Download - UNOSDP 8th YLC Report (English)

  • 8/12/2019 UNOSDP 8th YLC Report (English)


    January 2014

    Ministry of Education,Culture, Sports Science

    and Technology

    UNOSDPYouth Leadership Camp


    March 2014

  • 8/12/2019 UNOSDP 8th YLC Report (English)



    Table of Contents

    Recap of the Event 4

    Event Detai ls 7

    Schedule 9

    Day to Day 12

    Ref lect ions by the part ic ipant/staf f 24Publ ic Relations 32Related Resources 51

    Operating Team/PartnersParticipant ListInvitation to the Publ ic Viewing Day

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    Recap of the Event

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    Report of the UNOSDP 8 t h Youth Leadership Camp in Tokyo

    The J i go r o Kano Memor i a l I n t e r na t i ona l Spo r t I n s t i t u t e c o s i gn ing

    w i th t he M in i s t r y o f Educa t i on , Cu l t u r e , Spo r t s , S c i en ce and Techno l ogy

    (MEXT ) ha s su c ces s fu l l y c omp le t ed t he Un i t ed Na t i on s O f f i c e on Spo r t f o r

    Deve lopment and Peace ( UNOSDP) You th Leadersh ip Camp in Tokyo

    between Janua ry 20th and 30 , 2014. Th i s p ro jec t was c rea ted by UNOSDP

    and ha s been ongo ing s i n c e i t s i n augu ra l Camp i n Doha , J anua r y 2012 .

    Th i s Camp i s conduc ted in co l l abora t ion w i th no t on ly UNOSDP, bu t w i th

    o the r r e l a t ed o r gan i z a t i on s a s we l l .

    UNOSDP was estab l i shed in 2001 wi th i ts headquarter in

    Geneva, Swi tzer land wi th in the Uni ted Nat ions Of f i ces . Mr. Wi l f r ied

    Lemke was appo inted by the Secretary Genera l , Ban K i -moon as the

    second Spec ia l Adv iser on Sport for Deve lopment and Peace in order

    to promote an understanding and support for sport as an instrument

    for deve lopment and peace, as we l l as encourag ing d ia logue,

    co l laborat ion and partnersh ip. Furthermore, under the leadersh ip o f

    the Spec ia l Adv isers , there have been var ious e f for ts amongst the

    Uni ted Nat ions and other Internat ional Sports Organizat ions us ing

    sports , phys ica l ac t iv i ty and p lay to work on gender equal i ty , youth

    deve lopment, communi ty deve lopment and peace bu i ld ing/keeping.

    S ince appo inted in 2008, Mr. Lemke has espec ia l l y been act ive ly

    invo lved in shar ing the concept and cooperat ion as wel l as

    in format ion exchange between the UNOSDP, Internat ional O lympic

    Committee and the remain ing sports f ie ld to work on Sport for

    Deve lopment and Peace.

    Th is YLC i s an in i t iat ive created by Mr. Lemke h imse l f s ince

    2012. For th i s Camp, youth between the age o f 18 and 25 are

    se lected f rom Afr i ca and As ia, main ly in the d isadvantaged areas

    inc lud ing, but not l imi ted to s lums and re fugee camps. Nominated

    part i c ipants be ing a l ready proact ive in the i r communi t ies as future

    leaders come together for a t ra in ing camp in the host c i ty in order

    to learn management/ fac i l i tat ion sk i l l s as we l l as leadersh ip

    qual i t i es and sport ing/phys ica l ac t iv i ty implementat ion under the

    concept o f sport for deve lopment and peace. Furthermore, in th i s

    Camp, part i c ipants are chosen represent ing the wor ld s rat io by

    hav ing three persons wi th d i f ferent ab i l i t i es (10%), as i t re lates to

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    the rea l wor ld rat io . Th is then creates a d iverse spectrum of people

    learn ing to l i ve and cooperate together dur ing th i s t ra in ing camp.

    The YLC program is des igned under the partnersh ip o f UNOSDP wi th

    an Internat ional NGO, R ight To P lay (headquartered in Canada)

    through the implementat ion and overa l l qual i ty contro l o f the

    schedul ing and programming. Addi t iona l ly , UNOSDP has s igned a

    Memorandum of Understanding wi th the Internat ional Para lympic

    Committee, Tab le Tennis Federat ion, NGO BoxGi r l s Inte rnat ional , e tc .

    who support the Camp by sending fac i l i tators to part take in th i s


    Tokyo hos ted the 8 th UNOSDP YLC , wh ich was a l so the f i r s t Camp o f

    2014 . Up t o da te , t he r e have been 3 Camps i n 2012 and 4 i n 2013 i n t he

    fo l l ow ing count r ies : Qa ta r , Germany , Sw i t ze r land , Sweden and Korea . The

    8 th Camp spec i f i c a l l y t a r ge ted pa r t i c i pan t s f r om the A s i a r eg i on , i n v i t i ng

    30 pa r t i c ipan ts ( inc lud ing one Japanese) to Tokyo a t the Na t i ona l

    Ins t i tu t ion fo r You th Educa t ion Na t iona l O lymp ic s Memor ia l You th

    Center fo r a ten-day lead ersh ip t r a in i ng . Co l l abora t in g w i th the UNOS DP,

    we were ab le to inc lude some un ique exper iences f r om Japan , such as

    r ad i o c a l i s t hen i c s , s choo l s po r t c l ub a c t i v i t i e s and i n t r oduc t i on t o o the r

    J apanese cu l t u r e . A s e s s i on f r om the J apan An t i -Dop ing Agency was a l s o

    conduc ted on the t op i c o f f a i r p l a y and an t i - dop ing educa t i on . The r e had

    no t been any an t i - dop ing s e s s i ons i n p r ev i ous Camps , and the r e f o r e have

    been r e ce i v i ng pos i t i v e f eedba ck t o c on t i nue t h i s p r og r am, bo th f r om the

    pa r t i c ipan ts a s we l l a s R igh t To P lay and UN OSDP.

