Download - Unit 321 understanding how to support participant(s) lifestyle through coaching programmes

Page 1: Unit 321 understanding how to support participant(s) lifestyle through coaching programmes

Level 2 Award, Certificate & Diploma in Increasing Participation in Sport and Active Leisure in Community Settings (QCF) (4863-26)

Unit 321Understanding how to support participant(s)’ lifestyle through coaching

programmesTutor Guidance

1. Explain the unit outcomes and check understanding.2. Present students with unit assessments and processes for submission.3. Utilise the PowerPoint to support lesson delivery, and student understanding.4. Allow for students to record lesson information to support them in their assessment.5. Consolidate after each lesson.6. Link theory lesson outcomes with practical delivery.7. Consolidate and link the practical and theory aspects with the unit outcomes and assessment.8. Utilise any and all resources to support and deliver the unit outcomes for example – quizzes,

risk assessments, health and safety checklist, injuries in football, video clips.

Page 2: Unit 321 understanding how to support participant(s) lifestyle through coaching programmes

Level 2 Award, Certificate & Diploma in Increasing Participation in Sport and Active Leisure in Community Settings (QCF) (4863-26)

Unit 321Understanding how to support participant(s)’ lifestyle through coaching

programmesStudent Guidance

1. Review the unit standards, on Blackboard.2. Access unit assessment from Blackboard.3. Save assessment in your documents.4. Take part within group discussions.5. Record notes/ findings from both practical and theory lessons.6. Ask questions, to establish understanding.7. Take active role within practical lessons.8. Clear submission date and procedure.9. Clearly read the assessment requirements for example, prepare a presentation, write a report,

produce a leaflet.

Page 3: Unit 321 understanding how to support participant(s) lifestyle through coaching programmes

Level 2 Award, Certificate & Diploma in Increasing Participation in Sport and Active Leisure in Community Settings (QCF) (4863-26)

Unit 321Understanding how to support participant(s)’

lifestyle through coaching programmes

Unit aimThis unit assesses the coach’s understanding of how to support participant(s)’ lifestyle and physicaland mental wellbeing during participation in sport-specific annual coaching programmes.

Learning outcomesThere are four outcomes to this unit. The learner will be able to:321.1: Understand how to support participant(s)’ physical conditioning within sport-specific annualcoaching programmes321.2: Understand how to provide participant(s) with nutritional advice within sport-specificannual coaching programmes321.3: Understand how to develop participant(s)’ mental skills within sport-specific annualcoaching programmes321.4: Understand how to provide participant(s) with lifestyle support within sport-specific annualcoaching programmesGuided learning hoursIt is recommended that 18 hours should be allocated for this unit. This may be on a full-time or parttimebasis.

Page 4: Unit 321 understanding how to support participant(s) lifestyle through coaching programmes

Level 2 Award, Certificate & Diploma in Increasing Participation in Sport and Active Leisure in Community Settings (QCF) (4863-26)

The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes

Page 5: Unit 321 understanding how to support participant(s) lifestyle through coaching programmes

Level 2 Award, Certificate & Diploma in Increasing Participation in Sport and Active Leisure in Community Settings (QCF) (4863-26)

Outcome 1 Understand how to support participant(s)’ physicalconditioning within sport-specific annual coaching programmes

Assessment CriteriaThe learner can:

1. describe the components of fitness and physical capabilities required for specific sports

2. describe the principles of participant development

3. explain the principles of training and injury prevention

4. evaluate the range of methods of training different physical components

Page 6: Unit 321 understanding how to support participant(s) lifestyle through coaching programmes

Level 2 Award, Certificate & Diploma in Increasing Participation in Sport and Active Leisure in Community Settings (QCF) (4863-26)

Outcome 1 Understand how to support participant(s)’ physicalconditioning within sport-specific annual coaching programmes

Assessment CriteriaThe learner can:

5. describe each of the following in relation to specific sports:• Basic anatomy• Biomechanical principles• Physiology

6. analyse a range of basic sport-specific physical testing protocols

7. analyse the principles and different methods of enhancing recovery between sessions.

