Download - United Methodist Church - Cloud Object Storage | Store ... · Kristi Brendon Kirk Maddie Eli Ella UMW Sunday Join us on Sunday, January 19th ... Through vid-eo & Bible study, we’ll


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News and Updates

Jan. Worship Schedule

Church Family

Opportunities for Prayer

Opportunities to Serve

Youth Events

Sunday School

Christmas Events

UMW News

Small Groups

Volume 49, Issue 1 JANUARY 2014


Sunday Schedule:

Worship: 8:00 & 10:15am

Sunday School: 9:15am

Office Hours:

Mon.-Thurs: 9am—2pm

Fri.: 9am—Noon

Join Us...

Join us as 13 of our youth are confirmed!

Sunday, January 26

at the 10:15 service

Turn to page 10 for a listing of our confirmands

and their friends in faith.



Dontay Jeff


Kaitlynn Brendon Kristi






UMW Sunday Join us on

Sunday, January 19th

As we celebrate United Methodist Women’s Sunday at both services.

The ladies will also be holding a bake sale this day.

Details are on page 11.

Lumberjack Dinner

Mark your

calendars now!

The Annual

Lumberjack Dinner

will be held

Saturday, February 15


All the details are on page 13.

“Plant Faith, Nurture Disciples, Grow in Witness & Service”

Messenger St. Paul’s

United Methodist Church

Page 2

The St. Paul Messenger is published by

St. Paul’s United Methodist Church,

341 Wilson Avenue, Green Bay, WI 54303

Phone: (920) 494-4549

Fax: (920) 494-5722



[email protected]

Editor: Tracy Dahlin-Hakenjos

Please submit written material for the

FEBRUARY Messenger by

noon on Friday, January 17, 2014

Senior Pastor Rev. Diane Rew

Retired Pastor Rev. Howard Ott

Cord. of Discipleship Min. Lisa Srenaski

Office Administrator

Tracy Dahlin-Hakenjos

Bookkeepers Bill Bradshaw

Sharon Wolosek

Chancel Choir Director Merle Colburn

Organist Vashni Seitzer, SPC

Childcare Coordinator Jennifer Grell

Christine Kelley

Custodians Scott & Steve Raymaker

Sunday, January 5

Epiphany, Communion Sunday

Scripture: Matthew 2: 1-12

Sermon: “Gift-Bearers”-Rev. Diane

The wise men who traveled to Bethlehem brought their gifts to

the Christ Child. What gifts do WE bring?

Music: 8:00 Guitars 10:15 Chancel Choir

Sunday, January 12

1st Sunday after the Epiphany

Scripture: Matthew 3: 13-17

Sermon: “Named and Called” - Rev. Diane

Just a few weeks ago we celebrated Jesus birth, in today’s

scripture he is a grown man being baptized. The most important

part of the story of Jesus life, and our own, begins right here.

Music: 8:00 Worship Band 10:15 Chancel Choir

Sunday, January 19

2nd Sunday after the Epiphany, UMW Sunday

Scripture: John 1: 35-42

Sermon: “The Right Place at the Right Time” - Rev Diane

Long ago, a man called John the Baptist and some of his

disciples were in the right place at the right time. As a result,

Jesus showed up and changed people’s lives forever. Come

celebrate the ways that we are in the right place at the right

time for Christ.

Music: 8:00 Handbells 10:15 Chancel Choir

Sunday, January 26

3rd Sunday after the Epiphany, Confirmation Sunday at 10:15

Scripture: Colossians 3: 12-17

Sermon: “Bond together in Love” - Rev Diane

Today is a day of celebration! In these moments our young

confirmands will be given the opportunity to publicly profess

their faith and bind themselves to Christ (and to all of us) in love.

Music: 8:00 Cherub Choir 10:15 Chancel Choir


January Worship Schedule

Our Staff

Contact Us

Page 3

Your Church Family...

Congratulations to Erica & James Hansen

on the birth of their

baby boy, Joseph Wesley Hansen,

born December 10, 2013.

