Download - Universal Masonic Record - List of Masonic Lodges in America and Europe (1857) (342 pgs)

  • 8/6/2019 Universal Masonic Record - List of Masonic Lodges in America and Europe (1857) (342 pgs)


  • 8/6/2019 Universal Masonic Record - List of Masonic Lodges in America and Europe (1857) (342 pgs)



  • 8/6/2019 Universal Masonic Record - List of Masonic Lodges in America and Europe (1857) (342 pgs)


  • 8/6/2019 Universal Masonic Record - List of Masonic Lodges in America and Europe (1857) (342 pgs)





  • 8/6/2019 Universal Masonic Record - List of Masonic Lodges in America and Europe (1857) (342 pgs)





  • 8/6/2019 Universal Masonic Record - List of Masonic Lodges in America and Europe (1857) (342 pgs)




  • 8/6/2019 Universal Masonic Record - List of Masonic Lodges in America and Europe (1857) (342 pgs)


  • 8/6/2019 Universal Masonic Record - List of Masonic Lodges in America and Europe (1857) (342 pgs)


  • 8/6/2019 Universal Masonic Record - List of Masonic Lodges in America and Europe (1857) (342 pgs)



  • 8/6/2019 Universal Masonic Record - List of Masonic Lodges in America and Europe (1857) (342 pgs)


  • 8/6/2019 Universal Masonic Record - List of Masonic Lodges in America and Europe (1857) (342 pgs)




    M. W. JUDGE JOHN L. LEWIS,Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of New York,

    Has so happily and truly daguerreotyped the views which prompted usto undertake the publication of the " Universal Masonic Eecord/'in the following extract, that the reader will at a glance see the design, andpurposes, and future historical value of the work. He says, " Your idea,Brother Hyneman, of the Universal Masonic Record, is most valuable anduseful, and well deserves the patronage of the fraternity. It will be useful notalone as a book of reference, but will awaken a thousand hind andpleasant re-collections of absent and endeared friends^ and serve as a guide and text-

    }5 book to the future Masonic Biographer. Combining thus, in one volume,H the practical with the agreeable, it will be a future companion of high"" value when the present generation has passed away.'' Thus speaks theO \ eminent jurist, the philanthropist, the enlightened and beloved Mason,

  • 8/6/2019 Universal Masonic Record - List of Masonic Lodges in America and Europe (1857) (342 pgs)


    y fi y'i

    4 PREFACE.J. E. Hurford of Oregon city, Oregon, who are each of them thoroughgoing

    and eflScient business men, and valuable to any enterprise. Weare also indebted to Bros. Archibald Scott of Halifax, Nova Scotia, R. A.Woodcock, of Ingersoll, Canada West, and S. Gr. S. Rowley, of Bolivar,N. Y., for the deep interest which they have manifested in extending aknowledge of the publication. The very great success we have had, andthe liberal subscription to the work within the last two months, as wellas in compliance with a request from many Brethren of high standing,and whose opinions we value, in New York, Philadelphia, and otherparts, we have concluded to publish another edition of the UniversalMasonic Record during the present year.

    In making this announcement, we will remark, that it is our intention tohave every Lodge in the country thoroughly canvassed, and the workbrought prominently before the notice of the craft. It is our intentionto have the next edition as full and complete as it will be possible for usto make it; the '' Directory'' to contain the name, time, andplace of meet-ing of every Masonic Lodge in the world if possible, up to the time ofgoing to press, and the " Record,'' to embrace the Masonic affiliations ofevery Freemason, who appreciates his connection with our time-honored order. In this laudable enterprise. Brethren, will you help us ?We will, of course, have to depend greatly upon your assistance. Weconfidently expect with the eflforts which we shall make and the help of ourbrethren, to enrol at \e2iSt forty thousand additional names of good andtrue craftsmen in our next edition. We purpose to reprint in the nextedition, all the names and Masonic affiliations of the subscribers con-tained in this book, without any charge ; and we will also make any corrections,additions, or alterations that may be necessary, free of any expense. Thisliberality on our part we trust will be appreciated by the present sub-scribers, and imbue them with a proper spirit to assist us in this under-taking.


    UNIVERSAL MASONIC EECORD,Will be published in uniform style, plain and neatly bound in cloth.Price, Three dollars.

    It will contain the whole of the contents of the present work, with thenames, &c., of such additional subscribers as will be received, and a com-plete list of Masonic Lodges throughout the world.We will consider it to be the duty of every Freemason who reads thisnotice, to contribute, his best exertions towards rendering the *' FamilyCircle " complete, so that every Freemason will be linked in the golden,chain of brotherhood. Every Brother constitutes a link in the Masoniofamily. All are interested in having the chain perfect, not a single linkshould be left out. Brethren, will you aid us in this good work ? It mat-ters not where a Brother hails from, where he resides, or what his professionor occupation may be, if he is in good standing in the order, it is his duty

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    PREFACE. 9to be associated with the "living lights" whose names are recorded in thisbook. Every Freemason ought surely to feel an honest pride in havinga Record of his Masonic connection perpetuated, and to be united in achain of love strong and enduring, and through the means of the Uni-versal Masonic Record, to be brought in close proximity to his brethren,no matter how widely separated. As a legacy of a good name associatedwith the sons of light, the book will be the richest inheritance that aBrother can leave behind, and long after he has ^' passed away/' it will betreasured by his family and friends more than gold, as a remembrance be-yond value and price. Now, Brethren, with your assistance we hope inour next edition to present such an array of names of good men and trueas were never before published in any work. Names! from the humblestoperative among those who constitute the bone and sinew of a nation, tothe distinguished artificer, whose designs on the trestle board of scienceor in the direction of the moral or political world, stand pre-eminentNames of the good and true, the moral and the virtuous, all the worldover; and to attain this glorious result, we trust that we will not dependupon your assistance in vain.

    Subscriptions for the work will be received immediately.Brethren subscribing for the work will be required to pay one dollar atthe time of subscribing, and the balance, two dollars, so soon as the bookis ready for the printer.The book will be published for subscribers only, and will not be for sale.Advertisements will be received at the rate of Forty dollars a page,smaller advertisements in proportion.The membership of Lodges, Chapters, Councils, &c., published in thebook for Five dollars, and a copy of the book given to the body sub-scribing.The present subscribers desiring a copy of the next edition will becharged two dollars for a copy of the book. Address,

    LEON HYNEMAN,Office Masonic Mirror and Keystone,146 South 4th St., Philadelphia, Pa.

  • 8/6/2019 Universal Masonic Record - List of Masonic Lodges in America and Europe (1857) (342 pgs)



  • 8/6/2019 Universal Masonic Record - List of Masonic Lodges in America and Europe (1857) (342 pgs)




    ALABAMA.Justin E. Beebe, M. D., Planter and Teacher, Fosters. Rising Virtue

    Lodge, No. 4. P. H. P. Tuscaloosa Chapter, No. 1. Grand Lecturer ofGrand Chapter. Royal and Select Mason. K. T.

    D. L. R. Butt, Merchant, Centre. S. W. Sam Dixon Lodge, No. 218.Thos. M. McKinney, Farmer, Bridgeville. Bridgeville Lodge, No. 100.Hon. James Pynes, Farmer, Woodville. Caledonia Lodge, No. 198.John D. Jordan, Farmer, Woodville. Caledonia Lodge, No. 198.Isaac Howard, Farmer, Woodville. Caledonia Lodge, No. 198.Benj. F. Smith, Farmer, Woodville. Caledonia Lodge, No. 198.John W. Watford, Farmer, Woodville. Caledonia Lodge, No. 198.John M. Bowdon, Merchant, Woodville. Caledonia Lodge, No. 198.F. B. Wakefield, Physician, Woodville. Caledonia Lodge, No. 198.E. W. B. Bayzer, Salesman and Book-keeper, Notasulga, Secretary of

    Notasulga Lodge, No. 119.John J. W. Payne, M. D. and Farmer, Yorkville. W. M. Yorkville

    Lodge, No. 131. R. A. Mason.William 0. Pullen, Farmer, Tallassee. Notasulga Lodge, No. 119. 'William L. Bealle, Planter, Tuscaloosa. W. M. Sylvan Lodge, No. 111.

    Tuscaloosa Chapter, No. 1.G. W. Cole, Physician, La Fayette. R. A. Mason.Amand P. Pfister, Books and Stationery, Montgomery. G. Secretary,

    G. Lodge of Alabama. Montgomery Lodge, 71; Montgomery Chap. 22;Montgomery Council, 3; Montgomery Encamp. 4; G. Consistory S. C.Rev. John C. Weaver, Farmer, near Notasulga. Notasulga Lodge, 119.Edward Tarrant, Teacher, Superintendant of Common Schools. Fosters,Rising Yirtue Lodge, No. 4.

    Robert Blair, Late Mayor of Tuscaloosa, Clothing Merchant. W. M.Rising Virtue Lodge, No. 4. Tuscaloosa, Chapter No. 1, R. and S. M.Abram Glenn, Planter, Carthage. J. D. Sylvan Lodge, No. 111.

    J. Krout, Confectioner, Selraa. Fraternal Lodge, No. 27 ; St. John'sChapter, No. 31, Selma Council, No. 17.

    '^ '^ "^^''^

    J. P. D. Kelly, M. D. Buckhorn. Brundidge Lodge, No. 184.

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    8 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD.William H. Owens, Farmer, Buckhorn. Louisville Lodge, No. 225;

    Albany Chapter, No. 15, Georgia.Marshall Bryan, Farmer, Pea River. Brundidge Lodge, No. 184.Silas Stephens, Farmer, Brundidge. Taswell Lodge.Robert E. Newman, Farmer, Newton. Newton Lodge^ No. 224.Jesse Kennedy, Merchant, Newton. Newton Lodge, No. 224.Josiah Balkcorn, Farmer, Newton. Newton Lodge, No. 224.Thomas S. Dew, Farmer and Minister, Newton. Newton Lodge No. 224.David Y. Gamage, Teacher, Newton. Newton Lodge, No. 224.Dr. John Y. Johnson, Physician and Surgeon, China Grove. Mt.Billiard Lodge, No. 132; Troy Chapter.J. B. Harrison, Mechanic, Selma. Selma, Fraternal Lodge, No. 27.E. M. Hastings, Receiver of Public Moneys, Montgomery. W. M.,Andrew Jackson Lodge, No. 178; H. P., Montgomery Chapter, No. 22;

    Rec, Montgomery Council, No. 3; Prelate, Commandery, No. 4.Edward S. Stewart, Wholesale Grocer, Montgomery. J. W., AndrewJackson Lodge, No. 173; Montgomery Chapter, No. 22; MontgomeryCouncil, No. 3j Montgomery Commandery, No. 4.William H. Garside, Chemist and Druggist, Montgomery. AndrewJackson Lodge, No. 173.

    William A. Grant, Cotton Broker, Montgomery. Andrew JacksonLodge, No. 173.John F. Smith, Livery Stable Keeper, Montgomery. Andrew Jackson

    Lodge, No. 173.Richard Fraser, Montgomery. S. W., Andrew Jackson Lodge, No. 173 ;

    P. S., Montgomery Chapter, No. 22; Montgomery Council, No. 3; Mont-gomery Commandery, No. 4.

    Selma. Fraternal Lodge, Selma.William A. Bennett, Grocer, Farriorville. Wiley Lodge, No. 134;

    Farriorville Chapter, No. 66; Chilton Council, No. 33.Lewis Forester, Physician, Reform. Fellowship Lodge, No. 172.

    Fellowship Lodge, No. 172. Reform, Ala.James Berry, W. M. Jno. Sigman, S. W. MarcusD.L. Hodo, J. W.Joseph W.Guyton,Trea.Robt. A. McCord, Sec. Hugh K. Reid, S. D.Geo. T. Kerr, J. D. M. Linebarger, Steward Wm. H. Berry, Steward.Ira M. Mitchell, Tyler ElliottLawdermilk, Jas. B. Lawdermilk,James Kerr, David Ballard, Lewis Forrester,Ansel Pierson, John A. Russell, Washington Gaston,Wm. Prude, Wm. Harper, Jas. M. Royzell,Grey Strickland, Geo. A. J. Skidmore, Bart. Tankersty,Edw. H. Bedford, Col. C. Gregory, John Corr,Geo. W. Gillespie, Jas. Johnston, Jere. Munday,Wm. E. Crimm, Jere. G. Gurley, A. D. Howard,

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    ARKANSAS.Thos. D. Johnston,Jas. M. Benson,Felix E. Johnston,R. R. Bogle,Jas. A. Hasson,Herbert Archer,Sam. Hamby,Seth Byars,Josiah Green,A. P. Pressley,

    Milton B. Byars,Charles B. Robinson,Ben. 0. Jennings,Aug. P. Hodo,B. F. Roberts, .Jas. S. Wier,Dan. C. Shetton,John D. Childers,Jas. P. Lowe,Ben. D. Haney,

    Thos. H. Wier,John N. Black,Jas. A. Howell,John Gr. Carroll,Jas. P. Linebarger,John V. Wood,Temple Cole,L. B. Williams,Thos. W. Shockley.

    ARKANSAS.George M. Murrell, Farmer,Park Hill. J. W., Cherokee Lodge, No. 21.Luke E. Barber, Clerk of Supreme Court, Little Rock. P. G. Master

    of Grand Lodge of Arkansas. Western Star Lodge, No. 2. G. H. Priestof Grand Chapter of Arkansas. Union Chapter, No. 2. Occidental Coun-cil, No. 1. Hugh de Payens Encampment, No. 1.

