Download - Unit 4: Europe Human Geography. Mediterranean Europe.

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  • Unit 4: Europe Human Geography
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  • Mediterranean Europe
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  • History Greece City-state-political unit made up of a city and its surrounding land 2000 BC, first democracy created in Athens All free adult males had the right to serve in assembly Athens constantly at war with Sparta
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  • History Roman Empire 275 BC Republic-government where citizens elect representatives to rule Rome stretched across Europe, into Asia, and Northern Africa Christianity flourished Eventually the empire split in half
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  • Progress Through Time Crusades Renaissance Spains Empire 700s Muslims and Catholic rulers fought for control of the area Catholic rulers won out, expanded their control to colonies in South America and North America
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  • Cultural Legacy Rome: Language: Romance languages developed (minus Greek) Religion: Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholicism Architecture Politics
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  • Cultural Legacy Art Architecture Aqueducts Structures that carried water over long distances
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  • Economic Change Agriculture to Industry Mediterranean nations were focused more on fishing and agriculture Eventually, manufacturing increased Textiles, automobiles, clothing, shoes 1980s: Greece, Portugal, Spain joined the European Union
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  • Economic Change Economic Problems Northern region is more developed than southern area North is closer to other industrial countries of Europe South has poorer transportation system Government tried to promote growth in south, but made bad choices
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  • Modern Life Originally, some countries were ruled by dictators Benito Mussolini Francisco Franco Eventually (death and WWII), Spain set up a constitutional government, Italy set up a republic
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  • Modern Life The Basques Spanish minority Lived in western foothills of Pyrenees Langue is pre-Roman and is still spoken Given independent rule by Spain, but some want independence
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  • Modern Life City Growth People moving to cities for job opportunities Housing shortages Pollution Traffic jams
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  • Western Europe
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  • History Rome vs. France Charlemagne Reformation Protestant Church emerges thanks to Martin Luther Protestant and Catholic issues still exist today
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  • Rise of Nation-States Nationalism Feudalism led to this strong feeling of loyalty France was one of the first nation-states Kings held power Rebellion and French Revolution began in 1789 Formed a republic Conflict arose between France, Austria, Germany
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  • Rise of Nation-States Modern Conflicts: WWI Holocaust Berlin Wall
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  • Economics Agriculture to High-Tech France, Belgium, Netherlands, Switzerland Dairy farming, livestock Produce and export dairy products France, Germany, Netherlands Coal, iron ore manufacturing Netherlands, Germany, France High-tech services (energy, electronics, scientific instruments, etc)
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  • Economics Tourism and Luxury
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  • Music and Art Music Famous art from Germany and Austria Classical music is famous due to this area of the world Painting Famous painters came from Western Europe
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  • Modern Life City Life Good public transportation Entertainment Smaller homes, more public places More paid vacation time
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  • Modern Life Recent Conflicts Guest workers Racism Political tension
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  • Northern Europe
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  • History Nordic countries: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden Early conquerors: Wave after wave of people would move into N Europe and push out those before them Ancient peoples of Great Britain were the Celts Roman armies conquered these people, but Germanic tribes eventually took over the area Vikings/Norsemen
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  • History Vikings/Norsemen 795 AD Denmark, Norway, Sweden captured much of Europe Raided lands from Britain to Iceland and Greenland, even North America and Russia William the Conqueror of Normandy conquered England, began to rule
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  • History Denmark, Sweden, Norway became kingdoms Great Britain built an empire that impacted the rest of the world (900s) British Isles Wales Ireland Scotland United Kingdom expanded its naval force Colonies in Americas, Asia, Africa, Oceania
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  • Progressing Through Time Parliament Representative lawmaking body Members are elected or appointed Established in England Industrial Revolution World Wars and Colonial Control Ireland Issues
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  • Economics Industry and Resources Sweden and the UK: manufacturing Cars, aerospace industries, paper products, food products, pharmaceuticals Natural resources: timber, fishing, oil
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  • Economics High-Tech Computer software and hardware Union or Independence? Most nations joined the EU, but some have not Euro
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  • Culture Language and Religion Most speak a Germanic language due to earlier invasions Reformation: Protestant and some Catholic Theater and Film World Literature
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  • Life in Northern Europe Social Welfare Money for raising children Health care systems Health insurance programs High taxes Food and Traditions Leisure Rugby, cricket, soccer
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  • Eastern Europe
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  • History Today: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Yugoslavia
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  • History Cultural Crossroads People moved between Asia and Europe; lots of diversity Traders, nomads, migrants, armies Language, religion, politics, art, literature Empires Rome had control over most of the area (100 AD) Byzantine Empire followed Slavic groups established rule through the late 800s Ottomans later conquered the area Eventually, Austria, Prussia, and Russia divided up much of the territory (especially Poland)
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  • Chaos in the 1900s Wars Balkan nations of Bulgaria, Greece, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia went to war against Ottomans Balkanization-process of a region breaking up into small, mutually hostile units Serbia sparked WWI This lead to further breaks and tension in the region
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  • Chaos in the 1900s 1939: WWII Germany takes over Poland Soviet Union moved through Eastern Europe Soviet Union set up satellite nations in Eastern Europe and communist governments
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  • Chaos of the 1900s Recent Changes Cold War lasted until 1989/early 1990s Satellite nations pretty much gave up their Communist control in 1989 Instability followed, civil war escalated in Yugoslavia
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  • Economy Industry Communism: government owns all factories and tells people what to produce Eastern European countries traded only with Russia and each other, so there was difficulty making money 1989: move to a market economy Now many of these countries have much better economies and are thriving
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  • Economy Remaining Problems: Albanias economy growth has slowed due to old equipment, lack of materials, less educated workers Romanias citizens dont have money to invest in business Civil wars of the 1990s damaged Yugoslavia and others, lots of destruction
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  • Culture Many languages Makes it difficult to unite Multiple religions Catholicism, Eastern Orthodox, Protestant, Islam Small Jewish population
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  • Culture Art Folk art-rural people with traditional lifestyles (not professional) Music influenced by the area and traditions Dance
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  • Modern Life Large cities do exist with thriving industry However, the majority of the land is rural and undeveloped
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  • Modern Life Conflict: Anti-Semitism Tension due to WWII and Nazis Romany/Gypsy Democracy: Slowly developing due to inequality