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November 2013

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November 2013

Welcome to the first UNITE newsletter. We are very

excited to have had the Town Hall meeting as the

grand introduction to the project. In the upcoming

months, you will be updated on the progress. You

are highly encouraged to involve, so that we can

have a successful implementation that everyone will

be happy with.

November 2013

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Recap of the Town Hall meeting

� UNITE stands for Univan IT Environment

� Is one of the 7 company objectives

� Is connecting several systems

� Some systems will be replaced by more effective ones

� Goal: To streamline work processes

� The official launch is 1st

March 2014

And the winning UNITE logowent to...

A big thank you to Apol Villamor for designing this logoNovember 2013

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November 2013

Status of UNITE

External vendors External vendors External vendors External vendors identified:identified:identified:identified: ProcessProcessProcessProcess mappingmappingmappingmapping::::

YourYourYourYour suggestionssuggestionssuggestionssuggestions::::

November 2013

Yammer is an open communication

platform you can join in order to

follow news and updates about

UNITE. You can also come up with

suggestions and get involved. It’s

open for everyone. Just ask one of

the super users to get an invite.


UNITE will become a

system platform that

unifies several systems.

We will be integrating

these systems to ensure a

smooth data flow.

The suggestions in the

suggestion boxes are being

taken into consideration

by the project team.

Thank you for putting

them in, and we

encourage everyone to

pour in more ideas and

suggestions. Which

working tasks can be

improved by the new

system? The project team

promises to have a look at


The project plan has been

updated and is

synchronised with the

vendors’ time schedule

also. The super users have

been mapping your

working processes to

outline the flows, and the

job profiles are being

developed. This means

that they are looking into

the job responsibilities of

the new workflows. Later,

they will be extending

those to make the standard

operating procedures.

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What has been going on this year..

• May – Decision was made on which system vendors to use for the UNITE-project.

• June & July – finalised process list and agreed these with the owners. The key reporting requirements were also identified.

• August – Contracts with vendors have been finalised.

• September – The project plan was made, and the super users were found to form the UNITE work group.

• October – Agreement on the project plan (including synching the same with vendors). Initial workshops were held to discuss process flows and to identify customisation requirements.

• November

– Detailed design workshops held by SUN Financials and Purchasing. The super users, together with IT discussed the design and development of reports.

– Town Hall meeting was held and the suggestions received are now being reviewed.

– Train The Trainer workshop held for the super users in order to get prepared to train the end users.

– One day Team Building activities for the super users.

November 2013

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November 2013

Interviewing the super users..Renjit


Planned Maintenance

System Coordinator

1. What does it mean to be a UNITE super user?

RENJIT: To me being a super user

means representing technical

department in Unite project, stand up

and guide the users (not limited to

Technical department) whenever they

face difficulties in understanding the


LILLIAN: Seems I’m a super hero

straight from a Marvel comics! Kidding

aside, for me it’s a daunting task. A lot

of work and responsibility involved but

I know at the end of this, everyone will

be benefited.




assistant, Accounts

November 2013

3. In your opinion, how will the new system improve your daily work?

RENJIT: New system should free up

the users from time consuming paper

work, helping them with quick process

completions electronically and perform

their duties to optimum, handle more

work with ease. It will help me and

others generate useful reports live with

an integrated software environment

helping better monitoring of vessels and


LILLIAN: At the moment we have a lot

of manual paper work. I believe the

new system will help speed up and

streamline the processes. Thereby,

reducing long hours and time-consuming


2. It’s a lot of hard work to be a UNITE super user. What keeps you engaged?

RENJIT: Yes it takes a lot of time and

Hard work to be a super user, its all about

prioritising the daily work and find time

in between to interact with users collect

their feedback and suggestions which

keeps me engaged.

LILLIAN: Yes it is! However,

knowing I am part of something

great that will benefit everyone

keeps me engaged and excited at

the same time.

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November 2013

Road show (around Christmas time)

o Presentations by the super users and

discussions in smaller groups

UNITE-quiz (December)

o Winners will be announced at the annual


End user training (January)

o Performed by the super users. You will get

proper training on the systems.

Upcoming activities

November 2013

Why we need to speak up....

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How can you involve?

A few words from the change coordinator...A few words from the change coordinator...A few words from the change coordinator...A few words from the change coordinator...

You might have been wondering who that mysterious girl starting to

wandering around is. She doesn’t have a name tag at her desk, and what is

she doing with all those books at her table? Well, that’s me - the new

change coordinator for the UNITE-project. I will be an intern aiding the

project team to get the whole organisation engaged and involved in the

UNITE-project. My role is to tap into what the end-users (you) need while

we’re going through this huge systems change. At the same time, I’m

writing up my master’s thesis to be handed in soon, so I’ll go back in my

home country in the cold north end January. I feel so humbled to have had

this opportunity to work with a project like this before graduating, and I

hope to hear some responses from you on how I’m doing. What kind of

information do you want? How do you want it? Have you got the right tools

to involve? What can I do for you to be better prepared for the big change?

Please, just pull me aside or find me on Yammer to give me some feedback.

– Maria Nhieu