Download - USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.

Page 1: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.




(A Pre-Experimental Research at the Seventh Grade of SMP Aisyiyah



Submitted to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

Muhammadiyah University of Makassar in Partial Fulfillment of

the Requirement for the Degree of Education in English Education








Page 2: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.


Page 3: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.


Page 4: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.



Fitrya Ramadhani. 2020. Using Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN) to

Improve Students’ Vocabulary (A Pre Experimental Research at the Seventh

Grade of SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa). English Education Department, Faculty

of Teachers Training and Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar. A

thesis guided by Eny Syatriana and Sujariati.

This research aimed to find out the improvement of the students‟

vocabulary by using Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN) at the seventh grade of

SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa.

This research used pre-experimental design with one group pre-test and

post-test. The population of this research was the seventh grade which consisted

of 81 students. The sample of this research was the VIIB which consisted of 26

students. The researcher used completion test as the instrument of this research.

Based on the research findings, the result showed that using Personal

Vocabulary Notes (PVN) was effective to improve students‟ vocabulary. It is

proved by the mean score of post-test. The mean score before and after treatment

(40.96 became 69.23) with the t–test value was greater than t–table 14.49 > 2.060.

The researcher assumed that using Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN) could

improve students‟ vocabulary and could be one of a good technique in teaching


Keywords: Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN), Improve, and Vocabulary

Page 5: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.



Fitrya Ramadhani. 2020. Menggunakan Personal Vocabulary Notes

(PVN) untuk meningkatkan kosa kata siswa (Studi Pre-Experimental di kelas VII

SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan

Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar. Skripsi ini dibimbing

oleh Eny Syatriana dan Sujariati.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan kosakata siswa

dengan menggunakan Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN) di kelas tujuh SMP

Aisyiyah Sungguminasa.

Penelitian ini menggunakan desain Pre-Eksperimental dengan satu

kelompok pre-test dan post-test. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VII

SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa yang terdiri dari 81 siswa. Sampel penelitian ini

adalah kelas VIIB yang terdiri dari 26 siswa. Peneliti ini menggunakan tes

penyelesaian sebagai instrumen penelitian.

Berdasarkan temuan penelitian, hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa

menggunakan Catatan Kosakata Pribadi (PVN) efektif untuk meningkatkan kosa

kata siswa. Itu dibuktikan dengan skor rata-rata post-test. Skor rata-rata sebelum

dan sesudah treatment (40,96 menjadi 69.23) dengan nilai uji-t lebih besar dari t-

tabel 14.49 > 2.060. Peneliti berasumsi bahwa menggunakan Personal Vocabulary

Notes (PVN) dapat meningkatkan kosa kata siswa dan bisa menjadi salah satu

teknik yang baik dalam mengajar kosa kata.

Kata Kunci: Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN), Meningkatkan, dan Kosa Kata

Page 6: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.



In the name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful

First of all, the researcher would like to express my praise and

thankfulness to Allah SWT for blessing, love, mercy, guidance, and most of all, to

finish this thesis with the title “Using Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN) to

Improve Students‟ Vocabulary (A Pre-Experimental Research at the First Grade

of SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa)”. Salam and Shalawat are addressed to the final

chosen religious messenger, the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

The researcher would be very grateful to many people who have

contributed their ideas and time in completing this final project. The researcher

give high appreciation and deepest thankfulness to her beloved parent, Sitti

Nuraeni because for her prayer, love, financial, and motivation for the researcher

success. The researcher also realized that in carrying out the research and writing

this thesis, many people have contributed their valuable suggestion, guidance,

assistance, and advice for the completion of this thesis. The researcher would like

to express her sincere gratitude to the following people who have supported and

made this thesis possible:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Abd. Rahman Rahim, S.E., M.M. as the Rector of

Muhammadiyah University of Makassar.

2. Erwin Akib, M.Pd., Ph.D as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education

faculty, Muhammadiyah University of Makassar.

Page 7: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.


3. Ummi Khaerati Syam, S.Pd., M.Pd for her academic advisor, also for all

lecturers and staffs of English Education Department for giving the

knowledge and guidance and help during the researcher‟s study.

4. The researcher high appreciation and great thankful are due to consultants

Dr. Eny Syatriana, M.Pd and Sujariati, S.Pd., M.Pd for their guidance

as well as motivation and their patience from the beginning until the end

of writing this thesis.

5. All lecturer and staffs of English Department for their guidance and

assistance during the years of the researcher‟s study.

6. Hj. Hasnah R, S.Ag the Headmaster of SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa,

thanks for accepted the researcher‟s doing this research.

7. Hasdalena Halik, S.Pd the English teacher class VII, thank you for the

time, supports, and suggestion that given to the researcher‟s.

8. Thank you for all the researcher‟s friends at English Education

Department2015 in Immortal Class.

9. Many thanks for all the researcher‟s beloved friends Keluarga Cemara,

Sulastri, Nur Mujahidah, Andi Chaerana, Nur Izmi Pratiwi, Hermiati

Ramli, Nurul Fadillah, Chaerul Anam, and Wandi Abi Mayu who have

always give me support and helped me in finished this thesis. Many story

in finishing of this thesis have been through together and thanks for almost

four years.

Page 8: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.


Finally, the researcher is fully aware that her writing is still far from being

perfect, however, the researcher hopes that this writing will be useful for the

improvement to English learner.

Makassar, January 31rd


Fitrya Ramadhani

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PAGE TITLE ………………. ............................................................. i

LEMBAR PENGESAHAN ............................................................... ii

APPROVAL SHEET ........................................................................ iii

COUNSELING SHEET 1 ................................................................. iv

COUNSELING SHEET 2 .................................................................. v

SURAT PERNYATAAN ................................................................... vi

SURAT PERJANJIAN .................................................................... vii

MOTTO ………………. ................................................................. viii

ABSTRACT ………………. .............................................................. ix

ABSTRAK ………………. ................................................................. x

ACKNOWLEDGMENT ………………. ......................................... xi

LIST OF CONTENTS ..................................................................... xiv

LIST OF TABLES ………………. ................................................. xvi

LIST OF FIGURES ………………. ............................................. xvii

LIST OF APPENDICES ………………. .................................... xviii


A. Background ............................................................................... 1

B. Problem Statement .................................................................... 6

C. Objective of the Study .............................................................. 6

D. Significance of the Study .......................................................... 6

E. Scope of the Study .................................................................... 7


A. Previous Related Findings .......................................................... 8

B. Concept of Vocabulary ............................................................. 10

Page 10: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.


1. Definition of Vocabulary .................................................... 10

2. Kinds of Vocabulary .......................................................... 13

3. Four Aspect of Vocabulary ................................................ 14

4. Teaching Vocabulary ......................................................... 16

C. Concept of Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN) ........................ 23

1. Definition .............................................................................. 23

2. The Application of PVN ....................................................... 24

D. Conceptual of Framework ........................................................ 28

E. Hypothesis ................................................................................ 30


A. Research Design ...................................................................... 31

B. Variable and Indicators of the Research ................................. 32

C. Population and Sample ............................................................ 33

D. Research Instrument ................................................................ 32

E. Data Collection........................................................................ 33

F. Technique of Data Analysis ................................................... 34


A. Findings ................................................................................... 37

B. Discussion ............................................................................... 41


A. Conclusion .............................................................................. 46

B. Suggestion .............................................................................. 47

BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................. 49

APPENDICES ................................................................................... 52


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Table 3.1 Classification Score................................................................................ 35

Table 4.1 The Improvement Percentage of Students‟ Score .................................. 39

Table 4.2 The Mean Score of Students‟ Pre-test and Post-test .............................. 39

Table 4.3 The Rate Percentage of Pre-test and Post-test ....................................... 40

Table 4.4 Test of Significance (t-Test) .................................................................. 41

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Figure 2.1 Model of Personal Vocabulary Notes ................................................... 26

Figure 2.2 Model of Personal Vocabulary Notes ................................................... 26

Figure 2.3 Conceptual Framework ......................................................................... 28

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Appendix I Lesson Plan/RPP ......................................................................... 54

Appendix II Instrument of Pre-test ................................................................. 78

Appendix III Instrument of Post-test ................................................................ 81

Appendix IV Teachings‟ Schedule ................................................................... 83

Appendix V Subject Material ......................................................................... 84

Appendix VI Score of Pre-test ......................................................................... 87

Appendix VII Score of Post-test ........................................................................ 88

Appendix VIII Analysis of Pre-test and Post-test .............................................. 89

Appendix IX Rate Percentage of Students‟ Score ........................................... 91

Appendix X Mean Score and Improvement Percentage ................................ 94

Appendix XI T-test Value ................................................................................. 95

Appendix XII The Distribution of t – Table Value ........................................... 96

Appendix XIII Documentation ........................................................................... 98

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A. Background

Vocabulary is one of English components define as the total number of

words in a language. Vocabulary is very important for the students who learn

English as a foreign language. Burton, 1985: 98 stated large vocabularies help

us to express our ideas precisely, vividly and without repeating ourselves

in composition. Moreover, vocabulary is very essential for success to

comprehend the language well, speak better, or composed a good writing.

According to Nation 1990: 22, it is expected that learners have to increase

their vocabulary by around 1000 words a year.

In learning, vocabulary plays an important role. The more vocabulary we

have, the easier it will be for us to understand the conversation or writing of

other people in that language and the easier it is for us to express the content

of our thoughts in that language verbally or in writing. Conversely, the fewer

English vocabulary we have, the more difficult it will be for us to understand

the conversation or writing of other people in English and it will be increasing

difficult for us to express the contents of thoughts in English, both verbally

and in writing.

The importance of vocabulary is demonstrated daily in and out of

campuses. In classroom, the achieving students possess the most sufficient

Page 15: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.


vocabulary. According to Nation 2001, realized that the acquisition of

vocabulary is essential for successful foreign language use and plays an

important role in the formation of complete spoken and written texts.

Vocabulary skill is often considered as a critical aspect of foreign

language learners as limited vocabulary in a second language, impedes

successful communication. Considering the importance of vocabulary

acquisition, Schmitt 2000 emphasized that lexical knowledge is central to

communicative competence and to the acquisition of a second language.

Nation 2001 described the correlation between vocabulary knowledge and

language practice as complementary. The skill of vocabulary enables language

use and conversely. Language use leads to an increase in vocabulary


As Vocabulary is very important thing because it can list of the words

used in some enterprise, a language user knowledge of words and the system

of techniques or symbols serving as a means of expression. That is why

everybody who learns English or a certain language should know the words.

