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UNIT 7: Period 7.2 Reading Guide

Chapter 31: The Politics of Boom and Bust, 1920-1932 GOP Reaction at the Throttle 1. What pro-business policies were taken by the government during the Harding administration? The Aftermath of War 2. What effects did the war have on the post-war economy? America Seeks Benefits Without Burdens Know: Kellogg-Briand Pact 3. How did the U.S. take the lead in disarmament in the 20's? Hiking the Tariff Higher 4. What effects were produced by high American tariffs? The Stench of Scandal Know: Teapot Dome 5. "Such was his [Harding's] weakness that he tolerated people and conditions that subjected the Republic to its worst

disgrace since the days of President Grant." Defend or refute this statement Frustrated Farmers 6. What had changed for the farmer since 1890? What had remained the same? What attempts were made to help

the Farmers? Unraveling the Debt Knot Know: Dawes Plan 7. What were the world-wide repercussions of America’s insistence on debt repayment?

President Hoover's First Moves Know: Hawley-Smoot Tariff 8. Did Hoover’s attempts to help farmers produce positive results? Explain. The Great Crash Ends the Golden Twenties Know: Black Tuesday 9. What were the immediate effects of the stock market crash? Hooked on the Horn of Plenty Know: Hoover Blankets, Hoovervilles 10. What causes contributed to the Great Depression? Rugged Times for Rugged Individualists Know: Rugged Individualism, The Great Humanitarian 11. How did President Hoover’s beliefs affect the way he handled the Depression? Routing the Bonus Army in Washington Know: Bonus Expeditionary Force, Douglas MacArthur 12. What happened to the Bonus Army? Why?

Japanese Militarists Attack China Know: Manchuria, Stimson Doctrine 13. How did the Japanese attack on Manchuria demonstrate the weakness of the League of Nations?

14. Hoover Pioneers the Good Neighbor Policy What was President Hoover’s policy toward Latin America?

Big Picture Question: Chap 31. Please outline your response to the question in the space provided.

Provide a thesis that answers the question(s) in a sentence or two.

Underneath the thesis write out supporting details using a bullet list or outline format. You do not need to write paragraphs or full sentences, but what you write should represent complete thoughts. Use phrases and brief explanations. A list of single words or terms is insufficient to represent a complete thought.

Include within your supporting arguments specific terms, people, or events and a brief reason why these support your thoughts.

Question: What were the causes of Great Depression? How and why did Hoover respond?

Chapter 32: The Great Depression and the New Deal Presidential Hopefuls of 1932 1. What was Roosevelt's campaign message in the 1932 election? FDR and the Three R's: Relief, Recovery, Reform Know: New Deal, Banking Holiday, Hundred Days, Three R's, 2. Describe the New Deal. Roosevelt Manages the Money Know: Glass-Steagall Banking Reform Act, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 3. What were the key aspects of FDR's monetary policy? Creating Jobs for the Jobless Know: Pump Priming, CCC, AAA, 4. How were the New Deal programs “pump priming”?

A Day for Every Demagogue Know: Father Charles Coughlin, Huey Long, Dr. Francis E. Townsend, WPA 5. Compare and contrast the demagogues of the time.

New Visibility for Women Know: Frances Perkins, Mary McLeod Bethune 6. Explain the factors that made it possible for Perkins and Bethune women to gain fame. Helping Industry and Labor Know: NRA, PWA 7. How did the NRA attempt to restore industry?

Paying Farmers Not to Farm Know: AAA 8. How did the federal government attempt to help farmers? Dust Bowls and Black Blizzards Know: Dust Bowl, The Grapes of Wrath, Indian Reorganization Act 9. How did nature cause problems for some farmers on the plains? 10. What was the “New Deal” for Native Americans? Battling Bankers and Big Business Know: Federal Securities Act, SEC 11. In what way did New Dealers attempt to protect investors? The TVA Harnesses the Tennessee River Know: TVA 12. What arguments were used for and against the TVA project? Housing and Social Security Know: FHA, Social Security 13. How did the FHA and Social Security attempt to help some of society’s least fortunate?

A New Deal for Labor Know: Wagner Act, Fair Labor Standards Act, CIO, John L. Lewis, Sit-down Strike 14. How did labor respond to the improvement of conditions brought about by the New Deal? Nine Old Men on the Bench 15. Why did Roosevelt ask Congress for a bill that would allow him to add justices to the Supreme Court? The Court Changes Course Know: Court Packing scheme 16. What were the consequences of FDR’s attempt to pack the Court? New Deal or Raw Deal? 17. What criticism of the New Deal seems most fair to you? Least fair? FDR’s Balance Sheet & Varying Viewpoints 18. Summarize the “good” and “bad” of the New Deal

Big Picture Question: Chap 32. Please outline your response to the question in the space provided.

Provide a thesis that answers the question(s) in a sentence or two.