    Albert Pike, Lawyer, Little Rock. Magnolia Lodge, No. 60; UnionChapter, No. 2; Occidental Council, No. 1; Hugh de Payens Commandery.Supreme Council, No. 33 at Charleston.Henry Herman Hays, Farmer, Big Creek, Phillips Co. Lebanon Lodge,

    No. 97; Helena Chapter, No. 5; Occidental Council, No. 1; Hugh DePayens Commandery, D. D. G. M. for 5th District.GRAND CONSISTORYOf Sub Pr of ye R.-. S.-. 32 degree, Organized, Inaugurated, andInstalled, August 2nd, 1858, at Little Rock.ORIGINAL MEMBERS.Luke E. Barber, Commander, Thomas D. Merrick, Louis Gedge,Elbert H. English, Dep. Com. John H. Newborn, Benjamin F. Danley,Geo. C. Watkins, 1st Lt. Com. Samuel W. Williams, Andre T. Hutt.RoderickL. Dodge, 2d Lt.Com.Granville McPherson,John J. McAlmont,James A. Henry, Alexander Huey, Andrew T. Smith,

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    CALIFORNIA.J. J). Creigh, Attorney- at-law, San Francisco. California Lodge, No. 1;

    San Francisco Chapter, No. L. Grand High Priest of G. C. of California.John B. Bope, Farmer, Plum Valley. W. M. Forest Lodge, No. 66;

    King, Forest Chapter, No. 10; Sacramento Encampment.M. R. Evans, Merchant, Forest City. Treasurer of Forest Lodge, No;66; Forest Chapter, No. 10.

    Washington Scott, Miner, Forest City. Forest Lodge, No. 66.Thornton A. Reed, Hotel Keeper, Forest City. Forest Lodge, No. 66.George Miller, Baker, Forest City. Forest Lodge, No. 66.Clint H. Patchin, Hotel Keeper, Forest City, Forest Lodge, No. 66;

    Forest Chapter, No. 10.John Kirkpatrick, Miner, Forest City. Secretary of Forest Lodge, No.

    66; Secretary of Forest Chapter, No. 10.William Fleming, Express-man, Forest City. S. D. of Forest Lodge,

    No. 66.Thoe. Winters, Merchant, Forest City, S, D, Forest, Lodge, No. 66.

    Forest Chapter, No. 10.G. A. McNutt, Miner, Forest City. Forest Lodge, No. 6Q.James Fitz James, Book-keeper, Forest City. P. M. Nevada Lodge,

    No. 13; Sacramento Chapter, No. 3.Jonathan Green, Tailor, Shasta City. P. M. St. John's Lodge, No. 37;

    Shasta Chapter, No. 9.David B. Kitts, Miner, Indian Creek. S, W. North Star Lodge.Edward Brown, Miner, Campo Seco. Campo Seco Lodge, No. 100.Adolph Adler, Merchant, Campo Seco.Samuel II. Parker, Attorney-at-law, San Francisco. Strafford Lodge,

    No. 29; N. H.Moses Hyneman, Merchant, Auburn. W. M. Eureka Lodge, No. 16 ;

    Royal Arch Mason.Thomas M. Reed, County Treasurer, Eldorado county, Colomo. W. M.Georgetown Lodge, No. 25 ; W. M. Acacia Lodge, U. D. ; SherburneChapter, Ky.- Lorrin Andrews, Jr., Clerk, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. HawaiianLodge, No. 21; Covington Chapter, No. 35, Ky.; Kenton Council, No.13, Ky. ; Covington Encampment,

    No. 7, Ky.10

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    CONNECTICUT. 11Samuel W. Langton, Expressman, Downieville. Mountain Shade

    Lodge, No. 18.' ^^"^

    Christian J. Kline, Baker, Downieville. Mountain Shade Lodge, No. 18.Alexander T. Langton, Merchant, Downieville. Mountain Shade

    Lodge, No. 18.Christian Kies, Quartz Miner, Downieville. Mountain Shade Lodge, 18.Leach B. Thurman, Dealer in Groceries, Provisions and Miners' sup-

    plies in general, Auburn. Ionic Lodge, No. 121.'/y

    CONNECTICUT. /rfCharles Brown, Soap and Candle Manufacturer, New Haven. Wooster

    Lodge, No. 79.Eliphalet G-. Storer, New Haven. Grand Secretary of G. Lodge of Con-

    necticut; Grand Secretary of G. Chapter; Grand Recorder of G. Council;P. G. M. and Grand Recorder of G. Encampment; Hiram Lodge, No. 1;Secretary of Franklin Chapter, No. 2, P. H. P.; P. T. 111. G. M. HarmonyCouncil; Recorder of New Haven Encampment.

    Rev. Alonzo G. Shears, M. A., Principal and Proprietor of SuburbanHome School, English and Classical, for a select number of Boarders only,New Haven. Hiram Lodge, No. 1. .0N. N. Barrett, Foreman in finishing department of Collin's Axe Estab-

    lishment, Collinsville. W. M. Village Lodge, No. 29; PythagorasChapter, No. 17; Washington Commandery. No. 1; G. Sent. Grand Chapter.

    William N. Gesner, Ship Builder, Fair Haven. P. M. AdelphiLodge, No. 63; P. H. P. Pulaski Chapter, No. 26; P. T. and Rec, Craw-ford Council, No. 19; New Haven Commandery, No. 2. ^ "^

    Ralph Warren, Farmer, Fair Haven. P. S. D. Adelphi Lodge, No.63; P. H. P. Pulaski Chapter, No. 26; T. 111. G. M. Crawford Council,No. 19 ; New Haven Commandery, No. 2.

    George E. Maltby, Manufacturer American Lozenges, Dealer in Drugs,&c., Fair Haven. Adelphi Lodge, No. 63. siHenry R. Barnes, Grocer, Fair Haven. J. W. Adelphi Lodge, No. 63 ;

    H. P. Pulaski Chapter, No. 26; C. G. Crawford Council, No. 19i IsmfidJulius R. Preston, Manufacturer Kegs and Packing Boxes, Fair Haven.

    Adelphi Lodge, No. 63; P. R. A. C. Pulaski Chapter, No. 26; CrawfordCouncil, No. 19. ^>

    Lucius G. Peck, Attorney at Law, New Haven. Hiram Lodge, No. 1;P. K. Franklin Chapter, No. 2; Harmony Council, No. 8;, G..O..NewHaven Commandery, No. 2. .,:. - -. - ^.-jt}l>c'^ ^'^ - ?->!.

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    Henry Hall,William F. Keppen,D. F. Hoadley,D. H. Carlton,

    John S. Sanford, Grocery and Ship Stores, Fair Haven. Adelphi Lodge,No. 63 ; Pulaski Chapter, No. 26.Warren 0. Nettleton, Ship Builder, Fair Haven. Adelphi Lodge, 63.St. John's Lodge, No. 3; Bridgeport, Conn. Organized February 12th

    A. L. 5762-1762.William Boston, W. M. Philo Hurd,David L. Mills, Jr. S. W.Sturges M. Johnson,Charles L. Waters, J. W.Sylvester May,William R. Higby, Trea.N. C. Blackman,William S. Hanford, Sec.Lockwood N. Deforest, John Preston,Rev. A. N. Benedict, Ch.Frederick Tuckerman, George D. Treat,William H. Cooper, S. D.Samuel B. Furguson, George G. Wheeler,Francis Potter, J. D. Elam Hawley,Amos S. Treat, Stew. William H Lewis,John Cornwall, Stew. Philip J. Jones,G. W. Lewis, Marshal. James H. Preston,William Lum, Tyler. J. E. Dunham,Benjamin Wheeler, 1791David L. Mills,Matthew Curtis, 1807 Thomas Hutchins,Benjamin S. Smith,1808 Israel Kelsey,Curtis Blackman, 1808 Silas D. Baldwin,MossK. Bottsford, 1811 William Hepburn,Charles Winton, 1811 John C. Lusk,Curtis Blackman, 1812 A. A. Youngs,David Lacey, 1814 John H. St. John,Anson Sherman,Charles Foot,Samuel Hodges,

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    CONNECTICUT. laS. Henry Hurd,Samuel P. Rand.Franklin Hitchcock,John M. Samis,Luther P. Bradley,William Boston,John W. Clark,John H. Morris,Peter Groundeson,James A. Tuttle,John N. Knapp,James L. Gould,Phillippe Koch,Levi Gr. Silliman,Robert H. Mills,Emory A. Weller,George B. Wheeler,Thomas G. Magavern,David W. Clark,Robert Sterling,Oscar P. Lewis,R. E. Hough,John W. Wilmot,H. Hedden,Henry F. Betts,Tylee W. Hartshorn,Sylvester H. Gray,R. G. Waterous,William Pinkerman,William H. Williams,James McDonald,James Mygatt,W. R. Bristol,William R. Higby,Frederick Sterling,Frederick Ellison,Levi Coley,Cyrus W. Burton,Anderson W. Fowler,Abel W. Hawley,L. C. Shepard,Peter Beck,William G. Lineburgh,

    Henry Hubbell,Walter E. Bradley,Henry L. Sturges,John Hughes,Charles A. Bailey,

    William Knapp,A. C. Lewis,John B. Tan,Henry Buckingham,Nelson J. Botsford,

    George Van Benschoten,Jabez D. Kilbourne,Pinkney Lesser,Hiram Conklin,Joseph Clark,E. P. Barnes,John Layfield,William W. Smith,Marcus Hanan,Francis Chambers,

    George Wayland,Jay D. Clark,William Moody,George B. Smith,Theodore Clark,Albert C. Nash,William De Meeker,Malcom Molan,

    William W. Naramore, Charles B. Middlebrook,A. Caswell,Charles W. Moseman,Daniel McDonald,N. F. Draper,Courtland Kelsey,Henry P. Osborn,James Green,Roger Williams,William H. Lord,Charles Ball,John G. Leffingwell,Josiah Turpin,Dudley W. Currier,Harvey Hoyt,A. N. Hawley,

    S. T. Wilcox,William Lego,E. B. Goodsell,H. N. Bennett,George W. Lewis,D. W. Thompson,Henry H. Porter,John Stallman, Jr.William Hall,Sewall Teague,Abner Rogers,D. B. Sturges,,D. F. Hollister,C. L. Waters,John W. Munson,

    Charles C. Houghton, Marcus C. Allen,Charles Daniels,James T. Hayfield,B. S. Lupton,Ward S. Beebe,Edward Williams,Charles N. Shelton,H. H. Botsford,William C. Ellison,

    Henry D. Sherman,Emor Hickman,Chauncey Morris,John C. Bartholomew,James H. Porter,Frederic Vinton,William H. Cooper,Jonah N, Davis,


    Chauncey M. Hatch, Jr.William H. Bunnell,John S. McCully, George P. Sanborn,David B. Holbrook, John Menzel,John C. Nichols, George S. Keeler,

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    14 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD.Edward H. Carpenter, Henry Steltzham, Jolin C. Mallett,John T. Ferris,Amos S. Treat,Burr Gilliff,Steven S. Jarvis,L. H. Hawley,S. M. Thompson,J. A. Hall,Isaac B. Smith,E. C. Hawley,Hugh Hannan,Abram Frake,James Danvers,Charles Dupper,John Cornwall,Isaac B. Waters,Francis Potter,Thomas W. Sweeney,P. B. Scgee,

    Frederick Van Patten, Charles H. Partrick,Nathaniel Green,Dwight Morris,W. H. Bolte,Charles Webb,F. M. Patrick,Frederick Frye,George Bailey,Daniel Bostwick,Abram N. Gould,E. Loth,A. R. Warner,Robert Hitchins,Thomas Millington,L. M. Bailey,H. G. Betts,George Gregory,Ammon Piatt,

    Nathan S. Morse,Robert Spencer,Richard Jukes,Lewis M. Seeley,J. H. Washburn,Frederick M. Thompson,Isaac Skelton,Henry Himmerler,John G. Foster,Rev. Amos N. Benedict,William A. Lewis,Daniel Hallendrake,Daniel G. Knox,Amos Fuller,Elbert J. Munsdell,Thomas H. Morgan,Charles A. Wilson,

    John Henry,Members of Trinity Lodge, No. 43, Deep River.

    Rowley Flint, W. M.H. G. Stevens, S. W.F. Starkey, J. W.E. W. Tyler, Treas.B. C. Beman, Secty.W. H. Bogart, S. D.'F. W. Williams, J. D.Hiram Wilmot, Stew.L. D. Webber, Stew.

