Download - Valley Isle Fellowship NEWSLETTER...2018/09/16  · Valley Isle Fellowship Love God, Love His Church, Love His World 1033 Waiale Road - PO Box 886 Wailuku, HI 96793 Phone: (808) 244-0865

Page 1: Valley Isle Fellowship NEWSLETTER...2018/09/16  · Valley Isle Fellowship Love God, Love His Church, Love His World 1033 Waiale Road - PO Box 886 Wailuku, HI 96793 Phone: (808) 244-0865

Valley Isle FellowshipLove God, Love His Church, Love His World1033 Waiale Road - PO Box 886Wailuku, HI 96793 Phone: (808) 244-0865 Fax: (808)249-0235

IN THIS ISSUE: 1,2 Letʻs Just Do It 3,4 The Right Components of Discipleship (3 of 3) 2,4,6 Announcements 5 The Woodies Whereabouts 7 Missional Opportunities 8 From The Pastor Desk 9 VIF Calendar 10 Sermon Notes

NEWSLETTERSeptember 16, 2018

Letʻs Just Do ItPastor Stephen Kaneshiro

us is that we tend to drag our feet when we respond to the Lord. It is a much better personal strategy to immediately put into action obeying the Lord when He reveals His will to you. You then should speed up, slow down, or even stop whenever He reveals a more definitive plan of action. Many times that definitive plan of action is simply not going to be revealed if we are not moving ahead in loving obedience. Let’s Just Do It also means that we will, #3 – Leave the results in His hands. We will not worry about the results, but we will be excited about mov-ing ahead to bring Jesus all the glory and honor that He deserves. Quite a few people are so worried about the results that it even prevents them from moving to even try to be obedient unto the Lord. So many people even are so afraid that they don’t even want to take the risk of even attempting to do the right thing. I want to encourage you to study Matthew 25:14-46 and see what the Lord reveals to you. Let’s Just Do it finally means that we will, #4 – Be doers of the Word and not just hearers of the Word. Study James 1:19-27 and see what the Lord reveals to you.

James 4:17 (NLT) 17 Remember, it is sin to know what you ought to do and then not do it. Sin is

anything that displeases and breaks the heart of God. As Christians who love the Lord and who are striving to

mature into people whose loving obedience will honor and glorify Him, we must do all that is within us to kill that nature within us that desires to sin. This passage in James is a really devastating passage to all of us. All of us are guilty of know-ing what God desires us to do and then we simply decide not to do it, or we develop an elaborate scheme to rationalize not doing it. This passage of scripture clearly reveals to us that there is no escape and no justification for knowing and then not doing the will of God.Therefore, this article is entitled: Let’s Just Do It. #1 – Let us be determined to love and glorify our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Determined means that we have decided to focus all of our thoughts and energies on loving and obeying our Lord. It means that we realize that there might be obstacles and temptations that would distract and dissuade us, but in spite of them we are determined!!!Let’s Just Do It also means that we will, #2 – Immediately put into action all that the Lord reveals to us. Many times we are put into a situation of “delayed obedience” because we don’t want to get God’s timing wrong. However, Pastor Richard Smith (the founding Pastor of Valley Isle Fellowship) used to say, “that delayed obedience is still disobedience.” I totally agree with him with this one exception. That exception is that when the Lord specifically reveals to you another timing sequence. You must be one who is seeking to be totally obedient to all that we would reveal. However, the problem with most of

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Letʻs Just Do ItPastor Stephen Kaneshiro

Dear people of Valley Isle Fellowship, I want to encourage you to rush to love the Lord and rush to bring glory and honor to Him. Rushing ahead with an excitement that honors the Lord will be a blessing to you and a blessing to those around you. We want to always be striving to love the Lord our God with all of our heart, mind, and soul. Loving Him and serving Him with all of our lives will move us all in the direction of Valley Isle Fellowship becoming a church that would glorify Jesus and lead others to faith in Him. As I write this article, Tropical Storm Olivia seems to be getting closer to Maui. Regardless of how bad or how minimal Olivia’s impact may have been, we all need to Just Do It for the glory and honor of the Lord. Let’s all be quick to act on His instructions to us in order to give Him all of the glory and honor that He deserves. God bless all of you !

The Month of September is 2018 emphasis for

Sue Nishikawa Offeringfor Hawaii Pacific Missions

VIF Giving To Date$1145.00

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The Right Components of Discipleship (Part Three of Three)Pastor Darren Sarmiento

Discipleship Insights

Discipleship is vital and foundational to our Church’s health and growth. Every week I’m going to share with you what I call “Discipleship Insights”. It will be articles that can help, encourage and keep us focused on being like Jesus and being disciples of Jesus.

