Download - Use 2 slots Slot 1 Title = Science Advancements –What new advancements in science should humans try to achieve today and/or in our lifetimes? Slot 2 Title.

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  • Use 2 slots Slot 1 Title = Science Advancements What new advancements in science should humans try to achieve today and/or in our lifetimes? Slot 2 Title = Science Fears What new advancement in science do you fear? Why? What do you think society fears in science? Why?
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  • Title = Aliens If an alien spaceship landed in the United States tomorrow, how would you/the world handle this moment? What could happen?
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  • Analyze the PERSIAGM impact of the scientists of the Scientific Revolution EQ5 How did the Scientific Revolution impact Europe intellectually, socially, and religiously?
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  • Starts in the mid 1500 to early 1700s Inspired by Ren Why? Other time periods!! Why? What invention will help it?
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  • Advancements in Math (and offshoots of it) happened Renaissance changes everything explodes information of Greeks Scientists of 1500 have more to question or test artists observed nature more Math stressed more Math used to make war inventions Math = answer to all scientific questions
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  • Whenever a Revolution takes place, there are usually adversarieswho are they in this story? What is at stake in this struggle? Whenever new revolutionary ideas are introduced to society, what process seems to take place? If revolutionary ideas eventually win, what must all of society do with these ideas?
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  • Astronomy Nicholas Copernicus (1473-1543) Martin Luther (1483-1546) The Tag Team that never was
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  • Heliocentric Model of the Universe Sun is the possible center of the UniverseNOT EARTH On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres How did he discover this?
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  • Geocentric Model Ptolemy (Ancient Greek who came up with it) and Aristotle Earth is the Center of the Universe Who supports this model? Bible (God and heaven after Saturn) Ptolemy + Aristotle supporters Most of society felt it made sense
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  • Make sense? RC Church Quiet for now
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  • Tycho Brahe (1546-1601) His discovery? Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) His discovery? What is their impact? Did they agree with Copernicus?
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  • Galileo Galilei (1564- 1642) Italian Invents and uses What does he conclude?
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  • Writes The Starry Messenger Publishes his discoveries Jupiters moons, sunspots Confirmed helio-centrism as FACT Upsets Catholic Church This Italian is hurting the credibility of his own church RC Church tells him to teach helio-centrism, not as fact But as theory, Not in big troubleyet
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  • Dialogue of the Two Chief World Systems: Ptolemaic and Copernican Three men having a dialogue Sagredo Simplicio Salviati What do they discuss? Salviati persuades Sagredo to believe the Copernican theory Simplicio is the stupid Ptolemy supporter
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  • 68, old and sick Guilty of Heresy and disobedience What does Galileo have to do to get off the hook? (and he does it!!) Denounce his beliefs (dj vu) Says And yet it does move on his way out the trial room (?)
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  • House arrest for last 8 years of his life His writings spread and gain support Europe adjusts Dies in 1642
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  • Copernicus Brahe Kepler Galileo Paracelsus Andreas Vesalius William Harvey Robert Boyle Francis Bacon Rene Descartes Isaac Newton Blaise Pascal
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  • Greek Physician Galen His anatomy pictures were the standard But made from animals (no Leo) Many flawed theories 2 blood systems 4 humors (blood, yellow bile, phlegm, black bile) Urine analysis the best test 3 men will challenge Galen
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  • Father of Toxicology Studied effects of chemicals on the human body even toxic substances can be beneficial in the right dosage Controversial but accomplished Sickness does not come from 4 humor imbalance, but Outside agents
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  • 1514-1563 Wrote On the Fabric of the Human Body His impact? His book is mass produced because of advancements with Printing Press Vesalius was wrong about one thing though
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  • 1578-1657 Wrote On the Motion of the Heart and Blood All blood begins at Heart not liver Red and Blue blood are the same It makes one circulation through body
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  • At this time people were interested in what was truth and how it can be determined Descartes and Bacons ideas say that truth is all that we can prove. Belief and faith not part of it Who is
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  • 1561-1625 Began Scientific Method Views on Religion? Inductive Reasoning? Experimentation and observation will find truth Dont begin an experiment with General assumption you want to test
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  • French (1596- 1650) Deductive Reasoning? Human Reason solves what? AKA Rationalism Descartes & Scientific Method?
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  • Founded Cartesian dualism 2 things exist in the universe (made by God) Mindcant doubt it exists Matterwhich is dead/inert Mind and Matter are separate Use REASON in your mind to find truth in the material world and the laws that operate it If Mind and Matter are separate, what else is? Descartes and Religion?
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  • Who combines inductive and deductive?
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  • 1643-1727 (English) Why is he famous? (a few books written) Laws of Universal Gravitation explains Completes Copernican Theory 3 laws of motion Explains how & why everything moves Combined Bacon & Descartes to finish the Scientific Method
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  • Light & Optics Theory of Color based on bending white light with prism Made first Reflecting Telescope Developed calculus theories More
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  • Founder of modern Chemistry Ascends the field of alchemy to legitimate science Made theory of Elements, Compounds and Mixtures Begins to fade out Alchemy
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  • Who is winning the struggle? Scientists (Copernican theory supporters) What are the effects on Religion and Society? Secularization? Did scientists want to hurt Religion? Yes or no? Newton felt Science would validate Gods existence
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  • Benedict de Spinoza Who inspired him? Descartes Contribution to making peace? Pantheism(monism) What is the big deal?
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  • What are his scientific talents? How does he try to make peace with Science and Religion?
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  • Does reason & faith mix, or are they separate? The heart goes beyond reason, and that is what feels God What else did he do? You should bet that God exists If He does then we all win If He does not we lose nothing Will Pascal be Successful?
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  • Yes or Nowhy? Like the Sci Rev, women were also inspired by What old POV stood in their way? What happened in the Sci Rev to uphold this POV? (sheesh) Psychologically? Biologically? They even lost traditional jobs
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  • Both were accomplished in their fields German English Obstacles they faced? Other similarities? (some are big)
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  • How did they jump on board the revolution? England, France & Germany get involved
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  • Which classes are impacted first, and the most? Elite & Mercantile(how and why?) When does the Scientific Revolution complete itself? (excitement, struggle, acceptance)
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  • Religion and Science always at odds to some degree Copernicus, to Evolution, to cloning, to aliens, to stem cell research HWXk HWXk
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  • Science and Society always build off of one another Science impacts politics, religion, society, art, military
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