Download - Upcoming Events A Remembrance Day Message


VOL 23 ISSUE 15, 10 NOVEMBER 2021

A Remembrance Day Message

I’m so grateful to live in a land where we’re free to worship the Lord and preach His Gospel message. Freedom is never free. It always comes at a cost. The freedom we enjoy today came at a tremendous price—it was bought and paid for by our veterans, both past and present, making the ultimate sacrifice for their country and fellow citizens.

Jesus told us, “Greater love has no one than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” (John 15:13).

It was because of LOVE that Jesus laid His life down for you at the cross. And He still loves you today, more than you’ll know.

I hope you’ll join me in remembering those who have also laid down their lives for our freedom. Let’s never forget the brave men and women who served the cause of freedom in the past, nor those whose service today enables us to continue to live and worship freely.

May each of our veterans feel honoured, not just today…but every day.

from Inspiration Ministries

Submitted by Armin Mayer

Upcoming Events


WED 10 NOVEMBER• Connected Schools Athletics Carnival


MON 15 - FRI 19 NOVEMBER• Swimming Years 3/4

WED 17 NOVEMBER• Year 5 Grange Beach Safety Day

THUR 18 NOVEMBER• Reception Transition Day 1


MON 22 NOVEMBER• Swimming Years Reception/1/2• Year 6 to 7 Transition at Endeavour

TUES 23 NOVEMBER• Swimming Years Reception/1/2• Reception Transition Day 2

WED 24 NOVEMBER• Swimming Years Reception/1/2• 6.15pm School Tour

THUR 25 NOVEMBER• Swimming Years Reception/1/2• 9.30am School Tour

FRI 26 NOVEMBER • Assembly Sports Presentations


TUES 30 NOVEMBER• Reception Christmas Concert Rehearsal

INSPIRE photos featured this week:

• Mr Mayer Digital Tech

From the PrincipalRECEPTION TRANSITIONIn the coming two weeks we will welcome our 2022 Reception children and their families to St Paul for their transition visits. We are very fortunate to have the opportunity to meet them before their first year of school next year. Whilst we have scheduled our transition later in the morning (9:30am start), I ask all families to be mindful that traffic may be a little busier on the mornings of November 18 and 23.

PARENT AND PRINCIPAL CONVERSATIONSThank you to those parents who have already been joining me for these conversations. I have been focusing on best avenues of support and connection through COVID this year, and recommendations for the coming year. Please email Jo Wilson at [email protected] to rsvp for your year level and to be sent a Zoom invitation link. If you are very interested in a conversation but are unable to make the suggested date and time for your child’s year level/s, please also email Jo Wilson to indicate this and I will attempt to schedule some additional times later in the term.

Year 3 parents: Friday 12th November 12pm-1pm

Year 1 parents: Thursday 18th November 12.30pm

STAFFING NEWSWe congratulation Emma Brokate and her husband, Jack, on the arrival of Airlie Brokate on the 29th October at 3.78kg and 52cm. Airlie arrived quite soon after Mrs Brokate finished teaching on the 22nd October. Blessings to the Brokate family!

Leila Mattner |Principal

From the Deputy PrincipalP.E WEEKThis week we have been celebrating P.E Week with a series of events. On Monday we began the week with the Senior students leading us in a whole school health hustle. We will do more ‘husslin’ on Friday too. We have also enjoyed a staff v student netball game (the staff winning streak continues) and a visit from Tokyo Olympian Kiana Elliot.

Today saw the return of the Connected Schools Athletics carnival; fingers crossed we can retain the trophy. Later this week there will be an inflatable obstacle course and a scavenger hunt. We thank Miss Bartlett for her promotion of these activities and the benefits of physical fitness.

REPORTS AND CLASS LISTSReports and 2022 Class lists will be made available via the School app/Portal and via email respectively on Friday December 3. Teachers will carefully create class lists based on a number of factors. Teachers are also working incredibly hard on End of Year Reports as we speak.

To put reports into perspective, here is a quote from Loris Malaguzzi, founding father of the Reggio Emilia philosophy. It reminds us that a grade at the end of the year can sometimes cloud our judgement of the journey. Children have worked incredibly hard this year and to be fair to them, neither a grade, nor a report does their ‘struggle to fill their bucket’ any justice.

“The child wants to be observed in action. She wants the adult to see the process of her work, rather than the product. The adult asks the child to take a bucket of water from one place to the other. It’s not important to the child that the adult only sees him arrive with the bucket of water at the end. What is important to the child is that the adult sees the child while the child is working, while the child is putting out the effort to accomplish the task — the processes are important, how much the child is putting into the effort, how heroic the child is doing this work. What children want

is to be observed while engaged, they do not want the focus of the observation to be on the final product. When we as adults are able to see the children in the process, it’s as if we are opening a window and getting a fresh view of things.”

STUDENT LEADERSHIP 2022Last week I spoke with our Year 5 students as they prepare for their move into Year 6 and taking on the title of ‘Seniors’. A key part of this transition is appointing student leaders for the 2022 school year. Over the next week or so, teachers and student will work through a process to select School Captains and Community Leaders. We wish all students considering leadership positions in 2022 the best of luck. Appointments will be announced at the Presentation Assembly on Friday December 3.

Jason Fay |Deputy Principal

From the Wellbeing LeaderRESILIENT KIDS CONFERENCE- MICHAEL CARR-GREGG: TACKLING ANXIETY AND MENTAL HEALTHDr Michael Carr-Gregg is one of Australia’s highest profile psychologists, author of 14 books, broadcaster and a specialist in corporate mental health, families, parenting, children, adolescents and the use of technology for mental health. Michael offers webinars and face-to-face sessions on a range of topics.

