Download - United Nations Sasakawa Award for Disaster Reduction · Certificate accepted by Mr. Richard Hundele, International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), Geneva

Page 1: United Nations Sasakawa Award for Disaster Reduction · Certificate accepted by Mr. Richard Hundele, International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), Geneva

2002 United Nations

Sasakawa Award forDisaster Reduction

In recognition of innovative practices andoutstanding initiatives in reducing the risks and

vulnerabilities of communities to natural hazards

Wednesday 9 October 2002

Award Ceremony held on the occasion ofThe International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction

UN Palais des NationsGeneva, Switzerland

Provided through an endowment fund from theNippon Foundation to the United Nations

Page 2: United Nations Sasakawa Award for Disaster Reduction · Certificate accepted by Mr. Richard Hundele, International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), Geneva


Message from the Inter-Agency Secretariat of the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UN/ISDR)

The growing number and quality of nominations for the UN Sasakawa Award for Disaster Reductionclearly indicates the increasing profile of disaster reduction among the international community. Eachyear new and innovative initiatives are brought to the spotlight by way of the Award, providing avaluable opportunity for the sharing of experiences and best practices, as well as encouraginggovernments, organizations, community groups and individuals to reaffirm their commitment to andcontinue their engagement in reducing risk and vulnerability to natural disasters.

Given the high standard of nominations received, each year brings a greater challenge for the UNSasakawa Jury to agree upon the Laureate and recipients of Certificates of Distinction and Merit.UN/ISDR warmly welcomes all UN Sasakawa awardees and nominees into its broad network ofexperts and practitioners to contribute to its mission of building disaster resilient communities, byhighlighting the importance of disaster reduction as an integral component of sustainable development.

Sálvano BriceñoDirector, UN/ISDR

Message from the Nippon Foundation

2002 marks the fifteenth anniversary of the UN Sasakawa Award for Disaster Reduction. Over theyears the Nippon Foundation has been proud to contribute to the recognition of disaster reductionefforts worldwide, continuing its close partnership with the Inter-Agency Secretariat of theInternational Strategy for Disaster Reduction in promoting the global shift to a culture of prevention.While in some cases we are unable to prevent natural hazards from taking place, experience teaches usthat there is much to be done to minimise their negative impacts on communities.

On behalf of the Nippon Foundation, I extend my sincere congratulations to the Laureate andCertificate recipients of the 2002 UN Sasakawa Award for Disaster Reduction.

Shuichi OhnoDirector, Department of International AffairsNippon Foundation


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About the UN Sasakawa Award for Disaster Reduction

Together with the World Health Organization (WHO) Sasakawa Health Prize and the UN EnvironmentProgramme (UNEP) Sasakawa Environment Prize, the United Nations Sasakawa Award for Disaster Reductionis one of three prestigious prizes established in 1986 by founding Chairman of the Nippon Foundation, Mr. Ryoichi Sasakawa.

The total approximate value of the Award is US $50,000, shared between the Laureate and the recipients ofCertificates of Distinction and Merit. In addition to the financial prize, the Laureate is presented with the valuableUN Sasakawa Award for Disaster Reduction crystal trophy.

Administered by UN/ISDR, the Laureate and Certificate recipients are agreed upon by the UN Sasakawa Jury,composed of representatives from five continents. The Award presentation ceremony takes place on the occasion ofthe International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction, the second Wednesday of October.

2002 UN Sasakawa Award for Disaster Reduction

In 2002 the Award ceremony was held at the UN Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland, in the presence ofUN/ISDR Director Mr. Sálvano Briceño, Mr. Shuichi Ohno, Director of the Nippon Foundation's Department ofInternational Affairs, as well as Guest of Honour (representing the Director-General of the UN Office at Geneva),Mr. Rubens Ricupero, Secretary-General of the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).

The event attracted approximately forty participants comprising the UN diplomatic community (includingrepresentatives from Missions and UN agencies and organizations) in addition to representatives from the academicsector and technical institutions involved in disaster reduction. Media coverage included mention on UN Radio;articles appearing in in-house publications of the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red CrescentSocieties, UN Development Programme and UN Volunteers Programme; and Guatemalan newspaper Prensalibre.

For the first time in the Award's history, the UN Sasakawa Jury decided to grant a financial reward not only to theLaureate but also to the recipients of Certificates of Distinction and Merit (US $3,000 and US $2,000,respectively). UN/ISDR intends to continue this tradition in the future, by making the best use of interest accruedin the endowment fund established by the Nippon Foundation.