The mastery of vocabulary can support them in speaking when they are

communicating to people can write and translate the meaning of words. If they

do not know the meaning of words, they will not be able to speak, write and

translate anything English. The students can be said gaining progress in

English, the mastery of vocabulary.

Page 16: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.


Alqahtani 2015, said that the acquisition of an adequate vocabulary is

essential for successful foreign language use because without an extensive

vocabulary, a language learner will be unable to use the structures and

functions. The learner may have learned for comprehensible communication.

Some research has shown that second language readers rely heavily on

vocabulary knowledge and the lack of that knowledge is the main and the

largest obstacle for readers to overcome.

The researcher had done an interview with some students at the SMA

Muhammadiyah 1 Makassar. Based on the interview, the researcher found that

the students usually had difficulties in translating sentences due to lack of

vocabulary. They said that was very difficult to remember new words they

have learned. Beside of that, they did not know the part of vocabulary. It made

them hard to answer the questions in the examination correctly. In fact, most

of questions in their examination consist of vocabulary test. The teacher

usually used conventional method in teaching vocabulary. That was the

teacher give the meaning of difficult words or ask the students to look the

words up in the dictionary.

Based on that condition the factor that influence in English ability is the

factor of the students itself and the factor of the teacher (who doubles as an

English teacher). Students are not able to memorize vocabulary because

students are less attention to spelling and meaning of the word what they

know. While the factors students‟ vocabulary mastery of the teacher factor is

Page 17: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.


the lack of creatively of teachers in using attract media or techniques that can

help students to be motivated to learn.

Considering the previous description, the researcher used Personal

Vocabulary Notes (PVN) technique to overcome the problems. It was one of

an effective and interesting way that could be apply in any classroom. It seems

obvious that varieties of teaching techniques need to maintain the interest of

the students. So that the researcher interested in trying one that could be used

by teachers to increase their teaching technique (in teaching English specially)

and help the students to improve their vocabulary, it is Personal Vocabulary

Notes (PVN) technique because this method was a good technique for

teaching English.

Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN) technique was one of the alternatives

from communicative learning technique. Harmer 1993:67, described that

Personal Vocabulary Notes element which were present in a language

classroom to help students to learn effectively and not make students boring

and scare. In Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN) technique the teacher tried to

arouse the student. The Personal Vocabulary Notes technique seems to

suggest that students came to lesson ready motivate to listen and increasing

with the teacher presentation.

Previously, several researchers had provided some strategies to overcome

the problem of vocabulary. Most of them were focus on the students‟

vocabulary using Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN). They are Antoniosyola,

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et al., (2012). On their research, they conducted by using Classroom Action

Research (CAR). The primary data were obtained by using vocabulary test

and classroom observation while the supporting data were obtained by using

documentation. By using Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN) technique in their

research, they found that students‟ vocabulary was improved. It proves that

using Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN) technique is very beneficial.

The gap of this research from other researchers is the other researchers

share Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN) with students and tell students to

write vocabulary they know or based on the vocabulary they know. They have

taught vocabulary using Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN) technique and

improve students‟ vocabulary. However, the researcher still make confused of

the students if the students did not know anything about vocabulary or

students did not know how to differentiate the parts of vocabulary.

Related to the previous study, the researcher showed the novelty of this

research by using Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN) technique to improve

students‟ vocabulary that more focus on the part of vocabulary special in noun

and verb. The researcher wants to make different with the other research. This

research used picture to limit students in thinking of vocabulary so students

did not confuse about what they write on the notes. Marish William defines

nouns as a word that is use to name a person, place, thing, Quality or action

can function as the subject of a verb.

Page 19: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.


B. Problem Statement

Based on the background above, the problem of this study was “Does the

use of Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN) technique can improve students‟

vocabulary at the Seventh Grade of SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa?”

C. Objective of the Study

Based on the problem statement of the study above, the objective of this

study was find out whether Personal Vocabulary Notes technique can improve

students‟ vocabulary in noun or not.

D. The Significance of the Study

1. For Teacher

Giving any useful input for English teacher to teach the students with the

easier method especially for improving the students‟ vocabulary mastery.

2. For Students

To motivate the students in studying English, especially in improving their

vocabulary mastery using PVN technique.

3. For Readers

Giving information and other method of teaching English in vocabulary


4. For Researcher

To give the information and inputs for the other researchers when they are

writing research on the same topic of improving vocabulary mastery using


Page 20: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.


E. Scope of the Study

This research explained students‟ improvement in learning vocabulary

through Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN). The research emphasize noun and

verb. The English vocabulary taken from certain theme of vocabulary for the


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In this chapter, this research explained about review of literature after

found out some researcher information about the Personal Vocabulary Notes

(PVN) technique itself and it selected well to support the problems or support

the title.

A. Previous Related Research Findings

The researcher reported several studies in improving the students‟

vocabulary, some researchers‟ findings are briefly cited as follows:

1. Hidayat 2016. The researcher conducted his research by using Classroom

Action Research (CAR) and used word game as a technique in improving

students‟ vocabulary. The sample were 38 students of 28 male, and 10

female students at Junior High School. He found that by using word game

had improved students‟ vocabulary. On the other hand, this research took

a sample of 26 students in Junior High School.

2. Yulianti 2015. The researchers conducted by using pre experimental

method with one group of pre-test and post-test design. The researchers

used personal vocabulary notes in improving students‟ vocabulary. They

took the data was multiple choice. As a result, they found that using


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Vocabulary Notes effective in teaching English vocabulary. While this

research conducted with same ability but different instrument to collected

the data.

3. Wardani 2015. The researcher conducted by using Classroom Action

Research and the instrument used primary data and the secondary data.

The researcher used word mapping strategy as her technique in improving

students‟ vocabulary. The result of their result showed the improvement

of the students. While in this research used pre-experimental method and

the instrument used pre-test and post-test.

4. Antoniosyola 2013. The researcher conducted his research by using

Classroom Action Research method. The researcher used personal

vocabulary notes in improving students‟ vocabulary. The researcher

found that by using personal vocabulary notes had improved students‟

vocabulary. While this research used pre-experimental method.

5. Panjaitan 2011. The researcher conducted his research by using

Classroom Action Research (CAR) and used Personal Vocabulary Notes.

The research was conducted in two cycles and each cycle consisted of

three meetings. Based on the diary notes, observation sheet, and

questionnaire, it was found that the teaching learning activities ran well.

The result of the researcher showed that the use of personal vocabulary

notes significantly improved students‟ vocabulary.

From the researchers‟ findings mentioned previously, there were some

similarities and differences with this research. The similarity of this research

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was they used Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN) and focused on the

vocabulary. Whereas the difference of this research was the method. In their

research, they used Classroom Action Research and there were some another

technique to improve students‟ vocabulary. Also the instrument to collecting

the data used observation and questionnaire sheet. This research focused to

improve students‟ vocabulary special in noun and verb, and used pre-

experimental method. This research instrument use pre-test and post-test. In

addition, in the Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN), the researcher included the

steps of language learning also, so that teaching and learning process was more


B. Concept of Vocabulary

1. Definition of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is the first and foremost important step in language

acquisition. If language structures make up the skeleton of language, then it is

vocabulary that provides the vital organs and the flesh. No matter what your

age, it is the cornerstone to success in any situation. Vocabulary words will

carry the ability to effectively communicate. Vocabulary is defined as “all the

words in a particular language”.

According to Joklova (2009), vocabulary is a list of words and their

combination in particular language. Khodareza 2012, stated vocabulary

learning is important because it is needed by learners to acquire a lot of words

so they can use the vocabulary in any needs especially academic needs.

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Vocabulary learning can be applied in classroom activities by teachers by

considering the level of language proficiency of the students so a successful

and effective vocabulary learning can be reached.

Vocabulary knowledge is not something that can ever be fully mastered, it

is something that expands and deepens over the course of a lifetime.

Vocabulary is acquired incidentally through indirect exposure to words and

intentionally through explicit instruction in specific words and word learning

strategies. As Steven Stahl puts it, “Vocabulary knowledge is knowledge; the

knowledge of a word not only implies a definition, but also implies how that

word fits into the world”.

According David 1995:116, vocabulary is the Everest of language for this

reason; a person who wants to be able to communicate in a certain language

has to master the vocabulary of that language for the first time. Vocabulary as

one of the language aspects have to be learned when people are learning


Sokmen 1997, said that it is impossible for students to learn all the

vocabulary they need in the classroom since there are so many words on which

teachers cannot spend time within the class time limit; thus, vocabulary

expanding process requires the higher level of autonomy as well as more

responsibility from learners themselves.

Famir 2005:11 stated that vocabulary is the contents and punctuations in a

language which are learned in complete sense. Words that have meaning

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when heard or shown although the words are produce individually when

communicate with others. Lomo 1996:16 concluded that vocabulary is the

stock of words and phrase in a language that used by a particular person,

subject and profession.

Similarly, in the dictionary of education written by Charter in Mulbar

2002: 7 stated that vocabulary is defined as follows:

a. Vocabulary is the contents and the function words of the language, which

are learned so thoroughly that they become a part of child‟s

understanding speaking and later reading and writing.

b. A list of words and sometimes phrase, usually arrange in alphabetical

order and defined a dictionary, glossary or lexicon.

c. All the word of language.

d. All the word used by a particular person, class, profession, etc,

sometimes all the words recognized and understood by particular person

although necessary used by him (in full, passive vocabulary).

Good in Mulbar 2007:8 gave some definition as bellow:

a. Vocabulary is the content function words of language, which are learned

so strongly that they become part of child‟s understanding, spelling and

the letter reading and writing obviously.

b. Vocabulary is the words having meaning when heard or seen even

though not produced by individual himself to communicate with other.

In addition carter in Muhmubah, 2005:10 point out that vocabulary is the

concept and function word of language which are so thoroughly that become

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a part of child‟s understanding speaking, reading and writing. Vocabulary is

the word having meaning when heard and seen even though it is not proceed

by individual to communicate with other sometimes all the words recognize

and understood by a particular person, although not necessary used by him.

From the statement above the researcher took conclusion that anything

words which has a meaning in communication, not only in speaking

communication but also in writing communication that the other person can

understand the meaning it could be a vocabulary.

2. Kinds of Vocabulary

Harmer 1993:159 explained two kinds of vocabulary, namely active

vocabulary and passive vocabulary;

a) Active vocabulary refers to all words the students have learnt and

which can be used in communication.

b) Passive vocabulary refers to all words which students will recognize

them when they see them in communication.

Harmer Schell in Sabaruddin 2003:6 classified vocabulary into three


a. Active vocabulary according to Schell is the words we customarily

use in speaking.

b. Reserve vocabulary is the words we know but we rarely use them in

speaking but we usually use them in writing.

