Download - U.S. Department or J1l:•• - Independent Media · John R. McAllister,Jr., Clerk By:; ... itself like the Mississipi


Officc of ,1., A"i".,,' Attom,., Gellcr.'

U.S. Department or J1l:•• ,c~

Civil Division

October 8, 1993

Mr. Alvin Hansen6484 Pioneer RoadMedford, Oregon 97501

Re: Alvin Hansen, et ale V. Bank of America, et aleNo. 88-681 MLS (E.D. Cal.)

Dear Mr. Hansen:

Your letters of May 20, 1993, June 28, 1993, and June 30,1993, to the President were referred to me for response. You haverequested assistance in collecting a judgment which you state wasentered against the defendants in the above-referenced action.

While I understand your concern for justice, I am unable tooffer any assistance in collecting the referenced judgment. TheDepartment of Justice represents only the interests of the UnitedStates in litigation. It does not provide representation orassistance to private litigants such as you and your co-plaintiffin this case.

Additionally, it appears that several of the named defendantsand ·principal debtors· in the referenced action were eitherfederal agencies or federal employees represented by the Departmentof Justice. Thus, there would clearly be a conflict of interest ifthe Department were now to assist plaintiffs in this litigation.

I regret that we are unable to be of further assistance atthis time.

Cordially yours,

~t(;._~rFrank W. HungerAssistant Attorney General





Alvin Hansen6484 Pioneer RoadMedford, Oregon 97501


\ ~.~



CA 93-292 (SLR)

Dear Mr. Hansen:

Pursuant to your telephonic request this date, enclosed please fllld 50Summons forms and 25 Subpoena forms.


John R. McAllister, Jr., Clerk

;",\1 -' J '1 'rBy: v' ~\U(h t· \._)u~7..J..~<-,..-r-


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-HANSEN-STANGHEllINI, ET AL v. BURNS, Et At No 93-292CA 93-1432 BACCA 85-6147 Or.CA 88-681 MLS

CA 83-6562 ME Or.

ArJ 440 IRev 11901Summons In a CIVrl Action (~0 Ie! t',f fJ. f-./~.,.,.~ .,.f- 1

~uit£b ~tat£s JB tstrict (([ourt------- DISTRICT oP._ELA---"W..:....:cAR'-LIo~ _

HANSEN, ABVA CORP. (Delaware) etaf,IFP Pro-Per



TO: (N ••••• and AGel,"SS 01 Deflnc.n!)



93-1432 BAC,. 88-681 MLS, 85-6147 Or.83-6562 ME Or,

RE; Consent Judgment August 4, 1993

UCC No 93-33395 Oregon.

BILL CLINTON, . The Honorable President, United States.The White House 1600 PennsylVania Ave.Washington, D.C.

By COWlSels, Janet Reno, Frank HlBlger, Department of Justice.Washinton D.C. 20530.

YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to file with the Clerk of this Court and serve upon

PLAINTIFF'S ATTORNEY In.,,,,, .nd address) AL VIN HANSEN6484 Pioneer Rd.Medford, Oregon, 97501

Consent Judgment, "Agreement"an answer to the ~1'(which is herewith served upon you, within 20. days after service ofthis summons upon you, exciusiv,) of the day of service. If you fail to do so, judgment by default will be taken

againstyou for th~e~(;;;an~el~ th~:mdaint.r(LJsM ( I~tbt-J

(,J,TII J~ (. 13rdE':) r;;:s ~ffC ) ,3W Iff U. ]}e iPT prt.JlJ)( ;J-vfJJf 'ErG ·



DATE 4010Jf 20/ Iq~~Ntr-t SC tf~1 '

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Dear Mr President;

ALVINHANSEN'0-484 Pioneer Road Medford, Oregon 9'r.>0 1

503/772-7664 Fax 503/ 772-7832

July 29, 1993

WHITEHOUSETransmitted by Fax 2021456-7560

I am dissapointed that you did not reply to my letter of June 30, 1993and those before it concerning the legal matters on Mr Fosters Desk. I was verysaddened with you to hear of the tragic death of your friend, Mr Vincent Foster.I believe it was he that I spoke with about our case about 10 days before concerningthe case and its coverup by the Treasury, FBI and Justice Departments. I believeMr Fosters death is related to this terrible coverup by past administration officials.When an official is pressed to conceal years of crimes by other officials out offear of the "consequences", the guilt becomes unbearable. God is a God of Justice,not coverup. The more we try to coverup our, and others wrongs the deeper webecome enmeshed in the whirlpool of crime untill there appears no way out,or no resolution. We actually come to fear the cleansing power of Justice ratherthan seek its light.

