Download - Urbanization –Deforestation- Mining Eric Angat Teacher.

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Urbanization Deforestation- Mining Eric Angat Teacher Slide 2 1.What will happen to the trees when urbanization sets in? Think! Slide 3 2. How are we affected by deforestation? Think! flooding erosion Endangered species. Extinction of species. Climate change Hunger DEFORESTATION Slide 4 3. What is the difference between rural and urban? rural urban More tress Fresh Air Less pollution Less tress smog more pollution Less opportunity Less jobs More opportunities More jobs Slide 5 4. Define atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere. The biosphere is the sum of all ecosystems. Our air. Rocks and soil Water on Earth Slide 6 5. What are the positive and negative effects of urbanization? Slide 7 Increased runoff from 10% to 30% decreased infiltration from 25% to 15% decreased infiltration from 15% to 10% Increased runoff from 30% to 50% Increased runoff means more flashfloods. Decreased infiltration means less groundwater for drinking. Decreased evapotranspiration means less precipitation. Slide 8 5. What are the positive and negative effects of urbanization? Positive effects Booming business means more jobs. More entertainment places like parks, concert halls, movie theaters. Negative effects Higher population density means overcrowding. Groundwater depletion. More trash Polluted air. Slide 9 Greenhouse gases trap heat on Earth Preventing Earth from freezing. But too much greenhouse gas causes Global Warming. Greenhouse gases warm Our Planet. Too much causes Global Warming! Slide 10 6. How does deforestation lead to global warming? Think! Slide 11 BURNING FOSSIL FUEL Greenhouse gas traps heat on Earth CO 2 (Carbon dioxide) Plants use CO 2 in photosynthesis. This alleviates or lessens greenhouse gas in the atmosphere. Slide 12 BURNING FOSSIL FUEL Greenhouse gas that traps heat on Earth CO2 (carbon dioxide) Cutting of trees deprives our planet the natural way ( photosynthesis ) of removing excess greenhouse gases that causes Global Warming. Slide 13 7. How does deforestation result to landslide? Slide 14 Roots hold the soil in place preventing erosion. Preventing EROSION from happening. Slide 15 8. What is fracking? How does it affect our groundwater? Think! Slide 16 aquifer Potable water source Gas tower Municipal water deposit Fracking zone introduction of water, chemicals and sand. Fracking breaks Aquifer contamination Slide 17 Urbanization The city develops a micro- climate because of pollution. CO 2, a greenhouse gas, causes temperature rise. A microclimate is where the climate differs from the surrounding area. 9. What is a microclimate? Slide 18 Micro-climate Is climate different from the surrounding climate due to urbanization. Pollution More CO 2 Greenhouse gases make the city warmer than the surrounding environment. Slide 19 level/AQA/Year%2013/Weather%20and%20climate/Microclimates/Urban_climates.htm URBAN HEAT ISLANDS Human activity has a big influence on the climate of an urban area. Climate is the long term behaviour of the atmosphere in a specific area, with characteristics such as temperature, pressure, wind, precipitation, cloud cover and humidity etc. An urban area is an area with a high density of human created structures in comparison with the areas surrounding it. The climatic characteristics of an urban area are affected by human factors such as pollution, the color of buildings, and factories etc. Slide 20 Transpiration is the process where water contained in liquid form in plants is converted to vapor and released to the atmosphere. Slide 21 Slide 22 More CO 2 and CH 4 in the city. Slide 23 10. A local government voted against the large- scale development of buildings and roads in the area. What could have been the motive behind their decision? A.It could lead to a decrease in the average annual temperature in the area. B.It could lead to the formation of heat islands, creating a microclimate in the area. C.It could lead to the introduction of invasive species. D.It could lead to a decrease in acid rain production in the area. Slide 24 Alternative Energy creates less Pollution compared to fossil fuel. Fossil Fuel Slide 25 11. A company has several factories around the world and has decided to transition from burning fossil fuels to using alternative energy resources. How could a decrease in burning fossil fuels