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Page 1: Uvo express 05 03 2014


20 000 COPIES WEEKLY Port St Johns | Mbizana | Flagstaff | Lusikisiki | Mt Ayliff | Ntabankulu | Mount Frere

THURSDAY March 6, 2014 | 0 039 251 0834 | www.uvoexpress | | [email protected] or [email protected] | Previously known as the Uvo Lwethu Fever EDITOR: BETTIE GILIOMEE


THE renovations of the Ntabankuluhospital was given a go ahead bythe Eastern Cape Department ofHealth during a sod turning cere-mony held at the hospital last

week Monday.

The R320 mil-lion hospital ren-ovations are ex-pected to resultin 100 beds andwill ensure thatpatients have ac-cess to all the oth-er service pack-ages an urbanhospital usuallyhas.

The people ofNtabankulu hadlong been wait-ing for the revi-talisation of thishospital whichwas announcedby Thabo Mbekiwhen he was stillthe country’spresident during

his visit in area on September 2011.The hospital renovations were set to start

right after Mbeki left, but due to the WorldCup Tournament, the money was diverted toconstruct the Nelson Mandela Bay Stadiumin Port Elizabeth.

After the World Cup was over the hospitalboard met with the MEC for Health, SiceloGqobana who committed that the hospitalwould be built together with the Lilitha Nurs-ing College next to the hospital before the year2014 ends.

These two projects were set to go togetherbut the construction of the college will starta little bit later than the hospital.

Approximately 600 local people would be

employed during the construction ofwhich 200 people would be trained so thatthey would be able to use the skills gainedeven when the project was completed.

MEC Gqobana outlined the objective be-hind the whole process of handing over the

Ntabankuluhospital upgrade isago

MEC for the Department ofHealth Sicelo Gqobana.PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Members of Mtyhintyini food security project and MEC for Social Development Pemmy Majodina showing the spinach that was harvested bythem in their garden. Read more about this exciting project on page 4. . PHOTO:BABALWA NDLANYA

project officially to the community. He saidthey have adopted this hospital as one of thehospitals that help rural communities in ahuge way, which was why they had to makesure that it was always serviced and had effi-cient resources to help the Ntabankulu com-

munity. “We are so excited about the renova-tions of the hospital but what we are more ex-cited about is the college that will be builtcloser for our children to study closer tohome,” said a community member, Tanda-bantu Sibisi from Ntabankulu.

Project harvests food security



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Page 2: Uvo express 05 03 2014

2 NewsMarch 6, 2014Uvolwethu Express


THE MEC for Local Government and Tradi-tional Affairs, Mlibo Qoboshiyane, officiallyappointed Nqaba “Sikhokhele” Nota as therightful chief of the AmaHlubi tribe in May2013 and he will be officially installed on July11.

This was after numerous family disputesregarding the chieftainship which was tem-porarilyheld byGertrudeThandekaNotaSte-ven whilst Nqaba was still young and pursu-ing his university studies.She refused to step downwhich angered the

amaHlubi family members.

Several attempts were made by familymembers to get Gertrude to step down

since Nqaba was ready to take the throneas chief.

They also said they were not satisfied with

her as she hadn’t brought any developmentto Rhode village outside Mount Ayliff.

The clan was also unhappy about the factthat she was married to the Steven and wasno longer representing the clan familyname.After having so many temporary chiefs,

the family sat down and looked back on thetraditional hierarchy to determine the right-ful chief.It was decided Nqaba, the grandson of the

late Nkosi Jongintaba Nota, was the one nextin line.Community member, Des Ndema, who was

speaking on behalf of the community, saidthat they were now happy with the decisionthat the MEC had taken as their new leaderis educated and still young andwouldhelp thecommunity by creating opportunities forthem.He said theywere honoured by the appoint-


KingofAmahlubi takes the throne


THE Alfred Nzo District Farmers’ organi-sation hosted a Road Show at Rhode Vil-lage, Mjila Junction in Mount Ayliffwhere they educated communities abouttaking care of their livestock and cattle.