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c. Passive vocabulary is the words we recognize vaguely but we are not

sure of their meanings, we never use them in either speaking or

writing; we just know that we have seen them before.

Generally vocabulary is divided into two parts based on it kinds which is

active and passive. Active vocabulary is words which are usually used by

people in speaking. While passive vocabulary is words which are rarely used

in speaking and writing but we never see them.

3. Four Aspects of Vocabulary that the Students Have to Know About

Harmer 1993:156-158 explained four aspects of vocabulary that the

students need to know about. The four aspects are word meaning, word use,

word formation, and word grammar.

a. Word Meaning

One word may have more than one meaning. The meaning of a word

depends on the context in which that the word occurs. Therefore in the

teaching of vocabulary, words taught to students should be presented in

variety of context to show various meaning.

b. Word Use

The meaning of a word can be changed, stretched, or limited by how it

used, and this is something that students need to know about in relation to

word use. Harmer (1993:157) states that students need to recognize such

as idiomatic use, metaphorical use, and word collocation.

1) Idiomatic Use. Word meaning is frequently stretched through the

use of idiom (idiomatic expression). Such “Cats and Dogs,” can be

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put into such a fixed phrase as it‟s raining cats and dogs, it means

very heavy rain.

2) Metaphorical Use. Metaphor is the use of word to indicate

something, which is different from its literal meaning. Such as the

word „hiss‟ which describes the way people talk as in “Don‟t move

or teacher are dead,” he hissed.

3) Word Collocation. Word meaning is also governed by collocation,

that is, which words go with each other. For example, such a word

„wrist‟ can collocate with „sprain‟ as in „sprain wrist‟, but it cannot

collocate with the word „head‟. So we cannot have such a

collocation as „sprainhead‟. On the country, the word „ache‟ can

collocate wit „head‟ as in „headache‟, but it cannot collocate with

the word „wrist‟. So, we cannot have such a collocation as


c. Word Formation

Word formation refers to word forms and how they are formed. Some

words are nouns, some words are adjectives, some words are verbs, etc.

The students need to know how to form adjectives from nouns, how to

form nouns to adjectives, how to form verbs to nouns, or from adjectives

and etc. For example, beauty (noun) changed to beautiful (adjective), or

beatify (verb).

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d. Word Grammar

Word grammar refers to such thing as the way words are used

grammatically. In English, for instance, some verbs are used without to

(can, may) etc. English verbs have tenses. Such as verbs “want” may

change to “wanted“, speak may change to “spoke” or “spoken.” The

students need to know they are used properly.

4. Teaching Vocabulary

In teaching vocabulary there are some requirements for us that are very

important to apply in the class.

Wallace 1989:27-31 indicated the main principle of teaching and learning

vocabulary as follows:

a. Aims. We have to be clear about our aims of how much vocabulary we

will teach.

b. Quantity. Having decided on what in involved in vocabulary learning we

may decide on the quantity of vocabulary to teach to become parts of

student‟s active vocabulary, and then we put number we will depend on

number of factors varying from class to class and learners. When there

still students may become confused, discouraged and frustrated.

c. Need. In most cases to decide what vocabulary is to be taught to the

students, a teacher may use course book or syllabus. In any case, the

teachers in choosing the vocabulary to be taught we refer to the aims of

the course and the objectives of the individual lessons. It also possible for

the teachers, in any case, to give the responsibility of choosing

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vocabulary to be taught to the students which are put in a situation where

they need them by using the teacher as an informant.

d. Frequent Exposure and Repetition. In teaching and learning vocabulary

lessons, there is needed certain a moment of the repetition until there is

evidence that the students learn the target words.

e. Meaningful Presentation. In presenting the vocabulary lessons, the

students must have a clear and specific understanding of the words


f. Situation and presentation. Situation and presentation, the word presented

are appropriated to the student‟s situation.

g. Presenting Context. Words seldom occur in isolation, so it is important

for the students to know the usual context the words occur in so from

beginning as it were among the words.

h. Learning Vocabulary in the Mother Tongue in the Target Language.

Teaching in the target words teachers should use words of the mother

tongue as a toot of compare similarities and differences of the words.

i. Guessing Procedure in Learning Vocabulary. Guessing Procedure in

learning vocabulary is a way in learning vocabulary. It leads students to

think the meaning of the new words taught.

5. Nouns

Jackson H 1982 stated that nouns generally refers to things in the

broadest sense. If we have a nouns for something, it implies that we view

it as thing (a process known as reification) for example; in English we

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have nouns for thunder and lighten, whereas in hope, a North-American

Indian Language, these concept can only expressed by verbs.

In Addition Emolyn 1950 said that noun is name of anything. It

may be the name of the person Joseph, boy, an object (boy), a Quantity of

something (pound, ounce, pint) a measure (yard, rod) an action

(involvement, performance), a state (death) an accordance (accident), a

since impression (sound, hoist) and a great many another of things.

a. Kinds of Noun

1) Proper nouns

Proper nouns is the noun which refer to unique things such as people

place, institution, the name of days of the week, months, historical,



a. Susi

b. Halifax

c. Sunday

d. Beltance

e. Juny

2) Common nouns

Common nouns is a noun referencing to a person, people, or thing a

general sense usually it should be written by using capital letter only when

it beings a sentence common noun is the opposite of a proper noun.

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a. Town

b. Sign

c. Miles an

d. Garden

e. Neigh board

3) Concrete Noun

Concrete noun is nouns which names anything (or anyone) that you can

perceive through your physical) sense; sight, taste, hearing and smell.


a. Table

b. Files

c. Dog

d. Flower

4) Abstract Nouns

Abstract noun is noun which names anything you cannot perceive through

your five physical sense, and it is the opposite of the concrete noun.


a. Freedom

b. Childhood

c. Justice

d. Happiness

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5) Countable Nouns

Countable nouns (or count noun) is noun with both a singular and plural

from, and it names anything (or anyone) that you can count, you can make

a countable noun can be made plural and attach it to a plural verb in a



a. Weekend

b. Table

c. Books

d. Chair

6) Uncountable Nouns

Uncountable nouns (or mass noun) is a noun which does not have a plural

from, and which refers to something that you could not usually count an

uncountable noun always takes a singular verb in a sentence.


a. Flour

b. Milk

c. Sugar

d. Salt

e. air

7) Collective Nouns

Collective nouns is a noun which a naming group of things animals or

person, we can count the individual members of the group; but you usually

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think of the group as a whole is generally as one unit, you need to be able

to recognize collective nouns in order to mountain subject verb agreement.


a. a class

b. a committee

c. a team

d. a gang

e. a group

Those are the kinds of nouns, but in this study, the researcher will focus

on the noun. Those are countable noun and uncountable.

6. Verb

Jackson 1982 stated that verb generally refers to action events and process

such as : given, happen and become they typically have a number of

distinct forms; infinitive (to walk), third person singular present tense

(walks), past tense (walked), present participle (walking) and past

participle (walked).

a. Kinds of verb.

Golden Berg G 1998 stated there are various kinds of verb those are:

1) Transitive verb

Transitive verb are verbs which need an object to make the perfect



a. The dog bits the men

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b. I push the door

c. She stuck the board

2) Intransitive verb

Intransitive verb are the verb which have perfect meaning without an



a. The cat sleep

b. The sun shines

c. The water boils

3) Auxiliary verb

Auxiliary verb is a close subclass verb and it has a mainly grammatical



a. To be : being, been, am, is, are, was and were

b. To do : do, does, and did (to make negative and interrogative)

4) Regular verb

Regular verb are the verbs that can be influenced by the tense form, and

the changing are regularly.


a. Received – received – received

b. Kill – killed – killed

c. Walk – walked – walked

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5) Irregular verb

Irregular verb are the verbs that can be influenced by tenses form but

changing is not regular.


a. Sleep – slept – slept

b. Think – thought – thought

c. Cut – cut – cut

d. Drink – drank – drunk

Those were the kinds of verb, but in this research the researcher only

focused on noun and verb.

C. Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN)

1. Definition

According to Kurzweil (2002), Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN) is a way

of developing student vocabulary in a personalized way while encouraging

them to become autonomous learners. The basic activity is very

straightforward. In and out of the class encourage student to write words in

their native language when they do not how to say the English word. In

monolingual classes, students can simply show their PVN to communicate,

but even in multilingual classes reading the word can be easier to understand

than hearing it. PVN can preserve the “all English” atmosphere in the

classroom by acting as a “savety valve” to lower student frustration when they

have difficulty expressing themselves.

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2. The Application of PVN in the Classroom

a. Creating the Need

According to Joshua Kurzweil to effectively set up Personal

Vocabulary Notes (PVN) in a class, the students must first feel the need to

learn vocabulary. A basic way to focus students and introduce Personal

Vocabulary Notes (PVN) is to give them a fluency task which will require

vocabulary that they do not have. This activity needs to be adjusted to the

student level. For example, for a lower level class teacher might just have

students describe their neighborhoods or what they did over the weekend.

For upper level classes the teacher might have them explain a movie or a

current event.

Many students have often developed the laudable habit of using only

"easy English" to express their ideas, so it is important to encourage them

to write Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN) while they speak, assuring them

that they both can use "easy English" and improve their vocabulary. Tell

students that each lesson they must get at least five Personal Vocabulary

Notes (PVN) per class. If they do not manage to get five in class, explain

that they need to think of words they want to know outside of class.

b. Establishing a Routine

It is important to make Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN) a habit in

class which is easy and natural for students to do. Using a daily journal

with a section for Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN) (along with class

notes, homework, etc.) helps in applying the method. In this way, students

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are not searching for scraps of paper to write notes but will have an

organized system for recording their Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN).

Whenever they are speaking in class the writer ask them to keep their

journals out on the desks and can easily check if they are writing Personal

Vocabulary Notes (PVN).

It is also important to discourage dictionary use in class or at least

during the communication activity as it disrupts the communicative task.

Students will often pull out their dictionaries or ask teacher how to say

something in English. In such situations, teacher just reminds them that

they can check later and that teacher does not want them to stop their

conversations. It can also be worth mentioning how many people look up a

word, say it, and then promptly forget it.

In addition to having students look words up, the researcher can devote

class time in which students ask the teacher and their classmates how to say

things in English. Regardless of whether the teacher speaks the first

language or not, this activity can be tremendous in raising student

awareness simply in showing how critical the context is in choosing the

best vocabulary item.

