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Programming and Development Tools Web Programming


2.7 Web Programming Images


This unit helps you to add images to your Web page and catch the attention of the users.

At the end of this unit, you will be able to

Insert images into a Web page Format the Images Convert images into hyperlinks Add image maps to your Web page Add image as background of your Web page

Benchmark standard Add images to enhance the Web page to be more attractive and to

convey meaningful messages through Web pages.

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Let us Revise!

1. State the use of Link. 2. Name the two types of Hyperlinks. 3. Write how to change the colours of different links using the attributes of

<BODY> tag. 4. Write how to display a Web page in a new browser window. 5. Write the use of Target attribute.

Introduction Pictures reach the mind more easily than the text. One picture is worth than a hundred line of text. The users will be tired of reading text running to more lines. So, it is advisable to add images in appropriate positions in a Web page to create interest among the users. At the same time, too many images increase the time of loading the Web page in the browser.

2.7.1 Inserting Images Images can be inserted in a Web page. A Web page containing images is shown in Figure 2.7.1.

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Figure 2.7.1: Web Page containing Images

The following example illustrates how to insert images in a Web page, Open the HTML file Image.html in Internet Explorer. The code in Image.html file is given below: <HTML>


<TITLE> God's Gift </TITLE>


<BODY Bgcolor="Black" Text="Yellow">

<FONT Size="5">

<H1 Align="Left"> God's Gift </H1>

<IMG SRC="C:\HTML\unit 7\pinakki.gif" Width="400" Height="300" Align="Left">


Inserts an Image

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All babies are good <BR> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; by birth <BR>

It's all up to the parents <BR> &nbsp; to make it worth




Code Sample 2.7.1

The Web page shown in Figure 2.7.2 is displayed in the browser window.

Figure 2.7.2: A Web Page containing an Image

Images can be inserted into a Web page using <IMG> tag. The <IMG> tag uses the Src attribute to specify the image to be displayed. For example, the image in the Web page displayed in Figure 2.7.2 is displayed using the tag <IMG Src=”Pinakki.gif”> where Pinakki.gif is the name of the image file to be displayed.


The two most popular image file types are GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) and JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group).

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2.7.2 Formatting Images Images add attraction to the Web pages. But care should be taken to display the image in correct size and position. Images can be formatted using the attributes of <IMG> tag. These attributes are explained in Table 2.7.1.

Attribute Use Example Align To align the image to

the left, right, center, top or bottom with respect to the text

<IMG Src=”Picture1.jpg” Align=”Right”>

Width To specify the width of the image in pixels

<IMG Src=”Picture1.jpg” Width=”400”>

Height To specify the height of the image in pixels

<IMG Src=”Picture1.jpg” Height=”400”>

Alt To display an alternate message if the browser does not support this tag

<IMG Src=”Picture1.jpg” Alt=”Your browser does not support images”>

HSpace To adjust the horizontal space between the image and the text

<IMG Src=”Picture1.jpg” HSpace=”150”>

VSpace To adjust the vertical space between the image and the text

<IMG Src=”Picture1.jpg” VSpace=”150”>

For example, the code used to display the image in the Web page shown in Figure 2.7.2 is

<IMG Src="pinakki.gif" Width="400" Height="300" Align="Left">

Lab Exercise

Lab Exercise 1: Open D7_1.html in Internet Explorer. The following code will be present in D7_1.html. <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> Welcome to Malaysia </TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY>

<CENTER> <H2>Welcome to Malaysia <H2>

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<IMG Src = "Malaysia.jpg" Border =3 Height =75% Width =75%>


1. Identify the tag which is used to insert the image in source code D7_1.html. 2. Name the attributes which are used in source code D7_1.html.

Lab Exercise 2: Open D7_1.html in Internet Explorer. 1. View the code in Notepad. 2. Change the border style as thicker. 3. Increase the height and width of the image to 50.

Lab Exercise 3: Open Malaysia.html that you have created under the folder in your name in C:. Insert the picture for National Flower, Fruits and display the output as shown in the following Figure 2.7.3 and 2.7.4.

Figure 2.7.3: National Flower

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Figure 2.7.4: Fruits in Malaysia

Self-Check Exercise 2.7.1

Write the HTML tag to display the image Tiger.jpg of height 400 and width 500 pixels. Align the image to the right.