Congratulations to

DeeJae & Journey Johnson,

daughters of

Jennifer Olson,

who were baptized

December 8.

Thank you to the following youth and leaders for

preparing and serving the monthly meal at the

N.E.W. Community Shelter on Dec. 6th: Emilie,

Marie & Dawn Smith; Conner & Tracy Hakenjos;

Jeff Frankson; Ava Winstin; Landin, Derek & Lisa

VanEss; Noah Cousineau; Laura Buntman; George

Rather; Chad Smith; Larry Mikulsky. Also, thanks

to Suamico UMC for providing the dessert. A total

of 176 meals were served.

“Dear St. Paul’s, Thank you for your donation of $152.04 from your Melodies of Compassion. Your support enables the Ecumenical Partnership for Housing to help families who are homeless.” Blessings, Lori VerBoort, EPH Board Member

Thank you so very much for all of the cards, prayers and well wishes that you have sent for me and my whole family. We had hoped that my recovery would have gone more quickly. Please know that our thoughts and prayers have been with your families as well during this holy season.” Denise Paitel

Congratulations to Emily Lamers & Tyler Olson

on the birth of their

twin girls, Taylin Hope & Tenley Faith born November 24, 2013.

Welcome to St. Paul’s! We’re glad that YOU are here!

If you would like more info about our church, ministries/opportunities available here, how to become a member, Sunday School, youth, etc., we’d love to share with you!

Greeters are in the Narthex area on Sunday to give directions, answer questions, etc.

You’re also welcome to contact the church office or speak to Rev Diane. Welcome!

Thank you to all those who helped with the new

floor project in the nursery and preschool room:

Kris Engebretson, Lee Harmon, Jennifer Grell,

Christine Kelley, Debbie Korotev, Lisa Srenaski,

and George Rather.

“Thank you for the prayers, cards, pictures, hugs,

well wishes, meals & visits that have been so help-

ful during this trying time of medical problems.

The outpouring of love & support means so much

to us & is making this difficult time easier. We

thank God for our St. Paul’s Church family.

Gladys Paitel & the Paitel Family

Page 4

What Did We Do In DECEMBER??

* Provided Christmas gifts and household items for

5 families from the Salvation Army.

* Celebrated the birth of Jesus with three services

on Christmas Eve

* Enjoyed a wonderful Chancel Choir Cantata

* Sunday School kids and leaders presented the

story of Jesus’ birth in a new way

* Celebrated the baptisms of Deejae & Journey


* UMMen held their annual Communion Breakfast

* UMW ladies enjoyed a Christmas Wassail and

circle gatherings

* Youth Group rang bells for The Salvation Army

* Staff and SPRC members had a wonderful

Christmas gathering

* Held a brunch and information session for

newcomers to St. Paul’s

* Continued two adult studies, along with Disciple I

and Disciple II classes

* Confirmation classes continued

* Youth Group served the monthly meal at the

N.E.W. Community Shelter

* UMW continued a mission project for West High

and Tank & Lincoln Elementary Schools

* Held our annual Church Conference to elect

new leadership and approve the 2014 budget

* Hosted two piano recitals

* Prayer Shawl Ministry continued to comfort

people in powerful ways

* Care Team continued to bring joy and comfort

to those unable to join us in worship, as well as

served Communion to them

* Jail team, together with Gideons,

provided Bibles and devotional materials

to inmates

* Collected items for Salvation Army

& Ecumenical Partnership for Housing

* Extended our beautiful building

for scouts, TOPS, EPH, Neighborhood

Assoc., and Hmong services


The Prayer Team meets every Tuesday

at 9:00am in room 107. They pray for those

who were lifted up on Sunday morning, as

well as for the prayer requests the church

has received during the week.

Contact Kathryn Ault at 494-6669

St. Paul’s has a number of active prayer

groups. ALL are open to anyone who would

like to participate. If you would like more

information, please contact the church office

or the person listed after each ministry.


