Download - Valley Pennysaver 3.3.12

Page 1: Valley Pennysaver 3.3.12

March 3, 2012

Volumee 22 •• Numberr 33

Inn thisIssue

Bob Gould &the Bobcats

Page A10


Page A25

Tax TimePage A33

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find;

knock and the door will be opened to you.” ~ Matthew 7:7

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Original Valley PENNYSAVER • March 3, 2012Page 2

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Original Valley PENNYSAVER • March 3, 2012 Page 3


Fresh Lean PPORK


Whole Peeled 28 Oz.



POP SECRET3.2 Oz. Microwave




All Flavors



Garelick FarmsSourr Cream


8 OzReese’s

Tartarr Sauce


50 Oz.

ERALiquidd Detergent


2 Liter

Waist Watchers


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(518) 568-5689NOW OPEN TILL 5PM

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Lenten Special!


Lb.Whole Boneless Center Cut


$179Lb.Cut To Order






1 Lb.Carton

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Mix NMatch

Boar’s Head Sweet Cooked Ham$599 Lb.

Boar’s Head Domestic Swiss Cheese$499 Lb.


Busch Beer18 Pk / 16 Oz. Cans

$1199+ Dep






Corando Premium SPIRALL HAMS

-- OR -Gwaltney Semi-Boneless

HALFF HAMSImportedfrom Italy



Page 4: Valley Pennysaver 3.3.12

Original Valley PENNYSAVER • March 3, 2012Page 4

Published weekly on Saturday by Lee Publications6113 St. Hwy. 5, Palatine Bridge, NY 13428

Circulation Manager... ....Tony Keba Classified Ad Manager.......Peggy Patrei

Comptroller........Robert MoyerManaging Editor......Joan Kark-Wren

Page Composition.......Deb CountrymanProduction Coordinator........Jessica Mackay

Shop Foreman...........Harry Delong

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We cannot GUARANTEE the return of photographs.Publisher not responsible for typographical errors.Size, style of type and locations of advertisementsare left to the discretion of the publisher. The opin-ions expressed in this publication are not necessari-ly those of the publisher.We will not knowingly acceptor publish advertising which is fraudulent or mislead-ing in nature. The publisher reserves the sole right toedit, revise or reject any and all advertising with orwithout cause being assigned which in his judgementis unwholesome or contrary to the interest of thispublication. We assume no financial responsibilityfor typographical errors in advertisement, but if atfault, will reprint that portion of the ad in which theerror appears.

Publisher, PresidentFrederick W. Lee

V.P., General ManagerBruce ButtonV.P., ProductionMark W. Lee

On the cover

Ad Sales

Duck!With the mild winter we have had thiswinter, some people are happy to see

snow on the ground.

Photo by Joan Kark-Wren

How big cansnowflakes get?

Snowflakes areagglomerates of manysnow crystals. Mostsnowflakes are lessthanone-half inchacross. Under certainconditions, usuallyr e q u i r i n gnear-freez-ing temper-a t u r e s ,l i g h tw i n d s ,and unsta-ble, convec-tive atmos-pheric condi-tions, much largerand irregular flakesclose to two inchesacross in the longestdimension can form.No routine measureof snowflake dimen-sions are taken, sothe exact answer isnot known.

Why do weatherforecasters seemto have so muchtrouble forecast-ing snow?

Snow forecasts arebetter than they usedto be and they con-tinue to improve, butsnow forecastingremains one of themore difficult chal-lenges for meteorolo-gists. One reason isthat for many of themore intense snows,

the heaviest snowamounts fall in sur-prisingly narrowbands that are on asmaller scale thanobserving networksand forecast zones.Also, extremely smalltemperature differ-ences that define the

boundary linebetween rainand snowmake night-

a n d - d a yd i f f e r -

ences insnow fore-

casts. This ispart of the fun

and frustration thatmakes snow forecast-ing so interesting.

Is it ever toocold to snow?

No, it can snow evenat incredibly coldtemperatures as longas there is somesource of moistureand some way to liftor cool the air. It istrue, however, thatmost heavy snowfallsoccur with relativelywarm air tempera-tures near theground—typically 15°F or warmer—sinceair can hold morewater vapor atwarmer tempera-tures.

For more fun factsabout snow visit

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Original Valley PENNYSAVER • March 3, 2012 Page 5

4th Annual Chinese AuctionTo Benefit H.A.L.O

Sunday, March 11th, 2012 • 11AM-2PM Silverado Inn, 135 Marginal Road, Herkimer, NY

Freee Admission,, Food,, Drink,, Raffless &&“Wheelbarroww off Cheer!”

Donations of Purina Dry Cat Food, Friskies Canned Cat Food & Liter


For questions or more informationcall Faye at 315-823-0239


Fonda Fultonville School DistrictOn Busy State Highway

Complete InventoryFurniture, Collectibles, Baby Clothes

& Much More

Contact 222-9371Ask For Kathleen


35 Hough St., St. Johnsville • 518-568-7016 •

C.H. BURKDORF & SON“Quality Building Materials”




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Get the bestresponse from youradvertisements byincluding the condi-tion, age, price andbest calling hours.Also we always rec-ommend insertion forat least 2 times formaximum benefits.


Community Cashback100% of Proceeds

To BenefitHerkimerr CountyHumanee Society


WHAT CAN YOU DO TO HELP??1.) Purchase Quality “Best Yet” PrivateLabel Products2.) Remove the UPC Barcodes3.) Bring Barcode Labels Into the Dolgeville Big M4.) Deposit Barcode Labels in the “Dog House”Located at the Front of the Store.

*Forr Everyy UPCC Barcodee Collectedd 2¢willl bee Donatedd too thee Herkimer

Countyy Humanee Society

You & Big M Supermarkets Working Togetherto Make a Difference

- Dolgeville Store Only -


15 Lamberson St., Dolgeville(315) 429-8518

Fort Plain True Valueand Just Ask Rental

12 Willett St Fort Plain(518)993-3834

Remodel your home andyour budget at the sametime. You can rent drywall jacks, wallpapersteamers, tile saws, car-pet installation tools andget your remodeling proj-ect started with profes-sional quality tools andexpert advice.

NEED WOOD? WEHAVE IT! Common pine,select pine, clear pine,hardwood, mouldings,spruce, Douglas fir, pres-sure treated and ply-wood. Just what youneed for your projects!Also WOOD PELLETS!C.H. Burkdorf & Son, 35Hough St., St. Johnsville518-568-7016

WINDOWS FOR SALE:Any size. From a trailerhouse. $10 each. FortPlain. 518-993-5593.

Page 6: Valley Pennysaver 3.3.12

Original Valley PENNYSAVER • March 3, 2012Page 6

Hello Again,

Are you suffering from the “Oh, woe is me” boredom or mid-season cabin fever? Just

can’t wait for the spring?

Grandpa had a cure he was sure proud of. His concoction was part 1/3 apple cider,

a generous teaspoon of pure vinegar, a tablespoon full of clover honey, mixed with a

ten-minute trip to the woodshed or cellar depending on the season. He claimed his

cure was laced with an old traditional secret family formula.

Grandma, faithful to her marriage vows to obey, guarded the secret and swore it

worked the times she used it, swearing it would cure everything from hang nails, short

arms, to gout, and midseason crank.

Grandpa had several close pals who would visit in the woodshed. Naturally Grandpa

would never charge, but he always seemed to have a bib-overalls pocket well supplied

with silver and paper dollar bills.

It was said that no one ever heard of a divorce near Grandpa’s farm. If a married

man got a little ornery, his wife would send him for a dose of the cure.

A known revenue agent stopped at Grandpa’s complaining of some hidden ailment

asking for a few days supply of the cure. Grandpa said he was sorry but his Jersey

cow was dry and that he needed fresh Jersey milk to make the formula for the cure.

Grandma said when the revenue agent rode away Grandpa headed for the woodshed.

It appears the cure also helped settle the nerves.

One morning while our dog Toby was taking me out for a walk on the lawn, a fancy

expensive car stopped beside the bayberry hedge. The driver got out and walked

through the hedge onto the lawn. He pointed at the house and asked, “Is that your

house?” With that I said, “It is.”

“Are you planning on selling your house,” he asked. “I guess every property owner

considers something like that,” I said. “But no—it’s not for sale.”

While I was admiring his luxury car and Brooks Brothers-type suit, sort of sizing him

up, he asked, “If you were going to sell it, how much do you feel

it’s worth?”

Realizing this might be a rare opportunity, I said, “This is a

real fine house and I would naturally be asking a very high price.”

“How much?” he asked. In a soft voice I told him the

exaggerated price and then asked if he was moving into our

area. He replied, “No, I’m the new tax assessor.”

Now I understand the old expression about putting your foot

in your mouth.

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Original Valley PENNYSAVER • March 3, 2012 Page 7

Yesterday’s news of the day was about a high school shooting. Everyone was

asking why would anyone do something like that? What is happening to our youth in

this country? And if that is an example of our youth—who will be the leaders in the

future? This chatter could open a thousand questions, possibly with few answers. But


Last night a small group from our campgrounds drove up to the Hobe Sound

Christian College. The college students were presenting the famous Roger and

Hammerstein stage show, “The Sound of Music.” I wish every American could have

been there. These young college students exemplified exactly what is and who is our

real American youth. Not one missed cue. Every song and speaking part was flawless.

Give our youth a proper chance with proper teaching and direction and you will

quickly learn who our next leaders will be. Thank you Hobe Sound students, faculty,

and college. You are America’s future.

In later years my father met and talked with one of Grandpa’s old friends and

asked, “Did Dad’s cure really work?” “Well,” he said, “I—we used the cure as an excuse

so we would talk to your father. He had a wonderful ability to help us see through our

problems and then he would pray with us and give us a few Bible scripture verses to

memorize. As you know, he was not a minister. He was a man who believed, thought

and lived what he believed—we all called him our friend.” He continued, “Your Dad was

always willing to reach into the pocket of his bib-overalls and lend a few bucks to

someone in need.”

If you are a reader of “Hello, Again” you certainly can remember tales or chatter

about the men sitting around the old chunk stove at Charlie Hearn’s store. I believe

that each of those men—in their own way—was like Grandpa, dispensing help

through friendship. Each received a dose of the cure without realizing it. A group of

friends is like a cure that will last a lifetime. And someday you will have a chance to

hand down the cure to someone in need.

After Grandpa left us, we looked in the woodshed. We did not find a bottle. We found

a King James Bible in the cordwood.

Someday we will meet again and I know that I need friends. Remember to say hi to

your neighbor, take time to have a chat with a stranger, and

Grandpa’s real cure will still be working.

You can pray for a friend or a stranger. They do not need to

know, their Heavenly Father will.

See you in a few weeks and may God continue in your life,

Fred Lee and the Lee Family

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Original Valley PENNYSAVER • March 3, 2012Page 8

Don’t worry if you makea mistake! You can print another


See Page A14 for the Answersto All of These Puzzles

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Original Valley PENNYSAVER • March 3, 2012 Page 9

Get Ready For Your Spring Projects!

10% Off All Tool Repair

w/Mention of AdEXPIRES MARCH 31ST

• DeWalt Sales

• Battery Pack RebuildingStore Hours: Mon.-Wed.-Fri. 7AM-6PM

1669 Main Street,Pattersonville, NY518-887-5504



IT’SS TIMEE TOO ORDER!!Layers,, Meatt Birds,, Turkeys,, Showw Birds,, Ducks,, Geese


Pleasee Signn Upp Butt Walkk Inss WelcomeAlll At

Don’t missseminar day


WE CARRY FABRALroofing & siding panelswith LIFETIME warrantyagainst fading and chalk-ing and ENERGY STARAPPROVED. Can beordered cut to length andmany colors to choosefrom. C.H. Burkdorf &Son, 35 Hough St., St.Johnsville. 518-568-7016

Dare to Dream Fitnessopen 7 days a week, 24hours! 518-376-1151w w w . d a r e t o d r e a

FOR SALE: Fryers,Pizza Prep, SandwichPrep, Smallwares, Con-veyor Pizza Ovens,Coolers, Deli Coolersand more! Building full ofEquipment, to much tolist, at auction prices.Take a look & Make anoffer. Everything MustGo! Call (315)868-7115

MAKE our phone ringso we can return thefavor!! Place your read-er ad today. Only $4 forthe first 14 words. 518-673-3011

FOR LEASE: Store-front w/deck, parking,fabulous location onthe West CanadaCreek, Possible Bak-ery, Ice Cream, Sand-wich Shop on Busy Rt.28, $300/month.Richard 315-725-8822

Fort Plain True Valueand Just Ask Rental

12 Willett St Fort Plain(518)993-3834

Get a head start on yourspring cleaning projectswith tips, checklists, andmore. Find them all

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Original Valley PENNYSAVER • March 3, 2012Page 10

by Elizabeth A. Tomlin

Bob Gould & theBobcats donated theirmusical talents at St.John’s - St. Mark’sLutheran Church inCanajoharie, on Feb.26, to benefitSchoharie Valley floodvictims.

