Download - US History EOC Review Great Depression 1)Which economic trend of the 1920s helped cause the Great Depression? helped cause the Great Depression? a)rising.

Page 1: US History EOC Review Great Depression 1)Which economic trend of the 1920s helped cause the Great Depression? helped cause the Great Depression? a)rising.

US History EOC Review

Great Depression

Page 2: US History EOC Review Great Depression 1)Which economic trend of the 1920s helped cause the Great Depression? helped cause the Great Depression? a)rising.

1) Which economic trend of the 1920s helped cause the Great Depression?

a) rising cost of mass-produced goodsb) increasing income tax ratesc) failing tariff ratesd) buying on Credit

Page 3: US History EOC Review Great Depression 1)Which economic trend of the 1920s helped cause the Great Depression? helped cause the Great Depression? a)rising.

2) Based on the cartoon, economic recovery would require a) fewer regulations by

the federal government

b) increased taxes on the working class

c) more money in the hands of lower-income families

d) protective tariffs on foreign goods

Page 4: US History EOC Review Great Depression 1)Which economic trend of the 1920s helped cause the Great Depression? helped cause the Great Depression? a)rising.

3) Which factor contributed to the stock market crash of 1929?

a) Overspeculationb) government regulation of big

businessc) decreased investment in businessd) increased agricultural prices

Page 5: US History EOC Review Great Depression 1)Which economic trend of the 1920s helped cause the Great Depression? helped cause the Great Depression? a)rising.

4) What did Roosevelt call his program for relief?

a) Good Deal b) Big Deal c) My Deal d) New Deal

Page 6: US History EOC Review Great Depression 1)Which economic trend of the 1920s helped cause the Great Depression? helped cause the Great Depression? a)rising.

5) President Herbert Hoover’s response to the Great Depression was often criticized because it

a) wasted money on new social programs

b) caused widespread rioting and looting in major cities

c) raised taxes on businesses and the wealthy

d) failed to provide direct relief for the neediest persons

Page 7: US History EOC Review Great Depression 1)Which economic trend of the 1920s helped cause the Great Depression? helped cause the Great Depression? a)rising.

6) Which geographic area is most closely associated with the Dust Bowl of the 1930s?

a) Great Lakes basinb) Mississippi River valleyc) Appalachian Mountainsd) Great Plains

Page 8: US History EOC Review Great Depression 1)Which economic trend of the 1920s helped cause the Great Depression? helped cause the Great Depression? a)rising.

7) Which economic policy did President Franklin D. Roosevelt use to respond to the Great Depression?

a) supply-sideb) laissez-fairec) deficit spendingd) global interdependence

Page 9: US History EOC Review Great Depression 1)Which economic trend of the 1920s helped cause the Great Depression? helped cause the Great Depression? a)rising.

8) Which statement about Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal program is most accurate?

a) protective tariff rates increasedb) social welfare programs were

expandedc) government regulation of business

was reducedd) government support of environmental

conservation ended

Page 10: US History EOC Review Great Depression 1)Which economic trend of the 1920s helped cause the Great Depression? helped cause the Great Depression? a)rising.

9) During the Great Depression, expressions such as Hoovervilles and Hoover blankets showed that President Hoover

a) was seen as a role modelb) used the military to aid the

unemployedc) was blamed for the suffering of the

poord) supported relief and public housing

for the needy

Page 11: US History EOC Review Great Depression 1)Which economic trend of the 1920s helped cause the Great Depression? helped cause the Great Depression? a)rising.

10) A major reason for creating the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) in 1933 was to

a) build and manage a turnpike in the valley

b) provide health care benefits for southerners

c) encourage African Americans to settle in the valley

d) improve economic conditions in a poor rural region

Page 12: US History EOC Review Great Depression 1)Which economic trend of the 1920s helped cause the Great Depression? helped cause the Great Depression? a)rising.

