Download - USA Embassy Newsletter 2011-09-12 Final

  • 8/3/2019 USA Embassy Newsletter 2011-09-12 Final


    EarlyParliamentary Elections

    Slovenia held its first early general elections

    on December 4, after the non-confidence vote to the

    government of Borut Pahor in September. The elections

    were won by Ljubljanas mayor Mr. Zoran Jankovis partyPositive Slovenia.

    Positive Slovenia was formed only a few weeks before theelections, after Zoran Jankovi was asked by several prominentSlovenians to take part in this years contest.

    Positive Slovenia won 28.5% of the vote or 28 seats in the90-strong legislature, show the results after nearly all the ballots

    were counted in the 64.6% electoral turnout. Jankovi attributed

    his success to focus on the platform and the team rather thanscandals, arguing that his victory was evidence that Slovenia

    will go in the right direction.

    Embassy of Slovenia2410 California Street, NW

    Washington, D.C. 20008, USA

    T: +1 202 386 66 01E: [email protected]



    December 09, 2011















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    December 9, 20112

    Jankovi said people had showed that theywanted a new Slovenia that will be economicallysuccessful and social ... with respect andcooperation. Although having been ranked asfirm favorites in all pre-election public opinionpolls, the Democrats (SDS) of Janez Janasecured 26.2% of the vote and 26 seats.

    The Social Democrats (SD) of theoutgoing PM Borut Pahor garnered 10.5% ofthe vote and 10 seats, which Pahor said was better

    than expected, while the Citizens List of GregorVirant secured 8.4% and eight seats.

    Three more parties made it into theparliament: the Pensioners Party (DeSUS),

    which won 6.9% and six seats, as did the PeoplesParty (SLS) with 6.9%, while New Slovenia (NSi)made it with 4.8% and four seats.

    Of the parties that where in theparliament from 2008 through 2011, theSlovenian National Party, the LiberalDemocracy of Slovenia, and the Zares-SocialLiberals did not reach the 4% thresholdneeded to win seats in the parliament.

    Due to Slovenias electoral system, thesmaller parties will prove crucial in building

    a coalition, as natural allies alone have too fewvotes to build a strong government.

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    December 9, 20113

    As a part of the Embassy AdoptionProgram, Simona Selikar and Nuka Zakrajekof the Slovenian Embassy visited John W. RossElementary School in Washington, DC. Theembassy is participating in the program forthe third year in a row, whereas the programitself has existed since 1974.

    The Embassy Adoption Program works with 5th and 6th grade students, to infuseglobal education to DC Public School studentsthrough DCs international community. Thestudents in a class adopted by an embassyspend a year immersed in various programs

    that, among other, include classroom sessionshosted by embassy representatives, and fieldtrips to gain hands-on experience with theiradopted culture.

    December 6 was the first time thatSlovenian embassy representatives visited theclass at Ross Elementary School, which issituated in a charming historic building nearDupont Circle, and were very happy to findout that the children already knew quite a fewfacts about Slovenia.

    The presentation on Slovenia includedits tourist attractions, national history, nationalcuisine, sports, and music. The kids were veryexcited after the presentation and had lots ofquestions about the country.

    The students will also become penpals with a class at a Slovenian school backin Ljubljana, so that all the children will beable to share their learning experience witheach other, be able to understand each otherscommunities and increase cross-culturalcommunication skills.

    Embassy Adoption ProgramEDUCATION

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    December 9, 20114

    On Thursday, December 6, the Headof Delegation of the European Union tothe United States, Ambassador Joo Vale de

    Almeida hosted the reception to celebratethe opening of a Washington office of theEuropean Union National Institutes forCulture.

    Full members of EUNIC in Washington

    are the Alliance Franaise, Austrian CulturalForum Washington, British Council, Goethe-Institut, Hellenic Foundation for Culture,Instituto Cames, Romanian CulturalInstitute, and Italian Cultural Institute.

    The embassies can becomeassociate members, and among the currentmembers in the Washington cluster is also

    the Slovenian embassy and the embassies ofCyprus, Denmark, Finland, Romania, Spain,and Sweden, while the Delegation of theEuropean Union to the United States is anobserver.

    EUNIC Washington aims to presentdiverse, cutting-edge and thought-provokingcultural and educational programs to showcase

    the best of contemporary Europe.In addition, you can check its webside

    at:, or followit on Facebook:

    EUNIC Lounge


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    December 9, 20115

    When the Slovenian American newspaperAmerika Domovina - The American Homeclosed in 2008 after 110 years of publicationbecause of illness of publisher Jim Debevec,local Slovenians under the leadership ofBreda Loncar and Tony Petkovsek decided toestablish a new paper, the Slovenian American

    Times (SAT). The bilingual Slovenian American Times

    celebrated three years of successful publicationthis November. Published each month on 36large pages, it provides a wealth of Sloveniancommunity, cultural, and heritage news, local

    as well as global.In addition to Slovenian news, it featuresa number of regular columnists. Amongoccasional contributors is also prominent JimKlobuchar, the legendary retired columnist ofthe Minneapolis Star Tribune, author of overtwenty books and father of U.S. Senator AmyKlobuchar.

    The paper can be ordered online

    (, by phone(440-833-0020), or from Slovenian American

    Times, 33977 Chardon Rooad, Suite 120,Willoughby Hills, OH 44094.

    Slovenian American Times


    Slovenian aircraft manufacturer Pipistrel isunveiling the contest for the exterior (livery)design of the first Panthera aircraft, which willbe presented in major air shows and mediaaround the world in 2012. Pipistrel is lookingfor a livery which will enhance Pantheraslines and unique characteristics such as luxury,sportiness, speed, efficiency, environmental

    friendliness, and safety.

