Download - Unit 7. P 278 Ex 1 1.He tried to use a library when he was very young, but he wasn’t allowed inside. 2. He wanted to build free public libraries. 3. He.



Unit 7

P 278 Ex 1

1. He tried to use a library when he was very young, but he wasn’t allowed inside.

2. He wanted to build free public libraries.

3. He thought it was important for rich people to help poor people.

4. He thought it was better to have a rich spirit than a big bank account.

5. He thought that rich people needed to set an example for others.

6. He decided to give away a lot of money to help others.

7. He thought it was a terrible thing to die rich.

P 279/280 Ex 4

1. Children have to be taught about giving, not just taking.

2. My elderly neighbor needs to be driven to the hospital because he can’t drive. I’m going to offer to drive him.

3. Some people who make donations don’t want their names to be known.

4. Money for a charity needs to be collected.

5. There are many ways to help. Parks need to be cleaned.

6. There are many ways of helping children. Children need to be loved and respected.

7. Carnegie thought that libraries needed to be built for the public.

8. Everyone wants to be given a chance to succeed in life.

P 281/282 Ex 7

1. They expected me to help others.

2. She wants them to be kind to others.

3. He advised them to give to charity.

4. They want them to be good.

5. I would like you to work hard.

6. They reminded us to give money to the poor.

7. He wants her to be generous.

8. They encouraged me not to be selfish.

9. They expect them to be polite.

P 284/285 Ex 9

I volunteer for my local public radio station. Several times a year,

the station tries to persuade listeners to give money to the

station. Without listener support, the radio could not exist. The

station managers have us answer the phones when listeners

call to contribute. We let callers pay by check or credit card.

To get listeners to contribute, the station offers some prizes.

For example, for a $60 contribution, you can get a coffee mug.

For a $100 contribution, you can get a book. Everyone can listen

to public radio for free. No one makes you pay for it. But listeners

should pay for this service. They should help the station pay

for its excellent programming.

P 286 Ex 11

A: Are you willing to donate your time on the weekends?

B: Yes. I’m eager to help people who need my help. I’m ready

to do whatever you need me to do.

A: You’re going to deliver meals to people in this neighborhood

who don’t have enough money.

B: I’m surprised to hear that some people don’t have enough

to eat. This seems like a middle-class neighborhood.

A: It is. But the economy is bad. Most people are lucky to have

a job. But many people have lost their jobs. Some people are

ashamed to ask for help.

B: I can understand that. But don’t worry. I’m willing to help

anyone who needs my help.

A: Don’t be afraid to go into a stranger’s home. Someone will

always go with you.

B: I’m happy to deliver food to people who need it.

A: I’m glad to have you work with us. Your parents must be proud

to have such a wonderful daughter.

P 287/288 Ex 13

U: What do you plan to do this summer?

N: I wanted to get a summer job, but I couldn’t find one. It’s going

to be boring. I’m ready to work, but no one wants to hire me.

And my parents expect me to find a job. My mom won’t let me

stay home all day and watch TV or hang out with my friends at

the swimming pool.

U: Are you trying to save money for your college education?

N: Not really. I haven’t even thought about saving for college yet.

I want a job because I’m planning to buy a car.

U: You need to think about college too. You’re going to graduate

next year.

N: I’m planning to go to a community college, so it won’t be so

expensive. And my parents are willing to pay for my college


U: Have you thought about volunteering your time this summer?

N: Not really. I just want to make money.

U: Don’t just think about money. Try to think about how you can

help other people. You can help little kids (to) learn to read.

Or you can help (to) clean the parks by picking up garbage.

N: I keep telling you. I just want to earn money. What will I get

if I do those things? I won’t get my car.

U: You’ll get satisfaction. Helping others will make you feel good.

And you will learn to be responsible. After you finish community

college and go to a four-year college, it will look good on your

application if you say you volunteered. It will help you (to) get

into a good college.

N: Why are you trying so hard to get me to be a volunteer?

U: I volunteered when I was your age, and I found that it was more

valuable than money.

N: OK. I’ll volunteer if you’re willing to give me the money for the car.

P 289 Ex 14

1. Carnegie donated his money to build libraries.

2. You can volunteer in order to get job experience.

But in order to make money, you need a paying job.

3. To get a job, you need experience. To get experience, you need

a job.

4. You can volunteer your time in order to help people.

There are many people who need help.

5. Joyce started making and selling cards in order to help kids

with cancer.

6. The organization One Step at a Time needs money in order to

send kids to camp.