    Moreover , ut i l i z ing the weekend dur ing the two weeks t ra in ing,

    the part i c ipants t rave led to Ish inomak i , Miyag i pre fecture as a

    means to v i s i t and exchange wi th the loca l people o f the d isaster-

    s tr i cken area f rom the Great Easter Earthquake in March, 2011.

    Di rect ly interact ing wi th the loca l people and surv ivors o f the

    d isaster a longs ide lec tures f rom organ izat ions and groups that work

    in the area, the part i c ipants were ab le to not on ly wi tness and fee l

    the impact and rea l i ty as we l l as the d i f ferent cop ing mechanisms

    and learn ing in which the loca l people ga ined f rom th is t ragedy. The

    part i c ipants have re f lec ted upon th is exper ience say ing that they

    want to take what they have learned and wi t nessed through th is s i te

    v is i t to the i r own communi t ies and ut i l i ze and d isseminate th i s


    S ince th i s marks the f i rs t Camp e ver to be he ld in Japan, publ i c

    re lat ions and media invo lvement act iv i t ies have been cruc ia l . As a

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    resu l t , there had been a tota l o f 12 news coverage ins ide and

    outs ide Japan. Us ing th i s Camp as a cata lyst , media coverage has

    been success fu l in order to create more awareness on the concept o f

    Sports for Deve lopment and Peace, as we l l as demonstrate

    cooperat ion wi th UNOSDP wi th the intent ion o f reach ing out to the

    rest o f the wor ld.

    Last , but not least , spec ia l thanks to cont inued ass i s tance and

    support by many organ izat ions and people w i thout them, th i s

    Camp cou ld not have been as success fu l as i t had been.

    J igoro Kano Memor ia l Internat ional Sport Inst i tute

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    Event Details

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    UNOSDP 8th Youth Leadership Camp in Tokyo

    Event Detai ls

    Hos t Un i t ed Na t i on s O f f i c e on Spo r t f o r Deve l opmen t and Pea ce

    (UNOSDP) and M in i s t r y o f Educa t i on , Cu l t u r e , Spo r t ,

    S c i en ce and Techno l ogy (MEXT )

    Ob jec t i v e To hos t t he You th Leade r sh i p Camp ( Y LC ) , wh i ch s t a r t ed i n

    2012 by UNOSDP , i n Tokyo J anua r y 2014 c o l l a bo r a t i ng w i t h

    UNOSDP . Th i s Camp i nv i t e s 30 pa r t i c i pan t s f r om the A s i a

    reg ion f r om re fugee camps and d i sadvantaged a rea to t r a in

    and p r ov i de t hem w i th t he t oo l s and s k i l l s o f how t o u se

    spo r t s f o r deve l opmen t and pea ce t o nu r tu r e f u tu r e

    commun i t y l eade r s a r ound the wo r l d .

    Suppo r t M in i s t r y o f F o r e i gn A f f a i r s , T okyo Me t r opo l i t a n Gove rnment ,

    J apan In te r na t i onal Coope r a t i on Agency , J apan Spo r t

    Counc i l , Un i ve r s i t y o f T sukuba , J apan O l ymp i c Commi t t ee ,

    Japan Pa ra lymp ic Commit tee , Japan Ant i -Dop ing Agency

    and Japan Spor ts Assoc ia t ion

    Opera te J i go r o Kano Memor i a l I n t e r na ti ona l Spo r t I n s t i t u t e

    Dates Janua ry 20 30 , 2014

    Loca t i on Na t i ona l O l ymp i c s Memor i a l Y ou th Cen te r , T okyo Budo -kan ,

    Kodokan J udo In s t i t u t e

    Fur ther Inqu i res

    MEXT Spo r t s and You th Bu r eau , Compe t i t i v e Spo r t s

    D i v i s i on

    3 -2 -2 Ka sum iga sek i , Ch i yoda -ku , Tokyo 100 -8959 J apan 03 -6734-2947

    J i go r o Kano Memor i a l I n t e r na t i ona l Spo r t I n s t i t u t e

    c / o K i s h i Memor i a l Ha l l , 1 - 1 -1 J i nnan , Sh ibuya - ku , Tokyo

    150-8050 J apan

    03 -5790-9656

    in fo@100yea r legacy .o rg

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    Day to Day

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    DAY 1: January 20, 2014

    Object ive: Introduction of the Youth Leadership Camp

    and establ ishing ground rules

    The Camp k icked-of f by

    estab l i sh ing ground ru les

    emphas iz ing respect o f

    d i f ferences and d ivers i ty .

    Desp i te the nervousness at

    f i rs t , an i ce breaker lead by

    the main fac i l i tator o f the

    Camp, Ernesto Rebust i l l o

    f rom Right To P lay managed

    to break the i ce through team

    bui ld ing act iv i t ies .Mr. Wi l f r ied Lemke, the

    Uni ted Nat ions Secretary

    Genera l s Spec ia l Adv iser on

    Sport for Deve lopment and

    Peace, appo inted by Ban K i -

    moon, jo ined in the af ternoon

    to d iscuss the essence o f the

    Camp, the Mi l l enn iumDevelopment Goals and the

    concept o f sports for

    deve lopment and peace.

    An opening ceremony

    was he ld in the even ing

    where severa l support ing

    NGOs and people we lcomed

    the part i c ipants . A speech by

    Mr. Lemke and Mr. Nagayama,

    Deputy Min is ter o f Educat ion,

    Cu l ture, Sports Sc ience and

    Techno logy to o f f i c ia l l y open

    up the Youth Leadersh ip Camp.

