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United Nations Educational, Executive BoardScientific and Cultural Organization ex

Hundred and fortieth Session

140 EX/DecisionsPARIS, 18 November 1992

Decisions adopted by the Executive Boardat its 140th session

(Paris, 12-30 October 1992)

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140 EX/Decisions


President of the General Conference Mr Bethwell Allan OGOT(Kenya)

Members Deputies

Mr Abdul Amir AL-ANBARI2


Mr Jean-Pierre ANGREMY(France)

Mr Jean SIRINELLIMr Yves BRUNSVICKMr Emmanuel de CALANMr Pierre MENATMr Georges POUSSINMr Jean-Pierre BOYERMs Marie-Françoise CARBONMs Françoise DESCARPENTRIESMs Stéphanie MORYMr Jean-Pierre REGNIERMs Solange SHULMAN-PERRETMr Christopher VALIA-KOLLERY

Mr Immanuel K. BAVU Mr Christopher LIUNDI(United Republic of Tanzania) Mr Kassim HUSSEIN


Ms Marie BERNARD-MEUNIER Mr Shahid MINTO(Chairperson) MS Viviane F. LAUNAY(Canada) Ms Marie-José BROSSARD JURKOVICH


Mr Mongi CHEMLI Mr Abelbaki HERMASSI(Tunisia) Ms Moufida GOUCHA

Ms Radhia MOUSSAMs Anissa BARRAK

Mr Alvaro COSTA-FRANCO Ms Vera PEDROSA(Brazil) Mr Fernando MUGGIATTI

Mr Claudio LINSMr Isnard de FREITAS

Ms Ingrid EIDE Ms Ingunn KVISTEROY(Norway) Ms Ingeborg BREINES


1. At its first meeting, on 12 October 1992, the Executive Board adopted decision 8.6 by which it decided‘that the member of the Executive Board of UNESCO elected following nomination by the Governmentof the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia shall not participate in the work of the ExecutiveBoard’.

2. Mr Abdul Amir AL-ANBARI was appointed a member of the Executive Board at its frost meeting, on12 October 1992, to replace Mr Aziz Al-Hajj Ali HAIDAR.

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Members Deputies

Mr Tom ERDIMI(Chad)

Mr Ali Mohammed FAKHRO(Bahrain)


(Cape Verde)

Mr Tae-Hyuk HAHM(Republic of Korea)

Mr Talat S. HALMAN(Turkey)

Mr Dan HAULICA(Vice-Chairperson)(Romania)

Ms Attiya INAYATULLAH(Pakistan)

Mr Michelangelo JACOBUCCI(Italy)

Mr Barry O. JONES(Australia)


Mr Rashid Mohamed SULAYBIKHMr Ebrahim Yousuf AL-ABDULLAMr Nasser Mohamed AL-SHAIKHMr Abdul Hameed HASSAN

Mr Sang-Seek PARKMr Hwa-Ghil HANMr Young-Chin KWONMs Young-Nam HA



Mr Saidullah Khan DEHLAVIMr Ikrarn Karim FAZLIMr Fazalur Rahman KAZI



Mr Balla KEJTA Mr Ezo MIEZAN(Côte d’Ivoire)

Mr Natarajan KRISHNAN Ms Nina SIBAL(India) Mr Gollerkery Vishwanath RAO

Ms Shamma JAIN

1. Ms Maria Luisa FERRA RIBEIRO was appointed a member of the Executive Board at its first meeting,on 12 October 1992, to replace Mr André Corsino TOLENTINO.

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Mr Vladimir LOMEIKOsubsequently

Mr Alexei D. JOUKOV1

(Russian Federation)

Mr Torben KROGH(Denmark)

Mr Anatoly LOBANOK(Belarus)

Mr Wataru MIYAKAWA(Japan)

Mr Kurt MULLER(Vice-Chairperson)(Germany)

Mr MUSA HASSAN(Vice-Chairperson)(Oman)




Mr Kenshiro AKIMOTOMr Yoshinori MIYANIOTOMr Akinori MATSUMOTOMr Yukuto MURATAMr Makoto FUJIWARAMr Masaya OTSUKAMr Masahiro NAKATAMs Michiko KARA



1. Mr Alexei D. JOUKOV was appointed a member of the Executive Board at its first meeting, on12 October 1992, to replace Mr Vladimir LOMEIKO.

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Mr Mouhoussine NACRO1

(Burkina Faso)

Mr Gilles NAGEON de LESTANG(Seychelles)

Mr Rex NETTLEFORD(Jamaica)

Ms Gloria PACHON DE GALAN(Colombia)

Ms Ana Isabel PRERA FLORES(Vice-Chairperson)(Guatemala)

Ms Lourdes R. QUISUMBING(Philippines)

Mr Abdelatif RAHAL(Algeria)

Mr Guy RAJAONSON(Madagascar)

Mr Luc RUKINGAMA(Burundi)

Mr Zaïnoul Abidine SANOUSSI(Guinea)

Mr Ahmed Saleh SAYYAD(Yemen)

Mr José Augusto SEABRA(Portugal)

Mr Mwindaace N. SIAMWIZA(Zambia)







Ms Rosario G. MANALO








1. Mr Mouhoussine NACRO was appointed a member of the Executive Board at its first meeting, on12 October 1992, to replace Mr Oumarou Clément OUEDRAOGO, deceased.

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Mr Johannes SIZOO(Netherlands)

Mr Ahmed Fathi SOROUR(Egypt)(absent)

Ms Thérèse Eppie STRIGGNER SCOTT(Ghana)

Mr TENG Teng(Vice-Chairperson)(China)

Mr Jerry TETAGA(Papua New Guinea)

Mr G.W. Ladepon THOMAS(Vice-Chairperson)(Gambia)

Mr Thomas TLOU(Botswana)

Mr Alfredo TRAVERSONI(Uruguay)


Mr Alvaro UMAÑA QUESADA(Costa Rica)




Mr Kingsley KARIMUMs Geneviève TSEGAH

Mr QIN GuanlinMr XIA KuisunMr CHEN KemiaoMr DU ZhongxingMs SHI ShuyunMr WU HexinMr CHENG XiaolinMr MA YanshengMr DOU Chunxiang

Mr Andrew YAUIEBMr Leonard LOUMAMs Marianne YALING


Mr Mustaq MOORAD

Mr Ricardo VARELA

Ms Claudia VALLEMs Maria Isabel GONZALEZ



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Members Deputies

Mr Jorge ZAIN ASIS(Argentina)


Mr Ernesto ZEDILLO PONCE DE LEON Mr Luis Eugenio TODD(Mexico) Ms Olga PELLICER

Mr Victor SOLOGAISTOA BERNARDMs Maria Cristina de la GARZAMr Juan Carlos NOLTE SANTILLANMr José Manuel CUEVAS

Representatives and observers

Organizations of the United Nations system

Mr Evlogui BONEV United Nations Development Programme

Mr Yannick SIMBRON ) International Labour OrganisationMs Monique THEODORE-MOWN )

Ms Gretchen Handwerger World Bank/International Finance Corporation

Mr Antoine NOEL ) High Commissioner for RefugeesMr Sylvie DAUBIAN-DELISLE )

Mr P. KOENZ ) United Nations UniversityMs C. CASULLO )

Mr R.M. MARTI World Health Organization

Regional and interregional intergovernmental organizations

Mr Leo HARARI ) Inter-American Development BankMr Sergio ORCE )

Mr Marc LAENEN ) International Centre for the Study of theMr Joseph MALLIET ) Preservation and the Restoration of Cultural


Mr Raymond PHAN VAN PHI ) Commission of the European CommunitiesMr Juan Antonio MARCH PUJOL )

Ms Graziella BRIANZONI Council of Europe

Mr Tahar ALI-BABIKER ) Arab League Educational, Cultural andMr Ahmed DERRADJI ) Scientific Organization

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Mr Mohamed TRABELSI )Mr Mounir GAIJI )Ms Souhir HAFEZ )Ms Nébila MZALI )

140 EX/Decisions - page (vii)

League of Arab States

Mr Jeremy EPPEL Organization for Economic Co-operationand Development

Mr Venant WEGE-NZOMWITA Organization of African Unity

Mr Peter R.C. WILLIAMS Commonwealth Secretariat

Mr Rémolo BOTTO Latin Union


Mr Federico MAYOR (Director-General), Mr Eduardo PORTELLA (Deputy Director-General for the Programme), Mr Chanan Lal SHARMA (Deputy Director-General forManagement), Mr Henri LOPES (Assistant Director-General for Culture), Mr Colin NelsonPOWER (Assistant Director-General for Education), Mr Adnan BADRAN (AssistantDirector-General for Natural Sciences), Ms Francine FOURNIER (Assistant Director-Generalfor Social and Human Sciences), Mr Henrikas Alguirdas YUSHKIAVITSHUS (AssistantDirector-General for Communication, Information and Informatics), Mr Thomas KELLER(Assistant Director-General, Director of the Bureau for Co-ordination of OperationalActivities), Mr Khamliene NHOUYVANISVONG (Acting Assistant Director-General forExternal Relations), Mr Daniel JANICOT (Director of the Executive Office), Mr AlbertSASSON (Director of the Bureau of Studies, Programming and Evaluation), Mr KlausHAGEDORN (Director of the Bureau of the Budget), Mr Maurice GLELE (Legal Adviser),other members of the Secretariat, Mr Pío RODRIGUEZ (Secretary of the Executive Board).

