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Page 1: Us naval training school bronx ny 1944 small
Page 2: Us naval training school bronx ny 1944 small


Commanding Officer

Gr.ldualt' uf the Naval AC'Jdemy. Class of 1907, 311<1

"cue! of Ihe Navy Cross for service in \Xlorld War 1.­

upt<tin Willi~m F. Amsden, U.S.N., has b«n in (omm~nd at the U. S. Nanl Traming School for Women since it

.. 3.S rommissioncd on FC'bruuy 8. 1943. He was on ~a .lUI)' in the Pacific when he was nrderC'd 10 undertake the

WAVES training POSt, and had (omm"ndcd coovoys which carri ed troops and mater;al !O the comBat zone. His

'V.5.S. HL'NTER" IS :l "happ)' ship," and his kindly It'<ldcnhip hu I'TINnI for thousands of WAVES a happy mmxlucrioo 10 Navy life.


W3f has OluSed a shortage of long distance telephone lines JUSt :IS it has (~UsN shonages of m;lny ulhn things. Despite warlime reslriClions. we are doing our M5[ 10 furnish IOOu ,he same frimdl,. and ~ciem service to .... hich you h'l.\,t bttn aCCUStomro.

In Ihis booklel 'lbom Ih(' School you will also lind infor. malion aooul Itlephon(, SC'rv ice and rt'Cle:u ional (('men In N(' .... York City.

Miss Eason. Mi.'is Von and I ar(' h('r(' al Ih(' School 10 h('lp you oblain (h(' 00' (('I('phon(' SC'rvic(' i( i, possiblC' for u, {O r('nd('r. If you haVt any tdephone questions pleas(' fed frc<: to talk {h('m o,",cr with us . Around Ih(' nation 'lnyonc .... earing the Blue Bell insignia ,,·iII be glad to hdp you.

V. II . CORYELL. ,\/ ....... N~ ... York T .. I~e Company


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Bronx, N. Y.

TIle U. S. Naval T raining School, Women's Re· serve, is located in the Borough of the Bron>: , New York City.

The School is a primary indoctrination center where all en listed W AVES are trained. It is a train· ing center at which the recruit gets her first taste of Navy life and is prepared for further instruction in special training schools or fo r immediate assign. ment to active duty.

Through a combination of d rill, physical educa· tion, recreational activities, training films, special knuTes, and other inst ruction, the recruit learns how to be a useful member of a mi litary organiza­tion and acquires a pride in the U_ S. Navy.

Basic Recruit T raining which occupies the fi rst two weeks aboard is fundamental to all other in­struction and gives an immediate working knowl· edge of Na\'y ways and customs.

llie rest of the training prog ram combines 1«­lures with strip films. motion pictu res, and demon­strations of Naval material in use. The r«ruit learns the background and prog ress of the war, the gem­eral plan of Naval operations "shore and afl oat , and her own part in the job the Navy is doing_

111is tra mmg is supplemented by an c>:tensi\'e program of physica l education, includi ng competi. ti ve team sports, swimming and calist henics. Mili ta ry drill and discipline are taught to g ive the recruits poise and bearing in keeping with their positions in the Navy.

Recreational activities have an important place on the busy training schedule at the School. The WAVES write, direct and act in their own shows and skits, and each regiment has its own glee club_ lliece arc special activities for g roups interested in the arts_

In addit ion to movies there are frequent appcar­ances by outside talent in concerts, plays and radio programs. A featu re of the recreational activities is the .Monday night " Variety Show" at 1930 in the audio torium of \X'alton High School or in the Amphitheatre at the rea r of Student Hall. The W AVES publish a newspa­per "The Conning Tower" which is distributed free to all recrui ts.


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Thousands of WAVES who receive their basic training at the School are now replacing Navy fighti ng men at \·ital tasks in many branches of the service.

While at the School the recruit is interviewed to determine in which field she will specialize and what furthe r training she will need. Various tests, iOler­views and lectures are given to assist in making as­signments. To the fullest extent that the needs of the Navy permit, the assignments are in line with the preferences expressed by the recruits themselves. Some go on direct assignments from the School to jobs requi ring their special skills. Others go to ad­\'anced Naval training schools in various parts of the country. At each of these schools the recruit is ,given specialized training fo r a certain petty officer rating.

WAVES as well as men are doi nb Ihe impor­tant job of operating Link trainers at naval fly ing schools to teach pilots how to fly "on instruments." Using specially de\'eJoped "synthetic de\·ices," the), are teaching gunnery ('0 Ryers. They are serv­ing as aerographers (weather experts). operat­ing airport tower cont rols, hand ling the logging of Rights, preparing weather charts and doing other esscmial work of the Na\'ai air stations

which guard our seacoasts.