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    DAY 2: January 21, 2014

    Object ive: History of judo, rules and pract ical ski l ls

    Day 2 s tar ted at the

    nerve cente r o f judo,

    Kodokan Judo Inst i tute

    where part i c ipants

    learned capac i ty and

    human deve lopment

    through lec tures and

    pract i ca l sk i l l s o f judo.

    Part i c ipants rece ived

    lectures on the founder o f

    Judo, J igoro Kano and h is

    ph i losophy on sports fordeve lopment and

    educat ional purpose was

    taught through v ideos and

    the ru les/regu lat ions o f

    Judo. Th is was fo l lowed

    wi th actua l pract i ca l sk i l l s

    o f judo and the sess ion

    wrapped up wi thobserv ing the Inst i tute s

    midd le schoo l c lub s

    tra in ing and learn ing f rom

    them through smal l

    matches wi th the

    part i c ipants .

    The part i c ipants

    enjoyed the Mizuno judo

    wear, which was g i f ted by

    the Kodokan Judo

    Inst i tute as a souveni r .

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    DAY 3: January 22, 2014

    Object ive: Inclusion of persons with disabi l i t ies and

    Japanese cultural experience (tea ceremony)

    Two fac i l i tators Sy lvana

    Mestre and Er i c V i l l a lon f rom

    the Internat ional Para lympics

    Committee, conducted a

    lecture and pract i ca l sess ion

    on the th i rd day. T Th

    The part i c ipants learned

    how to e f fect ive ly assure

    inc lus ion so that people wi th

    d i f ferent ab i l i t i es can come

    together and enjoy whi leincreas ing the i r mot ivat ion,

    which i s key to a great leader .

    Apply ing what they learned to

    the i r own communi t ies and

    context , d i scuss ions were

    he ld amongst the part i c ipants

    to learn f rom each other . The

    af ternoon sess ion was he ldwi th the he lp o f Japan Sports

    Assoc iat ion for the

    Disab led/Japan Para lympic

    Committee and the Tokyo

    Metropo l i tan Sports

    Assoc iat ion for the Disab led

    where part i c ipants t r ied out

    bocha, b l ind soccer and other

    games to fu l ly understand the

    concept o f inc lus ion.

    Japanese tea ceremony

    also took p lace as the part i c ipants pa i red up to learn the Japanese

    trad i t ion and made an e f for t to make tea the proper way.

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    DAY 4: January 23, 2014

    Object ive: Gender equal i ty , female empowerment and Sumo

    Day four was lead by

    the founder o f an

    internat ional NGO BoxGi r l s ,

    work ing on gender equal i tyand female empowerment

    through box ing, Heather

    Cameron. Through

    Heather s exper ience, the

    part i c ipants learned about

    gender equal i ty and what i t

    means to be a female

    leader as an act ive and

    important member o f the

    soc iety . Fo l lowing the

    lecture, the part i c ipants

    learned the bas ics o f box ing

    us ing rea l box ing g loves,

    prov ided by the Japan

    Amateur Box ing Federat ion.

    In the even ing, the

    part i c ipants v i s i ted theRyogoku Kokugikan to enjoy

    a match o f Sumo. As the i r

    f i rs t t ime

    watch ing a

    trad i t iona l


    sports , the

    part i c ipants

    seemed to

    be s tar t led

    by the



    wrest lers .

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    DAY 5: January 24, 2014

    Object ive: Inclusion and wheelchair basketbal l

    Right To P lay s tar ted

    wi th a group act iv i ty about

    conf l i c t reso lut ion. Th is was

    fo l lowed by YLCs f i r s t ant i -

    doping sess ion by Mr. Sh in

    Asakawa, CEO of Japan Ant i -

    Doping Agency. The

    part i c ipants d i scussed

    regard ing fa i r p lay and

    introduced examples o f drug

    usage in the i r home countr ies .

    In the af ternoon, Dr .

    Horst Strohkendl , who i s knownfor estab l i sh ing the grad ing

    system of whee lcha i r basketba l l ,

    jo ined by a Japanese NGO

    Fusen Vo l leybal l demonstrated

    how to use the whee lcha i r

    correct ly whi le the part i c ipants

    tr ied to understand the

    l i fes ty le o f people on

    wheelcha i rs .

    The part i c ipants then

    welcome Japanese pro fess ional

    whee lcha i r basketba l l p layers ,

    Ch ika Uemura and Naok i Yasu.

    Af ter learn ing the bas ic ru les

    and some pract i ce , the

    part i c ipants got l i ve ly in a

    game against the pro fess ionalsand each other . The

    part i c ipants shy ly admi t ted

    that they used to th ink o f

    people on whee lcha i rs as

    d isab led, but drast i ca l ly

    changed the i r mind as they

    were taken back by the p layers sk i l l s and power.

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    DAY 7: January 26, 2014 Ishinomaki, Miyagi

    Object ive: Wave mechanism, NGOs working in disaster r ec

    onstruct ion and volunteer

    Second day in Ish inomak i

    s tar ted o f f in a sc ience lab where

    Mr. Tomoyuk i Hor ikomi gave

    lectures on the wave mechanism

    to prevent and reduce the e f fect

    o f s imi lar d i sasters in the future.

    Furthermore d iscussed on how to

    evacuate proper ly and what i s

    important .

    Fo l lowing the lec ture, the

    part i c ipants moved to Te izan

    E lementary schoo l where thev ice-pr inc ip le , Mr. Tsutomu Baba

    expla ined the s i tuat ion o f the

    schoo l at the t ime of the inc ident .

    The part i c ipants then learned

    about organ izat ions that are

    work ing in the nearby area on

    reconstruct ion such as

    Arch i tecture For Humani ty/Mak iB iz and P layground o f Hope.

    Lunch was then served wi th the he lp o f the loca l Rotary C lub

    where part i c ipants ate Japanese r i ce cake and tasted a b i t o f the

    cu l ture. Af ter lunch the part i c ipants

    were lead by P layground o f Hope

    where they vo lunteered by bu i ld ing

    benches, f lowerpots and p lay sets .

