Download - Using RSS feeds for content curation and social scheduling


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RSS Feedsa working example of how you can harness RSS feeds to boost productivity

Starting with top RSS feed reader Feedly plug in your favourite content sources from the sites and blogs you visit most.

Feedly automatically updates your personalised feed and pulls in all the latest posts and presents them in an easy-to-browse format.

Each new article is presented with its featured image, title, source and an indication of how recently it was published.

Select an article that you would like to share and long-touch (or double-click) to activate your default share destination. [Set this up in your Feedly account settings]

For this workflow Feedly is set up to automatically save the selected article to my Pocket account.

Next stop is Pocket my first choice for bookmarking articles from around the web, whether I wish to read them later myself, or share them with others.

The article you selected in Feedly will appear instantly at the top of your saved articles showing image, source and the first few words.

Once again, long-touch your saved article

to reveal the actions shortcuts available, shown here on the left of the article.

Click once on the tick symbol this tells Pocket that you wish to archive the article. You are not deleting it, and can access your archives at any time in the future.

Each Pocket account creates its own RSS feed for all archived articles plug this feed into any other RSS friendly service, in this workflow I use Sniply to enrich my content.

Sniply works its magic automatically and generates its own outgoing RSS feed, which I have plugged into Postplanner (other services are available!).

This is the Postplanner dashboard for finding content to post or schedule to your social media accounts.

For my Twitter account I have two incoming feeds one from my WordPress blog and the other is the RSS feed generated by Sniply.

You can only view one feed at a time, so you will need to select the Sniply feed from the incoming feeds you have set up.

And here is the same article, in a list of other articles that have been fed to Sniply from various sources, and sent on through to Postplanner.

Hovering over the article displays options to share, add to Pinterest and also view the article in your browser click to share

and the article is presented ready for you to edit, add some words, add hashtags etc. Youll notice how the post image is also pulled through!

You can opt to Share Now, Share Next (these are drop down options) or Add to Plan, which will add it to your queue of scheduled posts.

And here is the post, added to the end of the queue of posts waiting to be published at my pre-determined times.

Here is the article as it appeared in my Twitter feedand if youre wondering what Sniply did

this is what will be shown to anyone who clicks the link!

Thank you for watchingplease visit my blog at www.workflowpro.xyzfor more productivity ideas.

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