VThen he returned he told Misa HalT^hat he was ready to marry her but he ea d she did not care to be married then, It was about a year after this that he lost his job and she left him. H e never knew Miss Hall by the nams of Sarah V. Haydeh. *

In 1897 he came





<W Alw

there he~%ecame~ u»i*uwuKuv>... j . — Ida Cook, attdfttey" were maitrled"inT)»>

i comber. They have lived together a%m»n tandwlf«jrin!ciB, 'HeHatnottaiaailspre*: rlht wife aboWBJSTf^^ffrJived'Wlth Jen^ fileHall. Witness stated that t h e reason hewrdteTO'Jennir-requesting hernotto. come as a witness in the case was that he d^no^j*ny^Bjwe8mit,wife to know of hfi past; fife. ''^ThefraaSnapFer be|n;

— — i _ * t*»f.«riu<Ti- th» defenlSaiii


immlttee;Jott'erron« adi


of BDper-

t do: i*ments:w

"ST.- MARy^~B*ZARr-


ralysis on Tnesday; is very low /r=AugU6tns GeSeler, olerk in the post

office is confined to his home from the ef ' feets of the barstlng bf a varicose vein i n his right foot.

—Charles P.^Mead, formerly of Rome, now of Homer, lies seriously 111 with Brlght's disease and dropsy. Mrs. Mead is recovering Slowly fronra recent stroke st pajralysifl.


te f. IF W S'

^ . \ * ~ » • .


. • - ' • • * • • '

-St. Vincent'* Cadeta pVi«rtIc»i--Will Praiant Tob Ermine.

Last evening was the third evening of -SU-Jnary'a. Church bazarv JLDJL & Jargfi

crowd again filled the hall. , i h e entey-tainment for the evening coasiated of a short play entitled Pectlned With Thanks, wpioh was- exceedingly Weli^ rendered. The cast bf characters wasaaf ollowaVFlor-

-oocaSalliday,JMlesEdna Worth; Hetty Halliday, Misi JVahpes PMisehdbrfer;

-Sally, LeopdldPohl} Mr. Samdel Skjruff, Adelbert PrelBend.o^W ^tltt^, Frank Beese; Captaih Xauutofl, William O'Skeaj Edward MalHtigCora, Lords ' Atnanh.

Julloa Arreat— Barry Placed Undar ^ What Be Olalma.

Julius Berry, a young man. who for-ing <jf merly, llvefd-at Lee Oenterv was arrested Jaige4tma noprt .charged with' stealing a

blcycJjtLjifilonging, to W7 0 . Wlghtman of 825 West Bloomffeld. street Jfe, Wlghtman has an office at 113 W, Doml-nlok. -atreet, And thla-ffiojrniDg JeiLnlsJ Wheel Jn a rack in front of his office. Whenjie went .to look for i t just before noon he found ifrw&8 missing. A little later a friend of Mr. Wlghtman found Berry riding the wheel on Domlnlck Street and stopped him. 1 '

Berry claims that he went into Michael

Harman F. Shellhua. Herman F. Shellhassof Brevoort place,

Brooklyn, who died on Monday at his home/ was born in New Haittofd in Sep­tember, 1857, and spent the early part of his life In Udci. He moved to Brooklyn andjufflrt became wel l known a g a dog fsifcieri- . H> w«» a r S * m l ) ^ ^ theSbclely tOTIihtrPreventlou qC^uelty^or&nimaH;; the founder and president for many years (Ofcthi National Beagle Club of America, a-mflfflber pt the^Americin Kennel Club, and also belonged"to the Midwood and Knickerbocker Clubs of Flatbush. He was One of the best known breeders of beagles in this country.

Edward MoQonth. ' jjtick, JIov., 23 —Yesterday afternoon

at 4 o'clock occorredthe death of Edward McGougb, oldest son of Catherine and the late Patrick StoGongh. Mr. Mb-13ough~ waa boru In TJtlua .-ffbr-the-paafr

llvihg together several months the girl wanted hlM?*©M*% 'the •xilf^^gt^oar*;4,

der. .^-tiWjuffi- Ig&g&.-jftgfe


a^the-trffie^b&b^rBarrl^i^llwH^ den Corbetewclaimed tfiathe^iwunmar rled »nd f-h»o^;|S^if»pvlBiW^ii^^ velor^,'^6.w^|if^fe'W>fe^iipving! in E«st(SnVi??pnf p p i S n ^ | ^ a > f e M j ' ant isfO'Brlelt; and the £a]§»I#0We1&* that of his ste&fathe?. After living with" Miss Hay den -for 'the few ye&ii he aid Corbett lefd he'fc ind sHe.;h^#'%bMe*rd from hiinfbrsom#years. ebr^ettflnally drifted into BoonyiUe and there lie met Miss IJa L, Cooky to whomheiwss inai' rled on Pec9mber; 15,1897;,-ahd who sits by bis-side in. thfe-'eburt' xeom.' It these

j act%arejp|bv

% ^ f e i ^ f ^ ^ ^ T ^ p u f on trial under this indict-meht.

^ S S ^ l e T o t i S ^ w e e i . a A t he saw W w « ** ^ljknel«»-^y«pni^:flKW PF.«w» c cote her hpraeet Norfolk. He last saw\ ,«,„„,«»^hat an1insDeciion of th«i.a<,o„ his flrat wife in 1881

•iij»neous OBHeg8. „__„.-,-,.-„,.-. (fcttSi,,~»HKfl!* the follow-

ceasedj Ut^jMjjf f i^Oaftander; Rome

;^AWmv^mff^mwf^ "c«>k; Utlca, James*l««rlyjei mmmAMf % Sleight-KlEklig^%^.aMtei4;,Bome, John .ttenek^'^froM^^tei. of .Henry

^eporttd tftatjBMnipjc^ipn of theasess-' " ^ - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i ^ j B a h i f c s t oletlcai

Cro^^atrdnatibri-Attswer Q*»™ « « t e | « p ! i ! e Hcom-ol^oonvlllklwent ^ ? | 9 * t e s & * mende^|^t;^M^|ithe;-above requests Hayden after having talked wfifid&fefld- H . jtfatttB^x #ft#«ewrfcLW«s adopted. antabont her not eomlngto fetfg* De-

w^»Be^Tiieodp>^; F. Jessup o^Bron-^yifevHeitestlfted^that oi^Pec. 15.:1897. mmu^imkf^fi^^^ defendant and 'Mllftad*:*/torifcintbat village, j ^ - . .'

