Download - uOfiifi lis ifil iff - · The L--n Ion Tin's "ivs there is too iniii-l-i rca?on to feir tnat the pt k. ' Hurepe is ab-m-t to be br. ken i y one of the


uOfiifi lis i ifil7.-


" H .'

i i lii.iMiKD wkf.k l i:v SIX IMII.I.iHS I'KIt .W.M'.Miiik.m;i .m. viih .m:v. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. MAY 2. ISiit). ) VOI X. No. 1 I. HULK X.."-- '.

t.. i itn'PACincCommen-ia- l Advertiser.

I'rnm itur Hi tin iJ M'm!,itj .



WAR IN EUROPE PROBABLE.I'.y t'i lativtl u Mi.inLiy of t ! r clij ir

lri l.nhnt, C'it t . Ji.-nj- . Howe, nul the urty.!' Til t Il rriil. wo Lav; ri'i'e-ivet- a III; of -' pa;. r- - I'tli of Ajril.

i in New Vork, April 1714.A ttrrih!e ri"ci It-- iecurre l at V'eTI.--, F trgo

.S; (s ITi'e in f'm Fr itK:ic on the lfj:h, c iijeJj the exf-t'.r!i:- of a c-- e cf nitro-g'j-etrine- , yih:oh 12 i:r-cn- s were ki!!el an.I IS or 0 wourjIe l.

N ii:irnc: of the Jcil or it.jure J are given in theJife-- j re-J- - ite l.

We see bo t.ientiun of the arrival of t!c hai!c J.I '. .Murray, Lu. us she was aJverti.-e- l to le-iv-

Sttur'liij April 'J., prv-uu- ic ?he arrivtj ahut the14h. if she w.n in port.

N tiinriou is f the Jai'iirisr of tlie JWHtouI!fler up t. the lbth. It is probable she gt awjaheut the 13th t '2' tb.

Several est!s weie alvertiseJ for Hongkong,among them the clipper ship Pelru ., (Twilight,)L-r- k I'tirsre anJ t irk .Imeliit.

No reference is nitle to the returu of t!ie steamerJljaz to this port.

The steamer Itthimchre, running hetweeu S.mFr:inci-- c an l Victoria, w is lost on l'oint Itejes onthe 15th of April.

The fchooner .l.Vo-- i Ha-Ie- r my be in any hour,with the mails.

Unk Jlmrli't, fr IK ngkong, faileJ en the IStli,to touch at I!iiuiu!u.

M.-.- t AMrich. Merrill & C.., s.M on the 11th,ly .r.Ier ? the IJ'iarteriiriM'er, the lr.nsroi t brij;ii(t. JxMip, 'lo'l with her tackle, apparel an Jfurniture, ii g-.- i 1 otJer, well f.uuJ in every ief ect,an ! cm le seut to w?a at on"', for 10,1200 goM coin.

The Cholera.II Lir.x, Nova Hortia. April i'th. Titc fctenmer?., from Livrrp..l the L'Sth. via yuren-tow- n

the l.MJth, arrivrJ l:ere tlii.s evening with l.l').) pas-p-'ni'-- rs,

vt Ktn.m f.rty t.a.l ilie-- l i.f choIira(ut ofsidy cn-- es en I.r.arJ. No communication with heris. as jet, alh'WeJ, but the ngent of the AvsociateJl'revs is en leavorinjr to oblain the new?, which 13

four J ays later.The e'etk f the Mcamer report? that on Tues.I ly

the first c iv T cholera was Ji-eo- vi rcJ ; frii.eeC ies I,af broken out, an l tifty iths occurn J.Tne jiMiner wa rrJeieJ oil by the (Jovertiinenf , butowing t the rsipiJ frprcaJ of the life:ie aiiJ thedangers of those beii g frick, it wna f.ui:J impo-sib- le

to roceel. She lies Ik !ow the lichth.. u. P:irt p:i trgvrs wiil be phiceJ in the h shin.There art thre? J :ctir n lnarJ. Si;e his l.ftliDI :?-ei.g- in all, :iimI her erew number one hotnlrej.'I he are in. frtly (iern:au :ioJ Ii ih. Thet.'it iin thinks the ;e w:is brought cu boarJ bythe Germins., April II The elfy melicil cflieer re-

port? un to i t evening, IT" "b- - iths nm ng the pns--entre-

of the Meuiner Kn itu nl , inelu ling 40 whoJ'u J m the fi.-- Liverp ol. He reports thetli-- e e rob-ibl- a severe f..rin of -- hip fever, witlimany rromiiient fryinpti :ns ot cholera : it amounts toa regit! ir phigue. The -- urviviin; pris-enge- rs are be-i- rg

lemi.veJ, cn)e to Her .M ijesty's receiving ship1'ijrnniut, anJ otheis t. tents on bl.orc. The di.-en-se

i- - rprent'y Jecr:iing Trie numher of deathsweie prcitly iidueej to day. The ui-e- av i ctu.fmeJ.j I he ltt r.:e p ieiigers.

I'aoMiie of tin- - Civil Kiubts Hill.W.',-iitNr.- April .'th. The Civil It:ght bill :n 1

ve' ine-s;i- -.' w .re taken nr ut a .prirler pa-- t twoi.'c'i-ck- . When the rel;ng wis completed, Mr.Wtl-.i- i. of I..wa, after a tew ren.aik-"- . de-i- i iti bd t'.ie

j revii us que-tiot- i. Mr. ilidillge move I :i e.i!l of theHoii-- e, whi.Ii vv i iefii-.-- .. it .t being i.i i rder. Mr.!.eb!"H'l. .J Uhi-i- moved t- - lay the Mil on the table,wlicli w is nee itived by 0 ag iin.t 121. Mes-r- s.

Iri.igc no 1 Finch m ol" m. t i.ns to adjourn, whichttcto vi.ted d.r.. Mr. Ill.lri le then denounced the...;. ti us dilat.oy. the n.errb. r .-- tying he ha 1 pur-- p

-- ed to leave the lb u-- e. freeing that there was ad. rermin itt-.i- i to th- - bill i.ver the veto by theeprr itioii .f the g-- rule. The pn-vioii-

- qui.-tii-ii

;ving te.-- t.i lert i, the vote was then taken nves,1J ; r. Irf; and the Speaker declared tint theb li 1. 1 i b.c .me a ! i. when treioen -us and pro-- 1

. OL-e-d tippin.-- e I tke out. f- - Iiowel by hisses, amilt!.i ec:teuiciit ttie Hou-'- e a Ijiurut.I.

tlre if enthuri s,n w is hwn throughout the Northn the p is-a- of the civil rights bill by CvttgrerS.

SJuti; Wtre fire.l in all the great cities.

I'.iiroprtiii Var I nimiiifiit .

PuitTi.vM.. M.vink, Ajril 10 The pte:im-hi- p JUl-- yi

ft, tn.i.. I.:.verp.. .l the Oth, ri t L ndoti let ry the;:'th, arrived at ti a. M.

The L- - n Ion Tin's "ivs there is too iniii-l- i rca?onto feir tnat the pt k . ' Hurepe is ab-m- t to be br. keni y one of the le.iM ju-- t an 1 least neees-ar- y wars ofluo b rn .lays, ai.d the Times hopes th it FJiiglandmay ho! I ahiof.

The Vicntii papers - iy war is inevitable, and thaton attempt w ill be made to make over States to Prus-fri- a.

Au-tr- ia h is c .lie 1 in all the SuMiers on furlough.The antieip ti n of a war bit ween Austria and

Prus-i- a made a me-- 1 unfavorab'e impre--- i. n on com-loer- ci

ti all airs throng?, ut France; and the anxiety,in-r- e id of being dispelled by an elaborate article inthe Constituhonnrl which is said to have emanatedfruai a f.reigti otC-- e has increased the apprehensionthat if thise power? co to war, France caunot, evenif she would, maintain neutrality.

The ct of war between Au-tr- ia and Prussiawere incre i: g; a cr :.--i- c tre 1 iniminent.

The cattle plague in Kngl and was on the decline.?l i ! I la nroii-- .

Flowers, cottiirmte l by 1 women, were today placed up'-r- the Je-k- s of the thirty-thre- e Sena-

tors who supporti 1 the Civil lights biil. with a Carlattached : We exercise the Civil Ilight to expre.-- s

'ir gr atitu !c."With it- - mo- -t cmphit:3 typecraphy. the .':tion il

l..tsliifi'. f s..!eu.!'y wains the pivph t hat :it avery early day the c untiy wi.I be starthd with asud Un a Ivanef step in pn gres-o- f a revolutionarypchtme, unless the lia:tiis be in the men. time

iy popular dcuon-r- r itious if Cotisritu-tiou- al


Nlw Yo?:k. April 10 A salute of o!:e hundredgun-- . wa find it L'uo n S.piare this m. mini, mi

honor of the pi-s.-ge of the Civil Ilights Hill Chief

Ju tiee Cha-- e, last cvr-niri- , in a Ffeech at the Mcth- -

oli-- t rk-ciil-s t Paul's Church, nl!u to thepij-ie-cf tiu Civil Itlghn :i ereit triumph,iiii l l (he ntxt stt-- j w.i!-- Ll i give uiiitt-r- s ilsuffrige.

1 ho '. Forties M"i:ne il li- - tTcHrum .rs iiicre.e th:U Jul. linn wili be t .Un to

Kiohriiou l on ;i writ cf i:arjnix. His l.c.iltii iigrowing woiso.

Ciu.;.. April lGth The New V.ik lentilThe ::; iiii ir 1?. il. -- f liriufr of their u'.iliry to

Continue wir ir the Picifi.r, h ive re-f'v- el ..n'teL.-rii- tr-I.-- nt of Y:i!ji tr:ii.'f, ;iftt r which they wiilahin loti the war :i2 iii;-- i the Allit-- . rir.l vviil,!i

ViU5t!US5 C:ils.

j. ii. col.::,f l r. A. V. KVKKKTT.J

At !.is '..A- - r...!iis. i.-- .i. .!. t. 47.Vly

ii. w. sf.vmi: .t:i:,.Y.TT O'Z" T. C? 1I fJl IT .

A SI) COMMISSI OS MKllCHASr.I'irt'-pro- of Store. !toliii-oii'- s Hiiilding,

il"K!..V sritKKT. M'lN.M.tWiIS l.u.-i- m ..; it tin- - o.-.- si ..ol. 477-l- y

II. JZACKI i:i.I Af t).r:il C..i!.ii'..3i-i- i A." nt, 1! :i i.i!u,

0:thu,S. I. 47S lyU I...N ll.'l.T. HI. C. IlKI'CK

Vou II)!r V I! HICK,.5.T.. r:il C.n.m:s;-i!- .V!.tc.:i:i-s- . II!i!. i:i!.u, S. I. 47S-l- y

a i.i:x. J. ca ::tu ri: ut,C ii.m; iii.r. l uinl Je...-ra- l ; i.:in Aei.t, U"iiolu!n

Oul.u. II.l 47S ly

j anion. :i:i:i:n v co.,C..iiiinirsi..ii M.T:!i.ants Fiie-l'i.M- .r Itull.liod, Queiai str-et- .

Ilii..lnlu, April 1, 47S-I- y

ED. HOFFSCHLAECER 3c CO.,InitHirtiT.s :in.l Cuniuiisi .n M.-- !i .nt. cri-- of Kvr t Hn.l

Mi r. t.;.i:t ts., Honolulu, II an vl:it. it. i)7-l- y

" " i : i rv J IV.1 1)1 Al.t'K IVWTNK.s, I'll: IT.--.

A I. K am l'i II T K 1'.1 1 ouol ii I ii. 4S-l-

W- - PJ. LADD,Iruj-Tt- er an 1 r-:- i!i r in IIahowaki, i'inRV, Mkc.i.vms

Tools an. I Aorici'LTi'bal Imtlkmlms, For street. II .!

lula. 47S-1- ;.-

C. L. RICHARDS 6c CO., fh:.n.i:. r iiii'l Ci.iiiniis-i.i- ti ereli:irit, iie:tlrr ill 5. nr:l

M n Ii niili K'"'p eoiit inily on li.iMil f.U i.s .rliiie".ilof I..r tl.o su-l- of M'TS m.. I l. r. Juit.t

51.5-l- y

E. O. HALL i SON,Importer un.t l.-ale- r i:i I'ry lJl, I'aiuts. i!s. nn.l

eeii. ra'i Merehaii.iise, e..rner of Fort anO Kin su --ets 47W-l- y

iio.Nt)hri,s' sti:.3i rioirit .nn.l..Fi. i R. Than ami Sho.hts.

47'J ly - s. JfAV I l.l! K, Proprietor.

B. F.Denier III Iiy Jotnls, i illvss, cV:.

4oS-l- y Fort Street, Honolulu, Oahu, II. I.

C. FFJED'K PFLUCF.R,I.-u'- r in Si iplo an-- l F.oi. v liiy -... N, M nV Clothing, l'.H.ts

hi. I H. , an l Vank-- e N-- t . i.s. sna-- on Fortnearly oppo-it- r Mers. vonilolt Ar Ilem k. 471-l-

H. F. SNOW,I.Ml'Or.TKK AND l'FAI.'oK IN li I'.S Mil A I. M KUCII A N HI.-- K

Honolulu. Onlui. It. I. 47-UI- y

LKVkHS. J- - ' OK KSoS.C. II.

LKWK Its A II:KSO.,lea!eri in aiet ltuil.iin Mat.-- i ials.F.ut frt. Honolulu.

47s-l- y

J. Vv OltTII,Iieaha-i-n ;. ii.-i- M. reiian.llie. Mil... H.iwali. t'i.ip supplie.l

Willi recruits at to-.- - shortest :i..tie.-- , on re:is..nalie onus,of w a:.t. "l. 47S-l- y

GEORGE C. KOVVE,lJeal.-- r iu N..rthv. -- t, l)..ors

Ittin.!-- , Nails, Faints, .Vc , .Ve., A..;.

A I Ii5. )!il Sfiiiiil I he i' y

H. Y. LUDINCTON,( .1 . . !.s-..- a T. i . s. ei:A rr At e..)

Irap.-rte- r i W ..'!e-a- l- V in Win. s ari l Spirits, amila!t l.upe r- -. l'ii.ii'.t..'i Wharf, ih ii luoi. II. I. 47i-l- y

AFONC Si ACKUCK,Iiup-r- t- r, W h.-l'- i'.e a:i I Ii- - t lil l in i n ! r h m.lise

an.l I'hine U.-- fi;v - f st'.r-- in Niiuami Sir.-- , t.the Fnl ie ll .il. 4.U-1.- V


THE NEWSPAPER KUOKOA.I'll' hh-- - l mv.-ki- in th- - II .v .ii if. n i'- -. It has .st

iti .'i i:i th ifr-a- p. a'l is re.el l y li.i-.v- nansanl I'nee ;J.oO a ).ir in a.ivaiee. A.l'-r-tis- m. til- trans! tteil i.ito Hawaiian fr-.- e .f eliai i.'- -. il'iee,So. r.h em n r . r i:..- - :.i.;..i'? 1I..IH... ;'a

A. S. CLECHOrttt,Peakr i:i .T .I M- - r. !. e. l:re-.r.- f store of K:i- -

ahiim inu jii..I (.'.eti s'.ri-- . ts. pp..-it- i- M.ik'-.-V- !:: 1..

Also. It-t- ail et i'oo-l.i:i-- iit Noiia'el tr '. al. . - Kin:.'.r ll in l IT-I.- IM' ...-.- : an.l s..:-i- . a: ! or.Ii is ear uii'y

1 to 4.'l-l- y

. HI N'i h ...v. V.'I'Nt. NO

CHUNG HOON & CO.,Coir.t.ii-s- i ni Merchant i ami K' a;, i ts r the

Faasa i an.l Amaaulu Sa.-a- r l'la:r. aii-- ns 1 m rs . .f as

an.l . th.-- Chin-an.- l !. r-- .-ii

-- hIs an l w .h ah rsin Hawaiian i r luie at the i. w Stone St. re, Nuun.ii Mr.-.-;- ,

t . !.w K n,'. j ly



Iliv;:i F:kk In.-ikan-ck C.mi'lM',KAlWlkl SlOAR I'l.ASTArioX.T..BKV Si OAS I'LANTAll-.S- .

C.sriv C. Mklciikks, J. I. Wh kk, F A. S iiakfmi,I'.reiiu n. Honolulu. Honolulu.

4.C.-1- - j

. n. i i.iT.i:n,Ci .til. lies his ..1.1 l.u-ine- ss in the j; reproof l.uihlin; K.ial.uiaa

tin St reet. j

t fironometi rs rateil by observations, of the sun am! stars'with a transit instrument accurately n.ljust-- .i to "f Honolulu. Particular attention -- ivrn .. tinewatch repairiiiL--. Sextant a". 1 i':a.lrant cia.-.s-. s silvirol j

ami a lj;ste.l Chart ali.l nautical iiistrutnetits eotisant:y:: han.l an.l for sale. 47-- .l v

J. S. WAI.KKK, S. C. All K S. f. C.

WALKER, ALLEN t CO.,Importers and ('"mini-;- , ii .Mi rchauts in o.-r- ra

M rch:u. lis, , an l A- -. nts f..r ll..- - ?..!. ..fAI ..o

Ai-e:;- f r the I.:iU- -. M to..!:, an 1 Prii.c.-vii:- . Plai;'.i'Mv

II tl.4 AS" CU K. A. V. Cl.lTLK. I. BAL1I.KTT.

C. BREWER & CO.,Commission & Shipping Merchants,

1 1 mini 11 1 ii. O11I111. II. I.AUK N 1

Of Ihr I!..-- 1 on un. I llouiiliilii Iii-!i'- l LiiK.AUKNTS

For lli- - M:i !.- - W:iilui.ii X llaiiit I'lti ii til I iun m

A i K N IsFor lli- - I'm i li:i-tin- .l Salrof Isltiu.l I 11 re.

IlKFKIl TvJ .:in-- M. lb". I', K- -. N Yirk.Cms. Pki wk;:. Ai Host..,..

.1 . 4I s II'. VK Ll.. r - . ).1. C. ! I. At Co. f!t. P. fw At C. m Fjran. isr-o- .

Cn.ii. Fr. ...- - Ks j. IT. ly

Yir.snuss clius.

. II. It I (' II A It I)S,ii:."x,,i'r.

Korl tr. t, :!;e-- j over ti,o u:See of Ir.Kor.l.

l)It. .1. .MOTT S.HITJI,isj x x ri .

O.Vu-- e r t r..rt II '.! S:ro-u- . 512-l- y

I'.. UUFFMAXX, M. I).,Physi.'ian hi; I on. !:'. .ok, c- i Q K.ia

Jiii! ! inn str-.r- t. I7s-l- y

DOCTOR KENNEDY,in v.-i-t'i n. si i;t;i:. n and aivoi cmm'u.

K -. tt, o t Ii' !. : v ti.-- - l..v- - l iMi.-Mi- t :'i. .'

C. BECHT! fti cur?, M. D.,12 Is SKIt VICK A I'l.VSH !VOJ'KKJis to the I'aVie ! 1 1 . hll.i. IP- - n .iy .e

sii'.'i-.- l in t!i- - Knlisli. rcr lii rnun, So .ni-- h ii:i. Italianlaiirai..s;eM.Parti-it'ii- r ntftution jxi'nl Dis'ms rf tlf Kits.

II. mow from '. A. M . to I.' M.. :iii.l from 2 t 4 V. M.,ut th-- I'n: rt. r..-- of M -- is. .1. M. s l'o. &l

A. F. JUDD,Attorney and 'oiiii.i'llor ut Law.

CollNbU t'MUCair.l .Mi.lICII AXT.-f-., ll S-- I.f l.V . u A UU4'.'0-l- y

JO lil l H. PATY,

Honolulu, II. I. K.lii e iit H ink of l;i.-h-i At Co. iln Cm

A. S. CR5NBAUJVI & CO.,Ii:i .rters :ii.: M li.l.'s;.k- - I' s in Fashionable I'lothiiisr, i,--

j is, l:..ts an. I sli.e.-- , an. I every variety of lienil- - --

im n's Sdp. rior Kurni.-hi- o tlooiM. Store, former!- - eeu-jiic- .l

hy IV. A. Al.Irieh, Kan-- , in M.;kvc'j ltlock. Queen-tr. et. Iluiioliilu. ta!iii. 4'.R-l- y

l '. W.ITKK.AIA.V A. CO..t n m m .n sio y m t: ncif.t y ts.

att-nti- oii to the inteivsts of the Whaluiff Fleet lytl.e ot fun. Is, imieiias- - and iale ot" K'jh:inve, Oil,

Oeo. an.l tiie proeurinj; ol fr'reiglitih:ki:hk.(.'ks.

Isaac Il. i.ank, J k., a; Cu., New Ite.lfor.lW. Ii. K. I'..)'.;, F.s.., .1...Moii.i.AN. S roNK A: t'.i. San Fraeci.-eo-.J. Mi:hhii.i. & l'o, !. 47-l- y

NEVILLE 6c BARRETT,Planters ni tJeneral Stor Keepers.

IC- -. j u'rv i. Nor.h K ma, I! e.vaii, near'aku.i Hay. Ishunll'r lui--- - Ic iiht. supplie.l with WtiuU, Ueef niul


Aentat lloooiolti, . 5s. CI.K' WI' KX. Ml ly

ell AS. H. ltlSHoP. IVM. A ALDlt!C

BISHOP & CO., Hankers,ill'iee in the eas; eorm-- r of " Makee's ltiock," ou Kaahu

umanu street, lion .lulu.Pra.v lli'i's of i:el:a:i-- - on

The I ' a n k nK Cai.i!-oh- i, - - Sn'i Fruncisco..Messrs .h: s si.l.l., l i i riiN At Co., New York.

l.h.KS iV ti.i.i-n-, - - New York,

IIksuv A. I'kiuok, At l'o., - - lioston.TiiKiiosr National lto.--t hi, Mass.I ll'.l K NT A I. P.lSIi I'.llil'.ltAnoS, I.olllloil.

Will .' - ,1. puits, :i.;coi;at iirst-ela- ss husinena paper, n.lall.-i.i- l ti. eoil.-.-- i en-- . 47-- ly

K AW A I It A K. HAWAII.Will eoiuiirj.- - the ;. n. la Mer'hamlise an. I fr'hippinir Inismess

at I he p. .rl , wh- - )' furnish th'.''.lv ce'.ehial. ! i;iu aihae I'i.laioeS, ainl sueh oth. r reemits as are re.p:irei l.y hal- - shij.s at the shortest notieean.l on the moi r. a..:...'..i- - leims. 47s-l- y


Ship Chandlers and Commission1M.I-- : I KMT A iS"r.LS !

i vt: i: y a ru t: t: i .

I'artii-nla- r attention pai.l to the purchase an l sale of Hawaiian

i ef.-r- l.y perinissioii toIt. F. Snow Mes.o-s- . Walker Allen. .V Co.,

I'. A. V ilii ons At i o Messrs. I". I'.iewer At l'o..( asile A. l'.".ke., .Messrs. H. llaekft l.I .V l'o..

M.-s-r- P. C Waterman.... Messrs. C b. Kieh..i-.- At Co.;o: l y

SA.H'L S. k. J. H. ATII1 Ui'V. AMOS S. CooKK

CASTLE C COOKE,Lo'neral Merehants in th- - f Kin;? Street, oppo-

site ttie . n's t.'hapi-l- .

A I.St AIJKXTS FtHlPr. .laym-- s VI. lir.:.-- F .niiiyW!,.-el.-- r 4- - Wil;.:i's S.-v- iiu Ma-liin- -s,

Th- - Kol.a'.a Su ir I'ompmy,Th- - New K.i.-'.ii- i ! Mat. ill hit- - Insurance Cjinp.i ny.The N-- -V York I'V-v- M::ri:i- - I Coinpitiy,Th- - New York .Marine Inssraiii-- e Company.

..ii.J-l- y

LUrilBER MERCHANT!NOW I'llKI'A ft i:i TO FI'K MSI! I'.CILPSS iiij; .Material of every al the lovn-- t .Marke

rat. s.Hr.l-- r fr-.- the country, an.l other isl.m-l- soluil-.- l.

Lu!o(er Vui'.l .n e..n:-- ol iu-- i ti ami Fort Stre.t.s. ol m


'E!l T I XV A hl l i:i.F. Ol'llA III.K. FI.F.Xfi i le. c.nti corrosive

.MKT.VI.MC 1' INTF t I'col'T-'- . It -- IV. St-;.- m lit, -- in. s, I'ast Plows. Houses,Fci. Sch ioi.- -i s. i s,

A X l A A. OTII UU IKOXor WOOD WORK.F- -r Sal- - l.y

a';.! .'.a C. I'.UKWFIl At Co.

itrxtis and sTorri:i:si. 1, K, an 1 P, inch.

TIOll FltOVISION ANP MDLASSKS PA T.U lil-- s,l For byM5 -- in C. I'.RKM FK if Co.

Cables.CHAIN CAPl.I"..--, i and I inch.

For fale byOla Cm C "r.ItKWFIl At Co. hatsVTF.ST S TV I.KS.1. For -al bv.V3in C. PPKH Kll At Co.

4 I'FAV .M(li:F...f llir WILLIAMS &. (IR- -TA. V -' pi lin. s,.,;.I-h- ii 1 etleclive


. any kind of work, sti-- ;,; s:Mi. and n- -t liabl- - t .

out f or - r.UT co C C C .