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    DAY 8: January 27, 2014

    Object ive: Table tennis, swimming and sports for develop

    ment NGOs

    Mr. Leandro O lvech

    f rom the Internat ional Tab le

    Tennis Federat ion he ld a

    lecture to speak about ITTF

    ef for ts in peace bu i ld ing

    whi le teach ing pract i ca l

    tab le tenn is sk i l l s .

    In the af ternoon, us ing

    Keio Univers i ty s indoor

    poo l , the part i c ipants

    learned about team work

    and communicat ion f rom Ms.Mikako Kotan i , who i s a

    synchron ized swimming

    bronze medal i s t . The

    importance o f coord inat ing

    wi th teammates and

    learn ing to adjust to each

    other lead to exper ienc ing

    one o f the important parts

    o f coex is t ing and peace

    bui ld ing.

    In the even ing, Ms. Yuko

    Ar imo, marathon s i l ver

    medal i s t , jo ined to

    introduce her NGO that

    works in sports for

    deve lopment and peace.

    She ta lked about her ro le in

    peace bu i ld ing as a ret i red

    ath lete and as a ro le model .

    The part i c ipants were very

    eager where they asked

    quest ions to rece ive adv ice in order to e f fect ive ly contr ibute in the i r

    communi t ies and near future.

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    DAY 9: January 28, 2014

    Object ive: Inclusion through table tennis and sightseeing

    ITTF s program

    cont inued on wi th more

    pract i ca l sk i l l s on day

    two where inc lus ion was

    the main theme. The

    part i c ipants learned how

    to use tab le tenn is wi th

    d iverse part i c ipants by

    us ing d i f ferent ru les and

    focus ing on p lay .

    Because tab le tenn is

    on ly need a few

    equipment, i t i s eas i ly

    used as sports for a l l

    and for peace bu i ld ing

    ef for ts .

    In the af ternoon,

    the part i c ipants enjoyed

    s ightsee ing where they

    v is i ted Mei j i shr ine and

    the Asakusa area.

    Exper ienc ing d i f ferent

    cu l tures for the f i rs t t ime, many were ab le to re lax and take a

    moment away f rom the week long intense lec tures and tra in ing.

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    DAY 10: January 29, 2014

    Object ive: Promising Pract ice

    Promis ing Pract i ce i s

    scheduled for part i c ipants

    to both re f lec t upon the

    knowledge and tra in ing they

    have rece ived thus far ,

    whi le introduc ing the i r own

    regular act iv i t ies f rom the i r

    communi t ies . The 30

    part i c ipants are d iv ided into

    four groups and each have

    a 30-minute s lo t to

    introduce the act iv i ty and

    actua l ly carry i t out . Whi le

    the part i c ipant fac i l i tates ,

    the others re f lec t and g ive

    feedback af terwards for

    improvement. R ight To P lay

    and UNOSDP a lso jo in to

    ass i s t in the fac i l i tat ion and

    feedback sess ions.

    Th is Promis ing

    Pract i ce day i s schedule

    near the end o f the Camp

    not on ly to create an

    opportun i ty for shar ing,

    but a l so to re f lec t upon

    what was learnt and

    rece ived in the prev ious

    10 days.

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    DAY 11: January 30, 2014

    Object ive: Marketing ski l ls , wrap-up and c losing c eremony

    The f ina l day o f the Youth

    Leadersh ip Camp star ted o f f

    wi th a lec ture on d isab i l i ty and

    sports by Young Sa Ma,

    Ambassador for Pub l i c

    Dip lomacy f rom South Korea.

    Th is was fo l lowed by a

    sess ion by Ne i l Rosenblat t ,

    f rom P layground o f Hope, who

    presented market ing sk i l l s and pro ject p lann ing in order to be

    ef fect ive in the i r future work.

    The af ternoon sess ion was

    carr ied out by R ight To P lay

    where part i c ipants re f lec ted upon

    the ten days and shared what

    they have learned f rom each

    other . Di f ferent act iv i t ies to

    admire one another and to

    p ledge the i r e f for ts together in

    the f ie ld o f sports for

    deve lopment and peace took p lace.

    In the even ing, the youth themselves organ ized a cu l tura l n ight

    as part o f the c los ing ceremony where each demonstrated the i r

    cu l ture through poetry , at t i re and songs.

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    Comments from the

    Participants and Staff

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    I t has been an honor and pr iv i l ege to at tend

    th is camp. I have been insp i red by growth and

    tangib le resu l ts that they are coming out o f the

    sport & p lay . In th i s camp I met wi th d i f ferent

    people and observed the i r way o f work ing and the

    way they cope up wi th cha l lenges. Some act iv i t ies

    were rea l ly new for me, l i ke box ing and judo. I

    d idn ' t know these v io lent sports can use for

    deve lopment. I l earn how I can become a good

    leader in my communi ty . I must need leadersh ip,

    cooperat ion, se l f cop ing, and act ive l i s ten ing sk i l l s .

    And I learn how to increase Gender equal i ty ,

    female part i c ipat ion and how can I enhance

    inc lus ion o f persons wi th d i sab i l i t i es , and promote

    vo lunteer i sm and empathy in my communi ty .