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ITEM 1 ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.1 Replacement of members during their term of office . . . . . . . .

1.2 Election of a Vice-Chairperson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

ITEM 2 APPROVAL OF THE SUMMARY RECORDSOF THE 139th SESSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

ITEM 3 METHODS OF WORK OF THE ORGANIZATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3.1 Executive Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3.1.1 Report by the Bureau on questions that donot appear to require debate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3.1.2 Methods of work of the Executive Board . . . . . . . ..

3.1.3 Report by the Executive Board to the GeneralConference at its twenty-seventh session onmeasures taken to implement 26 C/Resolution19.3 (Part III, para. 6(b)) and Report by theDirector-General on the financial implicationsof the various options for instituting intersessionalarrangements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3.2 Report by the Committee on Conventions andRecommendations: Examination of communicationstransmitted to the Committee in pursuance of104 EX/Decision 3.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3.3 United Nations Joint Inspection Unit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3.3.1 Reports by the Joint Inspection Unit ofinterest to UNESCO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

ITEM 4 PROGRAMME AND BUDGET FOR 1994-1995 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4.1 The Director-General’s preliminary proposals concerningthe Draft Programme and Budget for 1994-1995 (27 C/5) . . . . . .

ITEM 5 EXECUTION OF THE PROGRAMME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5.1 Report by the Director-General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5.1.1 Report on the activities of the Organization sincethe 139th session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



















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5.2 Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5.2.1 Progress report by the Director-General onUNESCO’s networking activities in the fieldof higher education, including the UNITWINproject and the UNESCO Chairs programme . . . .

5.2.2 Proposal for a follow-up mechanism for MINEDAFconferences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5.2.3 Preliminary study on the desirability of a conventionon the status of teachers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5.2.4 Draft Statutes of the International AdvisoryCommittee for the International Project onTechnical and Vocational Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5.3 Natural Sciences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5.3.1 Report by the Director-General on the follow-upto the United Nations Conference on Environmentand Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5.3.2 Draft Statutes of the Regional Science and Tech-nology Advisory Committee for South-East Asiaand the Pacific . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5.4 Social and Human Sciences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5.4.1 Feasibility study on the establishment of anintergovernmental programme in the socialsciences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5.4.2 Co-operation to promote a culture of peace . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5.5.1 Jerusalem and the implementation of26 C/Resolution 3.12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5.5.2 Report by the Director-General on the reinforce-ment of UNESCO’s action for the protection ofthe world cultural and natural heritage . . . . . . . . . . ..

5.5.3 Review of the application of the Convention forthe Protection of Cultural Property in the Eventof Armed Conflict (The Hague, 14 May 1954) . . . . . . . . . .

5.6 Constitutional and statutory questions........

5.6.1 Implementation of 26 C/Resolution 19.3 (III)...........,



















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ITEM 6 RELATIONS WITH MEMBER STATES AND INTERNATIONALORGANIZATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

6.1 Operational activities for development carried out underthe United Nations system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .











Review of the functioning of the experimental Groupof Experts on Financial and Administrative Matters . . . . . .

Supplementary report on the use of the six workinglanguages of the General Conference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Report by the Director-General on the cash situation,on measures taken and on a plan of action for optionaladditional measures to deal with cash flow problems . . . . .

Financial report and audited financial statements of UNESCOfor the financial period ended 31 December 1991 and reportof the External Auditor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Financial report and audited financial statements relatingto the United Nations Development Programme as at31 December 1991 and report of the External Auditor . . . . . . . . . . . .

Geographical distribution of the Secretariat staff and reviewof the method used for calculating the quotas assigned toMember States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Long-term financial equilibrium of the Medical BenefitsFund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Appointment of an External Auditor by the General Confer-ence at its twenty-seventh session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Consultation in accordance with Rule 54 of the Rules ofProcedure of the Executive Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

ITEM 8 OTHER BUSINESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

8.1 Intellectual co-operation in UNESCO: composition of thead hoc Forum of Reflection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

8.2 Consideration of the procedure to be followed in thenomination of the Director-General of the Organization . . . . . . . . .

8.3 Report by the Director-General on the implementation of139 EX/Decision 7.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


















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8 . 4 Report by the Director-General on the implementation of139 EX/Decision 7.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4

8 . 5 The issue of the participation of the member nominated by the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia . . . . . . . . . . . 36

a n d

8 . 6 Participation in the work of the Executive Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

8.7 Dates of the 141st session . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

ANNOUNCEMENT CONCERNING THE PRIVATE MEETINGS HELD ON28, 29 AND 30 OCTOBER 1992 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

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140 EX/Decisions


At its first and thirteenth meetings, the Executive Board adopted the agenda asset out in documents 140 EX/1 and Add,

The Executive Board decided to refer to the Commissions and Committeespecified below the following items of its agenda:

1. Programme and External Relations Commission: items 3.3.1 (Part I),5,1.1 (Part II), 5.2.1 to 5.2.3,5 .3.1,5.4.1,5.5.1 to 5.5.3 and 6.1.

2. Finance and Administrative Commission: items 3.3.1 (Part II), 4.1(Parts III and IV), 5.1.1 (Parts III, IV and V) and 7.1 to 7.7.

3. Committee on International Non-Governmental Organizations:item 4.1 (policy concerning financial assistance to NGOs).

(140 EX/SR.1)

1.1 Replacement of members during their term of office (140 EX/NOM/l Rev.,2,3 and 4)

In accordance with Article V. A.4(a) of the Constitution, the Executive Boardappointed Mr Abdul Amir Al-Anbari (Iraq) to replace Mr A. Al-Hajj Ali Haidar,of whose resignation it had taken note at its 139th session, for the remainder ofhis term of office.

The Executive Board took note of the resignation of Mr André CorsinoTolentino (Cape Verde) and, in accordance with Article V. A.4(a) of theConstitution, appointed Ms Maria Luisa Ferro Ribeiro to replace him for theremainder of his term of office.

The Executive Board too k note of the resignation of Mr Vladimir Lomeiko(Russian Federation) and, in accordance with Article V.A.4(a) of theConstitution, appointed Mr Alexei D, Joukov to replace him for the remainderof his term of office.

In accordance with Article V. A.4(a) of the Constitution, the Executive Boardappointed Mr Mouhoussine Nacro (Burkina Faso) to the seat which hadbecome vacant following the death of Mr Oumarou Clément Ouedraogo.Mr Nacro will occupy this seat for the remainder of Mr Ouedraogo’s term ofoffice.

(140 EX/SR.l and 2)1.2 Election of a Vice-Chairperson

As a result of the resignation of Mr Vladimir Lomeiko (Russian Federation), theExecutive Board, in accordance with Rule 13 of its Rules of Procedure, electedMr Dan Haulica (Romania) to replace him as Vice-Chairperson for theremaining portion of his term of office.

(140 EX/SR.2, 6 and 7)

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The Executive Board approved the summary records of its 139th session.

(140 EX/SR.2)


3.1 Executive Board

3.1.1 Report by the Bureau on questions that do not appear to require debate(140 EX/2)

The Executive Board approved the proposal by the Bureau contained indocument 140 EX/2 concerning items:

5.2.4 Draft Statutes of the International Advisory Board for the InternationalProject on Technical and Vocational Education;

5.3.2 Draft Statutes of the Regional Science and Technology AdvisoryCommittee for South-East Asia and the Pacific.

(140 EX/SR.2)

3.1.2 Methods of work of the Executive Board

The Executive Board decided:

to include an item in the agenda of the 141st session worded as follows:

Consideration of the frequency of the sessions of the General Conference and ofthe implications thereof for the preparation of the C/4 and C/5 documents andfor the frequency and length of international conferences of States and meetingsof intergovernmental committees.

(140 EX/SR.15)

3.1.3 Report by the Executive Board to the General Conference at its twenty-seventh session on measures taken to implement 26 C/Resolution 19.3(Part HI, para. 6(b)) and Report by the Director-General on the financialimplications of the various options for instituting intersessionalarrangements

The Executive Board,

1. Recalling 26 C/Resolution 19.3, particularly the part that requests theExecutive Board to report to the General Conference at its twenty-seventh session on appropriate measures to improve the structure andworking methods of the Executive Board in its new form, for example byestablishing a small advisory committee on administrative and budgetaryquestions, as was done by the Executive Board at its 136th session, and

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140 EX/Decisions - page 3

by instituting such arrangements as will enable thorough intersessionalpreparatory and follow-up work,

2. Having noted that an experimental group of experts on financial andadministrative matters has already been established and is nowfunctioning,

3. Having considered arrangements for more thorough preparatory andfollow-up work between its sessions in all areas of relevance to the Board,

4. Thanking the Director-General for his report on the financial implicationsof the various options for such intersessional arrangements (140 EX/4),

5. Encourages its members and Member States to conduct consultationswith a view to facilitating the work of the Executive Board to implementits mandate referred to in paragraph 1 above;

6. Decides to include an item on the agenda of its 141st session worded asfollows: Report by the Executive Board to the twenty-seventh session ofthe Genera l Conference on measures taken to implementparagraph 111.6(b) of 26 C/Resolution 19.3.