For bv C. BUM Willi At Co.

ills 4 KI TSHeavy V.'hite, carl--- t at.-- l J'.luo Ulauket.---.

74 tin-- inches.3.--0 It SALF. i;v3"' .02., - in c. pi;::vhi At Co.

Fcr Sucrar Boilers.A KlI.M KT Kits,SACCII Micinsiori:s

4 rr.i r y.r.r.u. r bv

a :in C. PiU.V. I.ll At Co.

i'?.l PSMXK I'I'.MI'S.ClOI'I'F.It i r ii W eh Pumi s.

Liftin - I v

Mi Cia C. PUF.AM.I: At Co.


SAN I' cmii:;:m(;m:i) ha vim; itF.r.xfi apj .iiite.l Ait.-nt- -r the almv- - ei.iup inv, hec leave to

iiioua t lie th puhlic, that iht-- tire now prepare.l to issueA It I N I'. 1 N S I It A X C K IMU.K'lllS

on Cart-- . , Freight a. r.l Tieasure., to an.l fr..ia all parts of thewerl 1.

II. IIACKFKI.P .V-- CO.II -- ,'.'.;:e. April 1 r',T;-- l

sisrchants' mutualJ!A!il.E lASiHAME lOMI'AW

or siin ntiss-- .

rginc c xnr.stsit: m-:- iiavi.m: iikkxA appoint-- .l .ts f. r th- - al'i.v.- - Coaip.iny, hej: have to

ii.loria the pill. lie that they ale i prepare.l to issue.MAJtSXK IXSl IlAXCi: nil.H'IKS ox



SIX Fit AXCJSCO. (AbA.Capital Stock, - $750,000.


UlVl'A V i: TKNCHAUI) .Maion:: 1i.u:ctok.

riMIK I X I F. II SIC XFI liuve In i pointedfi agents for the at'.-v- Ci.uipanv ami are prepare.l to insure


For rates of premium, tipply t i

OOO-Oi- WAI.KKK, AI.I.KN & Co., Agents.


AM'S-- : & COOKE,ll'OIXTI'.I PY XiIt;F.I.O V S.ui I raneis.-o- . Agents lor the well known MAKINK


The X. V. I'lieitix. n-e- l- t .OOO.OOO.Ami Ohe X. V. S.-e- ilv. iis-.-- Ih y.'.dOll.OOO,

Are pr- - pare.l to take ri-- upon t'A IttJO. TItF.ASC It V.fin! F It F. I H II 'l'S. to an.l from all puts of the worMaitainst partial .r total !o-- s from War or Marine hazards, uponth- - inojt fivoruLle terms.

AI.s AliKNTS Full TIIKX't-v- v linI:i ii.l I.i i"- - I mii l it Coiiii:iiit,

A--- r:, Si.5:JO.OOi).All risks taken upon th- - most favorable terms. 500 Cm

JONATH AN HC NT, IV. si.l- nt. A. J. KAL?TC. Secretary.


CAPITAL STOCK, $750,000.--I H G C;ili i'o min Sti-o- c t,



Cargo, Commissions and Profits !

In vessels not ratiujr lower than A 2. either in the Fo i riunor ii I ''-- I -- I :i ml Trailr. on favorable terms an.l the

i are the authoriz.-.- l agents cf the Company forIlollohliU.

hiiMi-i- i A.ljuxte.l mill i:ii.l ln-i-- t ty iim in C. S.( '..'!! Coin.

F- -r rat.-- s of premium, Vc- Ate., applv toi.03 lim' At Co.,



Capital One Rlillion Pounds.Head Office, Manchester Uuildincs, Liverpool.

nts at Honolulu,

N. 1!. This Company takes ri.-k- s on goods only ami not la. 5ll'J t'.lll


of jojsTi)Oisr.'Ct!I K CXIF.ItSI(;XF.I. ACF.XTS FOIt I II F.

S al.-- ve Con j any, have recent! received instructions to re-ii- u

the Hat-- of Premium on Som- - and Prick Puil. line's and onMerchandise stored therein, and are now prepared to issue poli-cies on more favorable i. rms than heretofore.

Itisks taken on Puildins, Maehinerv. Ate. .n Siii.'.ir Plantati-on-. JANION, lil'.KLN if Co.,


J . D. YfCKE,AtlliNT Foil TIIK I'.ltF.MtN POAUP OF IN Mil; W llITKIiS.

A I.I. A V lilt A OF. (I, A IMS Af.'AlXST SAIII o.h rw riti r- -, oeeurrin;' in or about this K injrd. n), will

have to be fertile. 1 before hi-n- . 010-I-

ii a is it isc ii-i- h: i:nFIRE INSURANX'E COMPANV.rf-H- CXDFXlSlf: XF.I). AL--nta of the above Cm

A pauy. are prepared to insure risks, tire in unai...ut Honolulu.

For particulars apply at the oSice.MKLCIIKKr? CO.

Hon.,. uki o.t. 11. 1S.07. 47Vly

SAM FRAGSSGOHoard of iiidcrwritersrjiui: rxni.nsiGMii) havixc ijffx

H appointed iij-n- ts f.,r the ran Francisco Poard ol I nder-writer- s,

. pr. seiiim

The ';iliforni;i Insurance Company,The Merchants Mutual Marine Insurance,The I'ticilic Insurance Company,The California Lloyds, sindThe 1 1 onie Mutual Insurance Company.

Pe- - leave to inf nil M ist-- rs of Vessels and the .lie eenthat all loss. sustained on VKrrKI an! I'A KiiOl,

insured ' rith.-- i f t!i- - a'...v- - C. n.panies perils '.f thes as and oth'-- r risks, at or i.c.r the fai.d'.vich will h iveto - veriiie-- by th'-ni- .

Ol'.-u- i H. HACKFF.LP At Co.

OArIlOJIAI fSURAFsSCE CO1VSPA1MY.reHK cxnKiisiiiXF.i agkxts of tiif:

B have been authorized to insure ri-- on

cAitco. riiri:iiT ami riti' CO fr-- m Hon. hilu to ail ports of the HawaiianUr-'.-- .p. and vice er.-i- .

471-l.- v II. HACK FKI.D A CO.

"Vflt. CIIAS. lil ltfiKSS WISHF.S'iO IX--' form th- - r. -- i of lion lu'.u and the oth-- r !".

t'.-t- it is his ii.t.-iti- -ei to mak- - a tour thr.-u-- up duringthe cotr.itt,? fcr the purp : of makii.j; a series of

I'A.VOIt A.MIC V STi: It F.OSCOPICvir.u s r

A.'.', i r i :s f r sit-- li w.-r- can be left at his r - ms.Th-'i-- ? who ivirh t h ive

iEi:Tor:in:i piiotuckapiis :Will please c t'.l as t - 11 a- - p.-s-i- ' :- -. Olil-Oa- i



Sugar and Molasses11501' NOW CtlMINC IX AM) FOIiSALF.

m .piai.tities to -- uit piiicha-.r- s byoos.oiu C. IMIKWF.11 At CO.

i ply t- -'j inch itosi:.4mm o plv inch Hose,

o ply 1 inch lb sc. a ply 11 inch IP.s...

CCTTA I1!? ISC 11 A IACKINCJ, o-l- .J , aiol g inch.

For Sal- - by515 Gm C. PUF.Wl'U At Co.

Honolulu Sugar Manufacturing andRefining Co. Notice of Election.

A CCOIltr A XFi: WITH TIIK requirem-ents of the Chart- r of the above li lined Corporation I

hereby ei-,- . nolie- - that at theannual meciin;; of iis Stockholders,held on the j:Jd ii:st, the following persons were elected asothers f r the year ensuinir.AV. L. (Jkkkx. I'rf stir ut . ?am'i. Savioi;k, Vire Pi t xitit ntI. Pauti ktt, irr, ,ry. Sam'i. N. Castlk, 1 ltirtetor,mW m. I KrrKR.s. i

I. PAUTI. I TT, Secretary II. S. M. nnd K. Co.Ho:io!u!u, April 'Jt, 1 Stti. &1S Hi


I() AA.MIl.M K T III fKlK-M'- S?i;KtiS Public that he has purchased '.he Pru StoreH from Pr S. I'. For.l. situated nt the corner of Fort and

Merchant Streets, and to Mate that it will be his endeavorto supply them with

Genuine Drugs, Pure Chemicals,CTIOKM IMOItFUllIIV,

-- lo? o'.e hrst (' srriptii of terry Urtidv Ci )i nerttdir'rflt lie (rath:

IT PIlKSCItl I'TIOXS will he carefully nnd accu-rately dispensed osi.v with medicines of the purest ipiahly.

MF.niC'IXK will be fille 1 and rcplc.iishedwitii and at moderate rat. 8.

M A ST KItS ot V KSS K LS u A M Kit ('II A X fSwill find it to their advantage to call at the Ollice and leavetheir orders.

N. P. Ir. S. I. FOItI still attends the Office at Lisusual hours to assist thos.. reiptirin medical help and advice.

Jl.uoIuHi, April Id, ls.;o. 51' 3m


v i x a it i : .' i: i v i : i m v kxti it kII STOCK. OF

Photographic Apparatus !

With all the recent improvcmei.. in the art, I wish to informthe resident of these that it is my intention for thefuture Vj follow the

Ilijjhe r ISraiiches of the Profession only!Paiutinir and Ketotichin I'hoto-rap- hs made in mv own rooms,ivhere i. rtraiture will le my constant saaly. Prooj's will beshown to persons sitting for negatives (if rcpieited;. Puiticu-la- r

alt. i. ti. ii paid to eopj in old pictures.Mr. P. is now eompe;in; r.rran-emcn- ts to prxluee Land-

scape, Stereoscopic and Microscopic Pictures of any nize.XT An elegant of Oval and Koscwocd Frames;

Morocco, Jenny Lin.l and Velvet Cases constantly n hand.510-:i- CIIAS. III. HC.KSS, Photographic Artist.


llF.TOl'Cin NO ihnie in ilie hot iiniiiiK-r- ,

and on the most reasonable terms.Also for sale, I'hot 01 the Crii tt'M K i In neit and

II:ile:iliitii. and other Island Scenes; the KlN0.--j KA.MK-11KMKI1-

Ate., ye.

At the Gallery on Fort Street.H. L. CHASE.

P. S H ivinsr imrehase-- the Portrait Nenatives from Mr.Vce.1, duplicate copies can be hud by those persons wishingfor the same.

511 !m II. I.. C

I3 ITJ 3115 I " 1 ! S TO IX FORM TIIK I'l'IILICof Honolulu that he has estahlished himself ill the

f t - j above business oil

liiii"; Street, next door to City Market.A !e r- - he wiil be found ready to attend on all custoaicrs In

his line.X. 15. H- - b-- -s to call attention to his Superior and Cheap


Charges reasonable and work done promptly and sat isfactnrily .60S tii ii

27- - sh: on ir ,Confectioner and Pastry Cook!

Next Door to Castle Ac Cooke,; KING STKKET.

fMAKKS I L K A S C It K 1 X I X F O It M I X Gft THK

Ladies and Gentlemen of HonoluluThat he has ei.l irj--i.- his Confectionery establishment, where

he wiil he able to furnish the

Very Best ConfectioneryIt j lainufactured on the premises, and not adulteratedas most imported Candies. In connection with this he hasopened a first class

REFRESHMENT SAtOOM IWhere his patrons may obtain anything in the Kefreshmei.t

line, such asCirsTEIiS, COFFEE,



Pcsides the

IDelicacios of tlio Season!of which lie veill have abundance.

Separate Rooms will be furnished to those who madesire them.

512-3r- a




KTZZ FlItST CI,AS CLII'I'F.Il I'ACKKTSitji i:i this line will be dispatched regular!- - for theal' p. rts.

Have superior cat. in and - accommodations fittedup expr'-s-!- - for th" ' ' rnf..rt and convenience ot passengers.

Fassen-- - rs and frei-- ht t .ken at the lowest current rates.Apply to


.iroiit r tin' Jiin?Me?srs. C11A.--. W. liKOOKi vV Co., an Francisco.

46J ly M CKAKKN, MKUUILL t,- - Co., Tortlanl.

I iffvv


pomcstic Prohtff.



M7 iim At I tiOKF.

Sugar & MolassesFKOM Till:

Plantation of T. H. Hobron..NOW COMINC IX AMI FOIISALKCiltOI' titles to suit purchasers by

4.CI fun JAS. M. UltKKN. HKcnt.

V.'Asi jiiuii SMniilatioii.

XOW COMIXU IX. AXT uilernlCROP in iuanlitirs to suit bvII. HACKFF.I.P CO.,

SOs-on- i Ajreiit.

Sugar & MolassesOK TIIK





Of Sugar and Molasses !

Delivered in Honolulu, in quantities to suit. 603-Si- n


CROP 1866.TlW '0IIX1J IX A XI Flt SALK INli iiar. tities to suit, l.y007 om MKI.CHKUS fit CO.

Waikapu IMantatioii !

II. COKXWr.IJ, Proprietor.

Sugar and MolassesVIMIM TIIK I'l.i VT4TKIY I'nil Si LR

i Si in I. - c.i l.lJm III IVJlt) IU 'U. i'. I O

ftlO-o- OF.O. O. MrLKAN, Airent.


ugar and Molasses !SA LK II VITOIt C. IIKEWKII aj Co., iieeiitn.

MAKEirmNWION.IVcw Crop ol

Sugar & Molasses !

JOW CO.MIXfi IX.For Sale by

612 6111 C. ItKKW KIl At Co., agents.


COMING IX.IV For Pale by507-S- ltiii-- . .il At i;o., nReius.


From' l'IOM:i;U .MILLS, LAIIAI.N' l !

COMIXG IX AXT FOIl SALK IXCROP to suit purchasers byolG-ai- n WAI.KKK, A U.F.N At CO.


FKOM MITTtlALF I'LANI ATIOX !-- 1KOP COMIXG IX AM) FOI6 SALK IXJ .oiantities to suil purchasers by

5IC-:j,- n WALKKP, AI.I.KN if CO.

18G6. 18G6.Sugar & Molasses

From Lihuo Plantation !

COMING IX AM) FOIt SALK INCHOI' to suit purchasers by516-y- WAI.KKK, ALLKN k CO.

J-i-i- cl MOLASSESrjIIK inXOLl'Ll It K F I X K It V WII. I'Al'

JL the hiirln-s- t market price for

HARD SUGARS, ANDFirst and Second Molasses!


507-'!i- n J! anagers.



1866 !Cr.OP COMING IN. For sale by


C O TVT IvT ERCIAL.- tn tr. !.--

, u :

f ( x; ir . v - .. . .. ..; , ,.--

r r. - i . f n" f : . . . . . f r

"J h " '.-.J- '. f- -

'' f .r y .. , y r . -

I i - i V. a.". ' .: v f A". A. 1'.

11J W . A I M !N.

1 ..-- - .tc - '. Iit.ry Y- ,- r..

a '.'.'ifi : r.- - - .'. .. . v ,f - :. r th- -f - r- - - .V : i .- - D0. fill?

. r .a.. . .S ft .... tl i !

,(ST!U:.KIV-I'KK1MKKI).CMI- Iff uuuuui t ' i. - . 1! ; N .i II- N i Co.

t . .. . . '. iJ ' A- - -- .4 I.... ' . .

Pine Shooks.k - -- - . r:.-- . . k: j 's, : PINK KKfi

. : - t. r. - -- ;11 (.(MM! rii,-- K .x - t. M.-r.v- .

: ALI.K.N St t ...4: i I y WAI.KKK.

. ..; -, a ... .:. a::. .'! 0

Barrel Shooks. j- Trr.- - I -. r ji -- r i r- -, .

- . . 7 ' ' J . vi .. i . j 4: Amn: Fin iinisn- - shooks forf - i'r i .. t ,

... .WALK Mi. x

v f I' -- ": "", its.. 4t

I i. . i : .A a . ; i ' i ' t :- - '! . . . Ui ! ;.k';T f . ; J; it i " IT;

: . i ; w i . i t ; . K . . . J -- - -

. r. . . - i i, ",;'. - '. i s r; . o t 1 ' t :

; T . . ' j :. H i i T . - i ' . In'.i t' :- -

' ! .- - v A; r i -

( ..v . i ! t'J

.O' .it. ' o v .r ;.' .. . .

T ?! : t,s f . J ! tr, .n ' ';

It . Th- - ; f art.- . . . r.rJ . i i.' I. I vt. : .. 1 :

' r. ;r- - , r.:

r f. n . V'tnM .f- - 1. - r. .' r.; .r" !

i. r . J n 1 - f rri tn

T ' i - '.'.','.' ; ...T i j i !. r. ! 1 'r r. 1.' ; r'.i t! ..

li-- . -'. -- Ov 'rr - I ':' Ii-'- . !:' A a.';

I Mrn. Lr. . t.'.r s-i- i! rtr-- . f iv;rt-- ! '.'!.'.:-r- . ..::t. 4r '.'. . ; ' ' .at ', r..

t . ..r i-- f r - I ri.K.o if. Ili i .i. 1" v kr". L. f.11- - I'ftsr, it r. I'-- y I. L.-.r-.j, !a-,-- .- r.'- .f !u-r.- -

T '. .1 i. ..r

I. -.

lu I s. t tr i- - T r I v- - i ;ifv-ry in-.- !.;:. !:'.:ir;.

It. I ' ' .in x- .f i.- - f -j I : vI ! w :. - i J - ;":'. IJ t!. - ut..r-.- a:. I f .! v

t ft M x' fAf. 1 1 1: x.s.17. .'r r;,n ' f :! t,'- r r' - t-- ! r- - -

. . . ... ... .... .. ..i ,,.... .i,,..... . ..... .j ' i .r. i;i f,f i -.

,', Lit) ,f i;t ar .t.r. .;iv .:,iii.-.:- l iu l!.-- :

I ;..'. I - i.'f l,ilit.,il'.t.r.-!.i.- .' I. ' ft- I.

1 !- .- !.! .;. d:.4r-- ji .,:i- - ' r f'.' .r - ;,r.f .ti'l-- h I r. r.',-- ! f.r f.- - !. -- i.u.-u- :i . t :.f. t .... ,o...--- . ...... ... t ii. - i ..... 1 1 .....I. r. .i- -l t, .t. 1 i f r r. vi-i- -

V'.. -- r. I jv r; .1. ... 1 . , ...r.r. t.r.g t:r tt t ar I l n y--- uIt- - I t'.-- T A --- .n U, t.: xc'.j. a E.jb' a:.;;.,a.-.- -l t..t u:t-- r ;t tv

I'-l-i-- EutTii r. I'kTR-.Lr- r McCuIVht " II "'.!- t .1,1 '4 111, U' ., ri.. ur:..:i uMi'r t! iw:nt a tie r

.'-a- m ,.,....,.,4 fj r-- .ir- - iil j.rta:t Uf ,r- - U.i.',,' u'.!i rti-I- - ..-- 4 l...r I.

N,. I... Atr.l w m-l-- rv-!

'tiT t i-'- f f i lo-- m-r- .t. .tr-- l Hie f.r fr- - !.-.-.

f..4rir4 Jiri:.x tit" w-- k. V - ar..l ;.r ir?... if ? r r f. .t'.- - i f ! I in:,;- - ft.- - f.v- --- n lif.-.- . 1(0 T rr,: wr- - I a: 2Ta.-- r I!; Ii

! Vjr eurwj. il..!- - ar-- ii. ! u. ;.4-- '.r &." i i, il :. , at '.'i; cjrr-.-i:r- . Til:-- - ir. rrin'. ! ! p f,.v . .... ..u . ...

r- ijt ui- - in ll.ic."!. ."i ,f th-- m c -- t i - h K; vji. ui-- l I w-- r- Hi. IlJ-- J t!:- - aiaiUlit Iil'lV I

.. TI l t r .j.ital cn.i't.-y.-- t .I'.n'itt. ..r w.4 in.u r ol ln:!i'li"l tJiou- - .. ,v n m

; ,f 8 ),,I4, t"; .f .u'.ac J. ill., f..ur.r . li.iTii'i Ki-- i Tf.- - i.( l.i.N on t.- -

l'.i: tij,atli .i:iii, lri rt.f.. r, to 1'V '. Onl.ur .lr-- uri I rrt- - ...I f- - t .f I .n l r m 1 1" l yIN- - iluriii,' fi j-.- .r. 1 u- - - im : l f .r r- - -- ! tt'.'::rt.? 'i 'iw !.! 1,1 !!( It Is.iy r ry --l J J ''j.'

ri.rr.-.lir-- It- - f i (!. r r.j-- I- -. in a .I.s-l.f.-- t4

ilt-- l Jn. it. r .f la-z- vi- - t- - lt.-- . r .M'.r. i.lrj, . W i l?i it 1 .y. ,v- - t,. t : a r:t r.,

at. I - I v a ...--- . it. Tf.-- r

r.j-.i- t tt. i.f tr.-- B t a! K.-- i Jir,-i- r' .n tf,- - 1 j;,4!.,I..4r.-- i I .r ih- - ..f ! ri.l--- r. '11, Tup.r-- i

n .'!,. tl.' J ii. 1 tl. " ... 1 t:r. .r. t.-.-r I. ir.-- t. I.:i.t.I'i tuia ! r liuiif i,( tl.- - .XI .:, i Ir.-.l- .. -- tV-a tii t (!.-- ?

r.i.nt'- r i.f kri-.- j r n. i ! I.y I.- - r trij.T '. t- -t 1 run in fri-M- f iir ur. ii.,-- ITS Ii;t I !, I.. - ti. th J. lij At U;.-- t .1 .;-- V..- -. ,.i . ir .ri

W .4 Ot Hiif.l-'l- .

Mi .Miiil..rl--K In ;r l.". !.4y I i.

I "if Km tn- -r K.i .M',i. X(. ,!,.),..K. ,i a: I XV ai It 1 r ' r: tr 1, XIn ! .y.

pout or uorxoLULTj. h. i.A It It I V A l.s.

i K,4. ai ?, , Kim. .'a. r?. Ir-.r- f.'r.r.t A'.. ll.ii.f.'ir I .t I' itr.-- r u- - 1 .'il f.r -a

1 ." !r .Xf.iry .!! ri Uj -- l.i.-nlir- i

7 Am tr .-- ioiio I nl r 11 -- -. i!.ji fr-a- ari

Ir.nn-oi- . -- a f lit f r I' .ri.-l.i-

7 t.r .! i K-- i i .N,.. i. fr.,:s K il.nlni.7 An. I. irk r ; i.ff, ll.t;, ti n... cut f tn

II. m- -, ri.'j :i .r r- !.'. 'In-rr.- y, I:, II .!.

fr. t.i in I jr i. , w I.. .io. 1 i- - r toXXv.-r- . A t,

An. I. J.;r.U4,, ji.l. ..ut fr. n. II .n.--- ,

wall U'l..'.--i II- I, n. l:.irr:-f- . r, fr-- m M i':' ...1'J A ri. r. ir V. n'ni iwt- r. I ir. r , ':i il v . fr- - :ii T- -

k.t m n't I it r II li.i- t l 1 .V ...1 1 II 4'u ? n.r I I. . r.loi-- ,

.1 4 4 fr- - :n A - t' rl.t.with ..'.! rr.-- . I . I..1 l!..rT-- -l I ;( ti

It S-- r r !. I..n.-i"- . 'r .t.- ki.I a.II K XI.,,. X:..,:r. fr-t- .

12 "--h Iv:- - l.. fr- i44 !..!.. I. Iir,-- .

IKIA IIT I'KKs..Vay R r I't rr--. II M. f r II i.

rt,r Xl..r.: U. II nr . f r II11...7.- - (.r Kii:- - : ii. I'rti.- -, f r K-.- r . 4.:. 1 Kau.7 .t fir A- - ti-- I'I 4n--- f r I.ih r:..i.7 Am Lark-i.titi-- r I ..usiitutioti. f- f.r I'i;?--

-- i l.r K.Iin. t. XI ,'... j. f. r K .!.;.' x;, K- - N .j .. ? r K.-- ' u!ui.

" m Tig II Mil, V. ol. f r . .11 Fr;it. i

Am X.t. f r Kr.4t.--

Am !. I.atk N. - I'. r'..i.. I' -- . -- , f. r An t:--

I I Ki.. -- 1.1:4 K 411. - 1. itk.i. 'hl.iir.-- . il k 1.II ' r U 1 - v. f r M ,k .

II . I r XI ,r I XX.-- f r XX ;.,. I..:. !a .--.

II S-I.- ll U n. : 4rr.--..r- , f .r M 4lik-- .


i 1 f .r.-ii'h- ir I '.n'r,tn',..n. - tn .: .0 ii j 4 fr in T.i hit j.r j. fri-.- i li'iiti t.l I i i. rr tt. -- ir,rA.c.l 21 in I. r. sr 17- - h.-h-t t!.- - f.i.l..- - .Hfri -- . ut xtv&.

I ri I'll. Tf..t: Ajr,! :. T .i..'...n Lrij I'l'it..- - S tin .:t.Til'tiiri Irj.-ii.t- i . T .lot nr. lri; 4:. tin.-- Ai:.-.-- , Am- : r r t 4. It.... '. . ; . r ;.r :,.. tri- An

!.- - ri- - XX H.i...r'l t r.--n lui.i-.- . .,, I nt. h "toil J jv.i, f. rt.l !:. .i.r..l; XI XI. r I..: ii. h-- Ti ti II. I. XJ.

