Download - UW-L Upward Bound School Update - May 2011



Interim Director: Paul Krause Office: (608) 785-8760 [email protected] Student Services Coordinator: Cathy Van Maren Office: (608) 785-8539 [email protected] Student Services Coordinator: Michelle Stertz Office: (608) 785-8757 [email protected] Advisor: Lisa Yang Office: (608) 785-8763 Mobile: (608) 738-9876 [email protected] 176 Murphy Library 1725 State Street La Crosse, WI 54601 Office: (608) 785-8539 Fax: (608) 785-8757 [email protected]


W ith the school year winding down, we here at Upward

Bound at UW-La Crosse are already looking toward next

year‟s class of pre-college participants. We are currently seeking ap-

plications from incoming high school freshmen and sophomores.

New applicants would join 75 other college-bound students from six ar-

ea high schools to participate in programming that will prepare them for

post-secondary success—from weekly tutoring to college visits to com-

munity service to our residential summer program.

Students are eligible if they meet our low-income guidelines or

if neither parent in their home has a four year college degree. Up-ward Bound students

are four times more

likely to earn a college

degree than students

from similar backgrounds who aren‟t in Upward Bound.

Interested students should fill out an application in their guid-

ance office or on our web site. Once we receive their application, Up-ward Bound staff will request additional information from parents and

school counselors.◄

Eligibility Guidelines:


Apply Online:


Spring 2011






On Saturday, February 12, about 40 Upward Bound stu-

dents assembled in the Cartwright Center at UW-La Crosse for

our annual Pre-College Fair. Keynote speaker Dr. Paula Knud-

son, Assistant Chancellor and Dean of Students at UW-L, re-

counted her educational journey and advised students about

how to get the most out of their college experience. Next, stu-

dents split up into groups based on grade level and attended

workshops covering topics like college planning, time manage-

ment, and financial literacy. Afterward, everyone gathered at

All Star Lanes for bowling and pizza.

Saturday, April 2 brought glorious weather and a great turn-

out for UB‟s annual Community Service Day. Over 40 students

completed volunteer projects with Wisconsin‟s Adopt-A-

Highway Program, the Children‟s Museum of La Crosse, the La

Crosse Parks and Recreation Department, the La Crosse

Community Theatre, and the Kane Street Community Garden.

UB students also visited Viterbo University on February 26,

UW-Madison on April 15, and UW-La Crosse on April 29. The

Madison group also attended the annual Engineering Expo to

explore career opportunities in engineering related fields.◄

Miranda A. UW-Eau Claire

Sabrina B. UM-Twin Cities

Kaitlyn B. UW-Eau Claire

Mai Chou H. UW-Stout

Sou Thee H. UW-Madison

Mengmor L. Western Tech.

Bobby L. UW-Madison

Nhia L. UW-Green Bay

PaChoua L. UW-La Crosse

Kiswana R. UW-Milwaukee

Erin T. UW-Milwaukee

Ethan T. UW-Stout

Maurena T. UW-Oshkosh

Fong V. UW-Madison

Joseph V. Western Tech.

Mai Khoua V. UW-La Crosse

Sheng Y. UW-La Crosse

Tou Y. UW-La Crosse

With acceptance letters in hand, many

of our graduating seniors have selected

the college they will

enroll in for fall 2011.

In fact, of the 19 sen-

iors currently active in

Upward Bound, 18

are enrolled in a col-

lege or university for

the fall. Be sure to

congratulate the fol-

lowing students on their college decisions!

Page 2



Upward Bound senior Sou

Thee H. has been awarded the

Theodore Herfurth Scholarship

from the University of Wisconsin

-Madison, a renewable, four-

year scholarship worth $6,000

per year!

95% of seniors

enrolled in


Spring 2011


To better prepare them for the rigors of college

admissions tests, Upward Bound at UW-La Crosse

requires all of our juniors to take the PSAT offered

at their high schools in the fall. All Upward Bound

juniors are eligible to receive a PSAT fee waiver

from the College Board.

From the College Board website:

Because the pool of fee waivers is limited, you are asked to base the number of fee waivers you re-quest on the guidelines outlined below: The student must be in the 11th grade. Your school must agree to waive any local ad-

ministrative fees for these students. The student must be either:

A member of a family receiving public assis-tance

A resident in a federally subsidized public housing project or a foster home

An enrollee in a program that aids economi-cally disadvantaged students, such as the federal free or reduced lunch program, Up-ward Bound, TRIO, or a local or state pro-gram intended to aid students who are eco-nomically disadvantaged

In May, current Upward Bound sophomores will

submit a PSAT Fee Waiver Request form to their

school counselors. Please help our students meet

our program requirements by honoring their re-

quests for PSAT fee waivers. Thanks!◄


More info on our School Staff Page:




Last Day of UB


UB Potluck &

Awards Party

ACT Test Summer UB


Last Day to

Order PSAT

Fee Waivers

Thu., May 5 Fri., May 6 Sat., June 11 Wed., June 15 Wed., June 15

Our six-week residential summer program will be

here before you know it, and we‟re hard at work

planning an experience that will prepare our stu-

dents for success in college.