    (Hina Arain/Right To Play Pakistan)

    Through the YLC in Tokyo, I have rea l i zed the

    power o f sport as an e f f i c ient way to promote the

    deve lopment in communi t ies through the wel l

    organ ized lec tures and pract i ces . A lso as a s taf f in

    a NGO us ing sport and p lay as our main

    methodo logy, I have had better understanding o fus ing sport as a too l to insp i re changes in

    d i f ferent deve lopment areas inc lud ing the MDGs,

    which wi l l he lp me on my job des ign programs

    us ing d i f ferent s trateg ies . The most important

    th ing i s beyond the YLC contents , I got the chance

    to exchange ideas wi th our amaz ing counterparts

    f rom other sport organ izat ions and a network

    re lated to SDP has been bu i ld for more in depth

    d iscuss ion and shar ing af terwards. (J ianFeng

    Tian/Right To Play China)

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    Hav ing an opportun i ty part i c ipat ing in the

    youth leadersh ip camp in Tokyo, I have rece ived

    valuab le exper iences brought to adapt, improve

    and deve lop myse l f and my pro jects: leadersh ip

    sk i l l , sports for deve lopment, ch i ld and people

    l iv ing wi th impai rment deve lopment, connect ion,

    f r iendsh ip, too ls and exper iences f rom people

    work ing in d i f ferent areas, and etc . ( Siree

    Wirojanarom/Raks ThaiAt f i rs t I was not sure how the act iv i t ies can

    be re lated to my personal l i fe and my communi ty .

    However , as t ime goes by, a l l the t ra in ing and

    lecture we got became very prec ious in my l i fe . I

    learned a lo t o f th ings, which i s important forse l f - improvement. I l earned how to put back out

    our ch i ldren s ide by p lay ing the games and to be

    honest and more pure, want ing to learn f rom the

    exper ience and apply i t in l i fe . I l earned that

    determinat ion can make us reach our goals . L ike

    in a l l sports t ra in ing, tho ugh i t s d i f f i cu l t , we can

    do i t wi th constant t ra in ing and adjustab le

    coach ing s ty le . I l earned about shar ing in

    Ish inomak i , as one o f the core e lements in

    vo lunteer ing. A lo t more to say about the camp

    as there were many ideas we got f rom a l l o f those

    insp i r ing people we met, but one most important

    th ing i s that sports can make a change. I am

    amazed on how th is camp brought the idea that

    sports can af fect any other part o f our l i ves

    espec ia l l y to create peace and as deve lopment

    too l for some communi t ies . Permita AdiList iani/Nat ional Paralympic Committee


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    When I f i rs t landed in Tokyo I was very exc i ted

    and th is exc i tement was present throughout the

    camp t i l l the very las t day. Apa rt f rom mak ing new

    and wonder fu l acquaintances, the most interest ing

    part was that I was tak ing a part o f the i r l i fe back

    wi th me. I a l so got to learn the d i f ferent ways o f

    spreading the word about the power o f sport and

    to better put i t as Mr. Lemke sa id become an

    agent and you can see the wonders . Prithvi

    Jagan/Slum Soccer, IndiaThis camp was not on ly enjoyable , but a l so a

    lo t o f adverse s i tuat ions. I t was the f i rs t t ime for

    me to l i ve wi th people f rom abroad. I rea l ly

    enjoyed sport ing act iv i t ies wi th no re lat ion to the

    language and the cu l ture gap, and I fe l t thepower o f sports on the f ie ld o f in ternat ional

    understanding and peace. At the same t ime, I

    recognized so much that a l though sport s i s a good

    too l to improve the cross-cu l tura l understanding

    espec ia l l y at the beg inn ing, i f we want fur ther

    understanding, we need to ga in language sk i l l s to

    convey our minds. Therefore, the best way to

    leverage my exper iences in th i s camp i s to

    cont inue s tudy ing. Anri Kubo/University of

    Tsukuba, Japan)

    Apart f rom the learn ing towards the

    betterment o f soc iety at large, the camp a lso

    he lped me introspect , rea l i ze a lo t about

    myse l f and gu id ed my though ts through a ser ies

    of se l f re f lec t ions. Be l ie fs l i ke never g iv ing up,

    be l iev ing in yourse l f ,value o f l i fe , ' coupled wi th

    values o f equal i ty , fa i r p lay , sens i t iv i ty ,

    ded icat ion towards one 's goal , the power o f

    emot ion, teamwork, f r iendsh ip, to lerance and

    pat ience are some areas which are a lways out

    there, but are not ' rea l i zed ' and interna l i zed by

    many. (Tanushri Roy/Paralympic Committee


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    In th i s program I had a lo t o f exper ience. I

    am sure that a l l the exper ience wh ich was learned

    in YLC wi l l he lp me in the future deve lopment.

    A lso when you work wi th a lo t o f people the t ime

    management i s very important . I th ink one

    second can change anyth ing. Af ter th i s camp I

    l earned how to change people s op in ion and mind

    about d i sab le peoples , and how i t i s important to

    understand and support each other . A l l the

    exper iences, which was got f rom the YLC I want

    to rea l i ze in my own organ izat ion. (Delgermaa

    Gankhuyag/Paralympic Committee Mongol ia

    I am honored to have been part o f the f i rs t

    YLC hosted in Japan. As an ass i s tant s taf f shar ing

    every moment wi th the part i c ipants be ing invo lved

    in many aspects o f the Camp was rea l ly an

    enr i ch ing exper ience for me. I espec ia l l y enjoyed

    be ing a s ign i f i cant part o f in troduc ing Japanese

    cu l ture and i ts pract i ces through the rad io

    ca l i s then ics every morn ing. On the other hand,

    hear ing that sport i s s t i l l a luxury for many, I fe l t

    the s trong potent ia l in the future for th i s f i e ld .(Taro Obayashi/Staff/University of Tsukuba)

    Spending 13 days wi th people f rom var ious

    background was a very impact fu l exper ience for

    me. Not on ly was I ab le to wi tness the amazing

    power o f sports , but meet ing great people and

    learn ing f rom them was t ru ly insp i r ing. As an

    ass is tant wi th the ro le to ass i s t in c reat ing an

    educable env i ronment was a cha l lenge. However

    the support and warmth o f the s taf f and

    part i c ipants rea l ly mot ivated me to cont inue

    work ing hard. I t ru ly am gratefu l and de l ighted to

    have taken part o f th i s Camp. (Haruka

    Yatabe/Staff/University of Tsukuba)