,.;..rt !..(. r l- - ; II. . M. I' .,,.;..,' I r k F r .1 ; II. I.X t'.n.-i-.- rt LirW Im-i- ! . . t ill. ?:r .r-v- .

r , ri . fr- ir. f . i.-- i I l...i, ( r A uciC..:. I. wnt t- - I U'i !. t- - I.- -., f.ij r. -r! . t. . l i- jr

" in th- - l .u.;.',t .1.44 fr. th t.- - r- -, k ; i.-,.,lt .!..;. 1 I urn.- - f.r MjII-- t

la 4i. 1, w.r t a.r..,r- - . ri ; L .! , t. tif . s .ii.r t'--I f f. ! -- 4 Tnr f.,itri a:. 1 a j rr. - , ( tho

t .a..- t at. V ln. U.-- t.

Itr4ui- - Slrnntrr .j;t.I. ft..-- . rtivaMirr'i Ir. m . :h-- r th .V .t,.. 1

r full.'. in l ia:h- -t ; rn r it .n- rlv an I .,:ir;vw . t. tr.. -- r.'ir p 44. 1.'- -, tr.iii ii.rtl... -- t ; .irr.v-- 'l14 1 II fttll IStfi. Kl !) iJI . H l ft II ,r:. isl, .j.r,!4 h. I r. M ; tti-- f.r-- t ..4r: ..f th .;.,4 (..j ,:l , 1, Ir4 ar;,l tine tr,..t?. r 1 l.rt.r r o.,.-- ... . 1


From .i F.n. -.i I. C. May 0 '.'i o fj'.n... 1. . ... - .. .... . I.l..-..- ' .

'- -" . - . ... - j( Min'. ir ialo J. ;-- (t .. l.,r,l. .S I I.'. I. 1 ... I. ..1 II'

r- -, r.w r,...2l'!o.H-- . 1 ,;ks 1.' ,.k

i k-- 4-- .J.ilj.'. ji! iij.ty I ..rr. N, ft i'.nii?.. r. 1

u i , i. k c iti-r.- t, Wi-nv- l r, 2 c-- k r, 1 ti .

ir i it. I . kiim. 4 t' j

TnnkAiar i- - r Vi. XJay s f-- t r n h;

Ii4u'-r- , Si.n.'.i tn. 'ire.-- ! .un.i-- r, , ir, a!. t. . i..f-- . .11 j

'- ti Jl .j il-.::- ..r.2 t iur,,u-r- . 4 M

2 tin. r . ,r-- iron, I iuni-h-fi- t-

ruin, 1 ck .'') M l h k... .'.0 hk-- K 10C9 a!--- , Cat, 20 MU silm 1

K !' I , r; i . . -- r a .' j.... :rv r - ' 'i - . ( : ... '.:'. :.t- -. .

' ' -- --' . r v .r- f.- - r - ' :i u :: .rk i h. r- -'

. j i i i.. :..'.- - r i '. 'i I y : j :.. r,1 " - " - -

- - . . i'-. .. r J ' i ....... . i tr i r.t - : r .r- - . i .:. ... ::. ; ' - " - c.iit.- - v.;.. :r. I K:.';h w. u-- , . ... , - .t...... - 'i- -'. : -i. '

j--, ,- : t j i r t .i' j . r z l i v i.i r . . . ' . '''."'-'- ' i

' '.. ....-...- . . i . .

.... .: kit.l. W... I..:-- . i.j I'..:-- r C-t-- : !. :. : u - ! T! ! v !

v. :i tv r i:.- - . r i'.-- - .:; -- n t . M ; -" . : - - 1 ' ' '.

i rV-'-- " - "7 ; 5 '. .i ii- - t i T- -rt- It. :.-- :r i..:.?. .: - 'i !.

.. i: K ...... " I' t J A . - ! ' i . ... 4

j. . Uut w-- .- 1.. ::.u:;y. -i- t..-.t-.-i ilk.- - : r ' r " :''- -

t ": .:"- - fi 'a!..;, I ;!..-i- aiil t!. :.. i.. r" - ... .. . , - .. .. - M- vM

- r . ..- -;t v,:. : K a .f irhi:-.-.-- .. If v2 r-I t; ' - ,. . ; I':- :. ,:.,h

: !'. r.. II : ...:.. "I ' ' " ' M ii- -t- - J.'!-!- : r-"- VI- - f.v- - .. . r. II'."-.-

. jlA vi!l. i . . . . I. f !.' .' i : - . r A '

. . . . i. ; K t. i . . : : i - :..-- -. i. t- -r I- - !i f r :'

I . :. I: - t, J V,v :...--

-- ' -- v;: A v- - -- r Ai :.' r.rv, :; : , t:..-- - r:... i: ,.i ' " ' - 1 -

! -- ;

J i: - -. :. ". . . J . - - ... . , , . . ,

In :r. r.: ::. .: ::. r...: : .xi t i : . :;, i:- -a - '- - ui.y y

: . a..... ' . ' , .r .- . x : n . T, .t rt..ia u -- " -- '

MA II It IK I. r n '. ui.z .v? ... I. u'. lu . ilsli.h It, ww - , -

: . n :. x; :y ;..:.-- '.. .x ii. . i. r:


i - 4

.f i . I i '

r x.r. v .

Coiiiiiicrcial AdvfM'tiser.

.i y u j i . i . -

..f,r..-- t:.- -- I . . . . ..I...t.

! '..-:ir,-.l tj I iifl ;;:..; tiu-i-- . '--'

;.a;-- ,

t;.r , t... i- -. ;! I;..- - Mlnil-- r i i' I'i- -" i'.-.--: I n ! ill !j ::',. n--,

'i r i. -- h' j ::.'. jv..rna. lit, ia !' oa- -,

tvw, I;..-..-.--, f I t-- un-- i i'-- r c.r- -

en! .n, itf.-- l M .ti.' r 1i-

-- A f Irattv.-r.t- t) ta-za-- i.ll.t!- (;i...-i:-

, a tr:: x.

ilit-- i at T '.T aa .'i U :a

Ju 11: x fc'j.u ti.e ir v.i.i-.-- t!.-.- - hill wasIatr ic-.- an l f .n---- tltr-yi'- t - fli -- t a lia.:Ji ila-- t ti.-.- - ti i.ii x .'i' - of t!.i- - n '.ti'. j la- - Mi'.- - ji

t h iv-.- - it rrait-.-- l lc-- f r-. aay i:-i- : :t xx.t-- ? t ik-i- t

it, x,T" c an h; 1 ja'vt that ti.'r hi II in ;

. ,aa-.- - -- hi 1 xvi. ra- - 1, I tno 1 -- a-- A r.'r.-- r

In n.-v authoriz'.-'J- . If rt-rtri(- wli-.ii- V) ti: j

" . " . :

a.? n now c jntoia j !al 'l, ta; ii': -

of Tf T Iiionr j Will not I.-.-.-- j th; c!ii-:- f ohjvCtioil. 1 I . . .. l.taat i- - nr-jiiti- t against it wi..n t cor j ora- -

. . . j

l T.i. ll.r,r' af" la. tax ...!,, .)..i- -.;.; . f t ;lJ.- - r Ia .rs-- 'I !;..t it will ill- -

.. firi'l!? .fir.'- - tiltl-- d ilii.' Ir.r.. ! Tin 1H I ! riv..- - , ,

f.r jaj'-- r in ji-- y t th-- ? est r.t t.f juilii-:.-- .

In-,r-.- - of I- - XX i t t lilillt. InaV i. ! 1. Ilut.

v. i. iiiT m;-.- i' ii"-- inoii'-- v.iii : ma i--


t.nn a .M. r v;t:u-.- - i.'M,-- n - in : fia..1 ' .

. t,t-- r . uj cl,; t.'ir..r .r-. it 1 1 'ifitit 'I--- ai that . .

Ii! jPimI' A in u. :!.'. . . , . . . ' l" ' 1

ti r f r.- - wh i 'J--- cur-';- . ia-.- - i 1 ,r ':! ! il.isjif.'.t

th- - -- .jj-


-trtm-i.t- ,










t 1 :


: -



f. jj







f;m l l..i!-.r-- J luilit n-i- t alT- - it it-- t valu. at all, 1 i; r r i f a Million of dollar-- - luiiit 1 ti ly i!' a !,.;! - ia m h . ir:n-- - . it

at a j r- - iaiaia, as it n is ia t!a: i l in i s h:..!i ;i i. 1.1 :.. u a

Cnit'.--A-- v l h- - f i: an ii-i'- - i t: at snl.j ct, !

!.1 xv- - !! p lai.-'- ? in it. l.-- t it : - in.w I; j

IV.'ifitr a'lol .ir oii'-'- i rait."d.!a!l;at.. .. ,as a r aolic rc- for r:u-- m liiiuls smk! l av- -

i;. ' ! h:s, an I th.-p- . will !.. n ii ; from I

j-- l'-- r ni'iii'-y- . lau-- t : horri'.-- iri mini that j

tl.i ri"-'.- ciirr. n-- - to ruani'; i X' ran- - nt t pay i

it- - 'I- - h;. a-- t ami fiitur"-- . Cn- - thI.a-- : l.iiC'l or may 1 .an M ma-- t j

uo t to !; j ai l ..T in j aj- - r, il it ;iI!' j ri . a.-- to Wi.rth

i'.!;v c uts t th-- il-.- .r in ;j;M. F.r f'"'''.V't:r-- , tint aii-- l fof in it:ii 'i;i- - f.-- I ! : O"

....r i.iv curr i . v. All th thln .h ,i:;.i '

t.i!:-- into n hy l r i

inth- - v are 1 1 . i - iao-- t i i 1 in tl. i matt r.

li.ihilirvt. .1- -1 :an na-iil- h- - ' y;1 - I

Z a.r-h- - I aaiiit l y rj "latiti a 1 oxi-io- ii ;:ith-- : law that all hill, frhiill h.- - r,'l- - Ti.. n th.y xxill iilxvay ., aintaia a ,.tr i

vaJa- -. or . rv m, aai xxill r n --nt- , I:Iilli'-!- l 'Z, M-- l ''"in iil tr'l'.iry. itiiout thi- -

. . . .j roxi-io- ii lrn-'i- irity 111 the I'.irr u-i- v;

ma-- t f.vl.-.t.'- l r or lat-r- .


f 1 1 i- - ri ti tt. ! that th' n: is no 1 i. in ;

5 1i f

th-- ; A-.- -' tuhlv to art as a l a i and j aki r ;

am ai,; ti"- - n.itivi- - in in Si rs. ii r a 1

11 - r xxa . cm .:I hat.- - w.-i- l in : .iili-- n an 1 : r

II I'.xaiiaa. and has to hi- - iat.-r- j rt j

A - ;i i- - ii' lh'.' it.ithi ;it ;t h - xx ii it I i


to any i,.u' ami in' j- - rtant i.-- iiMir-- : xx 1hivli a!,"

tin i! n-- t nii'liTtan 1. an-- ar-- - at tin. im-rc-

th-- . Mini-t'-r.- s. Thrp' art- - hut thn - J.-- i' i'ti i n- - '

r - ntiitixi in tl...-- A- - nih'y M.-.-.-rs- . Khoif , j

Smith nri 1 ll-t.i-- :ind tli': may Im M-- t d .'.xn!

hiinj ly a ol' tla- - thrct- - liai.-t-i rs ro- - .

-- ri.tit'Iy. Ni iiaa-ur- -; can. th-n.f.- r -- - i

j. 1 ii- - tliat tii iroiili li- - a-.- -i 1:1 :nil '

i.tiliti a that it XXoiil l if ti ' TO m li- - .f .r- - i;'!i s iri A- - - iiiMy. And tm ri- - hardly a j- that this j r curr- - n-- ;

i'i thnrotihly utid r.--t tod hy halfth- - m. ti.h' rs. if 1 a.-'--' I, and any action iKia "


n.- - rclatnt ma-- t hi- - tah- - 11 : t C.

11' n IN r To j, r. t!a n xx- xii!:h- - '

Ni-x- V.rk r. xxa- - aa :i r. ntic. m rxiit.2: histin. in a 1 i - I utory. t." an i ;iii.-.-- t

iin f r kn xx I I .i? and thir-- t f r roii iin, whitId limit. 1 mi-- . m l l not all xx- - him to grat-ify. Or.--da- a I'i 11 ixv an i haisii' t"M ! im that,while in F ir h" ha 1 f - . n t l :ir:ia!lthat I xxir-h-. d, xxith ait in ir.- - y, at a fn e Cni- -x.r-it- y .ta! l.y tl,- - v.rti.-n. It is saMthat yar J ' r th- - ri m;id'- - thi- - r l y that,if he cXi r .n t!,- - m- - an-- , h- - xx.-a- l

a frit- - li'-rar- f-- r m- - u ia the

li:.: in-n- . hant, and h. f iii- - ho xa fifty vais ofai- h" a.-ra- d aa. th..- - iiiil! . s.

uii-1- k t carry out hi I n chiri.-h-. d

in nl red d the m 'lium'-n- il i.ihi.v v. n


l'l' XVltil .'7 and 1.1 '.IH, r 'M all...irt5 t,t tjiC w..riJ, not tx.-.ititij- ; ::r humh .

ii' 'liaitt i"ii . and it hir-- ' li'-i.iri-- i'i,'! ira'iloi i.--

r , . , , .,oi t.i4 ,1- 1- j .1 . 1 l i t a::i - Mil iuh', ar. ait ii 10

hi- - , .r : xv 11 :.s t ho r I i . 1 : 1 is;-i''- d ! :"!v

y t uousamls xx ti-- . iai-.- .t uta.-rxM.-- itx.r.nt-.- r

ao'l a 10'...

W C Can I "..i.t d HO Mich tliitltllll .'Il la. re, and ,

iitfhl r.n ; br i:f;rrn..-- n-- .l f.r irt I'riiirivi 1 AXorM 1 i k' h ilUSi'I f XX t holl t t r V i I . t!'-- 4

ti ; f url 4y, I a-- . I a f r- - t 1 4 4.1 I., ..n.-- r Until .'.tn i- - tii-- V tT:iVl. I Miill .l,,n th.'I,.. , ith ,;i4,n.t :,.4..:l vol- :- , 41rr1v.1t at Fr.41.1 Aj 1


1 .ii. h- ii r. m. wlm had ln- -y.iiiijf imn, ii"iv 'iii- - a j runim-n- t

r Xlurr.-.-r. iiI .....

.o-.- . 1 1. , kif'I






. 1 m i ii- - nt f.4.t oil. l bt.i r . in 4.4. j M, : nr-i- y. Ator Flaoe kii'.xn ii tin- l', n pr Institute::-- .:; r, i,h. tiT:4i li.c matr al. 1 i i.c - it rtotfi. li . .

4.:- - 1 e m...;. nwar.-- . 4 hif I.l.'.. !..- - . v, t m Vi V 1 1. a 11 tl J pli J Tia tl ill oi I; U r.. rod 1 1 o il- -irun ..r. 2j e tlrjr . Z ks ink. ic.i.t an I lot i..:m" "inl ,11 iiAV- -

' .,'1 ... t ir;-- ,- iy Il,i.-..- xn. n.anih- -2r,l..irt,,.M-..rt.a,ii,..4-tirl- . rriut. 3 -1

(.'ii.'r.. w 41 r, 1 r-- ii M.l.i :,.) !,u I i kc --t.N, 4 i v nc, and hicli hi Is fair t !r f ,:a.- - , :.0 ..f th.-r-i- .iivl 4 u-- .I,'. l'j.o ir ., I 1 1.:. :.:., --j j.jf i.i.;. fjoiir. 1

4 Uit::4ici., J i;ni crwktu, j r cSfi-- -, 2 ct starch, 2 c pi. 4,4- - 2,r.ind-- t institlUi .ns ill .ViaTioa. 1;.1 c)-n-- l.' .urniturr. 2 i.;.


-r-; i'i-'n"'-a- .4

1 hla,.. li.j-- 1

iii'w 1 t run.Fk.-- V

1 I 4, .

272 .fia-l.-- .

fnhiai-4- 1, 1 t S ifry zA-- ,

31 ik I'ran-ly- . hi-k- r. hnn r llshxA', i-i-

;-- Ij 11:3 u.



M--r.- :





i i







i- -





! ocr

Thisim- -


t!:-- :



in'-'- , :ir'.'..I.



ta.- -



a1!-- '
















a:. 1 .;-- !: i'.i.'.v t! ri ar- -

!n.-:-- ti,





i i i: z i

j r-.- i:- at:.' i.r ui t .htr. ji.te a -

;rc a r u-- - '. it A ... 1 ...: r.tN.-A- l'

."' f t;...Ir I.:-.:- :;i:!.iv- - ui.i in l-- v2

1 .t t.1- .- r- - li-.- i' ;1 I. in-- -- Mr-- ! i'- - r- - r -i-

i'.-.- i'.. i 1 iai.-n ir- - c r.ti-:5:-

;t ;' v.- lax-. 1 !. !:.-- : .:. - v that ii' t'..t-r-x:i.--

t ?. i:i u Ij ..i.:ii', l':.-i-- a 111

i.' : ! ; kii.r.'1 '. I.i:r;irv in .;n Fr:u. :!- -.' .

x!.i-;:i 11. w jir.--- . f . 1.S'M :t v..-.- la 1' . i

xx it!. ..nly 1. : th- - :..iiiti a f r j

- 'r;.l T-i- tr-i i; J ii-.- t .aCi-- ' J II v.-- . v. I- - !

r ut. num. A j uV.i-- t IPi ;t;y - i;li !iI il' the i".: t wt--

vi:!i i.vt ls than tw :!.-- . :n i x I.::..--- , : t r. I

i. 'i-- a 't - v-.-ll - t.iin i. A -- ;.: ii. ;a I. rjj -- a Valu tM-- r li'.r.iry. '.;';' r.-- t

:.:- -. it ariv t r.irva-- ; I v 1 1 .a t!;.it ii. tv l'aa.-- i u iiuita'

Aa-- i i- - at- - 1 itvln ity. ,v li:

ir-jii- .iar--.- t J, x ,!! ! il !:ii.:it:- - raix-- ui.-- .!;-.!- . L-- t ii an iau;a- -

ti J t I n.,r t n y- - a: h- - .' vi it uMh a-- t of at t-- . n t L-- j ii-- !i:iji-.. circa-l.iti- r:

aai ii har-Ir---!- ifn t .'xr, ai.'l ia, i tin knw i A'j- - aai ( ni- -i taiaa;-.ii- t

I j i;..tiiv xxh-- i haxo 1 v ii- ac-.-- s t' th'-ai- .

Tin- - SK-time- p Aj:ix.Tiii- - ariixa-.- l ut -..a Fraii'-i-c- i a Sai.-I.ix- -

-- r " '' " -(Il-.- t lO .laVS aii-- l i iioiilr a.-- l-

1I t'-.- l i a l!,.- -

-- ' ' '. a:.-- . -;:: ait. ! l l a.) K- - - r; ? J...r' - X r. V.f - i t.j tin' !! t T 1 ; M

ot.t- - i.J li.-- r - i;i aaoth.-- c j!;;aai. II-- r !a-- t

j:i -- si i tiii- - j.'.;t ;i Shi 1 i I la.a 'i;--i- l 11 !.tx aa-- l hour.-- . t!.tt Is jr.!- -., , , , . , . .,,:.r- - -- . -- I. liu l.'-- l ..ia-ls t -- ;.. k !' i :j p

ia.- - ji'-i'- t ia tT'-ii- aa-- i 1 i !a:i n-;- aa. i.

.ll ;!';! - li'-Il- :' T'l I - lix- - l!i- - riil al.V to - r-- -

:- ;- 1 t ' K it ii'll:.- - Aia'-ri'-a- a

Miai.-'.-- r i- - Una ia ar : i!. - -

, .rliiri.-- r ..r; at. a- ri..ia ill In- - 1.".;, i".

.I'.-- r s .1:, 1 t.t . ;..-- will !.o-

i:i'-r;o;- t tii---in-.-- uj ' liors ai.iit Ii"

j,.. ;1 , ii, v v. il! a,:!,. t!.-- - to or !inini;, ; i, ti ,t r.TL.- - f--. I . . .x I r ;irti- - fi-.-- ih- - . '"-',..- t.ilth .t

!;a-- l r-- ;ia to tii Jti.r. :w A" itf- - il.atv..- -

ill i,av- - t- ! t!i lit-.- k oa to tin- - i.i.l -x i u ,',' .i!-

Vx xa--- '.s i .r li- - ;.'!!. -1 ill 1 th- - (,-- - !;. t ? Ii i.i-- i !..r ji i ai-- o:

-- TI I ! To H.N'I'll' I'i- -' '.T.'.r.AS' F V Tfti. T:: 'KAJiX."-T- 'i- - i -- It. r Ii,- - j -- t ! !.- -r -

lj..r:. 4...1 k. ,rA - i.n t

.'.i .1 -- ui - f. o ;r ' . r th- - I..-1.', th-- - ! - i t f v. hi. h i' n : j 11 u'.-- . It

- 1:: to I tl.- - ' ; iir-.t- i f ' - 11 n lh .i' 'V1' :' "f i'"' ''"''- ' " -- t :"-- ! "

ir. - 1 1 1:1 11 I v : of : t in.- - 4. Ki : . i..- - - - !

tint in' r- - on In;.- - - .v;- i- s 1. .v- - f .i r .':: i i

Irv - :i:. 1 11. or- - r- - r. ii' 1 v. ;f nri 1 ; a!,'.:,

Yit:::: XV'" i-- Fy tr.u-l- - n th -t !. v-- r;.

t. a : I Fi.i. 1 -1 h, 1, r- - th. is - ut

I :"-:- i Ii .o- - ia'a :ir. ! . r:. ! ! i: 1 14 u -- r: i'.:.vfio-1- . ii-- iih-t- ir ,Kr. r ii'tv :iit I.--- "fi'.'.i-- i ! '1 r.i' - .,1

k;. i:.. r ;.. ;;. , , f. r i. - ::t..i.!I ,.

I a f. i i :.i ! I. o; .1 i 'J. n . Ath- - i.r-i-

;1 :. .-rt- . r. ta, 1, u- r i . .r .i- 1 m i'.... ......r It.- - i ,...i.

: i i c. i.,:::.. r m - :i. - '.. k- -t ir.ri. ATI.:. - t fr- i:1.::!.!', i'' r ' ' -.

In! r I In--- thr.-- i. - :.! 11 f . - I th !' t h a mIM :" J "' ' ' ; v-- " ; ';' .' '; ,k- a--- , i. - -- i i.-'- : n, ...'.- - :.u- - :.i

. .vti a.- i I....; ?;.- - " rii I i-j

- .t 'it- - Th- - i r ;, ; -- , t'..- - ., 'tn ai- -l i kiwi.' t -i :r-- t xi-.- 1- l : .- X irr'l.- - it

:t i ii t .1.. r t. T' u ;h th- - f ..' ,r , ;,i, I r t,i, !,! i.ti:u. !.;. I. ;.r-- i . i.- - r- ti t- i.m i:,.-c:- . a. i h.-.i--

i... h w iil i i i : . :. ; ; l.- - J . u ;ry 1 :, t- - - 7.

C. S. BARTCVV,; . . I a . VJ .'.. . . . .

i'.- - . it :n : 1 1: :r-.-- . t 4 - r f; itn li.i ili-ia- , i:.n M. ly

Baker Wanted.t KAKKIt 11 Iir, amh raiiiiil. liinioii-lil- y

1. I. a', i. .1,.--i.- -' u.; 0. i'' t n i.t :t: .:.

1 . AI' I.i.l nFr ICF.

( f;.. 1 N. ' .7 vi. ';,-- )

y nl .7. . A. W'tiTi-t-i- i 1 - 110 Iiiu-- r 4::'-- ' ' :' ' ,'" r' ':' "' ' r ' ''.:; : ' ' ' ' ' 'r ; '' ': ' r "- -

I.;- :t !i . . . a- i'i 1. it 1 :i . i . ,r:r. .:. ! :.'. fr. i n , :,f:. r :. - ! a- -.

1 1 ni.:.n 1::..- - s f. amfuican fi.aii.If I.l A.Jvi r:.- - r J - a i !'; y i i n.- -.

fT4s f T-- r.' 'J'44 K.TII K IIOTSK. II T.TKNTi.V OTt TIM T.I)

iti 1... ' 7- I.W. 4. t.-- f 4 . . ..-.!-

.t- . . II 1. ,1 IV .1. il. t I - li. to I,' Iil Il . y. .".J'l liu



.icsT AFtKiviii) ri:i:

A2ii. .13arlv Arictoi?('O'.'iti'l'J '.

VdKTII WIT IJOAUDS.N it!i V.- -t Fh.i.k-- . North XV. -- t dii

N' ' h XV, -- h .If a ch turf.,,-...!- , j

North Won l' nci-- .l mi'! U-r- v- -,i Fl 'rii-.- '.

iV.' 14. I. ah. . h iv. 1 shinr-l- It i

Harks Camhridr & I). .Murray.ANI Foil salk i;v I

C o . Ci . I T o w e .

$OMmF 1

l.l.lU.'.K1'..,..,, f. .. ;i -- ..., s 1:f,;. ; j;

I'. ' ' ' F t - h -- a f - i ;. ' v- - !.1 . .1- :- ;; r ,

" "i : t li -j f..xt T- r.- -- . 1 an-- lirov- - i - I'.. i.v. i. Ai

k.' "' ... : :.' ;I

Ai-- 1 on hand a ;.:-- . A-- -. rtn.- tit of 'c!a

NORTH W1IST I.T..!Ili:n.j.'J liu

FtIl3 . l 4, L. U . - i Xt i j7

1?. A I C.