Another man, California Assemblyman, Patrick Nolan, named a Defendantin our case for coverup of the Government Official Theft Ring, was Criminallyindicted on April 27, 1993 for Racketeering crimes. Another Debtor in our case,Jackson County District Attorney, William Juba 47, Died on July 25, 1992 ofthe extreme stress officials placed upon him to coverup their crimes againstvictims in the State of Oregon. The top law enforcement officer in Oregon for10 years, David Frohnmayer, who ran for governor in 1990 while a Debtor inour case, and while being sued by prominent lawyers for Racketeering in behalfof Chiropractors. Mr Frohnmayer was so unclean he lost the governors race,and shortly after was driven from office for coverup. He is believed to be responsiblefor the murder of Oregons correction Chief, Michael Franke in 1989 on the nightbefore Mr Franke announced to the press that he was going to expose the insurancefraud scandal and the "1-5 cocain connection" naming the Arizona, California,Oregon officials involved.

Mr President, the victims in this coverup are uncountable and anarchyitself like the Mississipi flood is at the door. You Sir are a lawyer. You knowthe ways of Justice and injustice. Government and Corporate crime is one ofthe taproots of our moral and economic decline. Untill we address our dishonesty,and corruption in government, Prosecutorial Misconduct, and Judicial anarchy,We face the demise warned of by the great Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis,nWhengoernment becomes a lawbreaker, it breeds disrespect for law, it breedsanarchy. II We are at the point Mr President that Justice Brandeis forewarnedof.

You have my praise for firing FBI Director, William Sessions. It was toolate, but maybe with that coverup artist gone, the finest Attorney general thiscountry has seen in decades has a chance of cleaning it up. I champion not justmy own cause, but that of the many helpless victims in this tragic ongoing crimecovered up by Senator Biden, the Judges and the Congress who inflicted uponus these Judges, U.S Attorneys, FBI and IRS agents who believe they are eitherHitler or God with a divine right to steal, lie, falsify public records, and pillageinnocent people.


PreSident Clinton Page 1 of 3

Three of the victims in our case like myself suffered the vicious attacksof Assistant United States Attorney, James L. Sutherland, false money Judgmentsand fraudulent criminal prosecutions, and imprisonment. The false money Judgmentswere Ordered by U.S. Judge Helen Frye in favor of Mr Sutherlands friends. Thesefalse Judgments were ORDERED removed by both federal Judges and the 9thCircuit Court in 1984 but these Orders were held in open contempt and neverobeyed, as the victims were considered Apolitical enemies· of the same Judgesand attorneys who Ordered our names removed. Our credit was destroyed, falsetax liens of over $2 Million Dollars were recorded on UCC registers against me,Property stolen from my family and friends to hurt me, and the 3 victims ofthe Libel of Judge Frye while seeking enforcement of the Court Orders to expungethe libelous Judgment in 1990 were again indicted on manufactured crimes bythe very same U.S. Attorneys, tried and convicted by the same evil Judges andconvicted of crimes they did not commit while seeking enforcement of courtOrders held in contempt.

Mr President, these peoples lives have been destroyed by treasonous selfserving political maniacs vested with government power which they have corruptlytransformed into a license to steal, plunder and destroy without regard to therule of law or concience.

It is this kind of despotic behaviour that Mr Foster and I discussed, andthat made the future look so bleak.

Like the groundless indictment of NASA Director James Beggs in 1985that cause the death of our astronauts in January 1986, (I watched while falsely

-imprisoned at Lompoc, Ca.) These 4 falsely convicted victims, (one served a4 month false imprisonment), appealed and the 9th Circuit Court unanimouslyreversed and ruled the charge, Anocrime·. Judge Kosinski wrote the Opinion.These people suffered illegal siezure and conversion of their home and propertyas did I, without warrant or lawful process by the same IRS agent one SAM PEDENwho kept the proceeds of these conversions of stolen property and paid nothingto the Treasury department, as the Treasurer, FBI, and Justice department satsilent, an accomplice to these unspeakable crimes.

The namse of these 4 victims are, Patricia Caldwell, James Caldwell,Martin Cote, Lynn Plyte, and a 5th, Dean Lillie. All groundless convictions werereversed in the scathing opinion.

Mr President, these prosecutors are not simply ·overzealous· to enforceJustice. They are poisonous vipers, mad dogs who refuse to punishe the crimesof their friends, and have used their power to punish persons who dare to suetheir friends as I did to Shearson American Express, Bear Stearns, Ist InterstateBank, and the State of Oregon.