2002 UN Sasakawa Award for Disaster Reduction Laureate and Certificate Recipients

LaureateProf. Dr. Sergueï BalassanianArmenian Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior (AASPEI), Armenia

Certificates of Distinction· Mr. Muhammad Saidur Rahman

Bangladesh Disaster Preparedness Centre, Bangladesh· Ms. Fernanda Teixeira

Mozambique Red Cross (CVM), Mozambique · Emergency Monitoring and Forecasting Agency, Russian Federation

Certificates of Merit· United Nations Volunteers Programme (UNV), Guatemala· East Timor Red Cross Society (CVTL), East Timor · Lt. Col. Abu Darwish

Disaster Department, Jordan Civil Defence, Jordan

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LaureateProf. Dr. Serguei BalassanianPresident, Armenian Association of Seismology and Physics ofthe Earth's Interior (AASPEI), ArmeniaNominated by the Armenian National Survey for SeismicProtection, Armenia

Earthquake hazard assessment and risk reduction strategy for Armenia couldserve as a model throughout developing world. Strategies for seismic riskreduction in 21st century must focus more on "Preparedness and Prevention"rather than only on the "Recovery" approach

Professor Balassanian is being rewarded for his personal long-term commitmentand dedication to the issue of seismic disaster risk reduction, as well as formobilizing efforts in the scientific domain and political spheres through a strongpromotion and awareness-raising initiatives on disaster reduction. All hisactivities in the field of disaster reduction have a systematic building up ofscientific research, policy formulation and implementation at the national level,and benefit from an academic and inter-institutional collaboration of asubregional scope. Professor Balassanian is the author of the Armenian Policy inthe field of seismic risk reduction (1991), founder and President of theArmenian National Survey for Seismic Protection (NSSP) as a governmentalentity (1991-2001), initiated and contributed, as the leading author, to the twonational programmes on Seismic Risk Reduction in Armenia and in Yerevan cityadopted by the Government in 1999, author of the Armenian Seismic ProtectionLaw adopted by the Armenian Parliament in 2002. He developed scientificresearch on dynamics of geophysical and geochemical processes and non linearphenomena, earthquake prediction research and early warning, seismic andenvironmental hazards and risks. He has led over 50 research projects fundedby different international organizations.

Upon the presentation of the 2002 UN Sasakawa Award for Disaster Reduction,Prof. Dr. Balassanian emphasized the need for the international community tosupport disaster reduction initiatives with special consideration for developingcountries, whose scarce resources and limited capacities are often unable to provideadequate community protection against disasters. He expressed his interest in theadaptation and replication of frameworks such as the designed Armenian strategyfor other developing countries vulnerable to seismic hazards.

"There is a need to promote further transfers of up-to-date technology andscientific knowledge, as well as the development of multi-sectoral and pluri-disciplinary partnerships in this domain," Prof. Dr. Balassanian said. "Weshould promote the understanding that Earthquake Hazard Assessment andRisk Reduction are the essential elements of government policy and areintimately linked to the ability of the country to function appropriately for theguarantee of business continuity and hence economic growth and potential ofany country to prosper and develop".

AASPEI is a non-governmental independent organization comprising specialistsin seismology, geophysics and geology as well as specialists in seismic protectionand related fields, and operates according to the Constitution and legislation ofthe Republic of Armenia, international contracts and other regulations. TheAssociation operates on the principles of publicity, legality, equality of rights,self-finance and self-government.

For further information, please refer to aaspe.topcities.comor email [email protected] or [email protected]


Page 5: United Nations Sasakawa Award for Disaster Reduction · Certificate accepted by Mr. Richard Hundele, International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), Geneva

Certificate of DistinctionMr. Muhammad Saidur RahmanChief Executive OfficerBangladesh Disaster Preparedness Centre(BDPC), BangladeshNominated by the UN Resident Coordinator,BangladeshCertificate accepted by Mr. Kazi Imtiaz Hossain, Counsellor,Permanent Mission of Bangladesh to the UN, Geneva onbehalf of Mr. Muhammad Saidur Rahman

Innovation in leading and mobilising disaster reduction inBangladesh

Mr. Rahmanholds wide andextensiveexperience inadvocacy andawareness-raisingin the field ofdisaster reduction.He is recognisedby many for hisability to developinnovativeinitiatives under

tight financial constraints, as well as his exceptional ability toinspire and motivate volunteers to action in the reduction ofvulnerabilities to the highly flood-prone Bangladesh. "I aim tochange the mind-set of policy makers and also empower peoplein pre-disaster preparedness as Bangladesh is excellent in post-disaster management," Mr. Rahman said. "We only need tospend one dollar for a family in pre-disaster preparednessprogrammes instead of seeking millions of dollars to help thevictims after a disaster strikes."