11) The New Deal tried to solve many problems of the Great Depression by

a) providing federal aid to many sectors of the economy

b) reducing taxes on big business to stimulate job creation

c) lowering federal spending to maintain a balanced budget

d) decreasing foreign competition by raising tariffs

Page 13: US History EOC Review Great Depression 1)Which economic trend of the 1920s helped cause the Great Depression? helped cause the Great Depression? a)rising.

12) The following quote is from President Roosevelt in the early 1900s: “This Second New Deal Act gives contributors a legal, moral, and political right to collect their pensions and unemployment benefits.” Based on this quote, to which Second New Deal Act is Roosevelt referring?

a) Social Security Actb) Volstead Actc) Wealth Tax Actd) Agricultural Adjustment Act

Page 14: US History EOC Review Great Depression 1)Which economic trend of the 1920s helped cause the Great Depression? helped cause the Great Depression? a)rising.

13) Which statement most accurately describes conditions of American farmers during the economic boom of the mid-1920s?

a) Shortages of fertile land and farm equipment lowered farm income.

b) Overproduction helped keep farmers from participating in the prosperity of the times.

c) Subsidies and other government programs dramatically increased farmers’ incomes.

d) Higher prices for farm products resulted in a higher standard of living for farmers.

Page 15: US History EOC Review Great Depression 1)Which economic trend of the 1920s helped cause the Great Depression? helped cause the Great Depression? a)rising.

14) How did popular attitudes towards the federal government shift during the Great Depression?

a) Public opinion turned against new federal programs because of increased taxes.

b) People concluded that state governments were better at promoting economic growth.

c) Voters grew distrustful of the federal government because they felt it favored the wealthy.

d) Americans came to expect the federal government to help them solve their economic problems.

Page 16: US History EOC Review Great Depression 1)Which economic trend of the 1920s helped cause the Great Depression? helped cause the Great Depression? a)rising.

15) President Franklin D. Roosevelt sought to reassure the American public during uncertain economic times by…

a) publishing a weekly news editorial titled “The Road to Prosperity and Peace”

b) holding weekly town-hall meetings with average citizens

c) making short appearances in a variety of Hollywood films

d) delivering a series of evening radio speeches known as fireside chats

Page 17: US History EOC Review Great Depression 1)Which economic trend of the 1920s helped cause the Great Depression? helped cause the Great Depression? a)rising.

16) What is the main idea of this cartoon?

a) The legislative branch disagreed with the executive branch

b) President Franklin D. Roosevelt wanted the Supreme Court to support his programs

c) Justices of the Supreme Court were not asked for their opinion about New Deal programs

d) The three branches of government agreed on the correct response to the Great Depression

Page 18: US History EOC Review Great Depression 1)Which economic trend of the 1920s helped cause the Great Depression? helped cause the Great Depression? a)rising.

17) Which situation helped cause the stock market crash of 1929?

a) excessive speculation and buying on margin

b) unwillingness of people to invest in new industries

c) increased government spendingd) too much government regulation of


Page 19: US History EOC Review Great Depression 1)Which economic trend of the 1920s helped cause the Great Depression? helped cause the Great Depression? a)rising.

18) Which factor contributed most to the situation shown in the cartoon? a) low tariff ratesb) Shortages of

consumer goodsc) Non-regulation of

banksd) Creation of a

national bank

Page 20: US History EOC Review Great Depression 1)Which economic trend of the 1920s helped cause the Great Depression? helped cause the Great Depression? a)rising.

19) Which conditions are most characteristic of an economic depression?

a) high unemployment and overproduction

b) large business investments and low taxes

c) too much money in circulation and high stock prices

d) high employment and increased real estate investments

Page 21: US History EOC Review Great Depression 1)Which economic trend of the 1920s helped cause the Great Depression? helped cause the Great Depression? a)rising.

20) In the 1930s, shantytowns, often called “Hoovervilles,” sprang up across the United States because of President Herbert Hoover’s

a) support for federal programs to provide jobs for the unemployed

b) refusal to provide direct federal aid to the homeless

c) efforts to help the residents return to their farms

d) emergency relief program to provide food to the poor

Page 22: US History EOC Review Great Depression 1)Which economic trend of the 1920s helped cause the Great Depression? helped cause the Great Depression? a)rising.