The ·consequences· of their crimes are evident, not in money alone, butin dispair, the kind that kills our friends and neighbors. Friends like Vince Foster.

Mr President, it is a sad spiritual condition into which we as a nationhave fallen, meriting Gods retribution. I like you desire only good, Justice andmercy for our people. Let us end this tragedy by obeying and enforcing the lawon those responsible.

President Clinton Page 2 of 3

The Judgments in the victims favor are being enforced, and the moneyis to be used for relief of victims of this, and other unknown victims. To theextent that our trials have given us wisdom and compassion We shall seek touse the money to heal others and bring our persecutors to justice. We seek yourhelp, and Gods direction to obey his command found in the lords words, liDo untoothers, as you would have others do unto youll,and his command to lIexerciseJustice and mercy, and walk humbly with our God.1I

Mr President, I personally have little confidence in our exceedingly corruptpolitical system. But I share your desire for good, and Justice for all. I am abeliever in Gods Justice, that he is very much aware of our condition, and thathe allows people to act either justly or unjustly to their Judgment. I also believethat in the end it will not go well with the one who has served himself and causedso much pain to his fellowman.

I have great confidence in the fact that historically God has always ultimatelybeen in charge of our affairs, and that it is He who will have the final word inall of our lives. But it is We, who have recieved the Power, or endured trial whoare most responsible for our fellow man, and his condition. It is We who mustset the fine example, not for greed but for the needs of our neighbor.

To the extent that God has blessed you Mr President, you have the dutyto bless others, and to IIseek Justicell. I will assist you in that endeavor in anyway possible. Again My heartfelt prayers are for you, your fine wife, Hillary,Mr Foster and his widow. May we together work to make this a brighter worldto prevent more of these tragedys of dispair.

Postcript; NI~In addition to the named Judgment debtors, Agents and Agencies of the United

States, the coverup also involves William Sessions, All Treasury and Justice departmentofficials, Senator Joseph Biden, Congressman, Jack Brooks, Senator Strom Thurmond,Congressman, Wally Herger, and California Assemblyman, Patrick Nolan whowas indicted for Racketeering on April 27, 1993 I believe in response to our demandsto the State of California, Atty Gen. Dan Lungren and Governor Wilson. TheCourts are still playing games as is the Justice department refusing to obey subpoenas,enter Judgments or issue Writs to enforce Judgments.

President ,-"linton Page 3 of 3

Dear Mr. Hansen:CERTIORARI

Enclosed plC3.SCfind the ,unexecuted deposition subpoenas in theabove mentioned ClSCS. Please nocc chat since the subpoenas did noeoriginate from the District of Del:1wue, we enno[ file Stamp them in yourDelliware ClSC.



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HANSEN, et-al v, UNITED STATES, et-al_

John R. McAllister, Jr., Clerk

;,$incerely, '