Mr. Rahman participated in the study and development of aflood preparedness programme incorporated in theComprehensive Disaster Management Programme ofBangladesh, as well as producing numerous informationmaterials for reducing the socio-economic impact of disasterscontributing towards the achievement of sustainabledevelopment in his country.

His commitment to promoting the integration of disastermanagement in development planning includes the coordinationof national level seminars and workshops targeted at policy-makers, senior civil servants, disaster managers and the media.He was also recently recommended by the UK Department forInternational Development (DFID) to speak at the WiltonPark Conference on Disaster Preparedness to an audiencecomprising donor government officials.

For further information, please email [email protected]

Certificate of DistinctionMs. Fernanda TexeiraSecretary-GeneralMozambique Red Cross (CVM), MozambiqueNominated by the UN Office of the Coordination ofHumanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and the World Food Programme(WFP), MozambiqueCertificate accepted by Mr. Richard Hundele, International Federation ofthe Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), Geneva on behalf of Ms. Fernanda Texeira

Practice improves preparedness in Mozambique

Following the war (1980s) and severe drought in Mozambique as aresult of the 1992 El Niño event, the Mozambique Red Crosscommitted to strengthening national strategic disaster managementplanning by supporting local capacity through volunteer training,the clear definition of a legal framework on disaster reduction as wellas the development of an accessible information system. Theempowerment of local communities was facilitated by placingemphasis on the importance of respecting local traditions, as well asinvolving community members through participatory consultationin information collection and the drafting of risk and vulnerabilitymaps. This approach resulted in improved community awarenessand preparedness for subsequent years of flooding in Mozambique,in turn leading to reduced overall losses.

Ms. Fernanda Texeira's personal commitment to mobilising actiontowards community-based disaster preparedness projects led tosignificant improvements of local communities' prevention andresponse to disasters. Ms. Texeira graciously accepted Certificate ofDistinction, stating: "...I consider it to be a distinction for theorganization to which I belong, because without the abnegated workof all my colleagues of the Mozambique Red Cross and without theeffort and dedication of thousands of volunteers, I would not havebeen successful in fulfilling the mission to which I am committed...Iwould like to dedicate this distinction to the Mozambique people fortheir strength and courageand to all the people allover the world for theirsolidarity actions that arethe irrefutable proof that amore human and safeworld for all is possible."

For further information,please refer [email protected]


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Certificate of DistinctionEmergency Monitoring and ForecastingAgency, EMERCOM, Russian FederationNominated by the Permanent Mission of theRussian Federation, GenevaCertificate accepted by Mr. Alexander Bavykin, ActingPermanent Representative of the Russian Federation, Geneva,on behalf of the Emergency Monitoring and Forecasting Agency

Earthquake mitigation geoinformation system:EXTREMUM

The EmergencyMonitoring andForecasting Agencyof the Russian CivilDefense and DisasterManagementResearch Institutewas founded in 1992by decree of theRussian Governmentas a leadingorganization of the

Russian Federation in disaster management. Its mainfields of activity include emergency monitoring andforecasting, the development of the joint Russian StateSystem of Disaster Management (RSSDM) as part ofthe national security system, the organization andcoordination of information collection and exchange, andemergency response training of students and specialists.

The Emergency Monitoring and Forecasting Agencyproposed and implemented a new and innovativeapproach to earthquake mitigation through the globalgeographic information system 'EXTREMUM', whichdevelops risk maps, emergency response planning,forecasts earthquakes and evaluates possible secondaryconsequences of such hazards (for example, radiological,chemical and technological disasters as well as mudflows) in the context of reducing human losses. Manyexperts and practitioners in the field of disaster reductionapplaud the highly comprehensive scientific research andinnovative use of technologies involved in thedevelopment of the EXTREMUM system.

