Download - Unité 4 Leçon A Express emotions and needs, ask for information, tell location, ask what something is and identify objects.

Page 1: Unité 4 Leçon A Express emotions and needs, ask for information, tell location, ask what something is and identify objects.

Unité 4

Leçon A

Express emotions and needs, ask for information, tell location, ask what something is and identify objects.

Page 2: Unité 4 Leçon A Express emotions and needs, ask for information, tell location, ask what something is and identify objects.

Une Une éécole = a schoolcole = a school

Page 3: Unité 4 Leçon A Express emotions and needs, ask for information, tell location, ask what something is and identify objects.

Un professeur = a teacherUn professeur = a teacher

Always masculine even though Always masculine even though it may refer to a female teacher!it may refer to a female teacher!

Less formally:Less formally: Un profUn prof Une profUne prof

Page 4: Unité 4 Leçon A Express emotions and needs, ask for information, tell location, ask what something is and identify objects.

Un Un élève / unélève / unee élève = élève = a studenta student

Page 5: Unité 4 Leçon A Express emotions and needs, ask for information, tell location, ask what something is and identify objects.

Un Un étudiant étudiant / un/ unee étudiantétudiantee = = a student (usually university student!)a student (usually university student!)

Page 6: Unité 4 Leçon A Express emotions and needs, ask for information, tell location, ask what something is and identify objects.

Items in the Items in the classroom:classroom:

Un sac Un sac àà dos = a backpack dos = a backpack Un cahier = a notebookUn cahier = a notebook Un crayon = a pencilUn crayon = a pencil Un stylo = a penUn stylo = a pen Un dictionnaire = a dictionaryUn dictionnaire = a dictionary Un livre = a bookUn livre = a book Une feuille de papier = a sheet of paperUne feuille de papier = a sheet of paper Une trousse = a pencil caseUne trousse = a pencil case

Page 7: Unité 4 Leçon A Express emotions and needs, ask for information, tell location, ask what something is and identify objects.

Une salle de classe = Une salle de classe = a classrooma classroom

Un taille-crayon = a pencil sharpenerUn taille-crayon = a pencil sharpener Un magnétoscope = a VCRUn magnétoscope = a VCR Un ordinateur = a computerUn ordinateur = a computer Une fenêtre = a windowUne fenêtre = a window Une affiche = a posterUne affiche = a poster Une carte = a mapUne carte = a map Une pendule/une horloge = a clockUne pendule/une horloge = a clock

Page 8: Unité 4 Leçon A Express emotions and needs, ask for information, tell location, ask what something is and identify objects.

Un tableau = a (chalk)boardUn tableau = a (chalk)board– les tableauxles tableaux

Un bureau = a deskUn bureau = a desk– les bureauxles bureaux

Un CD = a CDUn CD = a CD

Page 9: Unité 4 Leçon A Express emotions and needs, ask for information, tell location, ask what something is and identify objects.

Une cassette = a cassetteUne cassette = a cassette Une vidUne vidééocassette = a videocassetteocassette = a videocassette Une disquette = a disketteUne disquette = a diskette Une stUne stéérrééo = a stereoo = a stereo Une chaise = a chairUne chaise = a chair Une porte = a door Une porte = a door Une corbeille = a wastebasketUne corbeille = a wastebasket

Page 10: Unité 4 Leçon A Express emotions and needs, ask for information, tell location, ask what something is and identify objects.

Other related words:Other related words: Un classeur = a ring binder with Un classeur = a ring binder with

pocketspockets Un cahier d’exercices = workbookUn cahier d’exercices = workbook Une calculatrice = a calculatorUne calculatrice = a calculator Un morceau de craie = a piece of chalkUn morceau de craie = a piece of chalk Une table = a tableUne table = a table Une gomme = an eraserUne gomme = an eraser Une agrafeuse = a staplerUne agrafeuse = a stapler Le scotch = adhesive tapeLe scotch = adhesive tape Une bibliothUne bibliothèque = a libraryèque = a library Un casier = a lockerUn casier = a locker

Page 11: Unité 4 Leçon A Express emotions and needs, ask for information, tell location, ask what something is and identify objects.


Montrez-moi = Show meMontrez-moi = Show me

If you have the item that I call out, If you have the item that I call out, hold it up high! (SILENTLY)hold it up high! (SILENTLY)

If it is something in the room that If it is something in the room that you can see, point to it (SILENTLY).you can see, point to it (SILENTLY).

Page 12: Unité 4 Leçon A Express emotions and needs, ask for information, tell location, ask what something is and identify objects.

Where things are located:

Sur = on top of Sous = under Devant = in front of Derrière = behind Avec = with Dans = in


Page 13: Unité 4 Leçon A Express emotions and needs, ask for information, tell location, ask what something is and identify objects.


““AVOIR” is an AVOIR” is an IRREGULAR verb.IRREGULAR verb.

J’ J’ aiai TuTu asas Il/Elle/On Il/Elle/On aa Nous Nous avonsavons Vous Vous avezavez Ils/Elles Ils/Elles ontont

I haveI have You haveYou have He/She hasHe/She has We haveWe have You haveYou have They haveThey have

Page 14: Unité 4 Leçon A Express emotions and needs, ask for information, tell location, ask what something is and identify objects.

Expressions with “avoir”Expressions with “avoir”

Avoir faim = to be hungryAvoir faim = to be hungry Avoir soif = to be thirstyAvoir soif = to be thirsty Avoir besoin de = to needAvoir besoin de = to need

– Avoir besoin d’ (before a vowel sound)Avoir besoin d’ (before a vowel sound)

Tu as faim?Tu as faim? Elle a soif?Elle a soif?

J’ai besoin d’un euro.J’ai besoin d’un euro.

Vous avez besoin de faire vos devoirs.Vous avez besoin de faire vos devoirs.

Page 15: Unité 4 Leçon A Express emotions and needs, ask for information, tell location, ask what something is and identify objects.

In the time that remains: Begin working on Workbook


NEXT WEEK (Tuesday 1/26 for “A” Day – Wednesday 1/27 for “B” Day)

Bonus points will be given to any student who turns WKBK pages in completed NEXT class!