Download - Valerie For Mayor (Valeria para Alcalde)


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3'd Grade Class Elecfions!rn two weeks' on fAru^ / a7 7,: 4.B., u4 C wit be hording erections ro vote forour own class mayors (l p6r .ru!rl.'ir,"jou of class mayor incrudes:'

fi4l:H :5TJ,TX ;:: m:f ffi#:JprobJems, vote on crass' Be d responsible class ;."t;;;"d a positive rore moder to their crassmates.' The term of office will U" nrpir.orT .2f_ /,tarch &o

Everyone in the c lass wi l l ho nrh^: -^ o


nrr ori irr.';^.#;Ijil ot running fo1oftic9. To prepare for the erections, you need to

Informat ion.shebt isdueF<bructt7. /? : ..Each candidate.will give

";; on fr !tty,o,_rq f,.o " r J7 :

Bring "profession"l;1 u..,d..rr-upl, trorr,., ,o .t "ng.

into.l . W i l l co r rn r Aa e +^d+ / ^ - - :2 tn",,o'il1'r1l iltTy,:fi|;:l

gr4de for Sociar studies3. your speectl,frorrJ i"Jii?,

: y#, ili,.1,".1,"r"rung

ror mayor? wrrat u,ouic make you a good mayor?. y;;;;;;;"' PartY (make uP a name)


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Xmformation Sheet Aboutr; the Candiidate. , l.

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Political party: (make; up a name) <, :.-T' & {.", 6 C r,,r ,i: d, s

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Slogan. (rnake up one),-ror the ei r,aSy n{ Qa-{

Write 1 parragraph about why you are rururing firr mayor., What woul,l ntake youa gcrod clas;s mayor?

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write I paragraph uuiuo Jnil.rr t'i,, ri' ou, ctlass *n"n,onil. 'Ir/lf-tftl("9

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+-Tor or -c/eAna C/asStzr,ra.

ya-bf /^.are fb,r/Vog ga.nes-For lrLorc,.#'zndsh;ps ag eryr"g ttrrrcryt"-

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Alon7. CZc.titt on*[€Lc /a"tPE*


frr Ref+ ep grade-s 6g l4rr,*rg orTean.ofA

T afprotc f fhi s rrzessq7 LSh*. gdtr iAas A)ith rne o. co/t rne at horrtu

ote foralerie

If you vote for ffie, you arevoting forsomeone with leadership and experience inhelping people get along.

For the glory of God!