T. C. 3. EiirrnyN. T. I,i:.. Nil i . . r.

.v t: r.i v . :: ... -- ; x .0 i

: ....i t r fr '.::.r ;

c '

Ai.Kt.ii c ...

II! .--. XV. UK- - . Ks Ac C.

Bes-I3gu- r i:it!l IJlBCFOIt

SAX FRAXCISCO!T:.? i'.'ic An; C; i'-- r

I U Lr.N I.K A K, .' :: r.

v."::: .w ;.;:. ..t !i f i t:.-- : u'. v- - j rt.IV r f.- - i a: !..iv.:.r o; . ri.-- s

II. II K'Kr t I.!' ..5.1-- 11


SAX FKAXCISCO.thk ai . i.;i i i:;i k

I. II KM 1MK.VI), ( uniiiiniiilrr.W r.l f .ilo-A- the UKrt'KKIAN with ilisjiat'.-l-i f r the ubi.vo j,.,itI .,r fn i.-f.-t t iiii-i- ar ai i ly t

W AI.KKU, AI.LKN" Jt Co.,Ak.-,;.t-

Ajii't 'it S i'i I'r inr i o,

Messrs- - Chas. 33rooks t Co. 01v:.t


T?r a i:r in. ps,

IH'Itl.AI !JA:i. fr C.fT,-- .- l:afc-s- .

AI..-- O

5J- :.t

Sugar and Molasses Containers..l A M S f;,!l. I'I i: SHOOKS. i ;. .n m.I Irli

ii ;.... y;.vi; hooks. ( . i.i ai..i t i ;.-.- ;

14 OA... ( i. y H)Uh S, t;.;.a .V;

:;! a a. I., y v; ooa n.:;l oa... It t'.s''x ("' shooks.

VIS XIOX KS in .!.,.. k- -. f. !r;.l i.l t -- 'J ;'.--

II K I) OAK, io .t1.:. f r xto!..-.-- - s ..rFor - i',.- t y;; ::tii ". i.::i.v. ia: a-- ;u.

rourl'i Oi'JuIv. I'ssliisi (Vlcbraliou.

rqnii: 1 I KST ASMir.TMi:T ril'KA Ui'KK.-- r i:. - t t II rt- .1 fr-.l- i ti.e. ti nrn.'if ' t ai- -- . r of

j;. v.s ,f ...r .?.. ,rt k K..-k- t--. . .

' :. i 01 1. r 1...1.1 ;;.y i Kiiio.It-- . 11. .i:t f.r -- . . Z J i 1"I1.1011 f;n. .; -- . i ti.i.... ;i!.,l h il- -;

! - ! .'!.::A'ii.- - 4. i .; ;,i., r- -l, i .r.---, in- - !.;;.ii ;.r. 1 s.'n il!;

!., , N. J . v;1: : -. 1..-- 7.-. ;a:.l r-- .l;

f' a at. i.:r, - ? ; -h' ;!- -,

T a: ;:.!' . k...i.t . i:,rk-- t fain.l lli'i'lin;;: 1::,:p. Ka-- cv Fiy..r.

V "f thf u:-o-

l or Sutr ,,tt r Ut of Jim.!:. r f !- .- otvr i .i fu'.'v ..1- -1 to

- -- ' "i ! '".- - i:i tii:,-.- to in h- - tr-.- f th-- ir r- .; tioii .n--

lh-- 4- of .!,.;;.For ..I-

CO l- t CA-rL- .v Co, iKlh


i'itici:, s:i;, K.vrii.For ! y

'r.n C. ItTil.'.VFn A; Co.

z.onsi ana tan:: iv.mvks,W it!, Ihttia Stt-c- l IJ icks.

?;iiii s i.r: uvc. i:kkv. ::!: a-- c .

I) A I It V S A I.TJl s i I.K Is ;:i ;.i c. i iiKU Fi: c Co.



'i'f K .' l'.'!S at I ( I f. A . . h Oil H HI'. A T.t A Mil. t.S Klii KICK OK COKKKK.

V' - .!: l.v--- a i:.i C. Iil. tiWKIl .v C..i v " - : . k . I !!A- - f . IMS t N .

S.!IpiJ!J IMlil i:;K!2SM0n ;

XElX:lC.'Ii.i:..'.ZSrrlS.oi.. I ItoNT STItKKT. ..xksov.

T ' ti 1ew JrsoolsisV.x "D. ('. .Hurray." i

'gviK foi.i.ovi: ninici: and i.vtkj 1' !: a'i"!, hiiv- - - cii j r iv-.- I f N.,w , rk at. I !

r.... rr. Iii-.:s- :, y.! f Fm.r-- V..!-lf- . j

1. iv: it.-...- - : r. a -i (.,;. 1.. Ht.ii...ri-- t.l: a- - 1. i 1. . .. ..?..It .tin at i '..;.. -. f V. i vv 11 - II ni.l-i-A V...r !. v. I. 2i f. jir.-v I.- - -. II -l- - : I .r;.'.-.-.4 t

M I' I' t 1! I..- -. t .a. i !.i- - a-- ,.. ' i

rn. ii. I, 4 f ,0 ;, X iv- - :,:! ..1 j

.i . . -,- :.:r- . .- 1.- .;! !

Ai'.a. V ;.,- - !:'! t . f: . It ut- J Kjii.t '

Kt.i.--' t!v ' : 5t :ri XV. .rk. I M .ti..-.-..- -,, ' 'f. - i. it- - . ;

la: ."- 1 ! r. - : .. i '. . ry . XX a.-,.-, z IK X:,y.'

i. ;k. ..; .. - !.. T ;i'.v i:-- , .,:- -,. K.iiix Fi - '

" 'Ii : x; .... ;:.:. .,- . K . i.N J. ' ' 1 - r o ; . . j 4 . j ; . .1XVv. i r-

-II-- .: ,1. I. CU..r . II :r f it, ici :f. "


' I ' t r .i -. .J.;- - -- t -tr our XI a: v r I - , ' tA a .1- .o'.v l.v;.. .0 l: :. . M

'- --

'1 ; i. ,r-- i....... ;

a- . -- !' -. A; : . '

i i', V,; . .,; ;h- - ' v- - .

. u l.r- .- : ..:.. r ' r. ' - a . T I k - f . r 't a , ir,:,ry i

i ' .v-- 1 I A i -; ; , ;.- - . 'y : ; ;. !.: :: . I - ..., !. - f r .! ;v . . - f' :i I' a -- r y l; ;.4. r. hi,- ..v rythitir fr i a i

iau. ry raytn- - t , a -- fi:..i- h.F- -r fura.- r j art: '::.ira ;,.i.-- at I

i- -'j ii. .M. vuiiTM.v- - i."oi-;?ri'!ii:- . 1

Administrator's Notice,rami: i vkhmcvki'. m 1 V1 v; , ,V nLY








-- ii.'







c- -


v- -




rr- -







r- - t!i-.- '

!.- -







to..!- -


f.-,- .;.


Ale and Porter.4 XM I.!, I.d T (lKTr.AM'. ALU AND j

J. i'- i ii 1 ! ii. i . . a . 1 ' i ' r t".- t i

v AI.K1 II. AI.I.KN A: Co.


N. T. Ikn-.-iort- , Master, from San Francisco.


1 v.

-- GOLDEN CATE MILLS" FLOL'Ii.f.tka KAM.114V,'V!i'i!V':iv'::''f'VVr..'

K.:r. Fa:i.;-- I : ur, in h.i'.f tarrvU.Pat i:t ox: r.'..v f. r ..Jr tr:.Je. a sjj.a.-.- artio;.:- - f r sa'.e I y5:) 0: Ii iLI.K? A- - Co.

DO W.N EES KEROSENE.KIVKI) PF.JI I). C. M I' II It A V , V A K- -fIX i:rv ..n i ;n :- !.-- , fall Uici-ar-- J, for

hi rr..lui- - ii j'L.t- - : vS20 o: B.H.I.r- - At Co.


ii'st ui:(.'::ivi:i) pkii m lii it a v, v a k- -M r:.-.t- : ir- !. I i.i 4.-

-.. I r.!-r.

"it F- r S - J.y r..)LLL".-A-- Co.

ROSENDALE CEMENT.a (axii) sri'i'i.v o.v ani I'oit

c 46-- - i: H.I.K5 A: C.

TOBACCOiFFFiiF.vT intA.vns. niu sai.i: at1 !i:-. J I

ft: r.ol.LKS A: Co.

rji:K ll(lll.ll,r Ii A It II I'. 1 4 MAMTACSt roiiV, iii i..'.: i.r.l.-r- . w;;li Z rt tw-t-utt-- .i 2

I'l.iiiii:,: M i.:!.;:.r-- , J Joira-r.- - :t:i 1 Cr?i-cu- l S-- , arid NewEa.-Ui-.-- if UI liors-- j m.v-.- r anl

F ,r ii.rticultrs : !y toIVJ ot Ed. IIOFFiCIIL A Co.

e. c. mVixdi.f..-?- . j.ns patt.M'CANDLESS & CO.,

i!l lii'.. ilJKia - -- , i!".K.t: lll.rl (i,:tRAl. XI K( !UVpl?B.N. K. iir.l King sftrt-i-t- . H-.- .lulu. 11. I.

51'J-l- y

Xc'i iicl 13V)i Sale.j

j. o'ks c itr.s or imsti :ik i.vm ivI'M KAMI. A K.MII KA. W'AIAI.rA, OAlll'. F t r:il'- - :i

.. I.v. r.ili..- tun sFor ticul.irs i.ii; ! v to

j. kxii:kon,'1 ".t Or s. N. KXIKiiSON.

Chinese Matting, 4-- 4 wide.Clir.CKF.L) AND Will I F.

i;rvn sm.k vkkv low to closkcox- -fl1 mi;x.mi.m..

''V.t 2.11 At MKI.CIIKI;.- - t C.i's.

For $13 it.A I.IDV'S OK NT I.K S A I I I. Eii ai:. I



I)i'ira!j?o Hca! Ksiniv in Honolulu,Livha.-i- a- t - th" i:tu1,t of II. (. Wyili- -, II,,,.,


!.'. .fit. iz. Court ...' th- - !I:iv:iii:4ii ca. th i.v.ut .r- - oi ii,- - v.::; f k. c. uii - whi JlZLDvr l,r - ii- - ;.; ui-:i: A la tlo:-- . on th- - ,i im mi

SATLT.DAY, i ll V. .th 1 AY F .1 CXII,;(.AT 11 O C .Oi K. A. M.

Th- - AMI'.HICAX IIOTSK ': tr-r- -t, at.r- - - nt y M. Kin-li- Ii ii- - it liotil. ati--'- .y the r-- - '

' ' w'- - -- ; I'i" i"t 14U on. ,t i, -t .th r- - r ll.i -i. Tin- - (.r. ini-s

i.t ::r - p.i.-i-- 11 I ,f iw annum, ai- -l oiT' I a' I f!,i:ii- - f r ami,'..Al -- T ;r i y n't-- r ti.-- al v- - :ir,l r t!.... An-ii.:- aa j

II- - u-- - pi-- in.-- -. i, ,..1 Of; .o on Kuia Knhiii,;i .kiki. f'tun--- l ; c.i.t Voun- - ami M.vk:ii ttfec-t.- , I

aiul f. o::;;:.;i !. - ! ''.oi i .., i:n f . '

, vrwif s? i- vt;rira ;

a.-r- - n ) tif. n.i.l ! 14 thr-- - a h .us 1!.. iv.-,:- i

l" ' IO- -J. 'A". A fS ITS', i

i. M. say. j

C. Al.I.i-.X- .

ijO ot ( 1 i . f ih- - K- -. ;.t rs of ;!,- - XVi.i of . C S '

IP n 1 1 Seaso tlThe AI VI yo.irs Clipper Uark


' ramalh .ivrrons i;.'?i4t,,, j

UAS T LI:AV,: UVEl0 with ;

A ITU, A.M COMll,rn: C (fo '

s-!- .-, t- -d f.r tliii Mark-- t, .mjirisin-TUI- V



HAr.nwAPji,IHOX, I!o,i utdx, a(..t o(.


-- ANo-

A 1 F.AIX (if r, TAST IUOX CAItROXsf;ak faxs,

1 Sd'F.AM CLAIM FII-IP.S- , (MoOni.-- n.ake.)o' IRON" (DiilJ-.l;- .

lXi. CiiOl'K.tCis i ' 1LKI)

Wlllli; I. MAD AXI OIL,


::-- J 2ia







J iTxjst PLecelveai





Cases Downer's, Crystal and Illu

minating Kerosene Oil,

All warranted to ho best ijuality and full nit-asu- r.

California Baker's Extra anil Extra

Family Flour.

Cases Best Navv and Pilot Bread,It' si ami Mt. (Hum Quu'itits.

Best Pure White Lead k Zinc PaintIn 2-- 1J. Vails and fii'i U. AV..

Fancy Overshirts,

White Merino Shirts.


Consisting iif

Pink xSc Yellow, very bright colors ;

Two Pink,

Two BulTand Two Purple,


assorted striped prints.

IT X.PEC IF ii X)r.v 'I II II

23 S HH 2?L IXT GJ--

i2 15 3 ii: r

Cases Book Mills, Hay State Mills

and Sag.ulaliock Bleached and

Unbleached Cotton.

Bales Amoskeag Denims,

Bales Brown Drilling,

Cases American 5c English Prints,

Cases Cotton and all Wool White


Bales Wicking,

Cases Photographic Alliums,

Cases Peruvi.m Bark and Iron,

Cases Downer's Kerosene Oil,

Cases Stationery,

Russia Salve,

Kidder's Cordial nnd Syringes.

all for .sml;: ,i7' i.oir hatesIAMON, OIIKKN 4V To. 520 f--t T TOOKE.IJ ASA I.Ti X




kV-r- r to N ,Vi

rv- - j.t--

"tsT ' 'x-- " -



IMalp of IIoIhtJ ('. lU Lq..l-'- o! ?--:il :it Auction. j

- - -

w...- - I!V I'll'TM'. f V nl'lill' I

: . . 1 t!..- - II r is- .- c .. ,l ..' it.. II ... ..

v v . if r ! r - .it (

IM Iil.lC Al (TKIV OV Till: I'KK.MISKS j

TBiSN WAV!Saturday, 12lh day of May, 18GG!

AT ' l. 0K. NO O.N. i

'tin I n'foiii ii j I'rijitrty: j

1 -- V n. ,k ii ,.. rti . r t.- - I'Kl.l.V IMIKXIISKS, j

p fi ' 'I ' ' '" ri.- - r I!' 1 :u. 1 A! mi" ;r t. '

i . . II r - -r . ,,r, ; 'i , t i,n A I ii.i"- - uii I ut .r- - -- . l.t I

, . t l y Mr.

jT!,- - ti.;m'-- i i n; . .rth- - rr.i.i.v i"t:r.'itsKs, ai- - '

j I.t N- - I. :r.:i.' TI - t i: A !.t:n' r t, an I j

rt--r- . li::- -' in t.-- :r : :u. I :.t r - i.t i.ti;u.i I.y;; r:,r. I r- -.

i.T, ,.;,.,... .m .r....f J

11,,0..r.ali-- f t. r.i,t, r. ,.V Mr. r.,,.,, J

( .....,- -. . i - : i ti.- - o.i.Mj u.!. .orV.,:,ii-.i- . - 11,.1 I

I - '! - v - oTII.j iut-- s ur.U ' r' i " I1 "'J. ; .1 ., ii N TJ.

!( itn,' " 'I'li trit'l I.. fj'in ii i f a-- tinam irt- j'l'i mi . .

T- - n. - r.: k'l-r'.- ;it t n;.- - .f .ii . Y- - r f ir'.I.rr .:irt..ju!.irii J'


J. XV. At -- TIN,M. i:.i.i:msi;,

. Al I.KN..'.lO '' if lU- - Y. rutir-.- f ti, ill II. I'. V !;. j

Jvrililii lv -- Vnctioii.--r IIV VITI I! OF AN iSSfKIJ

XX'A tl.f Mvrta;" C'.uil, will I at J'l.'H.ICAt. t ri'.. :

MOMMV, llHi l AV OF MA V, A. I. IS JIG.a r tii:.

Ancliaii !i.ot?i of .1. II. Coir, in Honolulu,AT l' O r .,)( ', .VOO.V,

T'.': f'M LOTS III' lt Xl Im I'.n-i- n- t'." KHat ;.f t.v-- Hit Alt A Ms, ami ;ii,..tit:; t;,a r,i., Ho:,, j.jiu.

I.OI' N. I ir.-,- l 1. 11 t?,.- - r, akai . f t!,.- - i:.vaK-.- i i. li. .r 1 1...- - Kaii'n lr;. r, rii.-- . u: nf 7 .J V"l :it.s, iimlI., r ; r a. fi :l,.- - Iii.;',i 'r ;uii. 'I'lur.- - :.r- - al:'.iit acri-- .fnil' ti kai.o mi l y:r ; in tiiU

I.lir -- in: it- I i.n ti-- ; inaiik l ". .f I!,.; Kivar.....i. '..i I.-- ' V. 1. .;:- - .tin;-- i.f 1 j.J-lu- a.;ris i.f Kiiltl.ia I. :oi t .1 '.' -- 'lit f .r a l

I.OT No. '.I ...I !!: KaThi "tr-'i't-

f f.n-- I. all J:i ii'T.' f K i:' i l.n. l. an I l,..tuil..-.- l in llr.-- a-- ati.l. -- t I y ';ir.. --f '.. t. Al-- Mi ... r A. Inns..v.!..- - I'tflJltt:. Main i.f tli.r N.Hnviyl)- - s n at tlie

Aiirtfii !.. ii:s. Jot luil!ir . irri.-nai- r :i plv InWILLI A XI A HAMS.

A ln.i'ii-trat.- ir f t!t-- K-- l't fif Ii.ivi l A lai:i,JH ."t lirnl'.s. :.lUiiVat Auaimi Uikidi'.

On Thiusilay, - - 3J;iy IT.At I4 O'ClocU. A M.. nl Snlrn Koom,

;i:m:i:.i. sai.k.ii:r noons, c.othi.m;. roo.o uoow, ke-ao;.- v;

on., f,irg oi.vr ;., ilij yAi; u, ic.

aSo:s vh:33c : Assrliosa.ih S;:!in!av, - - Juno 2d,

AI I .' 0C loelt. .M.. nl Snlr Koom,XX ill :f s..M llitr

Aliupuaa of Ivealia,'tii.t-- l it ti.-- I 'in l i.f I. X N A I. at an u; t pKo r.f i'.i0.

..f tu- -'r ,.t I'M" Ml I'll Nil KVKn. Tlur aliwv: l.m.l nac'il' r-- full jar'oiail ir- win ! iv--n t.Sii.',uai I ii!-- . ! ,t .1 ;..ii t '. j. V. A It T a t A in ti. .11 It-- . .rn.

iiliMllA tilliAjl IIEFIAEI1V !

AMI MOl.tSSKS IUO.M THISSI'CAIt lit l .r ;! in ipt I'liiti' S t suit j.i:r. h:i-n.r- l.yI l.t.ii X4AI.KKI;, AI.I.r.N .V Ci.

TWO PSAFJOS IK-eei- vcJ per J. W. Wa., from Hamburg



of i li? l..'- -t il.'rin.ifi m iiiiif ic'iir.'. '.ct-iv.'-

r- - . I ras". tu.-jf- . -- t.vl". - t!i l.n stiiii .

i;r..v. l 4. in i,i-r- f i 1 utt.l ln-:- r I

tally :' kl can -- t id o h-- j

r s.ilrr r..M.-ri.i'.- iy at j

.1.7 Hiu ..s IHH.T A-- IIF.l"CK.'.

.3xMl' Aj-i'- i voPER


-- Vr"--:- v"v - - :,.a u-

..Cr-V- .. - vr - ; i





T4f.c:kl. mastf.k. I


IS" o AV '!" 1 1 1 I V "O HO.i

.1 ''.; '.' . !.. !' nt of j!



IvpresIy Sel.'.-tei- l for tlii.s .Market.

(fi$i:ii - i'i. f trl of'

(HM)v. CLOTIIINi;.g'.tViiisu:i:v. '.u:iYAwi:. ciiockiiii's.



lac. nr. i:i:i:k.i


i:p. wins. sii::i:r ir.o.v.

All of hi.U il I l.r-- :IJ. re.l For Sale nj.oitAri iial al rnl Trnii.

5J3 lm


KLMTiSMI TIIS t T" M It Kit LA .V I3F.r :n l .i'le I

XI.-.-I- j

;.' i inr r.rii it inr c;.oth, ran t Eyriiirtuai. i

M :.Ami Cart Axl. , 1 ami 'J iiu h, xvit'u bubs :inl

boxes.For .s.vt-- ' at

;iv: II iN'il.T'l I' IRON XV.iRKs CO.


Suzar and Molasses !-- 11:01- cumi.m; IN. Ftn: SI LK I.V tl'A.V- -

t r .1 to suit b y .,l ).;;r., XXAI.KI.i;. Al l. I.N ,C 1,1 , .Uv: I.


S.MiOM ; II K A KO VK COM I' A V V'S I I.I.SU I r sal.; by

XV A 1. 1. V. N JC C., A

Copartnership Notice. I

rgiii: i' n i ki:sij:"n7:i. ii kk ktofoii kE i .. I u-- - I'i: . fis a Im. ;('! Ic ..;. XX. Ak: .

. thr hr-- t in-- .. I tie ' rmi:r. ( ..riri. .n"!i lam !( w .layn ai." ad -- rvl.of the ti- w art 11 wi I 'e'. 1 1 SOX.

JIAPXI.Rv In. Att Hi y: Ou-N- : Hoot A; C..

il '. lulu. April Co.!:. I"i.:. "a


On Tut m!;iv. - - - - 'iiV I.).j ,,-,.-- ."

A Large iji lit "I'j Merchandise and Sundries!

I,r",; - r ...

K' r' ' :. Ki-k-i !i r' f, lla.V:... .in .' L..:

- . a, t 'a iin-ii- ; 2IEI1 III .tHCIIOli.'i i i r h ,:i .i ut Au .. ..

.S;i(Hn!iiv. h 19.At 12 V i. h,:,. uS .!- - th ha f the


:t.f---- I - f t'.'r Vr-- a. f..r 5 :.:'. ritanl:;-'-pr.e- e

of r annum, p y ,ble ; ally i.a tII. XV. KYr.RAXCi;, A a. -- r.

GQrIE AMD SEE Btlthi: vsiiuisu:sr.i v.vms m:.wk .- -.

Jjg 'XX C' .y; . ,,1!;;': ;i


tl. .v, 41 . -- mm,..,,...!

I.NTKIi.VA I ION A I. 1IOTF.E, I i;(l).ixfi iiorsK..

I ..:.t-:- a a:.l at?-n- t. .n ar- - t)i t r v ii!,i rool'T. a.i ! Hi..-- w ii.t f Ii -. v. ral fr.-- n - ill i,.- -- tu li. .1 an. I

su, in .ii.;..-- . ov.- - a :,, j.. .K f ,rvu- r- !i -- .li...:... . .. ' i. ,,i;.. ..a.,... . I . i. i ,. . - ..i i. ii ,.i ii'iii'ii'iiia; j

in If.: I r.ia. ti if I. (!. w.!l ruri.-.- l i n ii,a f ir -- i!;.' li r -- ty In any .f tt.- - km. I i'i II i:..!i:!n : a;i l wi-I-n

ay a I i, l!i it v. ry v.iri-t- .f i'-- s ;r,. a I t !... .l.:.;.n'i.'t'i-- : in u k t i - wa. I : lur:.i-i- i' U. Th- - f ' a ! i'i an l r..:i -- -i. ;ir- - f '.'i it i;a!ni :. li .t a -t .ii.: untura. ! '.vail !; iKti- - j

i.i'-..- i i- 'ii''i iii-- n.ii in1 .iiii i i:;i. iiiiii r iiian.II." Ir .t are w .l k:i .un t . I.- - n lmiriSty a , t '! to tl,.;

l.i.-i:- .. an. I many a j.'n'.i-ar- it n. ay b . s;.. nt u:i'!i r thetv r.'r :! -- I. a Iv i .wi r.

A --' "f ! itrnnav'' in J.'.rti. ularly s .!a it- il.N. 1J An itl.iiM.l mi -- uj' f iill fi'.' la'.'. aj.-r- aii'l iini- - '

iitn ay i n Ii.ui'l.Iliil i.f fir.-- . u,ai)i .ia,-- . i a!:i. 1.

17" Al- - i lij'J i',..:ns n. 1. 1, l.y th - '.v. k. .r y.-ar- .

ill in M. .1. Il' 'sK. rrijn I

Bl"'I CII KN'VKS. .J ACK liIVS:S,sLtt l i.i K .iv. -- ii:. i i- r i, i'. . k. i i;.

I -- , S I il , 1'. r. -i n l':i4.I .nil!" l:.iia-.- !'..i.i: ir I'l-i-- . -- . l:..- I'!iains,

.'!. .t, Fr.--i.t- Nail-- . l.-- .i i I'ij..-- . u.-- ,I

61a At MKLi . i:..'.s.

0 iooi-onc- ; ti:a.Hkst rn- - I liinyr in jars. Currents in (;!ass j ir,

liai-i- ' i in ;:ai-.- -j irs, s.ila.l i:l.Trij.I". in- - ':ir in inij l.ns.