(140 EX/SR.9)

3.2 Report by the Committee on Conventions and Recommendations:Examination of communications transmitted to the Committee inpursuance of 104 EX/Decisions 3.3 (140 EX/3 PRIV.)

The announcement appearing at the end of these decisions reports on theBoard’s deliberations on this subject.

(140 EX/SR.17)

3.3 United Nations Joint Inspection Unit

3.3.1 Reports by the Joint Inspection Unit of interest to UNESCO (140 EX/6,Parts I and II, and 140 EX/34)


The Executive Board,

1. Having examined the report by the Director-General entitled ‘Reports bythe Joint Inspection Unit of interest to UNESCO’ (140 EX/6, Part I),

2. Thanks the Joint Inspection Unit for its report entitled ‘Assessment of theenvironmental focus of projects financed by UNDP and other UnitedNations agencies’ (JIU/REP/91/2);

3. Takes note of the conclusions and recommendations contained in thisreport and of the Director-General’s comments thereon.

(140 EX/SR.15)

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The Executive Board,

1. Having examined the report by the Director-General entitled ‘Reports bythe Joint Inspection Unit of interest to UNESCO’ (140 EX/6, Part II),

2. Thanks the Joint Inspection Unit for its reports entitled:

‘Grade overlap’ (JIU/REP/91/5);

‘Advantages and disadvantages of the post classification system’(JIU/REP/91/7); and

‘United Nations system co-operation with multilateral financialinstitutions’ (JIU/REP/92/1, Parts I and II);

3. Takes note of the conclusions and recommendations contained in thesereports and of the Director-General’s comments thereon.

(140 EX/SR.15)


4.1 The Director-General’s preliminary proposals concerning the DraftProgramme and Budget for 1994-1995 (27 C/5) (140 EX/5, Parts I, II, IIIand Corr., and IV)



The Executive Board,

1. Having examined the Director-General’s preliminary proposals concerningthe Draft Programme and Budget for 1994-1995 (27 C/5) presented indocument 140 EX/5 (Parts I, III and Corr., and IV),

2. Taking into account the comments and proposals made by Member Statesand intergovernmental and international non-governmental organizationsconcerning the Draft Programme and Budget for 1994-1995, which arereflected in document 140 EX/5 (Part II),

3. Invites the Director-General to pursue the current process of consultationthrough the submission of preliminary proposals, while continuing hisefforts towards increasing the number of Member States responding tothe proposals through a greater involvement of their NationalCommissions;

4. Also taking into account the debates that were held at the present session,in particular the observations and suggestions made by the members of theExecutive Board on agenda item 4.1 in plenary, the Director-General’sreply to this debate as well as the deliberations of the Programme andExternal Relations Commission, the Finance and AdministrativeCommission and the Committee on NGOs,

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Invites the Director-General, when preparing the Draft Programme andBudget for 1994-1995 (27 C/5), to take into account the followingrecommendations:


Programming principles

Considers that the Draft Programme and Budget for 1994-1995 should beprepared on the basis of the Medium-Term Plan for 1990-1995, withpossible modifications resulting from changes in Member States and in theinternational situation as well as from programme concentration;

Emphasizes the relevance of UNESCO’s ethical mission and of itscontribution, through its fields of competence, to the attainment of themajor goals of the United Nations system, notably the promotion ofsustainable, equitable and people-centred development and theconstruction of peace based on human rights, fundamental freedoms anddemocracy;

c onsiders that the next programme and budget should aim, in particular,at fostering and renewing intellectual co-operation at international,interregional and regional levels throughout all the Organization’sactivities;

Emphasizes in this respect the crucial role of National Commissions,which are the main channels of co-operation between UNESCO and itsintellectual constituencies; therefore invites the Director-General, whendrafting the next programme and budget, to introduce innovativeapproaches (such as networking) and to allocate increasedresources to encourage the creation of new National Commissions and thestrengthening of those which most need support;

Reaffirms that the activities proposed should be aimed at responding tothe pressing needs of three priority target groups: the least developedcountries, the Member States of the Africa region and women;

Further recommends that:

the regular programme be devoted as a matter of priority to strengtheningframeworks of co-operation among Member States and intellectualcommunities at international, regional and subregional levels;

resources allocated to the Participation Programme be substantiallyincreased in order to meet, to the largest extent possible, the MemberStates’ requests for assistance at national level;

adequate funds be earmarked within each programme for strengtheningactivities under co-operation for development, especially upstreamactivities and the identification and formulation of projects to be financedby extra-budgetary resources;

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12. Stresses, in this context, that the preparation of the Draft Programme andBudget should fully take into account the need to:

strengthen interdisciplinarity and intersectoral co-operation;

assure programme flexibility at subprogramme level, taking into accountthe rapidly changing international situation, so as to be able to adapt tourgent and unforeseen needs and to participate in concerted action withother organizations of the United Nations system;

pursue the strengthening of the evaluation system, by earmarkingadequate funds for evaluation under each programme, including theassessment of upstream activities;

incorporate innovative forms of action, with a view to achieving amultiplier effect; rationalize the planning of conferences and meetings,reduce the volume of documentation and improve the quality andlinguistic diversity of UNESCO’S publications as well as their distributionin all regions;

further strengthen decentralization, in particular by fostering, whereverfeasible, increased involvement of the National Commissions and thescientific and intellectual communities in the Member States in theimplementation of programme activities;

reinforce complementarily between regular programme activities ● ndthose funded by extra-budgetary resources;

strengthen co-operation with intergovernmental organizations andinternational non-governmental organizations;

13. Urges that, in preparing the Draft Programme and Budget for 1994-1995,significant progress be achieved in programme concentration, byallocating increased resources to selected groups of activities in priorityareas and by eliminating or drastically reducing other activities or groupsof activities, in paticular on the basis of the results of evaluation, bothinternal and external;


Programme priorities and concentration

14, Invites the Director-General to prepare the Draft Programme and Budgetfor 1994-1995 on the basis of the above-mentioned principles, inparticular that relating to concentration (referred to in para. 13);

15. Recommends that the next programme be focused on the areas for whichUNESCO has primary responsibility, in terms of its constitutionalmandate, and be prepared in conformity with the priorities indicatedbelow:

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(a) within Major Programme Area I:

(i) basic education, in line with the Jomtien Declaration o nEducation for All, with special emphasis on:

functional literacy, in particular for girls and women in ruraland in deprived urban areas;

primary education, including teacher training;

(ii) education for the twenty-first century, with special emphasison:

the International Commission on Education and Learning forthe Twenty-First Century;

secondary education; technical and vocational education(UNEVOC project);

scientific education (in close relationship with MajorProgramme Area II);

higher education (UNITWIN project and UNESCO Chairsprogrammes);

(iii) co-operation with the International Institute for EducationalPlanning (IIEP), the International Bureau of Education (IBE)and the UNESCO Institute for Education (UIE);

(b) within Major Programme Area II:

(i) environment and management of natural resources, withspecial emphasis on:

education and information relating to environment anddevelopment (including population education);

training and research in environmental sciences, through theintergovernmental scientific programmes (including IOC) andas a follow-up to Agenda 21;

(ii) higher education, training and research in basic and appliedsciences, emphasizing their interrelationship (mathematics;engineering sciences; renewable sources of energy;biotechnologies);

(iii) informatics: training at regional and subregional levels;Intergovernmental Informatics Programme (IIP);

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(c) within Major Programme Area III:

(i) cultural heritage, with special emphasis on:

application of standard-setting instruments and safeguardingoperations;

protection of minority cultures and traditional cultures;

(ii) cultural dimension of development; World Commission onCulture and Development;

(iii) intercultural dialogue, especially completion of ongoingintercultural projects;

(d) within Major Programme Area IV:

(i) the free flow of ideas by word and image, with specialemphasis on:

promotion of press freedom and independent and pluralistmedia;

collaboration with professional media organizations, includingsupport for their possible initiatives relating to the ethicalaspects of their profession;

(ii) the development of all appropriate means of strengtheningcommunication capacities in the developing countries in orderto increase their participation in the communication process,with special emphasis on:

strengthening of infrastructures, technologies and training ofcommunication professionals;

International Programme for the Development ofCommunication (IPDC);

(e) within Major Programme Areas V, VI and VII:

(i) International Programme of Social Sciences;

(ii) UNESCO’s contribution to human development;

(iii) peace, human rights and democracy, with special emphasis on:

education for human rights, tolerance, intercultural dialogueand democracy;

rights of persons belonging to minorities, in UNESCO’s fieldsof competence;

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combating discrimination against women and empoweringthem to become full partners in development;

education and training in South Africa towards an apartheid-free society;

(iv) bio-ethics;

(f) under Transverse Themes and programmes:

(i) Women;

(ii) Youth;

(iii) General Information Programme (PGI);

(iv) Clearing house;

(v) Statistical services and programmes;

16. Invites the Director-General to promote further interdisciplinarity andintersectoral co-operation with regard not only to the transverse themesand programmes, but also to such priority issues as: education andtraining, literacy, world heritage, environment, informatics;