P 292 /293 Ex 20

1. It’s not easy to raise $30,000.

2. It takes a lot of money to fight disease.

3. It is the responsibility of the rich to give away money.

4. It takes a lot of money to produce high-quality public radio.

5. It was Carnegie’s dream to build libraries.

6. It is Joyce’s goal to raise money for children with cancer.

P 294 Ex 21

A: I heard about your card project, and I’d like to help you. But

I don’t have enough talent. I’m too old to learn something new.

B: But it’s so easy to make cards. Anyone can do it.

A: But I think it takes too long to make a card. I don’t have

enough time.

B: But it only takes 15 minutes to make a card.

A: I’d really like to help but I’m too busy to help you at this time.

I have too much work to do at this time.

B: That’s not a problem. When people have enough time to help,

they help. If not, that’s ok too.

A: But I’d really like to help. Is there anything else I can do?

B: You can make a donation.

A: I’m not sure I have enough money to make a donation.

B: You can buy one card for $2.

A: Really? They’re so inexpensive. I have enough money to buy

five cards now.

B: Great! Every dollar helps. Choose the cards you like. Each one

is original.

A: They’re all so beautiful. It’s too hard to choose only five.

P 294/295 Ex 22

A: I heard about a volunteer project at the park. We can go and pick

up garbage.

B: Why would you want to do that? I don’t have enough time to do

that. I have too many things to do today.

A: You always say you want to volunteer. About 50 volunteers are

coming. It won’t take too long to finish the job.

B: But it’s too hot to spend the whole day in the sun. It’s almost

90 degrees today.

A: We can go swimming afterwards. The park has a big swimming


B: The water is deep there, and I don’t swim well enough to swim

in deep water.

A: Don’t worry. There’s a shallow end and a deep end. You can stay

in the shallow end.

B: The shallow end has a lot of kids. And the kids make too much

noise. They’re always yelling.

A: I guess you’re just not interested in helping today.

P 301 Ex 28

A: My father’s going to retire next month. He’s worried about

having nothing to do.

B: I don’t blame him for being worried. For a lot of people, their

self-worth depend on working, and when they retire, they feel


A: My mother is afraid that he’ll spend all his time watching TV.

Besides she’s not accustomed to having him home all day.

B: Doesn’t he have any interests?

A: Well, he’s interested in gardening, but he lives in an apartment

now so he doesn’t have a garden. When he had a house, he was

always proud of having the nicest garden on the block.

B: Has he thought about volunteering at the Botanical Gardens?

A: Do they use volunteers?

B: I think so. He would have a great time working there.

A: You’re right. He would be good at giving tours because he knows

so much about flowers. This would give him a reason for getting

up in the morning. I’m grateful to you for giving me this idea. I

can’t wait to tell him.

B: I’m sure your mother will be grateful too.

P 305/306 Ex 34

1. Going to college costs a lot of money.

2. Working and studying at the same time is hard.

3. Investing your money wisely is important.

4. Working in a factory is difficult.

5. Doing the same thing every day can be boring.

6. Helping others is satisfying.

7. Helping sick kids is a wonderful thing.

8. Asking viewers to contribute to public TV is necessary.

P 307/308 Ex 35

S: Hi, Mom. I’m calling to say goodbye. I’m leaving tomorrow.

M: Where are you going?

S: To California.

M: You didn’t tell me.

S: Of course I did. I remember telling you about it when I was at

your house for dinner last week.

M: Oh, yes. Now I remember hearing you say something about it.

Why are you going?

S: I have a good friend there, and we’ve decided to do some

volunteer work in a forest during our summer vacation.

M: Have I met your friend?

S: He was here last year at my birthday party. You met him then.

M: I don’t remember meeting him. Anyway, how are you getting

to California?

S: I’m driving.

M: Alone?

S: Yes.

M: If you get tired, you should stop to rest at a rest area.

And you can stop to get a cup of coffee every few hours.

S: I will.

M: Don’t stop to pick up strangers. It could be dangerous.

S: Of course I won’t.

M: And remember to leave your cell phone on in case I want to

call you. Last night I wanted to talk to you and I couldn’t

reach you. First I tried calling/to call your cell phone. Then I

tried calling/to call your home phone. But all I got was your

voice mail.

S: Did you leave a message?

M: I tried to leave a message but your mailbox was full.

S: Don’t worry. I’ll leave my phone on.

M: You’ll be outdoors all day. Remember to use sunscreen.

You don’t want to get a sunburn.

S: Mom, stop worrying so much. And stop giving me so much advice.

I’m 24 years old!

M: Try to understand. I’m your mother. Of course I worry.

P 312/313 Ex 41

In 2000 I went on an AIDS bike ride in Alaska. My friends told me

about it and asked me to join them. At first I was afraid. My friends

are good bikers. They are used to riding long distances because

they do it all the time. They persuaded me to try it because it was

for such a good cause.