It is important to clearly model how to look up words using bilingual

and learner dictionaries. The researcher also encourage students to ask each

other for translations. The important thing is to stress context, as students

often just look up words and pick the first translation offered in their

bilingual dictionaries. The researcher should also model how to write

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example sentences. Admonish students not to copy dictionary sentences

and to make their sentences long enough to show the context. The

researcher usually do this by stressing that they will not receive credit

unless they use their Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN) to express their

own ideas.

c. Model of Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN)

The pictures below were models of personal vocabulary notes (PVN).

The researcher used stick notes that shared with students. Students wrote

vocabularies on the notes. The researcher also added images such as

classes, and house that became topics.

Figure 2.1 Model of Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN)

Figure 2.2 Topic “Class” that showed to the students

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The researcher used Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN) technique to improve

students‟ vocabulary. There were some pictures above that showed to students so

students not confused to write as many vocabulary as possible they know.

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D. Conceptual of Framework

Figure 2.3 Conceptual of Framework






Vocabulary by

using PVN




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Based on the conceptual of framework, this research used pre-

experimental research method. The first meeting the researcher explained the

purpose of the research. After that, the researcher gave the students pre-test.

Consist of 20 question, 10 multiple choice and 10 essay to know students

mean score before give the treatment. The next meeting, the researcher

explained about vocabulary.

The researcher explained the part of vocabulary. By using technique

Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN), the students were expected to find their

new words themselves that related to the keyword or target word and then

they put all new words in the notes. Thus, the researchers had to make some

repetition to the next meeting to help the students in understanding the new


The researcher explained the material. After that, the researcher gave the

students treatment and gave students daily notes to write at least 5 vocabulary

they know. Before class ends, the researcher checked student notes to know

students ability.

The last meeting, the researcher gave post-test or the same question of pre-

test. The writer checked students post-test which different from the pre-test.

So the researcher knew students ability after gave the treatment. After did all

the activities through Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN), the students

expected to have fun in learning and memorize vocabulary.

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E. Hypothesis

Based on the previous explanation, the researcher formulated the


1. Null Hypothesis (H0): there is no significant difference of students‟

vocabulary before and after using Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN).

2. Alternative Hypothesis (H1): there is a significant difference of students‟

vocabulary before and after using Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN).

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This chapter consisted of the research design, variable and indicator,

population and sample, research instrument, data collection, and data analysis.

A. Research Design

The method of this study used pre-experimental (one group pre-test post-

test) research design. This design presented as follows:


X1: Pre-Test

T : Treatment

X2: Post-Test

(Gay, 2006:282)

B. Research Variable and Indicators

Variables in this study was the use of Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN)

technique as independent variable and students‟ vocabulary as the dependent

variable. The indicator of this study was students‟ vocabulary mastery.

X1 T X2

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1. Independent variable

Independent variable (X) called a variable that influence (Arikunto, 2010).

The independent variable is the major variable, which is use by researcher

to investigate.

2. Dependent variable

Dependent variable (Y) called the effect variable (Arikunto, 2010).

Dependent variable is the variable that the researcher observed and

measure to determine the effect of the independent variable.

C. Population and Sample

a. Population

The population of this study was 81 students of tenth grade at SMP

Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. There were 3 classes, each class consist of

26-30 students.

b. Sample

The researcher chose at VIIB consist of 26 students.

D. Research Instrument

In any scientific study, instrument for collecting data is important. The

accuracy of the result of research is mostly dependent on how accurate the use

of instrument. This research instrument is a test. The test were multiple choice

and essay. Form of pre-test and post-test contain 20 questions. The students

learnt in learning and teaching process. Every single word in pre-test and post-

test was same.

Heaton 2005: 45 suggested how to make vocabulary test well, those are:

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1. Each option should belong to the same word class as the stem.

2. The key answer and distractors should be at the same level of


3. All options should be approximately at the same length.

E. Data Collection

The techniques that used in collecting data were pre-test and post-test. In

this research, there were six meetings. It consisted one meeting for pre-test,

four meetings for treatment, and one meeting for post-test. Each meeting last

90 minutes in the classroom.

a. Pre-test

At the first meeting, the researcher explained the intent and purpose of

the research and gave pre-test to the students.

b. Treatment

1. The researcher explained about Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN)

that being taught in the class. Then gave the material about

countable and uncountable noun. After that, the researcher shared

sticky note and showed picture to the students. The researcher

suggested the students wrote 5 or more vocabulary on Personal

Vocabulary Notes (PVN).

2. The next meeting, the researcher asked the students memorized the

vocabulary that they wrote before. Then, the students made a

sentence of each vocabulary they wrote. At the end of the class, the

researcher checked students‟ assignment.

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3. The fourth meeting, the researcher explained material of present

simple. Then the researcher shared a colorful sticky notes and

showed a picture to the students. The researcher suggested the

students wrote 5 or more vocabulary on Personal Vocabulary Notes


4. The fifth meeting, the researcher asked to the students memorized

the vocabulary that they wrote before. Then the students make a

sentence of the vocabulary. The end of the class, the researcher

gave feedback and checked students‟ assignment.

c. Post-test

The las meeting, the researcher gave the post-test to the students.

The result of the post-test calculated in order to know whether the

students‟ vocabulary improved or not by using Personal Vocabulary

Notes technique (PVN).

F. Technique of Data Analysis

In analyzing the data collected through the pre-test and post-test the

researcher used, the procedure as follows:

1. Scoring the students correct answer of the vocabulary test by using


(Depdikbud, 1985:8)

' X 100

Students correct answer Score

Total number of items

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2. The Classification of the Students‟ Score

Table 3.1 Classification of the Students‟ Score

NO Classification Score

1 Excellent 95 - 100

2 Very good 85 - 90

3 Good 75 - 80

4 Fairly good 65- 70

5 Fair 55 - 60

6 Poor 45 - 50

7 Very poor 0 - 40

(Jacobs in Soleha 2008:20)

3. Finding out the mean score of the students‟ answer by using the formula:



= Mean score

∑X = Total score

N = Total sample

(Gay, in Satria 1981:298)

4. Calculating the percentage of students‟ improvement based on the pre-test

and post-test.

P (%) =

x 100%


P : the percentage of the students‟ increase score

X1 : the total score of pre-test

X2 : the total score of post-test

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(Gay, 1987)

5. To find out the significant differences between the score of pre-test and

post-tes by using the formula:

t =

√ (



t : Test of significance

: The mean of the differences score

: The sum of total score of difference

D : The square of the sum score of different

N : The total number of student

(Gay, 1981:331)

6. Calculate the frequency and the rate percentage using the following



x 100 %


P: the percentage

F: frequency of the correct answer

N: the Total number of samples

(Sudjana in Nurjannah, 2016:30)

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This chapter presented the findings and discussion of the research. The

findings consisted of the data obtained through completion test to see the students‟

performance after being taught the materials of vocabulary through Personal

Vocabulary Notes (PVN) method.

A. Findings

This study aimed to know whether Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN)

improve students‟ vocabulary at the seventh grade of SMP Aisyiyah

Sungguminasa. The findings of this study can be seen as follow:

1. The Improvement of Students‟ Vocabulary

a. Students‟ Score in Pre –test and Post – test

A pre – test conducted to find out the data of the students‟ ability in

mastering vocabulary before the treatment given. The result of the test

showed the students‟ achievement in vocabulary before the treatment was

given. The higher score was 75 and the lowest score was 20. The mean (X)

was 40.96.

The post – test was also conducted to find out the data of the students‟

ability in mastering vocabulary after getting the treatment. The higher score

was 90 and the lowest score was 55. The mean (X) was 69.23.

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The improvement percentage can be seen in the following table:

Table 4.1 The Improvement Percentage of Students‟ Score

Indicator Vocabulary Improvement

(%) Pre-test Post-test

Mean Score 40.96 69.23 69.01%

The improvement of the students‟ vocabulary that are through taught by

using Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN) above also can be seen at the chart


Figure 4.2 The mean score of Pre-test and Post-test

The chart showed the significantly different of mean score of pre-

test and post-test. Before the treatment, the researcher conducted pre-test,

the mean score was 40.96. After the treatment, the mean score was 69.23.

It means that the progress happened after the Personal Vocabulary Notes

(PVN) applied in teaching vocabulary.









Pre-test Post-test Improvement

Page 52: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.


As the conclusion, it was relatively fair to state that Personal

Vocabulary Notes (PVN) in teaching vocabulary at the VIIB grade of

students SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa can improve students‟ vocabulary

especially in noun and verb.

b. The Rate Percentage of the Students‟ Score

The rate percentages of the students‟ pre-test scores were presented in the

following table.

Table 4.3 The Rate Percentage of Pre-test and Post-test Score

NO Classification Score Pre – Test Post – Test

F % F %

1 Excellent 95 – 100 0 0% 0 0%

2 Very good 85 – 90 0 0% 3 11.53%

3 Good 75 – 80 2 7.69% 5 19.23%

4 Fairly good 65 – 70 1 3.84% 9 34.61%

5 Fair 55 – 60 2 7.70% 9 34.61%

6 Poor 45 – 50 6 23.07% 0 0%

7 Very poor 0 – 40 15 57.70% 0 0%

∑ 26 100% 26 100%

The table 4.3 showed that in the pre-test, which was done before

treatment, which 2 students (7.69%) who belonged to „good‟ category, 1

students (3.84%) belonged to „fairly good‟ category, 2 students (7.70%) who

belonged to „fair‟ category, 6 students (23.07%) who belonged to „poor‟

category and 15 students (57.70%) belonged to „very poor‟ category.

While in the post-test that done after the treatment, from 26 students, there

was 3 students (11.53%) who belonged to „very good‟ category, 5 students

(19.23%) who belonged to „good‟ category, 9 students (34.61%) who

belonged to „fairly good‟ category, and 9 students (34.61%) who belonged to

Page 53: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.


„fair‟ category. Based on the result, it can be concluded that the rate

percentage in the post-test was higher than the rate percentage of pre-test.

c. Hypothesis Testing

In order to know whether the pronunciation ability in difference

between the pre-test and post-test at the level of significance 0.05 with

degrees of freedom (df) = N-1 (26-1), where N = number of subject (26

students). The value of t-table was 2.060. The t-test for independent sample

was applied. The following table showed the results of t-test calculation:

Table 4.4 T-Test of the Students Vocabulary

Components t-Test t-Table Comparison Classification

Noun and verb 14.49 2.060

t-test > t-

table Accepted

The data above showed that the t-table value was smaller than the t-

test value. It means that there was significant difference in students‟

vocabulary ability between before and after treatment using Personal

Vocabulary Notes (PVN). Vocabulary achievement to the null hypothesis

(H0) stated that teaching vocabulary by Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN)

was not effective to improve students‟ vocabulary and alternative hypothesis

was rejected. (H1) stated that teaching vocabulary by Personal Vocabulary

Notes was effective to improve the students‟ vocabulary was accepted. Since

the Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN) was effective to improve students‟

vocabulary, so the hypothesis proved in this research was alternative

hypothesis (H1).

