Download - Unit 4: World War I World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1:Assassinated with his wife on 2:June 28, 1914 by 3: Serb Rebels. Their death 4:triggers WWI.

Page 1: Unit 4: World War I World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1:Assassinated with his wife on 2:June 28, 1914 by 3: Serb Rebels. Their death 4:triggers WWI.

Unit 4: World War I

Page 2: Unit 4: World War I World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1:Assassinated with his wife on 2:June 28, 1914 by 3: Serb Rebels. Their death 4:triggers WWI.

World War I

Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1:Assassinated with his wife on 2:June 28, 1914 by

3: Serb Rebels. Their death 4:triggers WWI. 5: Austria-Hungary wanted to

6: punish Serbia because of this.

Page 3: Unit 4: World War I World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1:Assassinated with his wife on 2:June 28, 1914 by 3: Serb Rebels. Their death 4:triggers WWI.

Serbia: Small country (1) ruled by Austria-Hungary they want their independence.

Neutral: not (1) favoring either (2) side.

Allied Powers: Russia, (1) Romania, Serbia, Greece, Albania, (2) Montenegro, Italy, Switzerland, France, (3) Netherlands, Belgium, (4) Great Britain, Portugal, (5) U.S.Central Powers: Germany, (1) Austria-Hungary, Turkey, (2) Bulgaria

WWI: lasted (1) 4 yearsLives Lost: (1) 10 million killedCost: $ (1) 337 Billion dollars

Page 4: Unit 4: World War I World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1:Assassinated with his wife on 2:June 28, 1914 by 3: Serb Rebels. Their death 4:triggers WWI.
Page 5: Unit 4: World War I World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1:Assassinated with his wife on 2:June 28, 1914 by 3: Serb Rebels. Their death 4:triggers WWI.

Treaty of Versailles: A (1) peace agreement that (2) ended WWI. It (3) changed the map of

(4) Europe and was (5) a large cause of WWII. CAUSES OF WAR

Nationalism: A great (1) sense of (2) pride for your (3) country Stockpiling: (1) Collecting lots of (2) weapons and (3) saving them for use in (4) war Alliances: A (1) promise from one (2) nation to (3) another to (4) help each other in (5) case of a (6) war. A “ (7)I got your Back” mentality. Ethnic Pride: (1) Some people of certain ethnic (2) backgrounds felt they were (3) better than (4) others. Each ethnic (5) group wants its own (6) nation.


Page 6: Unit 4: World War I World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1:Assassinated with his wife on 2:June 28, 1914 by 3: Serb Rebels. Their death 4:triggers WWI.

Foreign Colonies: (1) European countries and (2) the U.S. believed that they (3) needed foreign colonies (4) for money. Germany (5) didn’t have many (6)colonies and they

(7) wanted more. England and

(8)France are (9) afraid of

(10) Germany

Page 7: Unit 4: World War I World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1:Assassinated with his wife on 2:June 28, 1914 by 3: Serb Rebels. Their death 4:triggers WWI.
Page 8: Unit 4: World War I World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1:Assassinated with his wife on 2:June 28, 1914 by 3: Serb Rebels. Their death 4:triggers WWI.

U.S. Position: Neutral: America tries to stay neutral under President

Wilson. He wins his election based on this. Propaganda: Allies and Germany start a propaganda

war. Both sides want to win American to their side. Both sides try to make Americans think that the other side was wrong.

Allies: Most Americans favored the allies, which were England and France.

Lusitania: An ocean liner carrying passengers , including 128 Americans, is sank, in 1915 by a German Sub. This turns America and Americans against Germany.

Page 9: Unit 4: World War I World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1:Assassinated with his wife on 2:June 28, 1914 by 3: Serb Rebels. Their death 4:triggers WWI.
Page 10: Unit 4: World War I World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1:Assassinated with his wife on 2:June 28, 1914 by 3: Serb Rebels. Their death 4:triggers WWI.

1917- (1) Germany sinks several (2) American Ships.

U.S. at War: Americans are (1) slow to react to the (2) war in (3) Europe.

Wartime Powers: (1) Congress gives (2) President Wilson special (3) “war time” powers. (4) Wilson now has the (5) right to (6) take over industries, (7) restrict free (8) speech and (9) civil rights, a (10) violation of the (11) constitution, and (12) enact the (13) draft. Draft: a (1) program started by the (2) government to (3) supply the (4) military with (5) soldiers.