    John A. Geer,Robert M. Barnard,Samuel P. Russell,Simeon Brooks,T. S. Hayden,Asher A. Southworth,Stillman J. Tiley,W. F. Brockway,H. E. Buckingham,

    George N. Phelps, Tyler.Alfred Ambler,H. S. Russell, P. M.D. D. Silliman, P. M.Samuel J. Auger,George B. Holmer,Charles D. Leete,S. A. Wright,

    Erastus H. Williams,Ralph E. Clark,John T. Dennison,Pardon P. Case,Pardon P. Case, Jr.Eli Dennison,

    Charles Kelsey,Hugh B. Brockway,Spencer Read,Dwight S. Babcock,N. Nickerson,0. W. Parsons,John G. Gesner,Charles Post,George A. Read,Frederic M. Dennison,Joseph E. Selden,John Rogers,William C. Rogers,F. W. Gates,A. C. Clark,

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    DELAWARE.William Stamm, Assistant Engineer U. S. Navy, Wilmington. La

    Fayette Lodge, 14 ; Mount Horeb Chapter, Ya.Albert B. Hazard, Farmer, Oak Hill. La Fayette Lodge, 14 ; Wash-

    in ^toi: Chapter, 1.Lewis Speakman, Merchant, Wilmington. Chester Lodge, 236, Pa.William Groves, Builder, Wilmington. Deputy Grand Master.Edwin J. Horner, Locomotive and Car Spring Manufacturer, Wilming-

    ton. Grand Treasurer of Grand Lodge of Delaware.George G. Lobdell, Founder and Machinist, Wilmingtonv Washington

    Lodge, 1.John J. Solomon, Victualler; Wilmington. La Fayette Lodge^ 14.Thomas W. Zebley, Sash Maker, Wilmington. Washington Lodge, 1.Stephen D. Ford, Ironfounder, Wilmington. La Fayette Lodge, 14.Alfred Walton, Druggist, Wilmington. La Fayette Lodge, 14 ; Wash-

    ington Chapter, 1.William H. Gear, Book-keeper, Wilmington. La Fayette Lodge, 14;

    Washington Chapter, 1.James Scott, Morocco Manufacturer, Wilmington, La Fayette Lodge, 14W. S. Hayes, do. do. do. S. W. La Fayette Lodge, 14.James C. McCombs, Book-keeper, Wilmington. P. M. La Fayette

    Lodge, 14. Washington Chapter, 1.Daniel W. Carter, Currier, Wilmington. G. J. W. of Grand Lodge,16

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    16 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD.Joseph Teas, Master Machinist for P., W. and B. R. R. Co., Wilming-

    ton. J. W. Washington Lodge, 1.Joseph Hyde, foreman of Depot Machine Shop, Wilmington. Washing-ton Lodge, 1.Benjamin Douglass, Machinist, Wilmington. Washington Lodge, 1.Henry L. Hainsworth, do. do. do* do.James Roff, Jr., Engineer, do do. do.John A. Britton, Segar Manufacturer, Wilmington. Grand Tyler.William H. White, M. D., Wilmington. S. D. Washington Lodge, 1.]Washington Lodge, No. 1, Wilmington.Christian Krauch, Hotel-keeper, Wilmington. J. D. Washington

    Lodge, 1.Daniel McClintock, Iron Founder, Wilmington. J. W. L a Fayette

    Lodge, 14.Eli B. Talley, Hotel-keeper, Wilmington. La Fayette Lodge, 14.Thomas Thatcher, Ship Joiner, do.John C. Morrison, Farmer, Hare's Corner. St. John's Lodge, 2Smiley King, Farmer, Wilmington. Washington Lodge, 1.Henry F. Reynolds, Farmer, Hare's Corner. St. John's liodge, 2.Charles M. AUmond, Hotel, Wilmington. Union Lodge, 121, Pa.John B. Le Fevre, Farmer, ^ew Castle. St. John's Lodge, 2 ; Wash-

    ington Chapter, 1 ; Encampment, 4, Pa.Henry Franks, Farmer, Brandywine Hundred. La Fayette Lodge, 14.George Buzine, Justice of the Peace,Wilmington. La Fayette Lodge, 14.E. T. Aikin, Gentleman, Wilmington. P. M. Temple Lodge, 11.William B. Wiggins, Mayor, Wilmington. Treas. Washington Lodge, 1.S. W. Hollingsworth, Jeweller, Wilmington. W. M. Temple Lodge, 11,J. S. Valentine, Merchant, Wilmington. Washington Lodge, 1.James Downward, Ropemaker, do. do.Wm. A. McFarlan, Manufacturer, do# do*

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    "'flr:n-^>Tt/'ir oi



    John Bayne, sbip carpenter, Washington. J. W. Washington NavalLodge, 4; Treas. Washington Chapter, 16.

    William Boyd, millwright, Washington. P. J. W* Washington NavalLodge, 4.

    Samuel Cross, engineer, Washington. J. D.Washington Naval Lodge, 4.John A. Foos, bricklayer, do. S. D. do. do.Rev. Thomas Plumsell, do. P. M. do. do. .Charles H. Gordon, clerk, do. Washington Naval Lodge, 4.Joseph Maniett, moulder, do. do. do.Joseph M. Padgett, carpenter, do, do, do.James Quinn, do, do. do.Antonio Suacca, cabinet maker, do. do. do.Robert Clarke, Washington. R. W. P. D. G. M. and P. G. T.; P. MWashington Naval Lodge, 4; M. E. H. P.Washington Chapter, 16

    Washington Encampment, 1.Benjamin B. French, attorney-at-law, W'Gshington. Born at Chester,

    N. H., Sept. 4, 1800; made a Master Mason in King Solomon^s Lodge,New London, in 1826 ; Master of Corinthian Lodge, Newport, about 1830-33 ; Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of D. C-, 1846 to 1853 ; made aRoyal Arch Mason in Washington, 1846, (I think) and a Knight Templarin Brooklyn, N. Y., about 1847-8 ; G. H. P. of the Grand Chapter of Md.and D. C-, 1852 to 1855 ; Grand Commander of W. Encampment, K. T.,G. G. Secretary of the G. G. Chapter of IJ. States, and Grand Recorderof the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the U* States.

    John Holroyd, machinist, Washington. Treas. Washington NavalLodge, 4; Washington Chapter, 16. . rr

    William E. Hutchinson, brass finisher, Washington. S. W. WastirigtonNaval Lodge, 4. ,^ ^' .


    Joseph Mundell, clerk, Washington. Sec. Washington Naval Lodge, 4,P. M. ; Sec. Washington Chapter, 16.James Nokes, painter, Washington. P. M. Washington Naval Lodge, 4.

    Washington Chapter, 16 ; Washington Encampment, 1 ; P. D. G. M.Y. P. Page, Clerk U. S. Senate, Washington. P. M. Washington Naval

    Lodge, 4 ; P. K. Washington Chapter, 16 ; Washington Encampment, 1 ;P. J. G. w. i.j , ^^ J -i/a/.t). ,txWashington Naval Lodge, No. 4, East Washington, D. C. Institii.tedunder the Grand Lodge of Maryland, May 14, 1805, and rechartered bythe Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia, Feb. 19, 1811.3 17

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    Thomas McGrath, Blacksmith and Manufacturer of stone-cutters^ tools,etc., Washington, D. G. S. W. Lebanon Lodge, No. 7 } Columbia Chap-ter, No. 15; Washington Commandery, No. 1. .^^.-r- _-^

    William Hoffman, Miller, Georgetown. Potomac Lodge, No. 5 ; PotomacChapter, No. 8.

    William McChutcheon, Blacksmith, Washington. Lebanon Lodge, 7.William S. Roberts, Stone-cutter, Washington. J. D. Dawson Lodge, 16.A. B. McParlan, Operative Mason and Contractor, Washington. Mont-

    gomery Lodge, No. 42; N. Y. Montgomery Chapter, No. 45 j N. Y.Washington Commandery, No. 1.

    Richard Morgan, Foreman Marble-cutter Capitol extension, Washington.J. W. Lebanon Lodge, No. 7 ; Washington Chapter, No. 16.Henry O. Noyes, Shirt Factory, Washington. Federal Lodge, No. 1.William S. Horton, Cigar and Tobacco Store, 490 Pa. Avenue, between

    3 and 4^ streets, Washington. National Lodge, No. 12. ^C. H. Sauer, St. Charles Restaurant, cor. P. Avenue and Third streets,

    Washington. Lebanon Lodge, No. 7. ---r^fvr t^r;'I Members of Lebanon Lodge, No. 7j Washington,Alex. Rutherford, W. M.Hugh Copeland, John L. Miller,Thomas McGrrath, S. W.Thomas H. Dorian^ Cornelius Maples,Richard Morgan, J. W. Stephen Eddy,Warren C. Choate, Sec. Joseph Friedenwald,

    .jNichls. Acker, Treas. Joseph Oarritson,^J. F. Acker, S. D. Ed. E. Gilbert,Henry Ellis, J. D. Wm. H. Henning,

    HWm. DeNeuf,James O'Bryon,L. Oppenheimer,J, E. Porter,Wallace Raybold,

    j^^oger C.Weightman, P. M.Archd. Henshelwood, John Reese,John McDuell, P. M.W. J. Reese, P. M.N. C. Towle, P. M.

    i^Frederick Albright,John Angerman,

    ,. Peter Bergman^H. H. C. Breece,Thomas Becket,Andrew Craig,W. W. Wood.

    Evan Hughes,Francis Holden,H. Kaiser,Marcus Lane,H. A. Lockwood,Peter Lynch,Hugh Moffit,Thomas F. Maguire,Wm. McCutchen,


    Joseph Reese,Wm. B. Robertson,George J. Rogers,

    .'. . J. E. Scheel,George Strobel,R. H. Stewart,

    *'' Charles. H. Sauer,. 0. A. Stafford,J. C. Turner,

    John Meller,Members of Centennial Lodge, No. 14 ; Washington. Meets at Masonic

    Hall, Cor. 9th and D. Sts. every 1st, and 8d Thursdays in each month.Wm.H. Faulkner, W. M.A. Vancarap, S. D. Jno. S. Deal,A. G. Fowler, S. W. Wm. Tucker, J. D. Joshua Gibson,

    , p. 0. Mills, J. W. F. Housam, 12, Tyler. Gwynn Harris,ifohn E. Baker, Secty. Chas. B. Church, Robert Nash,David Hepburn, Treas. Moses Churchill, C. H. Payne,

    * I


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    DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 19Philip G. Pote,Stephen Rollins,John Ragan,C. W. Amy,S. C. Boynton,iS. P. Bowen,Jas. M. Busher,Thos, J. M. Barchus,J. M. Burke,John A. Calvert,

    Isaac Herzeberg,Thadeus H. Jones,John L. II. Keese,John Kelly,Henry Knight,Jas. McGee,Wm. McPeake,Dr. Jas. E. Morgan,R. J. Marshall,Thos. S. McNeir,

    John Geo. Stock,Thos. ShreevGs,John A. Stephenson,Woodford Stone,Wm. J. Smith,Charles Sword,L. Vansant,M. Williams,Ezra Wiliams,John H. Wilson.

    FLORIDA.George Flagg, Merchant, Jacksonville. J. D. Solomon^s Lodge, No.

    20; Jacksonville Chapter, No. 12.Michael Hearn, Merchant, Jacksonville. J. W. Solomon's Lodge, 20.Frederick C. Barrett, Merchant, Jacksonville. P. M. Solomon's Lodge,

    No. 20. Jacksonville Chapter, No. 12. P. S. G. W. iThomas J. Prevatt, Register of Land Office, Newnansville. Secretary

    Alachua Lodge, No. 26 ; Treas. Alachua Chapter, No. 13.Lindley M. Scarborough, Merchant, Newnansville. R. A. M.John R. Berrill, Newnansville, Secretary, Alachua Lodge, No. 26.John M. Payne, M. D., Flemington. True Brotherhood Lodge, No. 45;

    Olive Chapter, No. 10.John S. Sammis, Planter, Jacksonville. P. S. W. Solomon's Lodge No.

    20; Jacksonville Chapter, No. 12. Douglas Council, No. 3.


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    m GEORGIA.Newton P. BrrnsDn, merchant, Albany, Albany Cliaptcr, 15,William Cox, tailor, Savannah. P. M. Solomon's Lodge, 1; W. M.

    Olinton Lodge, 54 ; P. S. Georgia Chapter, 3 ; E. and S. Master, GeorgiaCouncil, 2.

    Clinton Lodge, No. 54, Savannah, organized December 1, A. L. 5846.William Cox, W. M. Bohlke Wittmer, H. Marcus,Geo. W. Hardcastle, S. W. John B. Cubbedge,AV^m. F. Parker, J. W. J. J. Logan,Wm. M. Davidson, Treas. E. H. Olmstead,David A. Galloway, Sec. W. K. Bryan,E. O-Withington Jr., S. D. Simon E. Byck,J. T. Jones, J. D. H. S. Scott,AV^illiam Green, Tyler, Joseph Goethy,J. E. Godfrey, Sen., Chap. Enoch D. Hendry,-James L. Oliver, Jacob Wincbcrg,Samuel B. Sweat, Levy E. Byck,John Rutherford, E. L. Schmidt,

    . llev. Emanuel Hcidt, William Eoso,Cyrus Chaffer,John Gotz,IL Weiman,IL Thediman,William Williams,F. A. Church,Dr. Holmes Steele,B. R. Daniell,F. 0. Carl,Rev. G.G.N. McDonell, Stephen Dupon,W. C. Burnham, Perry Hardee.W. G. Ingram, farmer, Palmyra. Irving Lodge, 158.

    Joseph Jackson, clothier, Talbotton. Sec. Olive Lodge, 10; Sec. Clin-ton Chapter, 8.

    Samuel Laurence, attorney-at-law, editor of Masonic Signet and Journiil,Marietta.

    Philip T. Schley, counsellor-at-law, Savannah. P. G. M.; P. M. Co-lumbian Lodge, 7; G. H. P. G. Chapter; P. H. P. Darley Chapter, 7:G. Thrice 111. G. Master, G. Council ; P. Thrice 111. G. Master, HopeCouncil, 4; St. Omar Encampment, 2.

    Joseph Sickel, segars and tobacco, Savannah. Zerubbabel Lodge, 15.Victor Studor, tailor. Savannah. Clinton Lodge, 54.Francis M. Thompson, carpenter, Albany. Albany Lodge, 24 ; H, P.