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The difference showed that after giving the treatment, the students got

better vocabulary achievement than before. It could be seen that there was a

significance of the students‟ vocabulary achievement after the Personal

Vocabulary Notes (PVN) applied in teaching. It also can be concluded that

Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN) was effective in teaching vocabulary.

B. Discussion

In this section, the researcher presented the discussion about the researcher

findings of Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN) effective to be used in teaching

vocabulary for junior high school at SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. This research

conducted to find out vocabulary students‟ in term of noun and verb in the process

of learning by using Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN). Before giving treatment,

the data was 40.96. After giving the treatment, the data was 69.23. Based on the

results of the analysis, it showed that the use of Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN)

effective on the learning of English students in improving vocabulary.

The improvement of the students‟ vocabulary in terms of noun and verb. The

aim of this research was to find out whether the Personal Vocabulary Notes

(PVN) was effective to improve vocabulary and it was expected that Personal

Vocabulary Notes (PVN) improved the students‟ vocabulary. It concluded by the

students‟ score between pre-test and post-test had a significance of the students‟

vocabulary achievement after the Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN) applied in

teaching. The result showed the students vocabulary improved especially in noun

and verb after applied Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN).

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Based on the result, the students‟ mean score improved in noun and verb

because Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN) was effective to be used in teaching

vocabulary. Applying Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN) method the students can

learnt well, more fun and students can develoved their ideas. In view of

theoretical framework, teaching vocabulary by using Personal Vocabulary Notes

(PVN) technique could bring positive influences for students to increase students‟

vocabulary. It was because the students wrote their own vocabulary. According to

Kurzweil (2002) argues that students might forget a word easily, but using this

technique can make them remember word longer.

Basically, from the first until the last meeting of the treatment the researcher

did not have any difficulties to use this technique. Fortunately, the students were

not passive and they showed their enthusiastic while teaching and learning

process. It was proven when the explanation was given, the students were

stimulated to interact, think, and learn in teaching and learning process.

The researcher found some factors that caused or affected the results. First,

Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN) can help the students to be easier in improving

their vocabulary because they felt that they can learn English specially vocabulary

that was not boring and fun. The second, when the researcher gave the treatment,

the students were more interested because there was a picture shown and there

was a colorful sticky note given to the students. Third, after gave the treatment,

the students got knowledge about how to improve their vocabulary by using

Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN). The researcher found the difficulty while

conduct this research, it was a little tired for the teacher because the teacher

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should monitoring the students while discussing. The teacher would back and

forth to the students‟ table when they want to ask something.

In this section, the researcher discussed and compared the result of this

research with some previous researcher that also used Personal Vocabulary Notes

(PVN) as a technique in teaching vocabulary.

The first researcher, Wulandari (2015) conducted a research „The Effect

of Personal Vocabulary Notes on Vocabulary Knowledge at The Seventh Grade

Students of SMP Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya‟. The researcher suggested the

teacher can apply this technique in improving students‟ vocabulary as alternative

technique that could be used in teaching vocabulary.

Yulianti, et al., (2015) conducted a research „The Effectiveness Of

Using Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN) To Teach English Vocabulary‟. The

researchers conducted by using pre experimental method with one group of pre-

test and post-test design. The researchers used personal vocabulary notes in

improving students‟ vocabulary. They took the data was multiple choice. As a

result, they found that using Personal Vocabulary Notes effective in teaching

English vocabulary.

Ariansyah (2012) conducted a research „Students‟ Responses on

Personal Vocabulary Notes to Improve Students‟ Understanding Vocabulary‟.

This research used descriptive method. The instrument to collecting the data were

observation, questionnaire, and interview. The result of this research that obtains

positive response because the teacher used to utilize Personal Vocabulary Notes.

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It can be proven by average students who give positive responses in the

questionnaires. It was about 11.26 or 93.90% students give positive responses.

Aprilianty (2014) with her thesis „The Effectiveness of Personal

Vocabulary Notes (PVN) Technique on Students‟ Vocabulary Understanding. The

researcher conducted her research by using quasi experimental research. The

researcher took two classes as the subject of the study were experimental class

and controlled class. The result of the study was 34.00 for experimental class and

16.40 for controlled class. It can be concluded that Personal Vocabulary Notes

(PVN) technique was effective on students‟ vocabulary understanding.

Antoniosyola, H. (2013) conducted a research „Improving The Tenth

Grade Students‟ Vocabulary Achievement And Students‟ Active Participation By

Using Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN). The researcher conducted his research

by using Classroom Action Research method. The researcher used personal

vocabulary notes in improving students‟ vocabulary. The researcher found that by

using personal vocabulary notes had improved students‟ vocabulary.

Panjaitan (2011) conducted a research „Improving Grade VIII Students‟

Vocabulary Achievement By Using Personal Vocabulary Notes In SMP Santa

Maria Medan‟. The researcher conducted his research by using Classroom Action

Research (CAR) and used Personal Vocabulary Notes. The research was

conducted in two cycles and each cycle consisted of three meetings. Based on the

diary notes, observation sheet, and questionnaire, it was found that the teaching

learning activities ran well. The result of the researcher showed that the use of


Page 58: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.


By seeing several previous researches above, the researcher concluded

that students‟ vocabulary was improved by using Personal Vocabulary Notes

(PVN). Moreover, Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN) made the students more

active, enjoy, and interesting during the teaching and learning process of

vocabulary. The result of this research also showed that using Personal

Vocabulary Notes (PVN) technique could improve students‟ vocabulary.

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This chapter consists of two sections, they are conclusion and suggestion.

Conclusion present the finding of this research based on data analysis and

discussion in previous chapter, while suggestion deal with the researcher

recommends to do.

A. Conclusion

Based on the researcher findings and discussion in the previous chapter

and looking at the result of the research, the researcher found that applying

Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN) in the class, students‟ vocabulary at the first

grade of Aisyiyah Sungguminasa could be improved. The researcher analyzed the

data obtained from the students with one class of pre-test and post-test. The result

proved that this method was effective to improve students‟ vocabulary. The result

of t-test showed that t-test value was higher than t-table value (14.49>2.060).

Therefore, it could be concluded that alternative hypothesis (H1) was accepted and

the null hypothesis (H0) was rejected. It could be concluded that the used of

Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN) in improving vocabulary at the seventh grade

of SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa was effective to improve students‟ vocabulary.

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B. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion that had been written, the researcher would like to

recommend some suggestion as follows:

1. English Teacher

a. The teacher should know the students‟ difficulties in vocabulary especially

in term of noun and verb.

b. The teacher should use Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN) as interesting

technique in teaching vocabulary.

c. The teacher should give more exercises to the students in vocabulary, so

they do not have any difficulties when doing exercise more.

d. The teacher should be creative to create a new media and new method in

teaching English.

2. For researcher

a. The researcher should be more creative in creating media to teach and

improve students‟ vocabulary

b. The researcher should be able to take the benefit of this research such as

using this final project as a reference to do the research on vocabulary.

c. The researcher should be able to develop the use of Personal Vocabulary

Notes (PVN) in teaching English.

In this research has not perfect yet, it is suggested for the future

researchers to conduct further researchers in the same field, especially on

using Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN) technique in teaching vocabulary.

This research was very important because it will give some knowledge to the

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researcher. In order to know the benefits of using Personal Vocabulary Notes


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Sekolah : SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/semester : VII/Ganjil

Materi pokok : This is My World

Alokasi waktu : 4 x 45 menit (2x Pertemuan)

A. Kompetensi Inti

KI-1 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya

KI-2 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, santun,

peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), bertanggung

jawab, responsif, dan pro-aktif dalam berinteraksi secara efektif

sesuai dengan perkembangan anak di lingkungan, keluarga,

sekolah, masyarakat dan lingkungan alam sekitar, bangsa, negara,

kawasan regional, dan kawasan internasional”.

KI-3 : Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual dan procedural)

dalam ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora

dengan wawasan keagamaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan

peradaban terkait fenomena dan kejadian yang tampak mata

KI-4 Mencoba, mengolah dan menyaji berbagai hal dalam ranah konkret

(menggunakan, mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi dan membuat)

dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar,

dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari disekolah dan dari

berbagai sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.

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B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

3.4 Mengidentifikasi fungsi social,

struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan

teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan

tulis yang melibatkan tindakan

memberi dan meminta informasi

terkait nama dan jumlah benda,

sesuai dengan konteks

penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur

kebahasaan dan kosa kata terkait

article a, dan the).

3.4.1 Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial

dari tindakan memberi dan meminta

informasi terkait nama benda yang

dekat dengan kehidupan siswa sehari –


3.4.2 Mengidentifikasi struktur teks

dari tindakan memberi dan meminta

informasi terkait nama benda yang

dekat dengan kehidupan siswa sehari –


3.4.3 Mengidentifikasi unsur

kebahasaan dari tindakan memberi

dan meminta informasi terkait nama


4.4 Menyusun teks interaksi

transaksional lisan dan tulis sangat

pendek dan sederhana yang

melibatkan tindakan memberi dan

meminta informasi terkait jumlah

benda dengan memperhatikan fungsi

social, struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai


4.4.1 Menyusun teks interaksi

interpersonal yang melibatkan tindakan

memberi dan meminta informasi terkait

benda, sangat pendek dan sederhana,

yang dekat dengan kehidupan siswa

sehari – hari, sesuai dengan konteks


4.4.2 Menyajikan teks interaksi

interpersonal yang melibatkan tindakan

memberi dan meminta informasi terkait

benda, sangat pendek dan sederhana, yang

dekat dengan kehidupan siswa sehari –

Page 68: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.


hari, sesuai dengan konteks


C. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Peserta didik diharapkan mampu menyusun teks interaksi

transaksional lisan dan tulis untuk melibatkan tindakan memberi informasi

dan mampu mengidentifikasi bagian-bagian rumah sesuai dengan konteks


D. Materi Pembelajaran

1. Fungsi Social

Mengidentifikasi dan menyebutkan berbagai benda, binatang, dan

bangunan umum di lingkungan sekitar.

2. Struktur Teks

a. Memulai

b. Menanggapi

c. Unsur kebahasaan

3. Countable noun

Countable noun adalah benda yang dapat di hitung. Berikut penyebutan

kata benda singular dan plural dapat dihitung :

- A book

- A box

- A watch

- A whiteboard

- A pen

- A glass

- A radio

- A potato

- An umbrella

- An hour

- Two books

Page 69: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.


