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User experience designUser experience design,

service design & design thinking

by Sylvain Cottong, www.integratedplace.comSA UX Forum, Faculty of Design, University of Johannesburg,  August 18th, 2009‐ux‐forum/browse_thread/thread/ba87ca0252c48a7d

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User experience design (UX)User experience design  (UX)

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What is user experience design?p g

User Experience (abbreviated: UX) is the quality of experienceUser Experience (abbreviated: UX) is the quality of experience a person has when interacting with a specific design. This can range from a specific artifact, such as a cup, toy or website, up to larger integrated experiences such as a museum or anup to larger, integrated experiences such as a museum or an airport.

Source: // g/

It most commonly refers to the result of a planned integration of software design, business, and psychology concerns.

In the web world, user experience is sometimes conflated with usability, information architecture (IA), and user interface (UI) d i ll f hi h f idesign, all of which are components of it.


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What is user experience design?p g

Jesse James Garret’s famous representation of UX for the Web:

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What is user experience design?p g

Peter Morville’s honeycombs:

Information architecture:

‐ The combination of organisation, labeling, and navigation schemes within an information system. 

‐ The structural design of an information space to facilitate task completion and intuitive access to content.

Sources: // i di / bli i /

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What is user experience design?p g

Peter Morville’s honeycombs:

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What is user experience design?p g

UX design is a Human‐Centered Design process

An International StandardISO 13407: The Human‐centered design process defines a general process for including human‐centered activities throughout a development life‐cycle butincluding human‐centered activities throughout a development life‐cycle, but does not specify exact methods. 

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What is user experience design?p g

UX design is a Human‐Centered Design process

Specify the context of useIdentify the people who will use the product, what they will use it for and under what conditions they will use ituse it for, and under what conditions they will use it.Specify requirementsIdentify any business requirements or user goals that must be met for the product to be successfulmet for the product to be successful.Create design solutionsThis part of the process may be done in stages, building from a rough concept to a complete design.g p p gEvaluate designsThe most important part of this process is that evaluation ‐ideally through usability testing with actual users ‐ is as integral as quality testing is to good software development. 

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What is user experience design?p g

UX design is a Human‐Centered Design process

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UX design processg p

Many similar ways of representing the UX design process.

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UX design process

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UX design process

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UX design process

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UX design process

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UX design process

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Typical UX tools & deliverables: Personasyp

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Typical UX tools & deliverables: Mental models

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Typical UX tools & deliverables: Wireframesyp

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Typical UX tools & deliverables: Wireframes

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Typical UX tools & deliverables: Concept mapyp p p

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Typical UX tools & deliverables: Card sortingyp g

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Typical UX tools & deliverables:Content Inventory

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Typical UX tools & deliverables:User & task flow charts

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Typical UX tools & deliverables: Sitemapyp p

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Typical UX tools & deliverables: User testsyp

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Typical UX tools & deliverables

There are many other UX tools & methods. You have to decide in the context of each project which ones to use.of each project which ones to use.

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Key benefits of UX?

Benefits to Businesses in Enterprise ApplicationsBenefits to Businesses in Enterprise Applications

Manages the risk the workers won't be able to use the application, or won't want to use it

Ensures that vital features are not left out 

Reduces costly development of features that users don't want or don't need 

Reduces training and support costs 

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Key benefits of UX?

Benefits to Businesses in Customer‐Facing Applications

Enables ease‐of‐use, resulting in higher conversion rates and , g ggreater cross‐selling and up‐selling opportunities 

Reduces support & service costs, generates greater customer satisfaction & loyalty and improved perception of the brand 

Improves customers' tolerance of business goals that conflict with h l ltheir personal goals 

Reduced overall project costs and timescales

And thus generates increased revenues

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Service design

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What is Service design ?g

Today, services represent between 60% & 70 % of GDP of most industrialised nationsmost industrialised nations

Whereas design methods have always been applied to products, services have long been considered as a necessary p , g yextension to products without paying them the same attention than products themselves

Most products today are combined with services, thus it is the overall experience that counts and that is judged by customers

The emerging field of service design combines design methods from product design & interaction design for designing the experience of and the interface to services A lotdesigning the experience of and the interface to services. A lot of educated interaction designers work in service design.