This ministry meets on the 3rd Tuesday

of every month from 12:00—2:00pm in the

narthex. They knit and/or crochet prayer

shawls. The shawls are given to anyone who

needs one ~ for illness, grieving a loss, etc.

Contact Jacque Dahlin at 497-1393.


This group of people prays for urgent

requests. When a call is received by the

church for an urgent issue, the prayer chain

is activated and the members of the chain

pray right away for the concern.

Contact Kathryn Ault at 494-6669.


Do you have a concern or a joy in your life?

We would be privileged to pray for you.

Prayer requests are always welcomed. You

can write them on the request sheet as you

enter the sanctuary, speak with a pastor, or

contact the church office: 494-4549 or

[email protected].

Page 5

Want to grow in YOUR faith?? Participate in one of the following adult classes! We hope we have the class for you ~ if we don’t, let us know what you are looking for.

These are the classes that will be starting very soon! Please contact Lisa at [email protected] or (920) 264-5365 to sign up or if you have questions.

Opportunities for...

Adult Education

“Lost Christianities: Christian Scriptures and the Battles over Authentication”

This course considers the varieties of belief &

practice in the early days of Christianity. This

was before the church decided what was theo-

logically acceptable & determined which

books would be included as Scripture. This

study from the Great Courses series has sever-

al components. Prof. Bart D. Ehrman leads a

DVD & investigates the important books used

by the Christian groups of that day. We’ll

then discuss their beliefs & the conflicts that

they had.

This class continues to

meet on Sun. mornings

9:05—10:05 in the library.

led by Brian Foxworthy

“Consider the Birds”

Here’s a unique way to start the new year! A study of the birds of the Bible!

From Biblical times to today people have found meaning & significance in the actions & symbolism of birds. We admire their mystery & manners, their strength & fragility, beauty & ugliness—and perhaps compare these very characteristics to our own lives in the process.

Debbie Blue highlights ten birds throughout scripture & explores their significance in both familiar and unfamiliar Bible stories. She illustrates how & why they have represented humanity across culture, Christian tradition, art & contemporary psyche. With these (usually) minor characters at the forefront of human imaginations, poignant life lessons illuminate such qualities as desire & gratitude, power & vulnerability, insignificance & importance—and provide us with profound lessons about humanity, faith, and God’s mysterious grace.

Thursdays at 10:00am & 6:00pm based on interest. Sign up on the green bulletin inserts on Sunday mornings or

contact Lisa at 264-5365 or [email protected] for more information.

“Opening Ourselves to Grace: Basic Christian Practices”

This is a six week study that ex-plores the basic practices of Christian faith and life from a Wesleyan tradition. Through vid-eo & Bible study, we’ll experi-ence the historic spiritual disci-plines, perhaps for the first time, and you’ll grow in your love of God & neighbor. Class

reading materials will be provided. This study will help you understand grace in a different way! Sundays at 9:05am beginning January 12th. Led by John Wilson Sign up on the green bulletin insert or contact Lisa at 264-5365 or [email protected].

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ALL ladies are invited to join us for ANY United Methodist Women (UMW) event ~ circle

meetings, unit meetings, etc. You do not need to be a member of UMW, of St. Paul’s, of any

church…just come and enjoy!

Reading Corner

Leah Circle

Thursday, January 2 at 12:00pm Bring a bag lunch

Hostess: Devotions: Kathy Gaffney Mary Lou Nelson


Carol Lahey

Questions: Contact Kathy Gaffney at 544-9077

Susanna Circle

Monday, January 6 at 7:00pm

Hostesses: Devotions: Elaine Martin Carol Carpenter Myrtle & Melody Specht

Program: Amy Reed

Questions: Contact Inez Gulbrandson at 468-9869

Ruth Circle

Tuesday, January 7 at 9:30am Home of Judi Pauli 2710 Woodfield Ct.


Continental Breakfast Santa Collection

Questions or to Carpool:

Call Sue Gilman: 336-9659 or Loretta Delvaux: 339-9117

Team Meeting

Thursday, January 30th, at 6:30pm in room 107.