For further information, please refer towww.ampe.ruor email [email protected]

Certificate of MeritUN Volunteers Programme (UNV), GuatemalaNominated by the UN Resident Coordinator, GuatemalaCertificate accepted by Mr. Francisco Alejandro Salazar-Merck,United Nations Volunteers Programme (UNV), Guatemala

Community cooperation following Hurricane Mitch

Guatemala is particularly prone to natural disasters suchas severe flooding, hurricanes and earthquakes. After theonset of Hurricane Mitch (2000), lessons were learnedfollowing significant social, cultural and economic lossesin the country. Together with the Universidad SanCarlos de Guatemala (USAC), the UN VolunteersProgramme in Guatemala was recognised for the highlysuccessful tripartite collaboration (UNV/USAC/localcommunity) in the implementation of the project RiskPrevention and Disaster Management in 2000-2002.

The project promoted strong community involvementtowards reversing environmental degradation trends andthe resulting increase in poverty throughout Guatemala,while seeking to minimise the human and physical costsof natural disasters. By recruiting graduate volunteersfrom USAC, UNV supervised the overall project, whichassisted in capacity building in disaster management oflocal communities across three municipalities inGuatemala.

"I am here in the name of the UN Volunteers workingsince November 2000 on disaster management inGuatemala, a country stricken by earthquakes, volcaniceruptions, landslidesand droughts," saidFrancisco AlejandroSalazar Merck afterreceiving thecertificate. "Forpeople who are onthe edge of survival,the loss that adisaster can also bethe end of theirhopes. We are awareof the problems thatface our country, and we pass along the tools needed forlocal empowerment."

For further information, please refer email [email protected] [email protected]

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Certificate of MeritEast Timor Red Cross Society (CVTL), EastTimorNominated by the World Health Organization (WHO),East TimorCertificate accepted by Mr. Francisco Gusmão Dias Ximenes,Secretary-General, East Timor Red Cross Society (CVTL)

Disaster preparedness takes priority for the world's newest nation

The East Timor RedCross Society(CVTL) was formedin 2000 to target fourcore areas of activities:health, disasterpreparedness, disasterresponse andhumanitarian values.In conjunction with anumber of Red Crossdevelopment partners,

CVTL has made notable achievements in the field ofdisaster preparedness and response, including advocacy todonor governments and international organizations, aswell as the promotion of communities' capacities to copewith the effects of disasters despite the country's complexpolitical environment.

"The Red Cross did exemplary work under difficultconditions in the emergency and reconstruction activitiesduring the post-UNTAET period in the former EastTimor," said the Director-General of CVTL's nominator,the World Health Organization, Dr Gro HarlemBrundtland. "This honour is well deserved and I supportand congratulate the Red Cross on their good work," sheadded.

For the CVTL, passing on first aid skills is a priority."First aid assistance is a fundamental part of disasterreduction, because it's about saving lives," Mr. Ximenessaid upon receiving the Certificate of Merit. As part ofthis, the CVTL is currently engaged in training the armyand police force in first aid. Such skills are crucial, giventhe likelihood of natural disasters striking East Timor."Each year, cyclones hit the south and west of the country,and often they can destroy up to 1,000 houses. Landslidesand floods are common in the south and east - and theycan destroy rice fields and homes. The north is oftenaffected by drought," Ximenes said.

For further information, please refer


Certificate of MeritLt. Col. Abu DarwishDirector, Disaster Department, Jordan CivilDefence, JordanNominated by the UN Resident Coordinator, JordanCertificate accepted by Ms. Saja Majali, Second Secretary,Permanent Mission of Jordan to the UN, Geneva, on behalf ofLt. Colonel Abu Darwish

Capacity-building for communities

Lt. Col. Abu Darwish was recognised for his personalcommitment to the promotion of disaster reduction throughvaluable awareness-raising initiatives programmes such asthe organization of seminars, cooperation activities with theInternational Federation of the Red Cross and RedCrescent Societies (IFRC) in Arab countries andconducting disaster-related studies and trainingprogrammes.

He played a key role in developing national plans ondisasters for various countries, and has a keen interest in theroles ofvolunteers indisasterreduction, whichmanifested inthe productionof a train-the-trainer manualtargeted atIFRC delegatesworking in thefield. Hisdedication tocapacity buildingat thecommunity levelis clearly demonstrated throughout his career, with hisefforts appreciated and benefiting many communities.