4. Countable noun

Uncountable noun adalah benda yang tidak dapat di hitung. Kata benda

yang tidak dapat dihitung/uncountable noun tidak menggunakan artikel

a/an dan tidak memiliki bentuk jamak/plural. Meskipun demikian, kita

bisa menghitung satuannya. Penyebutannya dapat menggunakan amount,

much, little :

- I have amount of money

- There are so much water in my house

- I have little money

E. Metode Pembelajaran

1) Metode : Personal Vocabulary Notes

F. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran

Pertemuan Pertama :

Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi:

3.4.1 Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial dari tindakan memberi dan meminta

informasi terkait nama benda yang dekat dengan kehidupan siswa sehari –


3.4.2 Mengidentifikasi struktur teks dari tindakan memberi dan meminta

informasi terkait nama benda yang dekat dengan kehidupan siswa sehari –


3.4.3 Mengidentifikasi unsur kebahasaan dari tindakan memberi dan

meminta informasi terkait nama benda.

Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi


Pendahuluan Guru:

Melakukan pembukaan dengan salam pembukaan

dan mengajak siswa berdo‟a sebelum pelajaran


Mengecek kehadiran siswa

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Menyebutkan tujuan pembelajaran

Memberikan apersepsi dengan memberikan

pertanyaan kepada peserta didik tentang benda-

benda yang ada di ruangan kelas dalam rangka

memberikan konteks real terhadap materi yang

akan dipelajari.

Do you like your class?

What do you think about your class today? Is it


15 Menit

Inti Mengamati

Guru meminta peserta didik untuk mengamati

ruang kelas dan menyebutkan nama benda yang

ada di ruangan kelas, seperti:

1. A whiteboard

2. An eraser

3. A door


Peserta didik diberi kesempatan menanyakan dan

mengidentifikasi masalah terkait materi yang


Setelah peserta didik menyebutkan nama-nama

benda di dalam kelas, guru menyakan benda-

benda apa saja yang siswa ketahui dalam bahasa



Guru menjelaskan materi pembelajaran.

Peserta didik dibagikan stick notes.

Peserta didik akan ditunjukkan sebuah gambar

oleh guru.

Guru meminta siswa menuliskan semua benda

60 Menit

Page 71: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.


yang dilihatnya dalam bahasa Inggris (minimal 5

kata benda).

Penutup Peserta didik menyimpulkan pembelajaran

(dibimbing oleh guru)

Peserta didik mendapatkan umpan balik terhadap

proses dan hasil pembelajaran: Thank you very

much for your participation. You did a good job

today, I’m very happy with your activity in the

class. How about you, did you enjoy my class?

Menginformasikan rencana kegiatan pembelajaran

untuk pertemuan berikutnya.

10 Menit

Pertemuan kedua :

Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi :

4.4.1 Menyusun teks interaksi interpersonal yang melibatkan tindakan memberi

dan meminta informasi terkait benda, sangat pendek dan sederhana, yang dekat

dengan kehidupan siswa sehari – hari, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

4.4.2 Menyajikan teks interaksi interpersonal yang melibatkan tindakan memberi

dan meminta informasi terkait benda, sangat pendek dan sederhana, yang dekat

dengan kehidupan siswa sehari – hari, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi


Pendahuluan Guru:

Melakukan pembukaan dengan salam pembukaan

dan mengajak siswa berdo‟a sebelum pelajaran


Page 72: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.


Mengecek kehadiran siswa

Menyebutkan tujuan pembelajaran

Memberikan apersepsi dengan memberikan

pertanyaan kepada peserta didik tentang benda-

benda yang ada di ruangan kelas dalam rangka

memberikan konteks real terhadap materi yang

akan dipelajari.

Do you like your class?

What do you think about your class today? Is it


Guru menyakan tentang materi yang telah

diberikan sebelumnya.

15 Menit

Inti Mengasosiasi

Guru akan mengumpulkan stick notes siswa.

Guru meminta siswa menyebutkan nama-nama

benda dalam bahasa Inggris yang telah mereka


Peserta didik membuat kalimat sederhana dari kata

benda tersebut.


Peserta didik mengumpulkan hasil pekerjaan


Peserta didik menjelaskan kesulitan yang dialami

terkait dengan materi.

60 Menit

Penutup Peserta didik menyimpulkan pembelajaran

(dibimbing oleh guru)

Peserta didik mendapatkan umpan balik terhadap

proses dan hasil pembelajaran: Thank you very

much for your participation. You did a good job

today, I’m very happy with your activity in the

class. How about you, did you enjoy my class?

15 Menit

Page 73: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.


Menginformasikan rencana kegiatan pembelajaran

untuk pertemuan berikutnya.

G. Media Pembelajaran

1. Media

a. Worksheet atau lembar kerja siswa

b. Lembar penilaian

2. Alat dan Bahan

a. Penghapus, papan tulis dan spidol

b. Stick Notes

c. Gambar

H. Sumber Belajar

a. Kamus Bahasa Inggris

b. Internet (Google)

I. Penilaian

Teknik Penilaian: Tes tulis, penugasan

1. Observe the picture below and then mention at least 5 things in the picture

and make a sentence of the vocabulary.

Page 74: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.


Example :

Table = I put my book on the table

1. ….......................................................





Makassar, 12 July 2019


Fitrya Ramadhani

NIM. 10535654515

Page 75: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.




Sekolah : SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/semester : VII/Ganjil

Materi pokok : This is My World

Alokasi waktu : 4 x 45 menit (2x Pertemuan)

A. Kompetensi Inti

KI-1 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya

KI-2 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, santun,

peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), bertanggung

jawab, responsif, dan pro-aktif dalam berinteraksi secara efektif

sesuai dengan perkembangan anak di lingkungan, keluarga,

sekolah, masyarakat dan lingkungan alam sekitar, bangsa, negara,

kawasan regional, dan kawasan internasional”.

KI-3 : Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual dan procedural)

dalam ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora

dengan wawasan keagamaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan

peradaban terkait fenomena dan kejadian yang tampak mata

KI-4 : Mencoba, mengolah dan menyaji berbagai hal dalam ranah konkret

(menggunakan, mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi dan membuat)

dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar,

dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari disekolah dan dari

berbagai sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.

Page 76: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.


B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

3.4 Mengidentifikasi fungsi social,

struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan

teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan

tulis yang melibatkan tindakan

memberi dan meminta informasi

terkait nama dan jumlah benda,

sesuai dengan konteks

penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur

kebahasaan dan kosa kata terkait

article a, dan the).

3.4.1 Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial

dari tindakan memberi dan meminta

informasi terkait nama benda yang

dekat dengan kehidupan siswa sehari –


3.4.2 Mengidentifikasi struktur teks

dari tindakan memberi dan meminta

informasi terkait nama benda yang

dekat dengan kehidupan siswa sehari –


3.4.3 Mengidentifikasi unsur

kebahasaan dari tindakan memberi

dan meminta informasi terkait nama


4.4 Menyusun teks interaksi

transaksional lisan dan tulis sangat

pendek dan sederhana yang

melibatkan tindakan memberi dan

meminta informasi terkait jumlah

benda dengan memperhatikan fungsi

social, struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai


4.4.1 Menyusun teks interaksi

interpersonal yang melibatkan tindakan

memberi dan meminta informasi terkait

benda, sangat pendek dan sederhana,

yang dekat dengan kehidupan siswa

sehari – hari, sesuai dengan konteks


4.4.2 Menyajikan teks interaksi

interpersonal yang melibatkan tindakan

memberi dan meminta informasi terkait

benda, sangat pendek dan sederhana, yang

dekat dengan kehidupan siswa sehari –

hari, sesuai dengan konteks

Page 77: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.



C. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Peserta didik diharapkan mampu menyusun teks interaksi

transaksional lisan dan tulis untuk melibatkan tindakan memberi informasi

dan mampu mengidentifikasi bagian-bagian rumah sesuai dengan konteks


D. Materi Pembelajaran

1. Penggunaan kata penunjuk there is, there are

There is/ there are digunakan sebagai kata petunjuk. There is biasanya

diikuti oleh kata benda tunggal.

There are diikuti oleh kata benda jamak.

Contoh There is dan There are:

Penggunaan there is dan there are dalam kalimat positif:

1. There is a teacher and there is a student in the staff room. (ada seorang

guru dan ada seorang murid di ruang guru)

2. There are three books on the table. (ada tiga buku di atas meja)

3. There is a vase on the table. (ada sebuah vas di atas meja)

4. There is a cat in the kitchen. (ada seekor kucing di dapur)

5. There are many cats in the park. (ada banyak kucing di taman)

6. There is some water in the glass. (ada air di gelas)

7. There is a book on the desk. (ada sebuah buku di atas meja)

8. There are three boys sitting on the bench. (ada tiga anak laki-laki

sedang duduk di atas bangku)

9. There is an apple beside the cup. (ada sebuah apel di samping cangkir)

10. There are two chairs outside the class. (ada dua kursi di luar kelas)

11. There is a ball in the box. (ada sebuah bola di dalam kotak)

12. There are many fruits in the refrigerator. (ada banyak buah di kulkas)

E. Metode Pembelajaran

1) Metode : Personal Vocabulary Notes

Page 78: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.


F. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran

Pertemuan Pertama :

Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi:

3.4.1 Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial dari tindakan memberi dan meminta

informasi terkait nama benda yang dekat dengan kehidupan siswa sehari –


3.4.2 Mengidentifikasi struktur teks dari tindakan memberi dan meminta

informasi terkait nama benda yang dekat dengan kehidupan siswa sehari –


3.4.3 Mengidentifikasi unsur kebahasaan dari tindakan memberi dan

meminta informasi terkait nama benda.

Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi


Pendahuluan Guru:

Melakukan pembukaan dengan salam pembukaan

dan mengajak siswa berdo‟a sebelum pelajaran


Mengecek kehadiran siswa

Memberikan motivasi

Menyebutkan tujuan pembelajaran

Memberikan apersepsi dengan memberikan

pertanyaan kepada peserta didik tentang benda-

benda yang ada di ruangan kelas dalam rangka

memberikan konteks real terhadap materi yang

akan dipelajari.

Do you like your class?

What do you think about your class today? Is it


15 Menit

Page 79: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.


Inti Mengamati

Guru memperlihatkan sebuah gambar rumah.