')fl~r Of STATE ORE


I'IAR 23 8 59 JiB 'gsuly 15, 1993

j ~~O;z,

~~~~./R\NSEN STANCHEllINI, IT .\1 y. BlJrorS, ~\L No 93-29Z

CA 93-1432 BACCA 85.(;147 Or.""CA 88.(i81 MLSCA 83.(i562 ME Or.*'

"'8'4''1 ~ F'StIf.:..1; ut( JUdfM1AJ-r.



Stamped. July 7, J993Letter Dated July IS. 1993Held and mailed July 20. 1993

Intent to Impede. Delay, Obstruct JusticeAided false cr1mJnal ch.a.rge by DebtorStat~ of Or~on.

Alvin funsen6484 Pioneer RO:1dMedford, Oregon 97501

'-- AL VIN HANSEN '--6484 Pioneer Rd. Medford, Oregon, 97501503/772-7664 fax 503/772-7832

June 30, 1993

The Honorable President, Bill ClintonDear Mr President;

Since June 1983 when we first filed suit against our lawyers, and their clients,Jackson County officials and IRS agents for stealing our property without warrantor any process whatsoever, I have been the object of retaliatory attack by theCourts and the press. In spite of these malicious attacks We have prevailed ineach and every case, even getting part of the interstate theft ring convictedin 1989. In all this crime, the Media refused to publish our victories and insteadsmeared us with lies in support of the conspirators even in the face of outrightconfessions by our attackers.

However in spite of our total victory We have yet to find officials thatwill Obey Court Orders and Judgments, return our stolen property or recognizeour record Judgments now with interest totalling over $14 Billion Dollars.

After meeting in February 93 with California Governor, Wilson by SenatorMike Thompson (with Assemblyman Pat Nolan absent), concerning the Stateof California as a Debtor and its vulnerbility to scandal and fiscal ruin over execution,agreement was made to forebear execution in exchange for Justice. The NolanIndictment followed. But this is not Justice.

At this writing there are over 300 victims in our case alone, countless victimswe do not know of, still waiting the enforcement of court Orders and Judgments,blocked by the Debtors and courts.

Mr President, a Judge will not allow Default Judgment, or sign entitledJudgment against himself or his friends. That explains the secret "Judgmentof insanity" by Debtor Judge Loren 1. Sawyer on April 6, 1989, and Forged durablePower of Attorney used to grant IRS tax liens of over $2 Million Dollars, and"closing of our case" by disqualified Judge, Milton 1. Schwartz on October 20,1989.

Please understand that it is not our collective intent to injure many innocentpeople by executing our Judgments on the United States, State of Californiaor State of Oregon no matter how entitled.

However as I made clear to Governor Wilson in my letter, the price of forebearanceis Justice. First; Order all Judgments and Orders obeyed. Second; return all stolenproperty to the victims. Third; We must meet with you, Mr Bentsen, Ms Renoto discuss the Conspiracy in this crime by lawmakers, federal Judges, U.S. attorneys,and Treasury agents as the coverup of these crimes is now in its 10th year.

1m certain that had we known someone of integrity and influence in Washingtonin past years, this injustice would have ended much sooner. Whave at last foundhelp in the Indictment of Assemblyman Nolan and Lt. Colonel, Steven McKim Ret.who has been in contact with Cabinet officers to arrange a meeting to enforcecompliance over the Federal Courts.

President Clinton. June 30, 1993 Page 1 of 2

Please understand that IIJusticell to us does not mean injuring the UnitedStates, State of California or State of Oregons innocent citizens for the feloniesof its officers.

It does mean, strict obedience to Court Orders and Judgments Nunc Pro Tunc,correction and production of all corrupted, altered, destroyed court records,indictments of all Corporate Conspirators responsible, and RETURN OF ALLSTOLEN PROPERTY.

We feel confident that Colonel MCKIM and our attorneys are very capableof dealing with the Corporate Debtor conspirators in collection of the Debt withoutinjuring the United States and States.

Mr President, with your love of Justice and the cooperation of the WhiteHouse and Cabinet officers may we together resolve this age old case in Justicefor all.

My every confidence is in our lord Jesus Christ, and my prayers are forhim to guide and direct your feet in paths of justice and mercy. It is my wishto meet you in person and be able to aid you in any small way that you feel Imight be useful.

Very Truly Yours

()/LAlvin Hansen

CCI Lt Col Steven McKim Ret.

Treasurer, The Bon lloyd BentsenAttorney General, Janet Reno

President Clinton. June 30, 1993 Page 2 of 2


6484 Pioneer Rd. Medford. Or. 97501503/772-7664 fax 503/772-7832

June 28. 1993

Fax 202/ 256-2461

Office of The Honorable President;BILL CLINTON:Attn Marsha Scott1600 Pennsylvania AveWashington D.C. 20220

June 29, 1993

RE; HANSEN-Stanghellini. etal. v. United States. etal. Nos 93-292 U.S. Dist.Ct Delaware •.. 93-1432BAC U.S. Dist. Ct Northern Callf .•... 88-681 MLS. EasternDist. Callf. & related cases.

Civil Rights. RICO. Shareholder suits and Judgments.

Dear Mr President;

We have heard nothing from Treasury or Justice since your referal of April1, & 14, 1993, and are still denied obedience to Court Orders and Judgmentssince 1984. The Delaware Court Clerk is now involved in the Obstruction of Justice,no court officer, Federal or State, complies with any Judgment, Order, Summonsor Subpoena for records in our shameful cases.

As a lawyer yourself, would you tolerate obstruction of Justice by Courtsengaging in Racketeering with lawmakers for 12 years?

1m sorry, we did recieve the attached memo from Ms Tova Kaplan on May18, 1993 nothing more.

At present the Clerk of the Delaware Federal Court is playing footballwith our process mailed on May 25, 1993, claiming it was not signed, and demandinganother fee of $120.00 to enforce the 1984-1985 Judgments held by all in contempt.This is now the third fee to a Federal court, and over $600,000.00 in legal expensesin my efforts to enforce these Judgments held in contempt. On the clerk also claimsreturn of my process by UPS but gives me no number to trace and refuses to trace ithimself.

I know you are busy with matters of greater import and my prayers arewith you, so I'll just respectfully request that you forward these enforcementmatters to Treasury and Justice, as the victims are impatient to recover theirstolen property, and I am after 9 years very impatient to enforce the disobeyedOrders for my relief.

Thank you for considering us in our quest for Justice.

Respectfully Yours

tElLAlvin Hansen


July 27, 1993

Alvin Hansen

Hansen-StanghelliniP.O.Box 82

Robbins, CA 95676

Dear Alvin:

You have not responded to my letter of June 11, 1993 andI am at the point of either forgetting the whole mess orproceeding further. You have not made any effort to settlethis case hence I will make a stab at concluding it. I willaccept $25,000.00 if paid prior to August 8, 1993.

I have now disclosed that the statute of limitations does not

toll until November 20, 1993 which gives me ample time to goahead with the suit as well as asking an investigation be doneby our local district attorney's office. I am aware of all theproblems you are now confronted with and do not want to compoundthem however your silence would seem to indicate that you wantmore difficulties in your life.

I will anticipate your reply.

RF/mmcc; W. Sherwood

J. Millward

K. StanleyB. Dixon




.'"'-0 ••••.


Bob StanghelliniP. O. Box 214

Robbins, California 95676

June 30, 1993

Dear Alvin,

I have talked with my Aunt, Laverne, the KotMedlSi John and

Vernon and we all are against giving any Powers of Attorney to anyone

we do not know, at this stage. We have gone through 12 years of hellon earth and are going to get the Writs and our stolen property backwithout anyone's help. Once that is done, we will listen to investment

proposals from Bond Street Holdings, Inc. We are certain that others

will be indicted behind Assemblyman Nolan who covered up the criminal

convictions of the Sacramento theft ring who stole your Porsches andOregon property for Sunrise Bank, 1st Interstate Bank, and Bank ofAmerica.

In your case, in March 1989, after taking default Judgment and

disqualifying Federal Judge Milton L. Schwartz for obstructing obedience

to Judgments in your favor, the Detricks, and CPA George Arnold tried tpget you to execute Powers of Attorney to control you and prevent collection

of your Judgment and recovery of your stolen property. You refused and

the Detricks had you kidnapped and forged your Powers of Attorney threedays before having you arrested and incarcerated (March 27, 1989.) Mrs.Detrick notarized the Forged POA to a Mr. Leo A. Hoad, Jr., and for the

next 4 years'you were ignorant and controlled by these evil criminallyacquired and used Powers.

We have reviewed the POAs sent to you by Bond Street Holdings,Inc., and nowhere is there mention of any action to force the courts to

obey the Judgments held in contempt since 1984, recover our stolen propertyand indict the people who bribed Assemblyman Patrick Nolan, Sen. Joe Biden,

Congo Wally Herger and Judges Sawyer, Fields and Schwartz to cover up theseterrible crimes against us.

If the lawyers for Bond Street Holdings, Inc. agree to force theCourt to issue the Writs of Assistance and Execution, and do the work of

enforcement, I.E., put justice first, the money second, this would proveto us that they are on our side, not our adversaries side. Think of the

anguish over the past 12 years you and your family and I and my family havesuffered to get justice and recover our stolen property.

This does not require us to give any Power of Attorney for them

to act as Co-Counsel to you. Once Justice is enforced and the Writs are

in hand, then we can discuss employing Bond Street Holdings, Inc., to makeinvestments.