Pastor Darren Sarmiento

The Right Components of Discipleship

Here are the final third component of quality discipleship.

3rd Component: Doing Ministry Together

Training your disciple in how to have a ministry involves more than simply talking about how great it would be to reach out to people who don’t know Christ. Doing ministry together means planning outreaches together and actively sharing your faith with others.

Look what Jesus did. He took His disciples and went throughout Galilee and Israel, ministering to people. He spoke to the masses; He healed; He cast out demons; He taught. For two and a half years, Jesus went about ministering, and He took the disciples with Him.

When Paul challenged Timothy in Acts 16, he did not say, “Timothy, let’s hide away for three years. I’ll teach you everything I know from the Old Testament, give you a crash course in theology, and then you’ll be ready for ministry.”

Instead, Paul said, “Timothy, just go with me,” and Timothy joined Paul on his missionary journeys. Timothy learned how to have a ministry by hanging out with Paul.

For you and your disciple, ministry may be talking with guys at the basketball court where you’re playing hoops. Perhaps, it means showing your disciple how to talk about Jesus over a cup of coffee with her classmate. Maybe it’s modeling to your disciple how to initiate with a person, build a rapport with them, and transition into the Gospel. Modeling ministry in these ways allows the disciple to see your heart for the lost.

Four things happen when you are in ministry together.

1. Our view of God develops – When you and your disciple are sharing your faith and fol-lowing up with a survey contact, your disciple’s view of God will grow because the Lord may just show up and that other person may come to Christ. You may have a great spiritual conversa-tion, and your disciple walks away saying, “Wow, that is cool! Look what God did!” God shows up and works in someone’s life when you’re in ministry. Not when you sit around and talk about it, but when you get out and do it.

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The Right Components of Discipleship (Part Three of Three)Pastor Darren Sarmiento

2. Compassion develops for the lost – Compassion for lost people really develops when we’re eyeball to eyeball with someone, hearing the hurt and pain in their life. Even when we meet someone whose life is all together, who is as happy as can be thinking science has all the answers and dismiss-ing God as totally irrelevant, our compassion grows as we realize how lost he really is.

3. Our confidence that God will use us grows – When you go out and share your faith over spring break, or on a summer mission, and you see God use you to bring someone to Christ. Or you simply have a great conversation during which the Holy Spirit gives you things to say. He leads you; He recalls Scripture to your mind, and recalls the answers to things you learned in the past. You walk away saying, “Wow, God used even me!” Confidence in God usu-ally grows as you’re involved in ministry.

4. Ministry builds vision and passion – When disciples are out sharing their faith, it’s all they can talk about. There’s a passion, a zeal, an excitement. Because when you’re discipling and getting involved in a ministry, the disciple is getting in on what God is doing, and that natu-rally brings excitement. As a discipler, you must love your disciple enough to model ministry in a way that prepares them, increases their confidence that God can use them, and helps them to develop true compassion for the lost.

Healthy discipleship involves all three components – building relationships, studying the Word of God, and doing ministry together. The challenge is to balance all three and periodically evaluate which component needs improvement.

There is no perfect discipler. You learn to disciple by doing it. Building relationships and studying God’s Word may be easy for you. Ministry is usually the most difficult because it means step-ping out in faith and bringing another person along with you. But if we do not embrace all three, we rob people of the privilege of growing, of seeing God show up, of watching God work.

Article taken from The Compass. Tim Henderson is the Campus Director at Penn State University and has authored or co-authored many of the Campus Ministry resources like Compass and The Community.

Coffee Bar MinistryCome and fellowship

(8 am - 9 am and 10:30 am - 11:30 am)We welcome your favorite dish to


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What kind of difference do you think 1,500 people can make?

This year God brought 1,500 new students to FLC! We are excited to kick-off the 2018-2019 school year at FLC; expecting God to do big things for His kingdom!

Rachael and I have spent much time with our team preparing for the school year. It’s critical to meet as many students as we can. We have tabled, BBQ & games, met 300+ students doing surveys, rides to church, invites to Connect (weekly meeting), prayer & leadership meetings, 4 wheeling, hiking, climbing and following up with interested students to talk about Jesus.

Daniel, student president of MPM on campus, has stepped up in many ways as a leader. Through all the prep and work needed to get crucial events and activities going, he has done excellent, not complaining once. Daniel shared some of his testimony with 30+ students at a BBQ we hosted on campus. Pray for Daniel as he balances growing in his faith with Jesus, school, leadership involvement and having fun.