,^ive5*eenf8 Uoense presented at thei time *e^eMbrkftd^e>nMir4d^^ Sarah ';.-V^gwaen MK^BJMfe^ral ^ •• t h e

^rTbyiliConoitt4ed;<3ie p t i o p J ^ T ^ 8 ^ - , . 1 % ; Jtfn!»;riio^'thsfrtKe tlbe:ijunr to « t u r n a verdict of not guilty ^as^ereds»bEro>t of a. legal marrlaiw between^ % , 4 ^ e r i d a h t , and Sarah V, 'Hiydlnilnlhe »1»tei)f Ohio, or> that thb mtr|Iag«waa such as could be "used as a rjasis *6r prosecution for bigamy upon a second-marrlagei Panted. ' i rpfieamotion was tben made that the in-

4i0menfrj^ dismissed for tho same rea-

•t»«wr'»K tv cvrT|«c'«?~"*v«v«vMrT-w«* v «-T' ^ ifonsi-'' '-''jPeniebV-"

this; man was .^sjtoppS^r^^d|strbying • • rrrzr~ . .

married his last . .,,.__.,... .., shown a copy of his certificate tit Boon ville and he identified Uahandwriting. That gives his age as 35. Defendant has a son 22 or 23 years old but lias never told_his present wife. He did iiot tell her as he does not thiols itr iB-irlgmV for a man to blight J<he life of a young woman by discloBtng the„"babk-page'of his UfeS^hlstbry. ^Defendant wnever /toM her of his nrstmarriage nor of ftiaX^hg yri b another womah. He* thinks ^he would have married h'im joat t h e same if She had known of his previous life, now that, he knows.her BQ well, but he did not care to tell Her. He never consulfrad his "present wife's, father. He had writ­ten to Jennie another letter btsides the

I ono that has been presented i n evidence." } U had-beenwritteitprev.ion8ly totheone

Apple's score and letchls wheel in frunL .. hen be cime. out he found his. wheel

gone and another in Us place. Thinking tfiaTsqine one had changed wheels by mistake" he got on the wheel and was rid­ing up.and down the slraet looking ^pr hb iown wheel when he" was stopped. Berry's Wheel was found later by OfllQer

U U U ^ U TWO. U V . U AU *^ V . W M , *. w» w Y r—

twenty.flve years he has-b Jen employed as bbbkkeepet in the New York Central freight office, prior to that timebeiog bookkeeper at the. weigh lock. , H Is wile And three coudreifcBflrviYe!"

«Uf.qiorllR<J»Mlll«ri CAMDEN/ Nor. j93i—At about nine

o'clock this morning, at. her home on Thbrd ptreet, -ocoufred the death of Mrs. pibrlhda Miller, 4ged hearty 95 years, a long-time and, respected resident of Cam­den* Sh.e had been feeble for some time, but was remarkably well preserved for one sooldVShe was adahghter of AmoeSweat-man'j and was horn i n Troy in_l801. See \tutnttA %-n n«mdBii in 184^ PicemSer"

the happiness ©tthe Uvea flfwpmeji. « . Rontild McDougslI, stenographer for

the dlstriot attorney, was the nfttwdt* n e s i Hirtestiaed to going- tovsyracjose 0Q Tuesday antt.?gei^nK-%jnirt,h9iwuTO of appeals branch-library copjes of the re­vised statutes of .the state of Ohio.

The district ittorney' offered.* ofrtMn seetroas id evldenceT-af^eFthe vblffm'esfc had b°een n>axkedJfor identification. ;> y h e I sections relate fo marriage.In that state,!

Mr. Cnrtlh"then offered, in'etidence :v— —T-., -. . - ^ b m e ^ f t f f i i s a t e w ^ r o m ^ n e ^ ^ We conrt flaya pertaining t o thfrmarriage^otOJlifeiiaiar^ p a c o n t a 6 itaai

ton and7fil83iP^ayden. Mr. Jopea'ob

. At ,3.0;55 Mfi Jones began h^openin^ remaTka'to the jury;" Hasaid ho was not here t o demonstrate that the defendant possesseB '*)1 the virtues he m i g h t ' Nor waa'hrstaprovertjMtr-the^defendUuit had not known various womerTm" his career; It i? not the intention of defendant's Counsel to say bad things about any one fnr,-ijlii*y-'o»sev---ib-'4s t o be regretted that trie chief witness for the defense can not'bBpreaent t o grveius-testrmonys-Tdfe case hds got to be tried, however,

"'he defendant is to be

jected t^ik^ amiss ion of the certificates upon Tiome technical grounds. ;The ob." jtfCtlon'waB overrpi^d anftithe ceT>.tftcas*H

iadmitted. One'oftfithem 4B a~cetttfted

1 In court... In-that other letter nehrotoUTj aboui^f t je la l ions :of hts-fatner-in-iaW: anrnlffilMn-lawVand «56n|uredhte by the memory of herl^ead-mpjihsr npj'to break up his present happy home. He told her to remember what he had done