Win" in.'r ir in Oii-'.- -s, Sti- nan (.'an lies.X"ltr:iii.;ii in. li riiKin l"i:ar.

515 2m At MKI.CIIKItS 6,- - Co.'s.

ox Sale.CMIiKT INfKFNFII i'liir.-- t in il.'i:Itur'iirniy XX'im- - in r.isi-4- , lIK k Wii.

l'ai'- - in Wh-m- I ami lii lll'-.l- ,

ri,. rry Ci'nuin.- - II- - M-:- rk T in .piart ami i.inl.

51'J Jin At MI.;.I I1I.U.- - .V C'd.V.

li,.t('K AM HI.FK i:i:o.VICI.OTII, i

U.9 II ii k'.ry m i --. il.n U ),fluik-.- l " I';mta! .'.ti Snur.

Turk-'- K'-- ai.'l Vi-- i . v I'lint-- ,.ilk I: .r. f.l :rk .S Ik V. Ivi t.

iI;ia i, H it Kii.Iimii-.- .I'... if- L ii'-ii- . ISuiitiiir, j

t;ik Vilv.-- t Uil.!.. iiJ. ,i k :.i .1 .1;i.U'.ii I 'ii.l I'- nini Kr- - k an 1 Trv.v- - s,.:::! Tlir.'a I in l.atis. Wi.r-O'- .l

S !k I n. i r' - Xm . n ;i i -. n Cninf- rt' n(i- iit's I'.r. wii r.iit :. s'iUs. II n.j. t'.itiv.t-s- ,Hill la: . tc, i t.'.

610 jiu At MKf.' UKItS ,t


TXXX'Jc .in j. I. to a

As is r. 1,.; f im. I mi !. I'ai-it;- Cn.i-- f, ar.' .r. .ir.-il to t

M;l.N i: i: It 1 N WtlllKS nl" all lil.MIS!At very mo.!, rat.; rat

STKAM i:VI.IVKS.noii.r.Ks, ooi.i:us.



. ,iv r. ... 11 I All

F' cut - l mi i t

I'attn iis of sevrral : Suar .Mills nre on !;anl i

--,it . a at

For Sail', .air-r.-n- t sv. s. nr.; :i liaial a'l.l in ' ss.- ... ..ii i ii. . .. :...... ... r i ,ni.... . . . i ....

hi- - i f.inMiiy ..i.i ... i oi- - a. . on. i

lilo-- t an l aj.i-i"- i riu oi (

L o r-t- T ?7rj W W CI iJ-i-. w,i Jof w!.:. !i .tie:- I .'.r . in-.-s ar-- t- -- ii in th" i- an-- l j

1 1..' I t in I' .1 a i v Jii Air . ::i l tin:

r, xi'Z J;. ."v ;TTf '

lA N at it- - s ...... o:.i- - i!i-- ii. t . iii.v.-i.t. . en.-n.- i al. ami ,

-- in.;. .- . v .; r.i'.. i -- . i i ...-.- l.t al a i..,rt witi.-.u- t ,

i!..r-- -. I

Ta- - y w u : ii-- '' .! ; . i.. i.. ir l..r '.. k . f l


a li as :

SII AI'TINC, f all n-- nl sizes up to b inches, j

I.RXS.s ( ii- - Ks a i. l V.l.Vl:.s..f .--l l'HI.I It make'. !

Ir.-- 1'ipiiig, !

Kibow- - iiii.1T."", !

In ii.i Kt.I.b'T Packing. j

lu;.et rs. Steam ' iauges, ;

ii::st iii:st n a i: iijo.v: j

li .i'cr Plate, Sheet Iron. Airjle Irr-n-

Fin C! iy, IV iler Tubes, ic, Sic.A I.raii-ta-ma-

.i f .'' rl- i:cv i:i .Si:i..,r Mii. liin. ry is nil- -

t sii t ii'- - v!. '. i" iv..'.i. r. "

rn 1. i I: vi'.-.- ' I ii t.:i 1 .i.tli tl..-U-- t :i:-.- l most i

r. - :.r SA VS ai.l I. lit.'!. SAVIN.; MA ('II IN- -KKY. ii- u.' 'i':r:.s I .' M.i.!..v. ry tan It-- furni-ii-.'- .l with

''Sr.AMm.u mac-iiinkuv-. ;

" J 'tii.'.-'-. m ;i! rs. m .a..-r-.

or t . JAMi'X, ORI.KN .s .... A:ri.H., i


li!!0(Eii k FEEil STORE!I

- Y- .

i., i t i C C )ISI K rn !

Odd Fellow's Hall, Fort Street.A SALOON PILOT KitKAILCiALll'oltNTs.,.h Crackers,Tins Win. Crark- - rs,

Sicks Chili Hirlev.Pure t i I r Vinegar,I Jraiiaiu I"! nr.1'ri served t Oiinees.Nexv Hop---, StnokiM Saiiuoii.Canary S ed, Sni .k. d P.. el'.Str- - ak 1 P.:-.- e n.

,!.-'-.. rn Craiibei ries, Uillin-- V Har:i,N'. xv Calif Tiiia C!i- - e-- v,

New ( "al f. 1 1! i 1 Iird.Calif mid ' Ihi s'yrti.

Tine 1. eue ui Syrup,J Vvieat C:: J rs illi.I Oliv-.- s

also--boon china nice r

In aO p. rail tiau. ,

VuT .dc ehejr. by j

tlo 4 A- - ! CARTWRPI JIT. I

tTo 'I i: lit. l'f i. . i ' in r II', it." II Ii ' , : - i i !

! i Hi M -- . V. e al J... lied to Much inter- -

: o-t- ii.' !. :ga an. I ! il iii iM-- r prepared f. ir thiX have ii: ;r. i .1:; men; - ! enlarge

nr :)'. p. i.. r. ..n :". -- t ..; .1 .Iv. to ii.-.t- i !y j!

a:. 1

; '.. :i i - !, .;. to l,.i :io.:1l'..r .11 !!" aiii-- - I - ;:!i :r :;.lv ! ii-.- -t.




11:. i. i: :mi . T- l.iy f ;r Is t! r.-.i- l

-;- .i'-- i:. c. Wk'.- - a i : i i m 5. ..;: !

H'.ii. A alv ri!--:ir- ;it !' a i';. r -- ait- i:,.' -- .r.n.- a ri . i 1 1 ri

!h" Ani.-r:.-a- a Il.-u.-.-- viil I.-.- a-l iu to-.l.i- ;

, , . , . ......viil l ',.r j; u !i .I'.ai - so- - a.i n ia. ;it.

(.,t. I. iin'.-- i t. .1" tiir s.'honn.'i- - 1. ,.".: ,1. j

!... i;s ti. l,.irk ' '.''' aii'l l.riur --7" ."". ifWai.-.iiar- . la-- t Wr.lii.'.-L- iy - ii. : :i'. Ti y l.utli

- f: i- - !! T.i.'-- 'l iv a!'i.'!!;....:i. ami . - j;;- - :i:l v lia-- l i

In! T.ia.'-- - m:. !i m-.i.- iY. .rit! . o! ilirniWrlrirr!i:iL' o.'f n. n th.ui 1! I.:i'.! ;ui !iour at la- -t ac-



UV'?1 YPrVV llVi! Jl I;


A MM, A. I.OI.I.I'K HHiS TO INFO KM;r, :iv .'oLtiau-.- - i

iHI l.l ' I Ni; ! r . u- -' u. r- -i

: j;oar(i ,v tho IJ:IV or Ve,K, ami Sinirle Meals, ," ,

AU Hi' 1 ) n thii . c nil I I u n s t tin li.nriut. j, , ;, s, , ( , ,


l'li:.-- ' tl..- - : .':, f..iuf-.ita!.!- sita: an. I

fia i.i-h- .- l . ;'1S Im

Dissolution of Partnership.-

'6111' !A II T.V FKSlf II' KF.K S'.TOFOI iv- -.'riv.'i-- ''. A!i!' rli i, .at Jom Mrh t ';'. ,

ii. tl.c ll'-- i a;i n,' ir M,: j. il ,y ili-.- - ,:v.. i y luulu il i nii- -. ntitll Hi' n y Living to Siii.l t'oinpiiny In I iai. t. .lolm

M. I'jrn- -. aii.l aii -- aia n. j my h ill l.y tin-sa- i l J. .Mili-ii-j- .'.

v.. ;. ai.; M, KKACil K- -

II Jala, A;. rli 2 :.!, W,.r" p


f.AII MA, 33 A1I. I

Irisli an.l iv.-i-- t !V!a:n.. it!i I'.'i ruit.J. const intly miI. an.l an fur -- all- iit I'.iT ra'.-s- . Oi'J-L'll- l

r o fi m .iMiirinc :?

arrrii fatf.nt s hit: v r. vtok. i; infh. Y rvlin.l.-r- . 10 ia.'li S:r.k". A .iii.t.-- l f. run K.uir C H

MAi MIM:.- - , ma', iiml may In- - s.rn :.t Hie


Jisr Ki:n:ivi:iMuS33sS4-- : IPSSBSltiiSt SOS9

A F hi W KK(;S OF FXTit.V No. I SLGAIt.for sak' in sin. ill lots I v

JAMuN, CIIKKN A-- Co,510 :!m Ai-nl- s Kaalata I'l.'lntation.


Sugar end Molasses !PI'.OXI TII 11 A IMlVi: MILLS FOR S.U.Kfa in i.u.liiy I.. Mi.t I v

.11'.;;in XV M.Ki:it, AI.I.KN .v Co., Af.-.'iit-

E,"Ui:slI CAI.lFOIt NT A MMKiiml RdSKV- -E. HA!.:: CKMF. V I", all in ii.rl.rt i.r.l. r.

Just I'm in J jii r i.'OMiyr and far salt: InM7 :;m Yu.v llol.T.V HKl i K.


M TiiK sroui: .vow occnMrn uv'.rrif tl- - I n.l. isi-- n. .1.

:iui 1'.. F. SN0XV.


a an.l I.XiMNK 4 m.-l- i .yliml.r, stioki', c. inpl.le.1 o li - It 1.1 a Larjam at

.111 tan IIONoI.ri.l' IKON WORKS Co.


.iiiiiii.ii i in i i- - 11 in, ionmi, i in ir iii.iui ii- -

A!o!3ie 4 ollici-- . . liiilou s. M. C nrlr StliiueliT!i ::l..ivf fav. rit.- - of CM A MI'.tdXK are just

r.crivtal an 1 ofTcrt'l f..r lu.11.; Im ll. UACKKKI.I) .V Co.

c V I'HK STALLION "fiiin. SMITH", .. ... . ,.. i .In nr ii. m: st. n, its liftv- -,.V- -;i 4 liiu.- - ia.'li- .- Iii'jh. :unl v. i.-l-n nv. n lumilr.-.- l anil

I I i .I..!!,- - ....... j S ..., v.: II..T..1. "- .' ,". """l.. -- v. ' ! a uirtn. r l. uluaiiars tiiouire i f' ' ... .i . il. .il oi'. .u i iitn leiiii-ii-


l . am or m wii.i.ia-.- i in .m'.a.n. ii.m:iiiii.

wi'Siss.xa a.b wuAii: on,. ;

ftt N'ST A NT LI" ON ' A N" U :i ml FOR SAMl; l.v I - ( .4 7. . ItAKUHI. or ISAI.lAtS at61i-0;i- i HOI.I.KS .v CVs.

- -

vj. & . T &Xl U izrjsXOilers, I'i- - Sale at hi Store on I'oit St., .



New and Desirable Goods! j

i. uta-- i :iyi:i, VIZ:M A V LA V VS.CSI X i ry lie-- - itvii-- .f Fn-ncl- l'liuts an,! Fr..'iic!i Priinxl

l. s.I'.iia.'.l .!' I.Ti!.. s. Haiti .'..' Liin-- s, 1', i

A; .f X'.'.. I, :i I r- .'..Fin-- W l..t" C"tt ii, l.::i-- ! slu-i titijr, Iri.-- h l.':: :.s, j

Faary Ii.-.'- XI u i!. u SaawH,LA IKS' IJLACIv SILK II AS I" I .V KS.

Ili'-lih- j trintiiii'l. ft thr iiri inltsl sti,', ?iiiiv' a:I ''.ij.-- s.

al. t:s or inn r.t.i:. styni.i: ami siwatIt Kit LI N WOOL! j

KiiilT.-U.-r- Cutv..--s- , At: ..f l.'ack an-- l wl.ite rjastie,--- i l".rls

"' "'K "Zl. i j

. iJr.'-- ' ; .. ri; roujeked iohslts,r. 'i t, li'ii i i . r. i 1 1 ii.t.. i w.Mf..N, .;;. na' f s t r; s v

L:ulie Whit- - mul olored Kid Cloves,.... - i'r"w i -. hit i.,rLADIES' J'U'jy El. I. A CAITEIIS, i f the very -- I kind :

l.i .li ' XVI. ii. t Hai.-- Kid .slippers. tA tarj" ty T Cieeir.-i.- an I M ss. ' Sh"". i

o';00 y.lhJJS oK EMr.KOihEllEI) f.lMtihlf A.I)x;rvv X.S.7OVS ,v ,; "V(;v i

i wtd.:Ve,.r"; ion. i

An e v.,.: l .t ..f Aroir.l lian-r.ii- n l w r'nili., urXi' i a" 'ft"!!. NZ'.J.k

1". . a: l1 s Ma- - ;. -- . l' ,in -- talT. Fan i'aire Prints. '

ir iivln Mu'.i:ii, IV!, t - an 1 la-- . y Re.-- h .

I'r.s'le t. Kiut;i!'-- . la: ' ,: ! rv :i', '. sp'H.I l'..:tojs,l.i', S. ls. Y-- ;. ,: in. I r .... liiu-;-,

I.a 1 -- ' H 1 Ir I - a' I I'a N '.' . t'.' r I',,,.. s v -- f r l,;,i;.j,I. i i I a. 1., ki l iiad I.-- il' Ci.iuatl- -.

Mo ill II - s:r:-- . i

L. a -- ' .e.d !..: !i.-!i-- line ; e ::- n aad Ks'." thria 1 II ,.e.V. hi-- - -- 1. 1 I 1 ..: I.;.,- 11 ii, l k,...XX l.:t- - I. Men I',..;- r. I.a i e- -' Cloth a. id CI ..ikiis,F U:itik.-i- ..Ii t I'.'ti" h 'S.

a i.Aiir.i: r.iKiETY orLMHI'.S' llKIISS TIU.MMINCS !

S 11 ri r Fr 't.,-1- ! F e s. I. : !:.- -' F.iTn-- y darters and Re!;i !. - r.n 1 Hr.i -. .! t l'.u:t..ii'. all s'z ';

A ir.-- vari- ty . f bras, 1 rl and p. reel.iia ns..4 fUOK E EOT OE

rriMT.MKHV, IIAIK nitl SHiiS AM)CO.h'ItS, iVc. A:e.

Ali i!.e no ,r- - .. ! u:".! b - s .l.l nt in.d pri.--


WANTED..Viiioi-iei- m aroonbacks !JJOK WHICH HK.IIKST 4,'ASII l'UIC'KJt. wili be paid by

filo lm H. M. WIIITXF.Y.x

TE2 PACIFICCommercial Advertiser.

SAT I'li DA V. MA V 1- -.

oti:s or tiii: xv i: i:k.A - ..m:-- ; " in Tu.h i;i.i:. :i Tlisirs.'.av. as

n a !:!:!!' uj I'ori :r--t- . at tin- -

i..t .!" Kn. !. u;is - i 1 U-- i i I ;!;. I l.y a;il nii'i' icl to smi . r ls lior-- f. Willi all !!.

jrall.i:;: ry jn.--il.'- .c itri-l.- ihf circ.:!i.-t.t:u-.-- -. l.utxj.r.-.-Ii:-- utvat -- :ir.ri- t!:at !.- - 1...- - om- -

j.,.',;,.,! ,., ,1.. ... in ..ul.'.K- - a i.I..r... l,o ...niwda:nl i I'll i;ji to aina.'iiuT.t . t anow i .: nvs:a:;...'is. t :i kt ; ' r . .m- t i.itla- - l..";j!.t the 1... !,.. ..f thr L..!v or h, r Il.ainl. an.l uavr .r.-- r ihr value f-- tlsr jio- -

i.ri.-'.oi- s tl,. .1;... in San Fra:ai-o- .vh: li tln-- iri .i-- iil to j'ay. Slir in. if Iv In:ia;i!r.l

tin- - animal r ti..' anioimt l.r l.a.l a'irr.l to i.av f..rli. ami t. .!:lr!l sin- - was rllUtlril. It is no nr. litto Sta-- Agri. ultui al Sorirly of California, amiof Nrw Starr al-- o. tiu-i- r .oioU litami I. !ruratr t. thr Hawaiian lslaml-.- "' Lou'..lin1 t:.r 1l'lir.r-a- : actor m tnr ai.ovr anair.

Oi ; Ni r M.!!: Mavl.r rxj.rcinl 1V tlir li.llk""' ""' f th- - IH-pat- ch I.tno. ami A;.--...- ..

1 I .im . l.otlial. jroo.l a,;ri:ami ma v 1 .r lo. .Io-- ! lor t !,r latlrr pat t of m-- t wcrksav the 1 7; h to thr i'i:-.h- .

".' Thr return of thr ttn e v. imis. afn-- t woxv r ks of eci's.-- i sultry weather, i extremelyli fltr-liil.i- Miicli sieki;e.--S prevails,union.: enililreii ami natives.

.; Thr report of ihr I 'resilient of the lloaiil ofIMacaiion will l.r f.ntml on mir fourth pautr, an.lalso a taolr of tin- - IaiirlUh schools, ami the supportthev dei ive IVoin the ( iovei nnieiit.

Ci.rri siHin.loiH'o of the ! C. A Ivt-rtis--

S Ni ieo. April "2lt. lstak11. WiiitxKv. ll-a- i. : .SV: Tiir stiani. r

-- !.! passnl thr Karallonr Rocks on Sumlay. lotliiust.. at ten lnitHiies jiast four v. m.. ami anive.l atlu-- r moorings San Francisco at t o'clock, r. m..

lh,:,,,'fi!,i t',mi tlial is. a few minutes beforenine i'. m.. San francisco time. As the ti.lrxvouhl not pern. it our near approach to thr wharftill midnight, nio.--i of Ihr passrnirrrs reinaiueil onlioanl tiil .Monday niornitej:. It was ea'm nearlythe iass;i";. '0i- - lioht hrad xvimls whicheontinuril two or three ilas after leaving Hono-lulu, xv e xvnr coinjiensateil ly a fair wiml the lattwo or three ilays of the pas.-aj;-e. We experiencednone of that rolling of the steamer xvhich xve hadbeen lead to anticipate, owinj; to the absence of the!l Uiirllifi sf sin'i, so facetiously described by

' Mai k Twain.' It xvas only durino; the two lastdays of our passage, that xve found the usual ree-tan:ul- ar

framexvork necessary to keep our platesin their places on the table. The table fare Avasexcellent ; and nothing xvas wanting on the part ofCapt. I lodliev, his officers and stewards to renderhis passengers comfortable, and I am ijuile surethat I never spent eleven daxs more agreeably onthe ocean. The steamer delivered Iter cargo ingo. nl order, thr I't nit in apparently as goml orderas when it was received on board at Honolulu..VI though I have reasons for believing that therexvas nioie shrinkage, on packages of sugar than isusual on the packets, there has been great exag-geration iu respect to the reports of an injuriousdegree of heal in the steamer's hold, as the loss ofmolasses, by leakage, appears to have been asgreat on the packets as on tin s? I earner.

A nrw exploive material has just been intro-- idueed into this State, for blasting purposes nUm.,'..' ihr dangerous nature of xvhich does not

appear to have brm known to the shippers ordealers, iu it. or even to the manufacturer himself.About- fol ly cases were landed in this city, a lewxveeks since, from one of the Panama simmers, and

in tho powder house, destined for the min-ing regions. It has ten or twenty fold more powerthan powder, and although not. readily ignited, ex-

plodes under the slightest tap of a hammer like aprrcu.-.-io- ii cap. And it was in this manner, that aleaky package, forwarded from New York by someunknown person to this city, xvhich xvas returned toWells it Fargo's otlice for exaininai ion. explodedxvhil.--t the wooden case xvas being removed xvith achisel and hammer, killing eight or ten personsoutright and xvounding many more. It has beenestimated that liftv shells Could not have caused somuch damare to the buildings snrroumliivr WritsA' largos iv" Co. S olllce. coiner of California and

n.. ... ,.Moii;goiuerv ine aecnient oeciineii onii ; l . . .1 ... 1.-- . l. :.. i i i : ,i. . i . i.iniiu:n i.isi inr nun him., aii'l inning I lie i.imxveek the city Councils have been occupieilt irswi.. i, ..mwi uita'ioii or mauulaciure. an.l issuing orders for itsdcsti tie i ion. wherever found. These ex trrmr meas-ures, however, are due to ihr panic, which the sadand terrible accident lias produced in this city.P.ut -- cteii. e will in time, no doubt, find the meansof controlling and this new element ofdestitution, as it has alread v mastered and utilizedthose of gunpowder, steam and electricity.

Since commem ing the above narration of tinmost painfully illtel esiiug event of the week, a tele- -

graphic dispatch ju.--t received from New York,dated 2I- -t April, states that on the :id of Aril.s.-v- i niy-txv- o cases of h'.'r-- i ;.'' on the Kngli.-- h

steamer .'',-- .

y. ju.-- t after he" arrival at. .Vspin- -

wail, exploded, killing all the oflieers and crewfifty persons in all. destroying tie steamer and lii'Jfret of the Company's wharf at that place. The

i at one million of dollar-:- . It hasbeen stated here that these cases ol glycerine, hadtiny not exploded on being landed at Aspinwall.woi.'.d have been forwarded to this ciiv on thesteam-hi- p '..'.. Aj-- . due by which

, ,. .i..,..;i...i olO II 111.11 l AjMll .1 111" 'll 'lll.lll'.l .11. Ml .1111

a .... t ' ' "'$7Cenetal l.dward ..let ook who has been aj"nrunt- -. .

e.l to succor. Dr. Mcl'.ri.le as American Ministerthe Hawaiian dull, is expected to leave N.-x-

York Mav 1. lb is a the son of Me- -

("""h"" inuid.t..d bx M-- gan s i a.,leii -. He i


several brothers in the federal annv. all ofxv horn w.-r- killed. We may infer, therefore, thati;en.Mcc..,.k. is a pr.,ty thorough Lvi-,i-t- .

Mr. Durlingam.'. Mini-n-- r to China, is in this citv.ami will, cm hi-w- ay to Ciuna. visit Honolulu. Mr.I. ill o Tl' 'I'll.' II.I. 111 . 1I .... - tr..?,l

Ciiin. i. but has been sent back by tin' governmente nipletr soine important unfinished hu-me- -s

( ;" friend Mr. C. R. P.i-'i- on bus much imnrr.ii I ' i';h -- im . l.'i in" Honolulu Mrs ' j; ,v.. i

. .. ". j

has en.ii.xed every i.iii.uie since I.. r .unval.Y.- -t' with Mr. H-.- p-r and ourselves, theyvi-il-- .i th- - Wool.-- Factory at the Mi-i- on. where-- .mir ,.f Chinese were emploved as r.i .era- -rv.-- and th- - sin.eriiit.'tni.i'it stat-- d t'm.t h" could '


li,,;!!;; Utak.,V., Unt: Uu;.,;," mueh b-s-

is ..f ..pinion that island eotton will. ,,,,-"-, '

teid a beiter market here for mamila.ure in thisthan ;:; any of the more distant markets t.,

vhi-- h it has been sent: an.l this information mav. j

iiad I have no w ill su.-ire- et to Vou tb. frasi--bili'v of a Cotton laet u-- at tin 1 -- lands, for themanitoiciure of cotton cloth, suitable lor the homemarket, as well as for export. The Chinese opera-tives receive here one dollar per day. and boardthemselves. At the Islands the services of Chineseoperatives could be secured at less than half thecost here. y

'.;!. ?.;,... in- - i!.:i lis i :uj.:iiy

!! pi. i - 1.. , ;i tii:.- - . :iy ;:n.l ll. ::..'ii;!u. P.i.tA - ..;:,! to !,. .. . .... T!i

I I t:-- ;!.. i i. '..'! r. .i; . !' .i ;!.. u- - r-'- l t- t

i o!" !:: i ... ! 1; .,- - j . -- i . .:s !

t ": - ! :.l ;. t. n- - .: i".o r !.i. uLll-- i i!- .u-:- :-- V .:.

::h a - n-- !!. ii'i if i--i u.o.m toan:.-:::!- . lAi ti. t"aii;.n ni.i Strain

Navi'ati'.:! '..!i:: a:; . li. ; r to nl'tain. "ait. no .1 tl.u a liar !' s.iitali'r 1 its 'u.i.iiiir.l. llr ::. iii t t'1.1: ui:!.i:i tittrt ti tiiontii- -

thr li;;.- - i i!l !. in ci. ra'.i .:)Wit!: kit.-- l r. a;.N to ..'.1 ia fi I r. I -- .

I ii ri tin. voiii .TV t'. u'.v . K. W. V.

.i , .

XlilV Villi AIM ljljljlOijAl UJAJji

S Six i a Pay. May 1.