impact the atmosphere? A.It could decrease the oxygen levels of the atmosphere. B.It could increase the nitrogen levels of the atmosphere. C.It could decrease the carbon dioxide levels of the atmosphere. D.It could increase the sulfur dioxide levels of the atmosphere. Slide 26 Urbanization leads to covering lands with concrete and asphalt that prevents water from soaking or infiltrating into the ground. This leads to increased runoff, erosion, and flooding in low lying areas. Asphalt Slide 27 12. How does urbanization change the natural flow of water? A. transpiration from vegetation is increased and erosion is reduced. B. precipitation is reduced and infiltration is increased. C. erosion caused by runoff is reduced and precipitation is increased. D. surface runoff is increased and infiltration is reduced. Slide 28 Higher population means less water and more pollution and diseases. Slide 29 13. Which consequence could an exponentially growing human population have on drinkable water? A.It could cause a decrease in the amount of waste and pollutants in the water supply. B. It could cause an increase in the amount of water available for the population. C. It could cause an increase in cases of waterborne diseases. D. It could cause a decrease in needing water for survival. Slide 30 Aquifer or groundwater becomes salty and unusable. Saltwater intrusion to aquifer. Pipes to draw water from the aquifer. water. Slide 31 Saltwater intrusion is the movement of saline water into freshwater aquifers, which can lead to contamination of drinking water sources and other consequences. Saltwater intrusionoccurs naturally to some degree in most coastal aquifers, owing to the hydraulic connection between groundwater andseawater. Slide 32 14. The drilling for freshwater increases along a coastal area. What is a likely consequence of this action? intrusion of salt water into aquifers B.the loss of water resources in estuaries C. the destruction of estuaries because of an increase in sea levels D. a decrease in salt concentration in inlet waterways Slide 33 Water vapor Nuclear Power plant Slide 34 Heated water results to death or migration of fish. More CO 2 Less Oxygen Slide 35 15. Some factories can increase the amount of thermal pollution by dumping heated water into lakes and rivers. How can this type of pollution affect aquatic environments? A.It can reduce the number of aquatic species in the environment. B.It can increase the amount of dissolved oxygen in the environment. C.It can reduce the decomposition rate of organisms in the environment. D.It can increase the life expectancy of animals in the aquatic environment. Slide 36 Reasons to build Dams 1.Reserve water for human consumption during summer and drought. 2.Produce electricity through the use of turbines. Slide 37 Dam at Salem Lake. Slide 38 16. A local government is considering whether to build a dam. Which is an advantage of building this structure? A.It can decrease the accumulation of sediment in the water. B. It can improve the natural habitat of plants and animals. C. It is an inexpensive process. D. It can create a storage place for water. Slide 39 Open pit mining Landslide. Other dangers include water pollution, habitat destruction. Landslide is large scale erosion. an excavation or cut made at the surface of the ground for the purpose of extracting ore. Slide 40 17. What are the Effects of Mining? A.Landslide and siltation of lakes- bodies of water become shallow. Dredging or desilting. Slide 41 B. Deforestation, destruction of habitat. 17. What are the Effects of Mining? Slide 42 C. Pollution of lakes and rivers that leads to fish kills. 17. What are the Effects of Mining? Slide 43 18. Why does mining of coal and other natural resources often result in environment pollution? A.Mining pollutes the air near streams. B.Mining produces acid precipitation near streams. C.Mining creates waste material which can flow into streams. D.Mining strips the surface of the land near streams Slide 44 CO 2 and SO 2 will combine with water vapor and fall as Acid Rain. Slide 45 19. Where would the highest amounts of acid rain most likely be found? A.over the ocean the forest urban areas the mountains Slide 46 Wind SO 2 CO 2 NO X Acid Rain Forest dies Slide 47 20. How can other areas be affected by the pollution of an industrialized city? A.Acid rain can precipitate in other areas. B.The wind can bring the pollutants in other places.