At the recent Resilient Kids Virtual Conference Michael Carr-Gregg chatted about how to tackle anxiety and mental health. Some of the key takeaways from his presentation were:

• According to The Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne families reported they have become closer as a family unit. RCH National Child Health Poll (

• GPs are seeing increased numbers of children, young people and families that are experiencing issues maybe for the first time and coming forward not having had a background of mental health experiences in the past.

• Dr Carr-Greg recommends the following tips for parents:

o Keep the lines of communication open. o Answer all of your children’s’ questions as well as you can, talking through things can help them feel calmer.” o Keep regular routines

More information about Michael Carr-Gregg and his work can be found at


In previous years we have had Concert DVDs for purchase, however this year (as DVD players are not so common) we will have USBs available for purchase for $25 each. Please contact the school office should you wish to purchase a USB.

UPCOMING SWIMMING LESSONSInformation regarding swimming lessons has been sent home. Please note the following swimming lesson times and dates:

- Year 3 and 4 Swimming: Week 6 (Monday 15 November- Friday 19 November)

9.45am-10.45am 4 Lethborg

10.45am-11.45am 4 Woodward

11.45am-12.45pm 4 Nicholls

1.00pm-2.00pm 3 Fyffe, 3 Baldock and 3 Burgan

- Year 5 Beach Safety Day at Grange: Week 6 Wednesday 17 November - Reception- Year 2 Swimming: Week 7 (Monday 22 November- Thursday 25 November 4 days only

9.45am-10.45am 2 Voigt and 2 Tew/Miegel

10.45am-11.45am 1 Fisher and 1 Bakewell

11.45am-12.45pm Rec Gracey and Rec Sheedy

Please note that all Year 3-5 consent and medical forms must be returned by Thursday 11 November and all Reception-Year 2 consent and medical forms must be returned by Thursday 18 November. Speak with your child’s teacher if you require another form.

OUR VOLUNTEERSOver the next couple weeks and during PE Week this week, we’d like to share the wonderful work of our sports coaches.

Nicole Hunt (Harrison 1 Fisher and Sienna 3 Baldock) is our St Paul Starbursts netball coach. Nicole’s enthusiasm and organisation is an absolute blessing to our netball team. Jo Wilson (Evie 3 Fyffe) and Camilla Steed (Oakley Rec Sheedy and Perri 3 Baldock) are both a fantastic support to Nicole and our young netballers.

We’ve learnt some shooting techniques, like using 2 hands on the ball and flicking our hands like a swan. We’ve learnt when you defend, you need to stick on your player. Evie and Annika

Tyler Nuske (brother of Scarlett 5 Mattner) is our St Paul Panthers basketball coach. After his day of learning at high school, Tyler is committed to helping out at training and the games. Supported by his parents, Andrew and Carolyn, we are thankful to the Nuske family for supporting our school basketball program.

‘I’ve learnt how to get around people and shoot free throws better’ Hutton

‘I can do better dribbling and defence. I have learnt how to set up defence and I know the rules better’ Liam

WEDNESDAY CHAPELThis Term our focus is learning about Theophanies and the Advent prophecies fulfilled in Jesus.

Term 4 Chapels will be led by:

Week 6 (17/11) Pastor Matt Advent 2: Rejoice

Week 7 (24/11) Mrs Nak Advent 4: Grace (unconditional love)

Week 8 (1/12) Reception Nativity Advent 3: Peace

Week 9 (8/12) Pastor Matt- The baby Jesus is held by Simeon who is now ready to ‘depart’ in Peace**

**Please note, Closing Chapel will be on Wednesday 8/12 at 12:45**

FRIDAY ASSEMBLYOur host classes for Term 4 are:

Week 5 (12/11) Year 2 Tew/Miegel

Week 6 (19/11) No Assembly

Week 7 (26/11) Sports Presentations

Week 8 (3/12) Presentation Assembly

Week 9 No Assembly

Chapel and Assemblies will be livestreamed on our closed group on Facebook each week. Carly Begren |Wellbeing Leader

General NewsPREMIER’S READING CHALLENGE AWARDSThis week in the library we have been celebrating completing the Premier’s Reading Challenge for 2021. During our library time we have been having a small awards ceremony where the students receive their certificates and medals followed by our annual ‘Popcorn Party’. Completing the challenge is a great achievement and it’s wonderful seeing how excited the students are to receive their awards. Wendy McLeod | Library Resource Manager

St Paul Lutheran School 44 Audrey Avenue Blair Athol SA 5084 Phone +61 8 8260 [email protected]




God’s Word2 Timothy 3:16-17

AcceptanceRomans 15:7

Excellence1 Corinthians 10:31

RespectLuke 6:31

Compassion1 John 3:18

HopeTitus 3:7

Community2 Corinthians 13:13

Love1 Corinthians 13:4-8a

Church NewsWORSHIP @ ST PAULPlease feel welcome to join us for Sunday Worship at 8:30am Traditional and 10:00am Contemporary including Godly Play for Children. For more information feel free to contact us by email at [email protected] or call us on 8262 4690.

SPY Our next SPY is Friday 19th November – we are meeting at the Hall at 7pm and setting off on foot to take part in a service project. Cost $5. Please RSVP to Nicole 0412686342 for more details and to help us ensure we have enough adults to supervise the young people while we are out and about.

GIFTS OF GRACE - ALWSAustralian Lutheran World Service helps you do your Christmas shopping for your relatives who are hard to buy for. You can purchase a Hen, a covid care kit or a mosquito knit for just $5 for a family in need overseas on their behalf. You receive a card to share with your relative. You can find out more about Gifts of Grace here:

Advice is to act soon to ensure your cards reach you with the current delays our postal service is experiencing.

Growing Faith At Home


May God provide you with everything you need.

May he help you care for others as he cares for you.

Find the full Growing Faith at Home Resource here