Gould, who playsthe piano and key-board, reports thatthe Bobcats groupbegan about 21 yearsago when he and afew gals got togetherto entertain at aChristmas event andthen learned someIrish tunes to sing forSt. Patrick’s Day.

“We don’t do muchof the Irish tunes any-more,” he said. “Butwe do have 25 - 30dates a year to play.”

The group’s vocal-ists includedElizabeth Custer,Linda Mittler, IrenaGarin, ConnieChamberlain, HelenThompson, LindaBumpus, DebHutchinson, SandraWiese, Ruth Careyand Audrey Goebel,all from FultonCounty.

Gould and theBobcats performedtheir renditions of anumber of tunesincluding the early50’s ‘Sha-boom Sha-boom’, the classic‘Blue Moon’, ‘Side bySide’, Paul Mauriat’s‘Love is Blue’, and ascore of other stan-dards- as well astunes from the WaltDisney movie MaryPoppins.

“We sing for the funof it!” Gould said.

The coffeehousewas well attended and

among the attendeeswas the Vice-Chairman for theSchoharie Area Long-Term recovery team(SALT), Vern Hall.

Hall spoke to thecrowd assembled forthe benefit and toldthem of the disasterhe had witnessedthroughout theSchoharie Valley.“There is fear thatsome of the peoplewho have lost somuch are just fallingthrough the cracks,”he said. “It looks likeit may even take aslong as 10 years forthe recovery to takeplace.”

Hall explained howthe SALT team cameabout and what theirmission and goalsare. Communication,collaboration, coordi-nation, cooperationand compassion arewords that carry thetrue meaning ofSALT’s mission. “Weare here to help peo-ple through this dis-aster,” Hall statedsimply.

Bob Gould and the

Bobcats was the sec-ond in a series of cof-feehouses at thechurch to benefit theSchoharie Valley floodvictims.

A third coffeehousewill take place onSunday, March 25,with Eddie Reese andthe Empty PocketsBand performing from

3-5 p.m. There will bea $5 cover charge atthe door.Refreshments will beavailable. Call 518-673-2224 for moreinformation.

Donate to SALT atPO Box 777,Schoharie, NY 12157or phone: 518-702-5017.

Bob Gould & the Bobcats joinSchoharie Flood Relief cause

Bob Gould & the Bobcats performed at St. John’s St. Mark’s Lutheran

Church in Canajoharie to benefit Schoharie Valley flood victims.

Schoharie Lutheran Disaster Response Team

leaders Reverend Elaine Berg and Vern Hall met

with LDR Construction Coordinators and disas-

ter workshop leaders Jean and Dale Peercy,

Patsy Glista, intern Kim Kimball, and FEMA

Voluntary Agency Liaison Specialist Malcolm


Photos by Elizabeth A. Tomlin

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Original Valley PENNYSAVER • March 3, 2012 Page 11


16699 Mainn StreetPattersonville,, NY518-887-5504

• Installation service• Curran pellets 230/ton

2% cash discount


SCF-050 Furnace$2,100

Topp 55 Thingss Peoplee Sayy AbouttSt.. Croixx Pellett Stovess Inn Ourr Storee

5. Handlingg pelletss iss easierr thann wood.4. Muchh lesss messs thann wood.3. Easierr onn environmentt thann oil//coal.2. Veryy reliablee && easyy too use.1. II can’tt believee whatt I didn’tt spendd to

heatt myy house!!!

T-F 8-6,Sat. 8-2,Sun/Mon.CLOSED

Proprietor: Tanya Towne






• Minnows• Spikes

36 Canal St., Fort Plain, NY 13339518-993-1010

[email protected] GAS...SHOP LOCAL

Carrying Products Made In The USA



WE PAY CASH!for all types of

Gold & Diamond jewelry.

Gold Is At

An All-Time High

William Doerrer& Son Jewelers

16 Canal Street, Fort Plain (518) 993-3388


70 Erie Blvd., Canajoharie, NY 13317Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5:00pm

Accepting most insurances including:Medicare, VBA, CDPHP, MVP, BCBS of U/W and

Davis Vision - Including CSEA & Fidelis

Same Day Service on Some PrescriptionsFast Turnaround on Most Others

CALL: 518-673-2015

Fort Plain True Valueand Just Ask Rental

12 Willett St Fort Plain(518)993-3834

Get a jump on yourspring! Flower and veg-etable seeds are in,along with everythingyou need to get themstarted.

We want to hear from you!

Send your comments & suggestions to the

Original Valley PennysaverPO Box 121

Palatine Bridge, NY13428 OR email [email protected]

HOME-GROWN BEEFFOR SALE. USDAinspected. Pieces, quar-ters, halves or whole.Damin Farm, 518-568-2643

YARD SIGNS: 16x24full color with stakes,double sided. Stakesincluded. Only $15.00each. Call Beth at LeePublications 518-673-0101. Please allow 7 to10 business days whenordering.

(518) 673-3011 ~ To Place Your Ad

Page 12: Valley Pennysaver 3.3.12

Original Valley PENNYSAVER • March 3, 2012Page 12

1669 Main Street,Pattersonville, NY518-887-5504

WEEKLY SPECIALSDeluxe Suet Feeder w/Suet . . . . . .$6.99

Triple Crown Rice Bran Oil . .Gal. $18.99

Triple Crown Complete . . . . . . . .$17.99

Stock & Stable 12% Pellet . . . . . . .$9.15

Bestt Buyy Appliance• Quality New & Used Appliances

• Appliance Repairs

315-823-0861578 E. Main St., Little Falls

HELP WANTED: Parttime experienced kitchenhelp. Only ExperiencedNeed Apply. 64 MainStreet, Canajoharie.

2007 FORD MustangGT, Dk. grey, 30k, V-8,auto, leather, sharp!SALE: $20,995. John C.Miller, Inc. 518-762-7124

CHECK OUT OUR pro-duce at really low prices,Peruzzi’s Meat Market,69 Church Street, Cana-joharie. 518-673-3382

SEARCH & RESCUEVOLUNTEERS NEEDEDThe Tri-State EmergencyTeam is recruiting volun-teers to provide wildlandand underwater search-es. This includes allaspects of field andunderwater search. TheTri-State EmergencyTeam responds whenrequested by NYS For-est Rangers and otherPolice agencies through-out New York State,Western Vermont andMassachusetts. We arelooking for certifiedSCUBA divers, experi-enced boat handlers,and people who enjoyhiking and the outdoorsin general. The team willprovide training andcomplete support asneeded. Our headquar-ters is located in Water-ford. Applicants need notlive in Waterford to volun-teer. If interested, pleasecall 518-237-6744 or visito u r w e b s i t e w w

JEEP WRANGLERHALF DOORS. Tan can-vas, Great shape!! Nodamage at all. Fits allwranglers from 1988-1995. Zipper windows.$75.00 Or best offer. Call914-329-5720 for detailsask for Will. Located inFort Plain.

For sale – 2004 ChevyColorado, x-cab, 4 x 2, 5cyl., auto, 82,543 miles.A s k i n g $ 6 , 9 9 5 . 0 0Cal l (518)568-2416,Sitterly’s Quality Autofor more information orstop in for a test drive.

Page 13: Valley Pennysaver 3.3.12

Original Valley PENNYSAVER • March 3, 2012 Page 13


697 Snells Bush Rd., Little Falls, NY 13365315-823-1982

SPLITT HARDWOOD“SPECIAL TRUCKLOAD SALE”Seasoned Approx. 5 Face CordsDelivered - $375.00


OUTSIDE FURNACETRUCKLOAD SPECIAL- approx. 12 Face CordChunked Mixed Hardwood $700Delivered within 25 mi. radius.


COLEMAN Powermategenerator, 5000 runningwatts, 6250 maximumwatts, Subaru 10 HPOHV OHC engine, 6 gallon fuel tank, $500.315-823-3565 leavemessage, will get back toyou.

Fort Plain True Valueand Just Ask Rental

12 Willett St Fort Plain(518)993-3834

Painting? Stop in and get$5 off per gallon (5 gal-lon limit) and get expertadvice too!

WANTED - CA$H PAID:for old jewelry, books.Dolls toys, even if bro-ken, 1970s older. 1960s& older: Clothing. Oldframes, Christmas, Hal-loween items. Interestedin almost anything old.Shirley 315-894-9032.

W O O D P E L L E T S :Winter Special on NEWENGLAND PREMIUMPELLETS with low ash.BUY NOW & SAVE.C.H. Burkdorf & Son, 35Hough St., St. Johnsville518-568-7016

Fort Plain True Valueand Just Ask Rental

12 Willett St Fort Plain(518)993-3834

20-lb Wild bird food is onsale now for $7.49, 3-lbthistle seed is $4.99, and10-lb sunflower seed is$11.99.

USED TIRE SALE: HugeInventory, mounting &balancing FREE. Noappointment necessary!Save money call AutoWorld, 534 North PerryStreet, Johnstown12095. 518-762-7555

(518) 673-3011 ~ To Place Your Ad

Page 14: Valley Pennysaver 3.3.12

Original Valley PENNYSAVER • March 3, 2012Page 14

GrandviewBaptist Church

Welcomes You

Sunday School 10:00AMSunday Worship 11:00AMWednesday Prayer

and Bible Study 6:30PM

Bible Believing,Fundamental,Independent

Dan West, PastorCorner of Washington

& Lydius St.Fort Plain

Answersto thisweek’spuzzles

WANTED: Crafters &Vendors for St.Johnsville’s SpringfestMay 10th, 11th and 12thCall Gail at 518-568-8310 of [email protected] more information.

2008 JEEP Liberty Sport4x4, black, 41k, V-6,auto, moonroof, fullpower. SALE: $17,995.John C. Miller, Inc. 518-762-7124

BANNERS BANNERSBANNERS any size.Call Beth at Lee Publi-cations 518-673-0101Please allow 7-10working days toreceive your bannerafter ordering.

CATER your parties withus. Your guests will loveit. Mercato Pizza &Restaurant, 38 W. MainSt., Canajoharie. 518-673-4411

Fort Plain True Valueand Just Ask Rental

12 Willett St Fort Plain(518)993-3834

We have Lignetics WoodPellets, $5.29 per bag or$245 per ton

KEEP THE COLD OUTwith Larson CombinationStorm Doors. 32” &36”x80” white in stock at$137.85. C.H. Burkdorf &Son, 35 Hough St., St.Johnsville 518-568-7016

FAX SERVICE availableat Lee Publications.25¢ a page. 6113 StateHwy. 5, Palatine Bridge,NY 13428. Open Mon-day-Friday 8am-5pm.518-673-3237

COLOR COPIES only75¢ page. Lee Publica-tions. 6113 State Hwy.5, Palatine Bridge, NY13428. Open Monday-Friday 8am-5pm. 518-673-3237

WINE and Beer served.Mercato Pizza & Restau-rant, 38 W. Main St.,Canajoharie. 518-673-4411

OUR delicious bread ishomemade and servedfree with every dinner.Mercato Pizza & Restau-rant, 38 W. Main St.,Canajoharie. 518-673-4411

NOW OPEN In St.Johnsville: Vincent A.Enea Funeral ServiceLLC, 20 Bridge Street,St. Johnsville, NY. Callanytime 518-568-7040or 315-866-1500.

INSULATION: All Types.New/ Existing Buildings.Free Estimates. FullyInsured. Call UpstateSpray Foam Insulation3 1 5 - 8 2 2 - 5 2 3 8

SEE OUR FACEBOOKpage to peruse ourmenu Mercato PizzaRestaurant. MercatoPizza & Restaurant, 38W. Main St., Canajo-harie. 518-673-4411

50 Lb. LARD for $62.50,Peruzzi’s Meat Market,69 Church Street, Cana-joharie. 518-673-3382

Page 15: Valley Pennysaver 3.3.12

Original Valley PENNYSAVER • March 3, 2012 Page 15

PROVOST BROS. INC“The Water People Since 1912” • Celebrating Our 100th Year

WELL DRILLING4th Generation Family Owned & Operated

New York State D.E.C. Certified



Sales & ServiceRt. 20, Sloansville

For Sale

Craftsman 8-Drawer 2-Piece Heavy-Duty Ball-Bearing

Combination Set

BRAND NEW!!!$17500 for both pieces

Call 518-332-5114 for more information


on March 5th...Wish Him AVery Happy

12th Birthday
































M-F 9-5SAT. 9-3






Highest Prices Paid!