Underneath the thesis write out supporting details using a bullet list or outline format. You do not need to write paragraphs or full sentences, but what you write should represent complete thoughts. Use phrases and brief explanations. A list of single words or terms is insufficient to represent a complete thought.

Include within your supporting arguments specific terms, people, or events and a brief reason why these support your thoughts.

Question: How did FDR’s response to the New Deal compare to Hoover’s? To what extent were the New Deal programs successful?

Chapter 33: Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Shadow of War (1933-1941) The London Conference Know: London Economic Conference 1. What were the results of Roosevelt's decision not to help stabilize currencies?

Freedom for (from?) the Filipinos and Recognition for the Russians 2. What was the reason for America's decision to free the Philippines?

Becoming a Good Neighbor Know: Good Neighbor Policy 3. Was the United States serious about the Good Neighbor policy? Explain.

Secretary Hull's Reciprocal Trade Agreements 4. Were reciprocal trade agreements a good idea? Explain.

Storm-Cellar Isolationism Know: Joseph Stalin, Benito Mussolini, Adolf Hitler, Fascism 5. What were the reasons for American isolationism?

Congress Legislates Neutrality Know: Neutrality Acts 6. How did the Neutrality Acts attempt to keep the U.S. out of war?

Appeasing Japan and Germany Know: Quarantine Speech, Munich Conference, Appeasement 7. What actions were taken by fascist governments that showed that they were a threat?

Hitler's Belligerency and U.S. Neutrality Know: Cash and Carry 8. How did the United States respond to the start of WWII in Europe?

The Fall of France Know: Blitzkrieg, Winston Churchill 9. What further steps did the United States take after the fall of France?

Bolstering Britain Know: Battle of Britain, America First 10. Describe the conflict between interventionists and isolationists in America in 1940.

A Landmark Lend-Lease Law Know: Lend-Lease 11. What was so controversial about Lend-Lease?

Charting a New World Know: Atlantic Charter 12. What was the reaction in America to the Nazi attack on the Soviet Union?

U.S. Destroyers and Hitler's U-Boats Clash 13. How did America's implementation of the Lend-Lease policy bring us closer to war?

Big Picture Question: Chap 33. Please outline your response to the question in the space provided.

Provide a thesis that answers the question(s) in a sentence or two.

Underneath the thesis write out supporting details using a bullet list or outline format. You do not need to write paragraphs or full sentences, but what you write should represent complete thoughts. Use phrases and brief explanations. A list of single words or terms is insufficient to represent a complete thought.

Include within your supporting arguments specific terms, people, or events and a brief reason why these support your thoughts.

Question: Why did the United States gradually move away from isolationism and neutrality? How did FDR move the U.S. away from its neutral stance?

Chapter 34: America in WWII (1941-1945)

The Allies Trade Space for Time Know: ABC-1 agreement 1. "America's task was far more complex and back-breaking [in World War II] than in World War I." Explain.

The Shock of War Know: Axis Powers, Internment Camps, Korematsu v. U.S.

Building the War Machine Know: War Production Board, War Labor Board, Smith-Connally Anti-Strike Act 2. What effects did the war have on manufacturing, agriculture and labor?

Manpower and Womanpower Know: WACS, WAVES, Braceros, Rosie the Riveter

Wartime Migrations Know: A. Philip Randolph, Fair Employment Practices Commission, CORE, “Code Talkers”, Zoot Suit Riots

Holding the Homefront 3. What economic effects resulted from American participation in the war?

Japan's High Tide at Midway Know: Battle of the Coral Sea, Midway 4. Why was Midway an important battle?

American Leapfrogging Toward Tokyo 5. What strategy did the United States use to defeat the Japanese?

D-Day: June 6, 1944 Know: D-Day, Normandy, George Patton 6. Why could June 6, 1944 be considered THE turning point of the war?

The Last Days of Hitler Know: Battle of the Bulge, V-E Day 7. Describe the last six months of war in Europe.

Japan Dies Hard Know: Iwo Jima, Okinawa, Kamikazes 8. Explain the meaning of the title of this section.

The Atomic Bombs Know: Potsdam, Hiroshima & Nagasaki, Manhattan Project 9. What was the military impact of the atomic bomb?

The Allies Triumphant Know: George Marshall 10. "This complex conflict was the best fought war in America's history." Explain

Varying Viewpoints: The Atomic Bombs: Were they justified 11. What is the answer to this question in your opinion?

Big Picture Question: Chap 27. Please outline your response to the question in the space provided.

Provide a thesis that answers the question(s) in a sentence or two.

Underneath the thesis write out supporting details using a bullet list or outline format. You do not need to write paragraphs or full sentences, but what you write should represent complete thoughts. Use phrases and brief explanations. A list of single words or terms is insufficient to represent a complete thought.

Include within your supporting arguments specific terms, people, or events and a brief reason why these support your thoughts.

Question: What were the effects of WWII on women, ethnic minorities, and on racial minorities? Did the war lead to greater equality for these groups? Explain and be specific.