Page 11: Unit 4: World War I World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1:Assassinated with his wife on 2:June 28, 1914 by 3: Serb Rebels. Their death 4:triggers WWI.

Anti-German Sentiment: (1) Propaganda and the (2) war against (3) Germany effects how people (4) feel about (5) German-Americans. German (6) language stops being (7) taught in (8) schools, German (9) author’s books are

(10) burned. Self-determination: the (1) right of each (2) ethnic group to decide who will (3) govern or rule it. Peace Terms: (1) Allies impose (2) SEVERE

peace (3) terms on (4) Germany. The (5) Allies want to (6) punish Germany for the (7) war. This act (8) lays the (9) foundation for (10) WWII.

Page 12: Unit 4: World War I World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1:Assassinated with his wife on 2:June 28, 1914 by 3: Serb Rebels. Their death 4:triggers WWI.
Page 13: Unit 4: World War I World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1:Assassinated with his wife on 2:June 28, 1914 by 3: Serb Rebels. Their death 4:triggers WWI.

CHAPTER 16: They’ve Sunk The Lusitania

U-Boats: German (1) Submarines. Germany (2) stated that (3) they would (3) sink any (4) ship that (5) entered the (6) war zone. This was (7) disobeying the (8) rules of (9)international laws.

Captain Walter Schweiger: He was (1) captain of the (2) U-Boat that (3) sunk the (10) Lusitania.

U.S. reaction to sinking: (1) Americans are (2) shocked and (3) outraged. 1200 (4) people die. Many of them are (5) women and children. Americans are (6) furious with (7) Germany and all (8) Germans.

Page 14: Unit 4: World War I World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1:Assassinated with his wife on 2:June 28, 1914 by 3: Serb Rebels. Their death 4:triggers WWI.
Page 15: Unit 4: World War I World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1:Assassinated with his wife on 2:June 28, 1914 by 3: Serb Rebels. Their death 4:triggers WWI.

International Law: Is a (1) set of rules that (2) nations are (3) supposed to (4) obey in their (5) relations with (6) each other.

British Blockade: England's (1) Navy controls all the (2) water. It does (3) not allow any (4) ships to carry (5) supplies to any (6) German ports.

Newspaper Warning: International (1) Law states that (2) warships have to (3) give a warning before (4) attacking a merchant (5) ship. German’s place an (6) ad warning Lusitania (7) passengers in newspapers. No (8) one pays any (9) attention to it.

Page 16: Unit 4: World War I World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1:Assassinated with his wife on 2:June 28, 1914 by 3: Serb Rebels. Their death 4:triggers WWI.

Captain W.H. Turner: He is (1) Captain of the (2) Lusitiania. He (3) ignores orders to (4) zig-zag, because he (5) doesn’t want to (6) upset passengers. President Wilson (1) becomes very (2) upset with the (3) sinking and says that (4) Americans can travel (5) wherever they (6) want to (7) because they are (8) neutral. Germany says that the (9) Lusitania is carrying (10) weapons and it (11) was an (12) act of (13) self-defense..

Page 17: Unit 4: World War I World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1:Assassinated with his wife on 2:June 28, 1914 by 3: Serb Rebels. Their death 4:triggers WWI.

Germany’s Assurance: (1) Germany announces

in (2) May 1916, that they would (3) obey the (4) international laws. They (5) state that they (6) won’t sink unarmed (7) ships. Wilson then

gets (8) re-elected as (9) President with the campaign slogan “HE (10) KEPT US OUT OF WAR!” Wilhelm II: Jan. 1917: German (1) government

resumes (2) unlimited attacks on all (3) ships. The (4) German Emperor and (5) 1st cousin to CZAR (6) Nicholas, is over (7) confident. He does (8) not feel that there is (9) anyway that (11) Germany can be (12) defeated.

April 6, 1917: (1) U.S. declares (2) war on (3) Germany.

Page 18: Unit 4: World War I World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1:Assassinated with his wife on 2:June 28, 1914 by 3: Serb Rebels. Their death 4:triggers WWI.
Page 19: Unit 4: World War I World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1:Assassinated with his wife on 2:June 28, 1914 by 3: Serb Rebels. Their death 4:triggers WWI.

