Download - Unit Seven Vocabulary Presentation

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Vocabulary and Derivatives

Page 2: Unit Seven Vocabulary Presentation

DESIRE, EAGERNESS3rd declensionfeminineRelated Derivatives:cupidity

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DICTATOR3rd declensionmasculineRelated Derivatives:dicatedictatordictatorial

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HUMANITY3rd declensionfeminineRelated Derivatives:humanityhumanitarian

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POWER, COMMAND2nd declensionneuterRelated Derivatives:imperialempire

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LAKE4th declensionmasculineRelated Derivatives:lakelacuna

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LANGUAGE1st declensionfeminineRelated Derivatives:linguallinguistlinguisticsmultilingual

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POWER3rd declensionfeminine

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PROVINCE, OUTLYING REGION GOVERNED BY ROME1st declensionfeminineRelated Derivatives:provinceprovincial

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RICH, WEALTHY3rd declension

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EASY3rd declensionRelated Derivatives:facilityfacile

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THIRD1st/2nd declensionRelated Derivatives:tertiary

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ALL, ENTIRE1st/2nd declensionRelated Derivatives:totaltotalitarian

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to FIND OUT, to RECOGNIZE3rd conjugationRelated Derivatives:recognizecognizant

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to DIVIDE, to FORCE APART3rd conjugationRelated Derivatives:dividedivisordivisiondivisive

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to THROW3rd conjugationinitial I works as a consonantRelated Derivatives:projectileabject

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to FEAR, to BE AFRAID of3rd conjugation

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to NOT WANT, to NOT WISHirregular verb:nolo nolumusnon vis non vultisnon vult nolunt

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to KILL3rd conjugationRelated Derivatives:occidentoccidental

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to WANT, to WISHirregular verb:volo volumusvis vultisvult volunt

Related Derivatives:voluntaryvolunteer

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ACROSS+ accusative