    Albany Chapter, 15; R. and S. Master.James T.Wells, merchant, Savannah. Clinton Lodge, 5420

    Richard D. Miller,iltnry Atkinson,AViiliam B. Hermes,H. Rothschild,Payne Lovell,Alexander Bailey,Dr. J. Toole,D. Abrahams,James T. Wells,Lyman E. Byck,William A. Jaudon,

    B. L. Stephens,John E. Mallery,George

    F. Headman,M. Scarborough,Victor S. Studor,Peter Frei"ks,James E. Godfrey, Jr.Henry G. Kuhrt,F. Zeigler,Dr. W^illiam T. Park,Antonio Laurence,Francis F. MallettR. M. Hitch,T. W. McArthur,Robert D. Walker,J. A. La Roche,M. M. Johnson,John B. D. Costa,Fletcher Hughs,A. W. Da Costa,E. J. Johnston,

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    GEORGIA. 21William J. L. Mouthon, Lumber Merchant, Savannah. Clinton Lodge, 54.John Newton, Blacksmith, Savannah. Clinton Lodge, No. 54.William Foster Parker, General Auction and Commission Merchant, 85

    Bay St., Savannah. W. M. Few Lodge, No. 79 ; M. 3d Veil, GeorgiaChapter, No. 3 ; Georgia Council, No. 2.W. S. Park, M. D. Botanic Physician, Savannah. Clinton Lodge 54.Harry Hayne, Savannah. Clinton Lodge, No. 54.J. S. Pemberton, Operative and Dispensing Pharmaceutist, Columbus.Columbia Lodge, No. 7.

    Stephen S. Brooks, Pattern Maker, Columbus. Tyler, OglethorpeLodge, No. 47 ; Sentinel, Barley Chapter, No. 7 ; Sentinel, Hope Council,No. 4 ; Sentinel, St. Aldemar Commandery, U. J).Jonathan Graham, Dealer in Fruits, Confectionery, and Toys, cornerCongress and Drayton Sts., Savannah. Zerubbabel Lodge, No. 15.Francis H. Remington, Merchant, Thomasville. P. M. St. ThomasLodge, 49; King, Thomasville Chapter, 44; St. Omers Commandery, 2.William H. Perrine, Carpenter and Builder, Columbus. S. D. Ogle-thorpe Lodge, No. 47.

    J. T. Laurence, Practising Physician, Post Master, Woodbury. W. M.Woodbury Lodge, No. 149.OGLETHORPE LODGE, No. 47 ; Columbus, Geo.FrancisM.Brooks,W.M.H. Gibson, D. B. Renfroe,James M. Hughes, S. W.James A. Girdner, , J. H. Renfroe,SamuelB.Warnock,J.W.E. C. Hubble,Dexter B. Thompson, Tr.S. H. Hill,William E. Sandford,Sec.L. Heinman,William Perrine, S. D. J. H. Huff,John P. Murry, J. D. J. W. Howard,Thomas Chapman, Stew. J. R. Ivey,James D. Balwin, Stew. A. S. Jones,

    Stephen S.Brooks, Tyler.F. A. Jepson,J. D. Balwin,J. M. Bivin,W. J. Chaffin,Thos. Chaffin,John Carrigher,P. H. Alston,J. S. Allen,M. Barringer,J. Burnett,T. S. Chapman,Thos. Chapman,T. J. Cary,L. B. Duck,C. J. Davenport,S. Duncan,Jacob Fogle,John Fellsiuger,Charles Feilds,B. R. Folsom,

    A. Illges,W. J. Kellet,W. F. Lee,James Ligon,Vr. H. Lamar,L. S. Mosely,E. H. Musgrove,Woody McGhee,D. K. McGhee,H. R. McCoy,E. W. Moise,G. H. Olive,W. S. Obannon,W. J. Ogletree,Peter Prur,William Parkman,John Peabody,J. S. Sane,J. A. Robberts,

    R. R. Rutherford,S. Rotchild,H. S. Robinson,T. F. Ridenhour,D. G. Saul,B. G. Stern,Charles Smith,B, Smith,W. L. Saulsbury,J. H. Sikes,Geo. W. Smith,Geo. Steen,Jery Tery,B. A. Thornton,H. Voight,J. AVimberly,F. G. Wilkins,L. T. Woodruff,D. A. Wynne,J. D. Walton,

    .Thos. Williard,H. Williams,W. H. Webb,E. H. Holly,Hiram Thomas, ^Geo. J.Jjloyd,Rev. Geo. Nix,Geo. A. Smith,

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    JS ' ., r: ;

    ILLINOIS. ]Samuel Petersberger, merchaat, Rockford. Philanthropic Lodge, 225,

    Pennsylvania.J. J. Van Dyke, Ashley Station, Illinois Central Railroad.Larkin C. Keown, book-keeper, Alhambra. Franklin Lodge, 25.Thomas Williams, carpenter, Bloomington. Bloomington Lodge, 43.Franklin Price, mayor, land agent, notary public, &c., Bloomington.

    Secretary of Bloomington Lodge, 43.Harrison S. Jacob, chairmaker, Vermont. W. M. Vermont Lodge, 116;

    H. P. Lusk Chapter, 20 ; Rushville Council, 4, R. and S. Masters.Caleb B. Cox, merchant, Vermont. S. W. Vermont Lodge, 116; Lusk

    Chapter, 20.Edward Stapleford, merchant, Vermont. Vermont Lodge, 116; Stew-

    ard, Lusk Chapter, 20.Jonas Driesbach, farmer, Vermont. J. W. Veriaont Lodge, 116;

    Scribe, Lusk Chapter, 20.Benjamin Robinson, tailor, Vermont. Vermont Lodge, 116.David Kirkbride, hotel-keeper, Vermont. Treasurer, Vermont Lodge,

    116; Treasurer, Lusk Chapter, 20.Thomas B. Sidwell, clerk, Vermont. Vermont Lodge, 116; Lusk

    Chapter, 20.Agur G. Frisbie, justice of peace, Vermont. Vermont Lodge, 116;

    Lusk Chapter, 20.James W. Kelly, merchant, A^ermont. Vermont Lodge, 116; R. A.

    C. Lusk Chapter, 20.Ephraim C. Gardner, M. D., physician, Vermont. Vermont L'idge, 116.John Harland, farmer, Vermont. S. D.Vermont Lodge, 116; King,

    Lusk Chapter, 20.Dr. Lorenzo D. Cleavinger, phj^sician, Vermont. Vermont Lodge, 116;

    Lusk Chapter, 20.Robert Dilworth, druggist, Vermont. Vermont Lodge, 116; Lusk

    Chapter, 20.Eleazar Kirkbride, miller, Vermont. Vermont Lodge, 116 ; C of H.

    Lusk Chapter, 20.James Hartford, miller, Vermont. Vermont Lodge, 116.Andrew B. Kirkbride, miller, Vermont. Sect. Vermont Lodge, 116.Edward T. Moore, carpenter, Vermont. Steward Vermont Lodge, 116.Thomas R. Branson, clerk, Vermont. Vermont Lodge, 116; La-ik

    Chapter, 20.22

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    ,a ILT.INOIS. :avrtrv 23"William M. Durell, lumber merchant, Vermont. Vermont Lodge, 116;

    Secretary, Lusk Chapter, 20. ^^Christopher C. Glore, brickmaker, Vermont. Vermont Lodge, 116;

    M. of 1st V. Lusk Chapter, 20.William Alexander, wheelwright, Vermont. Steward Vermont Lodge,

    116.Harvey L. Ross, merchant, Vermont. Vermont Lodge, 116; Lusk

    Chapter, 20.Jesse Carnahan, carpenter, Vermont. J. D. Vermont Lodge, 116;

    P. S. Lusk Chapter, 20.John A. Craig, farmer, Vermont. Vermont Lodge, 116; StewardLusk Chapter, 20.

    Johnston Seaborn, farmer, Vermont. Vermont Lodge, 116; LuskChapter, 20.

    William J. Meritt, farmer, Vermont. Vermont Lodge, 116.Joseph B. Royal, carpenter, do. do.Hiram H. Harris, farmer, do. do.Alfred Hart, cabinet maker, do. do.Eli Elwell, farmer, do. do.J. L. Berry, farmer, do. do.David Dailey, farmer, do. do.D. H. Phelps, merchant, Vermont. B- W. Ipava Lodge, U. D. ; Lusk

    Chapter, 20.Robert Anderson, tanner, Vermont. Tyler Vermont Lodge, 116;

    Guard, Lusk Chapter, 20.William B. Wright, farmer, Vermont. Vermont Lodge, 116.Thomas J. Kinney, commission and forwarding merchant, Astoria.Astoria Lodge, 100.

    George H. Greenleaf, merchant, Lacon. Secretary Henry Lodge, 119;H. P. Herman Chapter, 16.

    Elias Willitts, attorney-at-law, Keithsburg. Lodge 59.Isaac N. Bassett, do. do. do,Willitts & Bassett, do. do. do.William S. Vercelius, leather dealer, Kane co. S. W. Elgin Lodge, 117.Sylvester Stevens, blacksmith, Knoxville. W. M. Knoxville Lodge, 66.

    H. P. Horeb Chapter, 4 ; D. L G. M. Illinois Council, 1., James McCracken, farmer, Knoxville. Secretary Knoxville Lodge, 66;R. A. C. Horeb Chapter, 4 ; Illinois Council, 1.

    James Dosset, farmer, Knoxville. Knoxville Lodge, ^6; Horeb Chap-ter, 4. ) ji li^i

    Edward S. Wilcox, farmer, Geneva. Elgin Lodge, 117. . 'j. ' Joseph T. Ball, physician. W- M. Ipava Lodge ; Lusk Chapter, 20.

    Joseph E. Samasterj merchant. S- D. Ipava Lodgeyj ^9rjf)nJ ^

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    INDIANA.Andrew C. Gardner, Carpenter, Wabash. Havana Lodge, No. 61.Joseph Sanders, Merchant, Stanford. Secretary Stanford Lodge, 173.George W. Parker, Druggist, Kendalville. Mount Vernon Lodge, No.

    k4j Ohio.Abraham Anspacher, Wholesale Clothier, Evansville. Evansville Lodge,No. 64; Evansville Chapter, No. 12.Thomas B. Helm, Civil Engineer, Logansport. Tipton Lodge, No. 83;

    Logan Chapter, No. 2.Henry Friedberger, Wabash. Hanna Lodge, No. 61.Levi M. Plout, Wholesale Clothier, Evansville. Evansville Lodge, No.

    64; Evansville Chapter, No. 12.J. Weihsler, Merchant, Evansville. Olney Lodge, No. 140 ; Richland

    .Chapter, No. 39; Illinois. >i..iL>> i;^ jj

    IOWAT. S. Parvin, Horticulturist, Muscatine. G. Secretary of Grand Lodgeand Grand Chapter. P. G. M. and P. G. H. P. Grand Commander ofBe Molay Encampment, No. 1.George Murray, Farmer, Davenport. Portage Lodge, No. 220, Pa.J. Murray Griffiths, Merchant, Desmoines. P. M. Pioneer Lodge^.ilj'o.

    22; Principal Sojourner, Corinthian Chapter, U. D. ' = *" ^ ' '''^John H. Ranch, Physician, Burlington. P. J. W. Des MoinesLodge, No. 1. - V

    Jesse Rickman, Examiner of Titles of Property, attends to payingTaxes, &c., Newton. P. M. Newton Lodge, No. 59 ; Sec. Gebal Chapter, 12.

    J. Norwood Clark, Merchant, Fancy Goods, &c., Iowa City. P. M.Zion Lodge, No. 81; R. A, C. Iowa City Chapter, No. 2; ExcelsiorCouncil, No. 2; Palestine Commandery, No. 2.Eugene B. Bolens, Attorney at Law, Toledo. Toledo Lodge, No. 118.Grand Lodge of Iowa. Organized, January 1st, 1844.Theodore S. Parvin, Muscatine. Grand Secretary.Edward Brewer, General Agent, Clerk of Court of Records of Buchanan

    County, Independence. W. M. Independence Lodge, No. 87; AholiabChapter.26

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    KENTUCKY.W. S. Browne, proprietor of Excelsior College, Bloomfield. Bloomfield

    Lodge, 57; H. P. Bloomfield Chapter, 53; P. T. I. Glasgow Council, R.and S. Masters; Gr. C Glasgow Encampment, U. D,Ransom Carson, merchant, Stanford. Lincoln Lodge, 60 ; H. P. Stan-

    ford Chapter, 59.M. I. P. Leonard, M. D., Louisville. Ahram Lodge, 8; Hickman

    Chapter, 49; Rob. Morris Council, 18; Prelate Rob. Morris Encampment.William C. Lucas, merchant, Danville. Morrison Lodge, 103 ; Frank-

    lin Chapter, 28.Rob. Morris, editor of American Freemason, Lodge. Model Lodge,

    200; Hickman Chapter, 49; Rob. Morris Council, 18; Rob. Morris En-campment.

    William R. McDaniel, farmer, Hickman. Mills Point Lodge, 120;Hickman Chapter, 49 ; Rob. Morris Council, 18 ; Rob. Morris Encamp-ment.

    William C. Munger, printer, Covington. P. M. Covington Lodge, 109;King, Covington Chapter, 35 ; Kenton Council, 13 ; Covington Encamp-ment, 7.

    Sexton R. Samuels, [merchant and farmer, Cane Springs. BullittLodge, 155.