Work in hospi­tals, always consid­efed t he special sphere of women, is another popular field for WAVES, They afe serving as hospital apprentices and pharmac ist's mates, Moslc-fthose with experience as medical technicians or therapists are given advanced ratings when they complete training. All are working to ease the suffering and aid the reco\'ery of Navy men wounded or rendered ill on the world's fa r.fl ung b~ ltle fronts.

In addition 10 these special jobs. WA VES arc working as teachers, yeomen, welfare specialists, storekeepers, parachute riggers; in Na\'al headquar. ters, in the censorship office, the fleet post office, and at many ol her jobs ashore,

After six months' active service enlisted per· sonnel with ex~ptiona l qualifications may be rec­ommended for officer training by their commanding officer.


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Your officers will gi\'c you complete information about regulations, facilities and routine at the Sta­lion. Here are only a few of the scr\·jccs and reg­ulations about which you may need information quickly. TIlis information has been furnished by Navy officials at the Station.

Unlled Stalu Moll - A mail room is located in each of the barracks where the mail is sorted by mail orderlies. Stamps can ~ purchased at the post office in D;l\'is Hall . A time and place for the distribution of mail ate decided upon by the Company Com­manders in the barracks. Mail, including packa~s, is distributed by the mates to addressees only.

Outgoing letters should be placed in the mail box on the main deck. All packages must be taken to the post office. First class mail will be sent free, but sea­men must write in longhand the return address in upper left·hand corner and mark " FREE" in upper right-hand corner, where the stamp is ordinari ly placed. This shows the way your mail should be ad­dressed to you-

Mary L Jones, A.S. Reg. , Bldg. , U. S. Naval Training School (WR), Bronx, New York 6}, N. Y.

Ce nlonhlp - Seamen must not discuss with re­porters or civil ians any significant matter pertaining


to the Navy. Letters to prisoners of war must not mention the writer's name in conn«tion with the Navy. 111(' keeping of personal diaries by Navy per­sonnel has ~en forbidden for the duration of the War.

Come rol - Cameras may be u~d only during hours of liberty on weekends.

lel t and found - Articles found in barracks are kept in the Lucky Bag on the main deck. A Station Lucky Bag is in Room 10, Gillet Hall.

Re llgioul Servl~e l - Religious ~rvices for Prot­estant, Catholic and Jewish recruits are conducted every Sunday morning.

Viliton - The policy is not to allow visitors for recruils on the Station at any time. In emergencies, however, visitors will get permission from the duty commander. The seaman is notified if permission is granted.

Nov)' Time ond Civilian Time _ Navy time is desi~. n:lted by a four-figu re group without punctuation, the first two figures denoting the hour, the second two the minutes. Navy time begins at midnight. These examples show the corrm form:

12:01 a.m. 0001 4:45 p.m. 12 :}0 p.m. IHO 10:06 p.m.

The N avy Bell strikes e"ery half hour.

1645 2206


- I

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Ship'. Ser.,l,e _ Ship's Service, in l):tvis H:1I1 and Buildi ng L, provides various services needed by recru its. The Slore ca rries stationery, toi let ,t:oods, candy, maJ.:~zines, etc. Ship's Service in Davis Hall is opcn Monday th rough Saturday from 0900 to 1700; on Sunday from 1300 to 1630. Ship's $en'ice Annex in Bui ldi ng L is open Mond .. y through Sat· urd~y from 1900 to 2100. In Ship's Service in Davis Hall are a beauty shop, cobbler's shop, photog· rapher, luggage room, cofftt shop, laundry and pre5Sing shop.

Unlform _ All ft'("ruits medically qualified are ~i\"('n a $200 uniform allowance. With it they buy shoes, hose, hats, suits, coat, shirts, tics, glo,'cs, and bag - all official Navy gear. Two pairs of regulation shoes must be purchased at Ihis Station. Underwear should be purchased in ad,'ance.

Uberty _ A map of the Station showing OUI·of· bounds areas is shown on the center pages of this booklet. Announcement will be made when seamen are to receive liberty. Until then, they cannot leave the Sta.tion.

Solutlnll _ Seamen in Navy hats, e,'en if not in complete uniform, salute officers. When outdoors, Ihey salute if not in pla.toon formation. In. fO.rma­lion, only the pett)' officer salutes. In bUI.ld"'gs, they do nol salute an)'one except Ihe Capta"" and


they never sal ute if without hats. Salutes are reno dered from a position of attention .

Quiet Hour - Mondays through Fridays a Quiet Hour is maintained (t 930.2 Ioo ) . Seamen who re· main in their own quarters may study or engage in any activity, such as hairdressing and ironing, which docs not disturb others. Telephoning from your barrack or from your assigned Tdephone Center is also permitted.