.be-gtfth^x#li^|p]B^was.adopted. r Th^c^mttt^lbjL'lEoi^oi'aeseesment W f re^^pMa^adscompIeted its lisbora(:Sh!iJ!i?t tm^Mgffieflooks ever to ^o^0^ii|^iC>|l^tW*. The report was acceptw^r,-'f'vr^;*:4:l';"i'.'•- • -"' ^

Mr, Mowsr of^ejeoinmittee on nncol-Iected«':* k<Bi« -pEe|in^|||he report of that committ^^^«»S#Snpdttee stated that from the reports-Bubrajtted to it by the county trM«urer^;^f oiojn4 that there is due f4>^it|i:e,yiarj,bWj^ins:to the county, rbyreaBp»pf|unr>iId3^pces|iof 1897, ieas-s e s s e d i n - W M $ ^ 1 ^ * S & lands, and

nOt.<b8en,™^a|.iM-,^](^ii^ the property cdncertfedj; jBJ^.^Bmsch,.m proper de-soriptlpj^c|H»KMinjadftJ!pr same ta be added to thi9;|eftr|| jwMieaBment roD, the eomntitt^-recorame^deid. the adoption of a r«blutri<?» WamS: -*S - amounts on the several tpj^msj^nd^deja -issued In favor of the county as fo|lo#si

•-*-,<'? '•- a^.:..-Aftit., Relevted

. byCounQf

I torn ner w rdmomuni „^.»- - - . y a Hdrherrhow-he-had-given hetaJionmanidL J^)aj^ezns ' h ^ u p ^ n e d ^ e r . - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ B ^ g e ^ r ,

Kw fitmr'tjayj^^Ehe^CTenaanj is wDejw»««^»„ „^,-_ v Iput on the stand andthe districtattbrneF "ask nerwhenahewas-on the-stand^-He4 l ^ n aiE'hiffi Stt thiroatstions hewisher ;'*'•* ""* *n '* *•" «*"«» her anvunolei to. I t will be shown how this defendant became acquainted With Miss Hay den j $ud:;Vrhftt theiT acquaintance led, to.

copy ofvthe affidavit whiokOUverBartoia ma^e in. MAbtgbmery obuntyV Ohio, on 03iCia,1889 t,In ithes^tea:that;he%|» ot tho age of ^1 years s3S i S S m a y d e n 18. The other i s a oerSluid' copy df a marriage certificate made by F» S Breeh, a jnatice-olLlne-pBaQa In Day ton, Oblo^ stating th'aton.Oct lC4889^ennf teaJn marrbjge Oliver Birtbn and Miss. Sarah V. Harden. •' '"1 "' ~' % Mrs. flurah V. -Corbett wasflextsworn"

She testified .that she knew tho defendant Jtud. flat met hint at a thgaltwr In Norf oik) Va. , which cliy was her birthplace. She w a s then a g & 15" years and-6 months^ Is; waaeaTlf iin*i3t4^falL.» She was living1

with her grand parents, as her 5«ea6s were dead. The defeodant m^ "-"" playing In the enraaeetra ••xtrttai1

H e remained there dnring the-winter.

wasj% very comely girl and he., was yonnger ,tbau Me is* now; He ' was-getttbg good pay and they hacl,*good itimesv —'Jhe-defendant-wifl- stateihwvhe fold Miss Eayden that they conld pot be married because he had,a wife living. He-wajmot l iving with that wife as he had married her when he was 18 years bid,' but found that ehe had a hus­band llviDg^"' -Heboe he . frequently 4oM—Mjts Hayden—of_Lthi8 reaaoa

***-****** y~a*"" ~" ~~r~

In1 ^esponie~Eo qnest-ion as to whether defendant had nsed Jennie well he said "Yes,, sir, .'I baveneen very good to her." Dafend-bavebeenvery ggod to hei ." Dafenu.-lB.THlT"" ant wanted to know what Jennie's moth* z^9im'~—— • >-J» »-* -,-Z& Rgieaiport-.. er's name was and sone had his counsel

Annsville. Augusta ... A V a , . — , -

Camden. Deeifield.. fflbjehce; —

dld-not do it to cause, her any unpleasant-*' 'ie, * God knowB, T^thTBBr |Jifi28, for, said he, .

any such mean thing t hould not bedone. When the two bf g i n to see each other

ud : \yhat their acquaintance jea, to. i i i u B i n » m " . . 0 - —~,— !fiey telliffSover-witir-^ach others ^Sfie at the theater' ift Norfolk the defendant

.-....•. _ J , t.. 1viiri nnmnnf the flirtation. The glrTwaa did some of flie flirtation. The girl was abont 18 years old and defendant abontBS

hchenrat ttme that he went home with y»Anjdehe_dld no1; make It known to her 1 that he hadTa" wTfeT "ATTJay^oirtlefenTa:-ant never intrtduced Jennie as his wife. The reasbn was that the laws of Ohio might be sucp that he would be charged With bigamy if heintrbdaced her. as bbj wife. It was because jof his drink­ing that ne "Tost TilS " Job" on t h e

" • • — a - •

fMaroy , Marshall — ... N.. Hartford. Paris., i.:.-'.' B e m s e n . . , " $ m n e , '. aangerfteld-. Stetiben


police force ana not because of the charge that he was the father of a child born lp_a MIBS J|oGovern, a stenographer. He had" never* heard "Els narne connected- with that affair until today when the district attor ney. spoke of It. His son by his firat wife lives with her at Boston, Jeuule, aftex the leil; Dayton, later wont

FfltBaipbrt-. Kirklandr.