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What is Service design ?gService design is most developed in northern Europe (Scandinavia, The Netherlands and Great Britain and to a lesser extent in the US.))


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What is Service design ?g

Service design is about making what you do more useful, usable &desirable for your users, and more efficient, effective& valuable for you ‐ everyone loves a great experience.

Do you remember the UX design honeycomb ?

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What is Service design ?g

Service design is a human‐centered approach that focuses on customer experience and the quality of service encountered as the key value for success.

Do you remember the human‐centered design process ?

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Service design: Key conceptsg y p

Service touch points are the tangibles, for example: spaces, objects, people or interactions that make the total experience of using a service, i.e.:


Web, mobile phone & PC interfaces

Physical environments (shops, reception areas, transport environments, hospitals, etc.)

Customer facing staff (Call centers, customer representatives, receptionists, etc.)

Communication & mailings, etc.

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Service design: Key conceptsg y p

SystemsServices are provided and experienced through systems p p g yand relationships.

ValueDifferent services create and measure value in different ways, but most services try to provide the best value for both users and producers.

JourneysyAll services are experienced over time. People also take different journeys to, through, and from a service.

PeoplepServices always involve people and rely on both the user and the producer working together.

PropositionspServices are generally packaged as a ‘proposition’ for users to buy into.

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Service design: Tools & Methodsg

Ethnography, user studies & personas

Identifying, discovering and understanding the service context and the users.

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Service design: Tools & Methodsg

Customer journey map

Illustrates how the customer perceives and experiences the service interface along the time axis.

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Service design: Tools & Methodsg

Service blueprinting

Allows for a quantitative description of critical service elementselements, 

such as time, logical sequences of actions and processes, 

also specifying both actions and events that happen in the time and place of the interaction (front stage)p ( g )

and actions and events that are out of the line of visibility for users but are fundamental for the delivery of thefor users, but are fundamental for the delivery of the service (backstage).

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Service design: Tools & Methodsg

Ideation, context mapping & participatory design

Reveals users’ conscious and latent needs, experiences, hopes and expectations.  Users p , p pparticipate in a workshop facilitated by a tutor.

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Service design: Tools & Methodsg

Service prototyping: Scenarios, storytelling, storyboards, real ld i i l tiworld experience simulation

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Service design: Tools & Methodsg

Service prototyping: Scenarios, storytelling, storyboards, real world i i l tiexperience simulation

T h i f i ki d th f i t thTechniques from movie‐making and the performing arts are thus very useful for service prototyping.

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Service design: Key benefitsg y

Do you remember the key benefits from UX design?Do you remember the key benefits from UX design?

Enables ease‐of‐use, resulting in higher conversion rates and lli d lli i igreater cross‐selling and up‐selling opportunities 

Reduces support costs, greater customer satisfaction & loyalty, and improved perception of the brand

Improves customers' tolerance of business goals thatImproves customers  tolerance of business goals that conflict with their personal goals 

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Service design: Key benefitsg y

And more specifically:And more specifically:

Everyone, like it or not, is a service provider

The inclusion of good customer service is becoming a key differentiator for any type of organisation, be it product or 

i b d I d i l t it i thservice‐based. In our new economy and social system it is the whole experience, before, during or after the actual selling that really counts. 

Customers are willing to pay a premium for products and services that help make their lives easier, more enjoyable andservices that help make their lives easier, more enjoyable and exciting.

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Service design: Key benefitsg y

And more specifically:And more specifically:

Innovating, redesigning and managing services represent a competitive advantage for modern businesses and public sectorcompetitive advantage for modern businesses and public sector organisations.

H l ti t ’ i i t ti f h i dHelps meeting customers’ rising expectations of choice and quality

Helps make use of the technologies’ revolution, that multiplies the possibilities for creating, delivering and consuming services

Helps answering the pressing environmental, social and economic challenges to sustainability

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Service design: Case studyg y

Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, a project by Maya design

A strategic design project :

interior redesigninterior redesign wayfindingweb siteand the library catalog

and thus is a service design project as it dealt with several touch points and the 

j b i hcustomer journey, but with a strong focus on information architecture.‐libraryMAYA Design, Inc. / SouthSide Works, Building 2, Suite 300 2730 Sidney Street / Pittsburgh, PA 15203 /+1 412‐488‐2900

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Service design: More resources on the Webg

About‐Design/Design‐Disciplines/Service‐p g g g g pdesign‐by‐Bill‐Hollins/

Case studiesCase studies

Methods & tools //www servicedesign org/

Professional organizationhttp://www.service‐design‐ // g g/

and many blogs…..