    Janus W. Stallings, farmer, Mt. Washington. Salt River Lodge, 180.Stanford Chapter, No. 59, held at Stanford. Ofl&cersRansom Carson,M. E. H. P.; Champo Carter, King; W. W. Napier, Scribe; W, A.Parsons, R. A. C; J. W. Napier, P. S.; W^ R. Carson, M. 3d Veil;

    Thales H. Wright, M. 2d V. ; John T. Allen, M. 1st V. ; James Paxton,C. H.; David W. Vandeveer, Tr.; John M. Smyth, Sec; Thomas B.Dodds, Guard; A. G. Huffman, Past High Priest. MembersJ. E.Huffman, Joseph H. Owsley, Thomas W. Varnon, James A. Harris,John King, C. M. Parsons, John Y. Myers, A. S. Myers, Rev. WilliamW. Newland, Harmon Lipe, Chris. R. Dawson, Chris. R, Dunn, ThomasW. Wash. ' LRob. Morris, Grand Master of Grand Lodge of Kentucky, Louisville.P. M. Model Lodge, No. 200; Hickman Chapter, No. 49; P. H.' P. P.Thrice 111. Rob. Morris Council, No. 18; Commander, Rob. Morris Com-mandery, No. 10; Author of Lights and Shadows of Freemasonry, &c.

    Rev. Mathew Magill, General Agent Phoenix Insurance Co. HartfordConn, for Western, and South Western States, Office 31 and 33 WestThird St., Cincinnati, Ohio ; Covington. Chaplain, Col. Clay Lodge, No. 159 ;Covington Chapter, No. 35; Kenton Council, No. 13; GeneralissimoCovington Commandery, No. 7; G. Prelate, Grand Commandery, Ky.Lexington Commandery, No. 5, Missouri. 27

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    LOUESIANA.Josepli Chellet, New Orleans. Grand Tyler. W. M. Orleans Lodge,

    No. 78; Dalta Chapter, 15 j Louisiana Council, 15; Jaques De MolayEncampment, 2.John Q. Adams Fellows, attorney-at-law, New Orleans. S. W. Marion

    Lodge, 68 ; W. M. Louisiana Relief Lodge, 1 ; P. H. P. Orleans Chapter,No. 1 ; T. L Gr. M. Orleans Council, R. and S. Masters, 4 ; IndivisibleFriends' Encampment, 1; Orator of Pelican Chapter, R. C. 11 ; G. C.Eagle Council, K. of K. 4 ; G. C. of the 32d La. ; D. G. H. P. of GrandChapter; Grand P. C. of Work, Grand Council of R. and Select Masters;Rep. to the Gen. Grand Chapter and Gen. Grand Encampment of the U.States for 1856.

    George W. Gregor, merchant, New Orleans. Metropolitan Lodge, 273,N. Y.Thomas W. Pemble, farmer, East Feliciana parish. Secretary of Hel-

    lertown Lodge, 124.Joseph Chellet, New Orleans, Grand Tyler. P. M. and Sec. Orleans

    Lodge, No. 78; Dalta Chapter, No. 15; Louisiana Council, No. 2; JacquesDe Molay Commandery, No. 2; Pelican Chapter, R.*. C*. No. 11; EagleCouncil, K=H. No. 6; Grand Consistory of Louisiana; Honorary MemberSupreme Council, 33 degree, Charleston, S. C.

    Samuel G. Risk, R. W. Grand Secretary Grand Lodge and GrandChapter Louisiana, New Orleans; P. M. and Sec. George WashingtonLodge, No. 65; King Orleans Chapter, No. 1; T. I. G. M. Orleans Coun-cil, No. 4; Grand Recorder Grand Council; Prelate Jacques De MolayCommandery, No. 2; Sov.*. G.*. Ins.*. Gen.*. 33 degree; Honorary MemberSupreme Council, 33 deg. for Southern Jurisdiction of United States ofAmerica.John A. Whetstone, M. D. Auburn. P. D. G. M. of Grand Lodge

    of Alabama; P. M. Autauga Lodge, No. 31; Ala. Sec. Harry Hill Lodge,No. 134; La. P. S. Livingston Chapter, No. 16.28

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    M AlNEiI

    Alonzo Andrews, engineer, Lewiston. S. D. Tranquil Lodge, 29 ; H.P. King Hiram Chapter ; T. I. Gr. Master of Portland Council, R. and S.Masters; Perfect and Sublime Mason; Sovereign Prince of Royal Secret;De Molay Encampment, Mass.

    Manley 0. Butler, merchant, Lewiston. Tranquil Lodge, 29.John G. Cook, druggist, Lewiston. Tranquil Lodge, 29. M. 1st VKing Hiram Chapter.Thomas A. D. Fessenden, counsellor-at-law, Lewiston Falls. TranquilLodge, 29 ; King Hiram Chapter.

    Thurston Libby, millwright, Lewiston. Tranquil Lodge, 29 ; King ofKing Hiram Chapter.

    David Averill, livery stable keeper, Portland. Ancient Mark Lodge ;Mount Yernon Chapter; Portland Encampment.A. P. Stinson, merchant, Portland. S. W. Ancient Mark Lodge; M.3d Y. Mount Yernon Chapter; 111. G-. M. Portland Council; Capt. Gen.

    Portland Encampment.Charles B. Smith, druggist, Portland. P. M. Oriental and Ancient

    IMark Lodges; P. H. P. Mount Yernon Chapter; P. G. C. Maine andPortland Encampments; P. G. Master of Grand Encampment of Maine;Grand Secretary of Grand Lodge ; Grand Recorder of Grand Council ofMaine.

    L. P. Sawyers, M. D., Denmark. P. M. Mount Moriah Lodge, 56.Amasa Taylor, Jr., farmer, Albion. W. M. Central Lodge, 46; P. M29


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    Cbarles Webb, soap and candle manufacturer. Grand Master of GrandLodge of Maryland.

    George I. Kennard, grocer. J. G. W. Grand Lodge.Jacob H. Medairy, bookseller. P. S. G. W. Grand Lodge.Robert Hayes, carver. Concordia Lodge, 13.Samuel Hincks, late Mayor of Baltimore. Concordia Lodge, 13.Walter Crook, Jr., merchant. S W. Concordia Lodge, 13.W. Blair Lord, verbatim reporter. Concordia Lodge, 13 ; Jerusalem

    Chapter, 1.Joseph B. Escavaille, cigar dealer. Amicable Lodge, 25.Henry Arthur, baker. Amicable Lodge, 25; Concordia Chapter, 1.Archibald Campbell, hardware, Do.Mark A. Duke, stove dealer. Do.John B. Brashears, cabinet maker, Amicable Jjodge, 25William Howard Mann, stables. Do.

    ' James Stanley, brush maker, Do.B. S. Hynsoo, blind maker. Do.Glagett & Danels, brewers, ^ Do.William H. Logsdon, hatter, . Do.James Bourne, hattor, Do.John F. Meredith, merchant, Do.William H. Erek, segar store, Do.Samuel French, umbrella maker. W. M. St. John's Lodge, 34; Con-

    cordia Chapter, 1.William Seemuller, cigar importer. St. John's Lodge, 34.John S. Lynch, M. D. Do.James Young, printer, Do.Henry Spilman, P. M. Do.John M. Bruce, copper smith, Do. Concordia Chap. 1Maurie Gidelman, hotel keeper. Do,John H. Witraan, operator of Morse telegraph. St. John's Lodge, 34.James Mitchell, omnibus proprietor. Do,James Webb, soap and candle manufacturer, P. M. Do.F. H. B. Boyd, carpenter, St, John's Lodge, 34.William Chester, farrier, Do.William M. Woods, builder, Do..30

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    UNIVERSAL MAHONIC RECORD. 8|James Fletcher, exchange office. St. John's Lodge, 34.Wm. II. Quincy, city commissioaer, S. W. Do,B. Price, merchant tailor, Bo.Thomas Shields, importer, Do. v*.James Fendrich, tobacco dealer, I)o. XJohn Donohue, segar store, Do. .0Samuel Maccubbin, Jr., merchant, Do.William H. Cunningham, merchant. Do HJ. George Gehring, jeweller, Do. . '

    James St. Lawrence Perry, tailor, Do. *>Benjamin F. Nails, painter. P. M Do.Henry McShane, brass founder, Do.Charles H. Kea, provision house. Cassia Lodge, 45.George McClelland, farrier, Do. '"Isaac Albertson, mansion house. Do."William S. Redgrave, segars. AYarren Lodge, 61.JVloses G. Hinds, builder. Do.William Pritchctt, hotel keeper, D5^.John Milroy, wood corder, . Do.Philip Shillinger, hotel keeper, Do.John Bcachamp, coal dealer, Do.James Hodge, do. - Do.James W. Stevens, cigar dealer, P. M. Do.John H. Hariington, wood dealer, Do. '^Charles C Egerton, broker, ""*' Do.Or. McK. Teal, merchant, _ Do.S. Rosen feld, cigar dealer, Do. 'Samuel M. Johnson, coal agent, DolCorneliss Shawen, hotel keeper. Columbia Lodge, 58.James H- Bangs, broker. Do.H. R. Reynolds, builder. P. M. Union Lodge, 60; Concordia Chap-

    ter, 1; Jerusalem Encampment, 1. ' :."Thomas M. Dukehart, gas fitter. Union Lodge, 60Levin I. Drummond, jeweller, Do.W. S. Lucas, grocery store, L^o -tJohn Mcintosh, Howard house. Do. tE. A. Frick, merchant, Do.William Y. Johnson, merchant, Do.A. E. Warner, J., jeweller, P.M. Do. : T.John G. Medinger, grocer. Do. Concordia Chaste!', ItAugustus C. Medinger, grocer. Do.J. C.Wheeler, grocer, Do.Louis Bonsai, bookseller. W. M. King David's Lodge, 68. f

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    88 MARYLAND. '/j.rFrancis Volk, boot and shoe maker. King David's Lodge, 68. iJacob T. Harman, hotel keeper, Bo. > iiJesse D. Murphy, . ito. Do.Lawson P. Keach, restaurant, Do.J. M. Kimberly, boot and shoe dealer. Adherence Lodge, 88. ,, |C. A. Grinnell, do. Do.Hiram D. Musselman, bookseller. P. M. Do.W. A. Bass, segar importer. Do.Charles R. Hardesty, merchant. P. M. Corinthian Lodge, 93 ; P. H.P. Jerusalem Chapter, 9.George A. Spedden, builder. P. M. Corinthian Lodge, 93.Jacob Weaver, cabinet maker. Do.Capt, L H. Kinvad, steamboat captain. S. W. Do. 'D. Harris Blanchard, Secretary of the Mayoralty. P. M. Ben Franklin

    Lodge 97 ; Grand Marshal of Grand Lodge.George Colton, State tobacco warehouse. Ben Franklin Lodge, 97.George T. Clark, merchant, W. M. Do.William Rogers, importer, Do.Thomas W. Morse, carver, J.W. Do.Walter Ball, Jr., clerk, V'/' ^*James M. Coulter, importer, Do.T. L. Plughes, hatter. Do.John T. Hallett, merchant, ' T . Do.B. F. Norris, grocer. Do.George R. Callis, builder. Concordia Chapter, 1.Richard B. Chenoweth, Do.Lewis Tysinger, merchant, DoManning & Tweedy, butter dealers. Do.A. P. Burt, publisher, Jerusalem Chapter, 9.E. M. Bosley, merchant, Jerusalem Encampment, 1.John D. Babb, baker, Do.0. H. Leonard, merchant. Newark Lodge, 7, N. J. '"^C. A. Klinefelter, grocer. York Lodge, 266, Pa.Walter W. Berry, merchant. Potomac Lodge, 5, D. C.William Denny, EUicott's Mills. Patmos Lodge, 70. P. D. G. M.Littleton Maclin, county treasurer, EUicott's Mills. W. M. Patmos

    Lodge, 70. . - ,George Bond, post master, EUicott's Mills. Tr. Patmos Lodge, 70.John Collins, Sen , merchant, do. P. M. do.1. Joshua Mayfield, sadler, do. P. M do.Isaac S. Strawbridge, agent, do, . , \ P. M. do.Thomas McCrea, flour mills, dc. Patmos Lodge, 70.E. S. Zevely, engraver, Cumberland. Potomac Lodge, 100. ^^^^^

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    MASSACHUSETTS. 33Elijah Button, Apothecary, Annapolis. P. M. Annapolis Lodge, 89.Daniel M. Sprogle, Builder, Annapolis. Annapolis Lodge, No. 89.Dr. Ferdinand Dieffenbach, President and Proprietor of Irving College,

    near Manchester, Carroll co. Lebanon Lodge, No. 104.

    MASSACHUSETTS.Winslow Lewis, M. D., Boston. Grand Master of Grand Lodge; P. D.

    G. H. Priest of Grand Chapter.George R. Ritchie, Dry Goods Dealer, Boston. Mount Tabor Lodge ;

    St. John's Chapter.J. W. Earl, Chelsea. King David's Lodge.John D. Ingersoll, Undertaker, Boston. Baalbec Lodge.Erastus E. Lapham, Iron Moulder, West Dedham. Blazing Star Lodge,


    N. H. Randolph Chapter, Vt.John Atkinson Jr., Steam and Gas Engineer, Boston. P. M.Crawford Lodge, No. 284, Pa.


    M. Mun Dean, Insurance Agent, Boston, Mass.Joseph B. Knox, Die Sinker, Seal Engraver, and Press Manufacturer,

    Worcester. Morning Star Lodge.

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    MICHIGAN.M. B. Hess, druggist, East Saginaw. W. M. Saginaw Lodge, U. D.Luther Benjamin Willard, director of the poor, Detroit. Secretary of

    Detroit Lodge, 2; Monroe Chapter, 1; Monroe Council of B, and S. Mas*ters; Michigan Encampment, 1.

    Stephen Besley, brewer, Flint. Flint Lodge, 23.William Clark, druggist, Flint. Secretary Flint Lodge, 23.Oscar F. Forsythe, merchant, Flint. do.Benjamin I. Lewis, do. do. W. M. do.

    Encampment, Ohio.John Mason, grocer, Flint. do.