17. Invites the Director-General to examine the possibility of regrouping andreorganizing in an integrated manner the activities under the three MajorProgramme Areas V, VI and VII, with a view to enhancing theirrelevance and achieving greater efficiency;

18. Invites the Director-General to carry out a study of the specific needs ofsmall island States, with a view to proposing relevant activities in theareas of environment, education and culture, to be financed, in particular,by bilateral and multilateral sources;


Budgeting techniques and the probable budget basefor 1994-1995

19. Recommends that the Draft Programme and Budget for 1994-1995 beprepared by the Director-General on the basis of the guidelines mentionedhereunder:

(a) the following budget techniques should be applied:

(i) the constant dollar principle;

(ii) treatment of inflation through:


anticipated cost increases;

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description of the effects of currency fluctuation and themechanism for dealing with it in the Appropriation Resolutionand discontinuation of the former Part VIII; the budget to beapproved by the General Conference to be that appearing inconstant dollars in Parts I to VII;

ground-level budgeting (formerly called zero-base budgeting);

application of budget standards;

adjustment for staff turnover and recruitment delays;

distribution of staff and indirect programme costs;

(viii) programme analysis by form of action and function;

(ix) distribution of administrative and common service costs;

(x) integration of extra-budgetary resources;

(xi) integration of support costs income;

the budget base for 1994-1995 for Parts I to VI of the budgetshould be $396,927,300 (at the constant dollar rate of 6.45 Frenchfrancs to one United States dollar);

the inflation costs for 1992-1993 (recosting) and the estimated Costof inflation in 1994-1995 (Part VII of the budget - Anticipated CostIncreases) should be budgeted for in document 27 C/5 and updatedregularly until the eve of the General Conference after carefulexamination of all data available;

provision for obligatory expenditure (second of three installmentsconcerning the second phase of the amortization of the Account forEnd-of-Service Grants and Indemnities) in the amount of $290,000should be made within the overall budget for 1994-1995 andrestituted to Miscellaneous Income in accordance with25 C/Resolution 37;

a lapse factor of 5 per cent should be retained for the calculation ofthe staff costs budget for 1994-1995;



20. Invites the Director-General to improve and simplify the presentation ofthe Draft Programme and Budget for 1994-1995, so as to enhance thereadability of document 27 C/5 and its accessibility to the variouscategories of users, as well as to facilitate its possible adjustment to rapidchanges in the international situation, in particular by:

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including precise and concise objectives and expected results undereach subprogramme, so as to facilitate the evaluation of activities;

including also a brief and clear description of the strategies and mainactivities envisaged under each subprogramme, with the totalbudget allocated to it and its breakdown between Headquarters andfield units;

adding to the budget tables a new column indicating adjustmentsmade in the 1992-1993 budget;

presenting, at the end of each major programme area, a summary ofregular budget activities, providing a comparison by object-of-expenditure between the 1994-1995 proposals and the 1992-1993budget as adjusted;

integrating the presentation of activities funded by extra-budgetaryresources into the regular programme, with particular emphasis onthe description of the new UNDP support costs arrangement;

preparing appendices for document 27 C/5 as listed in document140 EX/5, Part IV;

providing, in a new information document, a list of terminatedactivities, budget provisions relating thereto, with the correspondingreference to document 26 C/5 Approved, and termination dates; andproviding also, in the same document, technical information on thestep-by-step establishment of the budget estimates for document27 C/5; budget and administrative details for document 27 C/5 willbe provided on request;

c onsiders in this context that, in the drafting of proposed resolutions foreach major programme area, emphasis should be placed on the clearpresentation of objectives for each subprogramme, so as to reflect thenew presentation of document 27 C/5;

Emphasizes the need to establish a closer relationship between the newpresentation of document 27 C/5 and the ex-post evaluation of activitiesby pursuing the efforts to improve the C/3 document, through theprovision of a quantitative and qualitative assessment of programme andbudget implementation, and by distributing the C/3 document at the sametime as the Director-General’s preliminary proposals on the DraftProgramme and Budget.


The Executive Board,

1. Having examined document 140 EX/16 concerning guidelines for anexamination of the policy concerning financial assistance to NGOs:Director-General’s proposals, and document 140 EX/36,

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2. Recalling 13 C/Resolution 6.61 and 16 C/Resolution 22 concerningUNESCO’s relations with international non-governmental organizations,

3. Invites the Director-General:







to strengthen the process of evaluating the effectiveness of the useof subventions and contracts granted to NGOs, including throughexternal evaluation, and to report the results thereof to theExecutive Board;

to apply rigorously the principles and criteria set forth in paragraphs7, 8, 10 and 19 of document 140 EX/16 in the preparation of theDraft Programme and Budget for 1994-1995 (27 C/5);

to submit to the Executive Board at its 141st session proposalsaimed at diversifying the geographical distribution of subventionedNGOs, in accordance with paragraph 20.1 of document 140 EX/16;

pending decision by the Executive Board on this matter at its 141stsession, to prepare the Draft Programme and Budget for 1994-1995(27 C/5), taking into account 26 C/Resolution 13.2, Part II, andreflecting option C as set forth in document 140 EX/16, namely, tomake a 20 per cent global reduction in the subventions to NGOs,and to submit proposals concerning the effects of that reduction onindividual subventions, taking into account the areas of competenceand effectiveness of the NGOs receiving subventions and theircapacity to redistribute those subventions, as well as programmepriorities, the funds made available being programmes under thecorresponding major programme areas, with a view to concludingco-operative contractual arrangements with NGOs which are notreceiving subventions at present;

to submit to the Executive Board, at its 141st session, proposalsconcerning subventions to certain international non-governmentalorganizations in 1994-1995, in line with the present decision, as wellas proposals for the setting up of a special programme for supportto NGOs that will be financed by this reduction of 20 per cent;

to study further, in implementation of 26 C/Resolution 13.2, thecriteria approved by the preceding sessions of the GeneralConference for granting subventions to NGOs, and to present theresults of the study to the Executive Board at its 142nd session.

(140 EX/SR.6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 15 and 16)

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5.1 Report by the Director-General

5.1.1 Report on the activities of the Organization since the 139th session(140 EX/INF.3, Parts I to V, 140 EX/INF.4, 140 EX/34 and 140 EX/35)

The Executive Board,

1. Having examined the report by the Director-General on the activities ofthe Organization since the 139th session (140 EX/INF.3, Parts I to V, and140 EX/INF.4),

2. Takes note of its content.

(140 EX/SR.2, 3,4,5, 11,12,15 and 16)5.2 Education

5.2.1 Progress report by the Director-General on UNESCO’s networkingactivities in the field of higher education, including the UNITWIN projectand the UNESCO Chairs programme (140 EX/7 and 140 EX/34)

The Executive Board,

1. Recalling resolution 100, adopted by the General Conference at itstwenty-fifth session, and resolutions 1.1 (Major Programme Area I:Education and the future) and 1.14 (Network: European Universities),adopted at its twenty-sixth session,

2. Taking into account all relevant General Conference and Executive Boarddecisions concerning the role of UNESCO in promoting international co-operation in higher education as a means of enhancing its quality and rele-vance in all countries and regions, particularly in the developing countries,

3. Taking note of the analysis and proposals for the further development ofthe UNITWIN project and of the UNESCO Chairs programme containedin the report by the Director-General presented to the Executive Board atits 140th session,

4. Taking note of the favourable response to these new initiatives on the partof a large number of Member States, the organizations in the UnitedNations system, other intergovernmental organizations, non-governmentalscientific and academic organizations and individual institutions of highereducation,

5. Emphasizing that the UNITWIN project should be extended toUNESCO’s various programmes through increased intersectoral co-operation,

6. Considering that UNITWIN and the UNESCO Chairs programme canplay a major role in strengthening inter-university co-operation andacademic mobility and can become the main thrust of UNESCO’s action in

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the field of higher education, serving as a mechanism for North-South andSouth-South co-operation, with a view to the advancement and transferof knowledge,

Acknowledging with gratitude the contribution made by various MemberStates and agencies for the support of projects initiated within theframework of UNITWIN and the UNESCO Chairs programme,

Calls upon Member States, to extend their support for UNITWIN and toincrease their voluntary contributions to implement its activities,particularly those benefiting the developing countries;

Invites the Director-General to extend co-operation with theintergovernmental organizations, particularly with the other agencies ofthe United Nations system, in the implementation of the programme andto continue to seek the direct involvement of non-governmentalorganizations active in the sphere of higher education;

Invites the Director-General to submit to it, at its 141st session, adequateproposals - including the outline of an intersectoral policy - with a view toenabling the General Conference at its twenty-seventh session to take awell-informed decision on the provisions to be made in the Programmeand Budget of UNESCO for the 1994-1995 biennium with a view tomaking UNITWIN and the UNESCO Chairs programme fullyoperational;

Requests the Director-General to present at a future session of theExecutive Board a feasibility study on convening a world conference onhigher education and research, in close co-operation with the relevantagencies of the United Nations system, as well as with otherintergovernmental and non-governmental organizations.

