Download - Update: the Oregon Coast Bike Route · s, a high crash htstory or other crash risks The proJect team reviewed existin tans

Page 1: Update: the Oregon Coast Bike Route · s, a high crash htstory or other crash risks The proJect team reviewed existin tans

Update: the Oregon Coast Bike Route Plan & the Oregon Coast Trail

Oregon Coast Trail - South Coast Segment Team Meeting January 27th, 2020

Page 2: Update: the Oregon Coast Bike Route · s, a high crash htstory or other crash risks The proJect team reviewed existin tans

lnOregon Dee_artment of Transportation

OCBR Plan Outcomes

• Identify investments for more comfortable, safe, and accessible cycling

• Facilities • Operations • Programs • Policies • Street designs

Page 3: Update: the Oregon Coast Bike Route · s, a high crash htstory or other crash risks The proJect team reviewed existin tans

OCBR Plan Evaluation Process

• Evaluated existing conditions based on: • Width of the existing bike lane

or shoulder • Safety: crash history, crash risks • Short gaps or barriers. • Overlap with the Oregon Coast Trail

• Identified 32 critical needs, including: • Rural shoulders less than 4’, urban bike

lanes less than 6’, tunnels, bridges

Page 4: Update: the Oregon Coast Bike Route · s, a high crash htstory or other crash risks The proJect team reviewed existin tans

OCBR Plan Potential Solutions

• Infrastructure improvements, such as: • Signage • Widen shoulders / bike lanes • Create a parallel route alternative

• Programs, such as: • Shuttles at critical locations • Educational campaigns to

encourage safe use of the road

Page 5: Update: the Oregon Coast Bike Route · s, a high crash htstory or other crash risks The proJect team reviewed existin tans

lnOregon JJ De~artment of Transportation

Background )(

Oregon Coast Bike Route Proposed Solutions Map -

■ The Oregon Department of Transportation is identifying possible improvements to the Oregon Coast Bik Route, a popular bike route that runs th: length of the Oregon coast.

Potential solutions



This site describes possible solutions to the hi h needs" that were identified along the Coast Bi;e est priority problem.areas or "critical narrow or non-existant space for bicycle . Route These locations tend to have

. s, a high crash htstory or other crash risks

The proJect team reviewed existin tans in place in US 101 communities togi:form ~1ke Transportation System Plan_s) already

some cases, the draft solutions ma not revelopment of these draft so1ut1ons In

plans. The OCBR project is taking! fres~ ::xact1~_w1th proJects in th~se existing route. resulting in some new and Cl iff 1. at cnllcal needs for cyclists along the

eren ideas on potential solutions.

Tdhese ideas are a starting point for further 1scuss1on

Some of the proposed solutions include · 1ane reconfigurations· on US 101 that could


Map Contents X Puerto Vallar-ta Mexican


Next Steps

12l Alignment

• Oregon Coast Bike Route

l2l Critical Needs

• Young 's Bay Bridge/Astoria

• Gearhart

• Seaside

• Arch Cape Tunnel

• North of Manzanita

• Wheeler • Garibald f

• Til lamook

• U.S. 131

• North Lincoln City • I;._• - 1- .,... :.a.. ~

£ Inn al Wecoma

i ::E ;t z Game Over Arcade 9'

• NW 26th St r------North Lincoln City

tlfW 25th St

Liquor Outlet f'+' Kinsis

Abraliam Lincc Memorial Statt


OCBR Plan Potential Critical Need Solutions Upcoming Outreach

• Sounding Board – February 12 (targeted group of stakeholders)

• Online Open House – March • Review proposed solutions and give us


Presentation Notes
We are just launching our last big public outreach phase to collect input on the potential solutions for the bike route! Sounding Board (selected stakeholders) coming up on February 12. After that, we will have an online open house for anyone to provide input.
Page 6: Update: the Oregon Coast Bike Route · s, a high crash htstory or other crash risks The proJect team reviewed existin tans

OCT Gaps Along ODOT Facilities

• ~400 miles = total OCT route • ~60 miles of OCT on/along 101 • ~15% of total OCT route on/along 101

• Mutual goal- work to find route away from highway if possible. If not possible, work to find more comfortable solution.

• ~ 6 locations where OCT gaps overlap with OCBR critical needs

Photo credit: Statesman Journal

Presentation Notes
Step 1: try to get hikers off of the pavement if possible. Step 2: if we can’t get them off of the pavement, what can we do to make it more comfortable along the roadway. The key point: while there are only a few places where the OCBR and the OCT gaps/critical needs overlap, we will always look for opportunities to make improvements for hikers when their route is on/along the roadway.
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Jenna Berman, Region 2 (north and mid coast) [email protected]

Jenna Marmon, Region 3 (south coast) [email protected]