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Design thinkingg g

What is the meta‐trend & concept behind such practices as d i & i d i ?UX design & service design?

Design thinking, a way for solving all kinds of problems using design tools & methodologiesusing design tools & methodologies.

Often also referred to as “design thinking in business”.

It’s about a methodology, but also about a mindset and about a changing paradigm in management theory, moving from the traditional top‐down and quantitative approach to p q ppa more bottom‐up, qualitative approach in innovation & transformation processes.

It’s a new design discipline that builds on traditional design skills to address social and economic issues. 

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Design thinking: CharacteristicsDesign thinking: Characteristics

Good design creates products services spaces interactions andGood design creates products, services, spaces, interactions and experiences that not only satisfy a function or solve a problem, but that are also desirable, aspirational, compelling and delightful. 

These qualities can be used by organisations in both the public and private sector which are seeking to transform the way in which they connect to individuals. It’s a process that can be applied to almost any problem. p pp y p


placing the person – the ‘user’ – at the heart of a solution; a means for experts to collaborate equally on complex issues; a rapid, iterative process that can adapt to changing circumstances; d hi hl i h bl l i h l d i land a highly creative approach to problem‐solving that leads to practical 

& innovative everyday solutions.

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Design thinking: Characteristics

The main characteristic of creativity & design thinking is the ability of

Design thinking: Characteristics

The main characteristic of creativity & design thinking is the ability of divergent thinking, bringing different approaches together to find new solutions for complex and ill‐defined problems. 

B‐school meets D‐school(Or left‐brainers meet right‐brainers).

Design schools create the tools of transformation and graduate the people to implement them.

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Design thinking: Characteristics

Design Thinking is a focus on synthesis rather than analysis

Design thinking: Characteristics

Design Thinking is a focus on synthesis rather than analysis (“Multidisciplinarity” , “Get the big picture”)

Designers problem‐solve holistically not in a linear fashion While theDesigners problem solve holistically, not in a linear fashion. While the scientific method for problem solving uses problem‐focused strategies and analysis, designers use solution‐focused strategies and synthesis.

Good Design Thinking is the ability to see things not readily apparent to others (and that's where market differentiation can occur). 

It's the ability to see the 'edges' of something, to find shape and form in a mass of stuff. It's the ability to see things differently – to see the implicit and make it explicit.

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Design thinking: Characteristics

Design Thinking it is not a matter of saving money or "controlling" risks

Design thinking: Characteristics

Design Thinking it is not a matter of saving money or "controlling" risks. It is about survival and being truly honest with customers.

A design‐driven approach to creating something new favors a qualitativeA design driven approach to creating something new favors a qualitative approach over a data‐driven approach. 

Rather than amassing mounds of data from customer and market gresearch, you go out and observe people to understand their lives and needs and how products could fit into them (Ethnography). 

building empathy with customers.

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Design thinking: Characteristics

Design Thinking helps transform existing conditions into preferred ones, thus 

Design thinking: Characteristics

g g p g p ,improving the future.

There are no judgements in design thinking. 

This eliminates the fear of failure and encourages maximum input and participation. 

Wild ideas are welcome, since these often lead to the most creative solutions. 

Everyone is a designer and design thinking is a way to apply designEveryone is a designer, and design thinking is a way to apply design methodologies to any of life's as well as public & business organisation'ssituations.

(‐> Service design, social design, process design, decision‐making design, business model design, product design, web design, etc.)