ARCHERY TOURNA-MENT – The Sports-man’s Den, 36 CanalStreet, Fort Plain, N.Y.Friday March 23rd at6:30 pm.. Bring your ownbow & arrows. DoubleElimination, $10.00 pershooter. Prizes awardedbased on entriesreceived. How good areyou? Contact Tanya at(518) 993-1010 to regis-ter.

BAKED VIRGINIA HAM$4.99 Lb., Genoa Salami$3.99 Lb., (sold bypounds only) if less thana pound 50¢ more apound, Peruzzi’s MeatMarket, 69 ChurchStreet, Canajoharie.518-673-3382

Gerald Mead Jr.’s STAG PARTY TICKETSContact Ancel at 518-210-0900

Last Chance

LET US HELP you getrid of your unwantedstuff. Place a reader adtoday. Only $4.00 forthe 1st 14 words. Call518-673-3011

2008 FORD F-150 CrewCab XL 4x4, grey, 37k, V-8, auto, alloys, AC, CD,full power, bed liner.SALE: $23,995. John C.Miller, Inc. 518-762-7124

2009 JEEP WranglerUnlimited, 4 door, silver,24k, V-6, auto, AC, CD,hard top, full power.SALE: $25,495. John C.Miller, Inc. 518-762-7124

MAIN MOTORCAR,Main Street, Johnstown150 new and used vehi-cles in stock. Stop in fora hassle free experi-ence. 518-762-3183

FREE COFFEE MUGSfor your restaurant.YesFREE. Call Beth at LeePublications 518-673-0101

FOR SALE: Pellet Stove,Holds 240 Lbs of pellets.Also Wood Stove, glassdoor, fire brick lined. 518-673-5288

Page 16: Valley Pennysaver 3.3.12

Original Valley PENNYSAVER • March 3, 2012Page 16

Happy 15TH


Love Mom & Dad

Modern treatment methods,technologies and medicationshave made trips to the dentistnearly painless. However, fewpeople attend these appoint-ments without at least a littleapprehension.

Better oral hygiene in thepast century has reduced theneed for extractions due totooth decay. In the 19thCentury, preventive dentalcare was all but nonexistent,rotten teeth and malodorousbreath were common. At thattime, the usual dental practi-tioners were barbers. Theywould perform tooth extrac-tions with a device like theone show here, owned byWillis “Skip” Barshied Jr. Theturnkey was used to graspand twist a tooth to separateit from the jaw. The use of apain killer was uncommon.

In an 1841 letter, Abraham

Lincoln wrote of having apainful experience with a den-tist while having a toothextracted.

“I had it torn out, bringingwith it a bit of the jawbone;the consequence of which isthat my mouth is now so sorethat I can neither talk, nor

eat,” the future presidentwrote.

During his years in theWhite House, Lincoln wasknown to bring a small bottleof chloroform with him to hisdentist’s office and administerthe analgesic to himself beforeprocedures.


IRISH WOLFHOUNDPuppies, F/M, ready, vetchecked, home raised.518-568-5817

SHOW OFF YOURSKILLS at the ArcheryTournament. The Sports-man’s Den Friday, March23rd at 6:30 pm. Bringyour own bow & arrowsand win a prize! CallTanya at (518) 993-1010to register or for moreinformation.

Fort Plain True Valueand Just Ask Rental

12 Willett St Fort Plain(518)993-3834

Need a mower, blower,chainsaw, or any outdoorpower equipment serv-iced?We’ve got the right tech-nician for you, whether itbe our B&S Master Ser-vice certified technicianor our Stihl Gold Servicetechnicians. Our shop isopen 7 days a week!

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Original Valley PENNYSAVER • March 3, 2012 Page 17

Joseph Nalli, Esq.Counselor at Law

Fort Plain518-993-4486


51 Hancock Street, Fort Plain, NY

Over 9,000 Bottlesof Wine In Stock

MITCH - Handsome 5-7 year old

black male. Found in Canajoharie

in January 2010. Big and round

and huggable! Fine with cats but

not dogs.

SYLVIE - Very pretty 2-4 year old

female. Found in St. Johnsville in

June 2011. Fine with other cats.


Tortie born on December 10, 2011.

One of four kittens brought to the

shelter on February 24th.

JO ANNE’S KITTEN - Black male

born on December 10, 2011. One of

four kittens brought to the shelter on

February 24th.

JAKE - 8 year old male Jack RussellTerrier, 15 lbs. Fine with older kids, cratetrained. OK with dogs and cats. Goodon car rides.

BROOKLYN - Loveable 7 year old

female Boxer mix, 44 lbs. Found in Fort

Plain in April 2010. OK with cats and

with some dogs. Fine with older kids.


REV - 2 year old female Harrier or

Foxhound mix, 60 lbs. At the shelter since

January 2010. Lively and playful, ok with

older kids. Wants to be your only pet.


BABY - Darling 3-5 year old female

Beagle/Dachshund, 21 lbs. Found on

Carlisle Road on February 21st.

8th Annual Bowling Tournament to benefit Shelter

Sunday, March 11th at Iroquois Lanes4 person team/$80 per team

9 pin no tap format2 shifts - 1 and 3pm

For infomration and to register call Iroquois Lanes at 673-5498

NEEDED:30 gallon or

larger trash bags

and cat litter

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Original Valley PENNYSAVER • March 3, 2012Page 18

Carl J. Nasse Jr.,89, of PalatineNursing Home andformally ofMapletown Road,Canajoharie passedaway on Sunday, Feb.19, 2012.

The only son of Carland Katherine JonesNasse, Carl was bornon April 19, 1922 onthe family farm inMapletown, where helived for 81 yearsbefore moving toArkell CenterApartments inCanajoharie.

He attendedCanajoharie schoolswhere he excelled asa math student. Carlwas a member of theCornerstone BaptistChurch in Ames, NY.

Carl operated thefamily farm for 36years and later worked

for Lee Publications astheir CirculationManager and was amember of theirtradeshows team.

Carl was veryactive in several areaorganizations. Hewas a former mem-ber of the Ames FireDepartment, Maple-town Grange, theFarm Bureau, CrossTrails Square DanceClub, Dairymen’sLeague, MapletownCemetery Associa-tion, and was a mem-ber of the Fonda FairBoard.

Carl married IvaJean Jackson, whosurvives, on April 7,1945. He is also sur-vived by his children,Gretchen Wadsworthof Charlton, NY,Carlajean Nasse (AlBraithwaite) of

Oldsmar, FL, PaulNasse (Terra Lynn) ofMapletown, NY andTammie Towse (MikeWeiterschan) ofCanajoharie, NY; his 8grandchildren and 11great grandchildren.

Memorial contribu-

tions may be made toThe CampScholarship Fund atCornerstone BaptistChurch, the AmesVolunteer FireDepartment orMountain ValleyHospice.

In memorium

Carl Nasse is shown at the 1996 Empire TruckShow with Jo Dee Messina who at the time was anewcomer to country music but has since goneon to a big name in the business. Carl was part ofthe trade show team for Lee Trade Shows formany years.

WILL TAKE trade-in’s, Iwant Good used snow-mobiles any brands anyyears old, will trade youfor Brand NEW. Hud-sonportable Sawmill, or fire-wood processor, tractorlog skidding winch, woodelevator. Even a NewStihl chainsaw. Call Hud-son Forest Equipment800-765-7297. Barn-eveld, NY.

HAVING A PARTY?Did you know theCanajoharie VolunteerFire Department rentsthe kitchen and ban-quet room. For yourconvenience we nowhave an elevator. 518-378-3279 or [email protected]

SIGNS SIGNS SIGNS All Kinds. CorrugatedPlastic Signs WithStakes. Call Beth atLee Publications 518-673-0101. Please allow7-10 working days toreceive your signsafter ordering.

N E E D B U S I N E S SCARDS? Full colorglossy, heavy stock.250 ($45.00); 500($60.00); 1,000 ($75.00).Call Lee Publications518-673-0101 [email protected]

GENERAL HANDYMANincluding plumbing, elec-trical, & much more! Ft.Plain & SurroundingAreas. Reasonablerates. Call Ron 518-993-3409, (Cell) 518-573-3060.(FP)

CENTRAL BOILEREClassic OUTDOORFURNACES. Cleanerand Greener. 97% Effi-cient. EPA Qualified.Call North Creek Heat315-866-3698

COMMON PINE: Excel-lent for trim boards; Also1”x6” tongue & grooveand 1”x12” rough cut.C.H. Burkdorf & Son, 35Hough St., St. Johnsville.518-568-7016

M A I N M OTO R C A RCHRYSLER, DODGE,JEEP, RAM. For all yourvehicle needs. Sales,Service, Accessories.www.mainmotorcar.com518-762-3183

D I N N E R S P E C I A L :$29.95 bottle of winea n d t w o d i n n e r s .Mercato Pizza & Restau-rant, 38 W. Main St.,Canajoharie 518-673-4411

Dining Room Set, $750.Prime condition, 5/4solid maple hard rockcolonial 7pc. chairs 6ladder back, rush seats,94” extended 2 arms.518-762-6388

Vendor Mall @ theNewport Marketplaceover 30 Vendors sellingCollectibles, Treasures,New and Hand CraftedItems 7583 Main St.,Newport -315-845-8822

W E E K N I G H T S P E -CIALS: $8.95. MercatoPizza & Restaurant, 38W. Main St., Canajoharie518-673-4411

STOP throwing awayyour battery packs fromyour power tools! CallEmpire Power to haveyour battery pack rebuilt!Call (518)993-9997

PANELING: Severa lselect ions of wood,kitchen and bath instock. C.H. Burkdorf &Son, 35 Hough St., St.Johnsvi l le. 518-568-7016

SHEETROCK: ½”x4x8’,10’ 12’ & 14’. Also ½”Moisture Resistant and5/8” Fire Code. C.H. Burk-dorf & Son, 35 HoughSt., St. Johnsville. 518-568-7016

2009 HYUNDAI SantaFe Lmtd., AWD, maroon,31k, V-6, auto, leather,moonroof, alloys,Loaded! SALE: $23,995.John C. Miller, Inc. 518-762-7124

Having problems withyour well or pump? CallThe Water People -Provost Brothers! 518-868-2126

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Original Valley PENNYSAVER • March 3, 2012 Page 23






“Where Quality Comes First”

Scenic RidgeBuilders LLC

Custom Cupolas AvailableJohn Z. Stoltzfus

Fort Plain, NY 13339518-993-2569


Scenic Ridge Fabrics151 Aird Rd., Fort Plain

518-993-2569From the Kitchens of

Mohawk ValleyCookbooks

(Benefit Amish Schools)


2437 State Rt 7

PO Box 670

Cobleskill, NY 12043


518-234-4430 Fax



Spray FSpray FoamoamInsulation

$ave on Your Heatingand Cooling Bills

$ave EnergyCall 518-284-2040

Contractor’sMillwork, Inc. Est. 1986

Owners/Operators:Alden and Steven Witham

Sharon Springs, NY



“Your Indoor ComfortController”

Residential & Commercial• HEATING• PLUMBING• COOLING

24 Hour Emergency ServiceFREE Estimates

40 years experienceFamily owned & operatedJustin & Russell Mattice

Palatine Bridge


24 Willow St.,Amsterdam, NY 12010Call 843-0307

For FREE ESTIMATEShowroom Open By


Phone & Fax:518-993-2002

Garry-Jason BarrettOwners

148 Ripple RoadCherry Valley, NY 13320

Barrett’s TransmissionsGeneral Repair

“Over 30 Years Experience”

To Advertise

Your Business Call


or Fax to 518-673-3245$13.00 Weekly for 13 Weeks

$18.00 Weekly for 4 Weeks



Tim’sGENERAL PHASES CONTRACTINGSnowplowing, Plumbing, Electric,

Kitchen & Bath, Remodeling, Masonry,Siding & Windows, Minor

Landscaping & Small Backhoe Work,Additions, Furnace, Boiler &

Wood Stove Installations, Etc.“100’ Rooter” Professional Drain Cleaning


Tim Lighthall518-993-2504518-265-5848


Humphrey Memorials, Inc.

