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facilitate genuine relationships


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Table of Contents


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Brand Statement Audience Meet Molly Strategy

Strategy Continued Internal Branding

Mantra Video Series Brand Video Experience Videos

UO KickStarter Media Plan Media Plan Continued Schedule


Creative Brief S.M.I.T



23Team Rosewood

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University of Oregon students and alumni are bold, innovative, unconventional and seek the path less traveled. The University of Oregon Alumni Association has the opportunity to create an outlet for this ingenuity using the power of personal and professional relationships.

Since traditional networking platforms are accessible to the community without the help of the UOAA, it will take something deeper than connecting members through these platforms to truly become effective. The UOAA’s goal should be to act as a facilitator to expand both

student and alumni connections to the UO by providing answers during every step of the process. The resources that the UOAA provides are its strongest assets in cultivating these relationships. In this case, the middleman is necessary.


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University of Oregon students find fulfillment in the expression of their own identity. They’re bold, outgoing, and not afraid to share their opinions with oth-ers. As millennials, they have never had trouble networking. They have grown

up using a variety of web platforms to constantly communicate with friends and family. They demand sincerity in their interactions. The most productive and

unproductive parts of their day are spent in front of a computer. Creativity fuels everything they do. Time is their most valuable asset.

Audienceage 18-28

Friendships dominate their social lives.

Top 5 State Student Enrollment Fall 2011(excluding Oregon)





Residency Gender




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Molly is a senior at the University of Oregon working towards a Humanities major with a minor in Communication Studies. She grew up in Lake Oswego, Oregon. She is smart, approachable and hard

working. Molly is an amateur photographer, who can’t live without her friends and enjoys going to parties. Since she was a little girl, Molly

has wanted to help others. She is concerned about her future because, although she loves what she is studying, she is not sure what the future

holds for her. So, she joined the Student Alumni Association at the University of Oregon to network with young professionals. Through the

SAA, she was paired with a mentor working in a Human Resources department at a corporation in Portland. Molly’s mentor provided her

with advice and practical answers to life questions.

Meet Molly



Are you aware of the UOAA’s ability to help you find a job?




Free Merchandise (t-shirts, bags, key chains, etc.)

Priority Access to Athletic EventsDiscounts (Nike Employee Store)Social NetworkingProfessional Networking


What UOAA benefits were you aware of before this survey?




Free Merchandise (t-shirts, bags, key chains, etc.)Professional NetworkingSocial NetworkingDiscounts (Nike Employee Store)Priority Access to Athletic EventsNone

What UOAA benefits have you taken advantage of?


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StrategyThe UOAA is in a difficult position: The University of Oregon challenges the idea of a true tradition. Students are encouraged to lay their

own bricks and take the path less traveled. As a facilitator to the student and alumni experiences, the UOAA is in a position to show students that the UOAA can be used as an outlet for creativity and innovation. This generation of students has the ability to network

themselves through web platforms such as LinkedIn and Facebook without the help of a formal alumni association. This is evidence that offering a system of networks may not be as valuable as it was in previous generations. Students need the UOAA to show the specific advantages they offer in comparison to non-traditional networking methods. The UOAA needs to offer a better service. Networking is

not enough; UOAA needs to promote the type of personal relationships that social media platforms cannot offer.

In order to position themselves as facilitators to the student experience, UOAA must begin by rebranding internally.

Students should see the UOAA as a source of long-term gratification through personal and professional relationships.

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These relationships will help support the creativity and innovation of students at the University of Oregon. If the student community begins to see the UOAA as a representation of their values, membership numbers will increase. Externally, the

UOAA will show the students that they are trustworthy, transparent and generous. Trust will come when students begin to feel as if they are worth more to the association than a membership number. Generosity will come from meaningful relationships,

which alumni will develop for genuine reasons.

Students should see the UOAA as a source of long-term gratification through personal and professional relationships.



