Download - Using Biodiversity Maps · on the Biodiversity Maps image. Step 2: Select the species of interest by typing its name in the Species Search dialogue box. Predictive text will shorten


Using Biodiversity Maps

Find details of individual species records

Step 1: Access Biodiversity Maps by clicking on the ‘Biodiversity Maps’ image.

Step 2: Select the species of interest by typing its name in the ‘Species Search’ dialogue box. Predictive text will shorten the list of options as you type.

Step 3: When you have found the species of interest, click on the ‘Search’ icon.

Step 4: Make sure the selected name is the correct species by checking its taxonomy

Step 5: There are also links available to Encylopediaof Life and Wikipedia if further checking is required.

Step 6: When you are sure this is the species you require, click on the species name to activate the query.

This page provides details of the species and a summary of the validated data for this species in the National Biodiversity Database.

Step 7: The terrestrial map of Ireland shows the number of records for each 10km square for this species.

Step 8: Click on the ‘Download image’ to save a copy of this distribution map.

Step 9: Click on the ‘View in live map’ button to access the GIS mapping system where individual record can be searched.

This is the interface for the live mapping system where records can be queried.

Step 10: Zoom in on the records you are interested in, but clicking on the + icon on the map.

Step 11: Click on the ‘Point Identify’ icon.

Step 12: Select the record of interest by clicking on the square.

Step 13: Detail of the selected record are provided in the dialogue box above. Click on the two arrow icon to get more details.

Full details for the selected record can be viewed in this dialogue box.

Step 14: Zoom in to see the exact location of the record on the Ordnance Survey 1:20,000 Discovery Series map.

Step 15: Zoom in further to see the exact location of the record on an aerial photograph.