Download - University of North Florida Board of Trustees June 11, 2013

Page 1: University of North Florida Board of Trustees June 11, 2013

University of North FloridaBoard of Trustees

June 11, 2013 Ad Hoc Committee – 9:30 a.m.

Academic Affairs Committee – 10:30 a.m.

Finance and Audit Committee – 10:30 a.m.

Student Life and Facilities Committee – 12:15 p.m.

Board of Trustees Plenary Session – 1:15 p.m.

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UNF Board of TrusteesAd Hoc Meeting

Call to Order



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Discussion on the Presidential Contract

This item is a discussion on the Presidential contract with Mr. Paul McConnell, a consultant hired by the Board of Trustees. The purpose of this item is to seek approval from the Board of Trustees to authorize Chair Taylor to negotiate contract terms with President Delaney. 

Proposed Action – Approval – Motion and Second Required



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June 11, 2013

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President Delaney has been the President of the university since 2003. He currently about halfway through the five-year term of his latest employment contract, which requires it to be reviewed at the midpoint and potential changes to the compensation amounts and/or a contract extension to be considered.

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President Delaney is Younger & More Experienced Than Most Peers

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Current Compensation is pay that is earned or received currently – either monthly or at the end of the academic year, and is the basis of the executive purchasing power/standard of living

Values for sabbaticals and Post-Presidency Pay are estimated

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Consistent with UNF size and President Delaney’s tenure and performance

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Academic Affairs Committee



June 11, 2013Osprey Commons, Talon Room

~10:30 a.m.

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AAC Item 3Open Comments

Chair Korman will offer opportunity for open comments concerning items on this agenda.



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AAC Item 4Academic Affairs Committee

Update to the Multi-Year Work Plan

The Board of Governors (BOG) has specified that “Each board of trustees shall prepare a multi-year work plan/report for the Board of Governors that outlines its university’s top priorities, strategic directions, and specific actions and financial plans for achieving those priorities, as well as performance expectations and outcomes on institutional and system-wide goals. The work plan/report shall reflect the university’s distinctive mission and focus on core institutional strengths within the context of State University System goals and regional and statewide needs.” Interim Provost Earl Traynham will address the committee and present this item.

Proposed Action – Approval – Motion and Second Required



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AAC Item 5New Degree Program

Bachelor of Science in RadiographyThe purpose of this item is to submit, for approval, a proposed new degree program. Brooks College of Health, in collaboration with the Mayo School of Health Sciences (MSHS), proposes to establish a Bachelor of Science in Radiography. This degree will require 120 credit hours, 57 of which will be earned through Radiologic Technology courses. The program curriculum is designed to promote critical thinking, communication principles, knowledge, and expertise in radiography. Due to the expansion of services at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville and the anticipated retirement of employees in the Department of Radiology, a number of vacancies are expected. The Mayo Clinic wants to fill these vacancies with individuals holding a B.S. in Radiography. As a result, the Mayo Clinic has reached out to UNF to collaborate in the design and delivery of the B.S. in Radiography. Once the B.S. in Radiography is approved and implemented, the Mayo Clinic will cease to offer their Associate of Science program.

Interim Provost Earl Traynham will address the committee and present this item

Proposed Action – Approval – Motion and Second Required



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AAC Item 6Limited Access Status

Bachelor of Science in RadiographyThis proposed program in Radiography requires limited access status due to the limitations on available clinical placements and qualified faculty. The program will be able to accommodate a maximum of 16 students per year.

Interim Provost Earl Traynham will address the committee and present this item.

Proposed Action – Approval – Motion and Second Required



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AAC Item 7Tenure by Condition of Employment

John KantnerAssistant Vice President for Research

Under tenure by reason of appointment, distinguished faculty may be granted tenure upon being employed at UNF. The candidate must receive a positive vote from the tenured faculty in his or her disciplinary department. UNF agrees to award tenure as a condition of appointment in order to be competitive in hiring these individuals. The Provost and President also conduct a thorough review of all candidates for tenure on appointment. Under these guidelines, the administration recommends approval of tenure, by reason of appointment, for Dr. John Kantner, Assistant Vice President for Research and Associate Professor of Anthropology. Interim Provost Earl Traynham will address the committee and present this item.

Proposed Action – Approval – Motion and Second Required



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AAC Item 8College Scheduler

College Scheduler is a web-based class scheduling system for student use at colleges and universities. Students can build optimized class schedules that take into account their personal needs (work, athletics, leisure, etc.)

Increases credit hours taken per student: React to Course Demand with real time reporting on which classes are being searched for the most. Help students graduate on-time by eliminating "filler" classes with fast, easy schedule planning. Advisors spend more time helping students determine which courses to take, not the individual times to take

them. Eliminate time-consuming schedule generation for special student populations like incoming freshmen,

athletes, and advanced students. Megan Kuehner, UNF Registrar, will provide a demonstration of this software program.

Presentation – No Action Required



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AAC Item 9Adjournment

Chair Korman will adjourn the meeting.