Summer UB participants will live in a UW-L resi-

dence hall from Sunday nights through Friday after-

noons, and go home on weekends. While they‟re

with us, they will spend most of their time taking

classes designed to prepare them for their high

school classes in the fall (math, science, language

arts, world language, and study skills courses taught

by local licensed teachers). Students will also en-

gage in fun activities that develop other interests

and help them make new friends—like arts and rec-

reational classes and small group time. We‟ll also

throw in a few hours of supervised free time to give

students a break.

After five weeks of classes, we‟ll take students in

good standing on a three-day trip to Milwaukee.

There, we‟ll stay on a college campus, visit area col-

leges and universities, check out local businesses,

dine at exciting restaurants, and experience the cul-

tural scene of a big city.◄


Page 3

Page 4 Spring 2011







32% of seniors in the

top 15% of their class

63% in the top 40%

37% in the top 25%




Of the 19 seniors currently active

in Upward Bound, 18 are enrolled in a

college or university for the fall. And

many of them got there by earning

great grades. While Upward Bound

serves students with a wide range of

academic abilities, many of our stu-

dents rank at the top of their high

school classes.




Upward Bound at UW-La Crosse is a TRIO program funded by the U.S. Department of Educa-tion. Every few years, TRIO pro-grams across the country compete for limited federal funds so they can help low-income and first-generation students achieve aca-demic excellence. But adequate funding for TRIO programs, includ-ing Upward Bound, is in danger under new cuts to federal spend-ing.

Under a new budget approved in April by the White House and Congress, TRIO programs will see $26.6 million in cuts, which, according to the Council for Oppor-tunity in Education, “in all probabil-ity, will eliminate TRIO services to 90,000 students.” We will soon begin writing our grant application so that we can continue providing services to our students beyond August 2012. Up-ward Bound at UW-La Crosse has

a proven record of helping low-income and first-generation stu-dents succeed in high school, col-lege, and beyond. Our participants are four times more likely to earn a college degree than students from similar backgrounds who aren‟t in Upward Bound. In short, Upward Bound works!

More info at COE’s website:


Emmanuel Cannady, a 2002 La Crosse Central

graduate, has experienced Upward Bound from the

perspective of a student, tutor, and intern, and now

he‟s focusing his career on helping the next genera-

tion of students reach their full potential.

“I absolutely loved my Upward Bound experi-

ence,” says Cannady. “I think it mostly showed me

how important academic success

is to overall success in today‟s

world. Being raised by a single

mother, we never had the re-

sources that so many of the stu-

dents I currently work with have.

We were at a disadvantage, but

Upward Bound was the equaliz-


Cannady took advantage of

Upward Bound‟s range of ser-

vices--from weekly tutoring to

college visits--to make his col-

lege dreams a reality.

“I would have never been able

to go to college visits without Up-

ward Bound,” says Cannady. “My mom could not

afford to take off work to drive me to visits, so it was

a major help that Upward Bound could help me de-

cide what I wanted in a college. Most importantly,

having the experience of working and living on a col-

lege campus made my transition to college so much

more fluid. Because of Upward Bound, my question

wasn‟t „Am I going to College?‟ but instead, „Which

college am I going to?‟”

Cannady decided on Jamestown College in North

Dakota, where he studied for two years before trans-

ferring back to UW-La Crosse to complete his bach-

elor‟s degree in mathematics and psychology (and

tutor Upward Bound students in math and French).

He stayed on to earn his master‟s degree in student

affairs administration in higher education from UW-L

(completing a semester-

long internship with Up-

ward Bound in the pro-

cess), and now works at

Gonzaga University in

Spokane, Wash. as a

Resident Director.

“What I like most

about my current job is

working with students to

help them see their po-

tential and give them

tools to maximize that.

Because of the support I

received throughout my

high school and college

experience, this a way of paying it forward to the fu-

ture students,” Cannady says.

Cannady‟s story shows how Upward Bound can

help students achieve an enriching education and a

fulfilling career. But can Upward Bound also give

students a leg up in love?

“I am getting married this summer, and my future

wife was an Upward Bound tutor as well!”◄



Page 5 Spring 2011


Current enrollment: 24

Now recruiting

8th and 9th graders!