Walaza Mazule, who is the chairpersonof the National Emergence Red meat Pro-ducer’s Organisation (NERPO), said thatthey are an organisation working aroundthe Alfred Nzo District which is helpingthe farmers to register on the governmentdata base so as to get assistance from thegovernmentwith livestock and cattlemed-ications and injections.“People that qualify to be farmers are

those who have cattle starting from 50 to300 and livestock that starts from 100,”said Mazule.At the show the speakers motivated

farmers to further develop themselves andgrow their businesses.They were also taught about different

types of medication that could help inkeeping their livestock and cattle healthy.“We want to grow our farms so as to pro-duce the best red meat in the province,”Mazule said. Mike Nkomo, who was partof the organising team for the road show,said it went very well, even better than ex-pected, as the attendancewas great and alltraditional leaders were present and bythat they are planning for this event to beheld annually.

Farmers’ RhodeVillage roadshowa huge success


THE Xholobeni community in Bizana has re-fused plans for the proposed mining in theirvillageas theyhavequestionsabout the jobop-portunitiesandgrowththat theminingwill re-portedly bring.

Nonhle Mbuthuma, a resident of Xholobe-ni, said that theystill didnotwant thisminingin their area as it would not bring develop-ment and that it was just a camouflage tomake people rich with the resources that thearea had to offer.“What job creation are people talking

about? This will need a lot of machine workmore thanhumanwork.Where is the jobcrea-tion in that?” asked Mbuthuma.TheXholobeni community had ameeting in

April 2013 about this issue and made it clearthat they did not want mining in the area.Mbuthuma said people wanted to do as they

pleased in their homelandand thatwasnot go-ing tohappenbecause thiswouldbeone-sided.He said the people would take and move on,leaving the people of the villagewith no devel-

opment at all. She said there were many chal-lenges to this mining business.“We have nothing connecting us to the peo-

ple that proposed this as they never came tous as the community with their proposal; allthey want to do is to destroy our area for theirbenefit.”The Mayor of Mbizana Local Municipality,

MakhayaTwabusaid theminingdevelopmentwas still on the cards but themunicipality, to-getherwith theminingpeople, areworking onchanging the mind sets of the Xholobeni com-munity members.“We want the majority of people there to

vote for the development so that it canproceedas we are sure that not everybody is againstit,” concluded Twabu.

XholobeniMining still inquestion

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The community of Rhodehad issueswith Gertrudebeing the leader as shehad brought nodevelopment to thevillage.

IN accordance with the editorial policy oftheUvoLwethuExpress, we invite readersto comment onmistakes in the newspaperandshall correct significant errors as soon

Uvo Lwethu Express Ombud detailsas possible. Send info to the ombudsman ofMedia24’s Community Press, George Claas-sen, at [email protected] orcall him at 0 021 851 3232.

Wewant themajority ofpeople there to vote forthe development so thatit can proceed . . .- MAKHAYA TWABU

Page 3: Uvo express 05 03 2014

3NewsMarch 6, 2014

Uvolwethu Express

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THE Ingquza Holy Cross Mkhambathi De-velopment committee (IHCMD) on behalf ofthe Department of Arts and Culture togeth-er with the Independent DevelopmentTrust (IDT), handed over the phase one con-struction site of the planned museum toDelex Construction Company at IngquzaHill in Flagstaff on February 25.

The sod-turning of the Museum, which

will cost R21 million was done by PresidentJacob Zuma in 2011 when he officiallyhanded over the site for construction.

The chairperson of the IHCMD commit-tee, Mzimkhulu Zibi said this was a happyday for them as they were now sure that themuseum would be built.

He said because the sod-turning ceremo-ny had been done three years ago, the In-gquza Hill community had lost hope thatthe Museum would be built since nothinghad happened after the ceremony.

“This will be a very useful Museum forthe young people of the Ingquza Hill as theywill learn a lot about the significant historythat Ingquza Hill has to offer,” said Zibi.

The IHCMD committee members saidthat they were proud of this museum as itwould be the pride of the AmaMpondo clanas many fallen heroes died at that place,fighting for this country’s freedom.

Zibi said they chose that location becauseit is at the centre of all AmaMpondo people,which will be easier for them to visit once

the museum had been constructed.The community of Ingquza Hill were not

happy that representatives from the De-partment of Arts and Culture and IDT werenot present to hand the project over them-selves but were more at ease when theyheard that the museum project was sched-uled to start last week Monday and wouldend on January 1 next year.

[email protected]

R21millionmuseumunder construction

< Mzimkhulu Zibi (Chairperson of community committee), Lungile Skenjana (Director of DelexExcell Builders), Nombuyiselo Nyoka (Secretary of the community committee) and Funwell Sibanda(Architectural technologist) at the handover in Flagstaff. PHOTO: YANDISA DLEMBULA

A plan of the proposed museum development.