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Finance and Audit Committee



June 11, 2013Osprey Commons

3rd Floor, Room 3108~10:30 a.m.

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Finance and Audit Committee BackTo


Call to Order

Minutes - March 19, 2013 & May 23, 2013Proposed Action – Approval – Motion and Second Required

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FAC Item 3Open Comments

Chair Munoz will offer opportunity for open comments concerning items on this agenda.



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FAC Item 4New Regulation

Camps and Similar Other Programs Involving Minors

This new regulation proposes to document the operating guidelines for hosting a camp or other similar program involving minors on campus, and a university-sponsored camp or other similar program involving minors at a site off-campus.

Vice President Shuman will address the committee and present this item.



Proposed Action – Approval – Motion and Second Required

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FAC Item 5UNF’s Budget for 2013-2014

Each university board of trustees is required to approve the university budget prior to submission to the Florida Board of Governors and the Florida Legislature.

The UNF budget was discussed at a workshop May 23. It is now being presented to this committee for a recommendation for approval by the full Board.

Vice President Shuman will address the committee and present this item.



Proposed Action – Approval – Motion and Second Required

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FAC Item 6Review of

Miscellaneous FeesMiscellaneous fees, such as lab fees, material and supply fees, and other fees as authorized in Section 1009.24, Florida Statutes are delegated to the President. The Chair of the BOG Budget and Finance Committee has requested that the Board of Trustees review at least those fees that were increased as they are incorporated in the operating budget.

Vice President Shuman will address the committee and present this item.



Report – No Action Required

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FAC Item 7Direct Support Organizations Budgets

(1) UNF Foundation, Inc., (2) UNF Training & Services Institute, Inc., (3) UNF Financing Corporation, Inc., and (4) MOCA, Jacksonville

The purpose of this item is to present, for review, budgets for UNF’s DSOs, including the (1) UNF Foundation, Inc., (2) UNF Training & Service Institute, Inc., (3) UNF Financing Corporation, Inc., and (4) MOCA, Jacksonville.

Vice President Shuman will address the committee and present this item.



Report – No Action Required

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FAC Item 8Office of Internal Auditing

Quarterly Report

The purpose of this item is to present a report to the Board of Trustees for this quarter’s activities in the Office of Internal Auditing. Mr. Robert Berry, director, Office of Internal Auditing, will address the committee and present this item.



Report – No Action Required

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FAC Item 9Quarterly Budget Report

This item provides a review of this quarter’s budget report. Vice President Shuman will address the committee and present this item.



Report – No Action Required

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FAC Item 10Treasurer’s Report

This item provides an overview of the current treasurer’s report. Vice President Shuman will address the committee and present this item.



Report – No Action Required

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FAC Item 11Adjournment

Chair Munoz will adjourn the meeting.



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Student Life and Facilities Committee



June 11, 2013Osprey Commons

Talon Room~12:15 p.m.

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SLFC Item 3Open Comments

Chair Pincomb will offer opportunity for open comments concerning items on this agenda.



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SLFC Item 4Three-Year

and Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP-2) and Legislative Budget Request for 2014-2015 through 2018-2019 (PECO

)Each year, Florida’s public universities are required to submit a Fixed Capital Outlay Request to the Board of Governors for potential incorporation into the Board of Governors’ budget request. At the same time, they are expected to submit a Five-Year Capital Outlay request. The University of North Florida’s Board of Trustees is charged with approving and submitting the PECO plan for the university in consultation with the President. The attached schedule shows UNF’s proposed three-year and five-year capital requests (PECO). Each of the items included in this proposed request is consistent with the university’s goals and master plan.

Vice President Shuman will address the committee and present this item.



Proposed Action – Approval – Motion and Second Required

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SLFC Item 5Annual Capital Outlay Plan for Fiscal

Year 2013-2014According to Florida Statutes, the Board of Trustees shall, each year, adopt a capital outlay budget for the upcoming year. This plan shall designate the proposed capital outlay expenditures by project from all fund sources. Attached is the Annual Capital Outlay Budget for Fiscal Year 2013-2014. Vice President Shuman will address the committee and present this item.



Proposed Action – Approval – Motion and Second Required

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SLFC Item 6Parking Citation Rates for 2013-2014

Regulation 9.0070R I. (1) provides for the Board of Trustees to approve the fines for citations, late fees and immobilization fees. The 2012-2013 Parking Council reviewed the parking citation fine amounts and recommended some changes. Vice President Shuman will address the committee and present this item.