Monumental Design& Sales

Cemetery LetteringMemorial Restoration3051 State Rte. 28, Herkimer, NY 13350

315-866-4471or 518-848-0963

Established in 1946

[email protected]

MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTEDDixon McFee Todd McFeeMatthew Spaulding C.J. Karker





Buying Used


Bill & Dee Dwyer266 Shun Pike Rd.

Sloansville, NY 12160(518) 868-4662

[email protected]


A&J CREWSSnow Plowing & RemovalCommercial & Residential

Cleaning Out Your Basement,Attic, Home, Business, Etc.?

Call for Trailer Rental Prices toHaul Your Stuff Away!

Also, Hauling Crusher Run, Gravel, Etc.

Top Dollar Paid for Scrap Iron or Cars315-823-4903 or 315-868-5747

Call Tony Crews,Owner for details

Page 24: Valley Pennysaver 3.3.12

Original Valley PENNYSAVER • March 3, 2012Page 24

• READER AD FORM •Date________ ____ # of Weeks ______Starting Issue Date (Saturday Date)

COPY: (First 14 words $4.00 each additional word 10¢)

______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

Name (Print): ____________________________________________________________________

Farm/Company Name: ______________________________________________________________

Street: ______________________________________________ County: ____________________

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Phone #: ____________________________ Fax #: __________________ Cell #: ____________

Email Address: ____________________________________________________________________

Payment Method: � Check/Money Order � American Express � Discover � Visa � MC

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Signature: ____________________________________________ Today’s Date: ________________

Amount Paid: ________________________________________

14 words - $4.00

24 words - $5.00

34 words - $6.00





Ph: 518-673-3011 or 800-218-5586 • Fax: 518-673-2381 • Email: [email protected]

Mail: The Original Pennysaver, PO Box 121, Palatine Bridge, NY 13428

$4.00/ 14 words$.10 each additional

Deadline Thursday Noon - Fill Out This Form ORCall Us To Place Your Reader Ad

PO Box 121, Palatine Bridge, NY 13428 • Ph: 518-673-3011 OR 800-218-5586

Page 25: Valley Pennysaver 3.3.12

Original Valley PENNYSAVER • March 3, 2012 Page 25

Mattice & Sons, LLC


518-441-0142Heating • Cooling • Plumbing

24 Hour Emergency HVAC ContractorReady To Handle Any Of Your Needs!

Call forFREE


We offer Energy Star® rated heatingsystems, so you can save 30% on heating costs while staying warm.


525 E. Mill St., Little Falls(315) 823-1709

40 McKinley Rd., Dolgeville(315) 429-9962

$210 for Custom SizeWeather EdgeStandard Color 25Year Warranty


Full line of Building Materials - Customer Steel Orders

including Garages, Pole Barns, House Packages.

Complete line of Treated Lumber for your deck projects.


on Seconds Steel Roofing. Many Color In Stock.


Ed Anderson & Son Carpentry Inc “Building & Alterations”

Ames, NY (518) 673-3497

• Thermal Protection• Fire Safety • Sound Control• Attic & Sidewall Installation

• Our best window for resisting severe weather

• Lifetime WarrantyCoverage

• Perfect Fit Installation

Classs 11 CelluloseInsulationn




Next to Triple A Appliance189 Market St.189 Market St. • Amster• Amsterdamdam

(518) 843-1222Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9-5; Sat. 9-1



• One of a Kind!• Scratch & Dent• Slightly Used• Low Prices

HAVE YOUR arrange-ments for you or yourloved ones been pre-arranged? Call VincentA. Enea Funeral ServiceLLC, for prearrange-ments, traditional funer-als, Veterans Services,and cremations. Callanytime! 518-568-7040or 315-866-1500 formore information.

WE HAVE! Timberwolflog splitters. Call for pric-ing + models available.North Creek Auto 315-866-3698

Have you consideredmaking homemadeproducts for sale, butdon’t want to invest in aninspected kitchen? Nowyou can rent time in oneat Damin Farm Commer-cial Kitchen in St.Johnsville. Call toreserve a time 518-568-2643

20x30 TENT with foursides for rent. Canajo-harie Volunteer FireDepartment 518-378-3 2 7 9 o r e m a i l [email protected]

NEED A NEW ROOF?We carry GAF/ELK Life-time warranty premiumroofing architectural lam-inated shingles. 6 colorsin stock with 14 colorsavailable. Call for Prices.C.H. Burkdorf & Son, 35Hough St., St. Johnsville518-568-7016

FREE DELIVERY pleasesee our Facebook pagefor details Mercato PizzaRestaurant. MercatoPizza & Restaurant, 38W. Main St., Canajo-harie. 518-673-4411

REDFIELD SCOPE,2x7, wideview, $150;Leupold 3x9, $150;Weaver 4x38, $75.; Sim-mons 4x32, 1” rings,$50; New muzzleload-ers, 50cal and 12ga,high-end, White compa-ny, $300 each, USAmade. 518-673-3483

SONY 4speaker soundsystem, 3disc changer(MP3)/2cassette, newcondition, Yieldhousehutch optional,$150/$250. 518-673-2952

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Original Valley PENNYSAVER • March 3, 2012Page 26

Weekly Sales Every Monday 12:30 Produce, Misc. & small ani-

mals; 1:00 Dairy; **We will now sell lambs, goats, pigs, feeders

immediately following Dairy. Calves and cull beef approx. 5:00-

5:30PM. Help us increase our volume - thus making a better

market for everyone. **We are Independent Marketers - working

24/7 to increase your bottom line. Take advantage of our low

commission rates. Competitive marketing is the way to go.

Monday, Feb. 27th sale - cull ave. .73, Top cow .86 wt. 1587

$1364.82, Bulls/Steers top $1.02 wt. 2070 $2111.40, bull

calves top $2.35, heifer calves top $1.90. Dairy milking age top

$1625, bred heifers up to $1150.

Monday, March 5th - Monthly Fat Cow & Feeder Sale. Group

of feeders from one farm – Hereford & Black Angus and

Holstein steers.

Monday, March 12th - Monthly Heifer Sale. Group of Springing

Heifers from one farm. Special for this sale: 50 - 7' Locust post


Friday, March 16th - on the Farm. Andover, NJ. 11:00AM -

Mooney Farms Complete Dairy Dispersal. 180 Hi-Grade

Holsteins. 90 Milking age, 90 Heifers - All AI sired. This is a well

bred year around herd cattle in all stages of lactation with cows

milking well over 100#/day. Worth the trip!!

Monday, March 19th - Monthly Sheep, Lamb, Goat & Pig Sale.

Monday, March 26th - Note we will start this sale at 10AM due

to the amount of small animals. Special Holiday Sheep, Lamb,

Goat & Pig Sale. Note this date is the last week of March. Call

for advertising your group - it makes a difference.

Friday, April 6th - 11:30AM Spring Premier All Breed Sale.

Selections are underway. Accepting registered high quality cattle

give us a call, Join in the Excitement - the boys are getting the

really good ones - the best lineup we've ever had, join the

outstanding herds that are participating Merrilea, Rolling

View, Oakfield Corners, Liddleholm, Lylehaven, Spruce-Haven,

Muranda, Midas-Touch, Fantasy-Found, Co-Vista, Boanco, Sco-Li,

Hills Valley, Dublin Hills, Osborns, Evans, Empire Farm, Wisner

Farms, Lundy, Lincoln Hill, Lawton's Jerseys, Pineyvale, Posthaven,

Dairysmith, Elm Spring - the list is growing rapidly. We will have it

all - Great Individuals, many Generations of VG & EX, Red & White,

Milk, Show type (Many will be entered in NY Spring show),

Genomics and most importantly commercially sound cattle with

great earning potential.

Saturday, April 21st - Annual Spring Machinery Sale & Plant, Tree

& Shrub Auction - accepting consignments groups or single

items. Consignments already coming in call today to get into

advertising it will make a difference. Expecting a field full of qual-

ity farm equipment.

Saturday, April 28th - Sale held on Farm. Otego, NY. 11:00 AM.

Gretna Acres Registered Brown Swiss Complete Dispersal. 100

Head sell. This is a long established breeding herd (50 years) DHI

tested, AI sired. Regular herd health program.



**Trucking Assistance - Call the Sale Barn or check out our truck-

er list on our Web-Site. Call to advertise in any of these sales it

makes a difference.

Directions: Former Welch Livestock 6096 NYS Rt. 8, 30 miles

South of Utica & 6 miles North of New Berlin, NY. Call today with your consignments.

Tom & Brenda Hosking6096 NYS Rt. 8 New Berlin, NY 13411

607-699-3637or 607-847-8800

cell: 607-972-1770or 1771




90 milking age, 22 bred heifers, balance open heifers

& calves. Hi-Grade Holsteins all AI sired & bred. This

is a well bred herd of cows with cows milking over

100#/day and go out everyday. Not many sales held

in NJ anymore - this is an opportunity to purchase

cattle worth the money. This will be worth your trip.

Cattle will be inoculated for shipping fever and preg-

nancy checked. Interstate testing will be provided

after the sale to anyone who will need it.

Catalog at ringside. Watch next week's ad for more


Directions: From Rt. 80 - Exit 19 (Rt. 517) towards

Hackettstown to 517/Decker Pond Road, follow

a mile to Airport Road (County Road 603) farm on left.

From Newton: take Rt. 206 South 3 miles to Brighton

Road (County Road 603) 1.8 miles turn right on

Pequest Road, County Road 603 farm on right.

OwnerMooney Farms196 Airport Road (county 603)Andover, NJ 07821

Hosking SalesTom & Brenda Hosking

6810 West River Road, Nichols, NY 13812 607-699-3637 or 607-972-1770 or 1771

Sale Managed by:


6:30 PM • PREVIEW 5:30Featuring: meats, pork roast, chicken breast, hotdogs, gum, candy, produce, apples, pineapples,

etc., coffee, paper products

Terms: 10% buyers premiumLocated at Robin's Nest, Steevers Mill Road, Broadalbin.1 1/2 miles east of Rt. 29 and 30 traffic circle.

Now booking spring & summer auctions

Auction first & last Tuesday of every month

Danny Young 518-883-3306


**** Frankfortt VFW Location***

4274 Acme Road - Frankfort, NY 13340

Sunday, March 4, 201210AM - 4PM

Admissionn $1.000 (Childrenn 122 andd underr Free)Foodd Concessionn Available

Seee Websitee forr Listingss andd Upcomingg Fleaa MarketsVendor Booths Available

Forr moree informationn contact:

Margiee Widayy orr Tedd Widay,, Jr.

315/790-41333 orr 315/790-8799

Page 27: Valley Pennysaver 3.3.12

Original Valley PENNYSAVER • March 3, 2012 Page 27


Burrows Rd., West Winfield, NY



HORSE TACK AUCTION Sunday April 1st @ 1:33 PMConsignments,, Neww andd Usedd

Already Consigned - 3 NewEngland Saddles, 2 Western Saddles,1 Used Saddle, Brushes, Leg Wraps,

Saddle Pads, Buckets Etc.

CALL FOR EARLY ADVERTISING• Consignment Auctions Every Saturday Night @ 6:33 PM• Bird and Small Animal Auction Every 2nd & 4th Sunday of

the Month @ 11:33 AM

Sunday March 18th @ 1:33 PMNAMEE BRAND ~ Rods, Reels, Lures,Minnow Traps, Tackle Boxes, Knives,

Also Consignments Welcome

PUBLIC AUCTIONFarm Equipment - Guns - Tools - Household

Saturday, March 10th - 9:30 AMSnow Date March 24th

Location: 653 Youkers Bush Rd., St. Johnsville, NY 13452Directions: Rt. 5 in St. Johnsville go North on N. Division St. stay right onto Lasselsville Rd. approx.2 miles make left onto Youkers Bush and watch for signs.

FARM EQUIPMENT: Ford 4630 Turbo w/7310 loader low hrs., 987 hrs., very nice and clean; 3pt. Hydr. log splitter; NH

478 Haybine; 258 NH Rollerbar Rake; JD 336 Baler w/thrower; Flat Wagon; NI 351 Manure Spreader; 6' 286 Bush Hog;

6' York Rake; 16' Horse Trailer; John Deere LT160 Lawn Mower; 2003 Polaris 500 Sportsman 4 wheeler all wheel drive

only 319 hrs. w/snowblade; Approx. 150 Bales of Hay.