ISIGQEBA sephondo laseMpuma Kapakunye noMasipala iAlfred Nzo District Mu-nicipality (ANDM) bebambisene neGovern-ment Communication and Information Sys-tem (GCIS) babebambe iingxoxo zoku-qwalasela indima esele ihanjiwengurhulumente woluntu e-Ingwe FET Co-llege kwidolophu yaseMount Frere ngomh-la ka February 12.

Ezi ngxoxo bezibanjwe ngeenjongo zoku-phuhlisa imfundo enomsila kumaziko eFETColleges ngenjongo zokuphuhlisa izakhonokulutsha kwanokukhulisa ezoqoqosho.Abaxoxi ebebechophele ezi ngxoxobathethe

besithi eli lizwe kufunyaniswa ukuba zi-lithoba iingxaki ezibalaseleyo kodwa ezonaziqatseleyo kukungaqashwa kwabantuabatsha nokungabikho kwemfundo kubo.

Lo mhlangano ubujoliswe ekutheni ku-phuculwe iizikolo zemfundo enomsila noqo-qosho. Kukwaqetshelwee ukuba nenani la-bafundi kumele ukuba lonyuke liye ku-fikelela ngaphezu kwesigidi. UMnuGamalenkosi Nkqayi wakwa Sector for De-velopment Agency (SEDA) eMount Ayliffuthe indima yabo kuku-ncedisa ulutsha olu-funaukuqala amashi-shini kwingingqi yaseAlfred Nzo.

Kwalapha, beziphakama ngokuphakamaizandla zabafundi befuna ukuqonda izintoezininzi ezingabalula ukwakhiwa kwenda-

wo zokuhlala abafundi, nokongezwa kwezi-fundo zabo neendlela abangancediseka nga-zo ekufumaneni imisebenzi.

UNoluthando Balfour ongumququzeleliwemfundo yomsila noqoqosho uyivalengokuthi ngumnqweno wabo nabo ukubakwenziwe iindawo zokuhlala abafundiesikolweni ngaphakathi kuwo onkeamaziko qha into esabambile ukuba ku-ngayiwa phambili kukunqongophala kwe-mali, kwanezinye iingxaki abafundiabadibana nazo, zisalungiswa.

Omnye wabafundi onguBusiswa Nkosi-yaphantsi uvakalise uvuyo ngezingxoxokodwa wakhala ngelithi libelincinci ixeshalalentlanganiso nanjengoko ibininzi intoabafundi abebesafuna ukuyithetha.

Iingxoxo zokuphuhlisa ulutsha lwaseAlfredNzo

Submit your story

For any news or events happening in your area contact us at 039 251 0834

Page 4: Uvo express 05 03 2014

4 NewsMarch 6, 2014Uvolwethu Express

With concern for the future ofemployees who were offeredvoluntary severance packages(VSPs) in 2013 during therecent restructure, AngloAmerican Platinum has asupport plan to help them findalternative livelihoods.

This includes:

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Tel: 014 596 0329




Projectharvestsfood securityBABALWA NDLANYA

THE MEC for Social Development,PemmyMajodina, launched food secu-rity projects atMtyhintyini in the Inx-uba Yethemba Municipality at Mid-dleburg, last week.

This project was funded in 2011 withR1,5 million by the department. It has24 members and it was established bycommunity members in 2004, eachmember contributing R100 permonth.Other donors, like the Accelerated

and Shared Growth Initiative forSouth Africa (ASGISA), the NationalDevelopment Agency (NDA) and theDepartment of Agriculture and WaterAffairs also cameonboard to assist theproject in growing it financially.A month ago, members of this

project sold some of their vegetablesand managed to generate R35 000 prof-it. They have been trained in projectmanagement, financial management,governance and marketing.On the day of the event Majodina

handed out school uniforms, schoolbags, sanitary towels and toiletries tothe value of R900 per pupil to 60 pupilsfrom two different schools in the Mty-hintyini Village.The chairman of the project, Sinde-

zama Bokolo, said theywere very hap-py to get such good support from theDepartment of Social Development.“They are encouraging us to contin-

uewithwhatwe are doing and our aimis to ensure that we keep fighting pov-erty in our area,” said Bokolo.According to the Spokesperson for

the Department of Social Develop-ment, Gcobani Maswana, the initia-tive of sponsoring school uniforms,formspart of a continuousprogrammewith the aim of helping pupils in need.“We would like to contribute to

more children if there is a need to doso. Our plan is to reach all ourmunici-palities and to assist many pupilsthrough this programme,” Maswanasaid.He said they don’t assist the chil-

dren by giving them uniforms only.“The department alsomakes sure thatthey further their studies at tertiarylevel.”Maswana said theywere also asking

people to ensure that they were takingpart in projects to help fight poverty.“ We fund various projects. We alsotrain memebers of the projects to ena-ble them to run and manage the vari-ous initiatives.”


