Download - Unit Plan Lesson Plans: Elementary 2D, 3D & Misc. Secondary 2D, 3D and Misc. Stephanie Jordan ARE 5359 06/24/2009 Unit Plan.


Unit PlanLesson Plans:

Elementary 2D, 3D & Misc.

Secondary 2D, 3D and Misc.

Stephanie Jordan

ARE 5359

06/24/2009Unit Plan

• Use of found objects in art

• Constructing meaning, ways artists communicate their ideas

• Expand students ideas on what art can be

• What makes something art?

• Understanding the content in the examples

• Students will critique a similar work

Elementary, MiscFound Object Foundation

Elementary, Misc

Fred Wilson. Mining the Museum, 1992. Installation.

Elementary, Misc

Sylvie Fleury. A Journey to Fitness, or How to Loose 10 Pounds in 3 Weeks, 1993. 7 VCRs, TV Monitors, and Videotapes, 33 x 108 x 108 in.

Elementary, Misc

Fred Wilson. Guarded View, 1992. Installation.

Elementary, Misc

Jonathan Seliger. Born to Shop, 2005. Installation.

• Builds upon the previous lesson

• Apply the ideas they learned and create their own work of Found Art

• Be able to articulate their message in an artist’s statement

Elementary, 3DFound Object Practice

Elementary, 3D

Fred Wilson. Untitled, 1992. Plaster, pedestal and books.

Elementary, 3D

Sylvie Fleury. Poison, 1992. Shopping Bags, 27 x 60 x 30 in.

• Students will see examples of headlines that send messages like “this is what beauty is” “this is how you should look”

• Learn that magazines rely on gender stereotypes and insecurities to sell magazines

• Become consumers who are able to interpret messages, not just internalize them

• Apply these ideas to create a positive self protrait collage avoiding “limited, socially predefined categories of identity” (Gude)

Media Criticism

Elementary, 2D

Elementary, 2D

Cover (November, 2007). Cosmo Girl!

Elementary, 2D

Cover (March, 2009). Rolling Stone Magazine.

• Learn that image is not just illustration of text• Professional artists combine the 2 meaningfully• Create works of great impact capable of

communicating the artist’s ideas• Be introduced to some feminist ideas• Critique & reflect to create their own work of Text

+ Image

Secondary, 2DImage + Text

Secondary, 2D

Shirin Neshat. Untitled, 1996. RC print and ink, 67 x 48 in.

Secondary, 2D

Leslie Dill. Untitled, 1993. Lithograph on newspaper, 10 x 8 x 2 in.

Secondary, 2D

Barbara Kruger. Your Gaze Hits the Side of my Face, 1981-3.

• Become familiar with “Appropriation” of historical works

• Know that it is not just imitation, it can be a means to create new meaning

• Students will think critically about works of Postmodern Appropriation artists and examine the influences at work in its creation

• They will create their own appropriated self-portrait

Image + Text

Secondary, 3D

Secondary, 3D

Yasumasa Morimura. An Inner Dialogue with Frida Kahlo (Hand Shaped Earrings), 2001. Color photograph.

Secondary, 3D

Kehinde Wiley. Christian Martyr Tarcisius, 2008.

Secondary, 3D

Pushpamala N. The Fortune Teller (after Caravaggio), 2006-8. Archival ink-jet print, 30 x 40 in.

• Learn to uncover indirect messages in the media

• See ads that draw on gender stereotypes & sexuality to sell products

• Be able to recognize these tactics in the ads they see everyday

• Be able to critique an ad of their choosing independently

Media Criticism

Secondary, 3D

Secondary, Misc.

Sylvie Fleury. Formula One Dress, 1998.

Secondary, Misc.

Datsun Car Advertisement, USA, 1969

Secondary, Misc.

BMW Used Car Advertisement, Greece, May 2009

References1969 Datsun Ad [image of advertisement] (1969). Retrieved June 12, 2009 from

2009 BMW Used Car Ad [image of advertisement] (May, 2009). Retrieved June 13, 2009 from Transportation-Examiner~y2009m5d3-BMWs-Shameful-Greek-Used-Car-Ad

A Journey to Fitness, or How to Loose 10 Pounds in 3 Weeks [image] (1993). Retrieved June 4, 2009, from

An Inner Dialogue with Frida Kahlo (hand shaped earring) [image] (2001). Retrieved June 6, 2009, from

Born to Shop [image] (2005). Retrieved June 4, 2009 from

Christian Martyr Tarcisius [image] (2008). Retrieved June 18, 2009 from

Cover Image (March 2009) Rolling Stone Magazine

Cover Image (November 2007) Cosmo Girl!

Fleury, Sylvie. (1998). Formula One Dress [Image]. History of Modern Art. By H. H. Arnason. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. 26.53.

Guarded View [image of installation] (1992). Retrieved June 4, 2009 from

Kruger, Barbara. (1981-3). Your Gaze Hits the Side of my Face [image]. History of Modern Art. by H. H. Arnason. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

ReferencesPoison [image] (1992). Retrieved June 4, 2009, from

The Fortune Teller (after Caravaggio) [image] (2006-8). Retrieved June 3, 2009, from

Small Poem Dress [image] (1993). Retrieved June 18, 2009 from

Untitled [image] (1996). Retrieved June 4, 2009, from

Untitled [image] (1992). Retrieved June 18, 2009 from

Wilson, Fred. (1992). Mining the Museum [Image of installation]. Baltimore, Maryland. History of Modern Art. By H. H. Arnason. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. 27.4.