    More information on the Panthera can befound at your contribution to: [email protected] not later than January 10, 2012.

    The winning livery design, according toPipistrels panel of judges, will be awardeda prize. More info at:

    Contest For Livery Design


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    December 9, 20116

    Kompas HolidaysTOURISM

    In its next few issues, the Embassy Newsletterwill present the tourism boards, tourist agencies and other

    providers of Slovenian products and tourist services that

    participated in the Slovenian tourist board workshop, which

    was held in November 2011 in New York City, and has

    agreed to provide an article for the Embassy Newsletter.

    Kompas Holiday International is one ofthe largest Central and Southern EuropeEscorted Tour specialists as well as a Groupsoperator and FIT supplier to the wholesaletravel industry in North America, built on 60years of experience in the field.

    With all escorted tours, the companycovers 24 countries throughout Central,Southern, and Eastern Europe, with the maindestinations being Slovenia and Croatia. Inaddition to operating in Central and EasternEurope, Kompas also has the ability to renderassistance in all parts of Western Europe,thanks to its offices in Spain, France, the

    United Kingdom, Germany, and Italy.

    In recent years, Kompas Holidays hascombined its vast experience in Europeanescorted tours with the Mediterranean cruisebusiness by offering, within its tour programs,land and sea Adriatic tours, and various cruises

    along the Croatian coast.In conjunction with sailing tours as well

    as any Tour Operators own European cruises,Kompas is able assist with all pre- and post-accommodation in the arrival or departurehub, complete with sightseeing city stays andtours in and from the port of call.More about its products and tour programs

    can be discovered, or byemail at [email protected] .

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    December 9, 20117

    European Union Visitors Program (EUVP)


    High Slovenian Ranking in Hawaii


    The European Union Visitors Program(EUVP) invites young, promising leaders fromcountries outside the European Union to

    visit Europe to gain a first-hand appreciationof the E.U.s goals, policies and peoples andto increase mutual understanding betweenprofessionals from non-E.U. countries andtheir E.U. counterparts.

    The EUVP offers a one-week long

    program to learn more about the E.U. inBrussels and the E.U. institutions, tailor-madeto the requests and interests of each participant.

    The program has been in operation since1974. That first year, five selected Americans

    made their way across the Atlantic. Since then,more than 600 have followed.

    Those eligible to participate aregovernment officials (local, state, and federal),journalists, trade unionists, educators,officials of non-profit, non-governmentalorganizations and other professionals intheir mid-20s to mid-40s with career-relatedinterests in the European Union.

    The application deadline for the 2013program is March 1, 2012.

    The official application and informationfor this program is available at

    Slovenian extreme athletes Miro Kregarand Nino Cokan placed third and fourth,respectively, at the 27th Ultraman WorldChampionships in Hawaii last weekend. Theevent featured ten kilometers of open oceanswim, a 421-kilometer cross-country bike ride,and a 84-kilometer run.

    Kregar, who finished the first day of thecompetition in the 13th place and the secondday in the sixth, won the running event onthe third day with the time of 6:24:10, whichpropelled him to the third place overall withthe combined time of 23 hours and a half.

    Cokan, who on the other hand didbetter in swimming and biking, placing fifthon the first day and fourth on the second,

    was an hour and a half slower than Kregar

    on the third day, thus achieving the combinedtime of 24 hours and 17 minutes and overallplacing fourth.

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    December 9, 20118

    The weekly Embassy Newsletter, produced by the Embassy of Slovenia in Washington, is available

    Send us your comments or request for a subscription on: [email protected], Editor: Nuka Zakrajek

    List To Do


    2. Annual Ski TripDust off the skis and snowboards, its time for the SCC 2012 Annual Ski Trip to the famousMt. LaCrosse, WI. If interested, please respond ASAP available space is limited.Depart: Slovenian Catholic/Cultural Center, 14252 Main Street, Lemont, IL, on Friday, January13, 2012 at 7:00pm.Return: Leaving Mt. La Crosse on Sunday, January 15, 2013 at 5:00pm.Contact: SCC Ski Line @ 708-243-3825 or 708-250-4775 or email [email protected] information:

    3. The European Career Fair in BostonThe European Career Fair in Boston is an annual recruiting event, organized by the MIT European Club,that connects employers from Europe with the most talented candidates that live in the US. The Career Fair

    will offer an opportunity to: facilitate matching European employers to some of the brightest researcherswho are interested in a career in Europe; and increase the awareness in the United States of the opportunitiesthat European research offers. The European Commission will have a stand at the Career Fair on theexhibition day on January 21.

    When: January 21 - 23, 2012Where: (MIT campus, Cambridge, MA)More information:

    1.Polka! The MovieA film documentary about Slovenian music in America written and narrated by Mr. Joe Valencic for RTVSlovenija. The film is preceded by live Slovenian accordion music at 1:00 pm and a speech by Mr. Valencic.

    When: Sunday, January 15, 2012 at 1:30 pmWhere: Cleveland Museum of Art, 11150 East Boulevard, Cleveland, OH 44130More information: or

    Welcome To a New Colleague


    A new cultural and public diplomacy officer started hertenure at the Slovenian Embassy in the month of November.Besides editing the weekly Embassy Newsletter, she will beinvolved in cultural and other promotion of Slovenia in the UnitedStates through various events at the embassy as well as on a widerEuropean level.