Chapter 17: The Horrors of The Western Front

Battle of the Somme: (1) England with the help (2) of Canadian volunteers (3) came to the (4) aid of (5) French Troops. They (6) wanted to (7) drive back the (8) German Army. Battles rage from (9) June to November in 1916. Over (10) 1 million people (11) killed. Allied troops (12) win a total of (13) 7 square (14) miles.

Trench Warfare:

Trenches: Long (1) narrow ditches dug by soldiers to (2) hide and (3) cover themselves. Soldiers (4) would wait for (5) a break in the (6) fighting/firing and then (7) charge out of the (8) trenches where (9) many of them would (9) die.

Page 20: Unit 4: World War I World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1:Assassinated with his wife on 2:June 28, 1914 by 3: Serb Rebels. Their death 4:triggers WWI.

Western Front: a (1) area that runs (2) 450 miles across

(3) Belgium, France and

Switzerland that utilized

(4) trench warfare. Between

(5) 1914-1918 millions die there.

French (6) country side is

(7) destroyed from all the

(8) fighting.

Page 21: Unit 4: World War I World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1:Assassinated with his wife on 2:June 28, 1914 by 3: Serb Rebels. Their death 4:triggers WWI.
Page 22: Unit 4: World War I World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1:Assassinated with his wife on 2:June 28, 1914 by 3: Serb Rebels. Their death 4:triggers WWI.

Trench Warfare: 1914-1918: (1) German and (2) Allied forces

use (3) trenches for (4) warfare. Diaries of the Dead: Stories from the

(1) diaries that were (2) found on (3) dead

soldiers. Many of them (4) wrote about how

(5) their lives were forever (6) changed by the (7) death and (8) destruction that (9) they saw.

New Technology: (1) Modern warfare (2) technology included: (3) poisonous gases,

(4) fighter planes, machine (5) guns,

grenades, (6) tanks and (7) u-boats.

Page 23: Unit 4: World War I World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1:Assassinated with his wife on 2:June 28, 1914 by 3: Serb Rebels. Their death 4:triggers WWI.

German soldiers in a well-constructed trench in France pick lice out of their clothes. By the end of 1914, the Western Front had solidified into two systems of trenches running across France.

Page 24: Unit 4: World War I World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1:Assassinated with his wife on 2:June 28, 1914 by 3: Serb Rebels. Their death 4:triggers WWI.

Go To Over The Top

Page 25: Unit 4: World War I World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1:Assassinated with his wife on 2:June 28, 1914 by 3: Serb Rebels. Their death 4:triggers WWI.

Chapter 18: The Eastern Front Nikolai Lenin: A revolutionary who dreamed of

overthrowing the Czar in Russia. He wanted to lead a revolution to take over the government by the workers.

Czar Nicholas II: King or Czar of Russia. He draws Russia into war so that he could regain control over his subjects. The Russian people are poor, oppressed and hungry. They do not favor the Czar.

Parliamentary Government: a form of Government made by the Russian people after a series of strikes. Czar Nicholas won’t recognize this new “government” and he refuses to give up power. This leads to a revolution.

Industrial Revolution: 1000’s move to the cities for better life. But they don’t get a better life there. Food and supplies that were meant to be shipped to the cities are shipped to soldiers at the front. People in the cities are left starving.

Page 26: Unit 4: World War I World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1:Assassinated with his wife on 2:June 28, 1914 by 3: Serb Rebels. Their death 4:triggers WWI.
Page 27: Unit 4: World War I World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1:Assassinated with his wife on 2:June 28, 1914 by 3: Serb Rebels. Their death 4:triggers WWI.

Chapter 18: The Eastern Front Russia in War: Russian troops move into German

territory. 2½ million die there. Russians continue fighting even when they run out of ammunition.

Monarchy: Government or state headed by a sole ruler like a King or Queen.

Czarina Alexandra: Queen of Russia. She takes control of Russia because her husband, Czar Nicholas is weak. She tells lies and spreads rumors. She is horrible to her people. The Russian people are disgusted with the way she acts, and they withdraw their support of the monarchy. Alexandra throws her support to a Russian priest, named Rasputin. Rasputin is rumored to be crazy. She gives him almost unlimited power . She believes that her son will die if she does not support Rasputin.