    E. R. Skinner, merchant, Flint. do.0. K. Williams, attorney-at-law, Flint. J. W. Flint Lodge, 23 H. P.Washington Chapter, 15.

    J. Ely Kellogg, Hardware Merchant, Kalamazoo. Sec. KalamazooLodge, No. 22; Sec. Kalamazoo Chapter, No. 13; Becorder PeniosularCommandery, No. 4.

    MINNESOTA TERRITORY.Lewis Hyneman, merchant, St. Paul. Ancient Mark Lodge, 6.A. T. C. Pierson, accountant, St. Paul. P. R. S. 32d Degree;

    Grand Master of Grand Lodge; T. I. G. M. Minnesota Council, B. and S.Masters; M. E. H. P. Minnesota Chapter, 1. '

    E. W. Cogshall, Architect and Builder, Hastings. Mt. Vernon Lodge,No. 64, Ohio.

    Samuel Narger, Clerk. Fort Bipley. Hillsborough Lodge, No. 25,Florida.


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    MISSISSIPPI.C. T. Bond, merchant, New Albany. W. M. Joseph Warren Lodge, 71 ;H. P. New Albany Chapter, 49; Dep. T. I. G. M. New Albany Council,

    R. and S. Masons, 3John H. Cone, Kosciusko. Trinity Lodge, 88; Kosciusko Chapter, 20

    R. and S. Masters, Council 9. iReuben Crosby, farmer, Kosciusko. Chapel Lodge, 180.Adolphe F. Cycoski, professor, Vicksburg. Washington Lodge, 3;

    R. A. C. Clinton Chapter, 2; Port Gibson Council, 5.R, W. T. Daniel, Jackson. G. S. of Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter;Walnut Hill Lodge, 194; Vicksburg Chapter, 3; Vicksburg Council, 7;

    Magnolia Encampment, 2.L. Houseman, merchant, Oxford. Secretary Oxford Lodge, 33; La*

    fayette Chapter, 33; Benjamin Springer Council, U. D.Abraham Roggenburger, merchant, Oxford. P. M. Oxford Lodge, 33 ;C. H. Lafayette Chapter, 33 ; R. and S. Master.Hon. Charles Scott, Jackson. P. G. M., P. G. H. P. and W. M. Silas

    Brown Lodge, 65.L W. Stuckey, Burkittsville. Bethel Lodge, 107; Bethesda Chap. 55.G. P. Wallace, do. do. do.Hiram N. Clarke, Merchant and Planter, Palo Alto. Malone Lodge,

    No. 101; Palo Alto Chapter, No. 53.W. L. Stanford, Yazoo City. S. W. Yazoo Lodge, No. 42; P. S. YazooChapter, No. 8.

    Richard Allen Barkley, Planter and Overseer, Satartia. SatartiaLodge, No. 176.Ben Ward Johnson, Planter, Satartia. Satartia Lodge, No. 176.

    MISSOURI.Joseph H. Alexander, attorney-at-law, St. Charles. W. M. HiramLodge, 118. *William R. Barnes, farmer, Buffalo. Buffalo Lodge, 147.James T. Bohon, stone cutter, Lagrange. Tyler of Wyaconda Lodge,

    24.William E. Bourne, farmer, Lewis co. Royal Arch Mason ; Monticello

    Chapter, 20.John Coleman, M. D., New London. Ralls Lodge, 33.Basil E. Davis, house carpenter and joiner, Lagrange. W. M. Wyaconda Lodge, 24- ^ ' vThomas M- Howard, hotel keeper, Mouticelle. Royal Arch Mason ;

    Guard of Monticello Chapter, 20.

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    - 36 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD.Hiram Lodge, No. 118, St. Charles.

    Jos. H. Alexander, "W. M. Obed Hotsclaw,Samuel Overall, S. W. Bailej N. Johnson,Thomas L. Carr, J. W. James C. Lackland,John S. McDowell, S. D. Aug. t. Lackland,Richard H. Overall, J. D. William D. Orrick,John E. Stonebraker, Sec. Nelson C. Orear,Edwin D. Bevitt, Tr. P. M. Rev. J.W. Robinson,Isaac J. Moore, Tyler, Robert Spencer,Wm.W. Edwards, Steward, Thomas Sweeny,Norman Lackland, ^' Darius Heald,Wm. J. McElhiney, P. M. John W. Redmon,John Orrick, " John A. Richey,William B. Clyne, J. K. McDearmon,Thosi W. Cunningham, Louis C. Smith,

    Asa N. Overall,Robert McClarin,Donald McDonald,Robison Dugan,Samuel Gravely,

    John W. Royall,Jerome Millington,Rev. Geo. Fentern',Joseph H. Edwards,Franklin Fanning,Clement B. Lindsay,P. E. Newton,Philip L. Bierce,Elias N. Guthridge,Richmond A. Nichols,Wrenshall D. Fielding,Woinder N. Kenner,Rev. Jerem. F. Riggs,Moses N. MallersoD,Jacob Kibler, Jr.,John H. Piatt,John H. Walters,Robert Ward,Richard H. Pitman,

    Henry C Easton,Peter H. Fulkerson,Edward F- Gut,Daniel A. GriflSth,James S. M. Gray,Robert A. Harris,

    Isaac H. Morgan, North Miss, railroad, St. Louis. Hornellsville Lodge,831, N. Y.; Steuben Chapter, 101, N. Y.; Edwards Encamp. 22, N. Y.John H. Paine, merchant, Buffalo. Secretary of Buffalo Lodge, 147.John D. Reynerson, merchant, Birming. Golden Square Lodge, 107;

    Independence Chapter, 12 ; Weston Encampment, 2.John Ralls, lawyer, New London. P. G. M. Grand Lodge ; S. W. RailsLodge, 33 ; Hannibal Chapter, 7.

    Reuben Reddish, farmer, New London. Ralls Lodge, 33.Thomas E. Shepherd, architect and builder, Lagrange. P. M. Wya-

    conda Lodge, 24 ; H. P. Monticello Chapter, 20.John H. Talbot, wholesale and retail dealer in foreign and domestic dry

    goods, hardware and cutlery, Lagrange. Royal Arch Mason; MonticelloChapter, 20.James P. Webst-er, carpenter and joiner, Lagrange. Wyaconda Lodge,

    24.John ll. Williams, farmer, Lagrange- Treas. Wyaconda Lodge, 24.W. T. Williams, justice of peace, Miami. Miami Lodge, 106.Jeremiah B. Vandeman, farmer. New London. W. M. Ralls Lodge, 33

    Hannibal Chapter, 7.E.L.WentZjCivilEngineer, St. Louis. Residence, Binghamton,N.Y. P.

    M. Binghamton Lodge, 177; Binghamton Chapter, Binghamtou Command-ery.

    Charles C. Miller, Architect and Superintendant, St. Louis. MountVernon Lodge, No. 64, Ohio.

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    NEW JERSEY.Edward Stewart, Newark. Grand Master of Glrand Lodge; Newark

    Lodge, 7Samuel Read, bricklayer, Mount Holly. Tuckerton Lodge, 4 ; P. M.Mount Holly Lodge, 14; R. "W. Deputy Grand Master.John R. Chapin, artist, Rahway. W. .M Franklin Lodge, 10; Dep.Grand Secretary of Grand Lodge; P. M. St. John's Lodge, 1.Milton Baldwin, M. D., Newark, P. M. Newark Lodge, 7.Riley W. Bond, stage proprietor, Bloomfield. Union Lodge, 11.James P. Bull, jeweller, Newark. Union Lodge, 108, Pa.D. W. Dorman, architect, Plainfield. P. M. Jerusalem Lodge, 26.H. Ehler, professor of music, Bloomfield. S. vV. Bloomfield Lodge, 40.George Finch, post-master. Red Bank. Secretary Mystic Brotherhood

    Lodge, 21.liUther Goble, baker, Newark. P. M. St. John's Lodge, 1.Elijah R. Hall, hotel keeper. White House. S. D. Stewart Lodge, 34.Howard Jenks, artist, Lambertville. Amwell Lodge, 12.Henry C. Jones, locksmith, Newark. Newark Lodge, 7; Union Chap*

    ter, 1 ; Occur de Leon Encampment, N. Y,Erastus Knapp, house builder, Newark. Newark Lodge, 7.John Henry Landell, sail maker, Newark. St. John's Lodge, 1.John Layton, Jr., coal dealer, Plainfield. S. W, Jerusalem Lodge, 26.C. F. R. Moore, engineer, Ilackettstown. Rockaway Lodge, 20; Union-

    Chapter, 1.Sylvester Slater, hotel keeper, Bloomfield. Union Lodge, 11.Japhet J. Somers, farmer, Salem co. Lafayette Lodge, 14, Del.James J. Terhune, clerk, Newark. P. M. Newark Lodge, 7; Union

    Chapter, 1.Samuel L. Titus, farmer, Shrewsbury. W. M. Mystic Brotherhood

    Lodge, 21.Mastern D. Trefren, attorney-at-law, licbanon. W. M. Stewart Lodge,

    34.Col. Joseph W. Allen, civil engineer, Bordentown. Mount Moriah

    Lodge, 28. - ^Robert C. Buzby, confidential clerk Camden and Amboy railroad Co^W. M- Mount Moriah Lodge, 28.Charles C. Buzby, pattern maker, Bordentown. J. W. Mount MoriahLodge, 28. 37

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    .* 38 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RCCORO.l>r Wm. Cook, Bordentown Mount Moriah Lodge, 28.Sumuel J3. Doughcfty, superintendent Camden and Ambo}^ railroad,

    Bordentown. Mount Moriah Lodge, 28.Thomas W. Dunn, car trimmer, Bordentown. S. D. Mount MorkiK

    Lodge, 28.-Richard B. Dayton, engineer, Bordentown. Mount Moriah Lodge^ 28."William R. Haffelfinger, carpenter, do. Do.Edward Lockwood, superintendent, do. Do.James Molyneux, engineer, do. Do.Capt.

    Daniel S. Mershon, do. Do.Whitall Stokes, druggist, do. Do.Alfred Thompson, foundry, do. Do.George "VV. Thompson, merchactj di^ DxLewis p. Thompson, clerk, do. Do.Peter Williamson, engineer, do. Secretary Do.George H. Pittman, cabinet maker, Camden and Amboy railroad, BoP

    dentown J. D. Mount Moriah Lodge, 28.Andrew Gramble, Stone Cutter, Newark. Union Star Lodge, Ballygowan,Ireland; B. A. M.; K. T.Isaac Bickard, Engineer, New Hampton. Bichmond Lodge, No. 230;

    Pa. Columbia, M. L. 91, Phila.Wilmot Wm. Clifton, Silk Dyer, Centre St., Paterson. Benevolent

    Lodge, No. 44.Henry C. Cooper, Physician, Phillipsburg. Eastern Star Lodge, No

    227, New York.John D. Moore, M. D. Homeopathist, No. 16 East Union St., Burling

    ton. P. M. Meridian Sun Lodge, No. 158, Phila. Boudinot Chapter, 3William Bucklish, Currier, Newark. Secretary, Newark Lodge, No. 7Noah F. Blanchard, Patent Leather Manufacturer, Newark. Newark

    Lodge, No. 7.Peter Hopper, Coal Merchant, Jersey City. Newark Lodge, No. 7.Jacob E. Weaver, Captain of Vessel, Newark. Newark Lodge, No. 7.Isaac M. Keve, Japanner, Newark. J. D. Newark Lodge, No. 7.William C. Eagles, Carpenter, Newark. Newark Lodge, No. 7.Ezra A. Carman, Book Keeper, Newark. Newark Lodge, No. 7.John C.Dennis, Rubber Manufacturer, Newark. Cincinnati Lodge, 3Joseph H. Hough, Trenton. Grand Secretary of Grand Lodge ofNew Jersey, Secretary, Mercer Lodge, No. 50.

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    James x\nderson, restaurant. S. D. Temple Lodge, 203.S. A. Bunce, publisher. Sylvan Grove Lodge, 276. rI. Brandner, merchant. W. M. De I'Union Franaise Lodge.Thomas Brown, seaman. Sun Lodge, 29, I. R. Chapter 29.Henry F. L, Bunting, merchant. P. M. Adelphic Lodge, 348; P. H.

    P. Metropolitan Chapter, 140; G. C. Morton Encampment, 4; OrientalCouncil, 3, R. and S. Masters.Andrew Buchanan, plumber. Zerubbabel Lodge, 329.

    ^Asa Brilnam, oyster dealer. Hope Lodge, 244.H. W. Brooks, provision dealer. Sylvan Grove Lodge, 275.Thomas Blackstock, fruit dealer. Templar Lodge, 203.Samuel A. Besson, grocer. Continental Lodge, 287.Henry Blakeman, oyster dealer. Charter Oak Lodge, 249.Nathan 0. Benjamin, merchant. S. W. Adelphic Lodge, 348; King,

    Adelphic Chapter, 158; Adelphic Council; P. T. I. M. Oriental Council,3, R. and S. Masters; Morton Encampment, 4; G. P. C. Grand Councilof New York.Monmouth H. Chambers, merchant. J. D.- Metropolitan Lodge, 273.James T. Cowelnhoven, surveyor. W. M. Naval Lodge, 69.Horatio P. Carr, attorney-at-law. Arcadia Lodge, 246.Jacob Cohen, banjo maker. Montgomery Lodge, 68.Isaac Cockfair, assistant coroner. George Washington Lodge, 285.T. F. Compton, accountant. Holland Lodge, 8; Phoenix Chapter, 2;

    Pennell Council ; Morton Encampment, 4.James Crafts, printer. Metropolitan Lodge, 273; Metropolitjin Chap-

    ter, 140; Morton Encampment, 4.John Chatillon, scale maker. Pythagoras Lodge, 86.John P. Cunningham, engineer. Napthali Lodge, 25, Mo.Thomas R. Crocker, fish dealer. Joppa Lodge, 201; H. P. BrooklynChapter, 148; Treas. Brooklyn Council, R. and Select Masters; MortonEncampment, 4.