;Tre»surers 18!) 34.

ivis--^-'_4gb9ft - -

._ : iw . 1U.48,

'38 03 - v 23-8* '

2f'i)» . , 20:08

4858' 28 2JJ

873.74 "Ki& 602-73

54:48 4 64

U t l c a — - ' — Vernon Verona Vienna, Western, i . t . Westmorel'd Whlteatown.,

14,068 46 0728 80 93'

856 88 jio'Ia 93 90

TnterestT"' atlfe .--

. ?94 70 3 « 125

52-9» • 1.7? "

47 47 13 Kl 25 27

460 <I0 27 64

: a r 401S>

.30 64 38816 -"ifiv ,038 R) ' 57.7"f

4 HI .ll,9li56

10311 115 lil

' 377.76

'4\fi U8 53 Aftefthe play dancing was. enjoyed. Be-

tween 5 and 7 p. m. a vetiiaon and chick­en sapper was* served under the direction of'Tars. A. Rtjise. 1'oday there" was a~| matinee, at which' the" St. Vincent's Cadets of TJtlb* gave so, jB*htb!tIon.d#ll They also made a street'psrsde.-'Thla evenmgtheywuldrnlBialii. . J'rom'Sto _.

p«rved under the direction;of Mrs', ioseph " " ' Kaiser. ' .

At 3:30 the St Vincent Cadets of Utlca serenaded the Sentinel and Claude Btll-

, bert, the drain -major, gave an excellent exhibition of baton swinging.

:hej»d4eftit. - ' Berry was taken before Acting Record­

er Spinning. He pleaded, guilty to tak­ing •Wiightman'a wheel, although he said he-had no intention of stealing it. He. was fined $3-costs, which he paid.


Speelai K M U O K to Ooattder fatUanaaat - - tVith Oontra«tor Danglaaa . A special meeting of the board of e d ^

cation was held oh Wednesday evening jtJilie_joffijM.jM\^e_jmp<H^^ " schools ln,the.hlgh school building.

Thoie present were-Pre*. Parry and Messrs. Comstock, Hager, Hinckley and Cramond.

- W „ -r"---.

pertain conditions there will be due him on his contracts ^balance of f 10,500. The amount of the liens wbloh have been

"ffled against the bhlldtng Is f4,008 88 and, added to these are claims, other than liens, which bring the amount up to f 10,-033. Besides these claims and liens against the building, the Firs!; National

Andtasca Wall Plaand. Side, Tracked was presented at the

. WashiDgtonlBtreet Opera Home last eve-ning to a large ahd "Ml pleaie^d andl-•'eo'oe.*" T$e'pTece.i8 latgwy a vaudeville performance with a story of love, hate, Jtanrd«ijist6_^sjijBirjbft9^ the speolalttes.. The prlnoipal Character, that of «harlei loerser, HlBs'Herstto'l Irving Booth, a tramp,' wa? ably taken by K. H»0'Cohnor7 "Gertrude Birnes, the soubret, was a favorite with the an*

jdlence. All the specialties were good. The audiebce was. partionlarly well

The president announced that the meet­ing had been called for the especial pur-poseof considering the matter of a set-

^emeti*wdth-Gd«'^btbt^on«la»fV- - • Ipleijed with-a-mmslctl-aketoh: Prtv'ided^jiptitractor Dbnglass fulfllU and Jessie Sohaeteriia the msle 4(^aitet ]

Bank of Binghamton has a claim of 17,330 ass ign* to it by Contractor. Dong-las& — * . !!.

Mr. ^ a t r y ^ f d «sat -the~*ank hadi through Its attorney, propounded to the board three questions, which It Wished the board to answer. The questions were armHowst*-* --'- —

Fireti.- What claim! the board of educa­tion abeolntely require to be paid.

Second. If bond of National Surety Company for $6,000, drawn to indemnify the board against all liens- claims and MmitSsj^t^stMimsj^iM^» tor materials furnished andlabor done in the erection of the high School building is satisfactory. , =. >

Third.- If, upon payment ofjiaid claims, delivery of said bond !aad release from the First National Hank, the board will pay over the $10,600. v '

In reply to the questions the clerk was instructed to write to the bank that, re-


composed of Messrs. Stevens and Vance.

Conlan, Smith,

» . thara la Vo* Al^aad. ' crr Greenroom Fun,' that always popular

comedy, with the clever"and,welcome actress, Nellie McHenry, and theiavorite comedian, John Gburlay, in the prlncl-pal and their original roles, will bs seen at the Washington Street Opera House next Monday evening. y The play baa, ai-.WftMtPCojfed,i.winnexana i»now revered with almost the original oast. If a a comedy that does not have to be brought up to date, as it is always there. Of course the specialties with which the play abounds w&l all be new and of the

5,18SI, shewsB married to Alha Miller, who died in 1868 For a great many years she was a school teacher jand. Aw very competent. No relatives but an adopted son in Providence, B. I , survive. The, fanejral will be "held on Sariday at 150 f com the OohgregaUQua! CaUf«h•&.

GAUDXNJNOV. 23.—^Abont? o'clock this morning the community was' shocked to learn ot the Euaden death of Dr. J. H. Tracy, a prominent "clt'zsn and retired jbutifiitas man,which.oocutKd at htaobme PQBwbnaiirreet, 'itihbughliCri^lJeen failing gradually for the past 18 months, heuOBethlamozninga3u|aaland went but In the yard. A t 7 he returned and while prepatijog for breakfast was striok-en dojrnjwith heart' disease. Joshua H. Tracy was born Itr l^anon,<3omt.,in December, 1815, and had been a-reaident of Camden for the, nast 67 ytqrs. For yearaHbeHwarclerkidr J. H^avarly-and' alsbtaught school: He etudled medicine with Dr.. David Ely in this village ancT| graduated at Geneva Medical College in 1846, and practiced medicine for a short time in the" south. His health falling he returned to Camden and went into part­nership with J.D Gavarly id the mercan-

inIhtSbtlui i^bumS with the la t l^ M. Orth, and for several- yeans prior to the fire of 1883 Was in business alone. After the Caverlyiv left Camden he was agent for their real eetate interests In t village for many years. He retired from active work about twenty yeara ago on. account of declining yaars and poor health. In 1851 he married Miss-Elfta

gat they could not be married, owever, she came on from Norfolk,

-Va ,-'=and-they- lived together in Dayton, O., aS Mr. and Mrs Corbett. Corbett became add'eted to drink and lost his po­sition there. The little household was broken tip and the young woman left *.«&.--?«»**,» t'm<>' abont lSOB; While Oh


serving all rights under the contract, if Mr. Douglass will pay all claims against the butldihg, except that of the Vermont Marble Company, which he disputes,.and satisfy the board by sufficient evidence of such payment, and give to the board a satisfactory bond of $3,000, covering the bill of the Vermont Marble Company, the