100 Simple Things You Can Do to Prevent Alzheimers and Age-Related Memory Loss

By: Jean Carper Category: Nurturing for Community

Did you know vitamin B12 helps keep your brain from shrinking? That surfing the internet strengthens aging brain cells? Most people think there’s little they can do to avoid Alzheimers, but scientists know this isn’t true. Medical journalist Jean Carper discovered 100 surprisingly simple, scientific tested ways to reduce the odds of Alzheimers and other forms of dementia… this book is new to our Adult library, and can be found on the UMW shelf.

If you’d like to participate, pick up a reading list in the library, read a book from each category & return your completed form in July for recognition! Many books on the Reading List are in the adult library, just off Fellowship Hall.

Questions? Becky Engebretson at 497-7005

UMW Sunday

United Methodist Women’s Sunday will be held on

Sunday, January 19 at both services.

We will also be holding a bake sale on this day. If you would like to contribute homemade baked goods, please bring

them to the narthex by 7:45am on Sunday, Jan. 19.

Questions? Call Jennifer Grell at 562-2465.

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The 2013—2014 Sunday School year has begun! You CAN STILL REGISTER YOUR CHILD so they can

come and have fun with us on Sunday mornings!

Registration forms are available in the Sunday School rooms, in the narthex, and on the church

website ( You can also contact the church office at 494-4549 or by email

at [email protected], or contact Lisa at 264-5365 or [email protected].

Preschool 3-4 year olds use the curriculum “Grow, Proclaim, Serve!” In January, we’ll be talking about the life of Jesus. Stories will include: The Wise Men, Je-sus at the Temple, Jesus’ Baptism, and Jesus in

the Synogogue.

Our teacher is Becky Engebretson, assisted by Katrina Miller and Emilie Smith.

Elementary Children in grades

K—5 will learn

about “Friendship”

in our next module.

Our theme is

“BEST FRIENDS FOREVER” and we’ll learn that

through this John 15:14: “You are my friends if

you do what I command.” Jesus wants our

friendship with Him & shows us how to be a friend

to others. We learn through Bible stories, videos,

hands-on activities, conversations& music. Kids

are excited about what they learn & encouraged

to live their faith 24/7. Come join the fun! We

gather in room 115 at 9:05am.

Youth: Grades 6—12 R U ready 4 an exciting yr of SS?

Like last year, you have 2 different classes to choose from: a traditional class & a less structured, student-driven class.

Student-Driven Sunday School This class is driven by youth! During the month of January, we will continue to use the book, “Shocking and Scandalous Stories from the Bible: Challenging Students to See Life from God’s POV.” We meet in the railroad room. Dawn Smith, Leader

Traditional Class During January will be using LinC. LinC examines the latest music, movies, news, and current events through a Biblical lens.

5 Brendon Jungles 8 Dee Jae Johnson

11 Conner Hakenjos 22 Wyndham Srenaski

23 Noah Cousineau 24 Ryan Lawler

31 Natalie Krause

Sunday School collected $147.49 for the West High

Clawset Schoo fund this fall! Great job everyone!!

Thank you to Al and Beth Gaffney, Becky Krull, Steve and Eileen Sannes, and Jennifer Cousi-neau for giving of their time and gifts for the past “Under the Tree” Sunday School focus. You are awesome and we appreciate you!!

Thanks to Mary Amenson, Jenni Derpinghaus Becky Engebretson, Al Gaffney, Jennifer & Noah Cousineau, Beth Mueller, Sherry & Mackenzie Ruby, Lynn Clark, Katrina Miller, Denise Foxworthy & Loretta Delvaux for helping to make the Advent Event possible.

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We’re going back to the Hunger Task Force to pack food boxes for people in need.

Saturday, March 1st 1:00pm—4:00pm

Leaving church at approx. 10:30am.

During our last trip to HTF, we packed 720 boxes in 3 hours….can we beat that record??

Come help us try!