~~~pP~Bob Stanghel{ini

~ AL VIM HANSEN ,--,P•.....•,'!p . ~r 81 Robbins, Co.. 95676 ,)01', 6484 ~.teer Rd~ Medford Oregon, 97501 "-._

503/772,-7664 Fax 503/772-7832

June 15, 19fJ3

Clerk;United States District Court for DelawareJohn. McAllisterAttn;Assistant ClerksMarlene Wal"rant, Carole White.


Dear Mdms. & related cases No 83--0562 on...

Please accept my gratitude for taking time in our telephone conversationthis AM to inform me of the status of our California case that was transferedto the District of Delaware after Judgment on November 23, 1992. It is apparentthat like the 1984-85 Orders the case was filed to enforce, that U.S. Judge MiltonSchwartz obstructed obedience to since 1987, our Order to transfer was alsoobstructed. In addition to these criminal obstructions, the Clerks lie about theexistence of the case to callers and prevent the media, and Judgment Creditorsfrom accessing the file, or obtaining copies of the entire file or any part of itin the ultimate obstruction of Justice. In July 1990, the 9th Circuit court Orderedthe District Court to issue enforcement Writs, but Judge Schwartz ignored thisOrder and on December of 1990 Ordered assistant Clerk, Deanna Rodriquez todestroy certified mail containing Q suit against Judge Schwartz and others forrecovery of stolen property {rom a convicted theft ring which included AssemblymanPatrick Nolan. (This enire matter was made known to, and covered up by SenatorJoseph Biden of Delaware).