-resources-free merchandise-priority access to athletic events

-transparency-lack of tradition

-networking platform-creating tradition-increased enrollment

-career center-social media


Current Pricepointsindividual

$55 $35young alumni

$25new alumni

$750 $375annual






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Creative Brief

ProblemThe UOAA is focusing too much on small, short-term monetary benefits rather than establishing long-term relationships between the alumni, faculty, students, and the university. Their message needs to be focused on long-term gratification.

AudienceThe UOAA needs to cater to incoming freshmen and current UO students with limited or no previous perception of the UOAA. These students care about being a duck in terms of acquiring friendships and professional networking opportunities.

StrategyThe current culture of the UOAA sends a poor message to students on why to join: discounts and free merchandise. Other career resource centers on campus already offer professional networking opportunities, but fail to support students throughout their college experience. UOAA wants to be fully involved in every stage of the college experience to maintain the student’s interest. The main goal is to rebrand their initial message to students who are just starting to understand the values that the UOAA has to offer.

S.M.I.T.The UOAA has the ability to facilitate genuine relationships between students, alumni and the university.

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The UOAA has the ability to facilitate genuine relationships between students, alumni and the university.

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The UOAA’s purpose is to facilitate genuine relationships that benefit the student and alumni experiences. The mission is to keep an eye on the horizon by providing long-term gratification through authentic interactions and two-way conversations. This means that first impressions are more important than ever. A prospective student’s initial feeling should not be based on a free t-shirt. Instead of trying to add numbers, there needs to be an emphasis on pleasing individuals.

One satisfied individual will become two, then four, then eight and so on.

Internal Branding

By doing things the right way from the inside out, the organization becomes much stronger.

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The UOAA needs to live and breathe this message. The ideas of being generous and facilitating

relationships need to be something that is incorporated into the organization from the ground up. This mantra will be ingrained in frosted glass in various places around the office. Every employee sees it on the door on their way in and out of the office. It is the UOAA’s version of Chip Kelly’s, “Win The Day”. WTD was not created to bring immediate profits; it was created to improve the players’ performance and to win more games. Because it has been so successful, the tally in the win column has gone up.

And because it has, the university has earned more money. With a solid mantra that is lived everyday, current members will be happier and eventually, membership will grow.

Facilitate Genuine Relationships.our mantra


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Our series begins and ends with a brand video that aims to redefine the UOAA and displays an external message of “You have questions. Alumni have answers”. It will be featured during duck games and on the “Duck Vision”

screens during football, basketball and baseball games.

The video illustrates the benefits of joining any community. Eventually, it connects back to how the UOAA can help young adults during one of their major transitions: graduation.

Video Series

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We know one thing is certain. The only thing constant in life is change. For many of us, change is the most challenging obstacle on the path of life. Along the way we are aided most by the people around us. The ones who have our backs and love us the most, generously offering answers and advice, these people are family, close friends and our distant

acquaintances. They are our community. Finding a community in a new place makes us feel accepted and safe so that we can travel our path with comfort and confidence. When we toss our caps in the air, we take our biggest step toward independence. We’re on our own, but we still need advice. We need the answers and relationships that a community

provides. The UOAA is our middleman; it is a facilitator of genuine relationships. Students have questions. Alumni have answers.


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The student experience videos are a series that will feature success stories of individual current students and the various communities including Sorority/Fraternity life, student unions, club sports, PRSSA, Ad Society, Honors Societies and the

Warsaw Sports Business Club among others on campus. The alumni videos are a showcase of alumni successes. The goal is for both of these videos to show current and graduated ducks prospering.

Student/Alumni Experience Videos

Together they show that successful students benefit alumni, the UOAA and vice versa.

These two series of videos are completely student produced. The students choose the stories and control everything in the creative process from beginning to end. The School of Journalism and Communication will offer a two-credit class for advertising, public relations, writing and electronic media students. Throughout the course of a term these students will create two videos. One video tells the story of an alumnus, the other tells the story of a student. The class and program

are equally as important as the video series. The process of creating the video can be a great step in developing the genuine relationship that the UOAA seeks. The students communicate with both the UOAA and alumni. By the time the students are preparing to graduate, they have seen the UOAA’s role as a facilitator to genuine relationships and are ready to join.

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Together they show that successful students benefit alumni, the UOAA and vice versa.

