Download - Variables System the bridge between metadata and dissemination

Page 1: Variables System the bridge between metadata and dissemination

« Variables System the bridge between metadata and


Monica Isfan ([email protected])Statistics Portugal

9 –11July 2008

Page 2: Variables System the bridge between metadata and dissemination

Variables System

Statistical Indicators

Register flow

Transmission and visualization



Page 3: Variables System the bridge between metadata and dissemination

Variables System

Variables System

ISO/ IEC 11179

Statistical Survey Design

Automatic Questionnaire Generations

Statistical Dissemination

Facilitate Standardization

Identify Duplicates

Facilitate Data Sharing

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Variables System

Variables System

Production System

Dissemination System

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Dissemination System


Dissemination Data Base

Central data base of statistical indicators

Inputs → aggregate data from Production Departments

Outputs → aggregate data and the associated metadata

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Variables System


Object class (population or statistical unit)

Representation class

Value domain


Statistical indicators

Variables System


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Statistical Indicators - Definition

Data element that represents statistical data for a specified time, place, and other characteristics.

(“Terminology on Statistical Metadata, Conference of European Statisticians – Statistical Standards and Studies – Nº 53”).

Statistical Indicator

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Statistical Indicators - DefinitionIn Variables

System Statistical indicator



Aggregate Variables



D1 = Time

D2 = Geography


Dn = Other characteristics

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Aggregate Variables


Object class = Population;

Representation class = Quantity, Ratio, Value, etc.

Value domain = Non-enumerated + Unit of measure;

Definition and/ or concept;


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Property = Resident Population

Population = Resident Population

Representation class = Quantity

Value domain = (0, ∞)/ U.M. = No.

Concept = Resident population (208/ 24-05-1994)

The persons who regardless of the fact that at the moment of observation ' 0:00 a.m. of the reference day ' are present or absent in a given housing unit, this unit being where they live during most of the year with their family, or where they have all or most of their belongings.

Formula = No

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Statistical Indicators - DefinitionIn Variables

System Statistical indicator



Aggregate Variables



D1 = Time

D2 = Geography


Dn = Other characteristics

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Object class = Statistical Unit;

Representation class = Code;

Value domain = Classification + Level of classification;

Definition and/ or concept.

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Property = Sex

Statistical unit = Person

Representation class = Code

Value domain = V00305 – Sex (Dissemination MF) + Level 2 Level Code Name

1 T MF

2 1 M

2 2 F


Biological difference between male and female.

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Statistical Indicators - Name

Aggregate variable

D2 = Dimension (geography)

Dn = Other dimensions





Dn-1 = Other dimensions

Name definition

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Statistical Indicators - Name

Aggregate variable

Dimension (geography)

Other dimensions

Resident population

Place of residence





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Statistical Indicators – Register flow

Step 1. Analyse of data and metadata

Step 2. Variables and statistical indicators proposal

Step 3. Register and approval of variables

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Analyse/ Search




Associated Systems



Assistant Entities


Object class

Representation class

Value domain

Greatness/ Unit

Administrative sources

Other sources

Files / Version

Conceptual variable


User management


Select type of sourceSurvey

Select variables

All...Variables for association

Select Methodological Document

Annual estimates of resident population (version 1)


Association between variables and the methodological document

AggregateDerivateObservation Dimension

Step 4. Source selection

Resident population

3174|2007-04-27 >> Distribution of the resident population (%)

259| 2005-09-05 >>Resident population (No.)

Step 5. Association of aggregate variables

Statistical Indicators – Register flow

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Assistant Entities


Object class

Representation class

Value domain

Greatness/ Unit

Administrative sources

Other sources

Files / Version

Conceptual variable


User management


Select variables


Association between variables and the methodological document

Observation Derivate Aggregate Dimension

Statistical Indicators – Register flow

Select aggregate variable Cross ref.

259|2005-09-05>>Resident population (No.)

190|2005-08-03>> Reference period

235|2005-01-01>> Place of residence

310|2005-01-01>> Sex

Generate name

Step 6. Define the cross reference

190|2005-08-03>> Reference period

235|2005-01-01>> Place of residence

310|2005-01-01>> Sex


Variables for association

Step 7. Associate the dimensions to the selected aggregate variable


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Statistical Indicators – Register flow

259|2005-09-05>>Resident population (No.)

Cross reference

190|2005-08-03>> Reference period

235|2005-01-01>> Place of residence

310|2005-01-01>> Sex

236|2005-08-29>> Age group (by life cycles)

Generate statistical indicator

Select aggregate variable

Cross reference code:




População residente (N.º)_Período de referência_Local de residência_Sexo_Grupo etário (por ciclos de vida)

População residente (N.º) por Local de residência, Sexo e Grupo etário (por ciclos de vida)

Resident population (No.) by Place of residence, Sex and Age group ( by life cycle)

Step 8. Generate the definition and the name of statistical indicator and execute the registry

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Variables System

Statistical Indicators




Data Base

Statistical Indicators DB





Statistical Indicators – Transmission

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Statistical Indicators – Visualization

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Statistical Indicators – VisualizationName Resident population (No.) by Place of residence, Sex and Age group (by life cycles)

Regularity Annual

Source Statistics Portugal, Annual estimates of resident population

First available period 2000

Last available period 2007


Dimension 1 Data reference period

Dimension 2 Place of residence

Dimension 3 Sex

Dimension 4 Age group (by life cycles)


RESIDENT POPULATION The persons who regardless of the fact that at the moment of observation ' 0:00 a.m. of the reference day ' are present or absent in a given housing unit, this unit being where they live during most of the year with their family, or where they have all or most of their belongings.

REFERENCE PERIOD The length of time for which data are collected, e.g. a specific day, month or year.

AGE GROUP The age interval in years to which a person belongs at the time of reference .


Formula Estimated value (Dem.)

Measure unit (symbol) Number (No.)

Power of 10 0

Last update date 29-May-2008

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Resident population (No.) by place of residence (NUTS – III)2007

Statistical Indicators – Visualization

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“Metadata is the key to ensure that information will survive and continue to be accessible into the future.”

“Only used statistical information is useful statistical information.”

Central reference for aggregate data and metadata;

Improving communication and understandability;

Increasing data and metadata sharing.

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Thank you for your attention!

Variables System the bridge between metadata and