To get ready for the ride, I had to make some lifestyle changes. I

used to be a little overweight, so I had to slim down and get in shape.

First, I went on a diet. I used to eat a lot of meat, but now I try to eat

to eat mostly vegetables and fish.

Also, I decided to get more exercise. I used to take the bus to

work every day, but I decided to start riding my bike to work.

I work ten miles from home, so it was hard for me at first. But

little by little, I got used to it. On the weekends, I started to

take longer rides. Eventually I got used to riding about 45-50

miles a day.

When the time came for the AIDS ride, I thought I was prepared.

I live in San Francisco, which is hilly, so I was used to riding up

and down hills. But it’s not cold in San Francisco.

On some days the temperature in Alaska was only 25 degrees

Fahrenheit with strong winds. At first I couldn’t get used to the

cold. It was especially hard to get used to the strong winds.

But little by little, I got used to it.

I am proud to say I was one of the 1,600 riders who finished

the ride. I didn’t use to think that one person could make a

difference, but I raised close to $4,000. As a group we raised

$ 4 million. And I’ve become a much healthier person because of

this experience.

P 315 Ex 42

By their example, my parents always taught me to help others.

One time when I was a child going to a birthday party with my father,

we saw a small boy walking alone on the street. As we approached

him, we heard him crying. My father went up to him and asked him

what was wrong. The boy said that he was lost. I saw my father

take his hand and heard him tell the boy that he would help him

find his parents. My father called the police on his cell phone. Even

though we were in a hurry to go to the party, my father insisted on

staying with the boy until the police arrived.

I really wanted to go to the party and started to cry I felt my father

take my hand and talk to me softly. He said, “We can’t enjoy the

party while this little boy is alone and helpless.” Before the police

arrived, I saw a woman running frantically in our direction. It was

the boy’s mother. She was so grateful to my father for helping her

son that she offered to give him money. I heard my father tell her,

“I can’t take money from you. I’m happy to be of help to your son.”

Another time we saw new neighbors moving into the house next

door. We saw them struggling to move a piano into the apartment.

We had planned a picnic that day, but my parents suggested that

we help them. I heard my mother tell my father, “We can have a

picnic another day. But these people need to move in today. Let’s

offer them a hand.” There are many cases where I saw my parents

sacrifice/sacrificing their own pleasure to help others.

I hear so many children today saying, “I want” or “Buy me” or

“Give me.” I think it’s important to teach children to think of others

before they think of themselves. If they see their parents helping

others, they will probably grow up to be charitable people.

P 316/317 Ex 43

It’s difficult for a college student to have time for anything else

but studying. But when Charity Bell was student at Harvard, she

made time in her busy schedule to help babies in need. Bell, a single

woman at the time, became a foster mother.

Bell became interested in helping needy babies when she was

23 years old. At that time, she volunteered at a hospital for very

sick children. The volunteer organization wanted her to read to

the kids and play games with them. The parents of these very

very sick children were there too., but they were often too tired

to read or play with their kids.

They were grateful to her for helping them. One day she went to

the hospital and heard a baby crying loudly in the next room. She

went into that room and picked up the baby; the baby immediately

stopped crying. She stayed with the baby for a few hours. When

she began to leave, the baby started to cry/crying again. Bell

asked the nurse about this baby, and the nurse told her that this

baby was taken away from her parents and they couldn’t find a

temporary home for her.

The next day, Bell made some phone calls and started to learn

about how to be a foster parent. She made herself available to

help on nights and weekends. Her phone started to ring immediately.

She got used to picking up the phone in the middle of the night. She

became accustomed to taking in children that no one else wanted.

Before she started taking care of babies, she used to sleep seven

or eight hours a night. Now she sometimes gets as little as three or

four hours of sleep a night.

By the time she was 28 years old and in graduate school, Bell

had been foster mother to 50 children. In order to complete her

studies, she had to take “her” babies to class with her. Her professors

let her do this. They understood that it was necessary for her

to study and take care of the babies at the same time. And her

classmates didn’t complain about having a crying baby in the back

of the class. Everyone understood how important it was for her

to help these babies.

Usually she takes in babies for a few days, but one time she had

a baby for six months. Even though she is sometimes tired, she is

never too tired to take in a child that needs her. Incredibly, she gets

very little money for taking care of these children. However, she

gets great satisfaction watching a baby grow. Bell has had as many

as eight children at a time. It is hard for her to see “her” babies

leave, but there are more babies waiting for her. Bringing love

to an unwanted child is her greatest joy.