,;'Ti.r nir: at 11 a. m. pursuant t ail-j..- u!

!::n. IK- - ll'!.:ir.-- s M. Krku.ina..a in thrChair, a l.y II. m. i. Kh. ..l.-s- . V'u r rroUU-nt- .

l'layi-- l.y the Chaplain. I.. Amlrrws.Miiiu . - iva-- atnl aj.pvovr.l.II. n. Mr. I'k. ko i r- -. ntr.l a petition from Koo- -

laupoMi. j an I .:i'l -n s,no. U at K.llirrnr.for lic-- i ih mi of ris. a: v ihronirln.ut thr ilaml- - thr pfi i'a-p- ! ntttitl: In' rxtrmlrilthat l.hvsuia'l- - l.r oruVlr.l to I!, lists ,.f theirlll."liciurs ami how to u- -r l;:, in that Cinnamon !........ .

. .I i i i i i.oi:i 1. 1. ii liiiKo.'ii to ioir:i;n Cl'llU- -

ii...--. i i m.i'ii ii iwit i.Numerous other petitions were presented, pray-

ing among other things that the Imre tax be ro-du- .'i

d that Ssou be appropriated for abiidgeatKahana. (ahu that the prohibition on drinkingawa In' renioxed from Tuna, for an appropriationof Si'. on, ) lor roads in that district for some pro-vision to edm-al- llawaiians as physicians and formedical s iieols that schooners be allowed tocharge only one dollar passage.

e'!i i.rn:a!i i f Cnnnim-.- ' on Commerce in favor ofin'r .,!:i,'i:i; a I ail t, in ik' Kahului a port if

Mn.i-'a- r Harris ii tr i.'.uivil a to Cliaptor !)2 ofl C' !' ai.-- o a Ii ;l t ann iiil tlif law rlatinj. t. aUultcry

:i lull to liuieia a!o t''ii l"rii ou of w oil lurk a'.sn aLilt to am.'ii.l IMS ami U&J of Civil .hK'. toin last neik's ;.roiv.,:.ia;s. All Ihi-j- piiss.J tlnar first read- -

i::l'!..Xliiii-t-- T linU'lii-o- n iniroihua-- a lill to amrinl the law rvlat-in- u'

to i! nn.'.ai y C. mini-sio- m rs al-- o k:ivc tioticv of a hill toaliaw do a i.' i'sons ta marry aain ith . The firsthill i'a.-.--ol its iii: ri'ii.liia.'. an ! was m.nli.' t lie order for Thurs-day.

A !''. ilnti. :i that the A l'iiiiti ,:i I'.ill he deferred till otherI was over, was losi.

lion. .1. XV. . hii:.ali:i!a "avi notice of intention to movenn iini. n.iin nt of nil.' 'JT. Al.--o to Lrinj; forward a hill t in-

crease tl." ta on all foreigners tioiu countries with whomWe have no treaties.

Ass.' went into Committee of the XX'hole on the Apjiro-riat- i.ii Hilt.

Item of J.YOO') f"l' Fire I'epnrtinent was deferred.Hon. Mr. Royd moved that SJ.noo he inserted ivr engine ap-

paratus for C.m.;.ny No. 1 adopted.Salary of Marshal. fli.OoO passe.l.Sati.ry of Sh iall" . f Maui, yl.OoO; Sherriff of Hawaii, 4,000;

?hi rill of Kauai, jlt'.Oil p .rs. ,1.

lion. Mr. Heiie'i moved the insi rtion of 1.000 for Clerk ofSheriff of Muni; $l,0o0. for do. for Hawaii; and 500 for Kauai.Motion lust. Ailjourued.

Skx k.ntii Day, May 2.

The Assembly met pursuant to adjournment, andopened with the usual proceedings, Hon. (J. Rhodesin the ( 'hair.

lion. J. M. Smith presented several petitionsfrom his constituents in Kohala. praying that a laxvle passed establishing the postal money order sys-tem throughout these islands, as it is in Rnglandand America for alterations in the law creatingRotindary Commissioners that persons xvorthox-e- r

is."..i)(iit, be taxed one-hal- f per cent., or double thepresent rate that the horse tax be reduced thata national bank lor tin issue of paper money beestablished that the District Court iu Kohala bemade a Police Court that the school laws passedat last session be amended that the further im-

portation ol Chinese coolies be prohibited by lawthat prisoners be compelled to xvork out their

term of service in the district where convictedthat the powers of the District Courts be enlarged

that the rights of Fishery be made free to allthat some premium be otic red for the erection of aWoolen Factory on these islands that the study oflaw be established at I.ahainaluna Seminary foran Fngli-- h Hoarding School on Hawaii fur anAsylum for deaf, dumb and blind that the Civilami Criminal Codes be revised, separated and re-

published separately that a Hospital be cstab- -at XVaiinca on Hawaii that y'2,000 lie appropriated fr a

Reservoir at Kawaihae that the reports of the Supreme Courthe' d and provision made to puhlish them in Hawaiian

f..r f a Court-hous- e at Waime:i same amount forro.i. Is in same district that S'jine Letter provision he made topay school teachers.

Ou motion the three petitions were referred to Fpecial Coni-raiUe- e.

A motion to amend rule 'Z was tal.led.A motion that the Jft rueant at-- A rms provide copies of laws

passed ly last session of Assembly, was adopted.The I. iil to imposi: a tax ou foreigners coininp from any coun-

try widi which we have no treaty was referred to a Special Cum-ulate.' of five, Mi:ii-te- r Yariiruy, Chairman.

Notice was liven of hills to amend Sections 4S0 and 513 ofthe Civil ('ode, relating to tin; poll tax.

Hilt to raise the salary of the Second Associate Justice, amifix it at f i 000 was read first time.

Hill to amend Section 4sl of Civil Code wa3 taken up andr.j end by a vote of '.'0 to li.

Appropriation bill taken up.Salaiy of Jailor of Oahu I'rison, Motion to raise to

$4,000 rij'Tted, and passed as in the bill, $3,000.IVhc" of tlahu flS.TiiO. Motion made by Nahaku to reduce

to f l.'J.OUO. I'endniij discussion, Committee rose and Assemblya lj'.uriieil.

Kiohtii Day. May 3.Assembly opened xvith usual proceedings.Sundry petitions presented, among them one

from Kona. pra iiig the repeal of the ProstituteAd.

Minister Varigiiy. from Special Committee, ap-

pointed to examine the bill to tax foreign residentsv.iio.-- e governments have no treaties with thisreported thai the Act if passed, would exclude im-

migration into ihi-- i country such as Chinese. Poly-i;.-iaii- s.

Portuguese ami others, and moved the billbe laid on the table. After several motions proami ion. the report was adopted and bill rejected

A L iter from In.lLre Mouitt. relatim: lo the . Ire--tion of Mr. Ck-k- e. also two letters relating to theeleetion of tiir member from lava, xvere referred to.1 mliriary 'oninnttn.

.vpjiropiiauou ma iaun, up. ami item o, ,,anuPolice ?!.7.0. resumed. Motions to increase to$'JO.(.00 an 1 $21,TJ0, lost, and the item was reduced ami passedil S s.wiO.

Police i f Maui. $0,200. past.l..I' IX': ; UT lZllZ:- -

v vr..,, ir...,.5at . ti at il.6',4, an a i y ll,n Mr. Hart at it. iu pssedat ;J,l'00.

Ma:i. .m ry i' ac Courts. $.',00. passed.I . i . f tni i.t. JiaOO passol.


Salary f Postmaster : rai. :'.tiOO. passed. j

.s.iL.ry of 11' rk I'o.-uiia- r $J400, pa-- d.Privy Council Recorls, JOO. i.assed.


M id Carriers. Hawi.ii, JI'j'jS. Motion to increase to $2,000wa- - a.o,t.-.!- . i.iel tl." it m pa-se- d iit f 2 Oon. j

M iil ('aria. rs. Maui and Mol, kai. jrOO, passed.!

Mnil Carrier, Oahu, $G24. passed a motion to raise to $700.'.l lo-- t.

Mail Carriers. Ki.iiai $ ICO, passed.F:..-iis- . s i f li ,ard of Health, $20,000. Pendin? discussion

on th.s , Cvinn-itle- e r.e and As, luhly adjourned.Ninth- - Day, May 1.


A-.-- mbly in- -t and ojinied with the usual pro- - J

ceeoings. i

T, I'm' ,1,lrt- -Ssr1''1 I

Ho,.. Mr. P.ovd reported on the petition to estab- -li-- h rates .f passage on sch:.oners and to encour- -


age a Woolen J Ui'iorv that the lietitioll be laid Oil ,

the table. Report itdonted.Chairman of Committee on lil. ctions. reported

fiivorablv mi the ririhl of T.. Ah obi to his seat. i

Hon. L. baa a moved that the Sergeant-at-Arm- s. :

' ' '('''"ted to take tlie members to the prison, to j

in-;-.-- .-! t'ae -- am.' adopt- - d.II"U. .1. W. K. a.v . hunahala introduced the ful- -

l..-- . ing i : jht VrSZby th,- - brat.eU .,f tu kingdom, as by tl,c 40th Article j

"f r"'-,;:- "'''

. A'',1 U t,,'r1;4'i-l- ! " ' " oas and the propriety r f the same

ZZW; T"t;-.- . r two biai.c!... cf the I. re of ti, Kinj-'do- ; now I

',' :' 7 ,l,f i'ooi f - Th it the - t!i. r two branches (Noble andR.Tr...!l aiVts; ,.f ,h, ..utur, of the Kiinrdmn, dj.uh.i ly ..xpr.-- their sansf,ict:r.i, ar,l .ppr..val of the said ;

Cr tCutt. n. granted ty llM Maj-st- y Km.-hamt-lii- i X". Ouin- ii a pie-i-

The io!!ou in- - s were read th" fir.-- ! time :

To repeal Section 1 of the Inter-islan- d Passen-ger Act.

To amend Section 'J2 of ihe Cix il Code.To permit Divorced persons to marry again.To amend Section lb Chapter 9 of Penal Code.

Mini-- :, r llm, 1 , 1 . . 1 ;:im- - n..ti i.f a I. ill t i 11- -

I 'i ll-- - Appi-opriaiio- i'.ill a tl..-i- i takt-- up.!i- loil..-- . i::lt it. m- - ,i m 1 :

I ..( 1 ot 1 1 a ! I). S.'u.iniii.o. . nt 1 'i i.i; ir m;!i..-- , I (.(; ih ai lioii dr- -

i . '( i u i . : . :i . I Ism.n.L' loti. j...ii(Mi. pa.-M'- tl.

. Wau-- 't,i. i j.-- ami ll.-i- .f Mai k.-t- . f MO.; Mr. i:.. .1 i,iu il. In ni.ik.- - ii $ Moti.,11 l...--t

ail-- i t : pa.-.-r- il at 2. (!).Ko.i i Sa.-- i Isms. :.odo.l'ti; !.!- -. i.i i:.a.l Si.i.-k- SI .u.K.'.i.i I'.tinacs. I. (I. m.K a ls ami lui.l'-c- s ,n Hawaii. SS.tmi). Ministrr

lluti!.i- - ;i imcil. t. rai-- r in Sl.HU. Motion' a.Ioj tcil ami itnn pa . 1 at rlu.K)i).! K. :i.l :i:i l !! i.Kvs on M:mi, I (HK), j n.'.l. I ti. ii t. r.iri?

K..a.! m.-- l M.n.nly Ud.. r.ii,tO k-- t. all. I l!lia ..IS-- lJ l fVOlK)

l;.-.l.- : l . . 1 Itn.'.it S, K.'lU.ll. f l.lllil. .;l.xl.Xl::ii vi!i aii.l Ha. vs. I'mlu. lj,lK).In. ro-- e Uii:r i ks. J .' ll..n.'.ul-- II;ui..-r- , flO.IKH.Ni X at'T li !. j S.lHkl.?ti':i!iu r 1". !. iia.OiK.IiiM.nii fl.'.wtil. .l.'f. rrcl.lU' um, i4.(K0. p.i-s- v l.Am!, us iir., I Hu.'.vs. ft.) U. O.l.:iii.!:r..' ut ll.inrik 1'.'iht'.uirt II .- ana 1'iis. n v.l XVailuLu. $2aKK).

....llHi-- i' una I' :l Ki r h

. Anvst ..f rrimmtil-- , $.?.(tM. Hon. .Mr. litni.ili.iU rnovo.ltliat Ihf M niirtt Iv r .iiii vt.'.t to H.iti' h. ro !i.- - Hi v wanC.l.t.iaHtl t 1..IV thr Vt'--- .! mi. I i'V ...t.. ii. fl... ..

lini.-:- i r IIuu ln-i- n n plinl iliat 1 feti- - iv liruwn trni'

VlP 'l'".''!'' 'RV "f a llV.'!r,'":"' "!'Mint Sin' MVl t' i wire .kiO. Ou n i'tu n itcui

i I'.H".-.- at s.S.roo.i I.kluli.'U-i-- t I.alia'na. J.'O-J- .

I'uri-hasi- ' i f St.tiiilar.t Weiirhtu and Moasures. IvOO.l'ari'li.iso i f Hiiliot l!o. s, f .'IM.To cotnr!.'t.' Cif XVliarf at I.ahaina, $'"00.I'oiv.l. r M iiMza.o, f 1 .;" nl.Kc'.-i- i an.l iuirovt in.'iiM of Hul.lic', f2i',0ei.l'uri iiiiM' of U. ks for Jori riitm-ii- t l.ilwarv, $1,IK0.To, rut Hun r.iin.'i.t XV 40.OU.1.To ir.rt Royal l'iilii.'.', 40.i'Oii. MotioiC to iiicroiiso 4.'i,(H)l)

was, an,l it-- in ' i- -il hi lo,en.ti av. ri.iin iit I loiis.', JlO tH'o. .iis'i!.On uu'tioii CouiiniiU'e an.l R.ljourmsl.

J AlJTV:ll nf 1 "lx hvh IL I AIlll'l'll ,"liy the uncxpeitel nrriv il of this favorite packet,

ou Tuosdny nierniiig, May Oth, we nre in receipt ofSau Francisco dailies to April 21th, containing Kaat-er- n

tclogrnpliic news to April 20th. She bring. thoNew York maiis of .March 'Jlst ninl Slst Ihe latterhaving been only thirty-eig- ht days in cctuiug throughto llouchiiii.

The following select ions embrace the more import-ant news received by this arrival.

The lhralTs For'rcsg Monroe special correspond-ence says, rumors increase that Jeff. Davis will botaken to Richmond on a writof habeas corpus. Jell'shealth is growing worse.

President Johnson orders the suspension of MajorMunroe und Alderman Nixon, of New Orleans.Acting Mayor Clark continues iu office until par-doned.

Captain R. B. Winder, imprisoned at Kichmomlfor several months, was discharged recently by or-ders from headquarters.

Chicago, April 12th. The Wisconsin Legislature,by a strict party vote (except two Republican mem-bers iu each branch), adopted resolutions declaringthat Senator Doolittle has belrayed the people ofWisconsin and ought tc resign.

The cholera still prevails in Southern Russia,where the mildness of the weather has produced agreat deal of illness. At Moscow there have been tomany cases of typhoid fever lately that the hospitalsare full.

Wasiiixgton. April 19th. Gen. lid ward McCook,to-d- ay received his commissiuii as Commissioner tothe Sandwich Islands.

Washington, April ISth. The House JudiciaryCommittee have had a full consideration of the Prei-ident- 's

late message, and will report against themodification of the test oath, believing there areplenty of men to hold office under it.

Prominent friends of the President say he will en-force the Civil Rights bill in good faith, having ex-ercised his Constitutional prerogative iu vetoing thobill, and Congress having exercised its prerogativein passing it over the same, he feels bound by theiraction. These gentlemen also express the belief ofhis having seen the power of Congress, and wiihwhat unity it is sustained by the party, he will notendeavor to enforce his action, no that there may beharmony between them.

General Howard xvill, under verbal instructionsfrom the President, issue a circular to his subordi-nates apprising them of the passage of tho CivilRights bill, and instructing them to inform thefreedmen of its provisions, and assist them in main-taining the same.

The President has made a ppeech to the soldiersand sailors, in which he defines his position veryclearly and very sensibly. If there is no greaterdifference of opinion between the President and Con-

gress than this, the rupture will be healed. It looks&9 if he showed a disposition to yield to the views ofCongress and work with it :

4 Now, what remains to be done? It is to admittheir Representatives. Cheers. When we sayadmit Representatives in a Constitutional and law-abidi- ng

sense, as we intended at ihe beginning ofthe Government, all that is needed is for both housesrespectively to determine the question. Rut einooiio will say a traitor might come in. The answerto that is that each House must be the judge, andwhen traitors present themselves, cannot eitherHouse know that they are traitors? Cannot theykick them out of doors, and send them back, savingto the people who sent them, ' you must send loyalmen ? Cheers, and a voice, that's logic.' Whatis the difiicultj about thut ? None. Cheers. If atraitor pre.-ent- s himself to either House, cannot thatHouse say, 4 no, you cannot be admitted into eitherbody; go back; we will not deny your people renre- -

! etntaiion, but they must send us loyal Representatlve3' Cheers V hen the State .loes send loyal

' I.eprcseuiativcs, can you have any better loyalty?'

.',.i.i,i..,it B 1.1 1 i.- "i-- i

Nkxv Yoiik, April 10 The British steamshipJriri;iiti'i has arrived from Liverpool the 4th, with

' LOIS passengers. She had thirty-eigh- t deaths oni the passage. The disease is said to be similar to that

which the steamship Knlnud is infected. TheI irzmia is at quarantine anchorage, twenty miles

below the city.New Youk, April 19 The steamship Pertia has

arrived with dates to the 7th, three days later,Consuls, for money, 8Cj!SGg.The Austro. Prussian relations were much discussed.

Prussia continues iu an uncompromising attitude.The Emperor of Russia had tent two notes to theSovereign?, it is reported, tendering mediation.Count liismark is said to have declared that thepHc'tfic declarations of Count Karalie, on behalf ofA,l9ttri, to be insuinoient, au.J I'russia will continue. armament. According to another statement, he

briefly replied to Karalie in a note justifyingmovements of Prussia by those of Austria, but

x bating the idea of attacking Austria. Thesian reply

.to the. Austrian. ... note created a very

unfavorable impression in lenna.A I'ans correspondent says trance intends to oc- -

cupj Vera Cruz, Tampico, and other principal porta,as guarantee for the expenses of the expedition, andsecurity to v rench commercial interests.

The Reform agitation continue I iu England. Thoevents of the week had been, demonstrations atLivernool in honor of Mr. Gladstone a ernd !,.q Jt.t on one day, and a mass reform meeting the uext.

Je enthusiasm ran high for the reform treasure,O.alstonc male two brilliant speeches, emphati- -

cally declaring that the (Joverntnent would stand orfall upon the question. He warmly eulogiaed Amer- -

l pointed to her exertions the .ate war asrrcof of the benefits resulting from trust in the pea--pie. aun codicd-ic- i iiiaiingiau.f r.-r- u it

'To,in Bright a Mrc-ssc- a lar gs reform nifjtiag atRockdale OU the 4th. He vocated the reform bill.and strongly denounced tho Tory party, ll is e specie.!that the uovernment majority on the reform bill willexceed twenty.

The political excitement on the German questionruns high in Paris, and it is positively reassertedthat France is quietly getting an army of observationtogether and strengthening her garrisons.

i;i;.TN iva.ts;iry si.i.i. II K it -- s ihioi:i ok . :

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.1 '. or J i. . .. ..i'A0,Ji I I ; ni.. . . m . .. .... -- t - -.

: :t. -. . -, . ' r --

McCraken. Merrill & CoFORWARD1NC AND

I'oiiiiiiissiou Jlercliauts.Irr Istii.l,

V I t. IS K K V K V OITt I' It K- -n - ; f ' r .tT. 't -- vr. yir-- . iv! r -

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.'It I' I i - . Ki:r'hi.;.' r As. L.:. .'.--r, J v. '.:.' r i I'o .r- -a I.. V'.. i, t. A. (,

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I! Lii.'' I'., r rr.: 'V.'j.:-- r. A.--- . Co , --


. A. .1. J. C. Mt.-- IL. i 4 r. a' ir.S.


COHUUiSSiOIl HcrcijanlS

JO 1 'Jfi; iillloi uiM Stic .

AL.-.-- A A1-M- j OF TUB

San Francisco ?t Honolulu PackH.I'rtitrr.'r rt r. r. to t: i'.': ! . :". ' ' zr.- - r

i'!.r r- -. Ac.I- - All if ii rnrir.? t r r --.''':',. tr or r th II ..

r. -.u Ijr. f i'vurtf, w... f,- - l- -.l ir cokm:- - -- i '

I r Li- - ! on II .f.o.ulij .'.u,-h- ; ar.'l 1. JSitr.f iiU.lJl- - r. f". I. I'.t'Hifc!- - .'. '.'., 11',:.

li i ! A ' K r I i C ...... "" . !:.. i, v ;" p -4. '. j

Ir. Ii. V. W.. ,i..Il'.n. K. M A:.Lt1 . Hir.wo,


C;Cs. Lf.oTT liic w. )t4W I.Ji:i. J.I, r. T!ALL.--


(oiiunissioii jicrclianls.HAWAIIAN PACKET LINE


(iinCK-:.iisN11.fvl.,ror1.rMf- r(,lul :

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rar.linr arl Tru-Lii.ini- of ; thr CLrt:rii.i' a:.'! .:f 1H. i thr ."aj.i.ljii. of WLiii'sLii-- ; tLr; o:.tion !

f .

Exchange on Honolulu in turns to suit..IDVAXCKS MADK COXSICXM K.VTS.

RfcFKIi TOH'mtB, Allks 4-- Co , Ja-4- . . i:j.. Ii'.-- t

Honolulu. IlKSkr A. 1'fcjfcCK A; Co. 4 I

Kr Ttkk, m-- e fli C'.,K tU . .Ni-- r V.rk. I

.p A; '., ' M. II. !..... ( . -Tf -. rll' , Yju., II.J... II. .... & r; ,.. !

A:i.xBr J A LLCS A; .0i-l- j I'ortUr..!. OrfT'-r-




Commission Merchants ! I


Victoria, Vancouver Mum!.V.i.VtA'. T- -

Tw II. IIrr-.-i,-- lar C- - . ...A i' t. r.'a, V. I..M"4r IL. Oiua A: "

."anM ir. Wi tfK, Ai.LKt & C- - . . .. !!' lulu.Mr. JaH-- .i I. I.iitTT . . u !

.01. , !

IMMXKSS IT R.N .., ,:.'- ,, ..rvi;e4tvLit frieu.I at It.e Iliiian Ilar.-)'- , k9 ari

.a. c ; iz ;x rrF..r trar.-aotir- .j La-if.e- i. .I Uij: nul f iny

,1 r,r nl any c..a.lL,:si.o:.S ia- -trii-r- - il to him ah ja !ifr..-ri- : ar:-- l .r.rii.t.-i--- .

il.. ct ir,- - ill t,K u,',:tK m, 1 j r'.j-.ti..t- .'-l to tl.- - ainocr.:i.f rif- - rpi.-1'rnl- .

. Oit. iti t c. -. iranrawr. t. f. - r-


3ioH(; ix, mom: & to.,Ctiiimutai-.- an I Forr-iir- i r.m Fra:.o-i-.o'.- , C'a!


Rf. aT. ?. Hatl.aarty j N-- w la .!:'..-- '

31s.rj. T. A. It. Nye, "" fc.ft ft ivrry "

irir.r.-i- ! M iiu-ir- K '"'.,.......... New 'VI. ;- -., l:.-- t. fI, i

5I fjir V riir-. .v Ne-- . t. j

i C. Vtrrinn .' Iloj.-.iut- !



Oia i ei c f Tv i 1 ; n lea !


7 TII IS KSTA I! I.l Ml .M HXT is .uw j

aJw 'i" " ' r L- - n ,f .'.'X,Visitors to the Volcano I !

A L-- j niay r !y n r


Kiprrirnrrl Ciuiili- - lor tUr-- Criilrr j inKea-I.ii-

SlPiim ami Sulphur Hath-- .rs Sin,!- - il ,tnl (lrui:iil if Jsirtil.

