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Presentation on :- Personality Development

Presented To :- Lecturer Presented By :- Vijay Devi Class :- B.Ed Roll no. 12243410067

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What is Personality? Personality and Self-

concept? What is Deranged


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Personality is a dynamic concept. It refers to the growth and development of a person’s psychological system. It does not mean only that person has smiling face, charm or a positive attitude. All these aspect are constituents of personality.

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Self concept is a concept that individuals have of themselves as physical, social and moral or spiritual beings. The self concept approach comes from personality theory.

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A Deranged personality is not a normal personality. A person who has a deranged personality does not work within the frame work of the normal behaviour. His behaviour is abnormal.

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There are several causes of deranges personality. Some of the prominent causes are given below:

• Frustration• Hereditary Factors• Biological Causes• Psychological Causes• Socio-Cultural Causes• Factors of Urbanization and


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It refers to the blocking of motive satisfaction. It is also used to describe the unpleasant emotional state which is a direct outcome of blocked goal seeking. When an individual is frustrated, his behavior becomes abnormal frustration is also generated by continuous failure, thwarted affection, frequent illness etc.

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If the parents of an individual suffer from mental disorders, their children are likely to have a deranged personality. The effect of heredity on intelligence, personality traits and behavior disorders can be clearly seen. There are strong evidences which show that heredity plays a very important role in functional disorders.

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Biological stresses also bring personality disorders. As a result of these stresses, certain constitutional inadequacies in the chemistry of hormones of enzymes occur. Even metabolic processes of living are affected. In this way, they behaviour disorders.

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Psychological causes are also responsible for mental disorders resulting in the derangement of personality. Psychoanalysis regards susceptibility to stress leading to abnormal behaviour and It derives its clue the early childhood experiences of the individual. Behaviouristic and psychoanalytic points of view clearly establish that an individual’s personality is largely determined by learning process and the child may be a victim of deranged personality.

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Certain socio-cultural factors can be the cause of a deranged personality. The source of socio-cultural stress is primarily from the home, neighborhood, occupation, social class and community. If the society rewards and individual who are not so good, other intelligent and good people are bound to be the victims of frustration and depression.

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The spread of urbanization and modernization in our world has created urban rural differences, unemployment and racial differences. It has also contributed to martial unhappiness and family instability. Moreover, due to constant residential mobility, people are forced to live in unhealthy neighborhood.

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