(140 EX/SR.15)

5.2.2 Proposal for a follow-up mechanism for MINEDAF conferences (140 EX/8and 140 EX/34)

The Executive Board,

1. Recalling Recommendation No. 3 of MINEDAF VI,

2. Having examined document 140 EX/8,

3. Invites the Director-General to put into effect the follow-up mechanismfor MINEDAF conferences in accordance with Recommendation No. 3 ofMINEDAF VI, addressed to UNESCO and Member States, and to findthe funds needed for it to operate effectively.

(140 EX/SR.15)

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5.2.3 Preliminary study on the desirability of a convention on the status ofteachers (140 EX/9 and 140 EX/34)

The Executive Board.

1. Recalling resolution 1.23 adopted by the General Conference at itstwenty-fifth session,

2. Having examined document 140 EX/9,

3. c onsiders that the elaboration of a convention on the status of teacherswould be premature at this time;

4. Invites the Joint ILO/UNESCO Committee of Experts on the Applicationof the Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers (CEART), atits sixth ordinary session in 1994, to examine, within the framework ofitem 5 of its agenda concerning ‘Consideration of recent trends andcontemporary issues affecting education and teachers and theirimplications concerning the Recommendation’, ways and means ofupdating and promoting further implementation of the 1966Recommendation.

(140 EX/SR.15)

5.2.4 Draft Statutes of the International Advisory Committee for theInternational Project on Technical and Vocational Education (140 EX/30and 140 EX/2)

The Executive Board,

1. Having examined document 140 EX/30 on the establishment of anInternational Advisory Committee for the International Project onTechnical and Vocational Education (UNEVOC),

2. Amx-eves the Statutes of the above-mentioned International AdvisoryCommittee, as reproduced in the annex to this decision.


Statutes of the International Advisory Committeefor the International Project on Technical

and Vocational Education (UNEVOC)

Article 1

An International Advisory Committee for the International Project onTechnical and Vocational Education, hereinafter called ‘the Committee’, ishereby established until the twenty-eighth session of the GeneralConference of UNESCO.

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Article 2

The Committee shall be responsible for advising the Organization on thepreparation and implementation of the programme foreseen under thework plan of the UNEVOC project.

Article 3

1. The Committee shall be composed of ten members, who shall beappointed by the Director-General and shall serve in their personalcapacity.

2. The term of office of the members of the Committee shall expire at theend of the twenty-eighth session of the General Conference. In the eventof the resignation or death of a member of the Committee, the Director-General shall appoint a replacement for the remainder of his or her term ofoffice.

3. The members of the Committee shall be chosen for their competence inthe field of technical and vocational education, in order to represent thevarious disciplines and trends of thought encountered in this field withinthe Member States. Membership of the Committee shall be in accordancewith the principle of equitable geographical representation.

4. In addition to the ten members mentioned above, the Director-Generalmay invite to sessions of the Committee, as non-voting participants,persons who by reason of their functions and qualifications can assist theCommittee in its work.

Article 4

The Director-General shall convene the Committee in ordinary sessiononce every year. He may convene extraordinary sessions.

Article 5

1. At each of its sessions the Committee shall elect a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson and a RAPPORTEUR, who shall constitute the Bureau of theCommittee. They shall remain in office until the following session.

2. The Director-General shall convene the Bureau and shall be representedat its meetings.

Article 6

1. The Director-General shall designate members of the Secretariat ofUNESCO to represent him on the Committee without the right to vote.

2. The secretariat of the Committee shall be provided by the Secretariat ofUNESCO.

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Article 7

The travel and subsistence expenses of the Committee members and otherpersons referred to in Article 3 shall normally be borne by UNESCO, inaccordance with the provisions of the Organization’s rules regardingtravel.

Article 8

1. Member States and Associate Members of UNESCO may send observersto meetings of the Committee.

2. The United Nations and the organizations of the United Nations systemwith which UNESCO has concluded mutual representation agreementsmay send representatives to meetings of the Committee.

3. The Director-General may extend invitations to send observers tomeetings of the Committee to:

(a) organizations of the United Nations system with which UNESCOhas not concluded mutual representation agreements;

(b) intergovernmental organizations; and

(c) international non-governmental organizations, in accordance withthe directives concerning UNESCO’s relations with internationalnon-governmental organizations.

Article 9

1. The Committee shall adopt its rules of procedure, which shall besubmitted to the Director-General for approval.

2. The Director-General shall draw up the agenda of the sessions of theCommittee, after consultation with the Chairperson of the Committee,

3. After each session, the Committee shall present the report on its work andrecommendations to the Director-General. The Director-General shallinform the Executive Board of the results of the Committee’sdeliberations.

Article 10

These Statutes may be amended by the Executive Board on its owninitiative or on the proposal of the Director-General.

(140 EX/SR.2)

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5.3 Natural Sciences

5.3.1 Report by the Director-General on the follow-up to the United NationsConference on Environment and Development (140 EX/10 and 140 EX/34)

The Executive Board,

1. Having examined document 140 EX/10,

2. Takes note of its content.

(140 EX/SR.15)

5.3.2 Draft Statutes of the Regional Science and Technology AdvisoryCommittee for South-East Asia and the Pacific (140 EX/29 and 140 EX/2)

The Executive Board,

1. Having considered document 140 EX/29 on the establishment of aRegional Science and Technology Advisory Committee for South-EastAsia and the Pacific,

2. Approves. the Statutes of the above-mentioned Regional AdvisoryCommittee, as reproduced in the annex to this decision.


Statutes of the Regional Science and TechnologyAdvisory Committee for South-East Asia and the Pacific

Article 1

A Regional Science and Technology Advisory Committee for South-EastAsia and the Pacific (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Committee’), is herebyestablished.

Article 2

The Committee shall advise the Organization on measures for reinforcingregional co-operation in science and technology in South-East Asia andthe Pacific in order to ensure that the limited resources available foractivities in this field are being allocated to the greatest effect, havingregard to the present and future needs of Member States. The Committeewill have the following main tasks:

(a) to advise on regional strategies and to make recommendations forthe preparation of a plan of action prior to each session of theGeneral Conference of UNESCO;

(b) to advise UNESCO - on the basis of the foregoing - on thepreparation of region-specific inputs into UNESCO’s Medium-TermPlan (every six years) and Programme and Budget (every twoyears);

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(c) to advise on ways and meansprogrammes of UNESCO;

140 EX/Decisions - page 19

of strengthening the extra-budgetary

(d) to make recommendations for enhancing the capacity of UNESCOto respond rapidly and effectively to global, regional and nationalneeds.

Article 3

1. The Committee shall be composed of distinguished persons from MemberStates in South-East Asia and the Pacific, serving in a personal capacity.The Director-General shall, after consulting the authorities of the MemberStates of the region represented on the Committee, appoint one memberfrom each,

2. The term of office of members of the Committee shall be four years.Members of the Committee shall be eligible for reappointment. TheDirector-General, in appointing the first members of the Committee, shalldesignate half of the members whose first term of office shall cease twoyears after their appointment. In the event of the resignation, incapacity ordeath of a member of the Committee, the Director-General shall appoint areplacement for the remainder of the term.

3. In addition to the members of the Committee, the Director-General mayinvite to sessions of the Committee, as non-voting participants, personswho by reason of their functions and special knowledge and experiencecan assist the Committee in its work.

Article 4

1. The Director of UNESCO’s Regional Office for Science and Technologyfor South-East Asia (ROSTSEA), acting on behalf of the Director-General, shall convene the Committee in an ordinary session at least onceevery two years. Extraordinary sessions may be convened by the Director-General.

2. At each of its sessions, the Committee shall elect a Chairperson, onemore Vice-Chairpersons and a Rapporteur, who shall form the Bureauthe Committee. They shall remain in office until the following session.


Article 5

1. The Director-General shallSecretariat to represent him on

2. The secretariat of theUNESCO/ROSTSEA.

designate members of the UNESCOthe Committee without the right to vote.

Committee shall be provided by

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Article 6

The travel and subsistence expenses of members and other personsreferred to in Article 3 shall be borne by UNESCO, in accordance withthe provisions of the Organization’s travel rules.

Article 7

1. Member States and Associate Members of UNESCO may send observersto sessions of the Committee.

2. The United Nations and other organizations of the United Nations systemwith which UNESCO has concluded mutual representation agreementsmay send representatives to sessions of the Committee.

3. The Director-General may extend invitations to send observers to sessionsof the Committee to:

(a) organizations of the United Nations system with which UNESCOhas not concluded mutual representation agreements;

(b) intergovernmental organizations; and

(c) international non-governmental organizations, in accordance withthe directives concerning UNESCO’s relations with internationalnon-governmental organizations.

Article 8

1. The Committee shall adopt its rules of procedure, which shall besubmitted to the Director-General for approval.

2. The agenda of the sessions of the Committee shall be drawn up by theDirector-General, after consultation with the Chairperson of theCommittee.

3. After each session, the Committee shall present a report on its work andrecommendations to the Director-General.

Article 9

These Statutes may be amended by the Executive Board, on its owninitiative, or following proposals by the Director-General.