SI,k Coli - Sick (;"I ll is at 0830 and 1900 wcckdap, anJ at 0900 and 1900 Sundays, in the Dispensary (Gillet Hall , Room 0 19) . $camen requiring medical attention must go to sick call and may not stay in their <Juarters without doctor's permission. All seamen must muster for morning mess unless it is necessary to have an ambu· lance call for them.

Natlonol Se rvic e Lifo In,uran,e - A II

Navy personnel are

eligible for National

Servicc Life Insur· ance. Information

about this rna}' be obtained at thc in­

su rance office.

, J

Page 7: Us naval training school bronx ny 1944 small



AJ.c NO \.IOI\K-TO SPE..tJ< (y /


The IN D (I ndependent Subway Division ) has Slat ions at Kingsbridge Road on the G rand Con­cou r~. and at Bedford Park Boulevard on the Grand Concourse.

The JRT ( Interborough Rapid T ransit ) has sta­tions at Kingsbridge Road on Jerome Avenue, and at Bedford Park Bouleva rd on Jerome Avenue,

From the Administ rat ion Buildings, the Bedford Park Boulevard stations are nearer, From barracks, the Kingsbridge Road stations are nearer,

To reach the -,Ifth A", "ue Shopping Dbtrld _ Take downtown

Sixt h A\'enue I 0 (Concourse ) "0" train and get o ff at 50th, 42nd or 34th St,

Tim .. Square (The otrlcol Db trld ) a"d W e .t Sid " Ma"hatta" - Take downtown INO (Concourse ) "C" or " 0 " train, To PemlJ)-it 'allia StatiOI1 take "C" trai n, or " 0 " to 59th 51. and change there to " A" or "C,"

Grond Cenlrol, h •• t Sid. Manhallon. la ... . r Man_ hanan _ T ake any downtown IRT train.

To reach the Station from -Wo.1 Sid. ManhallCln - Take uptown INO Sixth

or Eighth A"cnue line, an)' "e" or "0" train to Kingsbridge Road or Bedford Park Bou levard.

Ian Sid. Manhattan - Take uptown lexington Avcnue IRT li ne, Woodlawn Road-Jerome Avenue train to Kingsbridge Road or Bedford Park Blvd. I


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* * *

1"" " .. (10<' Ioob _.r " b ig wo .. . 01

Wo .... .

* Way .. k .. p up wilh 10.1' ''''"ut, wor .. IWI in Wo, Orie ntation CIon.


.. 'Te .. ,h"nl fo ..... ord, morelll" Keepinll .tlp wilh " Hup. 2.) -. "

on "'''Y to .. ,., Cia ...

" PCOII in < • • i" ... !·· Mo<ching ~coh .. "n. col CO g,cod .. oli"g regime"t or" ... at~hed by newly.

orri .. d r .. , .. ill.


Tin " 8 " .. , " ,\I_~";.$ So. , "llh~ IPAVa

Word. and MUlic by JANI L. E .... NS. S I C, U.S.N .H.

N avy. full speed ahead t ''(Ie are behind our mt'o.

Navy. full speed ahead! We' re united and we' ll fig/II rur

Frl-room and libeu)'. Qur gn'al democracy.

United Slates We stand. 11UtJ speed ahead!

Uniu~d States, the navy's OU1 10 .loCI ; United Stales, the WAVES will alwars be Working for the red and white and blue : W'e 'll k«p o ur ballotr fl ying O\U )'00.

CoPY, ...... 1 ~ ' by f a,,,,,,,_ M".;. Curp., PuMillh,,", '0 PAt3moUIII Pic.u.n. ""pri ... "" by . p«ia l "".miDi .....


Word. by ENSIGN HIlTTY D . Sr. CI .. ,., U.S.N . II .

Mu.ic by EN SIG N EU7.A8I!TU K. t:N(}U . U.S.N.R.

\~AVES OF THE NAVY, There 's a ship sailing do"n the ba)',

And she won 't slip into port again Until that vicl'ry day.

Carryon fo r thaI gallant ship, And for eV' r), hero brave

\~ho will find a.shore his man·.iud chore Wa5 done b)' a Nav), WAVE.

Copyright by Sam }'o:o I>ublilhi". Co .• N ew Yo rk, N . Y. R ~'ed by .p«i~1 permission.

11 "

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BRON X. NEW YORk, 63 . N .'I' .