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Design thinking: ProcessDesign thinking: ProcessEXPLORATORY MINDSET

i i i d " i id if ll h l i i h h iDecision mindset: "I am going to identify all the alternatives, weigh their consequences, and choose one.“

Design mindset: "Many of the alternatives are yet to be discovered, and the true g y y ,consequences of choosing any of them are difficult to be sure of; let's iteratively explore the possibilities together, discovering new ones and choosing as best we can at each step.“

DESIGN PROCESSDesign thinking is built on confidence in The Design Process:understand the context you are addressing ‐‐ the people, relevant activities and 

environments ‐ the forces at work must necessarily shape any workable solutiontry to conceive something that might serve the situation you've started to 

understandembody the potential solution in some form that lets you put it into the targetembody the potential solution in some form that lets you put it into the target 

context and see how it worksthis takes you back to the "understand" step, and around you go again.

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Design thinking: ProcessDesign thinking: Process

Design thinking norms


Define Observe & Research

Ideate & Co‐create Choose Prototype 

& testImplement& learn

Think visually – Tell stories

Characteristics of tools & methods

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Design thinking: Think visually & tell storiesDesign thinking: Think visually & tell stories

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Design thinkers: Skill setsDesign thinkers: Skill sets

EmpathyIntegrative thinkingO i iOptimismExperimentalismCollaboration


It’s about how to use product, communication, interaction and spatial designers’ core skills to transform the ways in which the public interacts with systems, services, organisations and policies.

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Design thinkers: Skill sets

E th

Design thinkers: Skill sets

EmpathyAbility to imagine the world from multiple perspectives – those of 

colleagues, clients, end users and customers

“People first” approach: imagine solutions that are inherently desirable and meet explicit and latent needs.

Notice things instantly that others don’t see (Ethnography)

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Design thinkers: Skill sets

I t ti thi ki

Design thinkers: Skill sets

Integrative thinkingNot only relying on analytical processes (that produce either/or choices)

But also seeing the salient and sometimes contradictory aspects of aBut also seeing the salient – and sometimes contradictory – aspects of a confounding problem and creating novel solutions that go beyond and dramatically improve on exiting alternatives.

OptimismNo matter how challenging the constraints of a given problem at leastNo matter how challenging the constraints of a given problem, at least 

one potential solution is better then the existing ones. 

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Design thinkers: Skill sets

E i t li

Design thinkers: Skill sets

ExperimentalismSignificant innovations don’t come from incremental tweaks. Design 

thinkers pose questions and explore constraints in creative ways that progress in entirely new directionsprogress in entirely new directions. 

Collaborationincreasing complexity of products services and experiencesincreasing complexity of products, services, and experiences

replaced the myth of the lone creative genius with the reality of the enthusiastic multidisciplinary collaboratorenthusiastic multidisciplinary collaborator. 

design thinkers don’t simply work alongside other disciplines; many of them have significant experience in more than one & are used to working g p gin multidisciplinary teams.

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Design thinking: Skill sets

"T‐shaped” people 

Design thinking: Skill sets

They have a principal skill that describes the vertical leg of the T ‐‐ they're mechanical engineers or industrial designers. But they are so empathetic that they can branch out into other skills, such as anthropology, and do them as well. 

They are able to explore insights from many different perspectives and recognise patterns of behavior that point to a universal human needbehavior that point to a universal human need. 

Tim Brown, CEO of design consultancy IDEO in‐t t ht l? 0%2C0strategy.html?page=0%2C0

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Design thinking: The design of businessDesign thinking: The design of businessRoger Martin, the dean of the Rotman school of management, another leading design thinker says that traditional firms must become more like a “design shop”:design thinker, says that traditional firms must become more like a  design shop :


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Design thinking: SummarisingDesign thinking: Summarising

Design thinking is a new mindset & set of methods  (inspired by traditional design theory) for solving today’s pressing economic, social & environmental problems, as opposed, but also as in addition to, the traditional analytical and quantitative methods.

It is a human‐centered approach built on empathy & ethnography that producesIt is a human‐centered approach, built on empathy & ethnography, that produces new, innovative and sometimes radical solutions in a multidisciplinary & participatory way.

These solutions are constantly prototyped, tested and implemented in an iterative process.

These solutions generate consistent bridge experiences that create new values forThese solutions generate consistent bridge experiences that create new values for the consumer & the provider.

UX design for the web & service design are practices that are perfectly in line withh d i hi ki & i d I ’ b l i l k di i lthe design thinking process & mindset. It’s about applying long known traditional design methods & processes in product design to more complex, abstract, interactive & intangible things.

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