Page 7: Unit 321 understanding how to support participant(s) lifestyle through coaching programmes

Level 2 Award, Certificate & Diploma in Increasing Participation in Sport and Active Leisure in Community Settings (QCF) (4863-26)

Outcome 1 Understand how to support participant(s)’ physicalconditioning within sport-specific annual coaching programmes


ComponentsStrength, flexibility, stamina, speed, body composition

Physical capabilitiesRunning, jumping, twisting turning, striking, catching, swimming, cycling

PrinciplesWarming up, cooling down, appropriate, progressive, overtraining

ProtocolsBleep test, VO2 max, sit and reach, skinfold tests, Illnois agility run, vertical jump, sprint, handgrip

Page 8: Unit 321 understanding how to support participant(s) lifestyle through coaching programmes

Level 2 Award, Certificate & Diploma in Increasing Participation in Sport and Active Leisure in Community Settings (QCF) (4863-26)

A good manager can, at best, make a team 10% better. But a bad manager can make a

team up to 50% worse

Giovanni Trapattoni

Give them the ‘power of choice & Responsibility

Page 9: Unit 321 understanding how to support participant(s) lifestyle through coaching programmes

Level 2 Award, Certificate & Diploma in Increasing Participation in Sport and Active Leisure in Community Settings (QCF) (4863-26)

Assessment CriteriaThe learner can:1. describe the different food groups

2. explain the principles of sports nutrition

3. explain how energy intake and expenditure affect sports performance

4. describe the principles of hydration and its effects on sports performance

5. explain the impacts of participant(s)’ weight management and how sharing of responsibilities can be facilitated

6. describe nutrition and hydration strategies for before, during and after training and competition.

Outcome 2 - Understand how to provide participant(s) withnutritional advice within sport-specific annual coaching programmes

Page 10: Unit 321 understanding how to support participant(s) lifestyle through coaching programmes

Level 2 Award, Certificate & Diploma in Increasing Participation in Sport and Active Leisure in Community Settings (QCF) (4863-26)


Food/nutritional groupsProtein, carbohydrates, water, fibre, fat, dairy

PrinciplesSpecificity, timing, balanced, recovery

Outcome 2 - Understand how to provide participant(s) withnutritional advice within sport-specific annual coaching programmes

Page 11: Unit 321 understanding how to support participant(s) lifestyle through coaching programmes

Level 2 Award, Certificate & Diploma in Increasing Participation in Sport and Active Leisure in Community Settings (QCF) (4863-26)

Page 12: Unit 321 understanding how to support participant(s) lifestyle through coaching programmes

Level 2 Award, Certificate & Diploma in Increasing Participation in Sport and Active Leisure in Community Settings (QCF) (4863-26)

Outcome 3 - Understand how to develop participant(s)’ mentalskills within sport-specific annual coaching programmes

Assessment CriteriaThe learner can:

1. describe the key mental skills that impact on participant performance and skill development

2. identify sport-specific mental capabilities and how to profile participant(s)’ mental skills

3. explain the principles of developing participant(s)’ mental skills

4. describe how to plan interventions to develop participant(s)’ mental skills in relating to both training and competition.

Page 13: Unit 321 understanding how to support participant(s) lifestyle through coaching programmes

Level 2 Award, Certificate & Diploma in Increasing Participation in Sport and Active Leisure in Community Settings (QCF) (4863-26)

Outcome 3 - Understand how to develop participant(s)’ mentalskills within sport-specific annual coaching programmes


Mental skillsControl, commitment, confidence, concentration, competitiveness, resilience

Mental capabilitiesThought, tactical awareness, intuition, imagination

Page 14: Unit 321 understanding how to support participant(s) lifestyle through coaching programmes

Level 2 Award, Certificate & Diploma in Increasing Participation in Sport and Active Leisure in Community Settings (QCF) (4863-26)

You don’t have to have been a horse to become a good jockey

Page 15: Unit 321 understanding how to support participant(s) lifestyle through coaching programmes

Level 2 Award, Certificate & Diploma in Increasing Participation in Sport and Active Leisure in Community Settings (QCF) (4863-26)

Outcome 4 - Understand how to provide participant(s) withlifestyle support within sport-specific annual coaching programmes

Assessment CriteriaThe learner can:

1. describe sport-specific procedures for drug testing

2. explain how participant(s) comply with procedures for drug testing

3. explain the coach’s and participant(s)’ responsibilities in making checks when takingsupplementation or medicines

4. explain the impacts of participant(s)’ injury management on training and competition.

Page 16: Unit 321 understanding how to support participant(s) lifestyle through coaching programmes

Level 2 Award, Certificate & Diploma in Increasing Participation in Sport and Active Leisure in Community Settings (QCF) (4863-26)

Outcome 4 - Understand how to provide participant(s) withlifestyle support within sport-specific annual coaching programmes


ProceduresTesting methods, random sampling

Page 17: Unit 321 understanding how to support participant(s) lifestyle through coaching programmes

Level 2 Award, Certificate & Diploma in Increasing Participation in Sport and Active Leisure in Community Settings (QCF) (4863-26)

What is Nutrition?

Nutrition is the science of food involving the process and role of nutrients within the body.

Nutrition can be affected by basically the factors that determine what foods you eat.