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Offi(i~l Commillee fo r Amcri(lln and All ied $C'r"icc M~ and Wom~

" PARK. AnNUE at 40th Street Telcphonc; M Urray Hill ~-6900

Opc.'fl 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., ~Iurday 9 :I.m. 10 2 a.m., Sunda)' 10 ~.m. 10 9 p.m. Free admissions 10 broadcaslS, movies. Iht<llres, spons. ronct'fU. Invilalions 10 panies and dances. Si8~lSt'I.'i ns 10UI"5. Complt'lt' inform.uion on ro:-crt<lllon, C'IlICnalllmCIll, New York Cily lransponauon. ~fSOn~1 services, NU(lI'

tional roursn. HOld and room rt'fcrra l servicc, da ily (0 9 p.m., ~(Urd~y 10 2 ~.m.; no ad"~ncc or lelepl}()1lt' reser· \"JlJons. All services fI«.

RECREAT IONAl CENTERS Thioo H.t of ~~nt.n In r.bnh.t\ ...... d Urooklrn tor A"",r "'." .nd Allied Ser.l<e 1· ...... nn.1 ...... u!)., lIed by tho: Ne ... York City Oerelile KKruilon Commltw... ",., """~n ... hkh ..... markfd wllh It .......... o~n lO both .nke men .nd ... omen.

MANHATTAN * All FOICl CLUJ, L81 6th A ve. near dth St. _ P .. ·ti~ • . Ie"

... ,,'fd dallr. lIam.,.. ]o"nlle. O~n 10 a.m. 10 10 11.m. Tcle­lIhone: .:L.kIrado 6-0082.

* ANZAC CLUI, 1(/6 W~t 66th SI. nu. &I h A'·e. Lo""",,. ent~.tah'm .. nl, lIbrar~. b ..... 'Ic .. 1II b.~k hom" ., 'r...-.dAY. Ol",n 9 a.m. 1<> n'ldnillht. Telephone: COlu mb". 6_6%S; nilht. C lrd" 1_1dl. * BATTEBY I'ARM SUVICl CLUI CSALVATION ARMY J. Slip 3. Soulh . '".ry, r""t or Wh itehall SI. 1""'''lIe, ""ioe ."""rdJnll. eh.,"",h'lI: ..... ck boo • • CIoo<-<I 2 to ~ •• m. Tel .. I\h-on~: 1I0 ... nn .. Gr .... n 9·3Si(!. * 1001( CANTEEN t NEW YOU I'UILIC LIIIIAIIY J, 51h A ve. and 42nd St. lkook., mJlgul n"", new, .,.l>fcro In Room 112. • upplnnent<-d ..,. the •• ry·. nnu.1 ... 1Jeetlon. Ol>fcn 3 to 9 p.m, dall,.. '""0 ... ..::1 Sunday. T~k'l'hon~: II Kr.,,1 i-ISoo. * CANTEEN CLU •• OOM CA MUICAN MUSEUM OF NATUIiAl HISTOIYI, 7lhh St .• ,," •• 1 I' •• k W.,.I l..ounll:". IIbro.l7 ... am ... c.nt .... n • .-ulde<l loon th1Olll1h :w: ....... m . .dm_IoD to IIAydoc:n 1"I.nll"larlum. Open 1 to , p. m. TeJe.. phon .. : ENdicott 2_1SOO.


CAIIOLL CLUI , 120 M.dloo" Avt. ~t 30th SI. l..ounll~. r-<)< ...... n m . ,,,,,,I. I1Am ... m",I" racilit ia. I~und .y. fI . _inl;<. "" ... inll. 0 1"''' Ii a. m . to HI I'.m .. 8. 1 ".dM~. to mWnilj: hL T"leph-o ne; MU •• AY IIUI 5_0n3.

CATHOLIC YOUN G WOMEN 'S CLUI , 6-11 1~'xi""IO" A ... ·. ~I ~ ~ t h SI. 1.o""KC, "am .... "'''~Ir r .. "ilill .... D.".,.... T>, ...... d.,... "'''''''''''Y'' . "d Sunday. 1 ;10 pm. Ol,.,n 9 :30 ",m. to HI p.m ..• nd Su"day ...... "inll". Telc"ho"", PI .. UA 3_4920.

CENTIAL .IANCH Y. W.C .A., 610 I .. nina-ton Ave,.t :.3rd SI. OfllciA I info.m .tlon .nd 1>00.,,11.111,. .... nt~. fn. """"en In

Ihe _nice. room rq.t.y ro. Y. W,C.A .... tdencoee .. nd i"'-~I["'I<-d room .. pool. lI:ym. o.,...t,. d.n ...... nd oo<:i.1 .ed.-llia. T.lew.on,,: WI"k~ham 2_4500.