    John Dax, printer. Templar Lodge, 203.J. Be la Mater, salesman. Sylvan Grove Lodge, 275.M. Devoy, merchant. Polar Star Lodge, 245.G. W. Edwards, tailor. Do. A .V,William Earl,

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    40 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD.Thomas H. Edgar, merchant. Silentia Lodge, 198.M.

    Englander, jeweller. Worth Lodge, 210.R. T. Entwistle, painter. Amity Lodge, 323; Secretary MetropolitanChapter, 140.

    Sewell Fisk. Grand Tyler of Grand Lodge, and Tyler of other Lodgesand Chapters; P. M. Mariners^ Lodge, 67; Phoenix Chapter, 2; PenalCouncil, R. and S. Masters; Morton Encampment; Lodge of Perfection.

    Sewall T. Fisk, Grand Lecturer of Grand Chapter. W. M. Mariners'Lodge, 67; H. P. Phoenix Chapter, 2; R. and S. Master.

    John M. French, attorney-at-law. Silentia Lodge, 198.Edward Gallagher, tailor. J. W. Montgomery Lodge, 68.Henry I. Genson, artist. Silentia Lodge, 198.John F. Glass, painter. Sylvan Grove Lodge, 273.Henry Glover, merchant. Joppa Lodge, 201.Thomas Harrison, copper smith. Polar Star Lodge, 215.William T. Horistor, restaurant. Do.D. S. Hoff, commission dealer. Sylvan Grove Lodge, 273.Nelson S. Hopkins, provision dealer. Do. ,Owen Haley, liquor merchant. Mariners' Lodge, 67.Charles Harrison, seaman. Sun Lodge, 29, 1. R. Chapter 29.Gustaves A. Huguemin, importer. La Sincerite Lodge, 373.Joseph Hilton, coroner. S. D. Montgomery Lodge, 68.Josiah D. Hunt, M. D. Arcana Lodge, 246.James Hutchins, merchant. Sec. Neptune Lodge, 317.William Hutchins, clothier. M. C. Montgomery Lodge, 68.Philip Haas, daguerreotypist. St. John's Lodge, 1.W. R. Hughes, merchant. Neptune Lodge, 317.A. Hinckley, oil manufacturer. P. M. Enterprize Lodge, 22S; S. of

    Metropolitan Chapter, 140 ; Gen. Coeur de Lion Encampment.Alexander Irwin, upholsterer. Polar Star Lodge, 245.Lionel Jacobs, merchant. W. M. City Lodge, 408.Joseph H. Johnson, painter. Amity Lodge, 3*23.Thomas Johnston, baggage master. Pacific Lodge, 233.Isaac Jacobs, merchant. Montgomery Lodge, 68.Lyttleton Joynes, cooper. Independent Lodge, 187; Orient Chapter,

    138.John Joseph, sail maker. Continental Lodge, 287.H. W. Knapp, poultry dealer. La Fayette Lodge, 64.Sidney Kopman, Smithsonian House. Arcana Lodge, 246. R. A. M.Thomas Lawrence, merchant. Cyrus Lodge, 208.Francis A. Leggett, restaurant. Enterprize Lodge, 228.Joseph N. Little, manufacturer. S. W. Polar Star Lodge, 245 ; Zerub-

    babel Chapter, 147.

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    NEW YORK. 41Robert M. Lockwood, merchant, Manhattan Lodge, 62 ; Orient Chap-

    ter, 138; Morton Encampment.Henry Lyon, merchant. Montgomery Lodge, 68.Mosley Lyon, jeweller. Sec. Montgomery Lodge, 68 ; Oriental Chap.Emanuel Lyon, chemist. P. M. Abram's Lodge, 2; P. K. Zetland

    Chapter, 141; Columbian Council, 1.Tobias Lyon, merchant. Roman Eagle Lodge, 160, S. R.La Fraternidad Lodge, No. 387. This is the only Spanish Lodge ever

    established in the northern jurisdiction of the United States; it was openedunder dispensation, ou the 16th of June, 1855, and chartered June 15th,1856.Andres Cassard, Deputy Grand Insp. Gen.; Sov. Gr. Insp. Gr. of the

    33d and last Degree, Ancient and Accepted Rite ; W. M. and founder ofLa Fraternidad Lodge, 387; Most Wise and Sov. President of the Sov.Chapter, Rose Cross; H. R. D. ls\. La Sincerite et La Fraternidad; FirstLieut. Com, of Cosmopolitan Sov Consist, of S. P. R. S. 32d, of NewYork, &c., &c. Address Box 4206, New York city.

    Giles Fonda Yates, P. M. St. George's Lodge, 6; P. M. E. S. P. Gr.M. of the Grand Council of Princes of Jerusalem; Dep. Gr. Insp. Gen.and Sov. Gr. Insp. Gen. of the 33d; Past Most P. Sov. Gr. Com. Sup.Gr. Council, 33d; Sovereign of Sov., 111. Commander-in-chief of Cosmo-politan Sov. Consistory of S. P. R. S., 32d, of New York, &c., &c.

    Francisco Parraga, S. P. R. S., 32d; S. W. La Fraternidad Lodge, 387;Orator of the Sov. Chapter Rose Cross, La Sincerite et La Fraternidad.Cosmopolitan Consistory of S. P. R. S. of New York

    Jacob Jartter, W. M. La Sincerite Lodge, 373, and S. VV. Sov. ChapterRose Cross, La Sincerite et La Fraternidad, New York.

    Gaspar de Arteaga, S. P. R. S., 32d ; Orator of La Fraternidad Lodge,SS7 ; Secretary of the Sov. Chapter Rose Cross, La Sincerite et La Fra-ternidad ; Cosmopolitan Sov. Consistory of New Y ork.

    Francisco Zerega, S. P. R- S., 32d ; La Fraternidad Lodge, 387; Sov.Chapter Rose Cross, La Sincerite et La Fraternidad.

    Anibal de Mosquera, S. P. R. S., 32d; Sec. La Fraternidad Lodge387; J. W. Sov. Chapter Rose Cross, La Sincerite et La Fraternidad;Cosmopolitan Sov. Consistory of S. P. R. S. of New York.

    Bernabe del Pozo, J. W. La Fraternidad Lodge, 387; Sov. ChapterRose Cross ; H. R. D. M. La Sincerite et La Fraternidad, New York.

    Josiah F. Kendall, S. P. R. S., 32d; Arcturus Lodge, 274; Sov. Chap-ter Rose Cross, La Sincerite et La Fraternidad ; Grand Secretary Cosmo-politan Sov. Consistory of Illustrious and Most Valiant Sublime Princes.Commander of the Royal Secret, S. P. R. S., 32d Degree of New York.Address No. 5 Tryon Row, New York city

    Robert Macoy, printer. D. G. M. Grand Lodge ; Adelphic Lodge, 348 ;6

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    42 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD.Metropolitan Chapter, 140; Morton Encampment, 4 ; G. R. of G. E. RoseCross.

    'J. Marks, importer. Darcy Lodge, 187-M. Marks, do. do.John H. Mecabe, merchant. Sylvan Grove Lodge, 275.C. P. Mecabe, do. Varick Lodge, 31, N. J.S. H. Mellis, salesman. Corner Stone Lodge, 367.J. G. Merritt, clothier. W. M. Charter Oak Lodge, 249.Eoyal G. Millard, merchant. Sylvan Grove Lodge, 275; H. P. Corin-

    > thiau Chapter,. 159; Morton Encampment, 4.Thomas Moore, policeman. J. J). Acacia Lodge, 327.Stephen Munn. Hope Lodge, 244; Metropolitan Chapter, 140.Mount Neboh Lodge, No. 251.C. F. Newton, gold pen manufacturer. P. M. Metropolitan Lodge, 273;

    P. K. Metropolitan Chapter, 140; Gen. Morton Encampment, 4; Lodgeof Perfection.John Nebs, merchant. Neptune Lodge, 317.J. Oakley, clerk. Amity Lodge, 323 ; Metropolitan Chapter, 140. .

    ,. Nemiah Peck, builder. W. M. Polar Star Lodge, 245; H. P. Zenib-babel Chapter, 147; Washington Council, R. and S. Masters; MortonEncampment, 4.

    William Penney, japanner. Sec. Polar Star Lodge, 245; Sec. Zerub-babel Chapter, l^i7.

    Samuel Phillips, boarding-house. Mariners' Lodge, 67.George W. Point, painter. Amity Lodge, 323. *Philip Pritchard, merchant. W. M. Arcana Lodge, 246 ; Metropolitan

    Chapter, 140; Oriental Council, R. and S. Masters; Morton Encampment^4; Grand Chaplain of Grand Council, R. and S. Masters.

    John Reed, Lieut. Police. S. W. La Fayette Lodge, 64.Richard Rollins, grocer. Eastern Star Lodge, 227.Henry E. Riell, hotel keeper. Benevolent Lodge, 28.James Rosbury, book-keeper. Doric Lodge, 280,Nathan Roberts, lumber inspector. P. M. Naval Lodge, 69; RoyalArch Mason ; R, and S. Master.Moritz Schwarz, clerk. Zetland Chapter, 14LThomas Smith, seaman. St. John's Bury Lodge, 675.Joseph Solomon, gold and silver refiner. Montgomery Lodge, 68?

    Ogdensburg Chapter, 63.J. B. Yates Sommers, lawyer. W- M. Adelphic Lodge, 348; H. P;

    Metropolitan Chapter, 140; Prelate of Morton Encampment, 4; M. P,G. M. R. and S. Masters. >Daniel Suss, cutter. Sec. Naval Lodge, 69.

    George Shields, merchant. Sylvan Grove Lodge, 273.

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    n- ' - NEW YORK. 43W H. Sharpsteen, merchant. Atlantic Lodge, 178.Henry Solomon, gold and silver refioer. Montgomery Lodge, 68,F G. Taylor, wig maker. J. D. Doric Lodge, 280.John 0' Toole, clerk. York Lodge, 197.R. H. Trested, silver plater. Central Lodge, 361.Andrew C. Tuttle, auctioneer. Arcana Lodge, 246.Manuel Valient, lawyer. La Fraternidad Lodge, 387.Hugh Ward, merchant. Montgomery Lodge, 68,John H. Whitmore, clerk of city prison. Montgomery Lodge, 68.William H. Wickham, steamship. Continental Lodge, 287.Charles N. Willing, merchant. Polar Star Lodge, 245.John Witt, Jr., merchant. S. D. Naval Lodge, 19.Alfred Woodham, importer. Lebanon Lodge, 197; Zerubbabel Chap-

    ter, 147; S. G. L G. 33d.J. V. J). Wyckoflf, merchant. Holland Lodge, 8 ; Phoenix Chapter, 2.Conklin Yeaman, provision dealer. Polar Star Lodge, 245.Josiah S. Grindle, junior partner of Dr. Wesley Grindle's Celebrated

    Magic Compound, New York. Eastern Star Lodge, 227.

    Isaac Bernstein, merchant, Kingston. Kingston Lodge, 10.James Brown, truck master New York Central railroad, Rochester.

    Yonnondio Lodge, 163.Warren Chipp, merchant, Kingston. W. M. Kingston Lodge, 10.

    H. P. Mount Horeb Chapter, 75.H. H. Carpenter, merchant, Rochester. Hamilton Chapter, 62; Mon-roe Encampment, 12.

    Augustus Decker, stone dealer, Kingston. Kingston Lodge, 10; MountHoreb Chapter, 75.

    Gleason F. Dixon, book-keeper, Oswego. Oswego Lodge, 127; MexicoChapter, 138.

    Frederick De Lano, lawyer, Rochester. Yonnondio Lodge, 163 ; Ham-ilton Chapter, 62.Thomas C. Edwards, merchant, Eimira. K. T. of P. J. W. M. IvyLodge, 397 ; P. H. P. Eimira Chapter, 42 ; G. C. St. Omer Encamp-ment, 19 ; Prince of Jerusalem.

    Benjamin Franklin, jeweller, Kingston. Kingston Lodge, 10.William Guggenheim, merchant, Rochester. Valley Lodge, 109.Asher D- Hickok, hotel keeper, Rochester Yonnondio Lodge, 163

    Hamilton Chapter, 62 ; Monroe Encampment, 12.Edward P. Humphrey, student, Rochester. Village Lodge, 29, Conn.Robert Humphrey, farmer, Clovesville. Kingston Lodge, 10 ; P. K.

    Mount Horeb Chapter, 75.

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    44 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORDPrentiss L. Jones, clerk of justices and police court, Troy. Sec. Mount

    Ziou Ijod^e, Oil Scribe of Apollo Chapter, 48; J. W. Apollo Encamp-mcut, 15

    F. P Kilhoro, book-keeper, Oswego. Sec. Oswego Lodge, 127; MexicoChi'.ptor, 138.

    John S. Langsworth, iron founder, Kingston. Kingston Lodge, 10;Mount Horeb Cbapter, 75.William E. Latbrop^ merchant, Rochester. W. M. Yonnondio Lodge,

    153; P. H. P. Hamilton Chapter, 62; P G. C. Monroe Encampment, 12;P. G. M. Grand Encampment.John L. Lewis, Jr., lawyer, Pcnn Yan. Grand Master of Grand Lodge;P M. Milo Lodge, 108; P. PL P. Penu Yan Chapter, 100; Washington

    Council, R. and S. Masters, 1; P. G. H. P. Grand Chapter; P. G. C.Jerusalem Encampment, 17 ; P. G. Gen. Grand Encampment; G. G. Scribeof G. G. C. of U. S. ; K. H. ; S.-. P.-. R.-. S.-. 32d.