RENOVATIONS to the home of the late ANCveteran OR Tambo at Nkantolo village hasfinally been completed.

The renovations to the home started at thebeginning of last year after Tambo’s sister,Gertrude Tambo, complained to the SA gov-ernment about the state of their homesteadand how it did not reflect that they were alsopart of the fight against the apartheid re-gime.

“My brother and I fought so much forthis country but we never saw any devel-opment when it comes to renovating ourhome. We have visitors coming from allover to see where Oliver originated,” add-ed Tambo.Nombini Sontsele from Nkantolo Vil-

lage said that they were overjoyed whenthey saw OR Tambo’s homestead beingrenovated as it was embarrassing thatsomeone who was respected in the historyof SA had a ordinary home as if he meantnothing to this country.Nosipho Ndzimakhwe who was working

at the OR Tambo homestead during therenovations said the money that she gotfrom working there helped her family alot.“We are very happy with the outcomes

of the OR Tambo homestead as it now re-flects the role the Tambo’s played in thiscountry for tourists to also respect.

ORTambohomesteadgetsawelcome facelift

Nosipho Ndzimakhwe during the renovations at the Oliver R. Tambo homestead last year.PHOTO:YANDISA DLEMBULA

Page 5: Uvo express 05 03 2014

March 6, 2014 Uvolwethu Express Advertisement 5

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Page 6: Uvo express 05 03 2014

6 NewsMarch 6, 2014Uvolwethu Express

What you should knowabout accessing your rights


For further information you can contactthe Department of Labour Head Office at:

Telephone number(s): (012) 309 4000Fax number(s): (012) 320 2059Email address: [email protected]

Department of Labour,working for you

The conditions of employment and minimum wages for farm workers in SouthAfrica are regulated by the Sectoral Determination No 13: FarmWorker Sector,SouthAfrica.

The Sectoral Determination stipulates that:• Farm workers should not work more than 45 hours per week and notmore than 15 hours overtime per week• Farm workers are entitled to have three weeks paid annual leave, 36 days ina three year cycle if the employee works for 6 days, three days familyresponsibility leave per annum and four months maternity leave• The minimum wages for farm workers which starts on 1 March 2014are as follows: R12.41 hourly; R111.72 daily; R558.60 weekly andR2 420.41 monthly•A farmer may deduct an amount not exceeding 10% of a farmworker’swage for a house supplied to the farm worker and may not deduct for thegrazing of a farm worker’s livestock• Farmers are required to give the farm workers pay slips and writtenparticulars of employment.


Readers’ viewson theBudget Speech

Sesethu Chiya: For the people who are usingtaxis everyday it is huge setback, I thought thefuel levy would drop but it didn’t and that willmean an increase in taxi fare.

Yonela Sinama: There are fewer jobs in ourcountry and yet all the important stuff like foodkeeps increasing. It is not fair because povertywill never end. PHOTOS: YANDISA DLEMBULA

; Aphilile Lumeza: I’m worried aboutthe increase of our daily needs

< Ogiyonke Cembi: My only concern is theway tax payer’s money is spent in this country,especially the child support grant for younggirls who do not even know what hard workand sweat means.











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UvoLwethu reporter,YANDI-SADLEMBULAspoketopeo-pleaboutwhat theythinkabout thebudgetspeechandthis iswhat theyhadtosay:

Page 7: Uvo express 05 03 2014



THE Alfred Nzo District Municipality (ANDM) togetherwith the Mbizana Local Municipality (MLM) held a Stateof the Province Address (SOPA) viewing for the Mbizanalocal communities at SithukutheziCommunityhall onFeb-ruary 21.