Guns: Bolt Action 30-06 w/scope and tripod, nice; Winchester 120 12ga w/scope; Winchester Model 12 12ga.;

Compound Bow; Lots of Ammo; Hunting Knives; Misc. Hunting Supplies.

Stoves: Fisher woodstove, nice and clean; Like New Pellet Stove

Tools: Stihl 290 Chainsaw, Yard Machine Tiller, Simplicity 560 Snowblower

Household: Washer - Dryer - Freezers - Table - Chairs - Misc. Cabinets - Sofas - Gun Cab. and Lots more not listed!

Auctioneer's Note: Owner wants to relocate and everything must go.

Sale Held for Debi Coffin

All Announcements Day of Sale Take Precedence Over Advertising

J.R.’ss Discountt Groceriess && Auction56 Willett Street, Fort Plain, NY 13339

(518) 993-4668

Consignment Auctions!!Indoor Flea Market. Large Selection and lots of goodies

Saturday, March 3rd @ 9:00am

14 Bridge Street, St. Johnsville

Consignment Auction Glassware, Groceries, Meats, Cheese

Tuesday evening March 6th @ 6:00pm

14 Bridge Street, St. Johnsville

Consignment Auction,Tools,

Groceries, Meats, Cheese, Glassware

Wednesday Evening March 14th @ 5:00pm

56 Willett St., Fort Plain

Antique Auction. Pedal Cars,

Taxidermy Furniture & Collectables

Saturday March 24th @ 10:00am

14 Bridge Street, St. Johnsville

Sportsmen Consignment Auction, Guns,

Taxidermy, Hunting Supplies

Wednesday March 28th @ 5:00pm

56 Willett St., Fort Plain

Bring Your Items To Sell and Turn Them Into CASH!!

Call for info @ 518-993-4668Groceries, Tools, Toys, Furniture, Yogurt, Meats and Cheeses,

Consignments, Frozen Meats & Vegetables, Box Lots and more.

Auctionzip# 29324

No Buyers Premium!!! and Credit Cards Accepted.

The Auction will be held indoors. Also large

selection of fresh produce!!

Antiques& Auctions


Makingstorage cases

With a little imagina-tion you can make nicedisplay cases or curiocabinet out of manythings. A pair of doorsover a carefully selectedorange crate might makea rustic display case.Have an old tube radiothat hasn't worked inyears-the kind thatcomes in a big cabinet?Open up the part thatholds the speakers andput doors on it. You willhave a killer curio cabinetfor your antique jewelry,glass figurines, or evensmall antique radios.

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Original Valley PENNYSAVER • March 3, 2012Page 28

518-568-83107 W. Main St., St. Johnsville, NY 13452

March 4thSUN

March 5th


Hot Roast Beef orHot Turkey

Sandwich w/FF

March 6thTUES

Buffalo ChickenWrap w/regular side

March 7th


Cheeseburger orHamburger Deluxe

w/FF or Onion Rings & Drink

March 8thTHURS

Chicken Alfredo

March 9th


March 10thSAT

3 egg ham & cheddarscrambler, bagel ormuffin, Homefries

& Coffee

Fried Fish Sandwich orFried Clams w/ coleslaw

or baked macaroni & cheese


F r e s hF r e s hBakedd Goodss Dai lyBakedd Goodss Dai ly

Hott SoupsHott Soups&& Chilii Daily&& Chilii Daily

Chocolate FruitCrépe

Desserts Daily – Sun. 7am-1pmMon. - Wed. 6am - 2pm

Thurs. & Fri. 6am - 2pm • Sat. 6am - 2pm

Lunch: Tuesday - FridayDinner: Friday

64 Church Street, Canajoharie518-673-6700

Stump Trivia ~ Wednesdays 6:30pmFriday, March 9th Live Music:

Monkey and the Crow Bar

The ElephantBistro


& Darts3:30-5:30

Organn RecitalSts.. Peterr andd Paull Canajoharie7pm,, Fridayy Marchh 16,, 2012

A family-friendly musicprogram open to all, featuring

musical works for the pipeorgan, and a show-and-tell

about pipe organs.

Hands and feet will beprojected for better viewing!

with local artists:

Norma BowleyCarol CechnickiEric M. Stroud

Corner of Cliff and Walnut StreetDoors open at 6:30pm

Free-will offering to support Canajoharie artsMore information:

Page 29: Valley Pennysaver 3.3.12

Original Valley PENNYSAVER • March 3, 2012 Page 29

51 Hancock St. Fort Plain, NY • 518-993-2624

Foxmoor Wines (Calif.) Cab, Merlot & Chard.

$3.99 each or 3/$10.99 Mix or Match

Wrath of GrapesFine Wine & Liquor

Over 9,000 BottlesCase Discounts on Wine Mix & Match

Rt. 80 BowlVanHornesville 315-858-2149

SmorgasbordMarch 10th • 5-9 pm

Roastt Beeff •• HamBeeff Stroganoff

$1100 Adults • $500 12 & Under

95 Main StreetFort Plain







Also Available:WINGS, COOKIES,


Page 30: Valley Pennysaver 3.3.12

Original Valley PENNYSAVER • March 3, 2012Page 30

HungryBearr Cafe

(518) 568-2700Tues., March 6th

Wed., March 7th

- Hot Covered MeatballSandwich w/FF

- Small Grilled Chicken Saladw/Roll

- Liver & Onions, Mashed or FF& Salad

- Honey Bear, Cup of Soup,Salad

- Grilled Ham & Cheesew/Honey Mustard

Thurs., March 8th

Sat., March 10th

- Cheeseburger, FF & Salad- Grilled Ham & Cheese,

Cup of Soup, Salad

- Sausage Gravy on a Biscuit or Pancake

- 2 French Toastw/Strawberries & Cream

Sun., March 11th

Fri., March 9th

Now Accepting Credit Cards

7304 State Hwy. 5,St. Johnsville, NY

Tues.-Thurs. 6am-3pm;Fri. 6am-7pm; Sat. 6am-2pm;Sun. 7am-11:30am; Closed Mon.


- Fresh Haddock, FF or Mashed& Salad

- Fresh Haddock On A Roll

After 4:00 PMRoast Pork, Dressing, Mashed

& Salad

- Chicken & Biscuits, Dressing,Mashed & Gravy

- Oven Roasted Hot TurkeySandwich w/Dressing, Mashed

March 9TH, 2012

All You Can Eat BuffetBring Your Family and Friends

...And Join Us!


Fire Department20 South Helmer Ave.Dolgeville, NY 13329






Homemade Soups & DessertsHours:: Mon.-Sat.. 77 AM-77 PM

Sun.. 7 AM-12:300 PM

122 Hancockk St.,,Fortt Plain


Dine In OrTake Out993-5306

�� Ribss w/Potato,, Veg.. &

Bakedd Beans

�� Pastaa Saladd w/Hardd Roll


�� Turkeyy Reubenn w/Fries� Spaghettii w/Meatballs,,

Hott Sausagee and/orr Tosss Salad

� Freshh Haddockk Dinner,,

(Friedd orr Baked)) w/Potatoo & Veg

� Mac-N-Cheesee w/Veg

� Neww Englandd Clamm Chowderr



�� Cheesyy Chickenn Casserole


�� Pepperr Burgerr w/Fries

� Chicken-N-Biscuitss w/Veg

�� Italiann Beeff Sandwich


� Friedd Shrimpp w/Potatoo && Veg

� Primee Ribb w/Potatoo &&

Vegg 3-77 PM

� Mushroomm && Swisss Omlette

w/Homee Fries

Breakfastt Onlyy -Closedd att 12:30pm


Page 31: Valley Pennysaver 3.3.12

Original Valley PENNYSAVER • March 3, 2012 Page 31

St. Patrick sDay Dining

18th AnnualSt. Patrick’s DayCELEBRATION

Friday, March 16th and Saturday, March 17thStarting 11:30am Friday and 1pm Saturday

TILL WE RUN OUT OR PASS OUT!Featuring:Featuring:

THE BEST CORNED BEEF & CABBAGE THE BEST CORNED BEEF & CABBAGE in Central NY in Central NY (Ask Y(Ask Your Friends!!)our Friends!!)

•• All YAll Your Favorite Irish Foodsour Favorite Irish Foods•• Irish Musicians frIrish Musicians from All Over the Arom All Over the Areaea•• Guinness, Killians & Smithwick’Guinness, Killians & Smithwick’s on Ts on Tapap

“Irish Music, Food & Fun the “Irish Music, Food & Fun the way it’way it’s supposed to be!”s supposed to be!”

Jim’s Irish Harbour20 Little Mohawk St., Canajoharie, NY


COME TO THE LORDthis season of Lent:Reflect, Renew, Rejoice!We intive you to worship.Sundays 9:00 am, GlenReformed Church, St.Hwy. 161, in the Hamletof Glen. Communion,March 4th & April 1st.

Fulton County Hwy. 119Stratford, 3.8 acres,country getaway, handy-man special, parkinglower lot, upper withcabin, woodstove, out-house, hunting fishingclose by, $13,500. 518-894-1863

FREE PRODUCTS/DAILY DEALS: Sign upto receive offers on freeproducts and servicesplus get Daily Deals inyour area. Sign up forFREE go to

CLEANING WANTED:Flat rates only. Homes,offices, income proper-ties, foreclosed homes.Leave message 518-390-9176

INVOICES for yourBusiness - 2, 3 or 4part forms. Very rea-sonable. Call Beth atLee Publications 518-673-0101

LAMINATE YOUR DOC-UMENTS up to 11x17.Lee Publications, 6113State Rt. 5, PalatineBridge, NY 13428. 518-673-3237

FOR SALE- 3 Color Tele-visions. One 27 inch andtwo 19 inch, neither areflat screens. Phone (518)993-3368 after 3 pm.

Need a new car? Get 0%financing at SampsonMotor Car where every-one is approved! 261East Main Street Ams-terdam. 518-848-7359

PICK 5 for meats, frozenseafood and groceryitems, Peruzzi’s MeatMarket, 69 ChurchStreet, Canajoharie.518-673-3382

WANTED TO BUY: OldGrit newspapers (not theGrit magazine). 518-568-5115

MAIN MOTORCAR,Your jeep headquarters.Over 30 New and UsedJeeps in stock. MainStreet, Johnstown. 518-762-3183

GoGo SCOOTER, usedonce, 1 yr old, easy totake apart & put togeth-er, lightweight, holds upto 300 lbs., $750. lv.message. 518-390-9176

FT. PLAIN, 1-bedroomg a r a g e i n c l u d e d .$500/mth, plus security,utilities not included, nopets, non-smoker. 518-993-1021

2006 BUICK LaCrosseCX silver, 59k, V-6, auto,full power. SALE:$10,995. John C. Miller,Inc.

MAIN MOTORCAR,Bad Credit? Need a car?No worries. Main Street,Johnstown. 518-762-3183

2007 HONDA AccordSE, red, 52k, V-6, auto,alloys, full power. SALE:$14,995. John C. Miller,Inc. 518-762-7124

MOVING SALE: ByA p p o i n t m e n t O n l y.Frankfort, NY. 518-368-3090 (cell), all calls willbe returned.

2008 DODGE Nitro SXT4x4, tan, 34k, V-6, auto,AC, CD, full power.SALE: $16,995. John C.Miller, Inc. 518-762-7124

FAX & COPY SERVICEat Lee Publications,6113 State Hwy. 5, Pala-tine Bridge, NY 13428(518) 673-3237

LIKE US ON FACE-BOOK Mercato PizzaRestaurant, 38 W. MainSt., Canajoharie. 518-673-4411

2001 FORD MUSTANG,color brown, about 150kmiles, asking $4,500.518-495-9437 Ask forJenna.

I B U Y H U N T I N GRIFLES for my collec-tion. 518-673-0029, 518-321-5372

VIEWPOINT VINYLREPLACEMENT WIN-DOWS are durable, lowmaintenance and ENER-GY STAR APPROVEDwith lifetime warrantyagainst glass breakage.C.H. Burkdorf & Son, 35Hough St., St. Johnsville518-568-7016

We can furnish you withevery kind of fabricatedroof and floor truss.These trusses are idealfor residential, commer-cial or agricultural con-struction. Call for a freequote. C.H. Burkdorf &Son, 35 Hough St., St.Johnsville 518-568-7016

LOOKING for it? Sell-ing it? Looking forwork? Looking tohire… Give us a call518-673-3011 & placeyour reader ad today.