Activity 2.7.1

Create a Web page that explains the <IMG> tag as shown in Figure 2.7.5. Save the HTML file as Activity1.html. The hyperlink More about Images at the bottom of the page should be linked to the Web page given in Activity 2.

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Figure 2.7.5: A Web page explaining <IMG> tag

2.7.3 Hyperlink Images You know that a hyperlink is a text which when clicked opens the Web page to which it is linked to. Images can also be used as Hyperlink. The following example illustrates how to use images as hyperlink in a Web page:


Open the HTML file Imagelink.html in Internet Explorer. The code in Image.html file is given below: <HTML>


<TITLE> Image Hyperlink </TITLE>


<BODY><FONT Size="5">

Click the <A Href="c:\HTML\unit 7\Hands On\Image.html"> <IMG src="Pinakki.gif" Width="50" Height="35"></A> icon to see a bigger image

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</BODY> <IMG> tag placed inside <A> tag (Image acts as a Hyperlink)


Code Sample 2.7.2

The Web page shown in Figure 2.7.6 is displayed in the browser window.

Figure 2.7.6: Web Page containing Image as hyperlink

Click the icon. The Web page shown in Figure 2.7.7 is displayed in the browser window.

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Figure 2.7.7: Linked Web page

In the Web page displayed in Figure 2.7.6, when you clicked the small image a Web page containing the bigger image was displayed. The small image here acted as a hyperlink because of the following code: <A Href="c:\HTML\unit 7\Hands On\Image.html"> <IMG src="Pinakki.gif" Width="50" Height="35"></A> In the above code, the <IMG> tag that is used to display the image is enclosed within the <A> and </A> tags. Hence the image acts as a hyperlink.

Lab Exercise Lab Exercise 4: Write a HTML code to display the output as given in the following Figure 2.7.8 using <IMG> and <A> tag. Save the file as Flag.html under the folder in your name in C:. When you click on the text “National Flower”, the following description should be displayed in the same page using internal hyper link.

National Flag The Malaysian flag is a combination of traditional Islamic symbols and the

Stars and Stripes. The National flag consists of fourteen red and white stripes, a union of carton of dark blue, a crescent and a star. The 14 stripes on the Malaysian flag represent the 14 states of Malaysia. The dark blue carton is the symbol of Islam, the official religion and the colour yellow is the colour of royalty.

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Figure 2.7.8: National Flag

2.7.4 Image Map You learnt that images can be used as Hyperlink. The different parts of an image can also be used as hyperlinks. This is known as Image Map. The following example illustrates how Image Map works.


Open the HTML file Imagemap.html in Internet Explorer. The code in Imagemap.html file is given below: <HTML>


<TITLE> Image Map </TITLE>



<H1 Align="Center">Human Skeleton</H1>

<FONT Size="5">Click on any of the bones

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<IMG Src="Skeleton.jpg" Align="Middle" Width=200 Height=500 Usemap="#Skeletonmap"> to know the name of it


<MAP Id="Skeletonmap">

<AREA Shape="Circle" Coords="100,30,30" Alt="Skull" Href="Skull.html">

<AREA Shape="Rect" Coords="60,90,140,160" Alt="Ribs" Href="Ribs.html">

<AREA Shape="Rect" Coords="10,85,45,300" Alt="Hand" Href="Hand.html">

<AREA Shape="Rect" Coords="150,85,185,300" Alt="Hand" Href="Hand.html">

<AREA Shape="Rect" Coords="45,250,150,500" Alt="Leg" Href="Leg.html">




Code Sample 2.7.3

The Web page shown in Figure 2.7.9 is displayed in the browser window.

Figure 2.7.9: A Web page containing Image Map

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Move the mouse pointer to the ribs of the skeleton and click on it. A Web page with a closer view of the ribs is displayed as shown in Figure 2.7.10.

Figure 2.7.10: Linked Web page

When you clicked the ribs part of the skeleton, a Web page showing the close-up view of the ribs is opened. The clicked part of the image acts as a hyperlink. The clicked part is linked to the Ribs.html document and hence it is opened. Any part of the image can be made as hyperlink. Three tags are used to create an Image map. They are:


The <IMG> tag uses the Src attribute to specify the image to be displayed and Usemap attribute is used as a reference. The value of the Usemap attribute should be preceded by # symbol.