(140 EX/SR.2)

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5.4 Social and Human Sciences

5.4.1 Feasibility study on the establishment of an intergovernmental programmein the social sciences (140 EX/11 and 140 EX/34)

The Executive Board,

1. Recalling resolution 5.2 adopted by the General Conference at its twenty-sixth session, inviting the Director-General to undertaken a feasibility studyon the establishment of an intergovernmental programme in the socialsciences, and requesting that it be submitted first to the Executive Boardand then to the General Conference at its twenty-seventh session,

2. Takes note of the feasibility study on the establishment of anintergovernmental social science programme (140 EX/11) and transmits itto the General Conference at its twenty-seventh session with additionalmaterial resulting from the discussions of the Executive Board and theconsultations with experts from Member States;

3. Invites the Director-General:

(a) to propose in document 27 C/5 for approval by the GeneralConference the establishment of an international programme in thesocial sciences, in accordance with the proposals made in thefeasibility study concerning the structures and modus operandi;

(b) to make provision in the Draft Programme and Budget for 1994-1995 for programme resources of the order of $300,000 per annum,avoiding any increase in expenditure by discontinuing some of theexisting programmes of lower priority;

(c) to take into account, in the choice of projects, their favourableimpact on the strengthening of the institutional and scientificcapacities of developing countries.

(140 EX/SR.15)

5.4.2 Co-operation to promote a culture of peace (140 EX/28)

The Executive Board,

1. Having examined document 140 EX/28,

2. Recalling that the purpose of UNESCO, by virtue of its Constitution, is‘to contribute to peace and security by promoting collaboration among thenations through education, science and culture in order to furtheruniversal respect for justice, for the rule of law and for the human rightsand fundamental freedoms which are affirmed for the peoples of theworld, without distinction of race, sex, language or religion, by theCharter of the United Nations’,

3. Having taken cognizance of the proposals put forward by the Secretary-General of the United Nations in his report entitled ‘An Agenda for Peace’,

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with a view to ensuring that all the organizations of the United Nationsfamily contribute to the construction of peace,

4. Convinced of the need for UNESCO to participate fully in the efforts ofthe international community to build peace, in particular in areas whereconflicts might arise and where peace-keeping operations are decidedupon by the United Nations,

5. Decides that an action programme shall be established, aimed atpromoting a culture of peace, in particular by strengthening and co-ordinating activities that have already been carried out in this connectionunder the various major programme areas;

6. Invites the Director-General to:

(a) consult leading experts in this field with a view to enlisting theirhelp in drawing up an action programme aimed at promoting aculture of peace;

(b) submit to the Executive Board at its 141st session an actionprogramme setting out practical activities to be undertaken,together with various options for its funding, after consultation withthe United Nations and with the agencies of the United Nationssystem that play an active role in the maintenance and promotion ofpeace;

7. Appeals to all Member States of UNESCO to support the steps taken bythe Organization in planning an action programme of this kind.

(140 EX/SR.14)5.5 Culture

5.5.1 Jerusalem and the implementation of 26 C/Resolution 3.12 (140 EX/12 and140 EX/34)

The Executive Board,

1. Recalling the 1954 Convention and Protocol of The Hague for theProtection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict,

2. Having examined the Director-General’s report (140 EX/12),

3. Expresses its satisfaction with regard to the urban improvementsundertaken in the Old City by the Israeli occupation authorities;

4. Deplores the fact that the occupied Holy City has undergonemodifications resulting from archaeological excavations and the buildingof new neighbourhoods, and demographic and environmental changes thatirreversibly disturb the balance of the site, one of the most beautifulcityscapes in the world;

5. Expresses its deep appreciation and extends its profound gratitude to HisMajesty King Fahd of Saudi Arabia for having responded very favourably

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to the latest call for funds to safeguard the al-Aqsa Mosque and the Domeof the Rock;

6. Expresses its deep appreciation and extends its profound gratitude to HisMajesty King Hussein of Jordan for the exceptional donation he has madeto finance the work of restoring Islamic cultural property in Jerusalem(the al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock);

7. Extends its heartfelt thanks to the Director-General for his unceasingefforts to safeguard cultural property in occupied East Jerusalem;

8. Invites him to continue his efforts, and in particular to ensure theimplementation of 26 C/Resolution 3.12, by providing his personalrepresentative, Professor Lemaire, with the means needed for him toaccomplish the mission entrusted to him under the above-mentionedresolution;

9. Invites the Christian religious authorities responsible for the HolySepulchre to draw up a systematic protection and restoration plan;

10. Further notes the urgent need for action to safeguard a large number ofIslamic monuments in particular and consequently urges Member Statesto contribute to the special account established for this purpose inpursuance of 130 EX/Decisions 5.4.1;

11. Decides to include this item in the agenda of its 142nd session.

(140 EX/SR.15)

5.5.2 Report by the Director-General on the reinforcement of UNESCO’s actionfor the protection of the world cultural and natural heritage (140 EX/13and Corr. and 140 EX/34)

The Executive Board,

1. Having examined document 140 EX/13 and Corr.,

2. Decides to defer consideration of this item to its 141st session.

(140 EX/SR.15)

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5.5.3 Review of the application of the Convention for the Protection of CulturalProperty in the Event of Armed Conflict (The Hague, 14 May 1954)(140 EX/26 and 140 EX/35)

The Executive Board,

1. Having examined document 140 13X/26,

2. Takes note of its content.

(140 EX/SR.15)

5.6 Constitutional and statutory questions

5.6.1 Implementation of 26 C/Resolution 19.3 (III) (140 EX/14 and 140 EX/27)


The Executive Board,


1. Having before it document 140 EX/14, submitted by the Director-Generalin accordance with 26 C/Resolution 19.3, Part III,

2. Invites the members of the Board to convey any comments they may wishto make on this subject to the Director-General within one monthfollowing the end of the present session;

3. Invites the Director-General to forward document 140 EX/14, with anycomments by members of the Executive Board, to Member States andAssociate Members within the constitutional and statutory deadlines;

4. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of the twenty-seventh sessionof the General Conference an item worded as follows:

Review of all the Organization’s constitutional and statutory texts in orderto ensure the consistency of their wording with the amendments adoptedby the General Conference at its twenty-sixth session;


5. . Requests the Director-General to present to the General Conference at itsnext session a total revision of all basic texts in order to eliminate all sexistlanguage, using consistently gender neutral terminology and wording, anddecides to include an item on this subject in the provisional agenda of thetwenty-seventh session of the General Conference.

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The Executive Board,

1. Recalling 26 C/Resolution 19.3 (III),

2. Having examined document 140 EX/27. the annex to which sets out aproposed procedure for the election of Member States to the ExecutiveBoard,

3. Invites the members of the Executive Board to convey in writing to theChairperson before 1 April 1993 any comments or proposals they maywish to make on this election procedure or on any other aspect of theimplementation of 26 C/Resolution 19.3 (III), excluding its para-graph 6(b);

4. Invites the Chairperson to report to it on this matter at its 141st session;

5. Decides to include in the agenda for its 141st session the following item:Implementation of 26 C/Resolution 19.3 (111).

(140 EX/SR.9)


6.1 Operational activities for development carried out under the UnitedNations system (140 EX/15 and 140 EX/34)

The Executive Board,

1. Having examined the Director-General’s annual report on operationalactivities (140 EX/15),

2. Reiterates, in the context of General Assembly resolution 44/211, its fullsupport for the strengthening of the resident co-ordinator function,particularly with respect to integrated United Nations system countryprogramming;

3. Recalls 135 EX/Decisions 6.1 favouring the strengthening of levels ofcompetence and authority of the staff of the Organization assigned tooffices situated in developing countries, particularly as concerns theircapacity to provide sound technical advice;

4. Requests that the next annual report on operational activities include anassessment of progress accomplished with respect to such country-leveltechnical support;

5. Notes, in this context, that decentralization must take into account suchconstraining factors as the prohibitively high cost of expanding thegeographical range of field representation, the as yet uncertain magnitudeof support-cost financing for the provision of field-level technical support,and the requirement that a portion of the work-load of field staff must

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continue to be devoted to activities other than those relating todevelopment co-operation;

6. Expresses the hope that the working group of ECOSOC, whenformulating its recommendations relative to the more effective overallmanagement of the operational activities of the United Nations system,will take into account the following factors:





that the resident co-ordinator, when seeking to integrate separateprogramming into a single ‘United Nations country programme’,should welcome the programming contributions of all relevantUnited Nations system entities - including those without country-level representation;

that the resident co-ordinator function should provide UnitedNations system leadership at country level;

that candidate resident co-ordinators should be selected from thefull range of United Nations organizations involved in operationalactivities;

that the delicate balance and interplay between United Nationssystem assessed budget activities, on the one hand, and operationalactivities, on the other, is such that these non-funding organs shouldbe consulted on an enlarged ECOSOC role in setting operationalpolicies and procedures;

7. Expresses its concern at the overall decline in recent years of the share ofOfficial Development Assistance channeled through the United Nationssystem (including Bretton Woods institutions);

8. Welcomes the fact that the UNDP Administrator and Governing Councilhave shown their confidence in UNESCO’s capacity to contribute toUNDP programming work by awarding the Organization a large share ofthe newly approved funds for technical studies at the programme level(TSS-l);