Congratulations to following youth who will

be completing their confirmation journey on Sunday, January 26th:

Josie Berndt Ella Conard

Espy Fassbender Eli Faymonville

Maddie Faymonville Jeff Frankson

Conner Hakenjos Dontay Johnson

Brendon Jungles Kristiann Jungles

Kirk Robb Marie Smith

Kaitlynn Wagner

Thanks to the youth that helped serve at

the N.E.W. Community Shelter on Dec. 1: Conner Hakenjos, Ava Winstin, Emilie &

Marie Smith, Jeff Frankson, Derek & Landon VanEss and Noah Cousineau.

Thanks to the youth who rang bells for the Salvation Army: Conner Hakenjos, Josie

Berndt, Emilie & Marie Smith, Kassie & Allyson Maves, Jeff Frankson, Noah Cousineau, Maddie & Eli Faymonville,

Andrew & Wes Rogers.

Great job everyone!

Come join the fun!

When: Wednesday, January 22nd

Time: 6:30pm

Where: St. Paul’s Youth Room

What: Eat great food,

Play games

Have fun

Plan the rest of the year

Bring: A friend!

Questions: Call Dawn: 246-3605 Do YOU have an idea for a youth event???? Bring your ideas to the youth night on Jan. 22nd or call / text Dawn at 246-3605.

This is YOUR youth group ~ share your ideas!

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of St. Paul’s in Action

How are YOU

participating in the

life of YOUR church?

Youth Group

serving at N.E.W.

Community Shelter

Youth Group

Laser Tag & Movie

Page 10

Confirmation Sunday will be celebrated on January 26th at the 10:15 service

Please take a moment to congratulate these confirmation students and join us as they are confirmed on January 26th.

Confirmation Sunday

Jocelyn Berndt Friend in Faith: Tracy Dahlin-Hakenjos

Ella Conard Friend in Faith: Christy Faymonville

Esperanza Fassbender Friend in Faith: Lynn Berndt

Eli Faymonville Friend in Faith: John Dunlap

Maddie Faymonville Friend in Faith: Dawn Smith

Jeff Frankson Friend in Faith: Penny Wendorf

Conner Hakenjos Friend in Faith: Lee Harmon

Dontay Johnson Friend in Faith: Steve Olson

Brendon Jungles Friend in Faith: Melissa Jungles

Kristiann Jungles Friend in Faith: Melissa Jungles

Kirk Robb Friend in Faith: Melody Specht

Marie Smith Friend in Faith: Lisa Srenaski

Kaitlynn Wagner Friend in Faith: Lori VerBoort

Page 11

Opportunities to...

get involved

Each year, Rev Diane and our lay

representatives travel to the WI Annual

Conference meetings in June. Along with

decisions, updates and other WI United

Methodist business, there is a collection for a

UM Ministry ~ this collection is called the

Conference Ingathering.

This year’s Ingathering is

School Bag Kits

The St. Paul’s Missions Team has decided to

collect items for this project

over the next 6 months,

with a focus on a different item each month.

During January, the item needed will be

8 x 10 1/2” spiral notebooks.

Donations can be place in the

large gray bin in the narthex.

Thanks for your support!

The St. Paul’s United Methodist Women will hold their annual

Bake Sale

Sunday, January 19 in the narthex

Come ready to purchase some

delicious, homemade bakery items!

All proceeds go toward local and global mission projects.

Are you looking for an easy way to participate in the life of YOUR church?

We are always looking for Sunday morning volunteers to serve as greeters, ushers, Communion servers, sound system techs, projectionists, nursery helpers, coffee fellowship hosts…. There are lots of ways for YOU to help ~ just contact the following coordinators for more info or to sign up!