Page 28: Unit 4: World War I World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1:Assassinated with his wife on 2:June 28, 1914 by 3: Serb Rebels. Their death 4:triggers WWI.
Page 29: Unit 4: World War I World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1:Assassinated with his wife on 2:June 28, 1914 by 3: Serb Rebels. Their death 4:triggers WWI.

Chapter 18: The Eastern Front

Hemophilia: A disease of the blood which causes a person to bleed to death. The blood does not clot. Prince Alexis, son of Nicholas and Alexandra is a hemophiliac. This is kept a secret from the Russian people.

Page 30: Unit 4: World War I World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1:Assassinated with his wife on 2:June 28, 1914 by 3: Serb Rebels. Their death 4:triggers WWI.
Page 31: Unit 4: World War I World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1:Assassinated with his wife on 2:June 28, 1914 by 3: Serb Rebels. Their death 4:triggers WWI.

Chapter 18: The Eastern Front

Rasputin: A priest who caused great turmoil in the Russian Government. He appointed corrupt leaders and undermined military strategy. The people of Russia hated Rasputin. The Nobles kill him and this starts the Russian Revolution.

Page 32: Unit 4: World War I World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1:Assassinated with his wife on 2:June 28, 1914 by 3: Serb Rebels. Their death 4:triggers WWI.
Page 33: Unit 4: World War I World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1:Assassinated with his wife on 2:June 28, 1914 by 3: Serb Rebels. Their death 4:triggers WWI.

Chapter 18: The Eastern Front

Russian Revolution: Begins March 8, 1917. The Russian people are starving, they demand food. Workers take over the factories, soldiers desert the army and the peasants seize the land.

March 15, 1917: Czar Nicholas gives up the Throne. This begins the communist take over of Russia. The Czar, his wife Alexandra and all their children are executed.

Page 34: Unit 4: World War I World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1:Assassinated with his wife on 2:June 28, 1914 by 3: Serb Rebels. Their death 4:triggers WWI.
Page 35: Unit 4: World War I World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1:Assassinated with his wife on 2:June 28, 1914 by 3: Serb Rebels. Their death 4:triggers WWI.

Chapter 18: The Eastern Front

Duma: A provisional government formed by the Russian Parliament. Internal fighting made it ineffective.

Bolsheviks: A new group arose that later formed the communist party. It was led by Lenin. It appealed to the people because they offered to end the war, give land to the pheasants and placed all authority in their hands.

Life under Lenin: Lenin ends all private ownership of land. He gives all this to the government. The congress is controlled by him. So he is now in control of all the land, factories and government. People in Russia are unhappy about all the changes but there is little they can do.

Cheka:is a political force established by Lenin. If anyone disagrees with him they were put in prison or killed. In July 1918, the Cheka executes Czar Nicholas and his family.

Page 36: Unit 4: World War I World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1:Assassinated with his wife on 2:June 28, 1914 by 3: Serb Rebels. Their death 4:triggers WWI.
Page 37: Unit 4: World War I World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1:Assassinated with his wife on 2:June 28, 1914 by 3: Serb Rebels. Their death 4:triggers WWI.

Chapter 18: The Eastern Front

Soviets: Councils made up of workers, soldiers and peasants.

“Power based directly upon force and unrestricted by any laws” was Lenin’s theory of rule.

Treaty of Brest-Litovsk: Signed 3/1918, Lenin signs. 2 million Russian soldiers die on the Eastern Front. Treaty forces Russia to give up Poland, Finland, and the Baltic States of Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania.

Page 38: Unit 4: World War I World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1:Assassinated with his wife on 2:June 28, 1914 by 3: Serb Rebels. Their death 4:triggers WWI.
Page 39: Unit 4: World War I World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1:Assassinated with his wife on 2:June 28, 1914 by 3: Serb Rebels. Their death 4:triggers WWI.

Chapter 19: The Yanks Over There 1917: U.S. enters the war. U.S. troops, are fresh and in

good shape physically. This helped to lift British and French morale.

Chateau-Thierry: Spring 1918: German troops move in. Bloody battle happens. Out of 8000 U.S. troops 5183, or 65 % are killed or wounded.