For more information, please or contact [email protected]

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2001 Global Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC), Germany

2000 Fondo para la Reconstrucción y el DesarrolloSocial del Eje Cafetero (FOREC), Colombia

1999 Prof. Mustafa Erdik, Turkey1998 H.E. Mr. Ji Cai Rang, China,

Prof. Wang Ang-Sheng, China1997 Observatorio Sismológico del Sur-Occidente

(OSSO), ColombiaDr. A.S. Arya, India

1996 Dr. Ian Davis, United Kingdom

Former Laureates of the UN Sasakawa Award for Disaster Reduction

1995 No Laureate1994 National Emergency Commission,

Costa Rica1993 Dr. Vit Karnik, Czech Republic1992 Geophysical Institute of the National Polytechnic

School, Ecuador1991 Mr. Franco Barberi, Italy1990 Mr. Julio Kuroiwa, Peru1989 Relief and Rehabilitation Commission, Ethiopia1988 ESCAP/Typhoon Committee, Philippines1987 Ratu Kamisese Mara, Fiji

United Nations Inter-Agency Secretariat of the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UN/ISDR)Palais des NationsCH 1211 Geneva 10, SwitzerlandTel: +41 22 917 27 62 Fax: +41 22 917 [email protected]

About the United Nations Inter-Agency Secretariat of theInternational Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UN/ISDR)

Recognising that natural hazards can threaten any one of us, the ISDR builds on partnerships andtakes a global approach to disaster reduction, seeking to involve every individual and everycommunity towards the goals of reducing the loss of lives, the socio-economic setbacks and theenvironmental damages caused by natural hazards. In order to achieve these goals, the ISDRpromotes four objectives as tools towards reaching disaster reduction for all:

· Increase public awareness to understand risk, vulnerability and disaster reduction globally· Obtain commitment from public authorities to implement disaster reduction policies and actions· Stimulate interdisciplinary and intersectoral partnerships, including the expansion of risk

reduction networks· Improve scientific knowledge about disaster reduction

The ISDR combines the strengths of many key players through the Inter-Agency Task Force onDisaster Reduction (IATF/DR) and the Inter-Agency Secretariat for the ISDR (UN/ISDR).

The IATF/DR is the principal body for the development of disaster reduction policy. It is headedby the UN Under-Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs and consists of 25 UN,international, regional and civil society organizations. It meets twice a year in Geneva, Switzerland.Working Groups reporting to the IATF/DR bring together specialists and organisations to discussissues of common and global relevance to disaster reduction such as climate variability, earlywarning, vulnerability and risk analysis, wildland fires and drought.

The UN/ISDR is the focal point in the UN System to promote links and synergies between, andthe coordination of, disaster reduction activities in the socio-economic, humanitarian anddevelopment fields, as well as to support policy integration. It serves as an international informationclearinghouse on disaster reduction, developing awareness campaigns and producing articles,journals, and other publications and promotional materials related to disaster reduction. TheUN/ISDR headquarters is based at the Palais des Nations in Geneva. It conducts outreachprogrammes through its regional units in Costa Rica and Kenya.

For more information, please visit

About the Nippon Foundation

The Nippon Foundation is an independent,non-profit grant-making organization thatwas established as the Japan ShipbuildingIndustry Foundation in 1962 by legislationsetting aside 3.3 percent of the revenues frommotor boat racing to be used forphilanthropic purposes. It originally focusedon providing aid to maritime affairs, and thenextended its target area to public welfare andvoluntary programs, as well as overseascooperation assistance. The objectives ofthese activities are to alleviate humansuffering, to advance human welfare and topromote world peace, without any bias topolicy, ideology, religion or race. TheNippon Foundation's annual spending in theyear 2002, not including indirect costs,amounts approximately to US$ 368 million,of which US$ 52 million was spent foroverseas cooperation assistance.The Foundation's principal commitment is tosupport international humanitarian initiativesaimed at improving the social, cultural andeconomic well being of developing countries,and combating poverty worldwide.

For more information, please visit

UN/ISDR Latin America and the CaribbeanP.O. Box 3745-1000 San José, Costa RicaTel: +506 224 1186Fax: +506 224 [email protected]

UN/ISDR AfricaBlock U Room 217 UNEP, GigiriNairobi, KenyaTel: + 254 2 62 41 19Fax: + 254 2 444 68 [email protected]