Greeters: Susan Regnier, 499-8897

Ushers: Jim Sorenson, 983-8364

Liturgists: Inez Gulbrandson, 468-9869

Communion Server: Church Office, 494-4549

Projectionists: Church Office, 494-4549

Sound Techs: Kris Engebretson, 497-7005

Nursery Helpers: Jennifer Grell, 884-2612

Coffee Fellowship: Anita Kivisto, 494-1863

The following notice was received in regard to our

District Superintendent, Rev. Gordon Lind: Rev

Gordon Lind has made the decision to retire. He has

served the Wisconsin Annual Conference faithfully and

well as a pastor and District Superintendent. The

Cabinet and I have come to rely on his leadership, as

have the congregations and clergy of the Nicolet and

Winnebago Districts. I ask you to pray for Gordon and

Deborah in this time of transition from active to retired

ministry, and to take an opportunity to offer words of

thanks and appreciation to him as they celebrate

moving into a new chapter in their lives.” Bishop Jung

Page 12

Opportunities to...

get involved

Your prayers are requested for

George & Mary Rather

as they embark on a mission trip to

Hondurus January 2—January 12

They will be travelling with people from

other WI UM churches. A pastor from a

Manitowoc church was scheduled to

participate, but she is currently undergoing

cancer treatment. The team will be working

at the church of this pastor’s father-in-law in

Catacamas, Hondurus; her teenage daughter

will serve as the guide for the mission team.

We thank George & Mary

for their dedication to missions,

The United Methodist Women mission project for January, February & March is

Birthday Kits for EPH

These kits will be used by the children and adults who are staying in the home sponsored by St. Paul’s through the Ecumenical Partnership for Housing, to help celebrate their


The kits should be placed in a gallon-sized Ziploc bag and should include: Cake Mix Canned Frosting Birthday Napkins Candles

Donations can be placed in the marked blue bin in the narthex entryway. Questions? Contact Amy Reed: 639-2195 or [email protected].

Volunteer Needed to Job Share

Ecumenical Partnership for Housing needs an

individual to volunteer job share with snow

blowing. The driveway and the small walk from

the front door to the sidewalk need clearing if

there is over 3" of snow. St. Paul's clears the side-

walk, so that is not part of the job we are trying to

fill. John Friedrich is currently helping with this task,

but may not always be available to clear the

snow. If you would have some time to help with

this ministry please contact Lori VerBoort. Phone

351-3007 or e-mail [email protected].

In this season of giving and receiving, I want to

thank all the individuals that have helped with EPH

this year. St. Paul's is truly blessed with wonderful

caring people who volunteer their time and

energy to the help those less fortunate. I am very

proud to represent our congregation on the EPH

board. Thank you for all you do!! Lori VerBoort

Page 13

St. Paul’s prepares and serves dinner to those in need of a warm meal at the N.E.W. Community Shelter (located at 301 Mather St.) on the first Friday of every month.

Would YOU like to serve in this way?

If you would like more information on this ministry, or would like to sign up to help, please contact Jean Hessil at 499-1656.

Opportunities to...

get involved

Mark your calendars for the Annual Lumberjack Dinner

Saturday, February 15 4:00—7:00pm


Adults: $10, Kids 5-10: $5, 4 & under: Free Available on Sunday mornings in the narthex or

call John/Liz Wilson: 497-0646 or John/Karen Friedrich: 494-1037


Roast Beef, Ham, Potatoes, Rutabagas, Peas, Baked Beans, Cheese, Pickles, Bread, Pumpkin & Apple Pie, Molasses Cookies, Coffee & Milk

Volunteers are needed!

This is an all-church event, so everyone is invited to help if you are able: men, women & children. If YOU would like to be a part of the team that

makes this happen, sign up on the green bulletin insert on Sunday mornings or call John Friedrich.

There are 10-packs of tickets available for to sell. Just take a pack on Sunday mornings, see what

you can, and return the money and/or unsold tickets. There are also promotional flyers

available for you to help us advertise.

If you like to bake, there will be pie tins available in the narthex in January for you to use.

Proceeds Will Benefit:

Education/Youth, Building Needs, Office Needs, Worship Enhancement and Cub Scouts.

