Download - UNPUBLISHED LETTER OF JEREMIAS PATRIARCH OF CONSTANnNOPLE · 2014. 1. 18. · V. e r r Due date, un' unica pasqa 1967, passim; G e d e ConstantinopIe 1888, 34-40; G. m a Griechische

Page 1: UNPUBLISHED LETTER OF JEREMIAS PATRIARCH OF CONSTANnNOPLE · 2014. 1. 18. · V. e r r Due date, un' unica pasqa 1967, passim; G e d e ConstantinopIe 1888, 34-40; G. m a Griechische




It not intention to speak detail about Patriarch Jeremias because we have already examined his life and career previous

S"tudyl. wide and global interests, his involvement the problems and

matters of his time, such as his correspondence with the Tubinghem Theologians2 , his journey to Russia and the establishment of the Moscow Patriarchate3, together with his patricipation the discussions about the Gregorian made him a well-known figure among the ropeans; these included not only Ecclesiastics but Politicians as well.

1. i !! r d e s, 'Jeremias Tranos, Patriarch Constantinop!e (1535-1595)' 59 (1977), I-IV, 242-265. Here we mentioned particu!ar a!so the following works: r e s t e Das Patriarchat

Konstantinope! im Ausg!henden 16. Jahrhundert Wien 1970; D i a m a d u ! s, 1)

6 (1935), 182-201; G e d e

32(1912), 194-197; Metropo!itan Germanos S a r d s,

9 (1934), 176-184 and 212-216. 2. J. G e s u s, Dissertatio de destinata inter Constantinopolitanum Pa-

triarcham Jeremiam et Theo!ogos Witembergenses conjunctione, Witembergae 1705; Acta et scripta Theo!ogorum Wirtembergensium et Patriarchae Constanti-nopo!itani D. Hieremiae, quae utrique ab anno MDLXXVI usque ad annum MDLXXXI de Augustana Conlessio inter se miserunt, graece et !atine ab Theo!ogis edita, Wi tebergae 1584.

3. u r a e f f, history the Church Russia (Eng. Trans-!ation by R. W. B!ackmore, Oxford MDCCCXLII), 284-324; e t r t a G e r m a s S a r d s,

20 (1945), 27-34. 4. V. e r r Due date, un' unica pasqa 1967, passim; G e d e

ConstantinopIe 1888, 34-40; G. m a Griechische Patriarchen und Papste Untersuchunchen u. Texte: Patriarch Jeremias

Orientalia Christiana Periodica, XXV, Rome 1932, 227 sq.

Page 2: UNPUBLISHED LETTER OF JEREMIAS PATRIARCH OF CONSTANnNOPLE · 2014. 1. 18. · V. e r r Due date, un' unica pasqa 1967, passim; G e d e ConstantinopIe 1888, 34-40; G. m a Griechische

187 letter Patrlarch Jeremias

Moreover, the King of France, wrote a 1etter to Su1tan Murat the infavour of Jeremias as follows: «Ce sont communs des princes amis d' interceder 1es les autres pour ceux de 1eurs sybjects et serviteurs qui peu considerement se sont e10ignes de 1eurs bonnes graces et moyenner qu' ils puissent estre reinte-grer, mesmement quand ils pretendent 1eur innocence. Et ayant entendu 1e mauvais traitement qu' a receu ces jours passez 1e patriarch de Consta-ntinop1e p1us par l' animosite, et corruption de ses ennemis et ma1veillans que pour occasion par 1aquelle aye deu encourir vostre indignation nous vous avons bien faire cette lettre et vous

autant affectueusement que faire pouvons qu' il p1aise Votre Haltese se contenter de ce qu' il a souffert, rejetter les ca10mnies et impostures que l' a proposer contre donner lieu son nocence l' ayant d' icy avant, nostre et requeste toute bonne et favorab1e protection, comme nous avons charge 1e Snr de Germigny de vous faire entendre de notre part, auque1 nous vous adjouster pareil1e foy qu' nous mesmes»5. The same Su1tan wil1 also receive a 1etter from the Tsar of Russia Theodore 1st about Jeremias6•

His position the Calendar is known. A1though his first rep1y to the Pope he agreed to changing the ca1endar, he refused the end to accept it, saying that this had been exp10ited for some propa-ganda prosy1etising activities.

We cannot the historica1 research reach any fina1 opinions, especially when with the Patriarch of Constantinop1e under Turkish domination; it very often happened, however, for a new Patriarch to be accepted either by the help of the Ambassadors of Europe the Great City - other cases Roman Catholics

Protestants or Anglicans, by the offering of 1arge sums of money to the Su1tan.

Jeremias represented the Orthodox faith very high1y vis-ft-vis the attitude of Pope Gregory. 'iVe are doubt that Jeremias stands out as of the 1eading of the Great Church Constan-tinop1e.

this short study here we for the first time a 1etter Jeremias which he addressed to the priests and Chl'istian peop1e of Ce-

5. C h a r r i iJ r e, Negotiations de ]a France, Paris 1860, 295., 6. h. Va] i a s, Athens 1851,

354; W. R e g e J, Supp]ement ad historia Russica monumenta, Petropoli 1840, 150.

Page 3: UNPUBLISHED LETTER OF JEREMIAS PATRIARCH OF CONSTANnNOPLE · 2014. 1. 18. · V. e r r Due date, un' unica pasqa 1967, passim; G e d e ConstantinopIe 1888, 34-40; G. m a Griechische

188 Andreas TiIIyrides

donia the island Crete. The letter is dated 1583, a date which dicates that he wrote it the second term his Pa.triarchate. It is an interesting letter because it he deals with the strict canon law the Orthodox C.hurch fasting and various feasts the Church. He concluded that they should follow the traditions the Church. This was not the first time that the Patriarchs gave instructions to the habitants Crete; another encyclical letter, also to the inhabitants

the island, Jeremias speaks the subject baptism and empha-sized certain clarifications the matter7•

7. ... -rou-ro lvCl '>L

... '>L (Mr. Harley 7002, f. 231).

Page 4: UNPUBLISHED LETTER OF JEREMIAS PATRIARCH OF CONSTANnNOPLE · 2014. 1. 18. · V. e r r Due date, un' unica pasqa 1967, passim; G e d e ConstantinopIe 1888, 34-40; G. m a Griechische

189 unpublished letter of Patriarch Jeremias




Page 5: UNPUBLISHED LETTER OF JEREMIAS PATRIARCH OF CONSTANnNOPLE · 2014. 1. 18. · V. e r r Due date, un' unica pasqa 1967, passim; G e d e ConstantinopIe 1888, 34-40; G. m a Griechische

190 Andreas Tillyrides




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