* CHIISTIAH SCIENCE SUVICl ClNUI, U7 . ·iflh AVf!. n"ar 45lh SI. l .oun .... , wrilln .. a-am ... mu.k. O""n II A,m. to I I p. m . ... .... kd.7II; I to II .,.m, Su"d.,.,.. T"I ... ho .... : MU.ra,. lI lil !·UD4. * DUGOUT, Z35 Uotot Unol 81. near 3rd A,·e. Gameo. m" .... lib' .I7. cafet •• 1a open wHkday. 5;45 to 7:45 .,.m .. ~. Open 8 •• m. to II P.m. Te"'phon.: E I .. do ... do '·9831. * ELK S FIATUNAL CfIoolTU FOI SUVIC( MEN, 2113 M.d;'""n Ave. a l 39lh St. Lo.", .. ., ... am .. , unt ... n. ~h ..... inll:. lib'.I7 • Tel"JIho"e: MU. r.,. 11 111 3·l!n~.

* GlAND CINTlAL STATION SEIVICE MEN ' S LO UHGl CTIIAV· nus AID SOCIETY) , PAr. A'·e .• " d 42nd St. l.ounKe. hol.,1 . nd room Inf.,..m"IOon. ~ h .... klnll: .• nae. b ••• lib .... ,.. Info. ma l lon.; M Urra,. lI il1 ~·!SI6.

HAIlEM BIIANCH Y.W .C. A .. 119 W .,II l~lth SI. "e.r 7th Av ... Pool. IO"m . h>odmlntun. "oort.,,"". """C.l aetivitieo.

room retlJ.t ry .... I."r .. nl 1 M.m. h. mid"ill:hl. Telcphn" e: AUd ubon 8· 1000.

HOS' ITA U TY HOUSI OF SALVATION AIIMY Iro. wivl!< Mnd "'omen .... Ja l iv,.. or ..,rY I~ peop le In N ..... York Cit ,.). ~ 22 W .. t 22"" SI. " " ... 9110 Ave. K.,.,m., lounll:'" lib ruy, I."nd.y. 'rel"ph,,,,,,: Clle l..,,, 3·S323.

* JEWISH WllFAIE 10ARD, I t::aot 'Mh SI. ncar 5tll Ave. _ l..ouna-e. lI.m .... portrait. .... I~h ..... hol~1 " .. d room .... fe .... ' ""n ice, ' eIiKio". r.~lIill"". l).ncinK ... it h oreh""t ••. C.nt ""n for lune h and dln ne •. O l>l'n II •. m . 10 II p.m., Satutd"y to n, id nill: hl. Te ..... ho .. e: 11): .. ""t ~ _oooa.

* MUSIC 10)[ CANTEEN , 68 ~'Ihh Ave. "eA' 131h $1, l.ou"Ke . Iibral7, lla ma, d. ndn •. "nle.IAlnmenl AI 9 ".m. Open 3 p.m. 1<> m id nll/hI, Telephon.: GRAm • ....,. 7·11186.

* MUSIC LIIIIAIY I NlW YOlK 'UIlJC LIIIIARy) , I~I . ::"'_1 Ulh St. n ..... '·A.k AVf!. Plano .nd other inst rument.. ...It h muoic: for lhel ........ l'honotrTlph ........ .-do. Open noon 10 9 p. m.; SalurdAy , A.m. lu • P.m.; $und.~ 3 10 7 p.m. T ..... phone: VOlunlHr i-HlI1.


Page 11: Us naval training school bronx ny 1944 small

• N. TION.L C.THOLIC COMMUNITY UllVIcr CrNTEIt . 17 ~:a.l 611l St. near Mlldl ... n Ave.- Inform.tlon, Ioun.e. c.m ... d.ndnc, nrietJ'.how t'.i.u.,. eyen lnCI. lib .... ,.. elln. t ... n, hotel lind ....... referrlll ""..,.;..,.. nlll'lo". beilit;"'. O""n '" lI.m. 10 midnilrhl. Te~phone: PlAu 3-6765.

SUVtCE WOMEN 'S C(NTU. 1I0tcl Bl1lmo .... Mad ..... A~",. III ~3rd St. l ..... nNc. m .. k.....,p t-.... rltlnl' f.ellit""-, .I .. ht.­_I ..... ,hopplnc •• nd hou<;;nl< In form.tlon. Open noon to 'p.m. 'hlepho ... : M UM".,. )Jill '·7120.