In review, this case was filed June 2, 1988 after discovery that my criminaltax conviction was dismissed on November 22, 1985, two days after I was incarceratedand left in prison for 12 months while the Judge, James M. Bums tried by lettersto extract a guilty plea and dismissal of my appeal to the 9th Circuit Court.I first obtained the docket of this case, U.S v, AL VIN HANSEN No 85-60015in 1987 from the trial clerk who quit the court in disgust after this trial. 8hewrote Judge Bums before the sham trial warning hUn of the fact that "therewas no valid charge". (Exhibit # 1) In spite of this warning, and my doctors letterrequesting continuance, I was tried without my retained cowlsel present, andconvicted by a jury stacked with nurses, employees of Rogue Vally Medical Center,a client of the Prosecutor, James L. Sutherland.

This same prosecutor was a general partner of the lawfirm I was a clientof for 8 years. 1972-80. This prosecutor in 1983 deliberately placed my namein a lawsuit I was no party to, just to "keep me busy for a while" and take falsemoney Judgment against me. NEWKIRK V, BURKHART, No 83-6038ME. I discoveredthis false Judgment in 1984 and obtained an ORDER from u.s. District JudgeEdward Leavy "striking" my name from this illegal Judgment, but the Orderwas never obeyed or enforced, and I \Vas forced to pay this false money Judgmentin 1985. This was the secollD disobeyed Order of relief I su.ed in October 1987and again on June 2, 1988 to enforce.

My suit was a continuation of my Civil Rights suit No 83-6562ME Oregonto recover property taken without wammt and by alleged IRS search 'Warrantin 1983.

CLERK, DELAWARE COURT. letter 6-15-93 page 1 of 3

In spite of the fact that a party cannot be charged a fee to enforce acourt Order aT' Constitutional right, FRANKLIN V, MURPHY, 745 F2d 1221,I was allowed IFP status but charged a filing fee of $120.00 then for the next5 years denied enforcement of these Judgments and return of stolen propertyfrom convicted felons, to which I was and still am absolutely entitled.

Wilful Disobedi.ence of Court Orders, .Judgments and Decrees constituteper-se Contempt llnd a criminal offence and is destructive of the rule of lawand respect for the court. For Court Judges who issued the ORDERS to spectate,as their Oruers are disobeyed because of the "consequencesff of obedience isnot only a criminal offence against the victim but also treasonous to their vestedpowers.

Now, as to the transfer and filing of' our merged cases to the District ofDelaware. We are tendering the fees for filing ou.r case, and recording our transcribedJudgments.

We have carefully deliberated over Senator Joseph Bidens role, and concludethat he, as California Assemblyman Patrick Nolan, covered up this monstrousinjustice that undermined the courts, that he could have taken action to protectthe victims and keep the courts clean, but instead, chose to conceal the ongoingcriminal injustices. We therefore name Mr Biden as a Judgment Debtor, andrequest his criminal indictment.

You will note that Assemblyman Patrick Nolan, and Congressman WallyHerger were named in Superior Court criminal cases in California in July 1992and Judgment by default was taken against them.

Because of the many crimes being commited against us and Judge Schwartzcriminal obstruction to transfer the case to Delaware, we wrote the VVhite House,and filed another suit on April 19, 1993 for Obstruction of Justice, theft of moneyand libel. We took Default Judgment on May 25, 1993, and demand this be enteredNunc Pro Tunc to that date as required by law.

Should the government fail to check its own crimes against the citizen,the rule of law and order are past tense, and only anarchy prevails. SupremeCourt Justice Louis Brandeis in Olmstead v, U.S. 1928 quoted in MffiANDA V,ARIZONA, warned of the consequences of decadence in government, and rebellionin the courts. "Government must obey the same commands it makes and campelscitizens to' abey. "If government fails to' abey the law scrupulously it breeds contempt,and everyman will became a law untO' himself. It breeds anarchy. n (paraphrased).I dO' nat think Justice Brandeis envisioned the courts and Judges engaged in.apenwarfare amang themselves as in this instant case.

Preservation of law and order may be too late. When the courts concealtheir own sin at the expense of victim litigants, there is no more any reasonfor courts. Or law enforcement, Or a military, a Congress, or a political Government.

It is truly frightening to all who are aware of what the media is coveringup. We are encouraged by the criminal indictment of Assemblyman Nolan. Welook fonvard to more as the Justice Department investigates the crimes thatwere responsible for this $14 Billion Dollar Judgment in favor of so many victims.