I MAII'iK- - RK AhKK.r.trl.--- . i. I!,; V: i Hit. can i ron- - ii:i:..Ii

w .rrai I . i , j ,ane y , l.y .aj pljii. to I. J. Ih-il.- -

'. ''.ir ,

&II"" J. I.. IIP II ARtS-- .V C .

vmsii (ixwDEx mm,miMi :aki)i: si:i:i;-- .

iimi:i:ckivi:ii i:v stkami:u a.jax9 j.ri-- f..r sair ly t'.-- - u:..l-r-i.-- i.t ,! ai. :.t .f

tu km i vki;i,i irm: ;kikv si:kis: i

f tht ir.-wtr- i ,.f ai.. n --..i i i ,r.,j . ;,t tl.- - w-- 'I !

t... V ........ 1 !....!. I. . .'. !j i ,.. i r 'K. , IItv-t- r . ii r 4rr;.:-- d -. at. I .are to i :u;u i'.e. ',',. yarr a. f. .t

Am. ,. k-- , f.iri'.pkui,. a.t. I'.il I.a.-e,.-. .4., t. l'..i'.i-!,.- !- r..';- . t,

ll'-ai- t.. ,;, ,,i,.l utrifi.--; Ra.l r.,rl. I tun.:;. r- tj;Jir.-- i li. t arr a. a-- t. li., I -- ',. ul.,te turnij. ro..'..--.i'au:in...-r- . Cel. ry. Corn.-tre- e t. st.:n..cti. - ,'.,.(..-- i.C,-i,i- ! r. a,t. i.t. t. T- - - a- -t

Iek. I,tsu .- ,.t. K . Mu-:- ar l a ..I Cr. -- s,Ma. k ni imini.-;- . f ilet vei. t il t. rMn-- it m--l ai .ne at j ,t. Ka!.-- . 'W Jl-- T brl hi, ni..i.. at. 1 ... ur- - A ir:i :a;PtnU-y- . xtr rurl-- l; -- a."-. Tf.vm- -. huv.v t s iv..ry,rartmp, I'ca. at. F. pj- - r. s.-- . t n.aJ ,r.,ir,t

. wl.iiv r..i;Arl in tir rvrry Tar.-r- i.f V.-- j- -- e,.I-. .-

-.. ,,1 ti- - ;Ti in

Th nn.-ri.'- nr, wouM ai- -,. fT.r h- - -- ervi.-e. in tl.-- : i.:ak:r. jpOf 7 'rr.ih s.-ii-f

" ...",. ami Arr,,uti!.,AVith c- rrertue.- - and .li.i.a. li. an.1 i.n lmely


ri.! r.n ;i j.-- at the ii'.,-,-. ,,f s p, ,u.,, , r

or I p rt:r at tli-- inn. k Itninj.,, 1 ire J.,l,i, . v.MrSn.,.. -- r .re, .,f ..rt aa. Mereliar-- t hire. t ..i.r..-- ip'lr. F- - rd--.

H. Fsr.::-- kk.At f litl'H KV.IHS. TOUACfn af.I

nuni.-r-xt- - artirl. at I w prlr. a. alw.Tp. Sl-.- IT

IIOXOMLirniSTILLKHVfMIs iMONKKIt KST. HI. I SUM K N T.I wt.ii-- h in n.. wr in fu:i ran n. La constantly i n hand astir ply cf van-h- i

KINDS OI siMIJITS IX IIOXD,M inaf.iCnr.-- from the pur- - : m it- ri !, a:. l . I

fi-- from all m.i'"i"r f .!i:lter.tti..ii. nnl f a ijiialitvri.ual. strenth lii.-f.-- r, rr. I at r.- .- .M If 1 1 LOW Kittl.aa 14 usually .! nian-l.-.- l t-. r::a.... in and )Uan-t:.- i-

. tt uit . a"!., r f r !. r...- - .ii-iimi ii..ri r ;' rt.A f ..ran. ui..r. j i li. . .1 trial - r- - tfa.Ty - .l; :n.. i:

I fitly ani.ei It. it fie.- - .1j. re illy m.-.t;.- n: le rinu-iv..-I- y n.m t!i pr -- Iu- t - f tl.- a.Il

an I i;ur: a d- - i - I pr-f- . r lu-.- i . a pul.:.Or.Jer. will tw received at ti e AV ,ik- -, i r iu th? lv.--t t :!.-- ., 11 xCI, aiiil shall be promptly aur. t d to.


l 4 I .. Wki





C 1 o t li i e l- -


.s A ?c I ' I i A x c i .s c o .

(jHIjlrs yi: ..y allGoods for Gentlemen's Wear!

W'l.i Ui'-t.- i '.vitii -t ti '.Tl.

llr'M'INIi Vol i: mka-- i im:- - and o::iii:i:.

CUTTIN tfe Co.,.! VNL "t ACXt'Ill.!.- -

I I'M' kl iis, ik::si:i!vi:s, saiciisj ANL ALL KINb.-- j OF

IITin:tic:illy Sn bleats, Suti, Iih,4.c, A-c-.

Having om: r Tin: most hxtkx- -? .r. ti.. I 1 ru:- - -- . :'.;. 1 vt.:h a.l

t:.- - .'- - - .j.--. . n.:.-- . . - r- ; : - 1 r 1 .r:.. r. evrv'hi'.. r.i.' '.ir .1:.- -. .f ; 'j ...ty (,;-.- . a:, v m she; w r. 1

All d'oiJi fjvir'iid" ti ti !.": in c, Climate.

lli.? ft 11 tl Salesroom UOil I'ront St.MAMfACIoiSV aJ. a-- J. -- 7, jj, :;l a;i,


S.. niA.VClsCO. Sl2:m

JAJNIUII. LrKtihfi CL KHOiJLD,Commission Merchants.

Victoria, Vaiirouicr'a Inland.- I'af.'-Ci'.- r utteMi'-r- to of i :tt

Ihwti-- i lV.f..,r:a, V. I , !.J'.o3 Oia-l- y

B B. I)iLLlM. C. W . Ai MSN. O. 4'. AfXiLC

AREV1ES & DALLASV3,IMI'oI'.TKII.-- - A N U J"i::;l.n (j


ANXj MA.MA.TL'!i;:i..-O- K

California Pails, Tubs, Brooms, &:.illt AM 'Z'J SArKAMf.NTO .SlUIILir.

I 11 Fr-.u- t a:. 1 I'avi-- ,

SA.N ritAX:isi:o. li.'l Cm

R. 15. Aklxl-jS:- '. it. I'Av:.-- .

ARFilSTRGNC, SHELDON CO.f.l C i To NtllilMi.C I'A'.K.)

Pioneer Lumber Dealer !

r.N'IO.V I.r.AIIJIIK VAIll). ' fJaanl kws M:s,: zA .o. lii l'arla S:r I





Ta s. J. I'---, W'n. M. Res:-- ; l, II. C. I n;.so.

JOWES $t BEniDlXEN,SA.N FHANJ ISCO, CAI.IIOIIMA.ltif t'v-- i I .'..' iri"i!iiri F!i'... f

1 S 4 t 'II 1 I UJXV.If .lilt IIU.I 4

KST l:I.!.-IIK- I IN 1S50.Suliroom, Fin-irnu- l' I'ricU I! n i I.l iiii;. Xu.207 t. ikI Ot C'i liloi'iiiu Mtl. I o iluor.

I rum r'ruitl.LA.-.- .. Tl K. OATS A.'.Cl Fk.'IJATS.


".ISI. XT 't-- i A tl xt nri n n,a I - n M-- r iI i- oar i-- i. .-i. :i..-i.- t I r pa! : r priv.i'.-- : i:. 1 all

Hi i' a:. tii-- ; laci'.ia-.-- teii-- r- - ! '.i.;.r'i. ri. j

It '- r ly iTi..;.--i-.z- i toC. I.. Kk'imi-.i-- .'. . Ii

. I. Ji on, IMa-- ' oka 1 .- i

c rar.--

t ii.KMt, ia i i. .v r '

;, r-v ,v - '

I'.u-.'- i, I k V i.k triat i t . ii CoLi .:i:m477 ly

- t





':?r:.-';i- . :yi -

i(;hovkks ii a.m okai.kks i


p, i v :ir .Moxnai'imtv stihiiit,

( li :.t M i.'.-'in- ry Iil--- )

.lll Illlifi.-C-t . 1 :7 fun;


umu m ma i

rjjMli: F.M)KRSi;VF.I) KOItAI I'll I.V I'KO- -M pri of tier A 1.1'RiO'ii 11" 1 K. t" inl'-r- t!..- -

c;ztizi:as or 21001,5 a,i :AMI T1IK :

TK.VVr.bMNC I'l'lt I.I I l.lI.M'.KAbbV,That Las tak- - n the uo I! I:n-.- - s R. n tari'a -- tre. t. !

l.y t!.e Rriti-- h h hii !. he wiila w l.iv a a j


FIRST CLASS HOTEL!The;..!! ap- - ami ! , there I i ii.' i.utii.-r-.u- - s'.. pi' ? '

-- .ii.-, the s.luati .a airy. ..d f e rii.e and shadetr--.- - t.'ie a 11 n:ak- - .t retre..t. .

- ,, ,;-.- .. ,..n ;,.-..- inth- - in in ir-- m of t'.e ai dm h II. a-- -." uo I --a ru:!i--:-n- t j

iru ir ,nt. r .'.! .'.1 ii til a shall f ti.eput. lie patr- ri.1i.-e-.

N pa us r . i.- - a !1 I..- - j ar. 1 in pr-.v- i !: i th- - -- isi'li aa the !: aoi - :u 1! a- - t ie i ils s!i it the n. ,rk- - J

.r.:.5"7ara . li I 11(11 II OKI-- ' '

I I .AVT A I I A 1ST '



Win. JT.A T



nAVIM. KKCF.IA KI A I. A IK; I. AM- - H I i ri tl. i r.-;- . ar. I : si!i; !v hi- -. a-- t-

a-- i I th- - p i' '.:,--. ir,.;, the 1..--- I l Ili-utii- i millhill- - SO A I'. AIsorr Aixi oil soap, sIn larji i.r sii.a'.l ii ir.titi-- s to suit.

- - ahvays want- .1.

1 r- - ":"

T11ZZ PACITICCoiiiniiivial Advt'rtisor.

liii iuii.ii lit itr I of tlii Yi vUh in ofl:ic L'oard of Kduc;:tiiin !. the

of iMiii.T,: :. '...:.-- ? ' ;. :. :..:.

: : f sr. i t .:c f I-

-i - - tl rj. : .e tr.f rr - j.r:.u :"

t . . J. ir . r r. i a' r. & ( iLt I rJ rjr.

T .r -- r. r.

C'ulillilOll iool.siii t:v ive: ,2.-- ;. u : Ur

iT. i - j j tr ti,-.- r ? ;h . . Is :':.r: e

c; c::. !:ur, tivro

wrre tut j r.s "ri': s :r. c..;.::t. :.

7 H .:..Iu'u, 1' ::: )u 3 :zr.i, aii 1 ti;L In u-- il M.jI. a- - 1

K.I.i. K.uii. bur r. tie ye-.t- , ti-- : ; InV.'alI-i- Live f. r w :.: cf w: .e rc'--. L-- ttrtr. f rn.;, ,i f.i; w? : 11

ca il 1 cr. M-J- . 2 .r. "-'.-j. 1 cs M .k i:,

i 1 cn K u 1 he re ::;.r-- : 2 ::.;:. t:i.. lt.'-- : ary jIs. a .f icx. m - !?, i. .?t- - vti t:.e wir.t if jI ll.?, v;!I c : i :. .i 'a

N j tr ..It.rv f.r truL".:.2

iff .i:.-e- u. y at f . c. ar t, tr.itr : - ' 'i x:e "ca :e v i.icLi the i3. .r J1 1 V .

L'it, - g f.nuLais ia !u"c . ieJ in iiit:Lj tae scSt? in so tamyi aria 5 s!4..rt 1 tif e, - Ley i :t sacb

iS if :are the cf a- - larer u'i.Ut of wo'.I-traii.- faale te..jhc-r-s as 0 in t:?i- -

tly be tiL:!.jt i.Ii.e U.iri lo.k uiOva tie suc:essfa! anl

Jivi- - .n c! r ait-- -. a ;a:'..s ia: j :v- -' :xa 1 s'

:rt--j ia--.t .rraace to t'ae future wt'.I- -

Lfia cf tal- - j.- - pie, aai they have ti,a-- : a. . a a :i .4 1- - p.--.u- .e t j tait ctjrct.

Aa .:i.c--r gicat waat tf tae c.a::a a :.', . -- , is t'aeI '-- i sii'jai. Tae uittr.c:s.!. lz ia all but taiee cr f.-- weseua h.e tj rj.c-e- this aar. 'li.c-- li. tr J, tar rcf-ie- ie-s:r.i;

aakeu tae sj::ij.:itiiy, aai trLlist ti.-- j ci-cj.- tr

iti.u of the f ncatr, re-..t- J, tiiit :a y

tiity whrre a Lew -- ;h, l L'.'i-e- . cr; aj.i iu---r

airs ua oil one were i:i-.!-ci, if the d.-tii- ;t

c.atiihute c tlx cf the c,-- t thereif, theli. tr i s --iil c atr.huie the other half, cut cf suciiiacai"? as ntre at its Jip:;il. Ia tever p! teesaliea-i- this ha I en well at. 1

j rompi'.v rt rp-- n le 1 to. Un-le- l.:s resolution, newif.a:s are l.,-.- huiiiir.g, or faa is t.eiag cIIccte 1 r vthr p lrtats for bull JiLg. iu t Ices, f:tcu ofwhich are ca the i- -I aa 1 of II twaii aL-ue- , ti.tce cn

, Kuii, aL-- oae tacit on Maui aa-- Niihiu.i Ti.tre is aa-,- t her circuni.-tar.e-e ia c t.aec'ioti with

juhlic frcl'ocIs to which the LUari wirh to call your; atteat'iOn aa 1 that of those wh m it raay cencera.

hi riaccs the K ico!.--, for wr.r.t f speci ilbull lit. z1?, are kfpt in the a.tetin haares or ciiaj e sof the I'rotestant or Ca'hoiic jof uiation resiling cuthe 1 in 1 To the building of of the-e- , thedistrict sch. Is have c.titribife J, but not to a!!;

: sctiie of these-- staod f n Goverr.nic-ii- t ichuoi Tae; re-u- lt is that iu alajost all these places, the are iare!y tenants i.t will of this cr that' rtligivus denomination, arid in more than one,

hte rtcciveJ notice Aa.ther't of taisabsence of proprietary riht cn the part of Govern-- ri

is that these houses K-in- gl upon tts iel!y

aa J t ecia ly re.igji ,us ei.a.'c-s-, aa 1 act as a tti-.- al' scho-.- houses, are avtidt-- lythe pattnts and ehil-- '.

Jrca of lieaoaiin.atioiis ditiereiit from that oae whieiiowns the hu.Iilap It is to provide as fir

' as possible t.r nil the people toe cf aCJiiiu.'a -- c'a .ol Lut to accent ii-- h thisp irp .se, aa J to wt rk uaif .naly an 1 ffic.-a-f iy

: thrcuzhout the coua'ry. it is abs latelyJ that the co tii rati; -- chf o.s shoul I c to te in kl, a- - ii-itly neutr-t- l ground in reiii us ai.attcrs.j 'lhe Hjard have tiiought pr to raiso the wages

cf teacac-r-s of ctaioon schools, in or i.r to i:iahe itw..rtli their while to kctp their .c'i',!s uttl duringthe tia.e jh .t they are rcn, tainkir.g ei'it or niae

' m.aths' scfjf.'ir.g a year, w.'l Ktica-le- to, morebtnctijitl to the ctii! iioti than a wl e year' :ho d- -

.. .,.I- is .1.inz ti i y a'terj'i-.-- i to, an i imiueiitiy mterra at- - l .

Tt.ey hive itemc 1 it ncce--ar- y to r ti-- e them in theirown ie-:ec- t, as well us ia that tf their neighl.trs, lot:ii:, f;tl tl),t h,l:ori4, t,rcht Leat.tan. lay a und laitLful da-char-ge of theirduties. V.'ht-nevt- t: e Kctli'y and j lottunitle-wer- e

favorable, a system of labor among the scholars Visbeen romoed, ft? colit! ibutiag not only to ihtfelcalLe.i'.t li , but also to t he pi ecu ring c 1 school b.,ek-- , sl.i'es,etc ti.e sc!: I trs, an 1 making tt.era m'treste 1 in taecultivation and adjintaent of their own schools an!school Ian J.M"ti '' r " Sl-- r t . i si xv !i II:itv;iii- -j

S tin it I lie laiittiit- - il inli :ic!iuii.?' Lahaina'una Seminary. Tt:is institution original-

ly Pur. led ly tie A. Ii C. F. M , and :tt:erwar!str ati-f'.r- ie J by them to the Government, has un - r-- g

me an entire change of teachers and agrettan. tint.t it pair- - aril improvements within the 1 i'--t year.Kev. Mr. J. F. i'o?ue, the ptincij al, and Mr. S. I.AlextrrL-r- , the assistant, having resijne-- i iuiir.g sl.obienuitl term now t!;" U ard apf iiite--

Ilev. S. II iPishcp. fust as assi-tan- r, and aitei w ir isa- - principal, tin 1 Ilev. C. LI. Andrews, a- - as-i- st nt.lhe dwelling he-use- t, the teacher-- , being verymu:ii out of have been pat in a ai.c-- l and...r.f ..t..'r...iiiri i," i S llit. .1 i...fv........... , -t!-- e l' n's having beam ovti thrown by tae severeg.le in December last, a tie ' and rn-.- i e sut.-!an'i- al

buiiJit.g H now neinz coitsiiuoi in n, p,a-- e, wt.ic.t ,

will together with other ntcess try icp ,as c st aoout ;

Sr J ') )).Tiie n, tweny Watt?,

atas they P., fr-.- ti.e midlie cla-M- -s of the Hawtuanpe pie, tiie ioar i is ue-- ir us nor. ni.iy ni-- ir

literary acquirements, but also their lane-tic an 1

soci i! traimnj, luring ti.e ;r s- - j urn ut the ."rjiamai y ,

sr.o-ii- i i i e su-.i- i a- -, i.y a.;ous o'.i.i. tiiem . u.i...-.- - .

rerii.ement and usages of caviliz-- lite, willthem, on issuing Iioui the to meet ontquil terms with those of birth an 1 foreign

who may come in competition with themthe various pursuits of after life.While Mr S. T. Alex in lor was engaged a :its- -

tint at Lairtin ilui.a, the cultivation of sugtr cine i

by the stu lent- - was successfully commence-1- , andlast ye ,r, about clcvtu acres ot cine were cut, le tliz- -

ir.2Pin- - whe-i- cxj-.nlitur- of the IParl on L.h.;u.:u- -

ii i f.r the two years ending M trch 31, h-- been?1,.',,'77 JI. id which arnouat. bl 1, tve Leeu j

ii- - ... i ....... ..I......exjenic-- l llirejairs U'l i mpi e nivii . s u le lenei a

ssl ,;' are Lvins ex pen ieJ a- - at. ae ,

M i'e 1. and the remaining j.0.o 43 have been ex- -

ended in pay of te.cheis ani eunport of the insti- -

tut. on during the peri.-- i strove mcntioael. insSeminary is in a 11 urishing c riditi.-n-

Hiio Djarding Sch. l for Hawaii m 15. ys. This .

institution, situated at Hi!c II iw tii, is assisted an- -

nu ally l.y the Doard of llducation, with the--f aymeatof .he sti tries of the principal and assistant. This '

is a Htwaiian High School, principally ior the bene- -

fit accommodation of youths from the vaticusd'.srricts of II iwa'.i prorer. It is under tiie ca irge .

i f II v. D. IJ. Lvmau. TLe number students at- -.... ..I- -ii 13 it i uij - I.

l'tiis school continues to be nio-- t efficacious f .r '

go-.d- . The energy of its teacher h i- - net been ib it. dI.r ii. P irliiikl l.-- s T r r i .. ro-- i n:i-- tl.tluence-- v -- - - - - - -

.. ..l .1 . a .lt.T.Tui-1-lTl..- l T .V f.....ii . i ... .ol.. - 1 I - , -j ' -

the h"4.'hest dt " e as being vf XaIL NAL rt dvan' le.1 "e vt nerab.e principal - assisted by his d lujafcr.w ho a as engaged in lhe service with u.vst untiringan 1 devi te I i

Waio i Select School f r Hiwaiian IJiys. This in- -

situated at Waio.i, Kauai, is under the j

care e f Mr. A Wi'.ce-X- Owing to the great diminu- -

tit.u f sci'1-ii-.r- in this scho. 1. it ha- - received n

supjort from the 15. arl since June S'.'th last. bey(-r- 1

the j i educe of t lie itnl a j, r r. i ie 1 fr !i t so !,aa 1 we-ike- l by the scholars.

i ne sea--- acuse to tne ijjarj, out a i i:.e j

1 m l on wiiich is situated.The d has now under consideration th-- ? sub- - .

je'Jt ef cniarcing this school so a- - t a 1 ites iy twenty nve t o , and te place it iri a p -l- -

tii-- ti ipialify ja uiij nun to trc me teachers in the '

c .miiion sci.oois i f K mai, f wh;c!i a great wan: :s i

felt. Ihe nu nl-e- ct h-!ais atteu i'i.g thisi


The Vi'ai i!ua Fern ie Seminary. sch- - 1 istu nt 1 iu V.'aiaiua, O thu, ua le-- tii care of K.'v.

O. H. Ou'.i-- k. This school is suppcrtoJ ! y the A. 15.

('. F. M , and nu bcrs fifty irs.

I:;A: Lil, i.r. i is- -i. II.

". h'ii-r-, ti e Kr.s'.'.-- h ' i" :i !k'-- i

c. ? -- t ?

!! l.l l: u:l" I 2I rucl iuiii

i ; :: : :.c . .:.z T.iz: :

s - M:. ?;.'rrr,.a' G.t'.- -'

- ? . . . - :u iliJ !;... i.i i ;l i.Mr? S. It - :Lc :: y

r 1 k::Ti 'Le i" ri v .. Hi'.:; It L

r r. .4.. i - . v v. ' v j

i-- t it..: r.! u- tr.f I' r t -

Mr II il H.tct. J 1 tt.e l S J ::. i tiiV sc.. i v .

i. u ' v : ? : r i y - c i y ? ' 1 rr ci. in. ii u : ?

cLwi.I. V. x'.tLt 4. ll ia v. Krt t 5 yM.-- ? Ly-!- . NiUr cf .r- -. 17

i. ;: wi Lii.i'.L i f c.;.i'.c it. iut:;i Sc.. '..

i :or;, .1 I::

c.t.'.r;:; .a '.:h L' . r I "r.u:ci I; La-.i- t

tLIrtr-- . r.v : . .it. 1 : : . . Vf J :ii the II- - ir 1

7.' ia u--J f

;:;! rs. t

.. Mia:. . a.ia irv I? u: itr ;:.f cr ir je t fMr.-- J. l. Gr-.i- r. vj M.?? F.rker Twfr.'y iir? are ..:i-- i aaJ tafat at the seiair.ry.1: rc.'ciits i ?i.a-i-laaa- il c . i'. i".: a gr in: trvai the

Li!. a :. l cajiish L'iy Iii"s schx-- kejt cn:Lr- -

1 1. :ui-- . i..-:i;t- i I v t,e Ki.iirli Mis?ii.-n- , isur. Irr ::.e iitt of Mr. G VV. lUrt. aai is sup- -

Ivri-- . 1 z r:Iy : y a crit.t if .VO ir fr:ra theii. .r J. 'iae r . .' ..trs ca;i.t this

i.-;-. . V. : - ;is'y t : : 1 1. ern-- c at 'C a : iaee i? fifty eve.Tae U-- (it-,-. M i- -,!: hi? .'kew:?e (ftce 1 a '-r -

lit l-.- -s ut Lih ia t Lj a. 'a tiii

JlaIish Iuy Li!. .i:.i-!- ur: c ;ae 111

C :.. He c'.-.i:c- 1 rvruiitrs i v ilev. Uavui-.L-- i L't'.a- -

t.un.rcr cf l v? artpn-i'.r-

Ki ji r'a Scl.u, Makiwu, Maui. Keit bynirv. J . t . 1 rit:i.

M hki: Hi .i.a Div s.hc-,1- , Ki'juhi. Kept byMisl'iiis.

.n 'alif The Iljyal c.hv .1 at K iaa. This.;':- - !, ii u-- ai.J prenrses, tstuateJ ia II r.v'.aia,are C oa-- 1 bv tae U,ar I, aa 1 an ler the chat j

1-. J. ivinat-v- , a.; .urs. . . t-.-:..

tr her cf ti.e rita-tt- d. r artn.f-nt- , an J Mis M.

hrws an-- M? L:ais'a I..;ckv l. assist at.:- -.

Iris s.-- i - I is Aih- i!y at the csj-.ns- e cf the D.-ard- .

Ti.e cf fcaclats i iu the higher i

ti ar:a:-,a- t ; aa 1 a:.y ia the pi iai try dt-- r arttneat. Itis a noy- -' tcnoy., tae a.jaru navaig ?ep- - j

tii? ?ex-- s list year, aa 1 c'aat.e 1 what was j

f rta-rv known as 'he Honolulu I'r.c- bciiccl, ii-'-o ;

tr, '..' .,.. s. , ti.p r. ,t l o..r.;i.--thems-v- e- excct-dinzl- y fortunate in the i j

teachers f-- r this school, and rt-ra- r I it as most creli- -

talle to ti.e te.achctS. '

Miii'at.i Ciiris' Sch.;.l. Situate I in Hon .!u!u. j

This school, house and premises areowr.c l by the j

li arJ of but ti.e ai.niial of the '

teachers sa'arie? iebrraely the Hon-lul- DistrictSh-o- l Fund. The schoil is under the caars cf i

M :. . .-

1 -- . .... . ' . 1 r . - 1 .. 1: .,.'.": . i

..1 i. iii li hr 11.1' r r- --

l.ev, teacher cf t he pri mar v dc t art aacti t. Th re arethirty-thre- e jritis in the higher, at.d thirty-tih- t

eitls iu the rrimary dei.ui tnttnt. '1 his school -. . ' .

wise is in a vt-r- s Cott-litr- n. i College Situated at l'unahou, near II.,ao- -This institution owes its existence to the A. I

'U. C. V. M . to donations in the Unite 1 States, aa 1,

to the literal grants towards it- - tn-jo- ment , ly tae .