• THISTU CANTEIN. ~ W""t 96th SI. n ... . Centr.t » •• k Weott - Lounp. lib .. ,.,... C""". Open 7 p.m. 10 m ld nll<hl. Din"", with o..,h ... I ••• I'.m. Mond.,.. WO!dnlNda,.. I"rid.,.. SItu ••

dill'. Te,""hone, RI"",nidc 9.1790. • TIMES SQ U.U SlItVICE MEN ' S CENTER. II r"011dwI,. lind ~ 1 'h

St. - Lounn. Informallon, checkln l'. ,",UIIe, Inllck b.r. hotel .nd room Inform.tion. Yoke r..cord ln,." .rternoon. and evenl .. p ex""pt Th undayS. Open 9:30 •. m. to 12:30 a.m. Telephone: Circle 6·6570.

• TItAULUS .10 SOCIETT _ IlOUlln .. inform.tlon .nd pe. _ "" ... 1 ... eUare .."yiceo. lIeldqulrt~. 14~ &'1 U t h St .• open t~ hour.. Tel~hone: MU.u,. 11 111 2·"00. Information boot ... It Grand Central Ind !'enn Stalio", OIM n II .. m. to , pm.: It G~hound Ii ... Termlnll (142 W .. t Ulh 8t.) S to II p.m. ; .,.""'pt Tuad.,.. .nd WO!dn ..... ,..: at C.pltol nUl T .... mln.1 (U6 W ... I 60tl1 St.) ...... kd.,.. , •• m. to • p.m.. Satu""",.. to nOOD: .t F UT"J' 110_. St. Geol"Wf!. SI.ten 111.nd. , a.m. to , p.m.

• TWo-FOI· ON E CANTIEEN. 11",",1 };dIMn, 211 W ... I ~61 h St. l""xIMn, lv .. lunebeonl for two ..... ;..,. _nl. o. a ler .. 1c. ........,n and dvlllan. C.rlcalu ..... nd phot .. t..,.,. OPf!.n noon to S p.m.

• UNION SElVICf MEN ' S LOUNGE. 2211 W.,.t ~8th St . nUr lI .... d .... ,. 1.0un...,. pm.,.. ,.,.dlnll .• nack bar. Sq".re danee 2nd ThUt9d.,. or month. Open t p.m. to mld n l"ht. Sundl" to 10 p.m. T~I~pho ... e: C ircle 6-6'~ 0.

• WUT SIOI T. M.C . A .. S w ... t 6!.d 81. nc.r Cenl r.1 I'Rrk W"t - G~m". eatetnia. ~tt..ckl n... Open ho .... u.,nlnl<" D.nee cl •• Monda)' 6:3Q p. m. Tel .. phone: SUoque. hanna 7·~ 4 00.

WEST SIDE IIt.NCH T.W .C. A .• 601 W ... t 60th 51. It 10th Ave. - 1'001. 0"'. lPOm. outdoor tenn. court. enrL _k_ l hop. I"ftlau •• nt. 0."".,. Friday' p.m. Te1f!l)hon .. , COlum· bu. 6_4$77. * WILLI ... SLOANE HOUSE T . M.C .• .• 161 W .. t 14th St. nft . ttl. A...,. I_nl'''. cat"",.;.. al"hlftelnl' t.lpe 4.117. d.nce with 01"(: ..... 1 ... WO!d naday and Saturda,. 11'10 " ..... Tele­phon .. , DR,..n! t.'~70.

WOMEN ' S MIUTAIT SEItVICES CLUI, ~$] M.d,""n A ..... at 60th St. - Lollnl'e. II..... .nd ...... d;nl' rooma. loeb ... ahowe ... cafete.I ........... OC>mpJ.,t .. Info.m.tlon ..".Ic.. d.n ..... other entert.lnment. Te,"",hon .. , PLu. 1-7477 .


IROOkLYN • I.T Ii0G E C ... NTUN. 6214 Fourth Ay ... at Un! 81.- Lounll" .

IIbnl"]'. ".01_ .u.~ln" .t 8 p.m .. unl ... n, bot .. 1 and room Inf ........ tlon. Open nOOn 10 II 1'.01. T .. lel'hone' Wl nohor '·9RI . * IIOOKLTN N.n T. M.C.A . • 16"1 g""", ~t. . llruok lyn Chfl:k-Inc f""IIIt~. laundry. t .... nin ... nd " _ In,, .t I"""ial .. t.,.. Clubrooml . libnry ... rilinl' room. 1.llor. Telt1>ho ... : TRI.n .. le ... flU.

" OOKLTN Y. W .C .A . • SO Third A"~ .• llrooktyn Loun«e. room •• I'yml pool, lI.mes. libnry, m".le f • .tllt;.". cafe"'rl •• kltcken. TNe .,hone : TRi.nlt:!., '· 1190.

• FULTON SUMNEl C.NTUN, lUi Full"n St. Lounlt'!. ... ma. O.nee dAll,. 8:30 p.m. O""n I to II p.m. Telephone, 1·1t" ldent 2·27i7.