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    Public Relations

  • 8/12/2019 UNOSDP 8th YLC Report (English)



    Media Strategy

    A media s trategy meet ing was he ld three t imes before the

    actua l host ing o f the Youth Leadersh ip Camp in Japan. Inv i t ing

    people f rom outs ide organ izat ions, d i f ferent s trateg ies and tact i cs

    were d iscussed where the team reso lute to the fo l lowing approach:

    Media tact i c team member

    Taku Yamaguchi (Un ivers i ty o f Tsukuba)Satomi Tsuch iya (Univers i ty o f Tsukuba)Tosh iyuk i Okeya (Japan Sports Counc i l )Etsuko Yamada (Japan Sports Counc i l )P ierre Labor ie (Japan Sports Counc i l )

    Youth Leadersh ip Camp Tokyo 2014 Facebook Page

    November 30, 2013 was exact ly 50 days before the beg inn ing

    of the Youth Leadersh ip Camp in Tokyo. In accordance to th i s

    countdown, the media team opened up a Facebook account where

    numerous press re leases and in format ion regard ing the Tokyo Youth

    Leadersh ip Camp was updated in order to rece ive media at tent ion.

    Sett ing o f the Publ i c V iewing Day

    January 22, 2014 the th i rd day o f the Youth Leadersh ip Camp

    in Tokyo was set as the Publ i c V iewing Day, where any person who

    is interested cou ld come and observe the Camp in order to fur ther

    understand the concept o f sports for deve lopment and peace.

    Normal ly the Camp i s c losed to publ i c , but th i s day ensured that the

    publ i c would a l so be ab le to get an idea o f UNOSDP and the Camp in

    i tse l f . The Publ i c V iewing Day welcomed 23 people f rom var ious

    f ie lds such as NPO workers and Univers i ty researchers .

    Disseminat ing in format ion to media outs ide Japan

    Leading up to the opening o f the Youth Leadersh ip Camp in

    Tokyo, the Min is t ry o f Educat ion, Cu l ture, Sport , Sc ience and

    Techno logy (MEXT) publ i c i zed one press re lease (December 5, 2013),

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    two press re leases by UNOSDP (November 30, 2013 and January 19,

    2014) a long wi th the operat ing organ izat ion, J igoro Kano Memor ia l

    Internat ional Sport Inst i tute s in format ion on interv iew

    opportun i t ies re leased on January 17, 2014. The press re lease that

    the UNOSDP publ i c i zed on January 19, 2014 was a l so sent to

    Olympic media as we l l as fore ign media out le ts res id ing in Tokyo.

    These tact i cs and s trateg ies were adv ised by Japanese journal i s ts:

    Ms. H i roko Mogi and Mina Takahash i .

    Addi t iona l ly , Mr . Wi l f r ied Lemke was interv iewed by the

    fo l lowing media channe ls in re lat ion to host ing the Youth Leadersh ip

    Camp in Tokyo: Kyodo News, Main ich i Sh imbun and Yomiur i Sh imbun.

    In Ish inomak i , NHK Sendai broadcast ing system and Kahoku

    Shimpo requested some interv iew wi th the part i c ipant s .

    As a resu l t , there were s ix media opportun i t ies ins ide Japan

    ( inc lud ing one te lev is ion opportun i ty) and s ix Engl i sh media

    opportun i t ies ( four o f them were O lympic media) to introduce the

    Youth Leadersh ip Camp as wel l as the sports for deve lopment and

    peace concept and Japan s e f for ts in re lat ion to th i s f i e ld .

    L is t o f ar t i c les publ i shed

    Japanese Media

    1 . UNOSDP Youth Leadersh ip Camp k icks-of f Us ing sports unt i l

    the30th. (Kyodo News) January 20, 2014

    http://www.47news. jp/CN/201401/CN2014012001002303.html

    2. On Leaders not at tending the O lympic Games do not use sports

    as a po l i t i ca l too l (Main ich i Sh imbun) January 22, 2014

    3. Interv iew wi th Uni ted Nat ions Secretary-Genera l Ban K i -moon

    Spec ia l Adv iser on Sport for Deve lopment and Peace

    Yomiur i Sh imbun (January 25, 2014)
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    Ish inomak i Media

    4 . Youth f rom d isadvantaged areas in As ia v i s i t d i saster s truck area

    for s i te inspect ion, d i saster prevent ion and cu l ture exchange on

    the 25 t h and 26 t h in Ish inomak i area (Kahoku Shimpo)

    January 14, 2014

    http:// i sh inomak i jp/news/2014/01/20140114t13002.htm

    5. As ian youth v i s i t d i saster-s truck area NHK Tohoku (NHK)

    January 26, 2014 . jp/tohoku-news/20140126/4732291.html

    6. Youth f rom 14 As ian Countr ies v i s i t I sh inomak i reg ion f or s i te

    inspect ion o f the d isaster to learn about d i saster prevent ion

    (Kahoku Shimpo) January 28, 2014

    http:// i sh inomak i jp/news/2014/01/20140128t13004.htm

    Engl i sh Media

    7. Tokyo welcomes dedicated youngsters as c i ty hosts 8th Youth

    Deve lopment Programme (Ins ide the Games)

    January 21, 2014

    http://www. ins idethegames.b iz/o lympics/summer-

    o lympics/2020/1017952-tokyo-welcomes-dedicated-youngsters-as-

    c i ty-hosts-8th-youth-deve lopment-programme

    8. Tokyo hosts the UNOSDP Youth Leadersh ip camp for the f i rs t t ime


    January , 21 2014
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    9. U.N. youth leadersh ip camp he ld in Tokyo (Kyodo News)