9th: Lawrence J. Tyler K. Andrew S. Whitney T. Chevana V. Linda V. Katherine W. 10th: Mai Nue L. Yer L. Larry X. Lee X. Mai Yer X. Chai Y. Fue Y. 11th: Pakouda M. Ann V. Mai Zoua V. 12th: Mai Chou H. Mengmor L. PaChoua L.

Fong V. Joseph V. Mai Khoua V. Tou Y.


tutoring @ Holmen

High School

has concluded for

the year


Current enrollment: 11

Now recruiting 8th, 9th and 10th graders!

9th: Darian K.

Dana M.

Morgan R.

11th: Michael B.

Katelyn B.

Michelle H.

Zachary K.

Blair M.

Sarah R.

Skye W.

12th: Kaitlyn B.



tutoring @ Sparta

High School

has concluded for

the year

Current enrollment: 8

Now recruiting

8th, 9th and 10th graders!

9th: Samantha A.

Dillon B.

Leigh Anna E.

Margret V.

10th: Zakary J.

Timothy J.

11th: Alexander H.

12th: Miranda A.



tutoring @ Tomah

High School

has concluded for

the year

Page 6 Spring 2011

Thursday tutoring

@ UW-La Crosse has concluded for the year


Current enrollment: 20

Now recruiting

8th and 9th graders!

9th: Hannah K.

10th: Dan D.

Jason H.

Gao L.

Pa Kou M.

Atyanna R.

Lakysha R.

Matilda S.

Yer V.

11th: Van N.

Tanshanita R.

GaoSeng Y.

12th: Sabrina B.

Devin C.

Sou Thee H.

Bobby L.

Nhia L.

Kiswana R.

Erin T.

Ethan T.

La Crosse Logan

Current enrollment: 12

Now recruiting

8th, 9th and 10th graders!

9th: Sabrina D.

Jordyn T.

10th: KaBao Y.

11th: Siesha M.

MaLia T.

Cheng Por V.

Tong V.

Tou Long V.

Hai Va Y.

Shue Shiane Y.

Vang Y.

12th: Maurena T.

La Crosse Central

Current enrollment: 3

Now accepting


10th: Ma Y.

11th: Toua Y.

12th: Sheng Y.



Tutoring will r


in September!

Page 7 Spring 2011

Paul Krause Interim Director


After many years as Assistant

Director, Paul has taken over as

UB‟s Interim Director. Paul has

been with the UB program since


Lately, he has been working

more behind the scenes, plan-

ning for our summer program and

preparing our grant application.

Paul is a UW-L graduate who

enjoys sailing, traveling, racing,

and hockey.

Cathy is UB's Administrative

Specialist. She sometimes refers

to herself as “the office fossil” be-

cause she‟s been with UB the

longest: since 1985!

You‟ve probably spoken with

Cathy on the phone or received

mail from her, since she does

most of the office correspond-

ence, publishing, and record-


A graduate of Iowa State, she

also took many classes at the

University of North Carolina. Her

interests include her family, poli-

tics, alternative energy and trans-

portation, the Netherlands, gar-

dening, Waldorf education, music

composition, and bicycling.

Cathy Van Maren Student Services Coordinator

After five years with Upward

Bound—as tutor, summer Lan-

guage Arts teacher, AmeriCorps

paraprofessional, and most re-

cently, Advisor—Ben is moving

to Milwaukee to begin graduate

school. He will miss the students

and school staff that make UB

such a great place to work.

Ben Penlesky Advisor

A UB grad (Central ‟99), Lisa

joined us as a Student Advisor

this summer. She is an alumna of

UW-La Crosse (‟05) with a BA in

Sociology. Since summer of 2007

she has been the Chinese

Teacher for Summer UB.

Lisa advises students at their

schools in addition to supervising

tutoring sessions. This semester

she spends Mondays at Holmen

High School, Tuesdays at Ona-

laska High School, Wednesdays

at Logan High School, and Fri-

days at Central High School.

Lisa Yang Advisor

Michelle will graduate from

UW-L with a Master‟s of Science

in Student Affairs Administration in

May 2011.

She‟s been hard at work coor-

dinating recruiting visits to our middle schools, inter-

viewing new applicants, and advising current stu-

dents. This summer, Michelle will teach our Senior

Seminar class, which allows students to research

colleges and prepare for the college application pro-

cess. She will also work with our Bridge students

taking college classes at UW-L and WTC to prepare

them for their first semester of college in the fall.

Michelle is a graduate of Winona State University

where she was an Ambassador (campus tour guide)

and worked in the Advising office. She enjoys bak-

ing, reading, rollerblading, four-wheeling, snowmo-

biling, and listening.

Michelle Stertz Student Services Coordinator


Page 8 Spring 2011