Lumberjack Steering Team: Chad Smith, John Wilson

John Friedrich, Brian Foxworthy

The Missions Team has designated the

beneficiaries of the Melodies of Compassion for 2014 as follows:

Jan.—Feb. New Faith Hmong Ministry

Mar.—April Love Life Ministry

May—June Gideons

July—Aug. Salvation Army

Sept.—Oct. EPH

Nov.—Dec. Heifer Project

The Melodies of Compassion consists of all the loose change collected in the offering plates on Sunday mornings. As the change is placed in the plates, it makes a “Melody of Compassion” for these ministries. Please give generously and let YOUR loose

change make a Melody of Compassion!

Page 14

Sunday Volunteers...

8:00 9:00 10:15

Liturgist Colleen Kendle Lori VerBoort

Ushers Ken Paitel , Linda Kurtz Dan Gage, John Dunlap

Ken & Zona Graetz Grant Curran, Darren/Lisa VanEss

Greeters Lee & Vicky Harmon Barb Lord, Connie Shaw

Projectionist ____________ John Wilson

Sound Technician Kris Engebretson Kris Engebretson

Coffee Fellowship Melody Specht & Kirk Robb

January 5

8:00 9:00 10:15

Liturgist Jesse Atkins Lynn Clark

Ushers Paul Anderson, Dontay Johnson Jim Sorenson, John WIlson

Kari Alvey, Darren/Lisa VanEss Connie Shaw, Jacque Steeno

Greeters George & Mary Rather Bob & Izzy Haberkorn

Projectionist ___________ ___________

Sound Technician Kris Engebretson Kris Engebretson

Coffee Fellowship Kathy Gaffney

January 12

8:00 9:00 10:15

Liturgist Mary Rather Carol Lahey

Ushers Becky Engebretson, Connie Shaw, Linda Meetz

Lynn Berndt, Zona Graetz Sherrie Bekyir, Betty Rogers

Greeters Arlene Finlan, ___________ Kathy Gaffney, Jean Hessil

Projectionist ____________ ___________

Sound Technician Kris Engebretson Kris Engebretson

Coffee Fellowship United Methodist Women

January 19

8:00 9:00 10:15

Liturgist Inez Gulbrandson Bob Unterburger

Ushers Ken Paitel, ___________ Dan Gage, John Dunlap

Ken & Zona Graetz Grant Curran, Chad/Dawn Smith

Greeters Hans & Susan Regnier Bill & Kathy Gaffney

Projectionist ____________ ___________

Sound Technician Kris Engebretson Kris Engebretson

Coffee Fellowship Confirmation Sunday

January 26

There are many opportunities for YOU to say, “YES!” and fill in some of the blanks—this month

and in the months to come! Contact the church office: 494-4549 or [email protected].

Page 15


Blessed New Year! Do you remember when you were young and there was so much “magic” in the midnight moment of the turning of the year? Did you beg to stay up to see it in? Did you stare out the window, or stand and look up at the stars and wonder at what the New Year would hold? I know I did…. and actually…. I often still do.

But I must admit that there was, somewhere along the line, a bit of disappointment. Because not much REALLY changes, does it? The weather seems pretty much the same at 11:59 as it does at 12:01. The worries are still there. If the house was dirty, or your heart troubled before midnight…it likely still is after.

But there IS something about walking through the door into a new day.. a new year.. a fresh beginning.

As Christians, we have just come off of one of the holiest times of our year. We have just celebrated Christmas and filled our hearts with hope and peace and joy and love. Christ is born! The Light of the World is here!

And now is the time….the New Year’s time…. for us to walk through that door into the New Year and carry all this goodness with us.

When we put away the Christmas decorations we do not put away the blessings of Christ’s birth. It is as if every time we walk out the door and into the world there is a blessing above the door that reminds us that we bear Christ’s Hope and Peace and Joy and Love to the world. So remember to carry Christ and the blessings of Christmas with you into the world and into the New Year.

Blessings for 2014! Rev Diane

New Year Blessings

Page 16

Youth Events

Make a Difference

Exciting News

Opportunities for YOU!