CLERK, DELAWARE COURT. letter 6-15-93 page 2 af 3

Per our converstaion and my requests. Please file the documents andJudgments mailed to the court on May 25, 1993. The requested fees are enclosed.

This letter is copied to the iVhite House, Treasury, Justice, and the SenateJudiciary Committee for explanation.

You are requested to obtain from the Clerks of the California and OregonDistrict Courts, all cases which have already been subpoenaed. We demari!! the Writ.~toEnforce Orders and .Judgments beissued IMMEDIATEI .•Y.Thank you for you.r kind attention and assistance in this matter'.

~ws.Alvin Hansen

Enclosed $120.00 filing fee. (to be returned after filing to IFP Plaintiff.)$20.00 fee for transcribing Judgments.

CCI The Honorable President, Bill Clinton.1600 Pennsylvania AvenueWashington D.C. 20220

Senate Judiciary CommitteeWashington D.C.

Tova Kap,lanUnited States Department of Justice10th & Pennsylvania Ave N. W.Washington D.C. 20530

Clerk; Jack L. WagnerU.S. District Court, Sacramento.

Clerk; Phillip WeildngU.S. District Court, San Francisco, Co.

CLERK, DELAWARE COURT. letter 6-15-93 page 3 of 3


. ,.r'.

"~~)' 93-33395

U.s. Department of Just.!.,,",)Civil Division



Offict: of lilt: .-lUiSI'"11 A I tunll')' G':I/L'Tul

Mr. Robert E. StanghelliniP.O. Box 897

Knights Landing, CA 95645

h'urhiIlX'ulI. D.C. ::ujj'(J

JUN 25 ISm

Re: Alvin Hansen et al. v. Bank of America et al.No. 88-681 MLS (E.D. CA)

Dear Mr. Stanghellini:

Your letter of March 11, 1993, to the President was referredto the Departm~nt of Justice for response. You have requestedassistance for your father and his co-plaintiffs in collecting ajudgment which you state was entered against the defendants inthe above-referenced action. While I understand your concern foryour family's financial security, I am unable to offer anyassistance in collecting the referenced judgment. The Departmentof Justice represents only the interests of the United states inlitigation. It does not provide representation or assistance toprivate litigants such as the plaintiffs in this case.

Additionally, it appears that several of the named·defendants and "principal debtors" in the referenced action wereeither federal agencies or federal employees represented: by theDepartment of Justice. Thus, there would clearly bea conflictof interest if the Department were now to assist plaintiffs inthis litigation.

Sincerely yours,


Acting Assistant Attorney General

000 07



~ AL VIN HANSEN,,,It· T HANSEN, et al, Creditors6484 \...-Jneer Rd. Medford, Oregon 97501 '--

I~ ,. ~3/772-7664 Fax 503/ 772-7832

~~V a..~:t~'U~7 May 25,1993 \~~~ AO ~,.".~~\\~~ /.~ ( \9\

""" X' "-/t/ ~

~1~~Clel'::s;Uni:ed States Dist;-:ct Cou.rtsDelawQre end Northem Dist;£ct of California.

RE; Transfer of Judgments to District of Delaware.

Deer Mssrs Weiking, and McAllister.

On Novemher 12, 1992 uncontested Judgment by Default was taken inthis Shareholders Derivative Action filed on August 12, 1992. The Judgmentwas enter'ed on November 16, 1992 according to the Clerks record and We thenTransfered the Judgment on November 23, 19.92, aGJcit withclLt the pi'oper formAO 451 Certification of Judgment.

Hie are filing this form at this time with the Certified A.bstract attached.

IVe a~so transfer and file the Certified Judgment dated AprH 15, 1991attach6d.

Very Truly Yours.

&,/L-Lvin Hansen.

CCI All parties


P.O. BOX 897 Knights Landing, Ca. orP.O. BOX 82 Robbins, Ca. 95676

916/738-4435 Fax 916/738-4223

May 20, 1993

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania AvenueWashington, D.C. 20220President Bill Clinton

Attn; Ms Marsha ScottDeputy Assistant to the Presidentand Director of Presidential Correspondence.

RE; Presidential referal of criminal investigation to Treasury, & Dept of JusticeApril 1, 1993 & April 14, 1993. RICO Judgment, and Indictment of AssemblymanPat Nolan. April 27, 1993 for Obstruction pf Justice.

Dear Ms Scott;

We deeply appreciate President Clintons kind attention to, and referalof our very important case, first to the Treasurer, Mr Lloyd Bentsen, and thento Department of Justice, Attorney General Janet Reno.