Army Women: Women joined the war effort by driving ambulances, serving as nurses and for the 1st time, as clerks and stenographers

President Wilson: “Equal Work For Equal Pay”- Wilson called for women who were paid less then men for the same job to be paid the same. They were all fired when the war was over. African Americans and Mexican Americans filled the labor shortage as well.

Page 40: Unit 4: World War I World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1:Assassinated with his wife on 2:June 28, 1914 by 3: Serb Rebels. Their death 4:triggers WWI.
Page 41: Unit 4: World War I World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1:Assassinated with his wife on 2:June 28, 1914 by 3: Serb Rebels. Their death 4:triggers WWI.

Chapter 19: The Yanks Over There

Lost Battalion: A group of U.S. Troops that held a position on a battlefield at all costs. American gunners made a mistake and fired on their own men. American still would not surrender. After 5 days they were rescued out of 700 men only 252 survived.

Page 42: Unit 4: World War I World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1:Assassinated with his wife on 2:June 28, 1914 by 3: Serb Rebels. Their death 4:triggers WWI.
Page 43: Unit 4: World War I World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1:Assassinated with his wife on 2:June 28, 1914 by 3: Serb Rebels. Their death 4:triggers WWI.

Doughboy: Nickname for “Yanks” or U.S. Soldiers. They were called that because of the white dust that covered them as they marched.

Chapter 19: The Yanks Over There

Page 44: Unit 4: World War I World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1:Assassinated with his wife on 2:June 28, 1914 by 3: Serb Rebels. Their death 4:triggers WWI.

Chapter 19: The Yanks Over There

Lives Lost: 26, 277 Americans die AEF: American Expeditionary Forces- Special

Forces made up of Army, Navy and Marines African-American Role in WW I: They were

segregated. They took a few African Americans and trained them. They were then made officers of segregated all African American troops.

Page 45: Unit 4: World War I World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1:Assassinated with his wife on 2:June 28, 1914 by 3: Serb Rebels. Their death 4:triggers WWI.
Page 46: Unit 4: World War I World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1:Assassinated with his wife on 2:June 28, 1914 by 3: Serb Rebels. Their death 4:triggers WWI.

Chapter 20: Winning the War at home Propaganda: The spreading of ideas to influence someone

else's opinion. All information that is spread is one sided. School Garden Army: boys and girls who worked in school

yards and vacant lots by planting and harvesting food used for the war effort.

Fighting the War with Food: Crops in Europe had been destroyed by fighting. American troops and the allies depended on the U.S. for food. Women and children supplied the labor and the food.

“Wheatless Monday’s &Meatless Tuesdays’ Herbert Hoover, Head of the Food Administration asked Americans to make sacrifices for the soldiers. Americans had “Wheatless Mondays, and Meatless Tuesdays” to save wheat and meat or the troops.

Women in Factories: 5 million Americans left jobs to go to war. This created a labor shortage, that women, African-Americans, and Mexican-Americans filled. They kept the factories running to support the war.

Page 47: Unit 4: World War I World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1:Assassinated with his wife on 2:June 28, 1914 by 3: Serb Rebels. Their death 4:triggers WWI.

Chapter 20: Winning the War at Home Selling the War: The Federal Government worked hard

to persuade people to support the war. They used posters in schools, stores and theatres to “sell” the war.

Liberty Bonds: The Treasury Department held a series of drives to sell bonds to support the war.

The public lent the government money

for the war by having these bonds.

Liberty Bonds brought in 20 billion

dollars. Taxes on tobacco and

booze also go up to support the


Page 48: Unit 4: World War I World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1:Assassinated with his wife on 2:June 28, 1914 by 3: Serb Rebels. Their death 4:triggers WWI.

Chapter 20: Winning the War at Home Pacifists: people who are opposed to all violence and war. At

the time of WW I many pacifist are arrested by the U.S. Justice Department for this belief.

Socialist: people who believe that the most important parts of the economic system, factories, mines, railroads, etc. should be owned and operated by the government for the people

Murderous Huns: The public thought of German-Americans as Murderous Huns, German books are burned and German businesses are forced to close

Patriotic Gangs: These gangs spied on anyone they thought was against the war. They made life miserable for them as well as German-Americans.