. Jward.'wiUpayoverto Contiactor Dojg: l a * $10,300, the amount agreed upon Es due him. ^


Stoma* on tha r*ramant. . \: ROMK, Nov. 23.—It may be a good idea

to leave atop dressing of sand on the new brlcfeffi»v?men|Jfor H& wInte?y!S||JEW

o * e r i t * ( f S n ^ ^ ^ ^ e T w ^ p l Q p l t be likely to displace abrickthatprojected a sbrteenttf of an' inch above-ita neigh-borsTTiow muck more likely would a heavily loaded Wagofedrlve down "a btick on which lies a gravel stone an Inch or more in diameter? Unless these stones j are completely removed from the eandj wui they not cause serious injury to the, pavement whenit is opened to traffic? s.

- BIrtk«»|r Part;. > _'JL.iuiy*l birthday iarty vrat^fehdn Wednesday evening Jby thejadiesof the Welsh Presbyterian Church. There wis nojlxed price for snppei? and the enter­tainment, but instead each person who attended was charged one ceftt for each yearof blior hex age. A fine musical and literary program was rendered. About $75 was realined:

JealOtU HlVatra^Can not turn back the USe. **• dentaad JtorBr. Agnew's JJMklfmi k*-mt*T«, tump to buy,

t*Ia&*M4%}i^ttfc^^ mted tonrna, weser braah, pain after mm*, s*ck^»adaeh«, never grip*, op-mt« pleaaeaUy. 10 cents. Sold by

carried by the "company; Bobtrti vi. Batlay.

The hearlngin the reference of Edward libberta:_oti yranklin^ Springs vs. James A. Bailey of Borne, as administrator of Jane'Bowlands,-'who. died in 1877, Tras commenced yesterday morning. The ac­tion is Jbronght to recover an account for tervicei>piffOrmedf The hearing is be-fore^BdwardSu Wellibf TTtica as referee' aud"wlllprQbably continue several days. John F. Bogers appears for the plaintiff and JE. L. Stevens of Rome for the de-

He next went, to'a summer resort .where witness saw hira,agaln. Frotn' there* h'e J went to Dayton,^hio, wher>ue^hW an] engagement at the Sotdlera'-Home.-^8he eaw him there after, she and defendant had had soma correspondence. The letters were'destroyed lonj ago. Id the letters' the defendant asked her to cogse to him In Ohio. After she got to Ohio there was some talk about their getting-rled. Defendant told her he would marry| her but kept patting it off from day to

ln^r^^e4ttJk-h^jaMUMH«din 'and intebdaced heri,,4ui-a4rfc CbrrAtt^*0" - ™ Flnallyhe pame one day and said that he! waa ready tb marry her ahd they went down to the office of a-jostice and were married. Defendant slid he would get married under - the jhame;_jDf Oliter Barton so that if -it came -out in th4y«pera:therii wonldtnotrM: so much

jfifitaa Dayton the Dayton police force, the defendant'

w»s-semvto Bostonio get a prisoner who had been extradited. He then learned

talk at he had already Intrdduced her ai ttMfiOorbeCfci They w*r* married by Jus-ltft5*JBreenf the def endawjoaing the name of Barton. After.the oerernohy the couple began housekeeping. The date witness and defendant were marled was Qot. 16, 1889. They lived together four years. After that tiine witnisV left defendant una wabtWherforrn^hoa^ inNorfolk,

p a t in the year 1888 his wife in Massa-chnsetti had obtained a divorce from nlm""Deoii8se 'of .tfesertlonT" He* nad never received .notice'of-'the divorce.

.' The" defense will Bhow that the de-[Tenffiint waa never jnarried to Miss Sarah Hayden, that he never.sigaed an affidavit as ^Oliver Barton,'* preparatory to any __jm6hy^tOTSraiBgen»ithiier; It is not -the doelre ot the defense to conceal any-thlng, but .8.11. the facts wilt be presented

""icide-whether thlq dn-. lendanl'Is" iiino^sjit^or Ttbt; Mr. Jones concluded at 11:80.

He then offered In evidence certificates of Montgomery County (O.)'dfflclals to the effect that there lsnoreoord of any license to marry ever having been issued to A. O. B. Corbett. .-MiTtHH defendant toclpthe-sNadr^Efabftttl

txLBcaSonfraiid bjBgan boarding with the first Mrs. Corbett there. Jennie fell jn love' with the son and tried to..—.,. . . l . . ... . mhr'der'tlie-glrlTrtth-whom the sen wAsNSn donMe^heymbuufcarid the bona to be

' " r ot.«ny 1 *P^iwe4'by fctejoaWj.

beth Stevens and^MstQedonSecond street,' where they have since lived. Mr. Trtoy wa**aferaaebrB«Bis^at*aa fe48#wa» #*oM"ioh6«tc¥mTtrjaM •o f l^" '* triet. ' He was a Mason ahd an Odd i low, and an enthusiastic worker. 'He was secretary of the lodges of both orders here for over 80 years. _Hts wlfesuryives,

she bad another husband living.-' Wit­ness went on the road teaching bands

[rimed she received alettcfcfiomCbrljett. The Utter was dated at Ufica; July 39>

nerywtH be I also ttree childre"% j clan residing in Wasttrn New ¥ork, Mrs.