• JEWISH WELf ... 1tE IO ... RD CENTEl , IIl12 Pourth Ave. nea r 9Sn! SI. _ LouII",e. librl.,.. CAmeo>, hotel .nd room In forma_ tion. canlftn. dandnll eye.,. nllt:ht . Open "SO a.m . to II .,.m .• SAturday to midnll'ht. Tel~hon .. ' Silo..., R .. d a..!II~O. * NATIONAL CATHOLIC COMMUN ITY SEItTICE, !12~' S ....... Ro-d near &lin! SI. - Loun.... .Ime., lIbr.,.,... ...,H .. Iou. f.tUlt "". holel and 1"00II'> Inform.llon. cant~n OIMn .. v ..... nln .... DIn.,... & p.m. Open 10 •• m. to 11 p.m. Telephon., In::aeh .. 1f!w 11-1460.

• NAVT STItElY CANTUN II .OOKLYN OUINSE RIC ItEATION COMMITTEE •• Nu,. . nd Conconl SU. _ Rft...,.llon. In r.,.._ m.tlon. """';" licJ<et., e.n!ftn. Opo:n 10 1.01. to 11 p.m . Dance with oreheotr. WO!dn....ta,. .nd S.turday 8:all p.m. Tet..:phone: TRi."II1e 6.6874. ll rooklrn 1I ..... lnN lI .,..d""ar_ t ..... for room., ..... rtmenla: w«,k-d.,.. 11 •• m. to 5 pm .. S.t urd.,.. 10 Q p.m. Telephone, TRlencl. 6·1966. * n.CHf15 VOLUNTAItY SElVIC£ ORGANIZATION. 191 Joralc· mon SI. nu. \lornul'h U all - Loun ....... Rm .... lib ••• ,.. moYict tlcketa. hotel .nd room in form.tlon. e.ntHn. d.n.,... t'Tld.y .nd Stoturday &,80 p. m. I"OI"",tlon. m. them. tiel. ""len.,.... IlnNU •• eo. Opo:n 11 a.m. to I I p. m. Telcphone' TRla nl'l .. 6·66~9.

OFFICERS SERVICE COMMI"EE Official CommiuC"C for Officrrs of Am~ican

and Allied Forc('5

1I0t.,1 COmmodo .... Lex inl'lon Ave .• t 42nd St. _ !.oun .... fadlitle.: wouc .... '" for Ih ... I ..... con""'rls. l POoU; cards to dub.. ttO\.f!1 .nd room ...,f., ..... 1 .... ylce .nd .p.rl ..... nt In fo.m ._ lion , d.lI,. .nd S~nd.,.. Open 10 • . 01. tu 10 .,.01., S . .,urd.y to m ldn l .. ht. Telt1>hon .. : MUM"." Hill 6-1600.


Page 12: Us naval training school bronx ny 1944 small


To help spc~d your long dislanc~ calls special Telephone Centers are located at 84 West 1971h Street, next door to Building D, and at 90 West 1951h Strttt, opposite Building L. A number of telephone booths at each Center are served through switchboards connecting directly with long distance centers.

The attendants at these Centers will be glad to handle your long distance calls, furnish rate and other information, make change and help you look up telephone numbers. Lounge facilities, magazines and writing materials arc provided at each Center. If your all is delayed, if! a com fortable place to wait.

To \'isil )'our assigned Telephone Center you should log out from your barrack and obtain a Sta· l ion Liberty Card. The lime of arriva l and departure


will be checked at the Telephone Center. l llesc visits may be made during Quiet Hour.

Coin telephones are pro\'ided in rour barrack. P/eaJt IlIe Iheu ollly for Neu Y ork Cily and subpr­ball (alh, many of which you will dial direct without the help of an operator. Be sure to read the card in the booth telling you how to dial. For suburban points see the map on the outside of one of the

boths in rOUT barrack.


Your long distance calls from the Station or else­where must be handled over wires already o\'er­loaded by war calls - calls that help sp«d the training of men and women and the flow of ships, planes, guns and other weapons - and by the calls from thousands of service men and women to thei r homes and relati\'es.

W e afe doing our best to handle ever}' call as quickly as possible. Despite everything we can do, howe\'er, at times there just aren't enough lines to hand le all the calls without delay,

Ordinarily we woul d build more lines, but we can't do that in wartime because practically all tele-


Page 13: Us naval training school bronx ny 1944 small

phone manufacturing facil ities and manpower ha\'e been produci ng communications equipment for war.