B L AC K & W H I T ECOPIES only 15¢ each.Lee Publications. 6113State Hwy. 5, PalatineBridge, NY 13428.O p e n M o n d a y -Friday 8am-5pm. 518-673-3237

(518) 673-3011 ~ To Place Your Ad

GET PREPARED FORSPRING!! Plastmo Gut-ters are durable and eastto install for the DIY.Available in white orbrown. C.H. Burkdorf &Son, 35 Hough St., St.Johnsville 518-568-7016

M A I N M OTO R C A RBusiness Link Dealer.HD Truck Sales & Ser-vice. WE SERVICE HDTRUCKS. 518-762-3183. Main Street, John-stown

Page 32: Valley Pennysaver 3.3.12

Original Valley PENNYSAVER • March 3, 2012Page 32

Agricultural Equipment Dealer is looking for anAssistant Service Manager/Service Writer to

assist the Service Manager with repair orders,Warranty entry, telephone, etc. Knowledge ofFarm Machinery a plus. Requires computer

skills, handling customer service calls, goodorganization skills, etc. Excellent fringe benefits

package. Salary based on experience.Randalll Implementss Co.,, Inc.

29911 St.. Hwy.. 5S,Fultonville,, NYY 12072

or email to [email protected]

Agricultural Equipment Dealer is looking for anexperienced Service Manager to oversee the

shop operation. A minimum of 5 years experience in Ag or Industrial equipment

machinery a plus. Competitive Salary based onexperience. Excellent benefits package, health

insurance, retirement, uniforms, etc.Randalll Implementss Co.,, Inc.

29911 St.. Hwy.. 5S,Fultonville,, NYY 12072

or email to [email protected]

CANAJOHARIEModern 2 Bedroom ApartmentFreshly Painted, Canajoharie

Schools, Off-Street Parking,

Utilities Separate.

No Pets. Security and

Referenced Required.

Call 518-605-2292

Discounts for Mature Adults in CanajoharieCozy Efficiency w/wall to wall carpet . . . . . . .$295Comfy 1 Bedroom w/wall to wall carpet . . . . . .$415

Both Apts. have Low Cost Heat, Hot Water& Laundry Room

Call Nancy or Tammy at 518-673-5938between 8am-1pm Mon.-Fri.

Call Janet Stanley at 315-525-3582 or email [email protected]

RealEstate Employment

HANDYMAN, 25 yearsexperience, all phaseshome improvement, reli-able, reasonable rates,no job too small or toobig. 518-496-1919

GERI CHAIR: New neverused. Canajoharie,NYlocation. Best reason-able offer. Call 609-890-6037

HOG CASINGS by thehank $26.95, Peruzzi’sMeat Market, 69 ChurchStreet, Canajoharie.518-673-3382

FOR SALE: 1948 Ford8N tractor with plow anda t t a c h m e n t s ,$3,000/OBO. Call 607-264-3680

HARLEY DAVIDSON’Sbought and sold. Pleasecall Bob Failing III formore info. 518-376-1151

Fort Plain True Valueand Just Ask Rental

12 Willett St Fort Plain(518)993-3834

Stop in and check outthe NEW Scotts SnapSpreader and the fertiliz-ers that go with it, all ondisplay, on sale, and onlyat your local hometown hardware store.

DID YOU KNOW? Thecolor of GRAY is theNEW BEIGE. Stop by tosee what PittsburghPaint has to offer in thiscolor in flat, eggshell orsemi-gloss interior latexpaint. C.H. Burkdorf &Son, 35 Hough St., St.Johnsville 518-568-7016

SAVE MONEY EVERYMONTH on your electricand natural gas bill.Please call Bob FailingIII. 518-376-1151

Page 33: Valley Pennysaver 3.3.12

Original Valley PENNYSAVER • March 3, 2012 Page 33

R & A Waite, Inc.Guiding Businesses Today, Towards Success Tomorrow

• Tax Return Preparation• Payroll Processing• Investment Services

18 North Perry St., Johnstown, NY 12095-2120Telephone: (518) 762-9298 Fax: (518) 762-7449

Our 25th

Year InBusiness!

INCOME TAX PREPARATIONLinda J. Gould ~ Over 35 Yrs. Experience

John P. GouldE-filing, All Returns A-Z

Reasonable Prices ~ $50 & upIn-home Service By Appt.

(518) 993-470611 Division St., Fort Plain, NY

Hrs: Mon.-Thu. 10-8 • Fri. 10-4 • Sat. 10-12


690 East Main St.Little Falls, NEW YORK 13365


Looking for a new tax preparer?WE ARE ACCEPTING NEW CLIENTS



DID YOU KNOW? Thecolor of BLUE is the colorfor 2012! Pittsburgh Painthas many colors of bluein flat, eggshell or semi-gloss latex interior paint.C.H. Burkdorf & Son, 35Hough St., St. Johnsville518-568-7016

(518) 673-3011 ~ To Place Your

POWER TOOLS notworking? Don’t buy new!Call Empire Power andget them repaired. Call(518) 993-9997 543Paris Rd., Fort Plain, NY13339

PITTSBURGH PAINT:Over 2000 colors avail-able in Flat, Eggshell orSemi-Gloss latex paint.Stop in at C.H. Burkdorf& Son, 35 Hough St., St.Johnsville, 518-568-7016

MANTIS Deluxe Tiller.NEW! FastStart engine.Ships FREE. One-YearMoney-Back Guaranteewhen you buy DIRECT.Call for the DVD andFREE Good Soil book!877-439-6803

Call518-673-3011To Place Your AdATV TRAILERS byBosski Industries firstautomatic “Dump Assist”trailers GVWR 800lbs.+1600lbs. models avail-able. Come check themout at North Creek Auto315-866-3698

EVENT TICKETS?We can print what youneed. Please allow 2-3weeks in advance.Call Beth at Lee Publi-cations [email protected]

KEEP THE COLD OUT-INSULATE! Kraft facedand unfaced fiberglassinsulation available atC.H. Burkdorf & Son, 35Hough St., St. Johnsville518-568-7016

JERSEY Family cow,quiet, friendly, beinghand milked, $800.00.Butcher hog, $225.00. 4year old Standardbredgelding. 315-823-1618

8 FOOT TABLES & folding chairs for rent.Canajoharie VolunteerFire Department 518-378-3279 or [email protected]

2008 PONTIAC G-6 GTDk. grey, 33k, V-6, auto,full power, chromewheels, 4 door. SALE:$13,495. John C. Miller,Inc. 518-762-7124

Cuffe Computers offersaffordable repairs andupgrades as well as cus-tom built systems. 518-993-4833.

MAGNETIC SIGNS FORtrucks and cars. CallBeth at Lee Publica-tions 518-673-0101

Fort Plain True Valueand Just Ask Rental

12 Willett St Fort Plain(518)993-3834

Page 34: Valley Pennysaver 3.3.12

Original Valley PENNYSAVER • March 3, 2012Page 34

MAR 1-31Arkell Center News and

Events for FebruaryArkell Center, Canajo-harie, NY. • Daily Activities: Cards,

dominos and reading.• Monday - Friday: 10am - 12 noon. WinterIndoor Wlaking Programwill continue.• Monday-Friday: Noon

meals provided by theMeals of MontgomeryProgram (M.O.M). Reser-vations required by noonof the previous day.• Wednesdays: 3-4 pm.Gentle Yoga with instruc-tor Sylvia Wohlgemuth• Monday, Wednesdays& Fridays: 10:15-11 am.Senior’s Exercise Pro-gram with Bob Smith.• March 8 & 15: 2-4 pm.2nd Time Around BigBand Practice.• Tax Aide Service: Nowthrough April 11. AARPTax Aid will be availablefor appts. on Wednesdaysfrom 9 am till noon. Pleasecall 518-673-2943 toschedule an appoinment.• Defensive DrivingSchedule: April 3-4, 1-4pm, May 5, 9 am - 3:30pm, Aug. 20-22, 1-4 pm,Sept. 17 & 19, 5:30-8:30pm. Call 518-673-4408for more info.

SPECIAL EVENTS• March 7 & 21, April29: 1:30 pm. Public CardParty. Donation $2.Prizes & refreshments. • March 12: 6:30 pm.Mohawk Valley Women’sMeeting & Palatine Liter-ary Society meeting.Kelly Farhquar from theMontgomery Co. Histori-cal Society is the guestspeaker and will beshowing a slide show ofhistory of the Under-ground Railroad.• March 16: Noon. Mealsof Montgomery will hosttheir annual St. Patrick’sDay Special featuringcorned beef & cabbagew/carrots, red potatoes,rye bred & Blarneydessert. Call 518-673-5048 or 518-673-4408 tomake your reservation.Suggested donation is $3for those 60 years of ageor older.

ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVERNOTE: Calendar entries must arrive at the Original Valley Pennysaver’s office by the Tuesday prior to our publication date for themto be included in the calendar of events. Send events to Lee Publications c/o The Original Valley Pennysaver, 6113 State Highway 5, P.O. Box 121, Palatine Bridge, NY13428. E-mail: [email protected] [email protected]

Calendar of Events

Dolgeville UnitedMethodist Church

21 N. Helmer Ave., DolgevillePastor: Rev. Diane E. DiLuzio

315-429-7381Worship 11:00am

Sunday School @ 9:30am beginningSeptember 18th

Bible Study - Wednesdays @ 12:30pm

Faith, Hope and LoveChristian Fellowship

18 W. Grand St., Palatine Bridge518-673-5128

Rev. David W. [email protected] 11:30am,

For other service times please call

Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd

26 Moyer St., Canajoharie518-673-3440

Feb. 22 The Holy Eucharist and Imposition of Ashes 1 & 7pm

Holy Eucharist Sundays at 9:30amFellowship Time to FollowCall for Holy Day services

The Rev. Virginia L Ogden, [email protected]

Grace Christian Church20 Center St.,

St. Johnsville, NY 13452Rev. Harry J. Teuchert

315-866-8626Sunday School 9:30am

Worship 11:00am

Joy Fellowship296 Co. Hwy. 119

St. Johnsville, NY 13452518-568-5507

William Hayes PastorJoyce Loughran Assistant Pastor

Sunday School 9am, Morning Worship 9:30amWednesday Evening Worship 6:30pm

Fort Plain UnitedMethodist Church

39 Center St., Fort PlainRev. Alan Griffith

Church Office 518-993-3863Parsonage 518-993-3645

Office Hrs Tues & Thurs. 10am-4pm ALL WELCOME,

Worship Service 11am

Ames - Sprout BrookUMC

613 Latimer Hill Rd.Ames, NY 13317

518-673-2265Rev. Dr. Campbell LakerSunday Service 9:30am

FultonvilleReformed Church

Corner of 5S & 30Pastor Jane Hubschmitt

Sunday School 10AMFamily Worship 10:30AM

Glen Reformed ChurchState Hwy 161 in the

Hamlet of Glen 4 miles South of Fultonville

518-212-6022Pastor Tim Alicki

Sunday Worship at 9. Sunday Schoolimmediately following Children’s Message

Cherry ValleyAssembly of God

37 Alden St., Cherry Valley, 607-264-3306

Pastor David Carpenter, Jr.Sundays 9:30am

Christian Church of Charleston Four Corners

1380 E. Lykers Rd., Sprakers518-922-9088

Pastor Brett PoppSunday School (adult & children) 10am,

Worship 11am, Sunday Eve. Prayer 6:30pm,

Thurs. Eve. of Encouragement

CornerstoneBaptist Church

7274 St. Hwy. 10, Ames518-673-3405

Sunday School 10am, Adults & ChildrenMorning Worship 11am, Youth Ministry

5:45pm, Evening Worship 6pm, Wed. Bible Study & Prayer Meeting 7pm,

Awana Club 6:15-8:15pm

Currytown Reformed Church

829 St. Hwy. 162, Sprakers 518-673-2772

Rev. Donald HoaglanderSunday School 9:15am

Worship Service 10:00am

DolgevilleChristian Fellowship3 Elm St., Dolgeville, NY 13329

315-429-9142Dr. Marvin Isum, PastorWorship Sunday 10:30am

Midweek Fellowship Tuesday

Church of the Nazarene3316 State Route 29 WJohnstown, NY 12095Offices: 518-762-2982

Cell: 857-523-8417Pastor, Rev. Mark Fowler

Sunday Morning Service 11:00amSunday School for All Ages 10:00am

Church of Christ UnitingPO Box 896

Richfield Springs, NY 13439Rev. Deborah Waldron

315-858-1553Service: Sunday 9:15am

Church School: Sunday 10:15am

Everlasting JoyBelievers Fellowship66 Hancock St., (Rte. 5S)

Fort Plain, NY 13339315-858-2112

Pastor Carolee CoyeSunday Service 10am

Fonda FultonvilleUnited Methodist Church

11 Montgomery St., FultonvillePastor Nancy Pullen • 853-3311

Sunday Morning Worship 9:15-10:15, Sunday School 9:15-10:30, Coffee

Fellowship Following ServiceOur Mission-To Actively Follow Christ

and To Inspire Others To Accompany Us.