9. Urges the Director-General to consult with the other United Nationsagencies subject to new UNDP support-cost arrangements, and with theAdministrator of UNDP, with a view to ensuring that the transition to thenew mechanisms at project level will give the agencies concernedsufficient time to adjust structures and redeploy staff in an orderlymanner;

10. Looks forward, in this connection, to the results of the mid-wayevaluation by UNDP next year of the impact of new support-costarrangements;

11. Looks forward, also, to the results of the first in-depth thematicevaluation by UNESCO of the impact of its contributions to the UNDPcountry programming process (to be submitted to the Executive Board atits 144th session);

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12. Expresses the hope that new UNDP support-cost arrangements,particularly as concerns the provision of technical support (TSS-2) tonationally executed projects, will define an effective tripartite relationshipresponsive to national priorities;

13. Notes with satisfaction the measures taken by the Director-General toimplement the decision he announced at the 139th session of theExecutive Board, concerning the strengthening and streamlining ofUNESCO’s capacity to provide upstream sector analysis and policy andprogramme planning services to Member States, as part of the new thrustof international development co-operation under General Assemblyresolution 44/21 1;

14. Requests that the Director-General lend his full support to enhanced stafftraining as a major means of realizing the improvement of the quality ofthe technical advice and backstopping provided at country level and, inthis connection, expresses the hope that the Organization will participatefully in any extension of the Turin Centre workshops relative to themanagement of field-level co-ordination which may be decided byCCSQ/OPS;

15. Thanks those bilateral and multilateral technical co-operation bodies thathave so generously supported UNESCO’s fund-in-trust activities.

(140 EX/SR.15)


7.1 Review of the functioning of the experimental Group of Experts onFinancial and Administrative Matters (140 EX/35)

The Executive Board.

1. Having considered the report of the Group of Experts on Financial andAdministrative Matters of the Finance and Administrative Commission(140 EX/FA/EG) and in particular the Expert Group’s summary of itswork from 5 to 15 October 1992,

2. Recalling 137 EX/Decisions 8.6 and 139 EX/Decisions 6.10, establishingthe mandate of the Expert Group, and 26 C/Resolution 19.3,paragraph 6(b), foreseeing the end of the tenure of this experimentalgroup at the twenty-seventh session of the General Conference andenvisaging the institution of intersessional preparatory and follow-upmechanisms,

3. Thanks the members of the Group for the work they have performedunder difficult conditions and notes with appreciation that they haveconcentrated on financial and administrative matters;

4. Endorses the Expert Group’s report on its own working methods andnotes that the Group will avoid policy issues in discussing administrativeand financial matters;

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5. Requests the Director-General to ensure early preparation of thedocumentation for examination by the Expert Group;

6. Decides to continue the practice of financing the costs of the ExpertGroup, including travel expenses and per diem of the experts not assumedby their respective governments, from within the budget of the ExecutiveBoard.

(140 EX/SR.16)

7.2 Supplementary report on the use of the six working languages of theGeneral Conference (140 EX/18 and 140 EX/35)

The Executive Board,

1. Having examined document 140 EX/18,

2. Takes note of its content.

(140 EX/SR.16)

7.3 Report by the Director-General on the cash situation, on measures takenand on a plan of action for optional additional measures to deal with cashflow problems (140 EX/19 and Corr. and 140 EX/35)

The Executive Board,

1. Having examined the report by the Director-General on the cash situationof the Organization, on measures taken and on a plan of action foroptional additional measures to deal with cash flow problems (140 EX/19and Corr.), and taken note of the up-to-date information provided duringthe debate in the current session of the Finance and AdministrativeCommission,

2. Noting that while many Member States have paid their assessedcontributions for 1992 and previous years, many more Member States arein arrears in the payment of the amounts assessed,

3. Expresses its gratitudc to Member States that have paid theircontributions for 1992 and to those that have speeded up the payment oftheir contributions in response to appeals;

4. Regrets, however, that there has not been a Sufficiency favourableimprovement in contribution payments since the twenty-sixth session ofthe General Conference, with the result that the Director-General, on thebasis of 26 C/Resolution 23.31, has entered into internal and externalborrowing arrangements in order to supplement the resources of theWorking Capital Fund;

5. Expresses deep concern at the possible adverse impact on the approvedprogramme of persistent late payment and non-payment of contributionsassessed;

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Believing that the borrowing to overcome the cash flow deficit entails aheavy burden of interest payments and should be discouraged, stronglysupports the approaches that the Director-General is continuing to maketo Member States in arrears with a view to obtaining timely payment ofcontributions;

Recalls that the prompt payment of contributions is an obligationdevolving upon Member States under the Constitution and the FinancialRegulations of the Organization and that it determines the right to vote atthe General Conference;

Calls upon Member States, in application of 26 C/Resolution 23.31, totake the necessary steps to ensure that their contributions are paid in fullat as early a date as possible;

Urges Member States to inform the Director-General, promptly and to theextent possible, of the probable date, amount and method of payment ofthe forthcoming contribution, in order to facilitate his management of theOrganization’s treasury function;

Invites the Director-General to implement progressively the additionalmeasures identified by him in document 140 EX/19 option ‘C’, annexed tothe present decision, to deal with cash flow problems - as amended by theGroup of Experts on Financial and Administrative Matters of the Financeand Administrative Commission - so as to keep borrowing to a strictminimum, and in doing so ensure:

(a) that the programme deferments/reductions are made only as a lastresort and reflect the decisions of the Executive Board;

(b) that members of the Executive Board are kept informed periodicallyof the measures taken;

(c) that the Participation Programme is neither suspended curtailed;

Invites also the Director-General to submit a further report on the subjectof the cash situation of the Organization to it at its 141st session.


Option ‘C’

Director- Changes RevisedGeneral’s proposed by the amountsproposals Expert Group


DEFERMENT/REDUCTIONSprogrammes deferred 12,000,000

programmes which will beimplemented if extra-budgetaryresources are available 6,000,000

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Suspension of ParticipationProgramme requests


3. REINFORCED AUSTERITYDiscontinuation of financing oftemporary staff from staff costsbudget and postponement ofrecruitment

Keeping in reserve of funds forunplanned activities

Absorption by UNESCO of costincreases

Reduction in documentation,meetings, publications, telephone,facsimile

Reduction of staff travel andtravel of delegates (not includingExecutive Board meetings)

Reduction of temporaryassistance and supernumerarystaff (not including ExecutiveBoard meetings)

Reduction in the use ofconsultants by the Secretariat

4. SUSPENSION OF FINANCIALREGULATIONSSurplus of Miscellaneous Income1990-1991

Budget surplus

Savings on liquidation ofobligations 1990-1991













Changes Revisedproposed by the amountsExpert Group


(2,500,000) 17,500,000



1,500,000 4,500,000
















TOTAL 38,700,000 38,700,000

(140 EX/SR.2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 12 and 16)

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7.4 Financial report and audited financial statements of UNESCO for thefinancial period ended 31 December 1991 and report of the ExternalAuditor (140 EX/20 and Add. and 140 EX/35)

The Executive Board,

1. Having examined document 140 EX/20 and Add.,

2. Endorses the recommendations of the External Auditor and invites theDirector-General to report on their implementation to the GeneralConference at its twenty-seventh session;

3. Invites the Director-General to report to the Executive Board at its141st session on the entire legal framework of IIEP, including the natureof UNESCO’s regular budget contribution to that institution and therationale of recosting it;

4. Decides to transmit to the General Conference the report of the ExternalAuditor and the audited financial statements of UNESCO for the financialperiod ended 31 December 1991.

(140 EX/SR.16)

7.5 Financial report and audited financial statements relating to the UnitedNations Development Programme as at 31 December 1991 and report ofthe External Auditor (140 EX/21 and Add. and 140 EX/35)

The Executive Board,

1. Having examined document 140 EX/2l and Add.,

2. Approves on behalf of the General Conference, as authorized under26 C/Resolution 22.2, the report of the External Auditor together with theaudited financial statements relating to the United Nations DevelopmentProgramme as at 31 December 1991.

(140 EX/SR.16)

7.6 Geographical distribution of the Secretariat staff and review of the methodused for calculating the quotas assigned to Member States (140 EX/22 andCorr, and 140 EX/35)

The Executive Board,

1. Recal lin~ 137 EX/Decisions 8.1,

2. Having taken cognizance of document 140 EX/22, and in particular theinformation it contains on possible revision of the method used forcalculating quotas,

3. Notes with interest the general trend in geographical distribution of staffand the prospects for the implementation of the recruitment plan for1990-1995;

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4. Requests the Director-General to continue, notwithstanding presentadministrative and budgetary constraints, the efforts already made toimprove the geographical distribution of posts in the Secretariat;

5. Further requests the Director-General to continue his efforts to develop anew method for calculating quotas which includes a system of ‘weightingposts’, taking into consideration the expedience of other United Nationsorganizations, and to provide tables showing various options for MemberStates’ quotas;

6. Invites the Director-General to report on this subject to the ExecutiveBoard at its 141st session.

(140 EX/SR.16)

7.7 Long-term financial equilibrium of the Medical Benefits Fund (140 EX/23and Add. and Corr. and 140 EX/35)

The Executive Board.