    Yulliam Lee, hotel and saloon, Eimira. Ivy Lodge, 397 ; Elmira Chap-ter, 42 , G. S. Excelsior Council, 8 ; S. P. St. Omer Encampment, 19.Hugh M. Moore, miller. Painted Post. Steuben Lodge, 112.William A. j^lorse, merchant, Lockport, Lockport Lodge, 73 ; Ameri-

    can Chapter, 28.Charles Parker, ship master, Oswego. Oswego Lodge, 127.John S. Perry, Troy. W M. Mount Zion Lodge, 311; C H. Apollo

    Chapter, 48 ; M. E. G. C. Apollo Encampment; G. St. B. and D. D. G.M. Grand Lodge; G. H. P. Grand Chapter; G. Tr. Grand Encampment

    George Rice, saloon keeper, Oswego. Oswego Lodge, 127.George R. Rogers, ship builder, do. Do. Mexico Chap-

    ter, 138.S. G. S. Rowley, farmer, Bolivar, Macedonian Lodge, 258 ; Wellsville

    Chapter, 143.Henry K. Sellcck, accountant, Troy. Mount Zion Lodge, 311 ; Apollo

    Chapt'jr, 48; Apollo Encampment, 15.A. B. Simons, Fulton. W. M. Callimachus Lodge, 369; P. M. Hiram

    Lodge, 144; P. K. Mexico Chapter, 136.E. Darwin Smith, lawyer, Rochester. Yonnondio Lodge, 163 ; Hamil-

    ton Chsptcr, 62 ; IMonroe Encampment, 12.Zatter F. Wilder, blacksmith. Painted Post. W. M. Montour Lodge,

    168; Addison Chapter, 146.Yonnondio Lodge, No. 163, Rochester.Wm. E. Lathrop, W. M. Charles Vail, S. D- Nathaniel Clark,Wm. E. Currier, S. W. J. E. Colbrath, J. D. L. B. Swan,

    James C. Marsh, J. W. Wm. Brewster, P. M. George B. Harris,William F. Holmes, Sec. Nicholas E. Paine, " John Caigie,Abram Kames,Treasurer, Cornelius G. Palmer, Jarvis M. Hatch, P. M.


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    NEW YORK. 45George B. Red field,Joseph B. Ward,John ]5. Beal,Edward M. Smith,James Bray ley.Richard E. Schroeder,H. F. xMcGluthlin,Obed M. Rice,Lewis p. Beers,David Bottsford,Carlton Button,N. K. Fairbanks,Abrara Van Slyke,Seth Green,George Barling,William H.Wail,James E. Cheeny,A. B. Hickok,James M. Bruif,F. H. Marshall,James Brown,D. Knapp,A. Purvee,E. Watson,S. F. Burleigh,Hills Horny,Nathan P. Stone,

    Robert K. Lothridge, Lewis Sholters,George Shelton,A. H. Greeno,Joseph W. Pierce,William H. Bruif,Bavid H. Griffith,John S. Veeder,Frederick Be Lano,L W. Gifford,H. C. Lee,James P. Lesslie,M. Filon,C W. Birkimon,E. Borough,A. Chapman,M. F. Stilwell,Israel B. Root,F. H. Veeder,Rufus H. Watson,Jerry S. Copeland,

    Charles M. St. John,C. I. Benjamin, ^E. L. Saxton,Benjamin Clark,Robert R. Harris,William G. Lacy,William Henderson, ^Henry Suggett,William M. Tompkins,Henry M. Chapin,James F. Kemp,Austin Olcott,Thomas S. Gifford,Andrew A. Young,E. B. Carpenter,William Butman,A. I. Harlow,B. R. Lambut,William H. Moore,

    Cyrus W. Carpenter. Bernard Hughes,Samuel W. B. Moora James B. Averon,E. Barwin Smith, Baniel P. Alien,

    E. C. Rich,George W. Tate,Samuel N. Oothoul,

    Roswell Hart,A. M. Leach,William L. Brock,William K. Bavis,

    H.B. V. Pratt, Master of Track repairs, N. Y. and E. R. R., Horn-ellsville. Cattaraugus Lodge, No. 239; New Jerusalem Chapter, No. 47;Be Molay Commandery, No. 22.Thomas Bennett, Farmer and Provision Bealer, Hornellsville. Evening

    Star Lodge, No. 44 ; Steuben Chapter, No. 101 ; Be Molay Commandery, 22.Willard Gardner, Engineer and Machinist, N. Y. and E. R. R., Horn-

    ellsville. Hornellsville Lodge, No. 331; Steuben Chapter, No. 101.James Anderson, Machinist, N. Y. and E. R. R., Hornellsville.

    Hornellsville Lodge, No. 331.Thomas Connel, Machinist, N. Y. and E. R. R., Hornellsville. Hornellsville Lodge, No. 331. ->

    Charles H. Rogers, Engineer, N. Y. and E. R. R., Owego. Friend-ship Lodge, No. 153.

    Harry Goodell, Engineer, N. Y. andE. R. R., Owego. FriendshipLodge, No. 153.


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    46 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD.Ezra Bowen, U. S. Express Agent, Dealer in Drugs, Stationery, &c.,

    Hornellsville. Treas. Hornellsville Lodge, No. 831; C. H. SteubenChapter, No. 101; S. W. De Molay Commandery, No. 22.

    Marlin Dunton, Master Builder, Gery, Ohatauque Co. Sylvan Lodge, 303.O. Prentis, Practising Physician, Albion, Orleans Co. Rose Lodge,

    No. 304, Ohio.Orson S. Hopkins, Fur Dealer, Unadilla Forks, Otsego Co. Floral

    Lodge, No. 260, Ohio.Allen Curtis, Distiller, Owego. Friendship Lodge, No. 153.Michael Quinn, Blacksmith, Albany. P. M. Washington Lodge, No.

    85; P. K. Temple Chapter, No. 5.Otis W. Whipple, Accountant, Utica. P. M. Oriental Lodge, No. 224;

    P. K. Oneida Chapter, No. 57; P. C. Gr. Utica Commandery, No. 3.Andrew D. Hervey, House Joiner, Bolivar, Alleghany Co. MacedoniaLodge, No. 258.

    N. Orson Benjamin, Merchant, 77 Marks Place, New York. W. M.Adelphic Lodge, No. 348; P. H. P. Adelphic Chapter, No. 158; P. T. LM. Adelphic Council, No. 7; P. G. Morton Commandery, No. 4; M. P. G.M.; R. and S. Masters, New York.

    William J. Bell, Bookseller, 512 Broadway, Albany. Temple Lodge,No. 14; Temple Chapter, No. 5; Temple Commandery, No. 2.

    Jesse 0. Gould, Principal of Cabinet Factory and Post Master,-Richburg,Alleghany Co. S. W. Macedonia Lodge, No. 258.Joel W. Rowley, Teller of Cuba Bank, Cuba, Alleghany Co. Macedonia

    Lodge, No. 258; Wellsville Chapter, No. 143.Demetrius J. France, West Hurley, Ulster Co. Morning Star Lodge,No. 10; Beloit Chapter, No. 9; Beloit Council, No. 1; Janesville Com-

    mandery, No. 8, all in Wisconsin.A. G. Williams, Farmer, Bolivar. P. J. W. Macedonia Lodge, No. 258.W. A. Van Buskirk, Civil Engineer, Seneca Falls. Lockport Lodge,

    No. 73 ; Wabash Chapter, No. 26, Indiana.William Dunlap, Engineer, N. Y. and E. R. R!, New York. John D.

    Willard Lodge, No. 250.Samuel C. Nichols, Merchant, Sing Sing. P. M. Westchester Lodge,No. 180; Initiated in Richmond Randolph Lodge, No. 19, and exalted

    in Richmond Chapter, No. 3, Virginia, District Deputy Grand Master,District No. 2, N. Y.

    Jacob T. Cox, Livery Stable, Sing Sing. Westchester Lodge, No. 180.Thomas Maplesden, Mason, Sing Sing. Westchester Lodge, No. 180.David Reed, Lumber and Coal Merchant, Sing Sing. Secty. West-

    chester Lodge, No. 180.Richard B. Cowley, Manufacturing Jeweller, 3 J Division St., New York

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    NEW YORK. 47Continental Lodge, No. 287; Corinthian Chapter, No. 159; PalestineCommandery.James M. Fanning, Clerk, Red Falls, Greene Co. Sec. Oasis Lodge, 119.Isidor Alexander, Jeweller, New York. Navigator Lodge, No. 232.William M. Hayes, Wholesale Boot and Shoe Dealer, Kingston. SW. Kingston Lodge, No. 10; H. P. Mount Horeb Chapter, No. 75.Frederick C. Schmidt, Ship Broker and Commission Merchant, New

    York. Anglo Saxon Lodge, No. 137.Truman Bacon, Farmer, Cuba, Alleghany Co. Macedonia Lodge, 258.Philip Murphy, Retired Cabinet and Chair Maker, Lockport. P. M.Lockport Lodge, No. 73; Ames Chapter, No. 88; Niagara Council; Gen-

    essee Commandery, No. 10.Edwin E. Milligan, Merchant, Red Falls, Greene Co., Oasis Lodge, 119.Elias Bennett, Attorney-at-law, Hornellsville. Hornellsville Lodge, No.

    331 ; Steuben Chapter, No. 101 ; Rec. De Molay Commandery, No 22.Sampson Wiener, Clerk, Hornellsville. Evening Star Lodge, No. 44.Jonathan T. Wilbur, Attoruey-at-law, Hornellsville. P. M. Hornells-

    ville Lodge, No. 331 ; K. Steuben Chapter, No. 101 ; E. C. De MolayCommandery, No. 22 ; D. D. G. M. 17th District ; Asst. G. Lecturer, 7thJudicial District; J. W. Grand Commandery, N. Y.

    Jesse B. Judd, Conductor, N. Y. and E. R. R. Owego. FriendshipLodge, No. 153 ; New Jerusalem Chapter, 47; De Molay Commandery, 22.John Latham, Foreman Machine Shop, N. Y. and E. R. R, Hornells-ville. Hornellsville Lodge, No. 331.

    Joshua P. Martin, Master Mechanic and Engine Dispatcher, N. Y. andE. R. R. Hornellsville. Hornellsville Lodge, No. 331 ; Steuben Chapter,No. 101 ; De Molay Commandery, No. 22.

    Benjamin C. De Witt, Grocer and Commission Merchant, Hornellsville.Hornellsville Lodge, No. 331 ; Treas. Steuben Chapter, No. 101 ; DoMolay Commandery, No. 22.

    John D. Collier, Grocer and Commission Merchant, Hornellsville.P. M. Hornellsville Lodge, No. 331; P. K. Steuben Chapter, No. 101;P. Gen. De Molay Commandery, No. 22.Witmore Dusenbury, Merchant, Windsor, Broome Co. Sec. Windsor

    Lodge, No. 442 ; Vallonia Chapter, No. 162.Seymour L. Judd, Farmer, Windsor, Broome Co. J. W. Windsor

    Lodge, No. 442; Scribe, Vallonia Chapter, 162.E. Ransom Page, Travelling Bookseller, Bethany, Genessee Co.

    Fishers Lodge, No. 212.Edward Roehr, Editor and Publisher, " Triangle," "American German

    Year Book," and " Universal Masonic Song Book," Williamsburg, L. IWM. Schiller Lodge, No. 304.

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    48 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD.Hiram W. Preston, Jeweler and Watch Maker, Albion Orleans Co.

    N. Y. Mt, Yornon Lodge, No. 64 ; Ohio. Huron Chapter, No. 7 ; Ohio.Kingston Lodge No. 10. Kingston, Ulster Co., N. Y."Warren Chipp, P. M. Stephen Hadsall,Jacob H. DuBois, W. M.Theorim Smith,Wm. M. Hayes, S. W. Danl. D. Morey,Henry B. Luther, J. W.Wm. Keer,Aug. Schoonmaker, Tr. Henry L. Tobey, ^P. H. Van Buren, Sec. Benjamin Franklin,J. B. Hardenburgh,S.D.H. J. Tappen,Jqo. Chipp, Jr. J. D. Thos. L. Jansen,Vallentine Burgoin, Tyl. Wm. H. Brown,Jacob J. Signn,Richard Keator,Wm. C. Hayes,Pierce Catlin,Edwin Youngs,J. L. Robinson,Augustus Decker,Aaron Newkirk, ^Charles Brodhead,Thos. y. G-. Folant,Jno. Hopkins,R. F. Macauley,Josiah Joy,Josiah Brown,H. S. Van Elten,Stephen D. Ustick,Jno. B. Steele,S. S. Westbrook,C. Deys Keator,T. R. Westbrook,Thos. Ratcliff,T. L. Hasbrouck,Jno. S. Langworthy,O. a. DuBois,Jno. H. Stratton,

    Gideon F. Conrad,David S. Manchester,Peter E. Cole,Justus Shaw,Thomas Scott,Matthew Chipp,Theodore H. Bush,H. D. H. Snyder,Asa B. Bushnell,Danl. D. Bell,Solomon Brown,James Brown,Isaac Bernstein,Robert E. Best,Henry A. Samson,Joseph F. Davis,Wm. Masten,

    Saml. Gr. Dimmick,Joseph Keator,Ira W. Baldwin,Charles L. Traver,Chas. St