 21) What were two basic causes of the Dust Bowl during the early 1930s?

a) strip mining and toxic waste dumpingb) over-farming and severe droughtc) clear-cutting of forests and

construction of railroadsd) overproduction and urban sprawl

Page 23: US History EOC Review Great Depression 1)Which economic trend of the 1920s helped cause the Great Depression? helped cause the Great Depression? a)rising.

22) How did the plans of Presidents Herbert Hoover and Franklin D. Roosevelt compare for dealing with the Great Depression?

a) Hoover gave emergency loans to banks and businesses while Roosevelt opposed such programs.

b) Both Presidents believed the federal government should provide direct payments to the unemployed.

c) Hoover increased federal spending on public works projects like Hoover Dam while Roosevelt opposed such projects.

d) Roosevelt proposed that the federal government provide direct employment to the needy while Hoover relied more on local government and private charities.

Page 24: US History EOC Review Great Depression 1)Which economic trend of the 1920s helped cause the Great Depression? helped cause the Great Depression? a)rising.

23) The Supreme Court declared some New Deal laws unconstitutional because these laws

a) overextended the power of the federal government

b) forced the federal government into heavy debt

c) ignored the rights of minority groups and women

d) failed to solve the problems for which they were intended

Page 25: US History EOC Review Great Depression 1)Which economic trend of the 1920s helped cause the Great Depression? helped cause the Great Depression? a)rising.

 24) After the US Supreme Court ruled that several New Deal programs were unconstitutional, how did President Franklin D. Roosevelt try to influence future decisions of the Court?

a) by asking important congressmen to start impeachment charges against several court justices

b) by appointing a new chief to the Supreme Court

c) by paying bribes to several justicesd) by trying to increase the number of

Supreme Court justices

Page 26: US History EOC Review Great Depression 1)Which economic trend of the 1920s helped cause the Great Depression? helped cause the Great Depression? a)rising.

25) Some states passed laws forbidding whom to work?

a) Married women b) Single womenc) Minoritiesd) Married men

Page 27: US History EOC Review Great Depression 1)Which economic trend of the 1920s helped cause the Great Depression? helped cause the Great Depression? a)rising.

26) During the Great Depression, expressions such as “Hoovervilles” and Hoover blankets showed that President Hoover

a) was seen as a role modelb) used the military to aid the unemployedc) was blamed for the suffering of the poord) supported relief and public housing for the


Page 28: US History EOC Review Great Depression 1)Which economic trend of the 1920s helped cause the Great Depression? helped cause the Great Depression? a)rising.

27) Which factor added to the hardships of Midwestern farmers during the Great Depression?

a) the Dust Bowlb) the end of Prohibitionc) the election of Franklin D. Rooseveltd) the creation of the War Industries


Page 29: US History EOC Review Great Depression 1)Which economic trend of the 1920s helped cause the Great Depression? helped cause the Great Depression? a)rising.

28) What was the purpose of President Roosevelt’s Bank Holiday?

a) To Give out free Ipadsb) To Reexamine of all banksc) To give all banks a 1 million dollar loand) To Reexamine of all stock companies

Page 30: US History EOC Review Great Depression 1)Which economic trend of the 1920s helped cause the Great Depression? helped cause the Great Depression? a)rising.

29) Which of the following is Not a cause for the depression?

a) Over productionb) Stocks bought on marginc) Stronger international economyd) Poor Gov’t intervention

Page 31: US History EOC Review Great Depression 1)Which economic trend of the 1920s helped cause the Great Depression? helped cause the Great Depression? a)rising.

30) Which evidence showed that the prosperity of the 1920s was an illusion?

a) prices on consumer goods decreased b) overseas investments declinedc) the income gap between workers and

managers decreasedd) many people increased their debt