W» T. Jones of Water vllle and Mlasyatf-nie Tracy of Camden. - " The I«te Tfaoaaai O. WlIda.

Thtfrmer«l^f-Tabtt?j«--Oi^Wihis^oc-curred this afternoon at the Universallab Churchi Bev.'L.D. CaieofflciatiDg. 'The bearers were Hon. Jim Stevens, Wheeler Armstrong. CbL Louis Roth and F. X Greenfa. Interment was made in Borne cemetery. " ,. ..

fendant. -__ i________ -__ The Oonnteis in Haw Vortc

A despatch from New York annbuncei the»iflvalteiaifilr|^rtnn Wednesday « AdelihepGouritess Sclummefflanny#fio| passed thtotjgh Rome on her steam yacht DuenJtf*sfbH?ilmi iigo. The ^uttfiesti who is Very"w^|byj has been doing tiftfijiP| s*onary*ltorJt;ln thie country for Hie j?aso year and: a half, Ijbldicg meetings on tier yacht and dJUltrlbuting- ilms and provl-iidnBtotnepoor.' ?;j?:l\ ,;, - ' '•/ "

. • • .* ' r.ssui. TimmuakiOctiialon.'- -i'£.* *. .ji^l&tM®m&^mi*h6IM a nlerk

in Baker & Fox's d^, goods store, was oil WedneedayeVetflnggiven a surprise-visit fby'her^alwoclates to the store,' the occa-'siofn^l^ifirTtnoliyi.- - iHirllhments "wJB^;||r^e^;"lb3a,:i;IS\j^eifln^ was very pleaeantrjf spent....

• :k >Jtfa«Ut«a Vftoa. Hamilton Coilege defeated Trlujty at

foot ball at Hartford, Conn., on Wednes'-

DiBtwwlng Kidney and Bladder dls-' ""-'""^ '•'"" ~*m ny **New Great

ley Cure." I t is a


North-Oorrlcan. Cti.YViLL«, Nov. 23.—At St. Patrick's

Church yesterdsy the marriage of Miss Anna Corrigan-and George M. North', bothof .this place was Eolemnized.,, The bride was accompanied by tier sister; Mjss Mamie Gorrigan, and Frank Mc­Carthy acted as beet man. The bride was—gowned In- Huesian—blue—cloth

-HSSJJj Uli- , do "any thmg that wojdd make the'detend

name if Andrew Oliver Barton Corbett. He vras bom in Aberdeen, Scotland, and earner to this country when about 17years

|?of aga. He first-located in Maine. Later he went to Wakefield, Mass., and there' married Sarah. BioUe He waa then alittle over -17 and she was 6 or 7 -years olderr-They^ived together -uhtil 1881, When he left her as he had learnedrthat

_ it alraad! Todked to be and aBkTd'he* aw^y from: New xorfe oi^-wHfrev ihl was taking a conrse-Jn fc:h6ispltilf jai»d get but joflme state io' that she could not be snbpenaed in thetrlai. He offered to pay Her the expense of maklngratranafer. T^lelter ^wassighen^paB,:? Corbett and-headdresawwitnewas^JLJeimie.'' " erbss^anunat'ioni^Wi^eis uaed«to attend matineee with her girl frfends at

, the Norfolk theater and tliat is'where she fet&rl&fc., He^ai'in-tlrapfec^fletist. Her pet flame ivas Jennie andshe went

in the Church Street Opera House during J the winter. In the summer the orchestra [went to Ocean.Bfaih,a seaside resort. On September's, 1888newent toDayton,

promptrKss iRBpBvIng^ain^in bladder,

diatelj. If ybu want quick relief and cu»tlileistherein«y,- SoldbyBronih-ton * Gravet, Druggtota, Borne, N. V.

_ „ „._! r«nlB|y'Sf|wffi»nghl C5olds andCensumptionjueed through theworld for half a"c*ntary,roi cured innuroeraWe cases of indpient cbiiBnrnptlbn and re-

n*^yournwney!iPrlc*^^« arldt£w». Srtd by Broughton & Graves on a gnarantet. - " _

trimmed with white silk and pearls. The bridesmaid was attired in Bnsaiau pine cloth trimmed with white silk. The bride Is a charming young lady, the weklert daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Corrigan of this place. The groom is a,, popular jonngTuan of this village and a valued^ employe ot the Empire Woolen Company. The gtftejfere numerous and handsome Inihe evening a reception was held-at the home Of the bride, after which Mr. and Mrs. North left on-their^ wedding trip to Seneca Falla, Syracuse and Water­loo. r .' - _ > —.

Wtatc-Batu. Booavntt, Nov. 28.—Last evening oc

curred the marriage oLMtsa Jennie Butts of tt hie'vlU»ge and Walter White of Fdf-estporc The ceremony Was performed by Bey. T. F. Jessap at the residence of the bride on 'Charles Btreet. Only the immediafe'famuies were1 pM«ent._^Both are very popular and receive the congrat­ulation* of alL' They went immediately to Foreatport, whore they will take up their residence. ~

going. Defehdaut never knew, of any man in Dayton by the name of Oliver Barton , There was no other man living with Jennie while he was living with ker. He and she lived together continuously for about four years. She lived in Day-

$16,541.79 $17,534 84 The stun ojE $75-w*s-levied to pay ©f^

A -E. Dietrich, as physician at the Rome lail. ". > • . . . .

The clerk wan -dlrebted to notify the uxemuegLtP fee._feg*i9?ei equallz ttlon to TTi»eti af. the snDerrisors' chambers on Monday, Djcernber^tSp. m.