II awaiicn Government 1 1 is a caarte! e 1 institution, !

to whicii tiie Htwaiiau G.ive rnH.cnt appoint- - to il '

toe trustees. i.s the grants of land mad f r itsti low an at, tae overnii.ent maiat-iin- s three se-h-

. iar- -

ships at the C. l.fge. W. D is ti.e I're-i- -.lent. Prof and Mrs. II I. Church and Mi-- s Can '

aie the teacaer- - em ploy td. Most the stuaet.tsbar: at the college, their number is for ty-.-c- n, c fwh c-- thirty are bivs ar.l are eirl-- . i

Kaalaa liee, l'aUea Situated in Kaaia.a, near i

1 1 o.' ' : U . Uleier the chaise nf Ilev. PI llrh'.ts li.'

Ihi school contains twenty six sea.. bar- -, (boys.) it- - cioma.enceini-n- t in 1 & C 4 , has receivedii a; i ;r rn the II ard. I Family Sci...ol. Situate 1 at MaLiki, near j

Ifor.;.liiIti. Ihi- - - uadtr 1 he ch ir e of Miss :

M .ri t O Jen, and number- - twenty-in- e girls, "lhe J

ii jiise aiij premises belong to the II arl, who cuntri-1'ii- c

t- the supf oi t of the scln oi by a 'semi annualcipitation grant, in adiiti n to v. hie!:, tae IP. aid ;

pa. i in lt-;- t, fo'J'J as a giant iu aid of1 ei. airs, etc.

Ahuimaii'i Co'Ifp Situate J in i ulaupfi.o, O thti,..:.i.... . . t. i if. I. ... i .:.:eii.aei u.r tn-iif- nti. i- - -- t ai.a pii..i;.- -

I ai.y Siipp r le i hy the II ill I. at Mission Ihe ;

i..l.n'.-e- attoi.'liiii is fif.'y-t- hi ee, all bd. The lloal dhas it;:s vear vute-- a j ;l;,l 0f i ns t i t n t .

S;st-- i J of the Sicied Hearts lhe sister hood ;

of the above religious order maintain twosh' oi- - in ii- noiuiu. O.-i- is a boarding school with !

r.v. nty-seve- n scholars; tt-- other is a i y ?oh..l withfiav-si- x s;!i'-lars- . 'ii.e Mother Suneiior has alsok received n number of Hawaii in grown girls, j

iti-- n ucting tiiem in female woik aa 1 soas to be ii J tliri.- I to ia the citritiionsthoois, wt.oie the seXis hive ben separated. Sofir, no charge has been made either to lhe pupils; orta-- - il-- trl for such ir.-- ti uction.

F.-r- Sireet llngiis.i D ty Sciioo! Th: school is j

under ti.e chtrje ui Mr. M. l IJeokwith, and riutu- - '

bets fjrty--i- x sciio trs. tair y-t- laya auJ fouit-.t- j

girls.Mr?. Corney's Iiarling Scboois for Gilds. Si'u- - i

ate l in P.iuoa. Isui u of Mrs. Ce-rnev- j

.nnl numbers live -- cnolars. j

Utig.ish Diy School, WaiaJua. Kept by S. S. U ,ys,it numbers hve bi-v- an i ten cins. I

MagiisiirDiy School,


.aiua kept by J. W

viKU na. it ii'imaers cuat boys an t seven jrir.s.Hnu Iny Sciiool, Waianae Kept by Mr. Kau

hane.' Xuaiber f S;,io!irs, Mfteea.L.-- i les ti.t- - aa ,ve. tae:e a.-- e the f Ilowiag rrli-- h

sch-v.l- s in Honolulu, viz. : Mr. V. Gulick's", thirteenar-- : .Mr I) n .! I IViWi t a en r i ve I. v- - Mr

atilhve -- iris; an i Mrs. Armstn i.g's school, e.ghtboj s and -- ix irirl- -.

:i K t' I K a Fiitiil ;'ii .I. The Inspectorvj lie i ii , i a ii :s i i i" i i 10 i:n tw-- i in veryhmh term- - of trie ah.-v- iastitu'i- n. It is under thecirei.f Mrs .7. V. Smih ami Mi.- - Knar-.- -r.-.l


rv tlP m;,,. TThe l,nd p.j- - a -mi annua! c ipltu-h.- n fee nj.. rt of this tchool, an 1 giui,td the sum ofSVi in iti 1 cf eula.ging the buiiiln of the iasti-u- -

ti t:.K t Ac a Km v. Ilev. D. D .e, princ"r al. Nam- -

K-- of -- cif'at-Hmalei razi'-- h Sch, '.i This sc,;--.,- l is under the

thirge-- f Mis- - L.-ai-- Tiie ho beloi.t .j... B,,,,', but the site belongs to tiie A. 15 C. r..p The IJ his v,.;el .a of 5G j vr :.n- -

nnai towar is the s ip'-- rtrr. of s iM sea.

,ol. It numberst W etl t VsC veil b..- - i,ti-- l Seventeen --"mi,,, i. II in-i'e- i flii- - b-.-

1 r-- ; y bci n es:a'. ii-- I . n ti.e i'r incee ii!c estate. Itis uJltr $i.e ciiire of Mr. J.


In c.afvrmi'y with Sec. 50; h, of the Act c f ti.eL

10th cf January, ihe Do-ir- is i.ow t:tk'.ir ac- -live measure- - to establish, in th- - of)llro In!), a Ii .ardin- - Soh ol for Htwaiian y-u- tii,

unJ-- r the Government suf ervi-io- n. The means, U ci at the di-p.s- al r f ,ne iJ ar-- by the a- -t Leg. i

is'ative will merely it-- in it of a no. lest be- -ginning. I ut it - their inter. tii-- irra In tiiy tothi- - t stab.ishme-nt- an-- to de vote t. its extension

i..,v.-r :i: t . !"' ' "- - oi y s i li v II o-- IUW

lund, apf !a-- t r ihe Ar propria! i.-- Uiil.Ti.e 15 ird have in tne meaaiin.e s. h ote l ei-- ht

Tout ' b. V- - if r ! i. n. -- i i. & i r. t e! i uriowo ir.-,.rj..... . .j - - - j - r - - - f -i .Fit VII f r.l(. I. f. .1 ...... i. ll.u T .....I .l.i-....- . ,1 ,a................ i .j ur i.-- ' il I, nil ii;; i i.tra

in i t.ol i i y , ar. l at e h , i i. g to re.-i-- i ve the surrender ,.

a gr.-a-e- number. I lies b.,y- - hav- - b plac-- atselect institutions until the sc'iool now c .tifempl ttv--

shall be re tdy to go into i p-- r na n, u:i i will I t inthe nuclei!- - r.'ia 1 which will b- - gatbi tel th -- e whomay be hand w rthy fn m the district and ,tlsea i pt. i;...:- - l ta tiK- -

l ;.e 11 r m f ry S l ..1 H i been e--t tl a- -diivce-- by toe L" : it i ve lhe o. st i ftst.taii-h.i.- g in I in tint lining the simev. li be seenf r refe-re-i ce to the 1 exhih't ( f exr. a s

t i i n- - i. n i. lnesite i w is ar i? lUnn,wh..-:- i h is be.-- loui. l ;o be very t tb:- -. Theproximity i f th rbn-- e u, the city f II nolui-- i was : n

the t ti f. r se.oc::: si'e, -- o ttiat hv '.- odt e a., re :t l av . v un ;, r the su r ' r v . :; t f

the U aid At ti:.--t rh. -- cho-d did r t appiientlvpre-sp-r- , ! ut by ti.e :eis n il ti. letvo-r- of H e mem- -b- - r- - i he 15.. n d, an 1 if their immedi ite - Ulcer-- .ti.e - m i gr-l-- MPy b e t. f that i

whicii th. L -. iMi' e C .ii'o . Toati I. 1 n

f resent tn - schm 1i fifie-e- ttoys. !e: ale f gtrait. e- -1 in hat.iis indurty. as well a- - !ecc-i:- tifair liter try iti-a- I he-- e bya are Weil etiel Mii.

number of Mu-lent- tit ten ling this j. p. l. vt five Mr. J-- . t wentv-ih- c

time . f th: lteport ,ming. ; ofu. the school, -- ever.t.-e:, h,.v- -









i t




-- ir









' f.r. :t:. 1 iLe I: iii tru:- - tin f--r i:.' .

:.v :L,t::ul i L l'a Kit, ri y rt--

t .v ti.'e f.r tr.e ewe r f tLera. There l.-i- teoi.;it Ve I rlr.c i:? cs: :.tI.a.CLt LTirta rjs au iri, sir's. iU ?vi..; I? growit.g in fr

k th -- o i. ivir. utiruir chiivltcn t c re f. r, ar. I

:lo ..rtr!.:c .U-i- Utur ihe usts at; J

a iv !.:.!,:. cf tLc n- - ,T: e J vi'.! Jtr t3 h.-r.- e tht (-- caitu.ttte c.

. . .....1..? mi v. o.irur i.

w .. . a t :. t v ;t trio .: :Ls::iit:cna tt tor.t i: i !r. ir. J Mr? Hvie tiie ilirrctu ti ituJeire- - i tL": rt5 O -- i ?te the Kiufc'.

("-i.- d, l KfKt'X.NAl.A,Vrc?". lent cf tLe Uai-'- cf Kluc-ition- .

Iii'.-ir..;rr..;r;!i- .

' i K:.: -- :4 :. WTo - ' r rr - r a:I'.--

..i-.-- ! i.l: r : r:, f N.c-- f rt:.'.:. '.' ; r tx J""

11.4:o 1J

' ...... ; !. - - i : 1! ..t

"; : : I i. .? n ...h u. . 90 ciI'-- jrt j: I :.;! . - re. a:.4 c- -I

V.;.-- - : c ):.! h UjvS : KJ.i,'- to

T..;;: : r! j f.T If. :u'.ri.i Ue- -. G.uoO cjjf ri.. -- y :

l.v o::,"; vxj - i : ;n :.;.r--.

I!v :..': 5 i i f r fui:. r-

i: j:, e- ::i.. f '!. ic . l.C4i 2It.- - aru't j ai t . f ! r-- i-. r.

M-r- .a 10. l!

T ;.! j ,i :s: :i

.CjO I J

K-ce- ts (i ; Ar;. .'; .'.' ;rti of Common Schools.164 Hi. i:i hn. i- - . f Trr.?unrs. Ju. 1, 5-- d o-- 2 f "

Kintr!!.:? liari.".- -' 1'.'4. .... "Ji.lOi -

Ii! 147,627 10: .:ur-- .irl:. ." io4, . . . ;il.40 C

U.i. K.tii l- - . f Jan. j. , 1o.1s T

T u 50

1C" r.;il. ; . I. ir -- f Treas., Jn. 1, . $10.1- - 57KrO. ij-l- Jll, i." .

T.v-l- l $45,702rv;.r:;'.;:-sr- laii'.j lvJj. . - . $C0.1 1

tal. ia La:. - .f Tr-;- .. Jn. 1, l.ov, . l.'.O.l 70145.702 0

Oitz to t!ie Jecc-is- cf the late school ajrent fur5;iuth Kcaa, Hawaii, the r f.r thtt Jistiict forthe last two of 1?C0 have u t bttnf-- r that reti-u- u the Ji?Lurfcaier.ts for that tetijJ arecct included in the above statement.

ScftO'l fail.Ai:.t '?!.'. Fan 1 i:i Hawaiian 'J Marcii

. f JO.OiA SSAn.'; t L.;.;.- - ':.!'. 3. 7 09 VO

- arj't ..f si.;...-- Fi.rel i!wwiii..' I2 ct. au. 24.'3 oiA:: r fr- ui a'.- scle l Iai:ts aisd iK; .s- - ; i Haw.i i.iti un Kxehiju-- r 11

1 arii...- in:, rrs; ut ;, rale f & i et. f annuiu. 2.U0 00

Tul um'.ur ..f oh.-- t Fund, $2'').7a2 US

H'cupts and Disburse incutsTo Cash f.a-.- "I irch IU, 1S04, 1 1.77a a;

a .1- s ill k-- I r- -.. a,CMt2 C4t- - S..V-.- I '

." ." ! 4 7 t0'io II..f JIaa:i 2 CO

! fait f l.tit.J, .... 1.70 01 . i:ii--rt- iiiiw r lit, .... C.4 4S '20

T-- l r. v...;Vai 2.912 6UT-- . Ar. ir- - Iie:i'-t;-r.t- . 25 00To Lihaa.aiana .o.-eri-tio- . 45 60r"I' ";, .irawu ar,;l

.1 l i i (. f s 1! iir-l-

f .. 3.24 1 6S

Jl'JCo7 b5!; ' :J;,..,;n j1;.' f il .r:'T!n- - J,..?

in, r..j -- , , , a.oso "joUy .r urchase, .rintn:4 and

'i' -- ',!' '! ' W 9- -"I- - s.o 1 ":i t l, . . . V)VJ ytj

Rv j..;.l .Ve. . . . 74 4iIs- - l.1i...n.ia:..4 . . . 24 e

Hy - ..a K .,u-- r l.n-N- . . . 2.1oo (OLly l a i MnroL .'il, 1 ). as

$19,057 S3

Ecsr-linj- : Schools in trhicft the EnlUh Latiuueis taught.

Cost to (I.,v"tIlceati f,r ISO 4 ,v ?o5.

IP!'. R-- v. ;o V. $ l.suO 00Mar:

L;nu . ?. R. 10 077 4 73l. il. iiiKi K..-V-. U. M : ii. ly 10I.i'. iii.a si-:.- .r K. I:-- r.l. i, s ay no ai aiM..k ma . . J. p. i..t., ai'O oo ao -

1'ut. ..--- V. 1. 17 47MakiKi M Ma: 4 l ii. S.-- 7S 21 21

1. i n . . f t!- ,- II-a- rt,.. . .. .. .. a .

luili-- i U-- t.. 1.0 250 0 'Jfi 20A1ii:iu ii. a !!tv. R. A. AVaUli, 00 5i

i. i.i!.u:L,a:iii, 5 ar.i.i .i !r. Ci.rii-y- 5 5

K AC AtK. Mi.. J. V smi-.h- .

S 2 21 JoKoio.1 la v. i. It.-:--

1 4 14

S.'J 1)0 4.VJD.ty Schu jls in u Licit the English Lungwige IS

tt light.Co', ta OJov't " :

Hawaii I"il,;. ii. r. na.-i.i-.vk- ,

500 oO 45 17 f,2II .1 Mr-- . siii.tii in. .... l'i 12 2s

iiiru-- a Mi.--s l.t-i.s-

MaimI.a.:.i!,a ;. av u .ra OOo oO; . !.- - v. R. Deh.ia- -

K:".lV ViCa Mi-- s M. A. p. 21 4JU-- yal -- ehool, J. It. K:rm.y

,'' '! 'V',": 2.a50 0-- ) 70It i R ,v-i- l nriiparv"m.---. a. v. f,f 50 5i ;

Hoa-iu-- M::i:n. Mi s F. c n.y. too im aa": primary, Mrs. C

iv.ii.',-- y, 500 o-- j

" M-n- -r of -- aered Heart, " 00 OO 00 j!. IJ. .. 1' 14 4-- 5

.1. T. I v- ,,2-- ' 25avi::. i; ,::ck. 10 M" " o

AS , lit. " " 21 21 '" lion :!.) A, al-,- , 25 25'

' Mr--- . It. Artii-t.-o.-ii- r, S c 14" ".V;ii.:l,ja i Ji. R vs. '" lo 15I. V. N..kuina, '.'. 7 15A ai K iul...i.i. 15 i

Iv .ii t

Ilanai.-- i Mi I. .in's JoLr.s-.ri- ,COO 0 J 1 4iJ K IV l!.l ISA. 21

r:tn:i!..-- r of


":iJ : ' evh-- ie L- - h 3 the pul-.i-' il! H.'.'i !t si, r.- - I.l !' . ir t,..i , ,. . . - . . f:V..r



MiifuymPT,! ri- -r a...l ii:..r pu ,. u,-- r every ies-, lar.dture - i:, on t -t- r-.-t, .,or, J

;' :'"." ,"T'r ' work.-h--.. at ti - oi.ij??zz!zjrti;. ,,:,.,..:,,.. J;,,v i

WAIMilNA! fl i'OMH.l U", JI. I..

K! : S oppo-i:.- -i It. I'ltlCT-:- M.n. - r.

FfifJT CT srArniixjr ..,-..- .' --" r,,Mwf iYIAiiK ET.i w 1 ' 1 ........ -4'. a it. .uiMlt.A.A,

"'Z'1 toh'V"''1 'uu;:r' Vc.-taiii.- -s,


i- - Il(ivn , . . . !

,..,.:' 1 rP-tr- .

AVr ' 'OA. O.f ..'.'. 475-i- y

J. II. AVK'Ki;,c ahi r m l v j : i i,im.fT b!i..- - thk trfukk !

tnr:i.;i,r.- - liia J.. a.J r, ,.,,;r. ,j .' ......' ' I'n-'--- . 515 v ,"

V. I'lSC'IIPirj. ;

I ! j. i ,.r ut..i l-- .- - - 4 i n i -- e.r. -

. ' . . .. . re.t, t,.;.r th.T I S i T I 1.'.'. I.-- ii.ii.'l & Co. 47a-l-

a:oi:,;r: , ;ijAisk. l

LOOT ,.,, SWOf.".,.;W. street, .,,...- N,!U '

i ,.a.:,.K.-a- , :r...ta. 47S-l- y ,

-o- i-niith iind l'lumher-- .tii- - iT.iVKa and I.K.VK ITOK i

- i.i i ifnd-- .i t... 0O5- - i

ff. S3. IBh

I M I0 It T K i M A X FFAF.''- - ; an i in ; ., ;. rv- - r,r. f W w. u.....i..i ' ir tvii'i'

I rep.drin r .1 ,:!, '". : .: T -r- rotlM.t-- ..,! t

. ri r ..f P a: i ", ...r..,.. jj...


imm SImm "tJ-iLr- r 1

IIOlKi. vritKKT. IIKI.OW INTOXpr IN TIIK STOKK roilMlitt. VX "o-- . l i v J. Mi-.H.i;ii- . t? noli

--"S ISooJs ami shots fillLeSv';;-l ., ., i ,.. ,.. 4..;-l- y


roiz iv.!!i::i:. .ii.u.


TV K.:. r

... i-- . r v 111 1 T

a i rt. I'.r r j i,,..t. ,r ! tr t . '

it". ).itfc.'. .il a; . . A;t .,

i ;.- - Hi,, i.- - r

ruiLi.- a 1 ',

M .1 ru r 'jT I':- .- ..t.v- - .rl

M4 i7-:-.l.

roit HAX.i. k.uto xd mauko.

MAKfHAM, Mv-r- .

AVii; rJLi K r frr :! t or n; ; !y t.jil4 C;a C. IlitK'.VKR .v r,,.. s

TloLCular .Packet iavLahaina and Makee's Landing.

TLe Fii.v .Staar.vh Ci ; - r r

ate zii.'i.ii.ii.i, .;:): r.

AVi',1 rcn r- - ynhir:- - :.r:.I ;.u I .:: :!. ., Xc rht or j.a.-M- -c I : M itu r n 1. . r t

14 6m . i ,

rJlie SclioonorsX JSjl 0 X ! ? 9


3101 KKiKI !Will ran regular un l vith Quick I)ipuhh,

Between Honolulu and Kahului.?!iil ;rs itnl pa-sn- :r Can r !y ri, :!,.- r ul .r.ty t.f t!i,--

A?. Anfiy to4l'j-0- J A s. y. nill.KN'.a,-,-,,.- .

l?OTl HI CO :

The Itrii?

,1rrr allien aenn,AVi'.l run :is a r rruiar j.hckot to the at.v,- - j., rt F..r t or

:l l '.y to AVAI.KKR, AI.I.K.N i; J'o.,oli am Ajt-nij- .

yO iY Vl I I XJ !; The

AViH run as a regular packet to the t've .rt. F"r ffirLl cri ptt?a- - to AVALKKR, ALI.KN Co., -! 61. am Aevuu.

iViuniYr7iI The-- e'oh Iter

.cjz-xrzz- ;

A ill rail as a regular locket n tL wive F"r fru-!.-t orj paai:e airily to AVAI.KKR, ALLLN Co.,I 515 3ra Attrnts.

?CXl l KOLO A !

The chot.iicr

AV ni run a regular l :.cki t t tJi in.rt. For friht orpa-.t$- re appiy to AVAI.KKR, ALI.KN Jt .'..

515 .'an Auenti.

jyor TlMiiMlei.The Sehooner

S2i TJEt T ISTCE,AVill run as a r- - packet to tL- -

p'-rt-. For freight or

pa a:. apply to AVAI.KKR, A I.LKNT t o.,515 3m Aj-- - iiL-- .

t'sssis. fciia:.;t-:u- ,

SH!P CHANDLER!Denier in (Jenenil Alrchi mlixe, Inland ProJucr,

Sec, and Com mission .Vtrihu nt.Byron's Bay, Hilo, S. I.,

AVill keej.ronstaraly r.n lir.n-- J an extenoive ass. rtrr.ei.t of everyi eoo.!- - l.y ship un.l thcrs. 1 Ut ,

hilie-- i riee pveii for Nlan-- l

M-ii- y ,vl . ariee.l RIl's ..f Kxehane at le rar-- .

Iliio. February i. lMil 511-l- y

--Toll ii Xott Sz CoT.oiii:r. siii:i:t irox anhtix; on Ka.ahumasui Stn-et- , nrxt al.-.v.- - HnncrV.

Ar: pr-pa- ie. t.. fxceute a!! tr.rk in tli-- ir line. Cotiiistlnj; input ef Strike pans, V..ruis, trii:iiii. r.tal ln.n Railinir,suiia'.!-- f r . lots; l -hi auJ I ti l.:,n 1 s. r. wj, f.rtain;l.t--I.ii,- ' f le.-e wire, A.C.. .vc.

J.i!,hutf of all hinds inmqdhj attauhtl lit.515 Cn

FURNITURE SHOP.TIIK rXDr'.Us li;:!!n.tvinu' t .k.n i,d tiir ad- -

the lirnjr ? of .1. M. Kl-- y "i--smith Co.. .n I!-.- : I :r-- - I. T r f. r seile a

c.i,,p!,.t- - ass rim Tit of S Pill: IOU ' I" It X I I" I." It K. ma-l- from A O.-l- , A" Of. Asn.-ini- Fink V. ... -.

Is prepared n, m;i!it.t-:i-tur- .: f,i ur,p rJ f.,r js,.(l. RniRris,Cksth. Tabm-- , Ai.m t'li.ihs, I.ots .i:s, W a soias,(.Ann.- - e,...K Tahi.k.-- . m,.. other nrti. lea j;, his line ofousme-- s with - and d. .patch.

sv AVM. FIsi'IIKK.

iGeneral Blacksmith!HONOLULU,

II IS ('OXSTAXTI.V OX H.VXI) A XTy. f.r . a mi. nt of

V Ki i.i finc; I!ar-Iro- ii !

iiiso, oest blacksmith's Coal!At thf TWrStMarhft J'rirfS. .

' '' ' ' - - -

s. h. LI. V! Cooper.3 J Wf lI-Il-


ASKO TII K I N TKIt KS1m tl.. r...,...rar.., mrrv,,,, th- -

it. a:.l :j: f.r, Le h-- ie. to...- - '. n.i. v.c ki I ii..: - iioe.

ultlll) W It II ' I ti V l' l A" 4.1. 4-' ' '...."ii4, ASUS...........AM S1KIOKS. Constantly ..a hand


tOOperj!.' OKjrtUlfr S(., ('(irJUT 01

Hi' 1 111-- ! Si 'fm iifulti' 11 Mm- - 't rXUUWOLULU SOAP W UUP !

rVllV' ,,R,,,M-IKTl"- ! TIIK A1MIVK- pr. i,ii.-.- l to ,uppty his customer-- , and the pub- -he in p-r- , ral. with the li- -: .piaiuy V Kl.l.dW SO.II.SOFT Mi ll' nlui,,, ,:,,.

TH" 'I'.HI-TPl.lia- - Koli 'iHK.l-t- . 4Si-l- y

,ii-J.-I- U rVCu! !f--

P ) . ' . till ' I I ( , I--- rrn-

1 V It KM O V I X (i Ills Ill's KS.7 .. 1 V '" - ' I'O'li'KIt VCK .... tl... V..l'-PiS3t- . Y ! str-c- t. tak. thi- - i.;.p..rrinitv l

jfejfeS mi-- ' h'.s sin..-.-r.- - thank- - to hi- - friend- - and th

ttti7&! ',u'' ''" '" f..r ti..- - upp.rt and pat n.i.tin r .,

u- - "-- n tn,.j i,. iv- - l.-- en pl--- sl t pran- -.hepa-- t t- -n . and that l.v att.-ntio.- i f. I.u- -i

BRASS FHP'lPl1!?rCX I'N'DKKMIiXHI) WOII.II KK- -(.7:1 Sl,; :J":,v " riu tin n . .t ),e is prepared 1" eastK! u 'mis .f . 1 . ii I omp. tuition wo'k with

ii ;i , - l'i ... it-S.

1 VT. kinds of ship and a: i.,a furnished ..:i shortI .'' V on i.rt r..n..n,r

Sizes . . 1 1 ' "2 1 .t ,i , an 2j cu-.- nnd r inc-- ' i icka.

I lvja.-iks-s a. iius'rr.K.

Kinir -- ircct.