We attempted to make these matters known to the previous, (deaf) administrationin 1989 to no avail and matters continued unchecked. The matter is presentlybeing investigated by the FBI who claims a 6 or 7 year long investigation resultingin the beginning of criminal indictments with California Senator Frank Hill andAssemblyman Pat Nolan on April 27, 1993. Our Civil Rights, Shareholders, RicoJul1gment involves over 300 Plaintiffs and creditors and is certainly a recordcombined Judgment.

Recovery of stolen property, and collection of our Judgments are stillcriminally obstructed, forcing us to sue for relief on April 19, 1993 to whichno Debtor has answered entitling us to Default Judgment.

We have recieved no correspondence from either Treasury or Justice,and in order to ensure delivery and attention to our case, We are transmittingthese records to these Cabinet officers through the White House.

We transfered our Federal case to the district of Delaware on November23, 1992 but. t.he Delaware Clerk still has no record of the Case. So at this timeWe are also transmitting certified copies of pertinent records and Writs to beissued by the Clerk of that court with all possible haste. We would appreciatea short memo to that Clerk as \rell, drawing attention to President ClintonsOrder of refernl.

My pe','sorwi concern is over the manner in which Senator Joseph Bidenond tile Justice deportment hid from this matter in August 1989 only causingit to become II/ueh worse.

President Bill Clinton, Aia}' 21, 1993 Page 1 Of 2

President Bill Clinton, Alay 21,1993 Page2 Of 2

Th' purpose and objective of my 1988 lawsuit was to enforce disobeyedcourt OHDERS and Judr;ment relieving me of an intentional libel and fraudulentmoney Judgment signed by U.S. Judr;e Edwaru Leavy on June 8, 1984, and toenforce vacation of the fraudulent ms tax conviction by my own lawyers, signedby Judge James M. Hums on Januarv 21,1986. Judge Schwartz declared hiscourt hod "NO JURISDICTION TO ENFORCE THESE JUDGMENTS" held in wilful

contempt, and dismissed our suit leaving me forever denied the relief Ordered.

These wer"e the concerns transmitted to Senator Joseph Biden, PresidentBush, and the Justice Departments Civil Rights Division in August 1989. No effortwas made by these responsible persons to deal with these blatant contempts,because of the "consequences" that followed.

Because I kept pressing for "enforcement", an elaborate crime to "shutme up" was devised, wherin I was arrested, alleged "mentally Ill", Powers ofA ttomey forged and recorded while I was incarcerated on April 4, 1989 and usedto secretly adjudge me "insane" on April 6, 1989. WE discovered these POASwere used on April 12, 1989 to secretly grant and record, IRS tax liens of $394,479.85and later used to justify theft of property belonging to my 80 year old mother,Mrs Bertha Hooker, and 4 other people under the guise of a "TAX BUST". Thiswas on July 31, 1991. A month earlier, the IRS had mailed my wife and I a signed"Proof of Claim" for taxes totalling $1,896,190.62. This led us to demand helpfrom our assemblymen PAT NOLAN, and Congressman Wally Herger, who becameinvolved in the elaborate coverup, and the stolen property was converted and

my relief continually denied.

We sued ant took RICO Judgment against Pat Nolan, Wally Herger,etal, on July 28, 1992. On April 27, 1993 Pat Nolan was indicted for "Racketeering".

Please instruct the Clerk of the Delaware Court of the urgency to obeythe law and issue the "WRIT OF ASSISTANCE TO ENFORCE ALL JUDGMENTS".

We expect the Treasury and Justice Departments cases to bring propercriminal indictments against all officials who permited their powers to be corruptedfor private interests.

Our prayers are with President Clinton and his administration. Alreadywe see a vast difference in the reaction to Mr Clintons vigorous approach toexecuting Justice. We are absolutely thrilled with he appointment and performanceof Attorney General Janet Reno. May God Bless you all;

Very Truly Yours;

CC/ Clerk, John R. McAlister Jr.United States District Court, for Delaware;

The Ilonorable Llo)d Bentsen, Treasurer of the United States.

'DJe Ilonoratlle Janet Reno, Attorney General.

FBI Agent Jeff Gray 503/ 773-2942

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Hitshii'S")Jj. D.C 20530

MAr 18 19S3

Mr. Robert .E. stanghelliniP.-O.• Box 897 .Knights Landing, CA 95645

Dear Mr. Stanghellini:

Your correspondence to the President recently has been

forwarded to the Department of Justice for response. \~e are

currently reviewing this matter, and a response will be

forthcoming to you shortly.


. rf 'Y) /~

~:J}[JT~ t. )~~h£/~i'--TOVA E. KAPLAN VActing Director, communications Office

civil Division