Guru meminta peserta didik untuk mengingat

benda-benda di dalam rumah mereka dan

menyebutkan nama benda yang ada di rumahnya,


1. There are 2 bedrooms

2. There are 3 televisi

3. There is a bathroom


Peserta didik diberi kesempatan menanyakan dan

mengidentifikasi masalah terkait materi yang


Setelah peserta didik menyebutkan nama-nama

benda, guru menyakan benda-benda apa saja yang

siswa ingat di dalam rumah (bahasa Inggris).


Guru menjelaskan materi pembelajaran.

Peserta didik dibagikan stick notes.

Guru meminta siswa menuliskan semua benda

yang di ingat dalam bahasa Inggris (minimal 5

kata benda).

60 Menit

Penutup Peserta didik menyimpulkan pembelajaran

(dibimbing oleh guru)

Peserta didik mendapatkan umpan balik terhadap

proses dan hasil pembelajaran: Thank you very

much for your participation. You did a good job

today, I’m very happy with your activity in the

class. How about you, did you enjoy my class?

Menginformasikan rencana kegiatan pembelajaran

15 Menit

Page 80: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.


untuk pertemuan berikutnya.

Pertemuan kedua :

Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi :

4.4.1 Menyusun teks interaksi interpersonal yang melibatkan tindakan memberi

dan meminta informasi terkait benda, sangat pendek dan sederhana, yang dekat

dengan kehidupan siswa sehari – hari, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

4.4.2 Menyajikan teks interaksi interpersonal yang melibatkan tindakan memberi

dan meminta informasi terkait benda, sangat pendek dan sederhana, yang dekat

dengan kehidupan siswa sehari – hari, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi


Pendahuluan Guru:

Melakukan pembukaan dengan salam pembukaan

dan mengajak siswa berdo‟a sebelum pelajaran


Mengecek kehadiran siswa

Menyebutkan tujuan pembelajaran

Memberikan apersepsi dengan memberikan

pertanyaan kepada peserta didik tentang benda-

benda yang ada di ruangan kelas dalam rangka

memberikan konteks real terhadap materi yang

akan dipelajari.

Do you like your class?

What do you think about your class today? Is it

15 Menit

Page 81: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.



Guru menyakan tentang materi yang telah

diberikan sebelumnya.

Inti Mengasosiasi

Guru akan mengumpulkan stick notes siswa.

Guru meminta siswa menyebutkan nama-nama

benda dalam bahasa Inggris yang telah mereka


Peserta didik membuat kalimat sederhana dari kata

benda tersebut.


Peserta didik mengumpulkan hasil pekerjaan


Peserta didik menjelaskan kesulitan yang dialami

terkait dengan materi.

60 Menit

Penutup Peserta didik menyimpulkan pembelajaran

(dibimbing oleh guru)

Peserta didik mendapatkan umpan balik terhadap

proses dan hasil pembelajaran: Thank you very

much for your participation. You did a good job

today, I’m very happy with your activity in the

class. How about you, did you enjoy my class?

Menginformasikan rencana kegiatan pembelajaran

untuk pertemuan berikutnya.

15 Menit

G. Media Pembelajaran

1. Media

a. Worksheet atau lembar kerja siswa

b. Lembar penilaian

2. Alat dan Bahan

a. Penghapus, papan tulis dan spidol

Page 82: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.


b. Stick Notes

c. Gambar

H. Sumber Belajar

a. Kamus Bahasa Inggris

b. Internet


Teknik Penilaian: Tes tulis, penugasan.

1. Observe the picture below and then mention at least 5 things in the picture

and make a sentence of the vocabulary

Example :

Table = There is one table in the classroom

1. ….......................................................





Makassar, 12 July 2019


Fitrya Ramadhani

NIM. 10535654515

Page 83: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.




Sekolah : SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/semester : VII/Ganjil

Materi pokok : Simple Present Tense

Alokasi waktu : 2 x 45 menit (2x Pertemuan)

J. Kompetensi Inti

KI-1 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya

KI-2 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, santun,

peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), bertanggung

jawab, responsif, dan pro-aktif dalam berinteraksi secara efektif

sesuai dengan perkembangan anak di lingkungan, keluarga,

sekolah, masyarakat dan lingkungan alam sekitar, bangsa, negara,

kawasan regional, dan kawasan internasional”.

KI-3 : Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual dan procedural)

dalam ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora

dengan wawasan keagamaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan

peradaban terkait fenomena dan kejadian yang tampak mata

KI-4 : Mencoba, mengolah dan menyaji berbagai hal dalam ranah konkret

(menggunakan, mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi dan membuat)

dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar,

dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari disekolah dan dari

berbagai sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.

Page 84: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.


K. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

4.7 Mengolah, menyaji, dan menalar

dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan,

mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi,

dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak

(menulis, membaca, menghitung,

menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai

dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah

dan sumber lain yang sama dalam

sudut pandang/teori.

3.4.1 Menunjukkan motivasi untuk

mengembangkan kemampuan

berbahasa Inggris.

3.4.2 Menyusun teks lisan dan untuk

menyatakan tentang tindakan /kejadian

yang dilakukan secara rutin atau

merupakan kebenaran umum.

3.4.3 Menyusun teks tertulis untuk

menyatakan tentang kebenaran

tindakan/kejadian yang dilakukan

secara rutin atau merupakan kebenaran


L. Tujuan Pembelajaran

1. Dengan memperhatikan pola kalimat, peserta didik dapat menyusun teks

lisan untuk menyatakan tentang kebenaran tindakan/kejadian yang

dilakukan secara rutin atau merupakan kebenaran umum.

2. Dengan memperhatikan pola kalimat, peserta didik dapat menyusun teks

tertulis untuk menyatakan tentang kebenaran tindakan/kejadian yang

dilakukan secara rutin atau merupakan kebenaran umum.

M. Materi Pembelajaran

Simple Present Tense – adalah suatu bentuk tense yang menerangkan

pekerjaan atau kejadian yang terjadi saat ini. Bentuk tenses ini

menggunakan kata kerja bentuk pertama atau Verb 1 dalam penyusunan


Page 85: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.


Rumus Simple Present Tense (Verbal)

Kalimat Positif (+) Subjek + Verb 1 (s/es) + Objek

Kalimat Negatif (-) Subjek + Do / Does + not + Verb 1 + Objek

Kalimat Pertanyaan (?) Do / Does + Subjek + Verb 1 + Objek ?


Penggunaan akhiran s/es hanya untuk subjek berupa She, He, It .

Akhiran s/es pada kata kata kerja tidak berlaku untuk subjek I, you, we,

they dan sejenisnya.

Penambahan s/es hanya untuk kalimat positif (+).

Do berpasangan dengan I, you, we, they

Does berpasangan dengan He, She, it

Contoh Simple Present Dalam Kalimat Positif

1. I live in a small town (Saya tinggal di sebuah kota kecil)

2. You speak English fluently (Kamu berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan


3. We eat three times a day (Kita makan 3 kali sehari)

4. They study english twice a week (Mereka belajar bahasa Inggris dua kali


5. He speaks Japanese (Dia berbicara bahasa Jepang)

6. She goes to office everyday (Dia pergi ke kantor setiap hari)

7. It works.

Contoh Simple Present Dalam Kalimat Negatif

1. I do not (don‟t) live in small town

2. You do not speak English fluently.

3. We do not eat three times a day.

4. They do not study English twice a week

5. He does not (doesn‟t) speak Japanese

6. She does not go to office everyday

Page 86: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.


7. It does not work.

N. Metode Pembelajaran

2) Metode : Personal Vocabulary Notes

O. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi


Pendahuluan Guru:

Melakukan pembukaan dengan salam pembukaan

dan mengajak siswa berdo‟a sebelum pelajaran


Mengecek kehadiran siswa

Memberikan motivasi

Menyebutkan tujuan pembelajaran

Good morning students, how are you?

What do you think about your class today? Is it


15 Menit

Page 87: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.


Inti Mengamati

Guru menunjukkan tenses simple present tense di

papan tulis.

Siswa diminta mengecek kata kerja yang ada di

papan tulis di dalam kamus


Peserta didik diberi kesempatan menanyakan dan

mengidentifikasi masalah terkait materi yang



Guru menjelaskan materi pembelajaran.

Guru membimbing siswa untuk membuat kalimat

simple present tense.

Peserta didik dibagikan stick notes.

Siswa diminta untuk menuliskan kalimat dengan

pola simple present tense.

Guru menunjuk beberapa siswa untuk

menyebutkan kata kerja simple present tense.

60 Menit

Penutup Peserta didik menyimpulkan pembelajaran

(dibimbing oleh guru)

Peserta didik mendapatkan umpan balik terhadap

proses dan hasil pembelajaran: Thank you very

much for your participation. You did a good job

today, I’m very happy with your activity in the

class. How about you, did you enjoy my class?

Menginformasikan rencana kegiatan pembelajaran

untuk pertemuan berikutnya.

15 Menit

Page 88: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.


P. Media Pembelajaran

3. Media

a. Worksheet atau lembar kerja siswa

b. Lembar penilaian

4. Alat dan Bahan

a. Penghapus, papan tulis dan spidol

b. Stick Notes

Q. Sumber Belajar

c. Kamus Bahasa Inggris

d. Internet


Teknik Penilaian: Tes tulis, penugasan.

1. Complete the sentences with the correct verbs in a box

Speak Goes Eat

Live Study Speaks

1. I …. in a small town

2. You ….English fluently

3. We ….three times a day

4. They ….english twice a week

5. He …. Japanese

6. She ….to office everyday

Makassar, 12 July 2019


Fitrya Ramadhani

NIM. 10535654515

Page 89: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.




Page 90: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.


Pre-test Worksheet

A. Choose the correct answer

1. The teacher needs a.... to write on the whiteboard.

a. Chalk c. Boardmarker

b. Pen d. Ink

2. There is a.... in our school. We can read and borrow some books there.

a. Canteen c. Laboratory

b. Library d. Toilet

3. I save my book in the...

a. Pocket c. Wallet

b. Bag d. Refrigerator

4. The teacher asks to the students to bring... each lesson.

a. Umbrella c. Glass

b. Hat d. Note book

5. There are ten... in my school

a. Living rooms c. Classroom

b. Kitchens d. Bedrooms

6. I buy four... at the bookstore.

a. Books c. Bruches

b. Baskets d. Clothes

7. All of students wear black shoes and white....

a. Socks c. Tie

b. Bell d. Shoes

Page 91: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.