1. Recalling 26 C/Resolution 30 on the state of the Medical Benefits Fund,

2. Having considered the report by the Director-General contained indocument 140 EX/23 and Add. and Corr.,

3. Aware of the need to find solutions to maintain the long-term financialequilibrium of the Fund,

4. Recognizing that adequate health care is an indispensable element ofsocial welfare for the active and retired staff members of the Organization,

5. Notes that the current financial situation and short-term future prospectsof the Fund are satisfactory and expresses aDr)reciation of the resultsachieved by the Board of Management and the Director-General in theadministration of the Fund;

6. Considers that supplementary measures will be necessary to maintain thefinancial equilibrium of the Fund over the long term;

7. Recommends to the General Conference that for the 1994-1995 bienniumthe 50/50 cost-sharing arrangement between the Organization and theparticipants’ contribution should be maintained and no change in the scaleof contributions should be foreseen;

8. Decides to take up the matter again at its l14th session on the basis ofvarious funding options.

(140 EX/SR.16)

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7.8 Appointment of an External Auditor by the General Conference at itstwenty-seventh session (140 EX/17)

The Executive Board,

1. Having examined document 140 EX/17,

2. Invites the Director-General to request Member States to submit thenames of candidates so that the General Conference may proceed, inpursuance of Article 12.1 of the Financial Regulations, to appoint a newExternal Auditor at its twenty-seventh session.

(140 EX/SR.15)

7.9 Consultation in accordance with Rule 54 of the Rules of Procedure of theExecutive Board (140 EX/PRIV.2)

The announcement appearing at the end of these decisions reports on theBoard’s deliberations on this subject.

(140 EX/SR.15)


8.1 Intellectual co-operation in UNESCO: composition of the ad hoc Forumof Reflection

The Executive Board,

1 . Recalling 26 C/Resolution 15 entitled ‘Intellectual co-operation inUNESCO and setting up of an ad hoc forum of reflection’,

2. Referring to 139 EX/Decisions 7.3,

3. Stressing the responsibility placed on the Executive Board in formulatingthe Organization’s policies, and the need for the results of the Forum’sproceedings to be submitted to it so that, in a spirit of fruitful interaction,it can adopt a position on them,

4. m that the decision to set UP ~ ad hoc Forum of Reflection ‘ a sbased on the wish of the General Conference to invite eminent membersof the scientilc and intellectual communities to reflect on the role ofUNESCO during the transition from the closing decade of the twentiethcentury to the dawn of the twenty-first century by identifying and definingcertain vital issues coming within the Organization’s mandate that mightrepresent new challenges,

5. Decides that the ad hoc Forum of Reflection shall be composed of thefollowing members: Mr Mohammed Bedjaoui, Mr Anatoly Derevianko,Mr Umberto Eco, Mr Mohamed Fathalla El Khatib, Ms Elizabeth Evatt,Mr Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Mr Lamick Goma, Mr H6ctor Gros-Espiell,Mr Vacliiv Havel, Mr Reimut Jochimsen, Ms Gra~a Machel, Mr VictorMassuh, Ms Marjorie Mbilinyi, Mr George E. Palade, Mr Edward Said,

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Mr Michael Sela, Mr Michel Serres, Mr José I. Vargas, Ms KapilaVatsyayan, Mr Aristide Velompanahy and Mr Wei Zhang;

6. Offers its collaboration, through its Chairperson, to the work of theForum;

7. Invites the Director-General to provide all assistance required by theForum;

8. Expresses the hope that, when the Forum draws up its agenda, it willattempt to bring out the new trends that could be an inspiration to theOrganization in the coming decade, taking into account the problems thatcome within UNESCO’s province - some of which have not yet beensolved - in the fields of education, science, culture and communication, aswell as the commitments made by UNESCO to the internationalcommunity concerning the promotion of sustainable and equitabledevelopment centred on human beings, the improvement of the status ofwomen, the environment and the construction of a peace based on humanrights, fundamental freedoms and democracy;

9. Decides that the Forum’s meetings shall be funded from the savings madein Part I of the budget and from extra-budgetary resources.

(140 EX/SR.8, 9,11,13, 14,15 and 17)

8.2 Consideration of the procedure to be followed in the nomination of theDirector-General of the Organization (140 EX/PRIV. 1)

The announcement appealing at the end of these decisions reports on theBoard’s deliberations on this subject.

(140 EX/SR. 15)

8.3 Report by the Director-General on the implementation of139 EX/Decisions 7.2 (140 EX/24)

The Executive Board,

1. Having examined document 140 EX/24,

2. Takes note of its content.

(140 EX/SR.15)

8.4 Report by the Director-General on the implementation of139 EX/Decisions 7.5 (140 EX/25)

The Executive Board,

1. Bearing in mind the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, theInternational Covenants on Human Rights and the InternationalConvention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination,

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Recall ing the relevant provisions of the Constitution of UNESCOregarding peace and universal respect for human rights and fundamentalfreedoms,

Recognizing UNESCO’s responsibility in contributing to world peace andthe promotion of human rights,

Aware of the need to denounce all forms of intolerance based on religion,belief or culture, and of the need to encourage reciprocal tolerance andmutual respect between religions and cultures,

Expressing grave concern at continuing reports of widespread violationsof international humanitarian law occurring within the territory of theformer Yugoslavia and especially in Bosnia Herzegovina, includingreports of mass killings and the continuation of the practices of ‘ethniccleansing’, and condemning these practices there and in any other country,

Referring to the Director-General’s report on the implementation of139 EX/Decisions 7.5, and deeply disturbed by the tragic events takingplace in the Republic of Bosnia Herzegovina,

Invites the Director-General:

(a) to continue his efforts to implement 139 EX/Decision 7.5;

(b) to contribute - within the fields of competence of UNESCO - to thestruggle against the practice of ‘ethnic cleansing’, which is anexpression of racism and totally destructive of any concept ofcivilization and culture, including the right to cultural diversity;

(c) to examine how best the diverse cultural, religious and ethnicheritage of the population of Bosnia Herzegovina can besafeguarded;

(d) to examine inter alia the possibility of setting up in co-ordinationwith other organizations of the United Nations family a BosniaHerzegovina emergency programme to address the immediate issuesand long-term rehabilitation needs in the fields of culture, education,science and communication;

(e) to report to it on the implementation of this decision at its141st session.

(140 EX/SR.15)

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140 EX/Decisions - page 36

8.5 The issue of the participation of the member nominated by the formerSocialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (140 EX/31)


8.6 Participation in the work of the Executive Board (140 EX/32)

The Executive Board,

1. Noting United Nations Security Council Resolution 777 of 19 September1992, recommending that the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia andMontenegro) should apply for membership in the United Nations and thatit shall not participate in the work of the General Assembly, and alsonoting United Nations General Assembly Resolution A/47/RES/l of22 September 1992, which considers that the Federal Republic ofYugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) cannot continue automatically themembership of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in theUnited Nations and therefore decides that it shall not participate in thework of the General Assembly,

2. Decides that the member of the Executive Board of UNESCO electedfollowing nomination by the Government of the former Socialist FederalRepublic of Yugoslavia shall not participate in the work of the ExecutiveBoard.

(140 EX/SR.1)

8.7 Dates of the 141st session

Special Committee 4-6 May 1993

Bureau 7 May 1993

Plenaries, Commissions and )other Committees ) 10-28 May 1993

(140 EX/SR.17)


At the private meetings held on 28, 29 and 30 October 1992, the Board considered items 3.2,7.8,7.9 and 8.2 of its agenda.

3.2 Report by the Committee on Conventions and Recommendations: Examination ofcommunications transmitted to the Committee in pursuance of 104 EX/Decisions3.3 (140 EX/3 PRIV.)

(a) The Executive Board examined the report of its Committee on Conventions andRecommendations concerning the communications received by the Organization onthe subject of cases and questions of alleged violations of human rights inUNESCO’s fields of competence;

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(b) The Board took note of the narrative part of the report and endorsed the wishesexpressed by the Committee; it also decided to include an item in the provisionalagenda of its 141st session on the name and mandate of the Committee.

7.8 Appointment of an External Auditor by the General Conference at its twenty-seventh session (140 EX/17)

The Executive Board considered this item and took a decision on the subject,

7.9 Consultation pursuant to Rule 54 of the Rules of Procedure of the Executive Board(140 EX/PRIV.2)

In accordance with Rule 54 of the Rules of Procedure of the Executive Board, theDirector-General, having informed the Executive Board of the decisions he had takensince its 139th session concerning appointments, promotions and transfers of officials atgrade D-1 and above, consulted the Executive Board concerning a number ofappointments and the extension of the contracts of a number of officials at grade D-1 andabove.

8.2 Consideration of the procedure to be followed in the nomination of the Director-General of the Organization (140 EX/PRIV. 1)

Following its deliberations, the Executive Board took the measures required to giveeffect to Rule 53 of its Rules of Procedure. In particular, it invited its Chairperson tosend to Member States, at the end of the present session, the usual communicationreferred to in paragraph 1 of Rule 53 and proposed that 1 April 1993 would be the datefor the submission of nominations. It further decided to consider, at its 142nd session, ina private meeting, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Rule 53, all the names suggested.

(140 EX/SR.15 and 17)

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