Fordsbush Bible Church131 Clark Rd., Fort Plain

518-568-7606Pastor Kevin Keever

Sunday School 10am, Morning Service11am, Eve. Service 6pm, Wed. Service

6:45pm, Thurs. Visitation

Home of Victory Christian Academy

Freysbush UnitedMethodist Church

Freysbush Rd., Fort Plain518-993-3645

Rev. Alan Griffith, OfficiatingWorship 9am,

Sunday School 10am ALL ARE WELCOMEcoffee hour to follow service

Grace Episcopal Church32 Montgomery St., Cherry Valley

315-858-4016Fr. Kyle Grennen, Priest-in-ChargeSunday 11:00am Holy Communion/sermon

Holy Family ParishLittle Falls, NY315-823-3410Saturday 4pm

Sunday 10:30am

Grandview Baptist Church15 Washington St.

Fort PlainPastor Dan West

Sunday School 10amMorning Service 11am

Bible Study & Prayer Meeting,Wednesday 6:30pm

Call 518-673-3011 To PlaceChurch Listings or Fax

Listings to 518-673-2381

Church Directory

Page 35: Valley Pennysaver 3.3.12

Original Valley PENNYSAVER • March 3, 2012 Page 35

The House of Zion, Inc.580 Dillenbeck Road,

Palatine Bridge518-673-2382

Saturday MorningWorship Service 11:30am

St. Paul’sLutheran Church

36 Lydius St.,Fort Plain, NY 13339

518-993-4442Rev. Kenneth DingmanSunday Worship 11am

The Time forTruth Ministries

PO Box 351Amsterdam, NY 12010

Phone 518-843-2121Cell 518-774-8558

Reformed Churchof Sprakers

112 Sprakers Hill RdMark Tiffany, Preaching Elder

Worship ~ 10AM

Trinity Lutheran Church5430 St. Hwy. 10,

Palatine Bridge518-673-2224

Rev. Zach LabaghSunday Worship 9am, Sunday School 10am,

(No services in July, meet at St. John’s St.Mark’s Lutheran Church in Canajoharie).Communion on the first & third Sundays

RandallChristian Church

NY Rte. 5SSunday Service 10am

Pastor Lance Borofsky

Reformed Church of Fort Plain

165 Canal St., Fort Plain, NY 13339518-993-4302 • [email protected]

Rev. Nancy E. RyanSunday Worship 10:30am, AA meetings on Tues. 7pm,

Home of Manna House Meals, ACommunity Meal Program-Sat. & Sun 5pm

Our Lady of Hope R.C. Church

115 Reid St., Fort Plain, NY 13339Parish Office [email protected]

Pastor: Father Dennis MurphyMass Schedule: Saturday, 4pm; Sunday,8:30am & 11am; Mon.-Thurs. 8:30am.Confessions: Sat. 3 & by appointment

Please call parish office for Holy Day schedule

Valley Alliance Church85 E. Main St., Nelliston

518-993-3458Pastor Dave Prahst

Sunday School (all ages) 9:15am, Sunday Worship 10:30am, Wed. Praise & Prayer 7pm,

Fri.Youth Group 7pm (7-12th grade)

The Holy Spirit Polish National Catholic Church

618 E. Gansvoort St. Little Falls, NY315-823-0793

Father Rafal DadelloMass at 11am on Sunday

Stratford UnitedMethodist Church

Route 29A315-429-9085

Rev. Roger WaldronWorship 9am

St. Thomas the ApostleCatholic Community

1 Church St., Cherry Valley607-264-3779Masses Sunday 8:30am & 11am

St. Mary’sEpiscopal Church

7690 Rt. 80, Springfield Center315-858-4016

Fr. Kyle Grennen, Priest-in-ChargeSunday Eucharist, 9:30am

Coffee - Fellowship follows serviceHoly Days - as announced

St. Paul’s Lutheran Church32 W. Main St.,

St. Johnsville, NY (next to NBT Bank)518-568-3007 Church

518-568-2405 ParsonageRev. David JohnsonSunday Worship 10:30am,

Tues. Bible Bungee-Jumping 7pm, “Bible Study” that actually makes sense!

A Vibrant, Welcoming Community of Faith & Vision

St. Paul’s Universalist Church565 Albany St., Little Falls

315-823-2284Service Sunday 10am

Coffee hour following service.Our Church is a home to inquisitive,spiritual free thinkers with diversereligious beliefs. All are welcome.

Victorious Life ChurchRMI Fellowship

104 Main St. & 431 St. Hwy. 80Fort Plain, NY518-993-3102Sunday School 9am,

Morning Worship 10:30am, Youth Group 5pm,

Evening Worship 7-8pm

United MethodistChurch of Canajoharie

50 E. Main St.518-673-2717

Jesus says - “Come Unto Me” Join us-Special Music Ministry, BeautifulSurroundings, Friendly People

Sunday Service 10:30am - Email:[email protected]

Communion Last Sunday of the Month

The Rose of SharonChurch of God

1485 St Rt 20, Sharon Springs, NY518-284-3307

Pastor Fred JonesWorship Service Sunday at 11am & 7pm

Tuesday night 7pm Bible Study at 122 Moyer St.Wednesday Bible Study at Spring Meadows 6pmFriday Youth at the Church All Welcome at 7pm

The Christian Churchof Rural Grove

170 Rural Grove Rd., Sprakers, NY 12166518-922-7831

Pastor Joshua [email protected]

Sunday School (all ages) 9:45am, Morning Service 11am, Eve. Service 6pm,

Wed.-Family Night 7pm, “Where Bible Teaching is Fundamental”

St. Joseph’s RomanCatholic Church

31 North Helmer Ave., Dolgeville315-429-8338

Father William A. Gorman Sunday Mass is 10:30am,

Daily Mass Mon. & Wed. 8am

St. JohnsvilleMethodist Church

7 East Main St.,St. Johnsville, NY 13452Rev. Harry J. Teuchert

518-568-7983 • 315-866-8626Worship Sunday 3pm

St. John’s Reformed Church

68 W. Main St., St. Johnsville518-568-7396

Faithfully Following Jesus ChristSunday Worship 10:30am

St. John’s Lutheran Church774 St. Hwy. 163, Freysbush, NY

518-993-4442Rev. Kenneth Dingman

Sunday Worship 9:30am, Sunday School 10:30am,You are invited... Ladies Aid W.E.L.C.A. Meets 1stSat. of every month. For Fellowship in Christ’s Service.

Handicapped Accessible

St. John’s & St. Mark’sLutheran Church

143 Church St., Canajoharie518-673-2224

Pastor Zach LabaghSunday Worship 11am,Christian Ed. 9:[email protected]

Seeker’s Fellowship14 Park Place

St. Johnsville, NY 13452518-568-7700

Pastor Mike YezierskiSunday Worship 6pm, Tues. Prayer 7pm,

Bible Study 7pm (Wed., Thurs. & Fri.)We teach the fullness of God’s Word,

a life of holiness for the believer,and salvation for all who trust

in Christ’s sacrifice.

110 E. Smith St., Herkimer, NY 13350Services - Every Sunday - 10am

& Wednesday - 6:30pm315-292-7539 email - [email protected]

Reformed Churchof Canajoharie

15-19 Front St., Canajoharie518-673-2816

Rev. Miriam BarnesWorship 10am, Nursery Provided,

Christian Education for children & adults 9am

Oppenheim UnitedMethodist Church

Route 29Pastor: Rev. Diane E. DiLuzio

315-429-7381Worship 9:30 Sundays,

Totally Awesome God-TAG time 6:30pmWednesdays beginning in Oct., Sunday

School 9:00am beginning September 18th

Marshville Evangelical Church

Route 10 SouthRev. David BowleyWorship Sunday 9am

National Kateri TekakwithaShrine and Indian Museum3636 St. Hwy. 5, PO Box 627

Fonda, NY 12068-0627518-853-3646

Weekly Masses: Sat. 4:30pm, Sun. 10:[email protected]

Lighthouse Baptist Church1524 St. Rt. 29A, PO Box 114

Stratford, NY 13470-0114 315-429-8854

Pastor Martin SmithSunday Morning Worship 10:30am; Wed.Eve. Prayer Meeting 6:00pm; 2nd & 4th

Sunday Dinner following Morning Service with Afternoon Service following dinner

“Old-Fashioned Bible Preaching”

Call 518-673-3011 To PlaceChurch Listings or Fax

Listings to 518-673-2381

Church Directory

• March 16: CanajoharieSenior Citizens Club St.Patricks Day Show atTurning Stone Casino.Depart at 10:30 am,$49/person ($5 extra fornon-members), includesluncheon, show and $15free play. Money due byMarch 9. Call Dorothy

Frasier at 518-673-5588.• March 20: 9:30-11 am.Spring Fling Breakfastwith our Seniors in theCommunity Center. Allarea senir citizens areinvited to join us.• 11:30 am - 12:30 pm.Blood Pressure Clinic.Home Heath Care Part-

ners Corp. (Co-sponsoredby St. Mary’s & Natan Lit-tauer Hospitals) Also pro-viding health and well-ness information.MEETINGS• March 9, 15, 23 & 30:12:45 pm. CanajoharieSenior Citizens ClubMeeting.

• March 22: 2-3 pm.Alzheimer’s SupportGroup.

MAR 334rd All Free Acoustic

Coffee HouseFultonville MethodistChurch. Montgomery St.,Fultonville, NY. 6:30-10

Page 36: Valley Pennysaver 3.3.12

Original Valley PENNYSAVER • March 3, 2012Page 36

Send in this completedpage. All correctentries will be put ina drawing for $5.00!Send completed pagewith your name, age, andaddress to: The OriginalValley Pennysaver, PO Box 121, PalatineBridge, NY 13428.

• One entry per person.• Drawing limited to those under 12

years of age.• All entries must be received no later

than 5 p.m. Monday, March 12, 2012.

Congratulations to the2/18/12 winner —

Leah M. Yoder of Fort Plain

Heykids,Fill in this page

for a chance to win$5.00!

Answers to last week’s puzzles below

Look for the answers in next week’s issue!

Page 37: Valley Pennysaver 3.3.12

Original Valley PENNYSAVER • March 3, 2012 Page 37

Sitterly’sQuality Auto Sales

(518) 568-2416 or (518) 470-7396Rt. 5, 1/2 Mile West of St. Johnsville

Alternative Financing Available

19977 DODGEE 11 TONDual Rear Wheels, Turbo Diesel, 2WD, 6 Cyl., 5 Spd.,

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Automotivepm. Held downstairs.The no admission, nodonation Acoustic CoffeeHouse is open to all typesof music as long as novulgarity, doesn’t offendanybody and acousticinstruments only, (Bon-gos, shakers and tam-bourines good replace-ments for drums). If youcan’t make it at 6:30,that’s OK there is a newperformer every 9-13 min-utes on average. FutureAcoustic Coffee Houseshows - first Saturday ofevery month - 3/3, 4/7,5/5, 6/2, 7/7,8/4, 9/1,10/6, 11/3, 12/1 for theyear of 2012. Call 518-853-4964.

Antique ShowArkell Museum, 2 ErieBlvd. Canajoharie, NY.10 am - 4 pm. Benefit1747 Historic Nellis Tav-ern. Contact DonnaReston, 518-843-1601.

Family Game After-noon Fundraiser

Frothingham FreeLibrary, Fonda, NY. 1-4pm. $3/person or $10 fora family. This fundraiserincludes playing gamesand refreshments. Call518-853-3016. MAR 3 & 17, APR 7 &

21Cooperstown Farmers

MarketCooperstown FarmersMarket, 101 Main St. inPioneer Alley, Cooper-stown, NY. 9am - 2 pm.Winter veggies, apples,meat, poultry, eggs,cheese, baked goods,jams, crafts, maple syrupand more. Call 607-547-6195. On Internet

MAR 11‘Joyous’ Music Fea-

tured at Mohawk Val-ley Concert

United PresbyterianChurch, Amsterdam, NY.3 pm. Featured will bethe River Ringers, a bellchoir from the church; abrass ensemble accom-panying the chorus; andthe MVC Youth Chorale,which will join voiceswith the older singers ona few numbers.