Sedition Act of 1918: Congress passed this to silence any opposition to the war. It made it a crime to speak out against the war or say anything “Disloyal” about the government or armed services.

Page 49: Unit 4: World War I World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1:Assassinated with his wife on 2:June 28, 1914 by 3: Serb Rebels. Their death 4:triggers WWI.
Page 50: Unit 4: World War I World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1:Assassinated with his wife on 2:June 28, 1914 by 3: Serb Rebels. Their death 4:triggers WWI.

Chapter 21: The Peace that Failed 11 am, 11th day, 11th Month, 1918: guns fell silent all over the

battlefields of France, WW I is over at last. 10 million people had lost their lives. People went wild with joy.

Big Four: Leaders of the countries who would write the Treaty of Versailles. Pres. Woodrow Wilson, U.S., Georges Clemenceau`, France, Vittorio Orlando, Italy, David Lloyd George, England. Wilson wanted “peace without victory” he did not want to punish Germany. The others did.

Fourteen Point: Wilson’s plan for peace. The other allied leaders didn’t agree with it. They blamed Germany for the deaths and damages of war and wanted Germany to pay for it.

Reparations: are payments for the damages suffered during a war. France , Italy, and Japan wanted territory from Germany and a lot of money as reparations. The allies wanted to make Germany weak.

Page 51: Unit 4: World War I World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1:Assassinated with his wife on 2:June 28, 1914 by 3: Serb Rebels. Their death 4:triggers WWI.
Page 52: Unit 4: World War I World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1:Assassinated with his wife on 2:June 28, 1914 by 3: Serb Rebels. Their death 4:triggers WWI.

Chapter 21 : The Peace that Failed

The League of Nations: an organization of nations to prevent future wars. It would discipline nations for breaking peace. Allies did not want to accept this. Wilson is forced to give up many of the 14 points to get the nations to sign. U.S. does not join.

Treaty-Germany: At first Germany refuses to sign it. They felt betrayed because they were promised all 14 points. They said that if they had known that it was going to be that harsh, they would not have stopped fighting. Finally they signed it because they had no choice, their people were starving and they had given up their weapons.

Treaty of Versailles; It is named after the place where it was signed. The Germans are angry. Financial payments they had to pay as reparations were a tremendous burden. It took the German economy years to recover form these. The German people are mad about the occupation of their land and the war guilt clause. This turns the German people against their government because they felt betrayed.

Page 53: Unit 4: World War I World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1:Assassinated with his wife on 2:June 28, 1914 by 3: Serb Rebels. Their death 4:triggers WWI.
Page 54: Unit 4: World War I World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1:Assassinated with his wife on 2:June 28, 1914 by 3: Serb Rebels. Their death 4:triggers WWI.

Chapter 21 : The Peace that Failed Losing the League: Wilson asks the senate to ratify the treaty

and make the U.S. part of the League of Nations. Senators vote against it because of isolationism.

Isolationist: Is someone who believes in the complete separation of one country from another. They want to stay isolated.

Article 10: In the League of Nations: created allies among its members. It stated the if 1 nation in the League was attacked the other members had to help defend it. This is the part that worried most senators. They were afraid we would get drawn back in war.

Filibuster: A tactic used at government meetings to take up time to kill a bill, law, or treaty from being passed.

Wilson-Stroke: Pres. Wilson gives a big speech in favor of the Treaty and the League of Nations. He comes back to D.C. and has a stroke. The treaty is voted down. Wilson’s dreams are shattered, he has a stroke in office and he dies 4 years later.

Page 55: Unit 4: World War I World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1:Assassinated with his wife on 2:June 28, 1914 by 3: Serb Rebels. Their death 4:triggers WWI.

Chapter 21 : The Peace that Failed

Henry Cabot Lodge: was a Senator from Massachusetts. He led the fight against the Treaty Of Versailles, and League of Nations. Article 10 really bothered him. He was an isolationist. He pulls a filibuster that lasts for 2 weeks. Wilson pleads with the American people to support the League of Nations, the Senate votes it down. The U.S. does not join the League of Nations.

Page 56: Unit 4: World War I World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 1:Assassinated with his wife on 2:June 28, 1914 by 3: Serb Rebels. Their death 4:triggers WWI.