Because you and rour shipmates and the hun­dreds of thousands of other service men and women are sharing the same lines, we hope rou will make rour a ils as brie£ as possible. TIle sooner you leave the telephone the sooner those waiting can get their calls through. By limiting )'our long distance a ils - to fi\'e minutes, say, at the most - you can help make room on crowded wires for calls that might not get th rough otherwise,


While on the Station make all/ollg JiJtal/U calls :u your assigned Telephone Center.

St .. t ion-to . Slotlon C .. II. _ If )'ou will talk with anyone who answers, make a /fatiOIl-to-JtatiOll call. Rates for these calls are the lowest, and you will usually get faster service. Just give the operator the cit)' or town and the telephone number. O]arges begin when anyone at the called number answers.

Pe rlon-Io- Pe r l on Coli. If rou wish to reach a part icular person, that is ;1 call, Give the operator the city or town, the full name of the person and, if possible, the telephone number.


Th e rat e for thi s type of GIll is higher than for a station-to­stat ion cal l, and cllar,ges ~gin when the par­ticu lar person ans ..... ers.

(oll~t ( .. II . - If rou ..... ant your out-of-town call to go "collect," tell the operator so whtll yon plart il. If someone at the called telephone aJl!~S to accept the charges, you will ~ connected. Please don't ..... ait until after rou ha"e called to ask that the charges ~ reversed,

Incomlns C .. II. As it is difficult to locate you at so large a station, it is sugsested you tell your family to call you on ly in emergency. To help them rcad] you in emergency gi,'e them the number of the tele­phone marked " For Incom ing Calls," located in your barrack.

LONG DISTANCE RATES Reduced rates are in effect all day Sunday and

every night after 1800. These reduced rates do not apply on calls where the station ·to-station day rate is nc or less, So you need not wait until the e,'e­ning rush to call ne;1rby points,

Rates plus taxcs from New York City to anum· ber of cit ies are printed inside the back cover of this booklet , and also on a front page of the New York City telephone directories at public telephones.


Page 14: Us naval training school bronx ny 1944 small



Additional COP'" of Ihi5 booklel may be O,bllined ® .... ithout charge at Ihe TelephonC" Untci'S. 1 ~y are ~ provided ... i[h Ihe thoughl Ihat the folu home or prospc('I;"c WAVES may be interdltd.



NEW YORK CITY St.i".,/",S'.';d"

$1.t;(1._/._$I./;",. N:t.~ & D., 1l",I, s ... ", If ••

Ada Ga . ........................... $2. 10 $I.S0 "~re, Md. ........................ .90 .55 Ili.nUDf;ham, Ala . .................... 2.40 1.70 8osroo, Mass. ..... "'" .,' ....... .90 .55 ~e, \'\' )'0 . ...................... 3.90 2.iO ~, III . ........................... 2.10 1.50 CkveliJld, Ohio ...................... lAs .95 nul-. TUlU .......................... 3.S0 2Ao llntYerr Colo . .......................... 3.90 2.70 On MOines. 10"'" .................. 2.7S 1.90 Druoi!, M kh. ............... ......... 1.60 1.1 S J-.:boOvillr. Fla . .................... 2.W 1.60 Km_ Cit)'. Mo . .................... 2.90 2.00 Lo. Aagrlr~, Calif. ..... . . S.OO 3.7S Lou.iPilIr, K )' ......................... 1.90 lAo MiaaIiJ Fla .. ............................. 2.90 2.00 Mi1wl~k«, W is . ................... 2. IS I.SS MiNwIpolis. Minn . ... _ ............ 2.65 1.8S Nubvi.tJ r, Trnn . .................... 2. IS loSS New Haven, Conn. .. ............. .SS AO N ... q rleans. t a . .................. 3.00 2. 10 OIdabOma City. Okla . ............ 3.3S 2.3S O~ Nebr. ,.................. 3.00 2. 10 Ph~lphia , Pa. ............. .SS AO Pill f.h, Pa. ................. 1.2S .8S PonIaIi , Maine ...................... 1.1 5 .70 Ralei • N. C ........................ lAS .9S

. nd. Va. ...................... LI S .70 i5. Mo . .......................... 2Ao 1.70 r Cit) .. Utah ................ 4.S0 3.}O

lon;o. T rxas , ........... 3.90 2.70 s.a f nci~. Cal if . ............. .... so 3.60 Snt~ Wash. ......... . .... so 3.60 W glon, D. C ....... .95

• •

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"" OcrOBER

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APRIL SMTWT , S , 2)4567

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FEBRUARY MARCH S MTWTfS S MTWTf S , , , , , , • S , , • '" • 56785110

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Fmnc cover. orTi(I~1 U. S. Navy phOlo",r~ph .

4' 7-44