    January 21, 2014

    http://engl i sh.kyodonews. jp/photos/2014/01/268912.html

    10. UNOSDP 8th Youth Leadersh ip Camp in progress in Tokyo

    (Uni ted Nat ions Informat ion Centre)

    January , 22 2014

    http://un ic imu/recentAct iv i t ies/category/Tokyo.aspx

    11. Un i ted Nat ions ' E ighth Youth Leadersh ip Camp he ld in Tokyo th i s

    month (Sports features .com)

    January 22, 2014

    http://www.sports features .com/o lympicsnews/story/50812/uni ted-

    nat ions-e ighth-youth- leadersh ip-camp-he ld- in-tokyo-th is-month

    12. Sport Intern (January 24, 2014)

    Attended by 30 part ic ipants, aged from 18 to 25 from across the

    Asian region, that are engaged in the sport for deve lopment f ie ld

    and invo lved wi th communi ty programmes, the 8 t h Youth Leadership

    Camp of the Uni ted Nat ions Of f i ce on Sport for Deve lopment and

    Peace. The Youth Leadersh ip Camp gathers 30 part i c ipants , was

    opened in Tokyo wi th the Right to Play workshop at the O lympic

    Centre. By host ing th i s ev ent, the Japanese Min is t ry o f Educat ion,

    Cu l ture, Sport , Sc ience and Techno logy, supported by the J igoro

    Kano Memorial Internat ional Sport Inst itute, fu l l y demonstrates

    i t s investment in the promot ion o f sport for deve lopment and peace,

    say a JOC press re lease, wi th Wilfr ied Lemke , Un i ted Nat ions
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    Secretary-Genera l ' s Spec ia l Adv iser on Sport for Development and

    Peace, v i s i t ing Tokyo to co inc ide wi th the camp, s tat ing.

    "We are de l ighted to be host ing our Youth Leadersh ip Camp in

    Tokyo th i s year . Af ter the c i t ies success fu l b id to host the 2020

    Olympics and Para lympics , I can on ly see Japan s presence in the

    Sport for Deve lopment movement become more prominent. TheOlympic legacy i s s t i l l v ibrant in Tokyo, and the part i c ipants o f the

    camp wi l l have the un ique exper ience o f us ing t he fac i l i t i es , s t i l l in

    dai ly use, f rom the Tokyo O lympics 1964.

    The object ive o f the camp, which las ts unt i l 30 January , i s to

    br ing together youngsters to share best pract i ces and exper iences

    f rom the f ie ld o f sport for deve lopment and peace, a long wi th

    encourag ing construct ive th ink ing and innovat ive ideas. The UN Youth

    Leadersh ip Camp was conce ived in order to support mot ivated youth

    in the i r e f for ts to promote Sport for Deve lopment and Peace pro jects

    and o f fer them a su i tab le forum where they can learn best pract i ces

    and fur ther deve lop the i r leadersh ip sk i l l s . The young part i c ipants wi l l

    a l so v i s i t areas af fected by the 2011 earthquake and tsunami later t he

    week. They wi l l spend two days in the c i ty o f Is h inomak i , in Miyag i

    Pre fecture where they wi l l meet and exchange ideas wi th Japanese

    students and members f rom NGOs engaged in reconstruct ion

    ass is tance.

    13. IOC Latest News: H igh l ights o f the week (Internat ional O lympic


    January 27, 2014

    http://www.o lympic .org/news/h igh l ights-o f- the-week/222307

    The NOC has in formed us that some 30 youngsters f rom var ious

    As ian countr ies are part i c ipat ing in the e ighth Youth Leader sh ip

    Camp organ ised the Uni ted Nat ions Of f i ce on Sport for Deve lopment

    and Peace (UNOSDP), which i s be ing he ld in Tokyo unt i l 30 J anuary .

    The a im of th i s camp i s to a l low these 18-25-year-o lds to exchange

    best pract i ces in the area o f deve lopment and peace through sport .
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    They have been ab le to l i s ten to Wi l f r ied Lemke, t he Uni ted Nat ions

    Secretary-Genera l ' s Spec ia l Adv iser on Sport for Deve lopment and

    Peace, who a lso v i s i ted the NOC Pres ident, Tsunekazu Takeda. In fo

    at www.joc .or . jp .
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    1. Kyodo News (January 20, 2014)

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    2. Main ich i Sh imbun (January 22, 2014)

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    3. Yomiur i Sh imbun (January 25, 2014)

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    4. Kahoku Shimpo (January 14, 2014)

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    6. Kahoku Shimpo (January 28, 2014)

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    7. Ins ide the Games (January 21, 2014)

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    8. AIPS (January 21, 2014)

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  • 8/12/2019 UNOSDP 8th YLC Report (English)



    11. Sports features .com (January 22, 2014)

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    12.Sport Intern January 24, 2014

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    Related Resources

  • 8/12/2019 UNOSDP 8th YLC Report (English)



    Operating Team

    Host ing Organizat ions

    Ben Taylor United Nat ions Of f ice on Sport for

    Development and Peace I rene Posho l i

    Ernesto Rebust i l l o Right To P lay As ia Regional Of f ice

    Farzana Rustam Right To P lay Pak is ta n

    Head of Operat ion/P lann ing Committee

    Tamie Ohashi

    J igoro Kano Memor ia l Internat ional Sport Inst i tuteMar io N ish ihara

    Yuk iko Okuro


    Taku Yamaguc hiUnivers i ty o f Tsukuba

    Satomi Tsuch iya

    Toshiyuki Okeya

    Japan Sports Counc i lE tsuko Yamada

    P ierre Labor ie

    Photographer/V ideographer

    Katsuyuk i Hattor i

    Yuk ih i to Taguch i

    Ke i Mor i sawa

  • 8/12/2019 UNOSDP 8th YLC Report (English)




    Heather Cameron BoxGi r l s Internat ionalSy lvana Mestre/Er i c V i l l a lon Internat ional Para lympic Committee

    Souken Ish iwatar i Tokyo Budokan Japanese Tea C lass

    Shin Asakawa Japan Ant i -Doping Agency

    Leandro O lvech Internat ional Tab le Tennis Federat ion

    Dr. Horst Stokhendl Deutsche Ro l l s tuh l -Sportverband e.V.