8. Do you bring two...? I lost mine. I can not write without it.

a. Television c. Glasses

b. Tables d. Pens

9. I don‟t have much... to buy good shoes.

a. Clothes c. Money

b. House d. Paper

10. She works in the hospital and helps a doctor. She is called a....

a. Pilot c. Nurse

b. Farmer d. Chef

B. Complete the sentences with the correct verbs in a box

11. I‟m want going to the library for … some books.

12. Sani is going to the market for … some food

13. My mother is … a rice.

14. My cousin is … a letter for his father

15. Please … your book in the table.

16. A doctor … patient in hospital.

17. They go to the … pool in the afternoon.

18. We are together … film in the cinema.

19. Tiara … a magazine every morning.

20. Grandfather … coffee every morning.

Drinks Help Swimming

Reads Buy Write Borrow

Cooking Put Watching

Page 92: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.




Page 93: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.


Post-test Worksheet

A. Choose the correct answer

1. The teacher needs a.... to write on the whiteboard.

a. Chalk c. Boardmarker

b. Pen d. Ink

2. There is a.... in our school. We can read and borrow some books there.

a. Canteen c. Laboratory

b. Library d. Toilet

3. I save my book in the...

a. Pocket c. Wallet

b. Bag d. Refrigerator

4. The teacher asks to the students to bring... each lesson.

a. Umbrella c. Glass

b. Hat d. Note book

5. There are ten... in my school

a. Living rooms c. Classroom

b. Kitchens d. Bedrooms

6. I buy four... at the bookstore.

a. Books c. Bruches

b. Baskets d. Clothes

7. All of students wear black shoes and white....

a. Socks c. Tie

b. Bell d. Shoes

Page 94: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.


8. Do you bring two...? I lost mine. I can not write without it.

a. Television c. Glasses

b. Tables d. Pens

9. I don‟t have much... to buy good shoes.

a. Clothes c. Money

b. House d. Paper

10. She works in the hospital and helps a doctor. She is called a....

a. Pilot c. Nurse

b. Farmer d. Chef

B. Complete the sentences with the correct verbs in a box

11. I‟m want going to the library for … some books.

12. Sani is going to the market for … some food

13. My mother is … a rice.

14. My cousin is … a letter for his father

15. Please … your book in the table.

16. A doctor … patient in hospital.

17. They go to the … pool in the afternoon.

18. We are together … film in the cinema.

19. Tiara … a magazine every morning.

20. Grandfather … coffee every morning.

Page 95: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.




Teachings‟ Schedule

No Day, Date Time Allocated Activity

1 Wednesday, 28 August 2019 2x45 Minutes Pre-test

2 Saturday, 31 August 2019 2x45 Minutes Treatment

3 Wednesday, 11 September 2019 2x45 Minutes Treatment

4 Saturday, 14 September 2019 2x45 Minutes Treatment

5 Wednesday, 18 September 2019 2x45 Minutes Treatment

6 Saturday, 21 September 2019 2x45 Minutes Post-test

Page 96: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.





5. Countable noun

Countable noun adalah benda yang dapat di hitung. Berikut penyebutan

kata benda singular dan plural dapat dihitung :

- A book

- A box

- A watch

- A whiteboard

- A pen

- A glass

- A radio

- A potato

- An umbrella

- An hour

- Two books

6. Uncountable noun

Uncountable noun adalah benda yang tidak dapat di hitung. Kata benda

yang tidak dapat dihitung/uncountable noun tidak menggunakan artikel

a/an dan tidak memiliki bentuk jamak/plural. Meskipun demikian, kita

bisa menghitung satuannya. Penyebutannya dapat menggunakan amount,

much, little:

- I have amount of money

- There are so much water in my house

- I have little money

3. Observe the picture below and then mention at least 5 things in the picture

and make a sentence of the vocabulary.

Page 97: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.




Table = I put my book on the table

1. ….......................................................





4. There is/ there are digunakan sebagai kata petunjuk. There is biasanya

diikuti oleh kata benda tunggal. There are diikuti oleh kata benda jamak.

5. Observe the picture below and then mention at least 5 things in the picture

and make a sentence of the vocabulary. (There is and there are)


Table = There is one table in the classroom

1. ….......................................................





6. Rumus Simple Present Tense (Verbal)

Kalimat Positif (+) Subjek + Verb 1 (s/es) + Objek

Page 98: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.



Kalimat Negatif (-) Subjek + Do / Does + not + Verb 1 + Objek

Kalimat Pertanyaan (?) Do / Does + Subjek + Verb 1 + Objek ?


Penggunaan akhiran s/es hanya untuk subjek berupa She, He, It .

Akhiran s/es pada kata kata kerja tidak berlaku untuk subjek I, you, we,

they dan sejenisnya.

Penambahan s/es hanya untuk kalimat positif (+).

Do berpasangan dengan I, you, we, they

Does berpasangan dengan He, She, it

2. Complete the sentences with the correct verbs in a box

Speak Goes Eat

Live Study Speaks

7. I …. in a small town

8. You ….English fluently

9. We ….three times a day

10. They ….english twice a week

11. He …. Japanese

12. She ….to office everyday


Page 99: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.




No Code Score

1 S-01 35

2 S-02 40

3 S-03 40

4 S-04 35

5 S-05 55

6 S-06 20

7 S-07 50

8 S-08 25

9 S-09 45

10 S-10 45

11 S-11 70

12 S-12 35

13 S-13 45

14 S-14 30

15 S-15 35

16 S-16 45

17 S-17 75

18 S-19 20

19 S-20 15

20 S-21 40

21 S-22 50

22 S-23 25

23 S-24 35

24 S-25 20

25 S-26 60

26 S-27 75

Total 1065

Mean 40.96



No Code Score

1 S-01 60

Page 100: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.



2 S-02 70

3 S-03 65

4 S-04 65

5 S-05 70

6 S-06 55

7 S-07 80

8 S-08 55

9 S-09 70

10 S-10 60

11 S-11 90

12 S-12 55

13 S-13 60

14 S-14 70

15 S-15 80

16 S-16 75

17 S-17 90

18 S-19 60

19 S-20 60

20 S-21 70

21 S-22 70

22 S-23 65

23 S-24 75

24 S-25 60

25 S-26 80

26 S-27 90

Total 1800

Mean 69.23



No. Respondents Pre – test


Post – test





1. S. 1 35 60 25 625

2. S. 2 40 70 30 900

3. S. 3 40 65 25 625

4. S. 4 35 65 30 900

5. S. 5 55 70 15 225

6. S. 6 20 55 35 1225

Page 101: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.



7. S. 7 50 80 30 900

8. S. 8 25 55 30 900

9. S. 9 45 70 25 625

10. S. 10 45 60 15 225

11. S. 11 70 90 20 400

12. S. 12 35 55 20 400

13. S. 13 45 60 15 225

14. S. 14 30 70 40 1600

15. S. 15 35 80 45 2025

16. S. 16 45 75 30 900

17. S. 17 75 90 15 225

18. S. 18 20 60 40 1600

19. S. 19 15 60 45 2025

20. S. 20 40 70 30 900

21. S. 21 50 70 20 400

22. S. 22 25 65 40 1600

23. S. 23 35 75 40 1600

24. S. 24 20 60 40 1600

25. S. 25 60 80 20 400

26. S. 26 75 90 15 225

Sum 1065 1800 735 23275

Average 40.96 69.23 28.26 895.19

Page 102: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.





NO Classification Score Pre – Test Post – Test

F % F %

1 Excellent 95 – 100 0 0% 0 0%

2 Very good 85 – 90 0 0% 3 11.53%

3 Good 75 – 80 2 7.69% 5 19.23%

4 Fairly good 65 – 70 1 3.84% 9 34.61%

5 Fair 55 – 60 2 7.70% 9 34.61%

6 Poor 45 – 50 6 23.07% 0 0%

7 Very poor 0 – 40 15 57.70% 0 0%

∑ 26 100% 26 100%

Calculate the frequency and the rate percentage using the following


1. The rate percentage of Pre – test score


x 100 %

Page 103: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.



1. For „good‟ Category 2. For „fairly good‟



x 100 % P

x 100 %


x 100 % P

x 100 %

P 0.0769 x 100 % P 0.0384 x 100 %

P= 7.69 % P= 3.84 %

3. For „fair‟ Category 4. For „poor‟ Category


x 100 % P

x 100 %


x 100 % P

x 100 %

P 0.076 x 100 % P 0.230 x 100 %

P= 7.69 % P= 23.07 %

5. For „very poor‟Category


x 100 %


x 100 %

P 0.5769 x 100 %

P= 57.69%

2. The rate percentage of Post – test score


x 100 %

1. For „very good‟ Category 2. For „good‟ Category


x 100 % P

x 100 %


x 100 % P

x 100 %

Page 104: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.



P 0.1153 x 100 % P 0.1923 x 100 %

P= 11.53 % P= 19.23%

3. For „fairly good‟ Category 4. For „fair‟ Category


x 100 % P

x 100 %


x 100 % P

x 100 %

P 0.3461 x 100 % P 0.3461 x 100 %

P= 34.61 % P= 34.61%

Page 105: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.





A. Mean Score

1. Mean Score of Pre-test

2. Mean Score of Post-test

B. Improvement Percentage

1. Improvement Percentage

P (%) =

X 100%

P (%) =

X 100%

P (%) =

x 100%

P = 0.6901 x 100%

P = 69.01%

Page 106: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.




T-test Value

t =



= 28.26

t =

t =

t =

t =

t = √

t =

t = 14.49

Page 107: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.





Df P

.10 .05 .01 .001










































































































































































(Gay, 1981)

Page 108: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.



Degree of Freedom (df)

Df = N – 1

= 26 – 1

= 25

Df = 25 (see table of “t” value at the degree of significance of 0.05).

At the degree of significance 0.05 = 2.060

The result was 14.49 > 2.060

Page 109: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.





Page 110: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.



Page 111: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.




Page 112: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.



Page 113: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.



Page 114: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.



Page 115: USING PERSONAL VOCABULARY NOTES (PVN) TO IMPROVE … · SMP Aisyiyah Sungguminasa. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.




FITRYA RAMADHANI was born on 31th

January 1997 in

Sungguminasa, South Sulawesi. She is the first child of two

siblings from marriage of A Rachman and Sitti Nuraeni. She

began her study at SDI Lambengi and graduated in 2009. Then

she continued her study at SMPN 1 Sungguminasa and

graduated in 2012. Afterwards, she continued her study at SMAN 1

Sungguminasa and graduated in 2015. In the same year, she was registered as a

student of English Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and

Education, Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. At the end of her study, she

could finish her thesis entitle Using Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN) Technique

to Improve Students’ Vocabulary.