A nutrient is a substance found in food that performs one or more roles in the body to help it function (work) properly. For example, providing energy, helping growth, repairing the body, and even reducing the risk of some diseases.


Page 18: Unit 321 understanding how to support participant(s) lifestyle through coaching programmes

Level 2 Award, Certificate & Diploma in Increasing Participation in Sport and Active Leisure in Community Settings (QCF) (4863-26)

1. Can you name 6 Nutrients that make up a balanced diet?

2. What are there roles in the body and their roles within sport?

Group Discussion

Page 19: Unit 321 understanding how to support participant(s) lifestyle through coaching programmes

Level 2 Award, Certificate & Diploma in Increasing Participation in Sport and Active Leisure in Community Settings (QCF) (4863-26)

The human body requires energy to function. Energy is used in the body while sleeping, while eating, while exercising – energy is used in the body all the time!

Three nutrients can be used to produce energy in the body; carbohydrates, fats and proteins. So when food is eaten, it is broken up by the body (digested) and energy is released from the foods so the body can use them.

Some energy is lost as heat however. This is one of the reasons why when you exercise and use lots of energy you start to get hot!

The amount of energy in a food is often called the calories or kilocalories, which can always be seen on the label of foods.

Page 20: Unit 321 understanding how to support participant(s) lifestyle through coaching programmes

Level 2 Award, Certificate & Diploma in Increasing Participation in Sport and Active Leisure in Community Settings (QCF) (4863-26)


Carbohydrates are found in many foods but are particularly high in potatoes, cereals, pasta, breads and fruit.

There are two main types of carbohydrates: Simple carbohydrates: These tend to be the sweeter foods, such as chocolates,

sugar, chocolate bar, honey, jam, shortbread, fruit cake, coca-cola, lemonade, fruit

Effect on body = Raises sugar levels in your blood very quickly.

Complex: These carbohydrates are made up of many parts and are in the foods such as potatoes, white bread, whole meal bread, boiled pasta, baked potato, boiled rice, crackers, cornflakes, cereals, baked beans

Effect on body = Raises the sugar levels in your blood at a slower, steadier rate.

Page 22: Unit 321 understanding how to support participant(s) lifestyle through coaching programmes

Level 2 Award, Certificate & Diploma in Increasing Participation in Sport and Active Leisure in Community Settings (QCF) (4863-26)

Proteins are found in foods such as chicken, tuna and eggs.

• They are made up of small parts that form chains, called amino acids.

• There are two main categories of amino acids:

• Non-essential Amino Acids: This basically means that the body can make these amino acids (proteins), so it is not essential in your diet, but it is still fine to eat them.

• Essential amino acids: There are nine amino acids that the body requires from your diet, as they cannot be made in the body.

• Increasing your protein intake rapidly will not build muscle mass & will deplete your calcium intake.


Page 23: Unit 321 understanding how to support participant(s) lifestyle through coaching programmes

Level 2 Award, Certificate & Diploma in Increasing Participation in Sport and Active Leisure in Community Settings (QCF) (4863-26)

Vitamins• Vitamins do not give you usable energy when broken down, but they

help enzymes (which speed up chemical reactions in the body) that release energy from carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

• Vitamins are organic, therefore can be destroyed easily, for example by over cooking food.

• Vitamins are only required in small amounts compared to the larger nutrients such as carbohydrates.

• Different vitamins may be absorbed at different rates, and therefore recommended intakes vary.

Normally a varied diet containing enough portions of fresh fruit and vegetables should meet requirements.


Page 24: Unit 321 understanding how to support participant(s) lifestyle through coaching programmes

Level 2 Award, Certificate & Diploma in Increasing Participation in Sport and Active Leisure in Community Settings (QCF) (4863-26)

MineralsThere are two types of minerals, Major minerals: examples –• Calcium – Milk, green vegetables. • Phosphorus – Meat, fish.• Magnesium – Nuts, dark green vegetables, chocolate.

Trace minerals : examples: • Iron – Red meats, eggs.• Zinc – Whole grains, meats• Iodine – Seafood, meatAll minerals are vital and are required for a number of functions in the body.

Minerals are inorganic (cannot be broken down).


Page 25: Unit 321 understanding how to support participant(s) lifestyle through coaching programmes

Level 2 Award, Certificate & Diploma in Increasing Participation in Sport and Active Leisure in Community Settings (QCF) (4863-26)

Water: forms about 60% of an adult’s body weight and a higher percentage of a child’s.

Functions of water:

• Carries nutrients and waste products throughout the body• Used in chemical reactions in the body.• Helps cushion and lubricate (oil, grease, to make smooth)

joints and eyes etc.• Helps maintain body temperature• Maintains the amount of blood in the body.