    Fusen Asobi Assoc iat ion

    Chika Uemura/Naok i Yasu Japan Wheelcha i r Basketba l l Federat ion

    Mikako Kotan i Sports B iz Co. , L td.

    Yuko Ar imor i NPO Hearts o f Go ld

    Young Sam Ma Ambassador for Pub l i c Dip lomacy

    Nei l Rosenblat t/Michae l Anop P layground o f Hope

    Otsuka Pharmaceut i ca l Co. , L td.

    Kodokan Judo Inst i tute

    Al l Japan Judo Federat ion

    Tokyo Sport Benef i ts Cooperat ion

    Tokyo Sports Assoc iat ion for the Disab led

    Nat ional O lympics Memor ia l Youth Center

    Arch i tecture For Humani ty/Mak iB iz

    Japan Amateur Box ing Federat ion

    Ish inomak i N ish i H igh Schoo l

    Ish inomak i C i ty Te izan E lementary Schoo l

    Ish inomak i South Rotary Internat ional C lub

    Keio Univers i ty Inst i tute o f Phys ica l Educat ion

  • 8/12/2019 UNOSDP 8th YLC Report (English)


    Participants in the Right to Play session in Tokyo.

    Youth Leadership Camp starts third year in TokyoYouth Leadership Camp starts third year in Tokyo

    19 January 2014

    UNOSDP (Tokyo)- Today marks the start of the 8th United Nations Office on Sport for development and peaces YouthLeadership Camp. This successful sports programme identifies future community leaders and educates them with essential

    transferable life skills.

    After two very successful years of this unique sport camp, the third starts of in the Japanese capital, Tokyo. After a victoriousbid to host the 2020 Olympics, the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport, Science and Technology, is now fullyinvested in the promotion of sport for development and peace.

    Coming from 14 different countries, the participants vary in their level of involvement in sport projects. With some dedicatingtheir time as coaches, volunteers, administrators and programme managers. The common denominator amongst the youngsport leaders, is their enthusiasm for using sport to promote positive social change in their community.

    As local planning partner, the Jigoro Kano Memorial International Sport Institute have been instrumental in bringing togetherboth international and national partners to create this unique event in the future 2020 Olympic city.The UN Special adviser on Sport for Development and Peace, Mr Wilfried Lemke, today held his introduction presentationwith the young leaders and was delighted with their passion, and with the splendour of the 1964 Olympic facilities.

    "We are delighted to be hosting our Youth Leadership Camp in Tokyo this year. After the cities successful bid to host the 2020Olympics and Paralympics, I can only see Japans presence in the Sport for Development movement become more prominent.The Olympic legacy is still vibrant in Tokyo, and the participants of the camp will have the irreplaceable experience of usingthe facilities, still in daily use, from the Tokyo Olympics 1964."

    An additional feature to the Tokyo camp will be the excursion to Northern Japan, to an area struck by an earthquake in 2011.The young participants will take part in community work and exchange ideas with local students from the city of Ishinomaki, inthe Miyagi Prefecture, on how they can use sport for societal and community development.

  • 8/12/2019 UNOSDP 8th YLC Report (English)


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    Youth Leadership Camp Gwangju 2013

    Tokyo Youth Leadership Camp only 50 days awayTokyo Youth Leadership Camp only 50 days away

    30 November 2013

    Today marks 50 days to go until the start of the 8th Youth Leadership Camp (YLC) and the first time to be held in Tokyo, Japan.Over the past two years this flagship sport initiative of the United Nations Office on Sport for Development and Peace (UNOSDP)has gone from strength to strength, with interest coming from all over the world to host the Programme.

    UN Special Adviser on Sport for Development and Peace, Mr Wilfried Lemke, tirelessly promotes the programme on his missionsfor future host countries and potential participants. The next year four camps will be placed strategically around the world to bestsupport the youth sport leaders in some of the most disadvantaged communities.

    Sport is a powerful tool in promoting gender equality, inclusion of people with disabilities, world peace and development. Assuch, this programme helps the young community leaders better take advantage of sport from grassroots to facilitate positivechanges social changes. Highlights the UN Special Adviser.

    By helping youth develop their leadership skills in Sport for Development and Peace, this programme not only contributes to thepersonal development of youth, it contributes to community development. By providing opportunities for youth to develop andexercise their leadership skills, the programme can strengthen a communitys capacity to build on its strengths and respond topressing community needs.

    With Tokyo, the first of the year and following the first Asian camp in the Republic of Korea, participants will originate from Asiaand the Middle-East. Looking to provide an educational platform for the young leaders, the Tokyo YLC will be the temporary homefor 30 participants from 14 different countries.

    The Tokyo Youth Leadership Camp is organised in collaboration with the NGO Right to Play and will be hosted by the JapaneseMinistry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology and will be implemented by the Jigoro Kano MemorialInternational Sport Institute.

    It is with pleasure that we host the 8th UNOSDP Youth Leadership Camp here in Tokyo in this exciting time in sports history. Notonly are we able to showcase the unique culture of Japan, but we are able to host the future leaders in sport for development andpeace. We look forward to continuing this great programme here in Japan as we move develop or relationship with the UNOSDP.

    This 11 day event will take place 20 30 January 2014, at National Institution for Youth Education National Olympics MemorialYouth Centre (NYC) in Tokyo.

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    United Nations

    Office on Sport for Development and Peace24










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    YLC PDF:340KB


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