The UOAA hosts a community based KickStarter website. The website is a platform for both students and alumni

to find fundraising for projects or ideas. This UO funding platform can make dreams come true. And, it reaffirms the UOAA’s role as facilitator to the student-alumni relationship as well as the idea that successful students reflect positively on the alumni and the UOAA. The website is a perfect way to express the message of the UOAA facilitating genuine relationships. They are providing a place for students and

alumni to work together.

UO KickStarter

UO KickStarter

This is the ultimate networking tool.


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Media Objective

Release a series of brand videos and UO KickStarter website designed to frame the newly formulated brand

message. The desired emotional response of the re-branding effort will be most successfully achieved

through video spots and an interactive website.


Change the perception of the UOAA. Currently, the UOAA is seen as a supplier of short-term gratification, “sign this today, get this tomorrow”. UOAA will soon be

recognized as a facilitator to the student and alumni experience through the use of new internal and external

brand messages.

Media Plan

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In a Mintel/Expeiran Simmons NCS/NHCS winter 2011 survey, more 50% of our target audience (adults age 18-28) admit to spending more than 10 hours a week online and 23% admitted to more than 20 hours per

week. Web platforms will be used to distribute the new series of brand videos to this audience.

ExecutionsUOAA will run a series of brand essence videos illustrat-ing the new message. These videos will define and es-tablish relationships with the UOAA by actively engaging

its audience. The UOAA will also host a community based KickStarter website that connects students and alumni.


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ScheduleJanuary February March April May June July August September October November December


Alumni Video


Internal MantraInstallation


Website Athletic Events


KickStarterWebsite 24/7/365

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Alumni Center Glass Installation

UO KickStarter

Faculty Advisor Salary

Total Media Purchase:

200 x 5 = $1,000


$4,800 x 3 = $14,400



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We recommend that the UOAA evaluates the success of our campaign by comparing the number of memberships in 2014 with the number of memberships in 2010. Also, the UOAA should conduct a survey about the student body’s perception of the UOAA. The campaign will have been successful when the number of annual and lifetime members

increases and students see the value in becoming a member of the UOAA community after graduation.


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“American Video Habits by Age, Gender and Ethnicity | Nielsen Wire.” Nielsen Wire. 1 Aug. 2011. Web. 01 June 2012. <>.--“Factsheet: The U.S. Media Universe | Nielsen Wire.” Nielsen Wire. 5 Jan. 2011. Web. 01 June 2012. <>.--“Introducing Generation C: Americans 18-34 Are the Most Connected.” Nielsen Wire. 23 Feb. 2012. Web. 28 May 2012. <>.--Kern, Rebecca. “5 Social Media Tools for College Students.” US News. U.S. News & World Report, 12 May 2010. Web. 25 May 2012. < articles/2010/05/12/5-social-media-tools-for-college-students>.--“Media Consumption.” 2008 Profile of the American College Student. NASPA - Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education. Web. <>.--“Millennials and Teens | PlaceWise Media.” PlaceWise Media. Web. 01 June 2012. <>.--“Millennials, Media and Information.” - Pew Research Center. 24 Feb. 2010. Web. 25 May 2012. <>.--“Report: U.S. Media Trends by Demographic | Nielsen Wire.” Nielsen Wire. 27 Apr. 2012. Web. 01 June 2012. <>.--Shreffler, Melanie. “Millennials Are Leading The Social Media Explosion.” MediaPost Publications. 13 Apr. 2012. Web. 01 June 2012. <>.--“Social Media Usage Statistics For 2012 [Infographic].” Tech Talk Africa. 17 May 2012. Web. 01 June 2012. <>.--“The Millennials: Confident. Connected. Open to Change.” - Pew Research Center. 24 Feb. 2010. Web. 25 May 2012. < vey-generational-personality-upbeat-open-new-ideas-technology-bound>.--Udeze, Chuka. “Social Media Usage Statistics For 2012 [Infographic].” -Technology Blog. 16 May 2012. Web. 25 May 2012. < for-2012-infographic.html/>.



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Team Rosewood