The SOPA was delivered by the Eastern Cape Premier,Noxolo Kiviet in Bisho where she talked about continuousimprovements in producing better matric results, develop-ment in terms of service delivery, bursary schemes and jobopportunities.Sheemphasised theneed for improvinghighereducation

and most importantly renovating health facilities.TheMbizanamayorMakhayaTwabusaid theywerehap-

py with the SOPA as it also affected development in the Al-fred Nzo District.TheStPatrick’sHospital inMbizanawasoneof thehospi-

tals in the premier’s address that is being renovated.“Wearealsogoingtomakesurethatthehospital isbeauti-

ful insideandoutsideaswehavereceivedmanycomplaintsabout the St Patrick’s hospital in the previous year,” saidTwabu.Ntobeko Mpetshwa from Sithukuthezi said the govern-

mentshouldnotonlypayattentiontohospitalsbutalso takea close look at how local clinics were being run.“Wehavepeoplebeingtreatedoutsideoneofthelocalclin-

ics herewhich is somethingwe do not like as community,”he added.

Viewingheld for stateoftheprovinceaddress

The Sithukuthezicommunitymembers withofficials fromAlfred Nzo DistrictMunicipalitylistening attentive-ly to SOPA.PHOTO: YANDISADLEMBULA

Mayor, Makhaya Twabu after the State of the ProvinceAddress viewing in Mbizana. PHOTO:YANDISA DLEMBULA


THEMethodist Church of SouthernAfrica (MCSA) to-gether with the Department of Social Development(DSD) donated school uniforms, including backpacks,to 63 school pupils from around the Alfred Nzo Dis-trict, at Brooksnek in Mount Ayliff on February 22.

NomgcoboMgilane fromDSD said the programwasdriven by the promise made by the Social Develop-ment MEC, PammyMajodina who committed to mak-ing a difference in pupil’s lives by making sure thatthey have all their school needs.“This is to make sure that school pupils are not dis-

rupted from their school routine, worrying about

what they do have and do not have,” said Mgilane.ReverendMzubanziHlongwanewhowas the coordi-

nator of the program said the Methodist Young Men’sGuild named this program as “Bless a child” with thepurpose of preaching the word of God by not onlypreaching but also by showing action.“All the Methodist departments participated in the

donations of these uniforms as they all wanted to con-tribute in making a difference in society,” said Rever-end Hlongwana.Majodina was expected to hand over the donations

but she could not make it and Reverend Gcobani Vikahanded the donations on her behalf. Vika said the gov-ernment had made it their “baby” to make the chil-dren of this country a priority.

Church plays part in encouraging education

NomgcoboMgilanefrom theDepartmentof SocialDevelop-ment givinga speech.PHOTO:YANDISADLEMBULA

Reverend Mzubanzi Hlongwana with some of the school pupils whoreceived uniforms. PHOTO: YANDISA DLEMBULA

Bishop Victor Tshangelablessing the uniforms thatwas donated to 63 schoolpupils. PHOTO:YANDISADLEMBULA

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Page 8: Uvo express 05 03 2014

8 NewsMarch 6, 2014Uvolwethu Express


THE problem of referees not pitching up toofficiate the games at the New Rest Stadiumin Lusikisiki was not because they had at-tendedaworkshopbut because there is a seri-ous problem which South African FootballAssociation (Safa) is trying to resolve.

Two weekends ago football lovers, whocame out in numbers to watch their teams,were told that the referees had to attend aworkshop. Last weekend there were again noreferees to officiate the games and they werepostponed again.According to a source, who opted not to be

named, the problem in the SAB CoastalStream league started when there were alle-gations that some referees were corrupt andwere involved in match fixing and refereesfrom Mthatha were used to officiate thegames. That problem was resolved but nowit seems the local referees are boycotting offi-ciating at the games.Safa’s League co-ordinator, N Sibhekedu

confirmed that Coastal Streamwere not play-ing because of some problems.These games that were being delayed were

making the leading teams uncertain aboutwhether they would claim the title and pro-ceed to the promotion league next season.TheMthatha Stream played their games as

fixtured last Sunday and all the winningteams scored three goals. Weekend results:

MadikizelaAll Stars 3 vsAmawisile 1, CapitalSpurs 2 vs Mthatha City 3, Master Kids FC 3

vs Green Mamba 1 and Ocean FC 3 vs BityiAll Stars 0.

Refereeproblem isbeingaddressed

2010 Storm Breakers are still sitting comfortably on SAB Coastal Stream log table. PHOTO: GREG NOTA