Proposed Action – Approval – Motion and Second Required

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SLFC Item 7Update on the

Capital Improvement Trust Fund (CITF)According to the Florida Senate – 2012, the Capital Improvement Trust Fund (CITF) fee is not to exceed 10 percent of the tuition for resident students or 10 percent of the sum of tuition and out-of-state fees for nonresident students. The CITF is to be used for certain projects or real property acquisitions. Also, it is required that the Division of Bond Finance of the State Board of Administration analyze any proposed fee reductions to the CITF; and that the Board of Governors approve any proposed fee reductions. Each university is to establish a separate CITF fee and building fee at the main campus of the university. Also, each university is to establish a fee committee to recommend any increase in the fees and that committee is to be composed of students and members appointed by the university president. The university president is to approve committee recommendations, noting that an increase in fees may occur only once each fiscal year. The Board of Governors is to adopt regulations and timetables to implement the fees. The University of North Florida is proposing an increase in the CITF of $2.00 per credit hour, which would create a total of $8.76 for resident students and non-resident students. The additional dollars will be used on recreational projects. Vice President Shuman will address the committee and present this item.



Update – No Action Required

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SLFC Item 8Capital Projects Quarterly Report and

Change Orders

This report serves to provide trustees with progress on current construction projects, including funding sources and any current issues, including change orders. Regarding change orders, the Board authorized the President or his designee to approve change orders, in the name of the Board, for pre-established amounts. Approvals are for the purpose of expediting the work in progress and are to be reported to the Board and entered into its official minutes.

Vice President Shuman will address the committee and present this item.



Report – No Action Required

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SLFC Item 9Potential Purchase of a Warehouse

Vice President Shuman will discuss the potential purchase of a 67,200-square-foot warehouse north of the campus. Physical Facilities would vacate their maintenance shops in the core of campus and move to the warehouse. The current space on campus may be filled by Art & Design for their sculpture program, Engineering and Building Construction.



Discussion – No Action Required

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SLFC Item 10Adjournment

Chair Pincomb will adjourn the meeting.



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UNF Board of TrusteesPlenary Session



June 11, 2013Osprey Commons

Talon Room~1:15 p.m.

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UNF Board of TrusteesPlenary Session



• Chair Taylor will call the plenary session to order.

Call to Order

• Chair Taylor will address the Board and present the Chair’s Report.

Chair’s Report

• President Delaney will address the Board and present the President’s Report.

President’s Report

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BOT Item 4Open Comments

Chair Taylor will offer opportunity for open comments concerning items on this agenda.



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BOT Item 5Consent Agenda

Item 5A Minutes (March 19, 2013)

Item 5B Discussion on Presidential Contract with Mr. Paul McConnell, a Consultant Hired by the Board of Trustees

Item 5C Items from the Academic Affairs Committee

Item 5Ci Update to the Multi-Year University Work Plan

Item 5Cii New Degree Program – Bachelor of Science in Radiography

Item 5Cii Limited Access – Radiography

Item 5Ciii Tenure by Condition of Appointment – John Kantner, Assistant Vice President for Research and Associate

Professor of Anthropology

Item 5D Items from the Finance and Audit Committee

Item 5Di Camps and Similar Other Programs Involving Minors Regulation

Item 5E Items from the Student Life and Facilities Committee Item 5Ei Three-Year and Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP-2) and Legislative Budget Request for 2014-2015

through 2018-2019 (PECO)

Item 5Eii Annual Capital Outlay Plan for Fiscal Year 2013-2014

Item 5Eiii Parking Citation Rates for 2013-2014

Proposed Action – Approval – Motion and Second Required



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Board of TrusteesAction Items

Tuition and Fees for 2013-2014

Emergency Regulation Amendment – Schedule of Tuition and Fees Regulation

UNF’s Budget for 2013-2014



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BOT Item 6Tuition and Fees for 2013-2014

&Student Government Presentation

The UNF administration is recommending at 1.7 percent increase to in-state undergraduate and graduate tuition. This raises the per-credit-hour in-state tuition to $105.07 for undergraduate students, to $408.10 for graduate students and to $435.82 for nurse anesthetist and Doctor of Physical Therapy students.

The administration further recommends an equivalent decrease in out-of-state fees for out-of-state students in each of these categories.

Vice President Shuman will address the Board and present this item.

Proposed Action – Approval – Motion and Second Required



Page 50: University of North Florida Board of Trustees June 11, 2013

BOT Item 7Emergency Regulation Amendment

Schedule of Tuition and Fees

The purpose of this item is to present proposed amendments to the 2013-2014 tuition and fees regulation. The regulation will become effective upon approval of the Board of Trustees and the Board of Governors.

Vice President Shuman will address the Board and present this item.

Proposed Action – Approval – Motion and Second Required



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BOT Item 8UNF’s Budget for 2013-2014

Each university board of trustees is required to approve the university budget prior to submission to the Florida Board of Governors and the Florida Legislature. The UNF budget was discussed at a workshop May 23. It is now being presented to the full Board for review and approval.

Vice President Shuman will address the Board and present this item.

Proposed Action – Approval – Motion and Second Required



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BOT Item 9Reports

Academic Affairs Committee

College Scheduler



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ReportsStudent Life and Facilities Committee

Update on the Capital Improvement Trust Fund (CITF)

Capital Projects Quarterly Report and Change Orders

Potential Purchase of a Warehouse



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BOT Item 12Adjournment

Chair Taylor will adjourn the meeting.