The <MAP> tag is used to convert different areas of the image into hyperlinks. The Id attribute specifies the name of the Image map. The name given in the Id attribute of the <MAP> tag should be the same as the name given in the Usemap attribute of the <IMG> tag.

The <AREA> tag specifies area of the part of the image to be used as hyperlink. The area is specified by the Shape and Coords attributes. To specify

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a rectangular area as hyperlink, give the value of Shape as Rect and give four values separated by comma for Coords attribute. The first two values represent the coordinates of the top left corner of the rectangle. The next two values represent the coordinates of the bottom right corner of the rectangle. For example, the following code is used to make the ribs part of the skeleton shown in Figure 2.7.9 as hyperlink:

<AREA Shape="Rect" Coords="60,90,140,160" Alt="Ribs" Href="Ribs.html">

To specify a circular area as hyperlink, give the value of Shape as Circle and give three values separated by comma for Coords attribute. The first two values represent the centre of the circle. The third value represents the radius of the circle. For example, the following code is used to make the skull part of the skeleton shown in Figure 2.7.9 as hyperlink:

<AREA Shape="Circle" Coords="100,30,30" Alt="Skull" Href="Skull.html">

The Href attribute specifies the name of the HTML document to be opened when clicked in the specified area.


The top left corner of the image is the origin. i.e (0, 0)

Lab Exercise Lab Exercise 4: Write a HTML code to display the output as given in the following Figure 2.7.11 and 2.7.12 using image map. When you click on the pond, a Web page should show the close-up view of the pond. When you click on the bridge, a Web page should show the close-up view of the bridge. When you click on the top portion of the tower, a Web page should show the close-up view of the top portion.

Figure 2.7.11: Image Map

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Figure 2.7.12: Image Map

2.7.5 Background Images can also be added as background of a Web page. Figure 2.7.13 shows a Web page with an image as a background.

Figure 2.7.13: Web Page with an image as background

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To add an image as a background instead of colour, replace BGCOLOR with BACKGROUND attribute in the <BODY> tag as follows: <BODY Background=”Pinakki.jpg”>

The value for the Background attribute is an image file. In the above example, the background of the page will be blank, if the image file is not in its location.

Activity 2.7.2

Create a Web page that explains how to add images as shown in Figure 2.7.14. Save the HTML file as Activity2.html . The Image hyperlink at the bottom of the page should be linked to Activity1.html.

Figure 2.7.14: A Web Page Explaining Adding Images

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Activity 2.7.3

Create a Web page that explains about the Internet as shown in Figure 2.7.15. The continuation of the Web page is shown in Figure 2.7.16. Save the HTML file as Activity3.html.

Figure 2.7.15: A Web Page Explaining the Internet

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Figure 2.7.16: Continuation of Web Page shown in Figure 2.7.15

Self-Check Exercise 2.7.2

Write the tags and attributes used to do the following: 1. Add an image - _______________ 2. Add an image whose size is specified - __________________. 3. Add the image Image1.jpg as the background of a Web page - __________.

Technical Terminologies

Hyperlink - A Hyperlink is a text or image that is linked to a location in the same Web page or to a different Web page.

Image Map - The concept of different parts of an Image acting as hyperlink is called Image Map.

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Summary In this unit, you learnt that

Images can be inserted into a Web page using <IMG> tag. Images can be formatted using the attributes of <IMG> tag. Images can also be used as Hyperlink. The concept of different parts of an Image acting as hyperlink is

called Image Map. To add an image as a background instead of colour, replace

BGCOLOR with BACKGROUND attribute in the <BODY> tag.


I. Answer the following questions: 1. Write how you will insert images in your Web page? 2. Name the attributes that are used to change the size of the image in a

Web page. 3. Describe how you will convert an image to a hyperlink. 4. Define Image Map? 5. Write the tag and attribute used to display an image as the background

of a Web page.

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Criterion Referenced Test Instruction: Students must evaluate themselves to attain the list of

competencies to be achieved. Name: Subject: Programming and Development Tools Unit: Images Please tick [ √ ] the appropriate box when you have achieved the respective competency. Date Images C1 C2 C3 C4 C5


Competency codes: C1 = Add an Image to a Web page. C2 = Change the size of the image. C3 = Create an image hyperlink. C4 = Create an image map. C5 = Add image as a background of a Web page.

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