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The vast unimaginable space, which encompasses most of the distant stars, planets & everything else which can be imagined, is called as UNIVERSE


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The Sun & its Planets along with their natural satellites (moons) constitute Solar System.

Solar System

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There are :

1) Mercury

2) Venus

3) Earth

4) Mars

5) Jupiter

6) Saturn

7) Uranus

8) Neptune

8 Planets

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Planets are opaque astronomical bodies .


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Lies closest to sun and is the smallest planet of our solar system its diameter is 40 percent larger than of the earth’s moon it is even smaller than TITAN the satellite of saturn


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Is often called the jewel of the sky ‘on can easily notice its bright and prominent appearance in western evening sky and eastern morning sky therefore it is known as earth’s sister .


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About 70.8 per cent of the earth’s surface is covered by oceans while land covers 29.2 percent of nitrogen and 21per cent of oxygen these gases are essential for us

The Earth

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The atmossphere of mars is cold ,thin and transparent hence the surface can be readily seen and rich in martin soil is rich in iron


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The planet mars have two satellites Deimos and Phobos

Mars satellites

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Is biggest amoung all planets in solar systemthe great red spot is a complex storm


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Jupiter have four satellites name callisto ,ganymade ,europa and lo

Jupiters satellites

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Saturn is second largest planet in the solar system . saturn has 31 officially recognised satellites of which TITAN is the largest .saturn is clearly visibled through telescope in winter


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Is four times size of the earth it appears bluish-green in color it is due to presence of the methane gas in atmosphere which absorbs infrared rays it was discovered by williams hersel in 1781 .its core is made of rock and Ice


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Also appears in bluish in colordue to presence of methane gas its four planets are called jovianplanets apart from neptune,jupiter,saturn and uranus are other jovian planets


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Scientiest no longer not considered as planet it is dubbed as most Dwarf planets and erisis largest and most massive

Dwarf planets

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Is a shooting star appears to be streakof light across the night sky the leonid meteor shower in year 1998 into earth’s atmosphere from the space it is that lonar Lake in mahashtrawas formed due to meteor hit.

Meteor and Meteorites

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Are minor planets that revovlearound the sun mainly between the orbits of mars and jupiterthe area od solar system is called asteroid belt .ceres is the largest and has a diameter of about1,000km


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Are heavenly bodies that revovlearound the sun in eccentric orbits the sun is is not at center of comet,s orbit the word comet means as lighted head or comma .for example hale-boop was sighted by alan hale of new mexico and thomas boop of arizona.


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Kshama shah…