TTheTtmnd of i;fae cJorardy"treasnrir was fixejl life I' OOOjf %js 8ure«es to qualify

J. O. Jones offeMalue following reso­lution: .. . . .

Whereas,.The chairman of thlBboard itt ahnbnncing!^e^tiand&g committees for 189& addeda tiew-committee called

other man in Dayton defendant never knew it. - At 1 o'clock recess was taken UnH12.p.lnr '

BOWK, NOV. 23 —Whan court recon­vened this ait srncon Mr. Cdrtin contin-uedThtscrcesexamination of C»pt. Cor­bett. -»

The defendant said he had not had any :c$ffiej[nonueu0ewiti£bl3 flesfc wife;„a?«er | 1881, when he left Iter. There was never any personal service on bim of papers in the divorce proceedings which she insti­tuted, and M rec/ived no s,otdce:j)i;tne proceedings by maiL • Jennie seemed to be content; with him until he lost hie job.-] He got $100 a month while he was On' the police force. •••.-. ' -.

Be-direct—Defendant came to-lccite

ing theyoar as a committeertoastlst tho eftuidise^ihthetrdelense of tbe-appeai tatortny^eoij^f^fesragainst the ae-tibn,'ot aald 'board, of efluallzation; and, wbereja*, it i» iati*rtlbnab;e whether such committee can legally. sit thereon, as

.they wotdu beaudltlot their own bills; huSa/wnareas, th»fir*«dia&Ict hss no rep-Tesentagon on'saiycorhmittee, -it wonla aideatt bo ntSmbMtHahrHTThat'tmi

.districtfD»^ffeientiai*therefore, be it !>30lte<M^_tnEe|^rsSwancott and


by'lhWnlme Jennie Hall fmonr her

-.g^dbmnis. Hel:"fathi«»v|i|nie was j d P i ^ v a n s . ^WfWPto&X'.tatak Harden/*- Her mother aied-when-she WSB T»orn and ner father three months later. Xn the" correspohdence-between- witness and Corbett before she went to^Dayton 1MB addressed her as'Jennie Hall.' I t was IxCthe early winter Of l»a» tnac «ttj5ess went to Dayton.' It was the next tJcto-ber that the marriage was performed. Defendant had told Witness "that the ''O. ^ . " inUfs narhestood5 f8if OUverBarlon. HJa^ritinds ca^e^Mm^SCaptaia" aljer rie went<n^he police' f«c*an,ftvriien he w a s in the band. __ I

Mr. Jones moved i » sttjke out the evi-den<^in»«ar%to^the mairlajje of de-fendant and witnesa^ sa« there wai no proof of a license" to mkxf being iaeued*

-Justice of the-PeacelBii'eenof Dayton, O , Was next sworn. :He kabwf the de­fendant and had frequentlreeta bim in Uayton. He saw Mml Corbett, the last witness, i n that city and rememDete' that h e performed a ceremony 1>efcweeh her 'and a man. He can nOt-poeitively, iden­tify the defendant as the man whom he married to t h e i ^ m a n . A t the time ot t h e marriage the mahgave theaanne Bar :ie^^aecSaiag to~tae^Ee«oT^rwid-he

player in the band at the Soldiers' Some. He remained in the soldiets'home band about two years Then he was employed to or^anltea; police baniin4892, and was also on the detective force in connection with his band work. Later he taught some other bands and'gave private les­sons. Ee became acquainted with Lewis Haus soon after he went to Dayton and was well acquainted with him'before Oct. 14, 18897^vWitness:^dld not make any application nor knew, that

in Boonvilie becaufe h e ~ had been asked to come there from. Bayton to in -

Tfie sera*^y^of-^hr band had*wrltten Mm.

The defense rested at 2:20. Mrs. Sarah V. Corbett recalled by the

peoplei* The__ac8Ji time that she learned that Corbett had a wife and son in Hos-ton was just a few days before witness

Boston. She hss nbfe Jived.-.. with ;hlfti since then. She went to Boston later-to. find but about the matter. While tKere

fall for $976. IMaatea- SahtNiI.

MisrH*«mbnd'* daScl»gi«lronlTwJil begin next weekat Mrs.AD.K&leelaM'*, 405 W. Kmearfo tin*. --Nottea <H taf

Iday wll]Ube#ven^liere#iter.--v^-

JadsaaMU' , . Two judgment* against Charles B.

Hams of Oriikany Falls'were filed In the county clerk's offloe on Weaaeaday. One was to favor ot Mary W e s t f a U i o r t m w . and the other in favor of Frank 1C Weat-4 |aame VJrginia^naiqg-tite last part.of the

thereforeneversBsoclated the names-Bar t o n imdCorbett. ±-\ fc__, ^ t Croam^xaminaUbn--Withes» has known

defendant' as Corbett,-.for,abont seven yeawT ^Has n o r seen HrsrCotbett since t h e day he performed the-oeremdny in, i)aytoh< * * " \

Mrs. Corbett recaUeA—Tke name Jete-nJeoame to be given her from her middle

word.- Witaesehajraevet |>een married t o anyone but C o r b e t t , and has never

4wtd^other husband. '•*• -_. . , -Mr, Jonej again mada the motion to

•tt lke out the evideace ad refardsa.mar-xiage ceremony being performed between

a marrlsge license under the name of Oil-w Barton wi th Sarah V. Hayden. Nor did he evergoto the office of JustlceBreen oh Oct. 16, l889j nor any other time'to get married. He never was married to her and no ceremony purporting to be a marriage to her was ever performed. It was dnrlngthe.first year that defendant waa- in~ Norfolk that he r became ~«c- | quainted with thelady who has been sworn as -Mrs. Corbett! She used~to come frequently to the "opera house and it w a s through a flirtation that the two became intimate friends^ She gave the name of-Jennie-Hall* and witness never knew she^fiad any other name until he heard her tell of it on the stand. He never promised to "marry her. After defendant went <*to Ocean" -Beach -Miss Hall used to 'come down-sev­eral times a ,week t o rsee -him. The intimate "relations continued tip to the time that def endant>ent to Dayton. A number of times the young woman had asked defendant to marry her but he told her I t would, be Impossible for him to do so, a s he had1 a wife living. After get­ting to Dayton he had letters from Miss Hall and they corresponded. She wanted -to. come np to Day-tqn> ta l ive " w i t h , him and he wrotarto nsr-that Blre\ could come SHd l i t e with h i m but heconld notmatry her. Sbe came and. they lived together until the .winter .of-1893 when she^eft~hiro< They nad nad. a, misunderstanding. He lost enii>]db about that time. >'rrnen the young woman left him he went as far asi Cinclnnsti wi thhw ort'het. way home to