MAR 15St. Pat’s Cornbeef and

Cabbage LunchFort Plain Senior Center.11:30 am. Please call993-3432 to sign up.

MAR 17-18Multiple Garage Sale

Fort Plain Senior Center.9 am - 3 pm. Call 993-3432 for details.

MAR 31Book Sale

Fort Plain ReformedChurch, 161 Canal St.,

Fort Plain, NY. 8 am - 1pm. Used books, DVD’s,CD’s at reasonableprices. Coffee, tea & fin-ger foods availagle. Comebrowse and relax with agood book.

APR 1Palm Sunday Service

Crum Creek Church, 110County Highway 108, St.Johnsville, NY. 1pm.Refreshments and fellow-ship to follow.

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Original Valley PENNYSAVER • March 3, 2012Page 38


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Original Valley PENNYSAVER • March 3, 2012 Page 39

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Original Valley PENNYSAVER • March 3, 2012Page 40


110k110k06 CHEVY MALIBU LS

Auto, CD Player, PS, PW, Very Nice!

06 GMC ENVOYAuto, 4x4, Sunroof, Tow Pkg., E.C.!

05 DODGE DAKOTA SLT CLUB CABV-8, Auto, 4x4, Nice Truck!

04 JEEP LIBERTYV-6, 4x4, Loaded, Nice Condition!

02 HONDA ACCORD LXManual-5, Dependable, Great MPG!



$12,575$12,575 $10,085$10,085


95k95k 92k92k



174k174k05 MERCEDES C240 4MATIC

Sunroof, Lthr, Loaded, New Condition


Htd Lthr, Loaded, Low Miles! Sharp!06 BMW 330XI

AWD, Loaded, Like New!


V8, Conv. Top, 5 Spd, Sharp!

08 HONDA ACCORD EX-1Heated Leather, Sunroof, Chrome Pkg., Loaded

107k107k06 GMC ENVOY

V6 Loaded, Very Nice!

106k106k2010 FORD TRANSIT

Like New Work Van, Great MPGs!


Htd Lthr, Conv, Great MPG, Like New, Low Miles

03 DODGE RAM 1500 QUAD CABAuto, V-8, 4x4, Sharp!


5spd, Manual, 4x4, V6, Low Miles


Auto, PW, PL, Low Miles, Like New03 FORD F-350 SUPER DUTY6.0L Diesel, 4x4, Auto, Low Miles!

100k100k07 CHEVY COBALT LTAuto, CD Player, Sporty!

06 NISSAN TITAN KING CAB SE4x4, Auto, All Power, 5.6L, w/Cap!

06 LEXUS IS 250 AWD HTD & Cooled

Seats, Sunroof, Paddle Shift, Very Nice!

110k110k06 CHEVY MALIBU LS

Auto, 4cyl, PW, PL, Exc Condition

80k80k03 CHRYSLER SEBRING LXISunroof, Auto, All Power, Sharp!

06 PONTIAC G-6Auto,V-6, CD Player, Low Miles, Sharp!


Rear Heat/AC, 7 Pass, CD, Great Family Vehicle!

121k121k03 HYUNDAI TIBURONAuto, 4 Cyl., Great MPG!



83k83K 80k80K

93k93k 93k93k


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• March


In ThisSection� Fuccillo’s

Service CouponsPage B3

� Village ofCanajoharie

WaterQuality Report

Page B4


� Girl ScoutsAnniversary

� ShopAmsterdam

� Mom & PopBusiness Owners


Tax Refund Checks Accepted Here

Call Mr. Waters for AnAppointment

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March 3, 2012

Section B

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We Buy • Sell • Trade Quality Used Cars(518) 627-4171 •

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• March



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,, 2012


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,, 2012

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INTRODUCTIONTo comply with State regulations, the Village of Canajoharie will be annually issuing a report describing thequality of your drinking water. The purpose of this report is to raise your understanding of drinking water andawareness of the need to protect our drinking water sources. Last year, your tap water met all State drinkingwater health standards. We are proud to report that our system did not violate a maximum contaminant levelor any other water quality standard. This report provides an overview of last year's water quality. Included aredetails about where your water comes from, what it contains, and how it compares to State standards. If youhave any questions about this report or concerning your drinking water, please contact: Mr. Jeff Swartz, Supt.of Water, 75 Erie Blvd, Canajoharie, NY 13317; Telephone (518) 673-2007. If you want to learn more, pleaseattend any of our regularly scheduled village board meetings. The meetings are held on the 1st Tuesday of eachmonth at the Village Office Building, 75 Erie Blvd., Canajoharie, NY 13317 at 7:00 PM. WHERE DOES OUR WATER COME FROM?In general, the sources of drinking water (both tap water and bottled water) include rivers, lakes, streams,ponds, reservoirs, springs, and wells. As water travels over the surface of the land or through the ground, itdissolves naturally occurring minerals and, in some cases, radioactive material, and can pick up substancesresulting from the presence of animals or from human activities. Contaminants that may be present in sourcewater include: microbial contaminants; inorganic contaminants; pesticides and herbicides; organic chemicalcontaminants; and radioactive contaminants. In order to ensure that tap water is safe to drink, the State and theEPA prescribe regulations which limit the amount of certain contaminants in water provided by public watersystems. The State Health Department's and the FDA's regulations establish limits for contaminants in bottledwater which must provide the same protection for public health.Our water source is a surface water source consisting of several upland springs. The Hill, Gray, Sand, Young,and Plank Springs comprise the "springline" in addition to the Sprite Creek which feeds water to our reservoir.The reservoir has a storage capacity of 93 million gallons. The Lost Lake impoundment serves as an emergencywater source. The water is filtered at our Slow Sand Filtration plant. The plant consists of three slow sand fil-ters 44 feet by 132 feet each. Each filter has a flow-rate of 0.5 million gallons per day. After passing throughthe filters the finished water is disinfected by injection of a sodium hypochlorite solution. Water not consumedby our customers is stored at the Smith Street Reservoir, East Hill Tank, and Palatine Clearwell, providing uswith 2.63 million gallons of water storage to meet consumer demand and to provide adequate fire protection.The NYS DOH has completed a source water assessment for this system, based on available information.Possible and actual threats to this drinking water source were evaluated. The source water assessment includesa susceptibility rating based on the risk posed by each potential source of contamination and how rapidly con-taminants can move through the subsurface. The susceptibility of a water supply source to contamination is

dependent upon both the presence of potential sources of contamination within the contributing area and thelikelihood that the contamination can travel through the environment to reach the source. The susceptibility rat-ing is an estimate of the potential for contamination of the source water, it does not mean that the water deliv-ered to consumers is, or will become contaminated. See section "Are there contaminants in our drinkingwater?" for a list of the contaminants that have been detected. The source water assessments provide resourcemanagers with additional information for protecting source waters into the future.Our water is derived from several spring sources and a reservoir. Lost Lake is used as an emergency supply.Based on the analysis of available information for these spring sources, there are no water quality concernsfound in the assessment area. No land cover water quality concerns, permitted discharges, or other discretefacilities were identified in the assessment area using GIS. It should be noted that springs in general can behighly sensitive to petroleum products and solvents. An assessment of the reservoir and Lost Lake found nonoteworthy risks to source water quality. It should be noted that reservoirs in general are highly sensitive tophosphorus and microbial contaminants. Please note that our water is filtered and disinfected to ensure that that the finished water delivered into yourhome meets New York State's drinking water standards for microbial contamination. FACTS AND FIGURESOur water system serves approximately 2,300 people through 868 service connections. The total amount ofwater produced in 2011 was 346,855,856 gallons. The daily average of water treated and pumped into the dis-tribution system was 950,000 gallons per day. Our single highest day was 1,430,000 gallons.ARE THERE CONTAMINANTS IN OUR DRINKING WATER?As the State regulations require, we routinely test your drinking water for numerous contaminants. These con-taminants include: inorganic compounds, nitrate, nitrite, lead and copper, volatile organic compounds, total tri-halomethanes, haloacetic acids, radiological and synthetic organic compounds In addition, we test 2 samplesfor coliform bacteria monthly. The table presented below depicts which compounds were detected in yourdrinking water. The State allows us to test for some contaminants less than once per year because the con-centrations of these contaminants do not change frequently. Some of our data, though representative, are morethan one year old. It should be noted that all drinking water, including bottled drinking water, may be reasonably expected to con-tain at least small amounts of some contaminants. The presence of contaminants does not necessarily indicatethat water poses a health risk. More information about contaminants and potential health effects can beobtained by calling the EPA's Safe Drinking Water Hotline 800-426-4791 or the New York State Departmentof Health Herkimer District Office at (315) 866-6879.

WHAT DOES THIS INFORMATION MEAN?As you can see by the table, our system had no violations. We have learned through our test-ing that some contaminants have been detected; however, these contaminants were detectedbelow the level allowed by the State. To understand the possible health effects described formany regulated constituents, a person would have to drink 2 liters of water every day at theMCL level for a lifetime to have a one-in-a-million chance of having the described healtheffect.IS OUR WATER SYSTEM MEETING OTHER RULES THAT GOVERN OPERA-TIONS?During 2011, our system was in compliance with applicable State drinking water operating andmonitoring requirements. We constantly test for various contaminants in the water supply tocomply with regulatory requirements. This past year we failed to monitor for total coliform inJune 2011 and received a notice of violation for that deficiency.DO I NEED TO TAKE SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS?Although our drinking water met or exceeded state and federal regulations, some people maybe more vulnerable to disease causing microorganisms or pathogens in drinking water than thegeneral population. Immuno-compromised persons such as persons with cancer undergoingchemotherapy, persons who have undergone organ transplants, people with HIV/AIDS or otherimmune system disorders, some elderly, and infants can be particularly at risk from infections.These people should seek advice from their health care provider about their drinking water.EPA/CDC guidelines on appropriate means to lessen the risk of infection by Cryptosporidium,Giardia and other microbial pathogens are available from the Safe Drinking Water Hotline(800-426-4791) or at ON LEADIf present, elevated levels of lead can cause serious health problems, especially for pregnantwomen and young children. Lead in drinking water is primarily from materials and compo-nents associated with service lines and home plumbing. The Village of Canajoharie is respon-sible for providing high quality drinking water, but cannot control the variety of materials usedin plumbing components. When your water has been sitting for several hours, you can mini-mize the potential for lead exposure by flushing your tap for 30 seconds to 2 minutes beforeusing water for drinking or cooking. If you are concerned about lead in your water, you maywish to have your water tested. Information on lead in drinking water, testing methods, andsteps you can take to minimize exposure is available from the Safe Drinking Water Hotline orat SAVE WATER AND HOW TO AVOID WASTING IT?You can play a role in conserving water by becoming conscious of the amount of water yourhousehold is using, and by looking for ways to use less whenever you can. It is not hard to con-serve water. Conservation tips include:* Automatic dishwashers use 15 gallons for every cycle, regardless of how many dishes areloaded. So get a run for your money and load it to capacity.* Turn off the tap when brushing your teeth.* Check every faucet in your home for leaks. Just a slow drip can waste 15 to 20 gallons a day.Fix it and you can save almost 6,000 gallons per year.* Check your toilets for leaks by putting a few drops of food coloring in the tank, watch for afew minutes to see if the color shows up in the bowl. It is not uncommon to lose up to 100 gal-lons a day from one of these otherwise invisible toilet leaks. Fix it and you save more than30,000 gallons a year.* Use your water meter to detect hidden leaks. Simply turn off all taps and water using appli-ances, then check the meter after 15 minutes. If it moved, you have a leak.CLOSINGThank you for allowing us to continue to provide your family with quality drinking water thisyear. In order to maintain a safe and dependable water supply we sometimes need to makeimprovements that will benefit all of our customers. The costs of these improvements may bereflected in the rate structure. Rate adjustments may be necessary in order to address theseimprovements. We ask that all our customers help us protect our water sources, which are theheart of our community. Please call our office if you have questions at (518) 673-2007.

Annual Drinking Water Quality Report for 2011Village of Canajoharie

75 Erie Boulevard, Canajoharie, NY 13317Public Water Supply ID# NY2800137