It’s been a busy month! By God’s grace we are here to reach college students for Christ. We thank God for you, your encouragement, support, and prayers. We serve a God that is able to do far more than what we can think or imagine. Let His will be done!

Prayer Request: meet good soil Christian students, energy for staff & student leaders, meeting & following up with students, Connect, bible studies to get going, more guys to get involved, boldly share Jesus, favor with school, build strong relationships with students

Copyright © 2018 Master Plan Ministries, All rights reserved.You are receiving this email because you wanted to be updated on what God is doing in the Woodie’s lives and ministry with Master Plan Ministries.

Thank you!

Our mailing address is:Master Plan Ministries

PO Box 1082Durango, CO 81302

Students at CONNECTDaniel meeting new students Leadership Meeting

Page 6: Valley Isle Fellowship NEWSLETTER...2018/09/16  · Valley Isle Fellowship Love God, Love His Church, Love His World 1033 Waiale Road - PO Box 886 Wailuku, HI 96793 Phone: (808) 244-0865

Church Cleaning Schedule

Week of Sept. 20-22Team 4

Wendy I, Lynette K, Priscilla T, Amalia Jennifer R*, Paul R

Week of Sept. 27-29Team 5

Carol Sn, Makanani C, Josie Y*, Andy Sn, Steffen Y

Week of October 4-6Team 6

Hubert I*, Leslie T, Ernie P, David P, Chad K,

Week of October. 11-13Team 1

Yeiko E, Elaine Y, Teri C, Cecile H, Cathy D, Kenneth K, Lucille K*

*Key Monitor

Sign-up on the back table to be a part of this



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Childcare Ministry Schedule

Today Sept 16 Team 4: Hawea R, Cheeng S, Jezra S, Joanne R. Sept 23 Team 1: Karen F, Kolbe F, Alysha F, Melanie F Sept 30 Team 2: Wendy C, Christine B, Vija B, Lauryn I October 7 Team 3: Francis C, Jaydee G, Jules G, Char C, Wayne S, Haua D.

Trunk or TreatOctober 31st, 6-8 p.m.

at Valley Isle Fellowship is a safe Halloween Alternative with Jesus for our

community. For More information call Steffen


Volunteers Needed!Join a team to be part of this vital ministry

caring for our little ones (on a rotation basis) during morning worship service.

For more information, contact Josie or Steffen

VIF OFFICE @ 264-0397

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NAMB Missionary Spotlight:

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Please pray for Lightcast Church to be an evangelizing and reproducing church, for total commitment of the church members in reaching out to the lost and in making disciples who are true followers of Jesus.

Catch The Vision Tour

Catch The Vision are a two-day experience where pastors and key church leaders travel to a Send City to explore the city, meet church planters and see communities in need of a church plant. Pray for churches to develop a heart and passion for sending their people on mission. Pray for pastors to catch Godʻs vision for how their churches can be involved in

reaching citites through church planting.

PrayerConnect Connect with missionaries and chaplains by praying for them

and their work, either through specific ministry prayer requests or on their birthdays

Bruce Hendrich06 06 2018 | Mead, COBruce Hendrich is the church planter/pastor of Grandview Church in Mead, Colo. Saturday, September 8, will prob-ably be Grandview Church’s most significant Community Connection event of the year! The Lord has once again given us an incredible opportunity to GO to hundreds of people who have no plans to COME to church. Many gospel seeds will be sown as we serve our community in tangible ways on this day-long event. Pray we will have many gospel con-versations and that the gospel seeds sown will bear fruit in the weeks and months ahead! Thank you for your prayerful partnership with us!

John Loughlin09 05 2018 | Oak Creek, Wis.John Loughlin is the church planter/pastor of Ethnos Church in Wisconsin. Please pray for my wife, Holly, whose recovery from cancer surgery is being slowed by complications from cystic fibrosis. She is home now from the hospital but has a long recovery and further cancer treatment ahead of her. Please pray for me as I balance being a caregiver with ministry. Pray also for our daughter, M, who is starting school this week.