LNorfolk.. The first year that Miss Hall waa, With hini in Dayton the renewed •• frequently htr re-quest that they get-married but he told her that he,was not in any better shape todo,so mat a t first. SomeuMme la m* or 1893 he Went t o Boston after a prisoner. There he learned that ftUifirst wife had obtained'a divorce from him.'

writing addressed to Mrs. Davfs; his first wife,-- . . «,,,. , -. -v.'-"--*--"

CroM-examtnation—It was in 1803 thai she left him. In . Beaton s h e gave the name of Mrs. Corbett, and the first name as Jennie. ~ ~ ,!s

Thetestlmony closed at 2:30. , Mr. Jones renewed his former motions,

wWeffwerevdehiedc; • it*. i . i . i - ^ : ^ S _ A : i i _ 3.

Parker: be added; to the corb,mlttee on uac«5bttnts oii equausationappeaL"

Chairniau-Pbtter—lileclare that reso-Itttloh "tfdt of order.: " v - r , ,

Mr. Jpaes—I a»|eal -from the decision ofitfechair- " • '• •

Thi chai i was sustained on the appeu Mr/JonWawne vottogin flienegative.

d a motion of Mr. afcCraary a KC«8 Was'takeaflatMO-j^ mi^mTotro w.

Wia^lbiiElRlKfrafe-Hitchcock's MiUi-nef y store-ibiswebk7 &iday.


At this point the court announced that all jurymen not on the present panel would -6.eJBxji3nsed" far the term, as no other esse would be tried-

Mr. Jones thenjbegan summing up. -r„. v S c a n s Tjakan to A n b a r n . L

JBdward. S*arrs»s~who was Indicted for sodomy tbutplead.ed'.guilty. to~Mf«nltJn.

I the second degreey- Was taken to Auburn , today by Under Sheriff Buckley to begin his two years' sentence,,. ^

JPottei's Cass Goe a Qver, . f, " At the Auburn vterm pt'' the United States court on Wednesday, the case of Edward W. Potter, the Utlca post office employe charged with embezzlement, was put over to the Albany term. ,

i wr



airmgementg, EAffl:|ptfi

• yiirthbbwiefltof

%.itx$ i t t l i l Residence,

j t i S&il fs*Op«a Souse,

fieMon Tlcke'ti with o r Prize •


Gents'Prize, 1 (Jold Watch. Eadiee' Prize, 1 Fine Hat

Single tickets S3 cents.

< K W S B K ^ & ' d t S t » t t A H O U S E . , KitufnartlieSaccesi! * "

. ' tooB'toAys, M . Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Sat-

nrdiy ,^ov. i%and 80, aud „ pec. l a n d « .

Every evening «£ 8 cbptthatOB

Bnzdlek^df Xarivlll* Turns Up at , aiSKtBivllle.

HlGGTNSVtttJiyNov. 22-f-A man by the name of Burdick, who wandered' away, from his . home in , Earlvllle. three weeks sgo.jahd whose frlefids have since* been ' looking for him', was fonnd in this village this morn­ing. He came to-the home of Jerome A+Jacksbttand-askedtobny acigarr ~Jt\ paper hanger from pneida who wasworkf ing at Jackson's recognized the man as , Burdick'. _ He w a s in his shirt sleevesandi did not seem to be In1 his right mind. He wlUibe taken to Oneida ahd turned over to the ohief of police;

-Wi«THa'&BMiKG at Hitchcock's Milli­nery Store this week Friday.

F. K. McDOI OUOH, Undertaker. WiwatfttiM surer ^ ~

apnJiwefc^Prompta * ^mmw^WSS^JBS^St

redneiday the WsMaee •ifneatie'cloclc.

- -T | ioka4A BDlSQN'S

latest IWHaPB^iiu Hew 1 W » . - J-S.DIBBP«i*««**er,.„„u8lo,

- Exit* AttoWtJot* Sw'ISf*"'£SJ B otat. and •DsaMnMat Of Jheiavor.Ua soaww? »"*t ,t

popMar soeis <No aavajace *h Prl«g-^jea seals Go. extern. B-Kv



t X r i E m ^ r T O S s i ^ B H A HOPSS-


• diaa aoin«r «otrftt*Y-

•OompW \t 'Comedians, W W ^ ^ S i S . AfeB^AetOo^fdy (entirely reconsl»uctea».

, &RE1? ROOM FUN. j-Turie;Ttlrih7*pioay1*a« ^ 8i,ufl,ioM:

«»tKC^nrchciefi! Ballet. BBiCntB-SiW, Wc, 5^,750. , BjwrOll»6e-olW»^0n1i!»ri0ar«>.

HbltaUDPi; Boss, who has1

the ball season Bulla Bowla

Mateo, Fla,, to orange farm.

CharlesAJK have been spen his cousIn7Nbt

Mrs. Jacob 1 ot paralysis thl encouragingly.

-Mrs. H-W. I Beatrice and A the past week >

, er.Mrs. Lfen^ Vernon-A;'Vi

ton, Nt-Jrj-toh state hospital.

Chester A; V} Gage with tb Blue,-whose wJ her alster-iu-ls Ins, and her a fami^f, j relative**

guest of Mt*. J


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