International Mission BoardConnecting in Prayer

*Sub-Saharan African Unengaged Peoples

“Praise the Lord for what he is doing in response to your prayers for the Chinese of West Africa! In December, you were asked to pray for Jan,* and in April, you were asked to pray for Kim,* as both appeared to be very close to believing the message. During the Chinese New Year, Jan professed her belief and is now part of the family of God. She has been sharing her faith and inviting others to the group. Kim, a transient member of the group, returned to his homeland without having made a commitment. How-ever, through a series of correspondence, we were able to connect him with a brother who met with him and give him a Bible. We have had five new Chinese come to the group at different times over the past several months, three of whom had never heard of Jesus. Please join us in pray-ing for Jan as she grows in her faith, and ask that she will continue to be a bold witness to her friends. Pray for Kim to hunger for the Word and to desire to follow. Intercede for the visitors who come into the group, asking that they will be interested in learning more about Jesus. Thank you for your prayers. They are changing the world!” (*name changed)

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From The Pastors DeskPastor Stephen Kaneshiro

Evening Worship Service Notes for September 16, 2018

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September 16, 2018

PM Service

False ProphetsI. False Prophets have been and will always be a reality. Deuteronomy 13:1-3 NLT; Ezekiel 13:1-7 NLT; Mark 13:22 HCSB; 2 Peter 2:1-3 NLT; and 1 John 4:1 NLT A. From the ______ ______________to the ______ ______________ and even until __________. B. Their ___________ and _______________ are false (lies). C. They will lead you away from ________ _________ and into _________.

II. Your shelter and protection. Deuteronomy 13:4 NLT A. __________ only the Lord. B. _________ only Him. C. _________ Him. D. ___________ to Him. E. __________ to Him.

III. Our Part and God’s Part. Deuteronomy 13:5-8 NLT; Ezekiel 13:8-9 NLT; and 1 John 4:1 NLT A. Our Part. 1. To _________. 2. To _________ . 3. To __________ . 4. Be ______________ . B. God’s Part. 1. To _____________ and ____________ . 2. To __________ . 3. To carry out _____________.

IV. A Final Word. Mark 13:22 HCSB and 2 Peter 2:1-3 NLT A. God will not be ___________ . B. His Word ______ _________ , _______ , and will always be _________ .

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Valley Isle Fellowship Calendar

September 2018 16 9:00 am- Worship Service 10:30 am - Sunday School 12:00 pm - Discipleship Meeting 6:00 pm - Evening Service/Study 17 6:30 pm - Prayer Meeting 19 6:30 pm - Youth Night 23 9:00 am- Worship Service 10:30 am - Sunday School 6:00 pm - Evening Service/Study 24 6:30 pm - Prayer Meeting 26 6:30 pm - Youth Night 30 9:00 am- Worship Service - Ordinance of Lordʻs Supper 10:30 am - Sunday School 6:00 pm - Evening Service/Study

October 2018

1 6:30 pm - Prayer Meeting 3 6:30 pm - Youth Night 5 5:00 pm - MOvinG Men of God Menʻs Ministry 7 9:00 am- Worship Service 10:30 am - Sunday School 6:00 pm - Evening Service/Study 8 6:30 pm - Prayer Meeting 10 6:30 pm - Youth Night 14 9:00 am- Worship Service 10:30 am - Sunday School 12:00 pm - Trustees Meeting 6:00 pm - Evening Service/Study 15 6:30 pm - Prayer Meeting 17 6:30 pm - Youth Night 19-20 HPBC Womens Retreat Puu Kahea 21 9:00 am- Worship Service 10:30 am - Sunday School 12:00 pm - Discipleship Meeting 6:00 pm - Evening Service/Study

Valley Isle Fellowship1033 Waiale Rd., PO Box 886, Wailuku, HI 96793

ph: (808) 244-0865 - [email protected] -


Worship Service - 9:00 am

Sunday School - 10:30 am* * * * *


Worship/Study6:00 pm



Associate PastorDarren Sarmiento

cell: (808)757-1651email: [email protected]

Senior PastorStephen Kaneshirocell: (808)419-8100

email: [email protected]

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Living in Genuine FaithPastor Stephen Kaneshiro

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James 1:19-27 NLT

I. Must deal with ___________ . – James 1:19-20 NLT A. Addressed to _______________ . B. “You must…” – a _____________ .

II. Must deal with all _________ . – James 1:21 NLT A. Deal with it by ____________ ________ _______ _______ . B. ___________ yourself to God and His Word. C. God’s Word is _____________.

III. ____________ and ____________. – James 1:22-24 NLT A. Good hearing – ________ ___________ . B. ________________ and _____________ are critical. C. ______________ can turn you into a _________ . D. _______________ enhanced by ________________ .

IV. ____________ Faith. – James 1:25-27 NLT A. The Perfect Law – ________ _________ _______ ________ . B. The ___________ and _____________ of the Word is possible only if you do what it says. C. Application of the Word produces ____________ __________. D. Example – 1. can’t control your tongue = ______________ __________ . – 2. helping the helpless = ___________ __________ .